Select List or Radio Buttons query with multiple tables join

I'm having a problem creating a select list or a radio group item.
I need to display the emp_first_name in the select list but have the return value of the order_id in the select list or radio buttons item.
The tables are as follow:
I need to display the emp_name from emp_table in the select list but return the order_id from the orders_table as the return value.
How can I do this?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi NJ,
select e.emp_first_name d,
o.order_id r
from orders_table o
inner join emp_table e on o.emp_id = e.emp_id
order by 1You may have an issue with an emp_id being used for more than one order and, therefore, the employee's name appearing more than once in the list?

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    This is valid and it works fine

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    Best Regards

    Yeah, the docs aren't very good at providing a robust set of examples so you've gotta:
    1 - review the command syntax and then
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    where =
    at isolation 0
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        FROM   HOTEL_MAS
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               AND CITY_CODE LIKE NVL(:P23_CITY_CODE,'%')
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    Hi Vedant,
    you dont need to use begin ...end block
    Try the Below code
    WHERE NVL(ACTIVE_FLG,''N'') = ''Y''
    AND NVL(GUIDE_FLAG,''N'') = ''Y''
    and CITY_CODE LIKE NVL (:P23_CITY_CODE, ''%'')
    ORDER BY 2' ;
        FROM   HOTEL_MAS
       WHERE   NVL (ACTIVE_FLG, ''N'') = ''Y''
               AND CITY_CODE LIKE NVL(:P23_CITY_CODE,''%'')
    END IF;In this way you can create conditional LOVs ,
    Hope this will helps you.

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    W.closingNotes, W.mins, W.requestTypeID, I.instructions, I.instID
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    (select reqID, instID, instructions from tbl_instructions) I on W.reqID = I.reqID
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    W.closingNotes, W.mins, W.requestTypeID
    from tbl_webrequests W left join
    (select reqID, instID, instructions from tbl_instructions where rowNum = 1 and reqid = 319 order by instID asc) I on W.reqID = I.reqID
    where W.reqID = 319
    ORDER BY I.instID asc;
    My question is, how do I pass the reqID as a variable into the join subquery so that the query returns only returns the first joined item in tbl_instructions for each record in tbl_webrequests?
    Any help is appreciated

    Scrap the "DISTINCT" and try something like this:
           I.Instructions, I.Instid
         , W.Reqid, W.Dt_Close, W.Dt_Due, W.Subject, W.Statusid, W.Empid, W.Priorityid
         , W.Assigneeid, W.Categoryid, W.Url, W.Hrs, W.Closingnotes, W.Mins, W.Requesttypeid
      From Tbl_Webrequests W Left Join
         ( Select Reqid, Instid, Instructions
             From Tbl_Instructions I0
            Where Instid = (Select Min(Instid) From Tbl_Instructions I1
                             Where I1.Reqid = I0.Reqid)
         ) I On W.Reqid = I.Reqid
    Where W.Reqid = 319
    Order By I.Instid Asc;;)

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    department_id (pk)
    location_id (fk)
    employee_id (pk)
    department_id (fk)
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    1 Employee has 1 Department
    Here is the query I came up with for PL/SQL procedure:
    /*Ecount, Dcount are NUMBER variables */
    SELECT SUM (EmployeeCount), COUNT(DepartmentNumber)
         INTO Ecount, Dcount
         (SELECT COUNT(employee_id) EmployeeCount, department_id DepartmentNumber
              FROM employees
              GROUP BY department_id
              HAVING department_id IN
                        (SELECT department_id
                        FROM departments
                        WHERE location_id = userInput));
    I do get the correct result, but I am just wondering if my query is on the right track and if there is a more "efficient" way of doing this.
    Thanks in advance for helping a newbie out.

    Welcome to the forum!
    Something like this will be more efficient:
    SELECT    COUNT (employee_id)               AS ECount
    ,       COUNT (DISTINCT department_id)     AS DCount
    FROM       employees
    WHERE       department_id IN (     SELECT     department_id
                        FROM      departments
                        WHERE      location_id = :userInput
    ;You should also try a join instead of the IN subquery.
    For efficiency, do only the things you need to do.
    For example, you don't need a count of employees in each department, so don't compute one. That means you won't need the in-line view, so don't have one.
    You don't need PL/SQL for this job, so don't use PL/SQL if you don't have to. (I realize this question was out of context, so you may have good reasons for doing this in PL/SQL.)
    Do all filtering as early as possible. Don't waste effort computing things that won't be used .
    A particular example of this is: Never use a HAVING clause when you can use a WHERE clause. What's the difference between a WHERE clause and a HAVING clause? The WHERE clause is applied before aggregate functions are computed, and the HAVING clause is applied after; there's no other difference. Therefore, if the HAVING clause isn't referencing an aggregate function, it could be done in a WHERE clause instead.

