Selecting css class - conditional statements

In my JSF app, there are several places where I would like to determine what css class to use depending on the outcome of a conditional statement. The rendered attribute would be possible to use, but will give a lot of redundant code (consider the example below).
<h:panelGrid columns="2" columnClasses="entityList,entityDetails" rendered="#{aBean.someTimes}">
(lots of code)
<h:panelGrid columns="2" columnClasses="entityList,entityErrorDetails" rendered="#{aBean.someOtherTimes}">
(same code)
</h:panelGrid/>I was putting my hope to <c:choose>, but this does not seem to work with my backing beans... Any ideas how to solve this?
Best regards,

Thank you for the rapid response!
You are right, your first example would work - but makes me put css information in my backing bean, which I would rather avoid (if possible).
About the <c: tags, I don't seem to get it right... Maybe someone can see what I am doing wrong? This is a fragment of my (test) code:
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
    <h:outputText value="#{mainBean.buildResult}"/>
    <c:if test="${mainBean.buildResult == 1}">
       <c:out value="test1"/>
    <c:if test="#{mainBean.buildResult == 1}">
     <c:out value="test2"/>
</body>The <h:outputText ...> does indeed print "1".

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  • Got action sequence to "loop" but it shows in all states - conditional statement to fix it?

    Using Flash Catalyst & Notepad (to open and alter the code in the "Main" MXML file) I'm able to "loop" an action sequence on the home state for my swf by changing the code as follows:
    <s:Parallel id="Sequence3">
    <s:Parallel id="Sequence3" effectEnd="">
    The desired effect is a sequence (of 4 images) that loops whenever a user is viewing the home state.  It is activated "On Application Start"
    The PROBLEM is that the loop continues in all other states (it appears in the background - behind the objects that are supposed to show up on the other pages and only begins to show up in each state when the sequence begins another loop).
    I am assuming I need a conditional statement --- something along the lines of:
    while (condition){ statements;} other words, ONLY while currentstate = "Home" it should loop the sequence. What would be the correct code for this conditional statement and where would the conditional statement be inserted to loop the sequence as desired???  Or... is there another better way??
    My current code for this action sequence is:
    <s:Parallel id="Sequence3" effectEnd="">
                <s:Parallel target="{designlayer1}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="500" startDelay="2100"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage2}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="2100"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage3}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="2100"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage4}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="2100"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage5}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="1650"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage6}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="1800"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage7}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="1950"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{designlayer5}">
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" duration="0" startDelay="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="2650"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="5300"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage8}">
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" duration="0" startDelay="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="2650"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="5350"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage9}">
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" duration="0" startDelay="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="2650"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="5350"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage10}">
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" duration="0" startDelay="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="2650"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="5350"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage11}">
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" duration="0" startDelay="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="2650"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="4750"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage12}">
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" duration="0" startDelay="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="2650"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="5000"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{designlayer6}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="5900"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="7900"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage13}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="5900"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="7550"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage14}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="5900"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="7900"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage15}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="5900"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="7750"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage16}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="5900"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="7900"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage17}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="5900"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="7900"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{designlayer7}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="8500"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" startDelay="11000"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage18}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="8500"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" startDelay="11000"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage19}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="8500"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" startDelay="11000"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage20}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="8500"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" startDelay="11000"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage21}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="8500"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" startDelay="10650"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage22}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="8500"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" startDelay="10800"/>
    Thank you!!!!!!!!

