Search files for Italian regional load off line on product UC320W

for the product UC320W are seeking regional Italian last file to be loaded.
where can I download the file to load it off-line.
thanks in advance.

for the product UC320W are seeking regional Italian last file to be loaded.
where can I download the file to load it off-line.
thanks in advance.

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    Refer chapter 3 and 5 on this url for sql loader and its control file references :
    You may also refer sql loader examples on this page:

  • Read file, search file for duplicate addresses

    Hi - i have no teacher to ask, nor do i know any java programmers to ask this question, so your guidance would be appreciated.
    I have created an "Insurance Project " for myself� but I do not know how to proceed,I have a file that contains 30,000 records in the format:
    Policy1 ccyy mm dd NameOfInsured StreetOfInsured CityOfInsured
    Policy2 ccyy mm dd NameOfInsured StreetOfInsured CityOfInsured
    Policy3 ccyy mm dd NameOfInsured StreetOfInsured CityOfInsured
    Policy4 ccyy mm dd NameOfInsured StreetOfInsured CityOfInsured
    Policy5 ccyy mm dd NameOfInsured StreetOfInsured CityOfInsured
    Policy6 ccyy mm dd NameOfInsured StreetOfInsured CityOfInsured
    In a nutshell: I want to check to see if any one household holds more than 1 policy. If a household does have more than 1 policy then I want to be able to offer those households "package deals".
    My problem: how do I read in the file for comparasons? And how do i handle the comparasons?
    Do I create a duplicate file and compare record 1 in fileA to each record in fileB, and if so, after the first search of fileB it will reach EOF, how do I get the pc to compare fileA record2 with the start of fileB?
    Or Do I move record1 into a holding-area & compare each record against record1, problem again, eventually I will reach EOF, how do I let pc know: get record2 go to first record in file & compare each file?
    Open file insured.dat
    Read in file insured.dat
    thisPolicy = policyNumber //move policy number(address)you are searching for
    //compare thisPolicy to nextRecord in file
    if nextRecord = NUL //then go to the top of the file,
    //again to search with next record
    if thisPolicy-Address is the same as nextRecord-Address
    move nextRecord to pkgDealFile.dat
    Kinda stumped,
    Thank you

