Select where case

I am trying to build the query below to throw in SSRS.  I have a multivalued parameter called @category.  When the value of
USCATVLS_2 is blank I want to still have the option to pull it in my report.  Below is what I have started that doesn't work.  any ideas?

My parameter is multivalue, so it should look something like the syntax below, but the syntax doesn't check out.  Any ideas?

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    797836 wrote:
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    The results will come back using the default order by id. 1,7,54,55,56In case the order by docs and comments weren't clear on this point, there is no default order and they may come back in a different order. Usually after you've tested it to exhaustion to prove otherwise, then put it in production.
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    ThanksUsing the in list allows oracle to have other possible data access paths than simply running the query 5 times. If for whatever reason you don't want to order the results after they come back, it may be worth your while to just run the five queries serially in the order you want, using bind variables and so having identical queries. That may seem silly on its face, but then again, we don't know the real requirements, what else is going on, if this is simplified from the real code or whether there will always be 5.

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    Thanks in advance.

    CrazyAnie wrote:
    I have a query that was running fine till the time we were in Last month, we had a migration to, and the query has stopped running since then. It runs indefinitely, and finally I have to kill it. However, until, I had absolutely no problems with it. Not sure what changed in that causes it to never give me a result. The query is as below:
    SELECT T1.NAME,T2.AGE,T2.level, T2.AMT,
    FROM table1 T1, table2 T2
    ( = 'Peter' AND SUBSTR(T1.desc,1,15)=SUBSTR(T2.description,1,15))
    THEN 1
    ELSE 0
    Please advise!I'm surprised it runs in any version. You have a comma right before the keyword FROM. If you were not getting a compile-time error, that was a bug in that they fixed by
    It's still strange that the query runs for a long time. I would expect it to give you an error when you tried to compile it. Is there any chance that what you posted is not what you're actually running?
    Also, LEVEL, NAME and DESC are not good column names. How Oracle reacts to using keywords like that as column names can vary from version to version. If a word is in v$reserved_words.keyword, then it's best to avoid using it as a column (or table, or variable, or schema) name.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Nov 21, 2012 1:33 PM
    By the way, that WHERE clause is a lot more complicated than it needs to be. Why not use
    WHERE = 'Peter'
    AND      SUBSTR ( t1."DESC"     -- If you must use DESC, double-quote it
                , 1
                , 15
                ) = SUBSTR ( t2.description
                               , 1
                     , 15
                     )? Always think carefully before using CASE in a WHERE (or HAVING, or START WITH, or CONNECT BY) clause.

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    tradedate date;
    SELECT * FROM TRADEMIX WHERE TRADEDATE <= (SELECT CURRENT_DATE FROM DUAL); works just fine, I see that even Month displayed as char 'SEP' treated in right collating order. Wow !!!
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    trento wrote:
    Hi, all
    I just tried to play with that select where I need to pick up records with TRADEDATE < 'CURRENT-DATE' and really impressed how intuituve Oracle is.
    tradedate date;
    SELECT * FROM TRADEMIX WHERE TRADEDATE <= (SELECT CURRENT_DATE FROM DUAL); works just fine, I see that even Month displayed as char 'SEP' treated in right collating order. Wow !!!
    So looks I don't need to do anything special ? It's my first experience with Oracle, so I just want to confirm that it's really the case.
    Also what will be the best way to do select only for TRADEDATE = ' 2010' (all records for give year)? Do I need to do any to_char for that? Not sure about correct syntax, all sample in texbook noted the whole date string 'DD-MON-YY'.
    TrentYou have some other examples for dealing with a just the year component of dates, but let me also point out a simpler form of what you have here:
    select * from trademix where tradedate <= sysdate;Just reference SYSDATE. No need to do a subselect against dual.
    And keep these things in mind:
    Oracle always stores DATE data in its internal format. That format includes both date and time.
    NSL_DATE_FORMAT, and the TO_DATE and TO_CHAR functions only deal with the presentation of the date.
    Play with this:
    alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss';
    select sysdate from dual;
    alter session set nls_date_format='dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss';
    select sysdate from dual;
    alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy-Mon-dd hh24:mi:ss';
    select sysdate from dual;
    alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy-MON-dd hh24:mi:ss';
    select sysdate from dual;
    alter session set nls_date_format='mm-dd-yyyy';
    select sysdate from dual;
    select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from dual;
    select to_char(sysdate,'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') from dual;
    select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-Mon-dd hh24:mi:ss') from dual;Also keep firmly in mind that a character string is just that - a character string. No matter how much it may look like a date to you. Your keyboard is only capable of generating character strings. Your monitor is only capable of displaying character strings.

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    Syncing to a new computer.