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    Oracle Business Intelligence: Creating Opaque View in Physical Layer in OBIEE 10g
    Also can you please advice how to join two tables from different databases in OBIEE ?
    Kindly advice.

    Hi Andy,
    As per my knowledge you can create Opaque View on one table at a time.Joining two tables from different databases yes we can create a report from multiple data sources.Check this
    Rittman Mead Consulting » Blog Archive » Reporting Against Multiple Datasources in OBIEE
    Mark if helps.

  • Set a default value for a radio button populated with a List of value

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    <af:selectOneRadio value="#{bindings.Code.inputValue}"
    id="sor1" autoSubmit="true"
    valuePassThru="true" layout="horizontal">
    <f:selectItems value="#{bindings.Code.items}" id="si1"/>
    I want to have the selectonechoice set to No by default. In the previous versions, I set the default value in the base attribute VO. But it is not working in the new version.

    this should work in JDeveloper the same as in If it doesn't then it is better to file a bug than to work around it

  • Loading list of radio buttons- Struts

    Hello All, i have a question based on this. How can I load a list of radio buttons instead of list of select values.
    For eg., I have 5 questions and each question has 2 answers (yes/no). I iterate 5 questions coming from database. Now i need to generate 2 radio buttons (yes/no)for each question. The values for these radio buttons is also coming fom database.
    I have sample code for generating list of drop downs. Can anyone help me with generating list of radio buttons. This is the sample code:
    <html:select name="formBeanName" property="beanproperty" styleClass="formElementSelect" indexed="true">
    <html:optionsCollection name="formBeanName" property="List" label="textValue" value="id" />

    your bean C needs one more set of getter and setter to store noValues./text
    <BEAN name="C">
    <PROPERTY name="idYes" type="java.lang.String" access="get,set" />
    <PROPERTY name="yesTextValue" type="String" access="get,set" />
    <PROPERTY name="idNo" type="java.lang.String" access="get,set" />
    <PROPERTY name="noTextValue" type="String" access="get,set" />
    When you populate that bean if it is 'Yes' then set yes fields else set 'No' fields.
    then in jsp you would do..
    I used nested tags which are convinient than logic tags..You can use it too.
    I am not sure if this syntax is correct...for logic
    <logic:iterate property="a" name="AForm" >
    <bean:define id="b" property="b" type="java.util.List"/>
    <bean:define id="yesValue" property="idYes" name="b"/>
    <html:radio idName="b" property="idYes" value = "<%=yesValue%>" />
    <bean:write idName="b" property = "yesTextValue"/>
    //this will render radio as <input type="radio" name="a[0].value" value="yes">     yes
    //for no
    <bean:define id="noValue" property="idNo" name="b"/>
    <html:radio idName="b" property="idNo" value = "<%=noValue%>" />
    <bean:write idName="b" property = "noTextValue"/>
    //this will render radio as <input type="radio" name="a[0].value" value="no">     No
    for nested it would be
    <nested:iterate property="a" name="AForm">     
    //generate radio option for yes                                   
    <nested:define id="idYesValue" property="idYes" type="java.lang.String"/>           
    <nested:radio value='<%=idYesValue%>' property="value"/>                              
    <nested:write property="yesTextValue"/>
    //generate radio option for no
    <nested:define id="idNoValue" property="idNo" type="java.lang.String"/>                     
    <nested:radio value='<%=idNoValue%>' property="value"/>                              
    <nested:write property="noTextValue"/>          

  • Getting the label from a radio selection in a radio buttons box

    I am using a radio buttons control, with four radio selections in it.  I understand that this is an enumerated type, so the value is a "number."  When you wire that control to a case statement, the case is auto-populated with the labels of the radio selections.  Is there a way to capture the label of the button which was selected?    I am using LabVIEW 8.0 for this project.  Thanks in advance for your time.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi bj,
    just use a FormatIntoString with format specifier "%s"...
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • Doubt in Firing Query with multiple opportunities UUID/IDs