    Make very simple Access.DB
    Go to your control panel and look for 'ODBC data souces' go to System DSN and add the name of your database. (Go to the help files)
    You can test your connection with this programme. Drag and drop it to notepad and run it from the command line./*
    Dear Friends,  This program will detect whether jdbc driver is properly installed in ur system or not.
    This will helps you in ur jdbc applications.
    If anyone having any pblms, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
    I will be delighted to help you.
    Thank you very much.
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class MyConnection
         Connection con;
    // ******************************Connected To Jdbc-Odbc Type - 1 Driver
                   con = DriverManager.getConnection("Jdbc:Odbc:dsnname","userid","password");
                   con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Driver={SQL Server};Server=servername;Database=pubs","userid","password");
    // ******************************Connected To Ms-Access JDBC ODBC Driver .
                   con = DriverManager.getConnection("Jdbc:Odbc:dsnname","","");
                   con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Driver={MicroSoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=G:/admin.mdb","","");
    // ******************************Connected To Ms-Access Type-3 Driver.
                   Class.forName ("acs.jdbc.Driver");
                   String url = "jdbc:atinav:servername:5000:C:\\admin.mdb";
                   String username="Admin";
                   String password="";
                   Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,username,password);
    // ******************************Connected To Microsoft SQL.
                   con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://servername:1433","userid","password");
    // ******************************Connected To Merant.
                   con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:merant:sqlserver://servername:1433;User=userid;Password=password");
    // ******************************Connected To Atinav SqlServer.
                   Class.forName ("net.avenir.jdbc2.Driver");
                   con= DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc: AvenirDriver://servername:1433/pubs","userid","password");
    // ******************************Connected To J-Turbo.
                   String server="servername";
                   String database="pubs";
                   String user="userid";
                   String password="password";
                   con= DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:JTurbo://"+server+"/"+database,user,password);
    // ******************************Connected To jk Jdbc Driver.
                   String url= "jdbc:jk:server@pubs:1433";
                   Properties prop = new Properties();
                   prop.put("user","userid");//Set the user name
                   prop.put("password","password");//Set the password
                   Class.forName ("com.jk.jdbc.Driver").newInstance();
                   con = DriverManager.getConnection (url, prop);*/
    // ******************************Connected To jNetDirect Type - 4 Driver
                   String sConnect = "jdbc:JSQLConnect://";
                   Class.forName ("com.jnetdirect.jsql.JSQLDriver").newInstance();     
                   Connection con= DriverManager.getConnection(sConnect);
    // ******************************Connected To AvenirDriver Type - 4 Driver
                   String url= "jdbc: AvenirDriver: //servername:1433/pubs";
                   java.util.Properties prop = new java.util.Properties ();
                   Class.forName ("net.avenir.jdbc2.Driver");     
                   System.out.println(" Connected To AvenirDriver Type - 4 Driver");
                   con= DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc: AvenirDriver://servername:1433/pubs","userid","password");
    // ******************************Connected To iNet Sprinta2000 Type - 4 Driver
                   String url="jdbc:inetdae7:servername:1433";
                   String login="userid";
                   String password="password";
                   System.out.println(" Connected To iNet Sprinta2000 Type - 4 Driver");
    // ******************************Connected To iNet Opta2000 Type - 4 Driver
                   String url="jdbc:inetdae7:servername:1433";
                   String login="sagar";
                   String password="sagar";
                   System.out.println(" Connected To iNet Opta2000 Type - 4 Driver");
                   DatabaseMetaData md = con.getMetaData();
                   System.out.println("Driver Name            " + md.getDriverName());
                   System.out.println("Driver Version         " + md.getDriverVersion());
                   System.out.println("Database URL is        " + md.getURL());
                   System.out.println("Database UserName is   " + md.getUserName());
                   System.out.println("Connection Name        " + md.getConnection());
                   System.out.println("Database Name          " + md.getDatabaseProductName());
                   System.out.println("Database Version       " + md.getDatabaseProductVersion());
                   System.out.println("Database ReadOnly Type " + md.isReadOnly());
                   System.out.println("MaxColumnNameLength    " + md.getMaxColumnNameLength());
                   System.out.println("MaxConnections         " + md.getMaxConnections());
              catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
                   System.out.println("The Specified Driver Does not Exist....");
              catch(SQLException sqle)
                   if(sqle.getErrorCode() == 0)
                        System.out.println("No Suitable Driver Found..");
                   else if(sqle.getErrorCode() == 1017)
                        System.out.println("Wrong UserName Or Password..");
                   else if(sqle.getErrorCode() == 1034)
                        System.out.println("Database not Started..");
         public static void main (String args[])
              new MyConnection();
    }It will tell you if you have done it (JDBC.ODBC) correctly or not. If - well when you have, you can then use java to run queries and write data etc.
    You'll also need a PWS to test it, but you can do your writing and queries from the MSDOS shell for now. (then use servlets.)
    Good luck!

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    Hi Dmcrory,
       In addition to what Camelot and nobody loopback point out, one must also consider the fact that UNIX text tools are largely line based. You also fail to tell us for what kind of text you are searching. If you are looking for multiple words, there's a very good chance of finding the expression wrapped onto different lines. With hyphenation, even single words can wrap to multiple lines. Tools that search line-by-line will miss these unless you use multiline techniques.
       Multiline substitutions require that you write "read-ahead" code for the command line tool that you're using and that you take that into account in the substitution. Given how you want the results to be printed out, you may also want to preserve any newlines found in the match, which is even more difficult. That could bring up the subject of line endings but that's a completely different topic.
       I apologize if this sounds discouraging. Multiline searches aren't needed that often and in most of those cases, exceptions can be dealt with by hand. I just didn't want you to get surprised by it. To give you an idea of how easy basic substitution is, have a look at Tom Christiansen's Cultured Perl: One-liners 102 and One-liners 101. Both have some "in-place" substitution examples.
          The Georgia Tech of the North

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    No, this cannot be done.
    By attaching a bluetooth audio device, you're deactivating the phone's speaker anyway. This is hard-coded into the firmware.
    Was this post helpful? If so, please click on the white "Kudos!" star below. Thank you!

