Select_List_From_Query Default Value

Is there a way to specify the default item shown in a Select_List_From_Query drop-down list? I would like to display the value currently in the column when the report is shown.

See the documentation for this API call:
From your description, I'm not sure if you're asking for the current value or a default value when the value is NULL.

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    I am using APEX 4.2.
    For one of our requirements , we are displaying a report which uses "apex_item.select_list_from_query" multiselect field.
    The above function accepts a parameter, 'p_value' using which we can specify the default value to be highlighted.
    Is there any way to highlight multiple values on the select list by default, when the page is loaded, based on a sql output.
    Sample Scenario:
    Say colour is a multiselect field. Full list of values available : R, B, G, Y, O
    On day1, for record1 i am choosing R and B. which I am saving in the backend when the page is submitted.
    On day2 : I login again to see the report. When the report is loaded, I should see the values 'R' and 'B' highlighted or in a different font format , differentiated from the rest.
    Thanks in advance for your replies.
    Edited by: 878815 on Mar 11, 2013 10:23 PM

    878815 wrote:
    I am using apex_item.select_list_from query. and then a piece of javascript to concatenate as a colon delimited string. This is the function I am using in the report sql,
    apex_item.hidden(20,null)||apex_item.select_list_from_query(6,null,'<sql>','multiple size = "6" onChange="Multi(this)"','NO' ) as col_1I think 'multiple size' is a custom attribute and APEX have no clue about it.
    javascript code:
    function Multi(p_this)
    var l_selected=html_SelectValue(p_this);
    if (l_selected.constructor == Array) l_selected=l_selected.join(':');
    p_this.parentNode.firstChild.value = l_selected;
    return l_selected;
    };What is this apex_item.hidden used for.. placeholder?
    May be populate the hidden item with default value as colon delimited string and on page load use some JavaScript to read that string and set/highlight the select list.
    It would be easy if you can replicate the issue on

  • Default Value is not getting displayed in SUN ONE Ldap

    I have created an attribute in slapd.user_at.conf and it is associated in slapd.user_oc.conf.
    The attribute default value is given through SUN ONE Console. But, In our application the default value is not getting displayed.
    We need the default value to run our applicatin. Can anyone help me for this issue
    K. Senthil Kumar

    Hi anandkumar,
    I belive this issue can be resolved by changing the  Query proprties for the perticular field.
    Kindly check the Field proerties in query designer and ensure that Text is enabled ather than Key.
    __Field property check up:__Go to query designer->click onn the field-> Right hand side in properties click on display tab-> select Text in drop down menu of Display as tab.
    FURTHER CHECK UP: check the master data avaiulability for the perticular info object, if masterdata is not available, do the text data for txt data availability in report level.
    Hope this helps you!!
    Best Regards,

  • How to load a default value in to a column when using sql loader

    Im trying to load from a flat file using sql loader.
    for 1 column i need to update using a default value
    how to go about this?

    try this code --
       INFILE 'sample.dat'
       INTO TABLE emp
       ename   POSITION(06:15)  CHAR,
       job         POSITION(17:25)  CHAR,
       sal        POSITION(32:39)  DECIMAL EXTERNAL NULLIF sal=BLANKS,
       comm   POSITION(41:48)  DECIMAL EXTERNAL DEFAULTIF comm = 100,
       deptno  POSITION(50:51)  INTEGER EXTERNAL NULLIF deptno=BLANKS,
       hiredate POSITION(52:62) CONSTANT SYSDATE
      )-hope this will solve ur purpose.
    Satyaki De.

  • Assigning a default value to a field

    Hello Everyone,
           Could you please tell me how to assign a default value to a field in a transparent table, so that while creating an entry even if we don't enter the value, a default value will be assigned.

    Like this
            field1 TYPE c VALUE 'X'
            field2 TYPE c,
          END OF itab.
    append itab.
    append itab.
    You will have by default X set in both rows for field1.
    PS: Ooops I just noticed you meant transparent table but I wrote about internal one. As long as you maintain that table using maintenance view you can use event 05 - When Creating a New Entry and set fixed value for a field there. So whenever you create new entry it will receive that value.
    Edited by: Marcin Pciak on Jun 23, 2010 8:57 AM