    HI Folks!
    I might have simple doubt but please help me on this!
    1. I have a custom BO with association to opportunities.
    [DeploymentUnit(CustomerRelationshipManagement)] businessobject Sy_Trade {
    [AlternativeKey] [Label("Trade Id")] element tradeid : BusinessTransactionDocumentID;
    node RelatedOpportunities [0,n]{
                                  element BusinessTransactionDocumentReference : BusinessTransactionDocumentReference;
                                  element BusinessTransactionDocumentRelationshipRoleCode : BusinessTransactionDocumentRelationshipRoleCode;
                                   association RelatedOpportunity[0,1] to Opportunity;
    2. I have success fully used association and i am able to view create all the opportunities related to my custom Bo.
    ISSUE : I want a facet where i just want DISPLAY the activities and sales document assigned in the RELATED OPPORTUNITIES ( N opportunities )
    How do i query with Multiple opportunities ID and fetch the activities against it?
    Btw I want to use query in UI Designer... I have created an  advanced list pane and there i want the result list
    I hope i am clear!
    Thanks in adavance...

    Hi Ludger,
    I have successfully displayed Related Opportunities associated with trade.( i am able to create , delete also )
    Issue : I am not able to "Display" ( i don't need to edit or create ) all the activities created against all the opportunities in a different tab.
    I tried to approaches :
    1: Query : Created a Query on Activity BO and tried to pass multiple related opportunities ( but seems not possible , please tell me any possibility to pass range of opportunity via transformation or anything? )
    2 : binding : I have a Node Related Opportunity so just tried to bind it with BO model but problem is it is displaying all the activities of first opportunity of the list...
    i think why because :
    In Data model I have created a table bind with Related Opportunities...
    now that node is 1 to N , association to opportunity 0 to 1 , hence i think it fetches only 1 opportunities activity
    should i create like below ( Or is it possible)
    Node Reltdoppts[0,1]
    association [0,N] to opportunity BO ?
    Although i strongly feel SAP should provied us two things :
    1. We need to pass range of opportunities in a query.
    2. We need to just write some absl code where i can fill the table and display it
    and also is there any possibility to create a report or something to display activities as we just want to display the activities!
    P.S : I have been getting a lot of bashing from client because some of the product restriction in cloud! i hope and wish SAP give developers free hand to develop right now its like our hands are tied to many things

  • Oracle hangs on query with multiple joins

    To test the sotftware from the LMS-vendor that are out partners we use virtual machines where we install Windows 2003 servers and Oracle XE
    While we were testing the software I've found that a particular query with multiple unions causes the CPU of the virtual machine totally claimed by oracle
    The query causes oracle to hang.
    I've found that the subcomponents of the query all return 0 rows (and response all immediately) combined into a query with at least 2 unions the query hangs the system
    I'm not familiar with with Database Management at all
    I've read something about SGA and PGA that could be the issue and tried to increase the target for both but it doesn't seem to do anything
    Some characterics
    Target Current
    Maximum System Global Area (SGA) Size: 380 MB 380 MB
    Program Global Area (PGA) Aggregate Target: 360 MB 38 MB
    Current Configuration: (SGA + PGA): 740 MB 418 MB
    Tablespaces Percent Used Allocated (MB) Used (MB) Datafiles
    SYSAUX 98.21% 460.00 451.75 1
    SYSTEM 73.09% 510.00 372.75 1
    DATA 99.13% 440.00 436.19 1
    UNDO 6.48% 160.00 10.38 1
    USERS 1.63% 100.00 1.63 1
    sort_area_size 65536
    shared_pool_reserved_size 5452595 TRUE size in bytes of reserved area of shared pool
    shared_pool_size 0 TRUE size in bytes of shared pool
    What other parameters are important? How could I get a good picture to see what's really going on?
    Some pointers, help would be appreciated.

