Search Directories

In Search Directories options, there is "Current workspace directory"
I would like to add another path using "Current workspace directory" as prefix. Is there an environment variable which can be used ? 

I don't think there is any way to do this, however are you aware that you can just prefix your paths with the subdirectory? For example, if your files exist in a Modules subdirectory underneath your workspace directory you can just specify the paths as follows:
It's best not to have too many search directories, especially ones which use the "recurse subdirectories" feature because of the following:
1) it increases the chance of matching to the wrong file for files with common names.
2) it hurts performance of relative file path resolution. Mostly this is a load time issue though so generally does not effect runtime performance since this isn't often done at runtime.
I'd recommend making code modules relative to their sequence files whenever possible as this also makes it easier to move them around as long as you keep them in the same relative position to each other. However if you generally share modules between many sequence files and those sequence files are in different directories then a more centralized approach, either their own search directory or relative to the workspace might make more sense. Anyway, hope this helps,

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    I've run into a small difficulty in my elegant solution to the problem I posed in my "Calling IVI/Visa drivers from TestStand" question.
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    To McGregorMortis -
    A substep is a subcomponent of a step type. Step types definitions can reside in a type palette file or any sequence file. When a sequence file uses an instance of a step type, i.e. a step, the step type definition is attached to the sequence file.
    We specifically decided not to use the current sequence file search path for substeps in step types for the following reason:
    A step type only loads the substep code module
    once, even if more than one sequence file uses
    it. So if one sequence file has the code module
    for the substep in its directory and another
    sequence file has another copy of the code module
    that might be a little different, the second code
    module would not be used.
    Step types ar
    e intended to be used as a major component of the TestStand engine. That is why the default TestStand step types are stored in the Components directory and the search directory feature specifies to recursively search the Components directory.
    Hope this helps...
    Scott Richardson (NI)
    Scott Richardson
    National Instruments

  • TestStand continuously probing its search directories for changes

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    A couple more things to check:
    - Do you have a process model or step type on the network drive?
    - Are you unloading step modules unnecessarily (ie. Unload Option: After Step Executes)?
    You could also pull the network cable out once all the modules and files have been loaded and you aren't expecting it to need any more network files. Then perhaps you would get an error message indicating what file is still being retrieved.

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    Root folder\
    My LV Project.lvproj
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    Root folder\
    My TS Workspace.tsw
    My TS Project.tpj
    LabVIEW Backend\
    My LV Project.lvproj
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    I recommend specifying your code module files (e.g. lvproj and vi files) relative to your sequence files. That way you can change your root folder without affecting anything and you don't have to add any search directories.
    For this to work best, the files need to be in a directory underneath the sequence file in which it is specified or in the same directory as the sequence file.
    If the code module is directly in the same directory as the sequence file, you will not be prompted to use the relative path, it will automatically do so. If it's not you will be prompted for a relative path, but that should be the default and you can just click the ok button. If it's above the sequence file's directory then the file browse dialog is no help for specifying relative to the sequence file because it will not do paths with "..". You can manually type paths with .. in them though.
    Alternatively, using a search directory might be reasonable in your use case if most of your code modules are in the same LabVIEW Backend directory. You are correct though that there is not currently a per project or per sequence file way to specify search directories. One alternative I might recommend is that you have a single search directory (i.e. "LabVIEW Backend"), do NOT make it recursive, and add subdirectories for each of your teststand projects for which you want different code modules and specify your code modules with a more complete relative path such as: <subdir_under_searchdir>\
    Hope this helps,

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    Don't worry guys. I fixed my problem!

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    Go to Solution.

    The TestStand search directories are stored in TestExec.ini, one of the TestStand configuration files.  If you wanted to move the search directories from one version to another, you could simply open the original file and copy the Search Directories section to the destination TestExec.ini file.  There are many options contained inside TestExec.ini in addition to search directories and some of those may have changed between versions, so you don't want to copy over the entire file, just the pertinent information.
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    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Search Directories are a station thing.  They are not specific to a sequence so therefore I'm not sure exactly what you want is available.
    Managing Search Directories in TestStand can be a challenge.  I have a couple rules and tips:
    * Always as the first directory on the list I have Current sequence file directory with Subdirs checked.  Then any specific code module for that sequence goes in the same folder under SubVIs or CodeModules.
    * My second directory always points to a shared location where I have code modules which are shared by all sequence files.
    * All non-native dependancies will be in those locations.
    * Other than that all other search directories are default to what was installed with TestStand. (unless I am proving something out, then I immediately change them back)
    One thing you could do is in the Sequence File Load callback place some code that will set the search directories to be what you want for that specific sequence file.  Then every time you load the sequence file it would change the search directories so that they "fit" that file.  The problem is that if you load both files at the same time then try to run the one that was loaded first you could run into some issues.
    Hope this helps,
    CTA, CLA
    ~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~

  • Distributing Search directories

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    Please suggest a solution.