  • SQLLDR - how to set a default value for an empty string

    I'm using SQLLDR to load data from a flat file on Oracle 10g EE, Linux RHEL 4 update 6. Seems like my question is simple, but darned if I can't find the solution.
    My source file (comma delimited extracted form a different RDBMS) has some (not all) rows where the output for a string is "", and not NULL. How do I check for empty string and add a default value in the control file? The target column is non-nullable
    Here's my current control file - however, the column attributeName where sometimes the source record is "" does not get evaluated as NULL.
    load data
    infile 'mydata.del'
    badfile 'mydata.bad'
    discardfile 'mydata.dsc'
    into table mydata
    fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"'
       TRAILING NULLCOLS           
    attributeName "decode(:vc_attributeName,null, 'none')",
    When I tried decode with "", I received the following error:
    {code}SQL*Loader-350: Syntax error at line 11.
    Expecting "," or ")", found ", 'none')".
    attributeName "decode(:vc_attributeName,"", 'none')", {code}
    This does not work either:
    load data
    infile 'mydata.del'
    badfile 'mydata.bad'
    discardfile 'mydata.dsc'
    into table mydata
    fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"'
       TRAILING NULLCOLS           
    attributeName NULLIF attributeName = BLANKS ,"decode(:vc_attributeName,null, 'none')",
    attributeDefault) I get the following in the log:
    Table COMPANYMETADATA, loaded from every logical record.
    Insert option in effect for this table: INSERT
    TRAILING NULLCOLS option in effect
       Column Name                  Position   Len  Term Encl Datatype
    L_METADATA                          FIRST     *   ,  O(") CHARACTER
    COMPANY                            NEXT     *   ,  O(") CHARACTER
    CLASSNAME                         NEXT     *   ,  O(") CHARACTER
    ATTRIBUTENAME                     NEXT     *   ,  O(") CHARACTER
        SQL string for column : "decode(:attributeName,null, 'none')"
    ATTRIBUTEDEFAULT                  NEXT     *   ,  O(") CHARACTER
    Record 1: Rejected - Error on table COMPANYMETADATA, column ATTRIBUTENAME.
    ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("SRV5"."COMPANYMETADATA"."ATTRIBUTENAME")
    Any help is appreciated -
    Edited by: kpw on Feb 9, 2009 11:10 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    I just loaded following data successfully in my_data table using the same control file I posted. Yes it will evaluate "" as null and replace with none, remember in control file you have this option, "optionally enclosed by '"'.
    "myname1", "attribname1"
    "myname2", "attribname2"
    "myname3", "attribname3"
    "myname4", ""
    load data
    into table my_data
    fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"'
    TRAILING NULLCOLS           
    my_name char(30),
    vc_attributeName "decode(:vc_attributeName,null, 'none', :vc_attributeName)"
    Here is the output log file
    Control File:   my_data.ctl
    Data File:      mydata.dat
      Bad File:     mydata.bad
      Discard File:  none specified
    (Allow all discards)
    Number to load: ALL
    Number to skip: 0
    Errors allowed: 50
    Bind array:     64 rows, maximum of 256000 bytes
    Continuation:    none specified
    Path used:      Conventional
    Table MY_DATA, loaded from every logical record.
    Insert option in effect for this table: INSERT
    TRAILING NULLCOLS option in effect
       Column Name                  Position   Len  Term Encl Datatype
    MY_NAME                             FIRST    30   ,  O(") CHARACTER           
    VC_ATTRIBUTENAME                     NEXT     *   ,  O(") CHARACTER           
        SQL string for column : "decode(:vc_attributeName,null, 'none', :vc_attributeName)"
    Table MY_DATA:
      4 Rows successfully loaded.
      0 Rows not loaded due to data errors.
      0 Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed.
      0 Rows not loaded because all fields were null.
    Space allocated for bind array:                  18560 bytes(64 rows)
    Read   buffer bytes: 1048576
    Total logical records skipped:          0
    Total logical records read:             4
    Total logical records rejected:         0
    Total logical records discarded:        0
    Run began on Mon Feb 09 18:17:35 2009
    Run ended on Mon Feb 09 18:17:36 2009
    Elapsed time was:     00:00:00.98
    CPU time was:         00:00:00.10
    Hope this helps clearing your dobuts

  • Multiple Default Values in a Multi-Select LOV Parameter?

    I have a report in BI Publisher standalone version The report has a list of values called org_lov. This lov is attached to a multi-selection p_org_code parameter from which it is desirable to also have multiple default values.
    For example, if org_lov has the following values:
    I would like to have 3 default values and have 100, 101,105 as the defaults if the user doesn't specifically select anything from the LOV. So far my testing has only allowed a single default value.
    Here are my settings:
    Data type = string
    Multiple Selection = checked
    Can select All = checked (all values passed)
    On the Default Value field, I have tried the following:
    1. 100, 101,105
    2. [100, 101,105]
    3. '100', '101','105'
    4. (100, 101,105)
    5. ['100', '101','105']
    6. ('100', '101','105')
    I don't need these default values highlighted in the LOV, I just need it passed correctly to the query (a data template).
    Thank you in advance for any input.