  • Search files for specific lines of data

    Hi all, I have a problem that I hope someone can help me with.
    I need to find a way to search for specific lines of data on a file.
    Here's the setup.... say for example I have 10 files, each filled with log files containing data like the date they were created and also certain information they were monitoring.
    From a Java applet, a user types in information that they want (for example, only lines that were created between 2002/04/04 and 2002/05/05 and only ones tagged with "Caution"). I need a way to grab all of those line from each of the files, without having to open each file, read each line and check for each search request. Instead, I want to simply grab all of the data at once, or at the very least, grab all of the data from the first file, then grab all of the data from the second file etc, without having to search each individual line. (the reason I'm hoping for a command like this is because there will eventually be thousands of files that need to be searched, and opening each one, and then search each line one by one would take too long.
    Sort of like a grep command in Linux. Does Java have a similar command?
    Any information or samples would be greatly appreciated!

    I don't know how much control you have over the files that you have to search.
    Searching XML files would be a lot easier because XPATH queries will work exactly like SQL... The only problem being if your files are not XML at all.
    If you have control over the format of these files you are trying to search, then try XML... else you might have to write a batch utility that runs every N seconds and converts data in these files to XML format files conforming to a specific format and then your applet could query the XML files.
    There will be a small concurrency issue there, though; As there will be at least some time consumed by the thread.

  • Searching files for keywords

    Hi all,
    I am in the process of building a shell script as part of a auditing utility. It will search a specified directory for keywords and output results of the file path, and line number that the word was found on. I built a test script (shown below) that does just this, but egrep apparently does not allow MS word, excel, etc... documents to be read. I was wondering if someone could point me in an alternate direction that would allow me to search these types of documents as well? (Wordfile is a file that is create elsewhere with a list of words to search for e.g. bus)
    cat << EOF > ${TMPDIR}/scanit
    rm -f ${TMPDIR}/strings
    strings "\$1" | egrep -n -i -f ${TMPDIR}/wordlist >> ${TMPDIR}/strings
    if [ -s ${TMPDIR}/strings ]
    echo >> ${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}.o
    echo "File: \$1" >> ${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}.o
    file "\$1" >> ${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}.o
    cat ${TMPDIR}/strings >> ${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}.o
    rm -f ${TMPDIR}/strings
    export HOSTNHAME
    if [ $# -eq 0 ]
    echo "You must specify the start of the directory tree to search"
    find $1 -type f 2> ${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}finderrors | tee ${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}_filelist | \
    head -100 |\
    sed -e "s^sh -x ${TMPDIR}/scanit \"+" -e 's/$/"/' > ${TMPDIR}/scanitnow
    sh -x ${TMPDIR}/scanitnow 1> ${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}scanrun 2>&1
    cd ${TMPDIR}
    if [ -s ${HOSTNAME}.o ]
    date "+%Y%M%d_%H:%m:%S: indicators found on ${HOSTNAME}" > ${HOSTNAME}scanresults.csv
    cat ${HOSTNAME}.o >> ${HOSTNAME}scanresults.csv
    date "+%Y%M%d_%H:%m:%S: No indicators found on ${HOSTNAME}" > ${HOSTNAME}scanresults.csv
    zip ${HOSTNAME} ${HOSTNAME}finderrors ${HOSTNAME}_filelist ${HOSTNAME}scanrun ${HOSTNAME}scanresults.csv

    I don't think that info is included in metadata (though I could be wrong - checkout Query Programming and Metadata attributes). If line numbers are a key part of this, then you're probably going to have to (a) make a quick conversion of office files to plain text using textutil, or (b) use osascript to search Word via applescript. trying to read a word doc as plain text in unix is going to give you mounds of headaches (particularly if the 'fast save' option is on in Office, since that will save changes non-sequentially on disk).

