Select members from Row/ column context using variables.

Does EPMA Calculation Manager provide the facility of using any kind of variable which will enable to select members dynamically from row/ column in a Planning webform as we use member variable to select members from Page/ POV?
Please suggest. Thanks in advance

Check out Environment/Replacement Variables in Calc Manager, where replacement variable can be used as RTP.

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    I have a table and i want to swap two column values using variable
    please help me

    Let us assume that the DeptNAME and DeptNo columns are of type VARCHAR2. However, DeptNO column is VARCHAR2(10) and DeptNAMe is VARCHAR2(100).
    First of all DeptNo column needs to be modified to be 100.
    Secondly, you will swap DEPTNAME and DEPTNO values using the SQL as follows:
    ii) update dept t1
    set deptname = (select deptno from dept2 t2 where t1.deptno = t2.deptno),
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    Now, finally you want the deptname columns to be VARCHAR2(10)
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    Trinath Somanchi,
    ( )

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  • Error reading data from CLOB column into VARCHAR2 variable

    Hi all,
    Am hitting an issue retrieving data > 8K (minus 1) stored in a CLOB column into a VARCHAR2 variable in PL/SQL...
    The "problem to be solved" here is storing DDL, in this case a "CREATE VIEW" statement, that is longer than 8K for later retrieval (and execution) using dynamic SQL. Given that the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement can take a VARCHAR2 variable (up to 32K(-1)), this should suffice for our needs, however, it seems that somewhere in the process of converting this VARCHAR2 text to a CLOB for storage, and then retrieving the CLOB and attempting to put it back into a VARCHAR2 variable, it is throwing a standard ORA-06502 exception ("PL/SQL: numeric or value error"). Consider the following code:
    set serveroutput on
    drop table test1;
    create table test1(col1 CLOB);
    cursor c1 is select col1 from test1;
    myvar VARCHAR2(32000);
    myvar := '';
    for i in 1..8192 loop
    myvar := myvar || 'a';
    end loop;
    INSERT INTO test1 (col1) VALUES (myvar);
    for arec in c1 loop
    myvar := arec.col1;
    dbms_output.put_line('Read data of length ' || length(myvar));
    exception when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('Error reading data: ' || sqlerrm);
    end loop;
    If you change the loop upper bound to 8191, all works fine. I'm guessing this might have something to do with the database character set -- we've recently converted our databases over to UTF-8, for Internationalizion support, and that seems to have changed underlying assumptions regarding character processing...?
    As far as the dynamic SQL issue goes, we can probably use the DBMS_SQL interface instead, with it's EXECUTE procedure that takes a PL/SQL array of varchar2(32K) - the only issue there is reading the data from the CLOB column, and then breaking that data into an array but that doesn't seem insurmountable. But this same basic issue (when a 9K text block, let's say, turns into a >32K block after being CLOBberred) seems to comes up in other text-processing situations also, so any ideas for how to resolve would be much appreciated.
    Thanks for any tips/hints/ideas...

    For those curious about this, here's the word from Oracle support (courtesy of Metalinks):
    Test the issue for different DB version and different characterset.
    --Testing the following PL/SQL blocks by using direct assignment method(myvar := arec.col1;) on
    different database version and different characterset.
    SQL>create table test1(col1 CLOB);
    --Inserting four CLOB data into test1.
    myvar VARCHAR2(32767);
    myvar := RPAD('a',4000);
    INSERT INTO test1 (col1) VALUES (myvar);
    myvar := RPAD('a',8191);
    INSERT INTO test1 (col1) VALUES (myvar);
    myvar := RPAD('b',8192);
    INSERT INTO test1 (col1) VALUES (myvar);
    myvar := RPAD('c',32767);
    INSERT INTO test1 (col1) VALUES (myvar);
    --Testing the direct assignment method.
    cursor c1 is select col1, length(col1) len1 from test1;
    myvar VARCHAR2(32767);
    for arec in c1 loop
    myvar := arec.col1;
    --DBMS_LOB.READ(arec.col1, arec.len1, 1, myvar);
    dbms_output.put_line('Read data of length: ' || length(myvar));
    end loop;
    The following are the summary of the test results:
    1. If the database characterset is WE8ISO8859P1, then the above direct assignment
    method(myvar := arec.col1;) works for database version 9i/10g/11g without any
    2. If the database characterset is UTF8 or AL32UTF8, then the above direct assignment method(myvar := arec.col1;) will generate the "ORA-06502:
    PL/SQL: numeric or value error" when the length of the CLOB data is greater
    than 8191(=8K-1). The same error can be reproduced across all database versions
    3. Using DBMS_LOB.READ(arec.col1, arec.len1, 1, myvar) method to read CLOB data into a VARCHAR2 variable works for both WE8ISO8859P1 and UTF8
    characterset and for all database versions.
    So - it seems as I'd surmised, UTF8 changes the way VARCHAR2 and CLOB data is handled. Not too surprising, I suppose - may you all be lucky enough to be able to stay away from this sort of issue. But - the DBMS_LOB.READ workaround is certainly sufficient for the text processing situations we find ourselves in currently.
    Jim C.