    Sorry for the delayed reply. I tried what you suggested but the problem is that by having the "Multiple Selection" property of the parameter unchecked, the result is that it allows the user to only have a single value passed. The user wants the option to select multiple values AND also have the multiple default values.
    Thanks anyway.

  • Default value of BeX customer Exit variable not Displayed in WeBI??

    Hello Experts,
    We are stuck with a problem where WeBI report is created on top of BeX query and we are not able to see the default value of Bex Customer exit variable in WeBI run. Here is the complete scenario:
    1. One restricted KF is created in BeX, restricted with Customer exit variable on net Due date. And this variable is mandatory, ready for input, and Default value in calculated is user exit as current Week's Monday.
    2. So, by default KF data should be restricted to Monday of current week, if user does not change this value.
    3. Now, WeBI report is created on top of this Bex query, and all is working fine, i.e. we are getting variable as Prompt in WeBI, but Default value is not shown while Running the Webi Report.
    So, need your inputs on the same, if default values from BeX in WeBI is supported or not? If yes, why this is happening, and how to resolve it?
    Please notice, the restrcition is in KF only, it is not a separate restrcition on Net Due date in Filter area or in Defualt area of BeX
    and we are on SAP BW 7.1 and BOXI 3.1 SP4.
    Edited by: VIPUL GOYAL on Nov 23, 2011 9:44 PM

    See 1285993 - Support of Customer Exit Variables from BEx query into WebIntelligence via OLAP universe
    WebI will prompt when executed, but the default values calculated by the user exit  - do not appear.
    Note: If the BEx variable has property 'ready for input' set / enabled, then its WebI prompt shows ok, but no default value appears.
    This behaviour expected 'by design' (in the context of the product's current limitations) as explained in the online guide below:
    Please refer to Chapter 7, page 44, document link here:
    Characteristic variable > processing type > Customer Exit  is "Supported, without user entry"                                                                               
    -->  This should be understood as meaning "User will not be shown a prompt"

  • Why the default value is not the Oracle recommended?

    Why the default value is not the Oracle recommended?
    In Oracle 10g, the default alocated unit of Oracle ASM is 1MB. But the Oracle ducumentation states that "To ensure a higher probability of one
    logical I/O resulting in no more than one physical I/O, the minimum stripe depth should be at least twice the Oracle block size". ---See Performance Tuniing Guide (10g10.2 Page8-3.
    It's inconsistent. What is right way?

    Why the default value is not the Oracle recommended?
    In Oracle 10g, the default alocated unit of Oracle ASM is 1MB. But the Oracle ducumentation states that "To ensure a higher probability of one
    logical I/O resulting in no more than one physical I/O, the minimum stripe depth should be at least twice the Oracle block size". ---See Performance Tuniing Guide (10g10.2 Page8-3.
    It's inconsistent. What is right way?
    The default database blocksize of 10g is 8k.
    8 * 128 = 1024
    128 >= 2
    At least twice the size does not mean exactly the doubled size.
    There is no contradiction between the documentation and your observation in this case.
    Kind regards

  • Default Value in a DFF is not getting populated in Self Service Page

    I had an issue in Self Service Page.
    In the SS page there is hidden mandatory field in DFF segment,which should get populated with a default select statement.
    But this field is not getting populated with the default values.
    But this is working fine in Forms , i.e the default value is populated in forms.
    Why the default value is not populated in Self Service Pages?
    For Eg: If there is a DFF "SAMPLE_DFF" which has some context with segment
    Context Code : GB_CODE
    Segment : "Enter the Group"
    and this segment is made required and defaulted with a select stmt (select stmt returns 'XXXXX')
    In forms if am not entering any value, then its defaulted to 'XXXXX'.
    But in Self Service this is not happening.
    Can anybody help me out...

    Actually, I have narrowed down the problem. It is not quite the same.
    DFF is Receivables, Address Information (Release 12). We have 2 attributes defined and we want the default value of the 2nd to be dependent on what the user selects in the 1st.
    So the default value of the 2nd is defined as a SQL Statement, select :$FLEX$.INDUSTRY_CODE from dual (where INDUSTRY_CODE is the value set name from the 1st).
    We know the syntax is correct because if we actually hardcode a default value in the 1st attribute (select 'BLAH' from dual), then we do see that the default value for the 2nd attribute fills in with BLAH as well. However, we do not want that. We want the user to choose a value for the 1st attribute from the LOV, and then have the 2nd attribute default to that same value. This is the part that does not seem to work in OAF, but definitely used to work in Forms.
    Any thoughts?
    Thanks much!