  • D750 "unexpected end of file" for NEF that loads fine into Capture NX-D

    I have a NEF that produces an "unexpected end of file" error in both Lightroom 5.7 and PS CC (both with Camera Raw 8.7). The same NEF loads and converts fine in Nikon's Capture NX-D V1.0.2. The NEF also converts fine into a JPEG using the D750's in-camera NEF processing function. I can provide the NEF to Adobe for analysis.

    "Btw @engerim, any chance you were using both SD card slots on your D750 when you got this NEF and had them configured in backup mode? If so I'd like to see the same NEF from the other card if you have it."
    Tried the following this morning:
    Menu -> Photo shooting menu -> Role played by card in Slot 2 = Backup (second option)
    Then I started an interval shooting with 200 images, and went for breakfast ;-)
    Normally one would expect the images are 100% the same in both slots (checked with md5sum) but they are not (this makes this a bit more difficult).
    Anyhow when opening the images in Camera Raw the images affected by this issue ("unexpected end of file" error) were the exact same files in both slots. All other images were fine in both slots. Files are here:
    All images included in the zip have the problem except DSC_4078.NEF (which I included for reference and it will also allow you to see the difference in checksums in both slots). Anyhow we can rule out its an SD Card issue or buffer issue.
    Contents of the zip file:
    $ find . -type f|xargs md5sum
    d10ca1603b10820a8018afbf9a7b09a1 *./slot1/DSC_3992.NEF
    a0394903a03b413202d7c6d0e971cc8b *./slot1/DSC_4047.NEF
    02f54769845fc86890d1791950d14324 *./slot1/DSC_4065.NEF
    2a35398be7298407c649a57d610d82b0 *./slot1/DSC_4077.NEF
    ^^ problematic files
    879e94509d9fbb1bc19e96c7694850ba *./slot1/DSC_4078.NEF <-- file which has no issues for reference
    94f542df6f3f85dec01919f4535910cd *./slot2/DSC_3992.NEF
    eacb286d896d8282079d273812f27e9d *./slot2/DSC_4047.NEF
    a70f9535ea180ce37fda81d05a723119 *./slot2/DSC_4065.NEF
    11898b2c6fecf320af5fa1d234844598 *./slot2/DSC_4077.NEF
    ^^ problematic files
    01995ec69995c2d72a8c4993ecefda30 *./slot2/DSC_4078.NEF  <-- file which has no issues for reference

  • RTE, how to use it? Are there step by step instructions to make a runnable file for a SBC, load it and run it?

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    Help please! And thanks in advance!
    Go to Solution.

    I dont know a huge amount about deploying to windows embedded targets, but I would assume you would just install the RTE like you would any other program, then throw the distribution wherever you like to run it from. 
    Kyle Mozdzyn
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments
    Kyle M.
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

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    AcroForms does not allow the expansion in the way that you want. That was an option with the expandable fields in Designer, but Designer is no longer packaged with Acrobat. You might check the options at forms central -- I am not sure of the options there.
    Another thought is you might select to use adjustable text size so that all the text appears in the window. When you get the form/data and export the data, your database or other export tool should not care about the text size in the form.

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    Thanks very much! The "Reset Printing" command did the job. Reminds of the magic of PROM clearing in olden times. The Apple support article leaves out one final detail here: after reset, you have to re-select the printer in the setup utility (it seems at first that you may need to reinstall it - not so.)
    This is one of the first "Cosmic Duh!" events I've had printing with OSX, hopefully there will not be many more. It's uncomfortably like working with Windows! Any idea why this happened in the first place?
    By the way, I did download the Printer Setup Repair (5.1.1) utility from Fixamac, but this didn't clear the problem. (Wasn't your eyes, I didn't mention it earlier.)
    Finally, the printer is accessed at a fixed IP address - first three of the router address numbers plus a high number (180s to 190s) in the fourth place. Again, I don't use DHCP because Windows computers can lose track of the IP address if it gets reassigned after a restart, and many addresses will never be used for anything else in such a small network.