  • Need help - select data from NCLOB column problem

    Im having problem retrieving data from NCLOB columns via ODBC. After SQLExecdirect on my SELECT statement call to SQLFetch gives me following error:
    ORA-24806 LOB form mismatch
    I tried following two ways of data retrieval:
    Both times call to SQLFetch gives me ORA-24806 LOB form mismatch error.
    INSERT and UPDATE for this table works just fine.
    If I change NCLOB type to CLOB works just fine, but I will be storing Unicode data, so using CLOB cant be a solution
    Any ideas appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,
    Oracle 9.2 database on Windows 2000 Server
    Unicode C++ application, connects via Oracle 9.2 ODBC driver on Windows XP
    CREATE TABLE my_nclob_table (
         id number (10,0) NOT NULL ,
         name nvarchar2 (255) NOT NULL ,
         description nvarchar2 (255) NULL ,
         definition nclob NOT NULL ,
         creation date NOT NULL ,
         lastmodified date NOT NULL ,
         CONSTRAINT PK_cat_pricelist PRIMARY KEY
    #define     nil NULL
    #define     null NULL
    #define     SQL_ERR(__sqlerr__)     (((__sqlerr__) != SQL_SUCCESS) && ((__sqlerr__) != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO))
    #define     STOP_IF_SQL_ERR(__sqlerr__)                                                                 \
                                                      do                                                       \
                                                           if (SQL_ERR(__sqlerr__)) goto stop_;     \
                                                      } while (false)                                                  
    void eqTestOracleLOBSelect(void)
         SQLHENV henv     = null;
         SQLHDBC hdbc     = null;
         SQLHSTMT hstmt     = null;
         SQLRETURN retcode     = SQL_SUCCESS;
         TCHAR          szSQLStatement[]     = T("select id, name, definition from mynclob_table");
         int               iFetchedRows = 0;
         TCHAR          szMsg[512];
         TCHAR          chBuffer[2049];
         SQLLEN          iDataLen = 0;
              retcode = eqOpenConnectionODBC(_T("myTestDsn"),_T("user"),_T("pwd"),henv,hdbc);
              retcode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmt);
              retcode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*)szSQLStatement,SQL_NTS);
              retcode = SQLBindCol(hstmt,3,SQL_C_TCHAR,chBuffer,sizeof(chBuffer),&iDataLen);
                   while (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS)
                        retcode = SQLFetch(hstmt);
                        if (retcode == SQL_NO_DATA)
                             retcode = SQL_SUCCESS;
                   //     retcode = SQLGetData(hstmt,3,SQL_C_TCHAR,chBuffer,sizeof(chBuffer),&iDataLen);
                   //     STOP_IF_SQL_ERR(retcode);
              if (SQL_ERR(retcode))
                   MessageBox(null,_T("SQL statement execution error."),_T("Error"),MB_OK);
              } else     {
                             _stprintf(szMsg,_T("SQL execution success. Fetched rows: %ld"),iFetchedRows);
              MessageBox(null,_T("Unknown exception in eqTestOracleLOBSelect"),_T("Unknown exception"),MB_OK);
         if (hstmt != null)
              SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt);
              hstmt = null;
         if (hdbc != nil)
              SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc);
              hdbc = nil;
         if (henv != nil)
              SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv);
              henv = nil;
    SQLRETURN eqOpenConnectionODBC(TCHAR          *szDSN,
                                       TCHAR          *szUser,
                                       TCHAR          *szPassword,
                                       SQLHENV     &henv,
                                       SQLHDBC &hdbc)
         SQLRETURN retcode;
         henv = nil;
         hdbc = nil;
         //Allocate environment handle
         retcode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &henv);
         //Set the ODBC version environment attribute
         retcode = SQLSetEnvAttr(henv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void*)SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0);
         // Allocate connection handle
         retcode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, henv, &hdbc);
         // Set login timeout to 5 seconds.
         SQLSetConnectAttr(hdbc, SQL_LOGIN_TIMEOUT, (void*)5, 0);
         retcode = SQLConnect(hdbc, (SQLTCHAR*)szDSN, SQL_NTS,
                                            (SQLTCHAR*)szUser, SQL_NTS,
                                            (SQLTCHAR*)szPassword, SQL_NTS);
              if (SQL_ERR(retcode))
                   MessageBox(null,_T("Connection Error."),_T("Error"),MB_OK);
                   if (hdbc != nil)
                        eqShowStatementError(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc,retcode);
                        SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc);
                        hdbc = nil;
                   if (henv != nil)
                        eqShowStatementError(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv,retcode);
                        SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv);
                        henv = nil;
              } else MessageBox(null,_T("Connected."),_T("Success"),MB_OK);
         return retcode;
    void eqShowStatementError(SQLSMALLINT chHandleType, SQLHANDLE hHandle,long lErrOrig)
         SQLRETURN          nErr          = SQL_SUCCESS;
         int                    nRecNum = 1;
         SQLTCHAR          szSqlState[6];
         SQLTCHAR          szMsg[SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
         SQLSMALLINT          nMsgLen;
         SQLINTEGER          nNativeError;
         while ((nErr = SQLGetDiagRec(chHandleType,hHandle,nRecNum,
                                            szSqlState, &nNativeError,
                                            szMsg, sizeof(szMsg), &nMsgLen)) != SQL_NO_DATA)
              szSqlState[5] = 0;
              MessageBox(NULL,(const TCHAR *)szMsg,_T("ODBC Error"),MB_OK);