  • SUN ONE Ldap - Default value is not getting displayed

    I have created an attribute in slapd.user_at.conf and it is associated in slapd.user_oc.conf.
    The default value for the attribute has been given in the SUN ONE Ldap. But it is not getting displayed in our application.
    Can any one help me in this for this issue.
    K. Senthil Kumar

    I assume that you are referring to a brand new field on the second step that was not on the form of the first step. If this is the case, then you should put the field in a hidden block of the first steps form. Default values and Auto-population from shells/single record BPs only occur of the create step, even if they are not used on that step. As long as you put them on the create step (even in a hidden block) they should initialize.

  • Default Values

    It's important to remember that DEFAULT values are only used when a column isn't specified in an INSERT or MERGE, or when the DEFAULT keyword is used. If you don't explicitly declare a DEFAULT value, Oracle implicitly defines the default value to be NULL, and the DEFAULT keyword will even work with such.
    Does say this, does the possibility Exist to for example insert a default value 0 in a column (datatype number) (Default value 0) without using trigger and column is specified (e.g. I don't know from front-end if is specified)?
    Thanks in advance to all

    I don't know a lot about Forms, but if it will generate in insert statement like this:
    Table created.
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("OPS$ORACLE"."T"."B")then yes, unless you can control the insert statement, you will need to use a trigger. The explicit NULL in the VALUES list will override the default.

  • Default value? Trigger?

    Hi all,
    I got one Oracle 10g problem here, not sure you can help me or not.
    If a table has a column which has "default value" setup.
    refno number(10),
    user_create varchar2(30) Default USER not null
    And it also has a trigger with following contents:
    If :new.user_create is Null then
    :new.user_create := 'TEST';
    end if;
    If I going insert a record with null value on user_create column.
    In some Oracle database, the create_user will become USER, some will become "TEST".
    Do you understand why?

    In some Oracle database, the create_user will become USER, some will become "TEST". Are you running the same INSERT statement on all these databases? Because the default value gets applied before the trigger fires, and I would expect that to be consistent across all databases.
    SQL>  create table defval (col1 number, col2 varchar2(30) default user)
      2  /
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into defval (col1) values (1)
      2  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> select * from defval
      2  /
          COL1 COL2
             1 APC
    SQL> create trigger defval_trg before insert on defval for each row
      2  begin
      3    if :new.col2 is null then
      4       :new.col2 := 'TEST';
      5    end if;
      6  end;
      7  /
    Trigger created.
    SQL> insert into defval (col1) values (2)
      2  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> select * from defval
      2  /
          COL1 COL2
             1 APC
             2 APC
    SQL> insert into defval (col1,col2) values (3, null)
      2  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> select * from defval
      2  /
          COL1 COL2
             1 APC
             2 APC
             3 TEST
    SQL> Cheers, APC
    Blog :

  • Custom CAPI service - default value of varchar2 parameter

    I have a Custom CAPI Service function. That function has a varchar2 parameter (argument) and I wish to set a default value NULL for that parameter.
    I set Default=null, and when I generate CAPI package, my function in that package looks like this (notice the quotation marks around null):
    function cs_cjn_prod_cijena
    ( p_nacin_prodaje in varchar2 default 'null'
    return number
    is ...
    And it should look like this:
    function cs_cjn_prod_cijena
    ( p_nacin_prodaje in varchar2 default null
    return number
    is ...
    I tried setting Default Value Type to Literal, Database Function Call, Client Function Call, but it's always the same thing.
    If that parameter was number or date it would generate ok.
    It seems like the bug in "Generate CAPI Definition" Headstart Utility.
    I know that I can make my function's code to treat the string 'null' as a null default value, but I'd like to have a "real" null as a default value.
    Does anybody have a solution for this?

    Thank you for your answer, but it didn't help. I have already tried using Database Function Call. This time I tried deleting the CAPI package from repository before generating it again, like you suggested, but it didn't help.
    I still get: p_nacin_prodaje in varchar2 default 'null'
    Which version of Create CAPI Definition utility do you have?
    My version is: HSU_CAPI, Revision: ("Help/About This Utility" in Headstart Utilities application)
    Thanks again,

  • Set Default Value of Multi-select list item

    I have a multi-select list item I want to default the value of to '%' (which is really '%null%') and have it selected. I tried setting default value of item, but it doesn't take '%null%'. I also tried a computation with a static of
    :P507_ITEM := '%null%'; How do you get the default value set and selected?

    Shijesh is right, you need to change your null return value and use that return value as your default. Try and use something of the same datatype as your real return values if you plan to use '%' to display all as it will make your queries simpler. eg.
    Company A returns 1
    Company B return 2
    % returns 0
    Then your query would be...
    SELECT ...
    FROM ...
    WHERE company_id = DECODE(:P_COMPANY,1,1,2,2,0,company_id)
    Hope this makes sense.

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