Searching by wildcard

Im trying to search a field in a DB block from a non DB block and if I dont type in exactly what the field value is, nothing returns. I have a field that can be up to 2000 characters and I want to be able to search by keyword...% didnt work for me..

You should be able to build a where clause on the database block based on the non-db block information.
Non-Database Block - When-button-pressed trigger
v_where varchar2(2000);
v_where := 'like ' || :nondatabaseblock.field;
set_block_property('DATABASE_BLOCK', 'default_where', v_where);
-- I hope the syntax is correct because I just wrote this on the fly.

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    Please read full text most carefully.
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    A. Wildcards are not supported
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    Is this the sarcasm forum then?
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    Hibs Ya Bass!
    No.  The documentation clearly states wildcards re not supported.  Reqd the full text.
    Your issue appears to be a missing character.  Fix that and try again/
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    Hibs Ya Bass!

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    As long as you do not include any table names in your query, it applies to all your marketing documnets.  You can find this info by View - System Information.
    Actually, you should create another UDF in the item master. The UDF in all your Marketing Row levels will get this info.
    Your query will looks like:
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        WHEN 'Normal' THEN 5000
        WHEN 'Sample' THEN 6125
        WHEN 'Service' THEN 5803

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    When building SQL statement, leave out the WHERE
    "Podsnap" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e7o8o0$jpo$[email protected]..
    >I need to create a search page that give all results if
    nothing is input
    > the field.
    > Ultimately I want to have several fields on the page and
    the user will be
    > able
    > to enter as much or as little into the fields.
    > So while the first field it likely to be a keyword
    search I might also
    > have a
    > field for say, 'city' and if nothing is chosen then it
    will give results
    > for
    > all cities but, obviously, if London is chosen then it
    will give results
    > for
    > just London. (And obviously if something is put into the
    keyword field as
    > well,
    > then that will filter the results further).
    > Any ideas how I go about this? Or can you point me to a
    good tutorial? Or
    > even
    > an extension?
    > Thanks.
    > PS: I'm not, by any means, a code warrior, so speak
    slowly ;)

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    Cannot reproduce what you have said (or may be I have misunderstood your requirement).
    SQL> select * from
      2  (select 'test1.2.1' field from dual
      3  union all
      4  select 'test1.2.2' from dual
      5  union all
      6  select 'test1.2.3' from dual
      7  union all
      8  select 'test2.2.1' from dual
      9  union all
    10  select 'test2.2.2' from dual)
    11  where field like 'test1.%'
    12  ;

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    1 - Can Acrobat 6 do wildcard (?, *) searches and, if so, how?
    2 - Some of us Save As... to pdf, others Print to PDF, is it possible that the two methods create documents that have different search properties?
    Solon Aquila

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  • Wildcard Search in CCW

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    It would be helpful for my customer when querying orders because their PO#'s sometimes include letters at the end of the PO's like "OP" and sometimes they don't.
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    Please let me know if wildcard searches are possible in CCW or if there was a work-around that could do this.
    Thank you,
    Tom Butalid

    Thank you for suggesting this.
    I tried this solution but am really confused why its not giving any output when I am giving like condition with presentation variable. Whereas if I directly give same value as in presentation
    variable, it returns all matching rows.
    When I saw the SQL generated (by giving presentation variable with like) by OBIEE, it was having "=" instead of "like value%'" whereas by directly giving the value in place of presentation variable, it applies "like 'value%'" only.
    Not sure why its happening, can you also try it once.
    Let me know if anyone has any other suggestion.
    One possible solution :
    - In your prompt set up a presentation variable
    - and in your answer create filter with a like condition, you presentation variable and the % wildcard an the end

  • Fix for SOLR searches beginning with wildcard?

    All, I am having problems finding clear answers on if the above was corrected in ColdFusion 10. 
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    ColdFusion will support whatever Apache solr supports as it is the underlying engine we are using.
    And Solr does support it: tml
    I think this is an egregious hack, but still, it's the way they've chosen to support it.
    Solr technically disables support of leading wildcards by default in the traditional query parsers due to concerns about query performance since it tends to select a large percentage of indexed terms.
    Be that as it may, this should be my decision, as the maintainer of the index, not your decision to blanketly disallow it.  If it's available, then one can use it if one choses, or not use it for the reasons you cite.  If you blanketly disallow it, you're removing the ability for me to make that decision.
    It's also a bit of a backwards compat issue, innit?  Verity allowed leading wildcards.

  • Limit the ESS employee search all, No Wildcard Search

    We have:
    EP 7.0, SP10
    ERP2005 (ECC 6.0), SP05
    ESS (MySAP ERP) 1.0, SP04.
    How can we configure the ESS employee search in EP to exclude "*" search all.  This is to limit employee from opening the entire 29K employee master records.
    So it mean we dont want the User to search with Wildcards "*" in ESS employee search.
    Any Ideas?
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hello Nazih,
    You can try search string enhancement 'HRESSWWW' available for ESS.
    ""Lokale Schnittstelle:
    *"  CHANGING

  • BAPI for searching a customer?

    Hi all,
    I have to search for customers in the KNA1 table, e.g. using name, customer number... (all optional, multiple search parameters count as "AND" search), incl. wildcards (--> potentially multiple customers as result).
    As the search is initiated from a Java-based web application, I need a BAPI or at least an RFC FM.
    Unfortunately, I found no fitting one so far. The next best is BAPI_CUSTOMER_FIND, but it seems to work on individiual fields only, and it only supports OR searches, no AND searches.
    Is there a function module already in the system, or do I have to write it myself?
    Thanks in advance!
    Kind regards,

    I realized that BAPI_CUSTOMER_FIND returns the customer number as well, so I can use it in general.
    But there is still some problems remaining, such as the missing AND operator and the need to afterwards get some details about each customer via JCo calls...
    I guess it's best when I develop a custom range selection BAPI.
    Kind regards,

  • Wild Carding with Record Search - Auto Suggest Behavior

    I have a property by name searchTerm which is enabled for wild card record search. When I am doing a wild card search passing bbay* to ERecSearch , it is not auto correcting to baby and returning no results, whereas when I send bbay to Endeca, it is automatically auto correcting to baby.
    Please let me know why is this different behavior noted. Do we not expect them to auto correct even when we use wild carding. Please throw some light on this and how can this be achieved

    As Pradeep said, auto-correction is one of the linguistic features that isn't supported for wildcard searching (along with stemming, thesaurus, snippeting and phrasing). One approach is to do a "cascading search", so execute a search without wildcarding first (and getting spell-correction, did-you-mean, stemming etc.), and if you don't get any matches then re-submit as a wildcarded search. This is also useful as part of a larger part number matching strategy.

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