    Yes, the driver can be downloaded from OTN. I don't believe it will solve your particular problem, but it will help in general. If you don't grab the latest version, you'll probably have to chack the "Force SQL_WCHAR Support" option in the DSN configuration.
    From the help file
    "The C data type, SQL_C_WCHAR, was added to the ODBC interface to allow applications to specify that an input parameter is encoded as Unicode or to request column data returned as Unicode. The macro SQL_C_TCHAR is useful for applications that need to be built as both Unicode and ANSI. The SQL_C_TCHAR macro compiles as SQL_C_WCHAR for Unicode applications and as SQL_C_CHAR for ANSI applications."
    My first thought would be that your application is not being compiled as Unicode. If you substitute SQL_C_WCHAR for SQL_C_TCHAR when you're dealing with NCLOB columns, I suspect you'll have better luck.
    More help file
    "The SQL data types, SQL_WCHAR, SQL_WVARCHAR, and SQL_WLONGVARCHAR, were added to the ODBC interface to represent columns defined in a table as Unicode. These values are potentially returned from calls to SQLDescribeCol, SQLColAttribute, SQLColumns, and SQLProcedureColumns. In Oracle release or, the Oracle database does not support encoding columns as Unicode. These values would not be returned from the ODBC Drivers for Oracle release or for Oracle databases.
    In Oracle release, Unicode encoding was supported for SQL column types NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, and NCLOB. In addition, Unicode encoding was also supported for SQL column types CHAR and VARCHAR2 if the character semantics were specified in the column definition.
    Starting with release, the ODBC Driver supports these SQL column types and maps NCHAR to the SQL data type SQL_WCHAR, NVARCHAR2 is mapped to SQL_WVARCHAR, and NCLOB is mapped to SQL_WLONGVARCHAR. The SQL CHAR column is mapped to SQL_WCHAR and the VARCHAR2 column is mapped to SQL_WVARCHAR if the character semantics are specified for the column. While the Force SQL_WCHAR Support option is still available in the ODBC Driver, it is no longer required for Unicode support."