    Below is the base-query that is causing the problems
    SELECT /* Public - Internal learner */ reg_id, order_item_id, order_id, o.order_no order_number, person_id, format_name(e.fname , e.lname , @@005) learner_name , company_id, c.name2 , entid, ctypeid, , i.status , items.description item_desc, substr ( i.flags , 1 , 1 ) is_conf , r.status status1, rs.description description1 , r.wlist_priority , r.reg_no , r.flags , o.status status2, o.split, null learnerViewOnly, null statusViewOnly, i.approved_status, decode(substr(r.flags,2,1),'1','true','false') isWalkIn, offering_action_id, oa.status profile_status ,c.name2 org_name , audience_sub_type ,items.description description ,o.order_no order_no ,orderList.description order_status ,approvalList.description approval_status ,e.fname learner_first_name ,e.lname learner_last_name FROM tpt_registration r INNER JOIN tpt_oe_order_items i ON i.reg_id = INNER JOIN tpt_oe_order o ON i.order_id = INNER JOIN cmt_person e ON r.student_id = INNER JOIN tpt_company c ON e.company_id = INNER JOIN tpt_offering_action oa on r.offering_action_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN tpt_roster_template_entry ent ON r.ros_temp_ent_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN tpt_customer_type ctype ON ent.customer_type_id = INNER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val rs ON to_char ( r.status ) = INNER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val items ON to_char ( i.status ) = INNER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val orderList ON to_char ( o.status ) = INNER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val approvalList ON to_char(i.approved_status) = WHERE e.type = 100 AND r.class_id = @@001 AND r.status = nvl ( to_number(@@002) , r.status ) AND rs.locale_id = @@005 AND rs.list_id = 'sysli000000000000100' AND items.locale_id = @@005 AND items.list_id = 'sysli000000000000131' AND orderList.list_id = 'sysli000000000000129' AND orderList.locale_id = @@005 AND approvalList.list_id = 'sysli000000000000165' AND approvalList.locale_id = @@005 AND ((@@003 is null) or (@@003 is not null and r.student_id = @@003))
    SELECT /* Public - External learner */ reg_id, order_item_id, order_id, o.order_no , person_id, format_name(e.fname , e.lname , @@005) , company_id, c.name2 , entid, ctypeid, , i.status , items.description , substr ( i.flags , 1 , 1 ) is_conf , r.status status1, rs.description description1, r.wlist_priority , r.reg_no , r.flags , o.status status2, o.split, null learnerViewOnly, null statusViewOnly, i.approved_status, decode(substr(r.flags,2,1),'1','true','false') isWalkIn, offering_action_id, oa.status profile_status ,c.name2 org_name , audience_sub_type ,items.description description ,o.order_no order_no ,orderList.description order_status ,approvalList.description approval_status ,e.fname learner_first_name ,e.lname learner_last_name FROM tpt_registration r INNER JOIN tpt_oe_order_items i ON i.reg_id = INNER JOIN tpt_oe_order o ON i.order_id = INNER JOIN cmt_person e ON r.student_id = INNER JOIN tpt_offering_action oa on r.offering_action_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN tpt_company c ON e.company_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN tpt_roster_template_entry ent ON r.ros_temp_ent_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN tpt_customer_type ctype ON ent.customer_type_id = INNER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val rs ON to_char ( r.status ) = INNER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val items ON to_char ( i.status ) = INNER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val orderList ON to_char ( o.status ) = INNER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val approvalList ON to_char(i.approved_status) = WHERE e.type = 200 AND r.class_id = @@001 AND r.status = nvl ( to_number(@@002) , r.status ) AND rs.locale_id = @@005 AND rs.list_id = 'sysli000000000000100' AND items.locale_id = @@005 AND items.list_id = 'sysli000000000000131' AND orderList.list_id = 'sysli000000000000129' AND orderList.locale_id = @@005 AND approvalList.list_id = 'sysli000000000000165' AND approvalList.locale_id = @@005 AND ((@@003 is null) or (@@003 is not null and r.student_id = @@003))
    SELECT /* Public - Unassigned learner */ reg_id, order_item_id, order_id, o.order_no , null person_id, null , null company_id, null , entidd, ctypeid, , i.status , items.description , substr ( i.flags , 1 , 1 ) is_conf , r.status status1, rs.description description1, r.wlist_priority , r.reg_no , r.flags , o.status status2, o.split, null learnerViewOnly, null statusViewOnly, i.approved_status, decode(substr(r.flags,2,1),'1','true','false') isWalkIn, offering_action_id, oa.status profile_status ,'' org_name , audience_sub_type ,items.description description ,o.order_no order_no ,orderList.description order_status ,approvalList.description approval_status ,'' learner_first_name ,'' learner_last_name FROM tpt_registration r INNER JOIN tpt_oe_order_items i ON i.reg_id = INNER JOIN tpt_oe_order o ON i.order_id = INNER JOIN tpt_offering_action oa on = r.offering_action_id LEFT OUTER JOIN tpt_roster_template_entry ent ON r.ros_temp_ent_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN tpt_customer_type ctype ON ent.customer_type_id = INNER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val rs ON to_char ( r.status ) = INNER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val items ON to_char ( i.status ) = INNER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val orderList ON to_char ( o.status ) = INNER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val approvalList ON to_char(i.approved_status) = WHERE r.class_id = @@001 AND r.status = nvl ( to_number(@@002) , r.status ) AND r.student_id is null AND rs.locale_id = @@005 AND rs.list_id = 'sysli000000000000100' AND items.locale_id = @@005 AND items.list_id = 'sysli000000000000131' AND orderList.list_id = 'sysli000000000000129' AND orderList.locale_id = @@005 AND approvalList.list_id = 'sysli000000000000165' AND approvalList.locale_id = @@005 AND @@003 is null