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    I have the following file (2 line) which I want to intend in an oracle database with the SQL*Loader.
    tom 070-0006
    The file consists of two lines and three columns.
    Column1 has always 5 digits and is a String. Additional empty digits will be filled with blanks. Here: “tommy” and “tom “
    Column2 has three digits and is a number. Here: “050” and “070”.
    Column 3 is also a number and consists of four digits. Additionally there is a fifth digit for the leading sign ("+" or "-"). Here: “+3423” and “-0006”.
    This file I want to import in my table “MyTab”.
         thing          VARCHAR2(5)
         number     NUMBER(3)
         amount     NUMBER
    How would the control file for the SQL*Loader look like for this example?

    This is a start (untested)
        LOAD DATA
        INFILE 'sample.dat'
        BADFILE 'sample.bad'
        DISCARDFILE 'sample.dsc'
        INTO TABLE MyTab
          ( thing POSITION(1:5)  CHAR ,
           NUMBER    POSITION(6:8)  INTEGER,
           amount POSITION(9:12) INTEGER  )Can you have a column named number?

  • Reader Download for Off-Line Computer

    I would like to download the newest reader for use on an off-line computer.  Choosing "save" from the download window copied to my flash drive, but when I went to install it on my remote computer it terminated and my installation file was erased.  Is there something I'm missing?

    You can download the full installer for several versions of Reader from here:
    Message was edited by: Claudio González. Reason: correcting faulty link.

  • My n8 gps positioning can't find me off-line abroa...

    I just got back from Spain i had the maps for Spain downloaded for off-line use but for some reason in off-line mode the gps couldn't find me unless I went on-line and that can be expensive anyone know why? any help is appreciated

    Yes you can do that. However dont expect the fix to not disappear, especially if its only relying on A-GPS at that moment because the I-GPS hasnt calculated yet. It will however make locking on using Integrated much faster since the app already knows your general location via the A-GPS data you have used.
    Offline mode can be used completely like online (except for searches), only trouble is that it takes time to get a fix simply because the antenna quality is not on par with dedicated GPS devices.
    If you find my post helpful please click the green star on the left under the avatar. Thanks.

  • Converting Video Files For Windows Premiere Elements Editing

    A client has given me a couple of dozen videotapes, about half MiniDV and the other half VHS-C. He's also given me a 1TB external hard drive.
    He would like the drive returned with a single unedited video file for each tape loaded onto it. He will then edit these tapes in Adobe Premiere Elements on a Windows PC, and ultimately burn DVDs.
    I have the necessary equipment to capture the contents of all of these tapes into FCP, but I have two questions.
    First, what should I convert these files to? I'm thinking QuickTime movies, or DV, since Premiere Elements can work with either of those, and storage space shouldn't be a problem; all the footage is SD, of course.
    Second, I haven't connected the drive he's given me yet; if I need to format this drive for my MacPro to use, will my customer then have problems accessing the video files? Or, is there a proper way for me to format this drive so that the files will be readable when he gets it back?
    Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

    It's never a good idea to capture on a different NLE than the one which will be used for editing. It can cause all sorts of compatibility problems. There are even issues going between FCP and iMovie -both Mac applications.
    I'm thinking QuickTime movies, or DV, since Premiere Elements can work with either of those,
    Are you *absolutely sure* about that, given that a PC based NLE typically works with avi files?
    As to your disc formatting questions, you can download the [NTFS-3G driver|> which will let you read, write and even reformat the drive as NTFS on the Mac. All reasonably modern PCs work with this disc format and you won't run into the file size limitations associated with FAT formatted drives.

Maybe you are looking for

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