  • Selecting data from a RDBMS table using connector framework, JDBC-Connector

    Hi Experts,
    I'm trying to select data from a mysql database that is connected via the BI-JDBC System in the portal (EP 7 SP 11).
    The connection (using the Connector Gateway Service) is set up, but selecting data fails.
    Can you please give me a code example how to select data from a table using INativeQuery or IOperation / IExcecution ?? IQuery is depracted...
    Here my piece of code, actually method "connection.newNativeQuery()" throws exception "BICapabilityNotSupportedException: Operation is not supported":
         IConnection connection = null;
         public void connectToJDBCSystem(String jdbcSystem) {
           // open a connection
           try { // get the Connector Gateway Service
              Object connectorservice =
              IConnectorGatewayService cgService =
              (IConnectorGatewayService) connectorservice;
              if (cgService == null) {
                   response.write("Error in get Connector Gateway Service <br>");
              try {
                ConnectionProperties prop =
                   new ConnectionProperties(request.getLocale(), request.getUser());
                connection = cgService.getConnection(jdbcSystem, prop);     
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   response.write("Connection to JDBC system " + jdbcSystem + " failed <br>");
                   response.write((String)e.getMessage() + "<br>");
              if (connection == null) {
                   response.write("No connection to JDBC system " + jdbcSystem + "<br>");
              } else {
                   response.write("Connection to JDBC system " + jdbcSystem + " successful <br>");
           } catch (Exception e) {
                response.write("Exception occurred <br>");
                           // up to this point it works fine...
           // build query using an IExecution object obtained from the Connection object
           response.write("prepare query 'SELECT idArt, art FROM art' <br>");
           String qstr = "SELECT idArt, art FROM art";
           INativeQuery query = null;
           try {
              query = connection.newNativeQuery();             
              response.write("execute query...<br>");
              ResultSet rs = (ResultSet)query.execute(qstr);
              while ( {
                   response.write("<th>" + rs.getString(1) + "</th>");     
           } catch(Exception e)
              response.write("connection.newNativeQuery() failed <br>");
              response.write((String)e.getMessage() + "<br>");
           } finally {
                 if( connection != null )
                 try {connection.close();}
                              catch(Exception ee){}
    Many thanks in advance, Monika
    Edited by: Monika Verwohlt on Jan 26, 2010 9:49 AM

    However this doesn't affect the XML encoding in data retrieved from XMLType using PL/SQL or programs (but it does work OK for SQLPlus SELECT).When performing an explicit serialization, with getClobVal method or XMLSerialize function, the database character set is used :
    SQL> select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    SQL> create table test_nls of xmltype;
    Table créée.
    SQL> insert into test_nls values(xmltype('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><root/>'));
    1 ligne créée.
    SQL> select * from test_nls;
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="WINDOWS-1252"?>
    SQL> select t.object_value.getclobval() from test_nls t;
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><root/>
    SQL> select xmlserialize(document object_value as clob) from test_nls;
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><root/>

  • How to load a selective request from PSA to DSO using DTP?

    Hi Gurus,
    The PSA is having 3 requests, how to load the request number 2 from psa to DSO using DTP?
    Edited by: SDPSAP on Nov 15, 2011 7:58 PM

    Let us say that requests are 1,2 and 3. 1 being the first one and 3 is the last one. Now you need to load request 2 in DSO from PSA.
    - create a Delta DTP
    - Tick "Only Get Delta Once"
    - Tick "Get One Request Only"
    - Untick "Reterive Until No More New Data"
    - execute the DTP, it will load request 1 to DSO
    - delete this request from DTP
    - execute DTP again, it will load request 2 to DSO; this is what you need.
    If DSO is write optimized, you do not need to untick "Reterive Until no More New Data"; just execute the DTP, it will create 3 requests in DSO, delete first and last and you will get only 2 in DSO.
    I hope it helps.

  • How do I select text from multiple pdf pages using Microsoft Document Imaging

    Hello.  I have scanned 3 pages and saved to pdf, now in Microsoft Document Imaging I can only select text from the first page and cannot select text from the other 2 pages.  Is there a way to select multiple pages?
    Thank you.

