Select item on selectlist

I have a select list on APEX and select list has list of values definiton
select PROCNAME display_value, ID return_value
order by 1When I select one of item I must call the a procedure that I have. How can I do ?
Edited by: esra aktas on 10.May.2011 00:14

It might also be possible that what you choose in your select list is not yet known. You could try to use &P2_SP. instead of :P2_SP but I don't think that will work.
Hmm seems you've hit a little bump and you will have to submit your page onchange of your select box and use a page process...
So remove the dynamic action and edit P2_SP. Under Settings - 'Page Action when Value Changed' choose submit page...
Create a page process and make it conditional with request = P2_SP
That's the easiest way, alternatives are using application on demand processes, but for now this will work ;)
Edited by: NicoMartens_InterAccessBE on 10-mei-2011 16:58

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    // +
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    Are you using a collection of VO or DTO as the dataprovider of the combobox component?
    If so, have you created some attribute there to control the user's selection in the combobox?
    For instance:
    private var selected:Boolean = false;
    If your solution fits this approach, you may create a new collection that contains just the objects that were selected by the user, it means you can loop through the datagrid's dataprovider and only insert in this new collection those objects that have the attribute "selected" set to true.
    For instance:
    private function getSelectedRecords(datagridDataProvider:ArrayCollection):ArrayCollection
        var newCollection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
        for each (var item:Object in datagridDataProvider)
            if (item.selected)
        return newCollection;
    Afterwards, you may serialize this new collection with your back-end.
    Hope it helps you!

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    Never mind..I got it.
    it as simple as that: (lst.selectedItem.fieldname);

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    Duplicate of
    User, please don't ask the same question multiple times. If you don't get the answer you want it may be because you did not give the right information and or use case me understand.

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    In order to have the selected items line up in accordance to the selection order, please do it one at a time. (That's the limit for that VI)
    If you need more than that (i.e. to regconize which item clicked first and which one comes later), you may have to figure it out ya
    Wish you good luck. Perhaps, someone else has a already made vi.
    Ian F
    Since LabVIEW 5.1... 7.1.1... 2009, 2010

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    There is no direct way to accumulate total file size when selecting a subset of songs within the Library or a Playlist.
    The only way you can manage this is to create an empty Playlist that you can drag songs into. It will accumulate the total size of the songs as you deposit them into it (as described by StarDeb above).
    If you get to a size greater than the nano will hold, then remove one or more songs from that Playlist.
    There is no 'running-total' of only the selected items like Windows Explorer does. Sorry.

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    no selectable items exist for purchase requisition l'banf .
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    PR looks fine. Dont know if any authorization data is missing?

    Check the status tab in ME53N whether all the qty in PR are already used up
    Check the line item in PR whether it is deleted
    Edited by: Karthik on Jul 20, 2011 12:37 PM

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    Then I created a page item ListOfTables,  Display as select list and pointing to tables_LOV.
    I run the page, and i can select the table i want from the drop down list.
    How to create a report  based on the selected item? (ex: select * from selected_table)
    many thanks in advance

    Hi Salah,
    Allright, have a look at this page:
    I think that simulates what you're trying to accomplish. I've set up the simplest method I could think of.
    The report is based on an apex collection. If you are not familiar with that, you should study the documentation: APEX_COLLECTION
    To recreate my example you should:
    1) create an (interactive) report on your collection
    SELECT *
       FROM APEX_collections
    WHERE collection_name = 'MY_COLLECTION'
    2) create a page_item select list for the tables you want to display (in my case this is called "P38_TABLES" )
    3) create a dynamic action that triggers on change of your select list page_item. The dynamic action must be a PL/SQL procedure perfoming the following code:
      l_query varchar2(4000);
      l_query := 'select * from '||:P38_TABLES;
      if apex_collection.collection_exists
            ( p_collection_name => 'MY_COLLECTION' )
          ( p_collection_name => 'MY_COLLECTION' );
      end if;
        ( p_collection_name => 'MY_COLLECTION'
        , p_query           => l_query
    Make sure you add your page_item to the "Page Items to Submit" section.
    4) Add an extra true action that does a refresh of the report region.
    Here are two pictures describing the da:
    Good luck and regards,

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    Thank you for reading my post
    How i can set the slected item of a DropDown component from backing beans java code ?
    it is binded with a database , so one field determine its display and one other field determine its value , I want to set the selected item of this combobox
    In back code i have both value and display values to use them .
    can some one give me some help ?
    Thanks ,

    See code sample 3 at
    See also, the selection components row in the table under
    It says
    One way to preselect items is to call setSelectedValue(Object[]) or setSelectedValue(Object) from the prerender() method. You pass in the return values of the items that you want preselected. Be sure to verify that getSelected() returns null before setting the default options, or you will overwrite the user's selections on a post-back.

