SE80 - Includes

I am developing a Dialog Program.
In the SE80 when i hit the dropdown for includes
I am getting a error message
  <b> Diagnosis                                                                               
A control processing error occurred. It is not possible to continue,  
     since the control runtime system may be in an inconsistent state.                                                                               
Possible causes of the error:                                                                               
1. Error in the GUI installation                                    
       2. Error in control programming                                     
       3. Inconsistent data                                                 </b>
Earlier i did'nt got the top include directly populated so i created a new include for top(data Declaration) and since then i am experiencing this problem....can someone please let me know how to fix this error.

If you are on lower versions of GUI 640 and lower then uninstall using SAP SWEEP and then re-install the GUI preferably the latest version 710. In some cases IE7 also causes the problem if the patch level is not good.
- Cheers

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    How to make this to appeat in se80 ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Sam,
    This is not possible in se80...!
    If you see in the repositiry browser in SE80 we have no option to display include.
    we have for FG & Packages & Programs & Class... but not for includes.
    If you created your include under the program then you have to enter the program name and
    from there you can see the include,, if not you need to see it in SE38 itself.
    Thanks & regards,
    Dileep .C

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    Just Ctrl + A ,Ctrl + C with Ctrl + V won't Sufficient  while copying the program. Just copy from Se80 including all objects(IncludesDocumentationLDB+ blah blah ) of Standard program.
    P.S. What made you to post this query in Form Printing?

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    Hi Samson,
                   Thanks for your reply.
                   As you stated, <CNTN01> is found at the include file LSWEATOP under the function group SWEA.
                   It implies that I need not include ,<CNTN01> in my z function group?

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    Just activate the whole code using SE80.

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    It doesn't seem to be a local problem since all co-workers I asked to check this were able to reproduce it. For some, me including, unfortunately, the error reoccurs infinitely, i.e. the error is thrown infinitley so that I can't even close the modus anymore and have to kill my SAP-GUI via the task manager. Naturally, developing is not possible at the moment :-/
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    Backend System: NW AS 7.03 ABAP Stack 731 Level 11, ECC 606 (EHP 6) with SAP_HR 604 Level 73 and EA_HR 607 (HR-Renewal 1) Level 24
    Cheers, Lukas
    EDIT: P.S. I haven't implemented any notes recently that could cause this and nobody else I have asked so far did so either.
    Message was edited by: Lukas Weigelt

    Hi Kiran,
    unfortunately the note is long obsolete for my system (see my opening post). I checked every MIME-Object (both those mentioned in the note and those that are not) for duplicates nevertheless - there are none.
    That you pointed me to this note got me thinking though. We have recently applied several UR-Notes up to Patch 731 ST13/II in consultation with the SAP DEV support for unified rendering (because we opened some messages concerning accessibility problems). Could this script error be a side effect of doing that? Up until now, there have never been problems applying UR-Notes higher than the actual current Stack, this would be the first time.
    I also checked for UR patches again today and found there now is one more patch available we have not yet implemented, i.e. Patch 731 ST13/III.... maybe I should implement that one as well, clutching at straws.
    In any case thank you a lot so far, Kiran, thanks to you pointing to the note 1608760 I finally know what to search for, i.e. "view designer" and component BC-DWB-WD-ABA. My next step will be searching for more notes concerning this component. I'll get back here and put down some feedback once I've searched a bit.
    Cheers, Lukas

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    You will not find a program for this requirement & that too based on a field.
    I would suggest if you have the package then SE80 will be the best transaction which will give you all the objects like Tables/programs/FM/Enhancement that come under a package.
    Also if you do a whereused list on fields like Company code, Sales organization, Country, you will end up getting a massive list of objects where it is used.

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    They have given ME9F, ME21N/22n, wheren this includle is calling.
    Please kinely help on this.
    Thanks and Regards,

    1. you can find the transaction for your report by opening in se80. On the left side window it will show the transaction if there is any.
    2. to find in which programs particular inclue is called , just open include in se38 and press where used list icon. in the pop up window select programs.
    reward points if helpful

  • How to create a top include for module pool program

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      I want to add my global declarations in one top inlcude.. There are so many other includes in my pgm. But how can i create top include explicitly. Also I have one normal report pgm attached with this module pool.

    hi Cynthia ,
       there are two ways of creating a top include at your situation  ,
    1) Insert an include <Prog name >TOP  in your mpool program and cut n paste your declarations there .. check if this works ...
    2)else .. create another m pool program in SE80 , while creating a pop up will ask for with TOP include ... check mark that and then proceed ..
       anything of these two will work ...
    Reward if helpful !!