    Why don't you ask in a MS forum? This forum is for an Adobe product and I have no idea why you are asking about Microsoft Document Imaging here.

  • Controlling table column alignment using variable

    Hi I'm new to Javascript, having only used Applescript before.
    I'm using Indesign 5.5 on Mac and I'm learning Javascript by adapting old Applescripts that I have been using for years.
    So, with an existing table, one of the things I want to do is to set the alignments in the columns using a varible. Here's what I've tried so far:
    function setColumnWidthsAndAlignments()
        var myWidths=[29, 23, 13, 13, 13, 13];
        var myAlignments=["leftAlign","leftAlign","centerAlign","centerAlign","rightAlign","rightAlign"];
        var numberOfColumns=myTable.columns.count();
        for (c=0;c<numberOfColumns;c++)
    but I get an error
    -- Object does not support the property or method 'myAlignments' --
    If I discard the variable myAlignments and just put leftAlign for example, it works, so maybe I'm not declaring the variable properly?
    I know I could add a few extra paragraph styles and cell styles and style the table that way, but I though this would be a good learning exercise (besides which I want to limit the number of paragraph styles in the document - there are enough already!)
    If anybody is really interested, I'd like to place the whole script here and would really welcome any feedback on how the structure could be improved or optimised or just tell me if I'm heading in the right direction.
    Thanks and regards,
    //Simple table script 1
    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll; //make sure that user interactivity is switched on ????  why????
    if(checkForOpenDocs()) //checks to see if there are any open Indesign documents
            if(targetMyTable()) //checks to see if the selection is inside a table - if not, gives an error dialog - if it is, returns variable myTable which can be used to target different parts of the table
                   // selectLastRow();
    function checkForOpenDocs()
        if (app.documents.length!=0)   //there is at least one document open
            myDocument = app.documents.item(0);    //get the id of the frontmost document - might be useful?
            return true;
            alert("There are no documents open");
            return false;
    function targetMyTable() //no matter what is selected in the table, change selection to be whole table
        if(app.selection[0]==null) //if there is nothing selected
            alert("There is nothing selected.");
            return false
        var mySelection = app.selection[0];
                                            //When a row, a column, or a range of cells is
                                            //selected, the type returned is always "Cell"
            case "Cell":
            return true
            case "Table":
            return true
            case "InsertionPoint":
            case "Character":
            case "Word":
            case "TextStyleRange":
            case "Line":
            case "Paragraph":
            case "TextColumn":
            case "Text":
            if(app.selection[0] == "Cell")
                return true
                alert("The selection is not inside a table.");
                return false
            case "Rectangle":
            case "Oval":
            case "Polygon":
            case "GraphicLine":
            case "TextFrame":
            if(app.selection[0] == "Cell")
                return true
                alert("The selection is not inside a table.");
                return false
            case "Image":
            case "PDF":
            case "EPS":
            if(app.selection[0] == "Cell")
                return true
                alert("The selection is not inside a table.");
                return false
    function resetTable()
        myTable.cells.everyItem().clearCellStyleOverrides (true);  
    function selectLastRow()
    function applyTableTextParaStyle()
        myParagraphStyle=myDocument.paragraphStyles.item("•table text");
        myTable.cells.everyItem().texts.everyItem().appliedParagraphStyle = myParagraphStyle;
    function removeRules()
    function applyAlternatingFills()
        myTable.endRowFillTint = 0;
    function setColumnWidthsAndAlignments()
        var myWidths=[29, 23, 13, 13, 13, 13];
        var myAlignments=["leftAlign","leftAlign","centerAlign","centerAlign","rightAlign","rightAlign"];
        var numberOfColumns=myTable.columns.count();
        for (c=0;c<numberOfColumns;c++)
    function setRowHeightsAndInsets()