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    i try to determine according to salary here is the sentence
    Select empno ,ename, sal, (case sal when sal<4000 then .05*sal
    when sal>4000 then .1*sal
    else 0 end) as "Required"
    from emp;
    it give me missing keyword erro

    Try this:
      2  (CASE
      3      WHEN SALARY<4000 THEN .05*SALARY
      4      WHEN SALARY>4000 THEN .1*SALARY
      5      ELSE 0
      6   END
      7   ) REQUIRED
      8   FROM EMP;
    21 rows selected.
    Note: Please post your error message.

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    (I think everyone's asleep on the iDVD boards, so I've taken the liberties of posting here also, sorry.... ssshhhhhhh....)
    My first time using iDVD (it's 5.0) --
    Exported sequence from fcp as QT.....
    Dropped into into 'drop zone' hit 'burn', and get "no video track defined"
    I searched this forum (iDVD) and it seems I need to tweek "shared" setting.... since I made the sequence in fcp (not iMovie), where is this 'shared' menu?
    Very perplexing...

    Here'w what Ken says from his article detailing iDVD:
    Once you have set all your markers, set an in and out point on your Timeline, File Menu > Export. From FCP 4.5 and FCE 2, select QuickTime Movie (not 'Using QuickTime Conversion').
    There is an option in the Save box, "Make Self contained". If you uncheck this box the movie that is generated will consist of pointers to your media. The export process will happen quickly and the resulting file will be small in size. This is a good choice if you will be using iDVD on the same Mac as your editing application. If you chose to "Make Self contained" the resulting movie will contain all of the media, it will take longer to export and the file size can be quite large, (about 22 gigs for a 100 minute movie). If you will be moving to a different Mac to work on iDVD then you'll need to have your movie be self contained. In either case, leave 'Recompress All Frames' unchecked.

  • SQL - Select Help - Case When? Return Value from Second Table?

    Hi - next to folks on this board I am probably somewhere between a Beginner and an Intermediate SQL user.
    Ive been using a case when statement in plsql to find "all those who's status in any program was cancelled during a specific time, but have become or are still active in a second program"
    So, Im effectively trying to return a value from a second table in a case when, but its not liking anthing other than a declared text like 'Yes' or 'No'.
    Here is the select statement - is there another way to do this where I can get the results I need?
    case when pp.party_id in (select pp1.party_id  -- Cancelled clients Active in another program
                                       from asa.program_participation          pp1,
                                            asa.curr_prog_participation_status cpps1
                                      where pp1.program_participation_id = cpps1.program_participation_id
                                        and pp1.party_id = pp.party_id
                                        and cpps1.code_value = 'ACT')
                then 'Yes' else 'No' end  as Active_in_Other_Prg
    So - in place of 'Yes' i basically want the program that they are active in or pp1.program_id, else Null
    It is possible that the client can be active in more than one program as well.
    Any assistance is greatly appreciated, i explored with if's and decodes but I cant get anything to work.

    Sounds like an outer join. See ora doc: Joins
    select p.*
    ,      q.party_id
    ,      q.program_id
    from   table_with_party_id p
    ,    ( select pp1.party_id  -- Cancelled clients Active in another program
           ,      pp1.program_id
           from   asa.program_participation          pp1,
                  asa.curr_prog_participation_status cpps1
           where  pp1.program_participation_id = cpps1.program_participation_id
           and    pp1.party_id = pp.party_id
           and    cpps1.code_value = 'ACT') q
    where p.party_id = q.party_id ( +)
    Note: In the example above there shoudn't be a space between the ( and +), but the forum software automagically converts this to
    The outer join will link show all records from the p table and only records from q if the party_id matches, ie q.party_id and q.program_id  will be null if there is no match.
    edit: added program_id

  • How to select a case sensitive value in SQL with C#

    I have an application that at the begining a user will login with a user name and password which is stored in the database. The SQL statement is as follows:
    "SELECT id_employee FROM employee WHERE employee_number='" + txtUserName.Text + "' AND passWord='" + txtPassword.Text + "'";
    For testing purposes I have set the password to the word test.   The problem is, if the user enters in TEST or TeSt or TESt  it will grant them access. How do I set it to force the correct case?
    I am using SQL 2005 for the database.

    You can also set Collation while comparing strings:
    "SELECT id_employee FROM employee WHERE employee_number='" + txtUserName.Text + "' COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS AND passWord='" + txtPassword.Text + "'  COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS";
    All comments about not doing this type of quering using command string, instead of command with parameters, they are apsolutely right.
    Nevertheless i will have only username as a parameter in the command and password will be return value from procedure. I will check for equality of entered password and returned one from command in C# code, and C# is case sensitive. There is a good security model implemented for password in AdventureWorks sample database for SQL Server 2005, in table Person.Contact.
    That model use two fields for password, PasswordHash and PasswordSalt. PasswordSalt is randomly generated hash when password is modified and with that salt, password string is encrypted, which produce PasswordHash. So when you want to authenticate a user, execute a command that will return a row(PasswordHash and PasswordSalt) for entered username, and in application you will encrypt entered username with PasswordSalt. If generated string is equal with the one returned PasswordHash, then you have a valid login. If nothing is returned from command or they are not equal, you have invalid login.