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    Please help.

    Try setting the radio button value of the lead selected button to abap_false/space.

  • How can a classic report be filtered using one select item and dynamic action?

    APEX 4.2.1
    DB 11g
    I have a page with 4 reports on it.  The top report is an interactive report and the following 3 are classic reports.  The users would like to be able to use a select list to filter the 3rd report by PO line number without refreshing the entire page.
    After verifying that the report is set to allow partial refreshes, I took the following steps
    1.  Created a PO Line select item (p_po_line_select) in the same report region
    2.  Added p_po_line_select to the report query
    3.  Created a dynamic action on p_po_line_select with 2 true actions
         1.  Set value (p_po_line_select)
         2.  Refresh report region.
    The Set Value dynamic step was not working; I would get an out of memory error at line 2, memory stack error, or the value did not get saved to session state depending on the settings I selected.  I was able to get it working with the following set:
    1.  Action = Set Value
    2.  Set type = PL/SQL Expression
    3.  PL/SQL Expression = :p_field_does_not_exist
    4.   Page items to submit = blank
    5.  Selection Type = Item(s)
    6.  Item(s) = p_field_does_not_exist
    p_field_does_not_exist does not exist as a page or application item which leads me to believe that this is a bug and I am just lucky that it worked.  I would rather know how to do this properly.  Can someone please provide a link to a working example of how this should be done or state which settings are wrong?
    I was able to reproduce the issue in the following app
    workspace = occam
    user  test/apex1

    If you have additional information, continue the discussion by posting it as a follow-up on the original thread: What is the proper way to filter classic report using just an LOV select field with dynamic action?

  • Bug (possibly?): SelectManyShuttle fails to display selected items

    Bug (possibly?): SelectManyShuttle fails to display selected items when valuePassThru="true" in ADF 10g
    Hello all,
    When run, the example below shows a Select Many Shuttle with four choices in the leading list. When items are shuttled to the training list and the page is submitted the trailing list is rendered with no items selected. Is this a bug?
    This example was constructed using jDeveloper
    A new application was created using the Web Application [JSF, ADF BC] template although no business components are used.
    Steps to Reproduce
    1. Create the following backing bean class.
    package com.fmcna.adf.test.view;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
    public class ShuttleBean {
        public ShuttleBean() {
        private List availableItems;
        private List selectedItems;
        public void setAvailableItems(List availableItems) {
            this.availableItems = availableItems;
        public List getAvailableItems() {
            //populate with a List of SelectItem instances on the inital call to this method
            if(this.availableItems==null) {
            return availableItems;
        public void setSelectedItems(List selectedItems) {
            this.selectedItems = selectedItems;
        public List getSelectedItems() {
            return selectedItems;
         * Build a List of SelectItem instances to be used by an af:selectManyShuttle
         * @return A List containing SelectItems instances
        private List generateSelectItemsList() {
            List initialItems = new ArrayList();
            initialItems.add(new SelectItem(new Integer(11),"First Choice"));
            initialItems.add(new SelectItem(new Integer(22),"Second Choice"));
            initialItems.add(new SelectItem(new Integer(33),"Third Choice"));
            initialItems.add(new SelectItem(new Integer(44),"Fourth Choice"));
            return initialItems;
    }2. Configure the ShuttleBean class as a session scoped managed bean as in the following faces-config.xml file.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
    <!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC
      "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.1//EN"
    <faces-config xmlns="">
    </faces-config>3. Create a JSP page containing an af:selectManyShuttle with a nested f:selectItems component. Wire the values for these components to the properties in the managed bean.
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="af"%>
          <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
                content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"/>
            <af:selectManyShuttle value="#{ShuttleBean.selectedItems}" valuePassThru="true">
                <f:selectItems value="#{ShuttleBean.availableItems}"/>
            <af:commandLink text="Postback"/>
    </f:view>4. Run the JSP. Validate that the trailing list is initially empty.
    5. Shuttle one or more items to the trailing list and click the Postback button. Validate that when the page refreshes the trailing list is again empty.
    Thanks for any input you might be able to provide.
    Chris Mihalcik
    Edited by: user5384858 on Jun 14, 2010 1:06 PM

    I'm holding my Nano in my hot little hands with ALL of the things you listed, but here's the sad, simple truth: you CAN'T use iTunes to sync everything. It works well for:
    1) Music
    2) Videos (except sometimes in Vista)
    3) Photos (as long as they're not too large)
    but is terrible for:
    1) calendar
    2) contacts
    3) To-Do lists
    For the latter use something like "iGadget" ( I also edit/store notes w/iGadget plus it allows you to export files, etc.
    I gave up on syncing iTunes w/Outlook long ago. Good luck.

Maybe you are looking for