    I don't think there is any way to do this, however are you aware that you can just prefix your paths with the subdirectory? For example, if your files exist in a Modules subdirectory underneath your workspace directory you can just specify the paths as follows:
    It's best not to have too many search directories, especially ones which use the "recurse subdirectories" feature because of the following:
    1) it increases the chance of matching to the wrong file for files with common names.
    2) it hurts performance of relative file path resolution. Mostly this is a load time issue though so generally does not effect runtime performance since this isn't often done at runtime.
    I'd recommend making code modules relative to their sequence files whenever possible as this also makes it easier to move them around as long as you keep them in the same relative position to each other. However if you generally share modules between many sequence files and those sequence files are in different directories then a more centralized approach, either their own search directory or relative to the workspace might make more sense. Anyway, hope this helps,

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi alright meow,
    I believe the source for this panel is part of one of the DLL calls made by Teststand directly rather than in a sequence file located in the Teststand directory.  Therefore it will not be publicly available.
    Justin D
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Adrienk wrote:
    Can you give me some examples of file listing and searching?I could, but so can google.
    like links to documentation or examples of it in use?Bookmark this. []. Always have it open when you're coding or even designing with Java.
    open as in open to readStill not clear. You mean you just want your program to read in the contents of the file and manipulate them? Or do you want your program to display the file? Or do you want it to be "opened" by its default app, e.g. if it's a .doc file, open that document in Word?

  • Searching Directories and Files in Application Server

    Hi All,
    I need a function module that will give me all FOLDERS, SUBFOLDERS and FILES in an application server.
    So far function modules like RZL_READ_DIR_LOCAl, SUBST_GET_FILE_LIST and EPS_GET_DIRECTORY_LISTING can only work if I specify at least one folder name after the server IP.
    I wanted the folder names to be searched dynamically by passing only server IP.
    This is for a background program.
    Please help
    Thanks in advance.


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    Teststand2.0 deployment used to distribute Testexec.ini that contains serach directories. In Teststand3.0, testexec.ini is not updated with customised settings while deploying. Please suggest a solution.
    Thank you

    You came to the wrong Forum, this is the DIAdem forum, you should try the Teststand Forum.
    Otmar D. Foehner
    Business Development Manager
    DIAdem and Test Data Management
    National Instruments
    Austin, TX - USA
    "For an optimist the glass is half full, for a pessimist it's half empty, and for an engineer is twice bigger than necessary."

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          Anyone else encountered this issue. (I'm using teststand 2010)

    Hi ds_1,
    Apologies that this reply isn't massively helpful but it seems like some of the parameters are missing for certain steps in the sequence. This has likely occured due to the sequence being written in an older version of TestStand.
    I would recommend posting feedback on the actual example itself requesting an updated version. The person who originally uploaded the sequence will be notified and can make the changes.
    Best Regards,
    National Instruments - Tech Support

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    We're currently using WS 6.1 and it has a field in the GUI for the directory containing the web app to use for search. That seems to have disappeared in WS 7.
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    I don't use the search engine, so I'm afriad I don't have direct experience here.
    What I'd probably do is modify the app so that it looks at the Host data to determine which directory it should point to for graphics, formatting, etc. You could also use the obj.conf with variables to pull graphics from directories appropriately branded. Something like:
    1) Create "additional doc directory" for images
    2) Find the entry in the obj.conf that points to the new directory
    3) Modify the path to something like /path/to/$host/images
    4) Make sure you create directories like:

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    Blaidd Drwg has already supplied in the previous thread a link to a useful Apple KB article which I'll share here:
    "Incorrect search policy":
    I am using XSAN to manage accounts and log-ins and not Open Directory ... will see if this fixes the problem.
    This KB fixed the problem .... you have to change the search directories on the client not on the MDC ... then it's fixed straight away on the MDC.
    Being able to have my RetDisp MBP laptop access the FC XSAN volume is sweet! .. running Resolve 9 on it and grading 5k EPIC files is pretty amazing .. Thunderbolt to HD SDI BMD box and into a calibrated reference monitor to give accurate colors plus Tbolt RedRocket card in Sonnet enclosure .. unreal.
    Nesxt step .. adding a Win 7 PC through StorNext FX2 ... should be fun :-)

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