    You'd probably have more luck trying something like:
    var myAlignments = [Justification.LEFT_ALIGN, Justification.LEFT_ALIGN,
    Justification.CENTER_ALIGN etc.]
    and then in the other line: ...texts.everyItem().justification =
    Alternatively, you could try keeping it as you have it, but perhaps
    changing it to this:
    texts.everyItem().justification = eval("Justification."+myAlignments[c]);...
    which just creates a string and then runs it with eval.
    At any rate, the problem as I see it with what you have is that you
    myAlignments is an array of strings, and you cannot access a property of
    an object (in this case Justification) with a dot+string. When you put
    "Justification.leftAlign" and it works, I think that's because leftAlign
    isn't acting as a string -- it's simply a property of the Justification

  • Select records from MS Access tables using multiple conditions

    I am trying to build s select list of team names for a
    sporting club website. The select list should include teams if the
    currently logged in user is a coach, team manager, assistant coach,
    player or a parent of a player.
    When I have only one group of conditions in the where clause
    it works fine. But that only accounts for one of the above roles.
    As soon as I ad an OR and another set of criteria my CF7 server's
    swsoc.exe goes into an permanent loop (well, at least 10 minutes, I
    reboot after that :-)
    For example, this works fine ...
    <!--- select teams I coach, assistant coach, manage, am a
    parent of a player, or am a player --->
    <cfquery name="teams"
    SELECT distinct teams.uid_team, team_name, uid_coach,
    uid_team_manager, uid_coordinator, team_asst
    from teams, player_agegroups, players
    (player_agegroups.uid_team=teams.uid_team and
    and teams.uid_season=#session.season# and
    Order by team_name
    But as soon as I add another condition cf7 goes into a
    <!--- select teams I coach, assistant coach, manage, am a
    parent of a player, or am a player --->
    <cfquery name="teams"
    SELECT distinct teams.uid_team, team_name, uid_coach,
    uid_team_manager, uid_coordinator, team_asst
    from teams, player_agegroups, players
    (player_agegroups.uid_team=teams.uid_team and
    and teams.uid_season=#session.season# and
    players.uid_invoice_to=#session.userid#) or
    (player_agegroups.uid_team=teams.uid_team and
    and teams.uid_season=#session.season# and
    players.uid_user=#session.userid#) or
    (player_agegroups.uid_team=teams.uid_team and
    and teams.uid_season=#session.season# and
    teams_uid_coach=#session.userid#) or
    (player_agegroups.uid_team=teams.uid_team and
    and teams.uid_season=#session.season# and
    teams.team_asst=#session.userid#) or
    (player_agegroups.uid_team=teams.uid_team and
    and teams.uid_season=#session.season# and
    Order by team_name
    Any combination hangs CF7, whether it be two, three or all
    conditions, and any combination of conditions..
    The teams table stores team name, coach, team manager,
    assistant coach and coordinator. Players table stores the player
    records, and the parent (uid_invoice_to), is part of the player
    record. player agegroups has the teams, with a record for each
    player in a team. The whole system is based around seasons, hence
    the #session.season# variable.
    What should happen is I get a very short list of teams. When
    I select a team from the select list I then go and grab all the
    player records from the player_agegroups table joined to the users
    table to get their names, date of birth etc...
    Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?

    You might try to change your query using a SQL JOIN command,
    so you can link the appropriate tables independently from the WHERE
    selection criteria. You could use Access to create the query and
    then go to the SQL command view to get the correct synyax.

  • Dynamic row/column VS. Variable.

    Hi Gurus,
    Here's the scenario. In the Data column of the layout, I want to have the following:
    1) Row #1 : Variable for Fiscal year/period - 001/2006 to 012/2006. ie. 'VAR0001'
    2) Row #2 :Total FY 2006.
    3) Row #3 : Variable for Fiscal year/period - 001/2007 to 012/2007. ie. 'VAR0002'
    4) Row #4 : Total FY 2007.
    Bare in mind that in my level, I have the variable for Fiscal year/period, for 001/2006 to 012/ 'VAR0003'.
    I also have both key figure and Fiscal year/period in my Data column.
    Now the issue is, it seems like in the Data column TAB of the layout, you can't flag the dynamic column feature and enter the variables (VAR0001, and VAR0002)in the same row, at the same time. The system overwrites them with 0FISCPER. Then it reads the 'VAR0003'in my level, and displays 001/2006 to 012/2007 automatically in the layout. Problem is, it doesn't allow me to insert those totals rows at the end of each fiscal year (rows # 2, # 4).
    Seems like the only way I can have these totals rows, is if I manually enter each fiscal year/period, therefore not able to use the Dynamic column feature.
    Any suggestions, or ideas ..?  Much appreciated