    Figured out my issue...
    I had to select each layer for the 4 photo sequence and "Remove From State" for each layer.  If this is done with all layers except the "Home" state, the images show only where appropriate.
    So...   "Loop an action sequence" is really easy.
    I've seen a lot of complaining that "FC can't do it" but with a very simple code mod, I was able to do it WITHOUT using the video timer method.
    I should also mention that I've never worked with Flash at all before this project and am only self-taught in HTML (basics).  I was able to make a pretty good looking Flash component for a web site and never would have attempted it without FC.  I have to say, while FC is a bit limited, GUI-based Flash is a great add for Adobe and will save me over $2k per year in web admin.
    To edit the document in Notepad as mentioned in the first post:
    the full text can be found here s/
    Editing MXML Documents
    To edit your projects MXML documents we first need to find the path to  the Flash Catalyst workspace. To do this publish your Flash Catalyst  project (CMD / CTRL + ENTER). Now, the browsers URL shows the path to  the project workspace. So in this URL,  "file:///Users/judah/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash  Catalyst/workspace/Project/bin-debug/Main.html", the project MXML  documents are located at, "file:///Users/monkeypunch/Library/Application  Support/Adobe/Flash Catalyst/workspace/Project/" when on a Mac.
    Flash Catalyst project files
    Project Files Description
    /src - location of the application source files
    /bin - the location of any additional flex libraries
    /bin-debug - location of testing swf
    /html-template - location of the html template that wraps around your application
    /src/Main.mxml - the main application file. make your application changes here
    /src/Main.css - the css stylesheet of the main application
    /src/components - the location of custom components and component skins
    /src/assets/graphics - location of optimized FXG graphic symbols
    /src/assets/images - location of images
    You can edit these XML documents in any text editor. To apply the  changes you need to save the file and refresh the Flash Catalyst  project. You can do this by opening the changed document in Flash  Catalyst code view. When we do this it will recognize the document has  changed and prompt you to use the newer version of the file. Select Yes.  If the project does not rebuild immediately publish it using CMD +  Enter.

  • Conditional statement in html

    This is actually not a JSP question but an HTML question. I could'nt find any good html forum sites out there, and since I received excellent replies in my previous post, I am hoping that those of you who know JSP also know html. Heres my question, is there any conditional statement in html (I don't want to use scripts)? The only conditional statement I found was the logic:equal (not equal) statement. And it seems to only work for forms. I am using JSP in conjunction with html so I used an inner html variable declaration in my JSP function. This variable will be used by my html code. And I would like to check the value of that variable in html.
    Heres my JSP function containing the inner html declaration:
    function showItemEdit(field)
    var elements = editWindowDiv.document.all;
    elements("editWindowField").value = "";
    fieldhtml.innerHTML = field;
    var retVal = null;
    retVal = window.showModalDialog("javascript:document.write(window.dialogArguments.innerHTML);editWindowInit();",editWindowDiv,
    if (retVal == "OK")
    The inner html variable, fieldhtml.innerHTML, is the value I would like to check in my html code.
    This is what I woul like to accomplish in my html code:
    if fieldhtml == register then
    <td class="bodymd">  <bean:message key="label.register"/>:</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="editWindowField" value="" maxlength="5"></td>
    <td class="bodymd">  <bean:message key="label.shift_no"/>:</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="editWindowField" value="" maxlength="3"></td>
    end if
    I am not sure how to accomplish if-else statements in html. I would appreciate any help. Thanks!

    You are mixing things a bit. There is no JSP in your example. You cannot do conditional statements in HTML. However, you can use JavaScript to output HTML:
    document.write("<yourHTMLTags>something else</yourHTMLTags>");

  • Using CONSTANT in Condition Statement

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    When I use Bind variables just like :bind, It works properly
    But What if I use as a CONTANT, It doesn't work.
    In my opinion, parenthesis is not work well.
    Please help me out
    thanks in advance and below is PL/SQL CODE
    iUserID          IN     VARCHAR2,
    ) AS
    C_AGENT CONSTANT VARCHAR(20) := '10,11';
    C_staff CONSTANT VARCHAR(20) := '40';
    C_newStaff CONSTANT VARCHAR(20) := '50';
    C_ETC CONSTANT VARCHAR(20) := '20,30';
    vJobId :=
    CASE iJobID
    WHEN '42' THEN C_staff
    WHEN '43' THEN C_newStaff
    WHEN '40' THEN C_ETC
    insert into tbl_monthly
    (emp_no, salary)
    select emp_no, salary from tbl_emp
    where Staff_cat in vJobId ;
    Message was edited by:

    Please check the changes:
    Note: table_name is changed to test.
    iUserID IN VARCHAR2,
    ) AS
    C_AGENT CONSTANT VARCHAR(20) := '10,11';
    C_staff CONSTANT VARCHAR(20) := '40';
    C_newStaff CONSTANT VARCHAR(20) := '50';
    C_ETC CONSTANT VARCHAR(20) := '20,30';
    vJobId          VARCHAR2(20);BEGIN
    vJobId :=
    CASE iJobID
    WHEN '42' THEN C_staff
    WHEN '43' THEN C_newStaff
    WHEN '40' THEN C_ETC
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'INSERT INTO tbl_monthly(empno, salary) SELECT empno, sal FROM scott.emp WHERE deptno IN ('||vJobId||')' ;