    SELECT /* Private - Internal learner */ reg_id, order_item_id, order_id, o.order_no , person_id, format_name(e.fname , e.lname , @@005) , company_id, c.name2 , entid, ctypeid, , i.status , items.description , substr ( i.flags , 1 , 1 ) is_conf , r.status status1, rs.description description1 , r.wlist_priority , r.reg_no , r.flags , o.status status2, o.split, null learnerViewOnly, null statusViewOnly, i.approved_status, decode(substr(r.flags,2,1),'1','true','false') isWalkIn, offering_action_id, oa.status profile_status ,c.name2 org_name , audience_sub_type ,items.description description ,o.order_no order_no ,orderList.description order_status ,approvalList.description approval_status ,e.fname learner_first_name ,e.lname learner_last_name FROM tpt_registration r INNER JOIN let_pvt_offering_request pvt_offreq ON pvt_offreq.class_id = r.class_id INNER JOIN tpt_offering_action oa on = r.offering_action_id LEFT OUTER JOIN tpt_oe_order_items i ON i.part_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN tpt_oe_order o ON i.order_id = INNER JOIN cmt_person e ON r.student_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN tpt_company c ON e.company_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN tpt_roster_template_entry ent ON r.ros_temp_ent_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN tpt_customer_type ctype ON ent.customer_type_id = INNER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val rs ON to_char ( r.status ) = LEFT OUTER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val items ON to_char ( i.status ) = AND items.locale_id = @@005 AND items.list_id = 'sysli000000000000131' LEFT OUTER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val orderList ON to_char ( o.status ) = AND orderList.list_id = 'sysli000000000000129' AND orderList.locale_id = @@005 LEFT OUTER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val approvalList ON to_char(i.approved_status) = AND approvalList.list_id = 'sysli000000000000165' AND approvalList.locale_id = @@005 WHERE e.type = 100 AND r.class_id = @@001 AND r.status = nvl ( to_number(@@002) , r.status ) AND rs.locale_id = @@005 AND rs.list_id = 'sysli000000000000100' AND ((@@003 is null) or (@@003 is not null and r.student_id = @@003))
    SELECT /* Private - External learner */ reg_id, order_item_id, order_id, o.order_no , person_id, format_name(e.fname , e.lname , @@005) , company_id, c.name2 , entid, ctypeid, , i.status , items.description , substr ( i.flags , 1 , 1 ) is_conf , r.status status1, rs.description description1 , r.wlist_priority , r.reg_no , r.flags , o.status status2, o.split, null learnerViewOnly, null statusViewOnly, i.approved_status, decode(substr(r.flags,2,1),'1','true','false') isWalkIn, offering_action_id, oa.status profile_status ,c.name2 org_name , audience_sub_type ,items.description description ,o.order_no order_no ,orderList.description order_status ,approvalList.description approval_status ,e.fname learner_first_name ,e.lname learner_last_name FROM tpt_registration r INNER JOIN let_pvt_offering_request pvt_offreq ON pvt_offreq.class_id = r.class_id INNER JOIN tpt_offering_action oa on r.offering_action_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN tpt_oe_order_items i ON i.part_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN tpt_oe_order o ON i.order_id = INNER JOIN cmt_person e ON r.student_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN tpt_company c ON e.company_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN tpt_roster_template_entry ent ON r.ros_temp_ent_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN tpt_customer_type ctype ON ent.customer_type_id = INNER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val rs ON to_char ( r.status ) = LEFT OUTER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val items ON to_char ( i.status ) = AND items.locale_id = @@005 AND items.list_id = 'sysli000000000000131' LEFT OUTER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val orderList ON to_char ( o.status ) = AND orderList.locale_id = @@005 AND orderList.list_id = 'sysli000000000000129' LEFT OUTER JOIN fgt_ext_sys_list_of_val approvalList ON to_char(i.approved_status) = AND approvalList.locale_id = @@005 AND approvalList.list_id = 'sysli000000000000165' WHERE e.type = 200 AND r.class_id = @@001 AND r.status = nvl ( to_number(@@002) , r.status ) AND rs.locale_id = @@005 AND rs.list_id = 'sysli000000000000100' AND ((@@003 is null) or (@@003 is not null and r.student_id = @@003)) ORDER BY 34,35,28,29,31,30,33,32