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         How can we overcome this inconsistency in duplication of subroutines, how to suppress the message and make sure the code is consistent?

          So currently all the performs in program are part of some other include which is part of your main program?Because if not , obviously an error will be thrown.
    Have you tried the option of rebuilding object  list for the whole program?
    Right click on the program name in SE80--> Other functions->Rebuild object List
    Edited by: arun warrier on Nov 30, 2011 1:36 PM

  • Missing Icons in SE80 & Javascript errors

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    I am trying to write a basic web dynpro for abap in an ECC 6.0 system and am getting Java script errors and missing images when I switch to the view editor in SE80. All of the images are missing in the layout tab. Instead of seeing the images that relate to the UI elements, I see red cross ( image not found) type icons. When I drag the red cross that should be a button image onto the view, I get a Javascript error "Line 0 :  Object Expected".
    I'm tried using a number of different GUI installs including 6.40 and 7.10 and all give me the same error. I have the IE 6.0.2900 release of the browser.
    Please help

    Thanks Abhimanyu,
    I had already seen 2 of the notes but the third (Note 517484) showed me further services that I needed.

  • How to creat a select-options in the screen layout of se80.

    Because in se80 ,the screen is drawed in the screen layout,but it just have text-field for parameter.

    In your main program, you can declare your desired select-option. Do your select-option declaration before calling your dialog screen.
    Create a subscreen in your screen's flow logic (PBO & PAI) that contains your selection screen with its corresponding screen number of your declared subscreen.
    sample code of select-option declaration below.
    call screen 5000.
    Sample Flow logic Code below of screen 5000:
    *--- PBO
      CALL SUBSCREEN SUB_5003 INCLUDING SY-REPID '5003'. " subscreen 5003
      MODULE STATUS_5000.
                    CURSOR TC_MBILL-TOP_LINE.
    *--- PAI
      CALL SUBSCREEN SUB_5003.  " subscreen 5003
    Hope this will help..

  • Function Moudule not showing under the Function Group in SE80

    Hi guys
    I  transported a couple of newly developed Function Modules to the R3Q ( Quality System) under an exsitng Function Group. the FM are all transported perfectly and the report is also working but in SE80 where u can see a function group and all its related objects i dont see the name of my newly developed FM. Why is that?
    I tried transporting my  Function Group etc.. but still i am not able to see my new FM's.
    When i go to my FM's attributes tab, it shows its under the right function Group. but only in SE80 its not showing up.
    Any ideas y ?
    Moderator message - Please do not use txtspeak in the forum
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Jul 18, 2011 9:52 AM

    Hi Adnan;
    Are you sure you haven't dont release second or more requests for FG?
    If you have more requests, your FG may hasn't be last FM list.
    Yo can check  below include in SAPLZ<FG> function pool.
      INCLUDE LZ<FG>UXX.                       " Function Modules
    Are you seeing last FM list?
    Best regards.

  • Error: REPORT/PROGRAM statement missing , program type is I (include).

    I have created a REPORT Program (Z Program) and also created a TOP INCLUDE. I am NOT using Function module. When I tried to syntex check the INCLUDE, system is giving
    following error:
    REPORT/PROGRAM statement missing, program type I (Include).
    Can you help me in resolving this error.
    Currently TOP include has only one statement to declare a Constant.

    take your program in se80.
    double click on the program name. Right click on it and press Activate. All the include will get activated and the problem will get solved.
    Renjith Michael.

  • SE80 problem in ECC with custom function groups

    We are in the process of upgrading from 4.64 to ECC 6 and have encountered an unusual situation.
    When we bring up a custom function group in SE80, we can no longer see the custom includes in the include section.  We can see all other sections.  We can still use SE38 to look at an include.  The automatically-generated includes are there, such as the TOP, F01 and UXX, but see none of the ones that go with the function modules we've created.  When we look at the UXX include, we can see each of the function modules with the include it belongs to.  These are function groups that existed in the 4.64 system; they are not new to the ECC system.
    We've tried rebuilding the object list at the function group and package levels.  We receive no errors and the processes work fine.
    Maybe there is a setting somewhere that needs to be updated?

    See the solution that Srini has suggested in this thread
    OA Framework & JTT Request Parameters
    you need to use jtfcrmchrome.jsp to navigate between JTF and OA pages.

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