  • Java programming standard for conditional statement

    Is it proper Java standard to use constants first in a conditional statement? I've never seen coding in this way, even when I was in college I never saw it in any of our books.
    String x = null;
    if (null==x){
    //Do some stuff

    kevjava wrote:
    yawmark wrote:
    ...hence, more work.Not if "NAME_KEY" (i.e., the literal value) changes.
    ~If some wise guy resets it to null, then you've lost all benefit of making a constant out of it to begin withIf that happens, you've got some people problems to deal with! Anyways, if it's really a constant, it'll be final, right?
    .... and I was sort-of reiterating that it was a self-named constant... you're right, of course, but I guess I'm just peaved at having to see stuff like...
    private String JAN="JAN";
    private String FEB="FEB";
    // ...and on and on...
    // later...
    if (FEB.equals(month)) {
    // do stuff
    } else {
    // do stuff
    }Have you ever actually seen code like that in production? I wonder, what are you up to that a class needs its own, private, set of months?
    My point is that the three-letter abbreviation is always going to be "FEB" (yes, i18N and language specializations aside)Why put them aside, though? They're not exactly corner cases

  • Processing rows in a collection based on css class?

    Hi All -- I'm sorry if the answer to this is obvious, but I'm a bit stuck. I have a report based on an apex_ collection. I have a simple dynamic action that allows the users to click and highlight certain rows in the collection report (I just use toggleClass on a jQuery selector). Now I want to use only those highlighted rows in a pl/sql process.
    I think I must also need to update the collection somehow to indicate that a row is 'selected', like maybe set an unused column like c050 to a certain value, and then I can query those records and use that in my plsql? Highlighting is just in the browser and isn't visible to the db (correct?) so I think this is the best option?
    I guess also have the same question for columns, i.e. if I let the user highlight an entire column and I want to use only those column values in a plsql.
    Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    Still no luck. I reviewed this thread that looks very similar: Delete members in APEX_COLLECTION
    I added a check box to my report on the collection, but instead of deleting a member I just want to submit the page process with my pl/sql for the checked rows. I'll deal with the CSS class later. The page process is submitting but it's picking up all members of the collection whether they are checked or not. I'll see if I can reproduce on
    EDIT: Problem solved. I reviewed this answer (javascript - Oracle ApEx Checkbox to Manipulate Other Values When Checked/Unchecked - Stack Overflow)  on stackoverflow by Tom and now Scott's answer makes sense. I'm now using AJAX to copy the selected member into a truncated copy of the collection, and when the user is finished I'll use the new collection members for my pl/sql. This is a much better user experience because they can see the members that they select actually move into a new region real time. It looks awesome!

  • Applying CSS classes in DW 8

    The good old Dreamweaver 4 had a wonderful panel, with the
    css classes
    listed on it, that could be open all the time, where you
    could easily
    click and apply a class to a selection.
    This panel has vanished in subsequent versions (probably for
    good reasons).
    But still...
    My question is: is there an extention somewhere that provides

    That "Apply" button was removed because it caused problems.
    Clicking it
    more than once could result in multiple spans wrapping the
    tag, as I recall.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "David Powers" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:ecueve$p0d$[email protected]..
    > michael wrote:
    >> I know. And there are more options to do so.
    >> It is just that the old panel was so efficient and
    easy in use.
    > It's a long time since I last used Dreamweaver 4, so I'm
    very happy with
    > the current setup, but different people have their own
    preferred ways of
    > working.
    > AFAIK, there is no extension that re-creates that panel.
    You could always
    > submit an enhancement request to the Dreamweaver
    development team to try
    > to persuade them to bring it back.
    > --
    > David Powers
    > Adobe Community Expert
    > Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of

  • Adding custom css classes from within edge animate

    is it possible to add  CSS classes from within Edge Animate, im not talking about adding your own stylesheet by ex. manually editing the .html document, but rather adding classes via ex. the code window ?, it would be immensely helpful to have everything in one place.
    any suggestions on this one ?

    Yes - you can use addclass() and you can use UI.
    1- UI
    Select elements in elements panel. Click the C button in the property panel.
    Use this for example
    2- addclaas()
    Use same as above.
    On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 8:56 AM mads18950258 <[email protected]>

  • CSS link rel statements appear as comments. Not referenced. Help?