  • How to increment array that contains two clusters whose visibility is controlled by a visible property node and selected by a radio button.

    I am trying to use a property node: visible in order to enable or disable one of two clusters. These clusters are in a larger cluster and this larger cluster is in an array. The two clusters are controlled by a radio button (one labeled transistor and the other diode). When diode is selected, the corresponding diode parameters cluster should be visible and when transistor is selected, the corresponding transistor parameters cluster should be visible. In the mean time, the cluster of the device that is not selected should not be visible. There are at least 45 elements in the array (but not more than 45). Data is entered into each cluster (diode or transistor data) for each element in the array via the increment/decrement. The problem is when you select the first radio button (transistor) and enter data, when you increment the array for a new device selection, since a visible property node was used on the cluster, a loop is created where a new cluster is trying to be shown, but the old cluster is also trying to be shown (because it is the one referenced by the property node. How do I get rid of this loop and still be able to increment the array and keep my data intact for future use? Attached is the vi
    Attachments: ‏17 KB

    You could try something like this.  However, if you know how to use an xcontrol, that would be a better way to implement the above functionality so that these UI characteristics are not a part of your main VI.  The problem with the above VI is that you're looping every 100 ms just to update your UI.
    Also, try using the "disabled" property node, instead of the "visible" one.  That way, the user will still see the options he has but they will be grayed out.
    Message Edited by Sudhir Gopinath on 06-25-2007 04:45 PM
    S G
    Certified LabVIEW Architect, Certified TestStand Developer, Certified Professional Instructor
    Attachments: ‏19 KB

  • Using a Radio Button to Disable Multiple Checkboxes

    Hi everyone,
    My name is Christian and I am trying to design a form using Adobe Designer 7 that when a user selects a group of two radio buttons (one marked Macintosh and one marked Windows) it automatically disables 3 or 4 checkboxes of various software applications further down the page.
    The idea is if you select the Windows radio button, you would not be able to select the iWorks or StuffIT checkboxes (as that is Mac software), but conversely if you check Macintosh radio button the iWorks and StuffIT checkboxes activate but the Office 2003 and Microsoft Money checkboxes deactivate (because that is Windows software).
    Im not really a developer so any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks for reading and have a great day! :-)

    I suspect that you have a problem in some portion of your code that you have not posted. To help debugging I suggest you create a simple test using two pages: input.cfm and action.cfm.  Get the most simple case working then add the javascript, css, and CF code to make your application work.
    <!--- contents of input.cfm --->
         <form action="action.cfm" method="POST">
              Choose type: <br />
              <input name="type" type="radio" value="male" />     Male<br />
              <input name="type" type="radio" value="female" /> Female<br />
              <input type="submit" />
    <!--- content of action.cfm --->
         <cfif form.type eq "male">
              Type is male.
         <cfelseif form.type eq "female">
              Type is female.
         Here is a cfdump of the form variables:<br />
         <cfdump var="#form#" />
    Message was edited by: JR "Bob" Dobbs
    Added sample for action.cfm

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