    CASE v_res_bl
    WHEN 'A' THEN RETURN pkg_a.get_id(c_yes,p_id);
    WHEN 'B' THEN RETURN pkg_a.get_id(c_no,p_id);
    select a
    INTO v_res_bl
    from table
    join 1
    join 2
    join 3
    where 1
    and 2;
    select a
    INTO v_res_bl
    from table
    join 1
    join 2
    join 3
    where 2
    and 2;
    CASE v_res_bl1
    WHEN 'A' THEN RETURN pkg_a.get_id(c_yes,p_id);
    WHEN 'B' THEN RETURN pkg_a.get_id(c_no,p_id);
    Can I use this ? Is it correct?

    Well, first you CASE v_res_bl, and in case of 'C' you select into the same variable and CASE another one (v_res_bl1). Is that the logic you want? At least, it is confusing.
    Perhaps an IF..ELSIF construction would be more readable and easier to debug or modify, if necessary.
    Furthermore, try to use exactly one return command in a function. Assign the desired values to a variable and return that value at the end of the function. Again, this will help in terms of debugging and modifying the function in the future and will be more structured and easier to understand for other developers.
    if v_res_bl = 'A' then
       v_ret := xy;
    elsif v_res_bl = 'B' then
       v_ret := yz;
    elsif v_res_bl = 'C' then
       if v_res_bl1 /* please give this another name! */ = 'A' then
          v_ret := ab;
       elsif v_res_bl1 = 'B' then
          v_ret := bc;
       end if;
    end if;
    return v_ret;Just a proposal...

  • How to "select" with case ignored???

    Hi everyone, I need to select a field from table, but the data might be written in low case or upper case, even mixed case. for example, i want to select "test" or "TEST" or "Test" in column, what should I modify in my sql "select column1 from tableA where column1 = 'test'" ???
    Thanks in advance

    How about ignoring punctuation marks etc. E.g. search for ABC yields A.B.C. , A-B-C, A B C, and other combinations if present. Does a tool which does something similar exist?

  • Select query case insensitive for data type VARG

    Hi Experts,
    I am having trouble in retrieving the results from a table using select query.
    I have a table (Users) as below
    Name (VARG)        Number(INTEGER)
    Murthy             0001
    murthy             0002
    when I am querying the table with select query as -
    select * from Users where Name = 'Murthy'
    this query is returning only one record which matches with capital letter of 'M', though both the record names are same.
    I have seen in IBM forum to make the select query as case insensitive using the UPPER key word, I have tried this as below -
    select * from Users where UPPER(Name) = 'MURTHY'
    But this query is not working in my case...
    My DB2 version is 8.1.5
    Can any one please help in fixing this problem...
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Murthy,
    your query is the right to one to select both records. I don't see why it doesn't work.
    Are you sure you posted the query that you have executed ?
    What is the result of this query ?
    But i don't really know how an VARG (Varying-length graphic string) will work. It could be that the UPPER-Function will work in another way as it works on VARCHAR.

  • Select, where column = alias

    is it possible to use c.LgDatM in where clause?
    I would like to tell him to give me values only for months from column LgDatM.
    My where clause:
    WHERE MONTH(LogDate) BETWEEN 3 and 4)
    and the code
    SELECT c.LgDatM, a.EmpCount, b.LgDat FROM
    (SELECT MONTH(LogDate) as LgDatM FROM [Prometheus].[dbo].[tblMain])c,
    (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Enumber) as EmpCount FROM [Prometheus].[dbo].[tblMain]
    WHERE MONTH(LogDate) BETWEEN 3 and 4)a,
    (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT LogDate) as LgDat FROM [Prometheus].[dbo].[tblMain]
    WHERE MONTH(LogDate) BETWEEN 3 and 4)b
    GROUP BY c.LgDatM, a.EmpCount, B.LgDat
    Then you very much

    SELECT Month(logdate)      AS lgdatm, 
           Count(DISTINCT CASE 
                            WHEN Month(logdate) BETWEEN 3 AND 4 THEN enumber 
                            ELSE NULL 
                          END) AS EmpCount, 
           Count(DISTINCT CASE 
                            WHEN Month(logdate) BETWEEN 3 AND 4 THEN logdate 
                            ELSE NULL 
                          END) lgdat 
    FROM   [tblmain] 
    GROUP  BY Month(logdate) 

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