    My CSS link rel statements appear as comments and are not referenced by the web page locally.
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/PDGCommTemplates/HTN/css/newmain.css" />
    I have a new computer (windows 8 which I've learned to love... durress works miracles). I also had to switch to a designated server from a shared server, at the same time so several variables.
    When I created this site on my new computer I first created the site within Dreamweaver and then I opened the remote site and downloaded it's entirety to my hard drive. I've somehow created the problem in this process.
    The problem is in how the style sheets are directed. None of the original style sheets show up in the CSS Styles Panel, in either the all or the current tab. However when I open a page the style sheet titles all appear in the menu bar above the page (as short cut icons) and I can select/open them but get a note that the css file is a remote file and cannot be edited. When I hover over the shortcut icon in the menu bar the directory path appears as
    I can open the css files locally in the file manager and I can create new css files. The remote site is functioning.... however, my nameservers are not yet directed at it and I have had to change my host file to view it.
    So what I need to know is how do I direct the local pages to reference a local css page on my hard drive? I need the path to be C:/..../..../webpagename/httpdocs/PDGCommTemplates/HTN/css/newmain.css
    The root directory is httpdocs
    I ran this site no problem on my old computer as a document root site. I've only changed the computer and the server. Thanks for your help

    Thanks for your response,
    I may not have been clear in original post. The only time the http:// or the C:// prefix is present is when I hover over the file names in the menu bar above the open web page. I have not enterred them as such.
    The link rel comment is currently written as link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/PDGCommTemplates/HTN/css/newmain.css
    My current file tree is as follows:
    Is the link rel comment above wrong? Do I need to move my html files into the root directory? They are currently in the sub sub folder /HTN/

  • Installer hanging on selecting Desktop Class

    I downloaded the 32 bit Windows patchset from My Oracle Support early on in the week. When I try to install it on a Windows 7 machine, the installer hangs on the 'Installing Database' page after I select 'Desktop Class' and press the Next button.
    I had earlier chosen to skip software updates and the create and install a starter database option.
    Has anyone else experienced this, are there any log files created by the installer at this point that I can look at or can anyone help with a solution?

    Thanks Srini,
    I can confirm I have met all the pre-requirements and don't have spaces in the folders.
    The machine being installed on is Windows 7 SP1
    Here are the lines from the log file:
    INFO: Localizing view <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI> at state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
    INFO: Completed localizing view <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI> at state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state AutoUpdatesOptionsUI
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Validating view at state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
    INFO: Completed validating view at state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
    INFO: Validating state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
    INFO: Completed validating state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
    INFO: No updates will be downloaded or applied
    INFO: Verifying route NO_AUTO_UPDATES
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state supportedOSCheck
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <supportedOSCheck>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <supportedOSCheck>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Validating view at state <supportedOSCheck>
    INFO: Completed validating view at state <supportedOSCheck>
    INFO: Validating state <supportedOSCheck>
    INFO: Verifying target environment...
    INFO: Checking whether the IP address of the localhost could be determined...
    INFO: Completed verification of target environment.
    INFO: Completed validating state <supportedOSCheck>
    INFO: Verifying route success
    INFO: Get view named [InstallOptionsUI]
    INFO: InstallOptionsUI Entering Constructor
    INFO: InstallOptionsUI Exiting Constructor
    INFO: View for [InstallOptionsUI] is oracle.install.ivw.db.view.InstallOptionsUI@19713ea
    INFO: Initializing view <InstallOptionsUI> at state <installOptions>
    INFO: Completed initializing view <InstallOptionsUI> at state <installOptions>
    INFO: Displaying view <InstallOptionsUI> at state <installOptions>
    INFO: Completed displaying view <InstallOptionsUI> at state <installOptions>
    INFO: Loading view <InstallOptionsUI> at state <installOptions>
    INFO: Completed loading view <InstallOptionsUI> at state <installOptions>
    INFO: Localizing view <InstallOptionsUI> at state <installOptions>
    INFO: Completed localizing view <InstallOptionsUI> at state <installOptions>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state installOptions
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <installOptions>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <installOptions>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: InstallOptions UI Entering & Exiting processInput
    INFO: Validating view at state <installOptions>
    INFO: Completed validating view at state <installOptions>
    INFO: Validating state <installOptions>
    INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
    INFO: Is CRS Installed false
    INFO: Completed validating state <installOptions>
    INFO: InstallOptionsAction Actions.transition called
    INFO: selectedInstallOption is :INSTALL_DB_AND_CONFIG
    INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
    INFO: Is CRS Installed false
    INFO: launchNETCA = true
    INFO: Verifying route system_class
    INFO: Get view named [SystemClassUI]
    INFO: SystemClassUI Entering Constructor
    INFO: SystemClassUI Exiting Constructor
    INFO: View for [SystemClassUI] is oracle.install.ivw.db.view.SystemClassUI@6c9220
    INFO: Initializing view <SystemClassUI> at state <getSystemClass>
    INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
    INFO: Is CRS Installed false
    INFO: Completed initializing view <SystemClassUI> at state <getSystemClass>
    INFO: Displaying view <SystemClassUI> at state <getSystemClass>
    INFO: Completed displaying view <SystemClassUI> at state <getSystemClass>
    INFO: Loading view <SystemClassUI> at state <getSystemClass>
    INFO: Completed loading view <SystemClassUI> at state <getSystemClass>
    INFO: Localizing view <SystemClassUI> at state <getSystemClass>
    INFO: Completed localizing view <SystemClassUI> at state <getSystemClass>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state getSystemClass
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <getSystemClass>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <getSystemClass>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: SystemClassUI Entering & Exiting processInput
    INFO: Validating view at state <getSystemClass>
    INFO: Completed validating view at state <getSystemClass>
    INFO: Validating state <getSystemClass>
    INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
    INFO: Is CRS Installed false
    INFO: Completed validating state <getSystemClass>
    INFO: selectedSystemClass is :DESKTOP_CLASS
    INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
    INFO: Verifying route desktop_class_yes
    INFO: Get view named [QuickInstallUI]