    Hi Anurag,
    Thanks for your response.
    The way you laid out the solution is one I have tried already. The 'BIG' issue here based on that solution is for row 1) the system does NOT let you both, flag the 'Dynamic' button, as well as entering the variable 'VAR0001' in the Data column TAB. It only lets you do one or the other.
    If you choose to Flag the 'Dynamic' button, then it dynamically lays out the Fiscal year/Period ranges that was defined in your planning level.
    The same issue goes for row 3), you get a display again of the same Fiscal year/Periods that were defined in the planning level.
    What I'm trying to achieve is have it do both (Flag Dynamic, and enter variable), as far as laying out dynamically the Fiscal year/period based on what's in my variables, not what's in my Planning level.
    Problem is, it wont let you do that, because it doesn't allow you to enter both the variables, as well as flagging the 'Dynamic' button. Only one or the other.
    Hope this makes it clearer.

  • Issues with selecting value from XMLType column

    I want to retrieve values from my XMLType column. Can anyone tell me why this works
    select XMLCAST
                   'declare default element namespace  "urn:hl7-org:v3"; (: :)
                    declare namespace voc = "urn:hl7-org:v3/voc"; (: :)
                    passing CCD_DOC as "doc"
                    returning content
                as VARCHAR2(4000)
         from CCDbut this doesn't?
        extractvalue(CCD_DOC,'/recordTarget/patientRole/patient/name/given') "given",
        extractvalue(CCD_DOC,'/recordTarget/patientRole/patient/name/family') "family",
        extractvalue(CCD_DOC,'/recordTarget/patientRole/providerOranization/name') "name",
        extractvalue(CCD_DOC, 'title') as Title
    from CCDwhere ClinicalDocument is the root element?
    I don't get any errors from the second one but the three XML-derived columns are null. The values are not retrieved while the values ARE retrieved using the first method.

    select x.*
      from CCD,
               default 'urn:hl7-org:v3',
               'urn:hl7-org:v3/voc' as "voc"
             passing CCD_DOD as "doc"
             given varchar2(128) path 'patient/name/given',
             family varchar2(128) path 'patient/name/family',
             name varchar2(128) path 'providerOranization/name'
           ) x

  • Passing selected members from excel add-in as parameters to calc script

    <p>Hi,</p><p> </p><p>I m trying  to pass parameters to a function in a calcscript(or member formula). The parameters will be members of adimension selected by users(from Excel add-in or Web analysis) atthe run time.</p><p> </p><p>For example, a user select years FY04,FY05,FY06 then I wantthese three years to be passed as parameters to my function.</p><p> </p><p>How can this be achieved in Excel and Web analysis?</p><p> </p><p>Hope to get a reply soon.</p><p> </p><p>Thanks,</p><p>Garima.</p><p> </p>

    <p>Thanks Bill and Tim.</p><p> </p><p>I checked the link sent by Bill but it doesn't seem that itwould be a help to me.</p><p>I checked the properties and methods mentioned.</p><p>Do you think it would be of use according to my requirement?</p><p> </p><p>Is there any other way or workaround for this?</p>

  • Estimated Rows Column, when using /*+ gather_plan_statistics*/

    does anybody know, where the Information of the estimated_rows (e-rows) Output comes from? I would like to auto check, when a explain uses wrong statistics.
    I know that is inside the dbms_xplan.display.display Package but i would like to use it out of a table -col
    By the Way i´m looking for a dbms_xplan output that uses the e-rows and a-rows cols and type=HTML. But i couldn´t find it.

    Thanks BrendanP
    oops sorry, bad question, i looked for e_rows, estimated_rows and so on in every table in the database :-(

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    I have to select multiple rows of ALV w/o using ctrl key.
    is it possible ????
    Iam displaying ALV using set_table_for_first_display.
    Thanks in advance,
    Anagha Deshmukh

    check this thread
    Re: Selecting multiple rows in ALV grid display
    hope it helps you.

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