  • Do you guys know where to populate the CSS class items on the WYSIWYG Editor as shown below?

    Do you guys know where to populate the CSS class items on the WYSIWYG Editor as shown below? We're trying to make it easily for the client to apply formatting by selecting the CSS Class on the list.

    The Page Template must contain a reference to exactly one stylesheet.
    That single <link rel="stylesheet"> tag must be directly in the <head> section of the Page Template, not in any content holder.
    The class to be added cannot have a selector any more complex than a single class. E.g., this is fine:
    .button {
         background-color: red;
         padding: 5px 10px;
    This will fail:
    .content .button {
         background-color: red;
         padding: 5px 10px;
    The classes to be added must each be added to the list in the Partner Portal (Partner Portal › Tools › Online Editor Settings › select your site from the dropdown › Editor Apply CSS).
    With caching disabled, the above changes will be visible when you change a page's Template and answer 'Yes' to the 'Do you want to reload?' alert box.
    More info here: CSS Styles are Missing in WYSIWYG Editor

  • Spry:select CSS Styling question

    I have this table in my html document and it works fine but
    I'd like to add one more thing that has me stumped.
    When the page loads. I'd like the CSS class mySelectClass to
    be applied to the first row program-atically. Currently when the
    paqge loads none of the items has the CSS class styling applied. I
    can select any other row except the first one and then the styling
    applies to that row and then go back to the first row and select it
    to apply the styling. The effect I'm looking for is to let the user
    know that the first row is selected already as soon as the page
    loads. Thanks a bunch.
    <div spry:region="dsCalmonths" class="float_left" >
    <tr spry:repeat="dsCalmonths" spry:setrow="dsCalmonths"

    You have to use the spry:selected attribute. Look at the
    product demo to see how its used in that table:
    --== Kin ==--

  • XSL vs CFML for conditional statements

    I want to use a server side transformation of an XML document
    using XSL to produce a set of HTML, Doc and PDF documents. However,
    I need to do some conditional processing (mainly if then formating
    issues for cases of null data) and I am wondering if I am better
    off doing them in XSL or in CFML. Does any one know of performance
    issues versus one way or another or can point me to some

    The XSQL Pages framework has never had an <xsql:if> conditional as a built-in action, so the article must be in error.Actually, the article (written by members of the Oracle XML Product Development Team) refers to the use of "<xsl:if>" within XSQL pages, not "<xsql:if>". Here's the excerpt from the article at the site -
    Support for XSLT Tags in XSQL
    Oracle XSQL pages are templates that enable you to assemble dynamic XML datapages based on one or more parameterized SQL queries. The processor then uses XSLT to transform the datapage to produce a final result in any desired XML, HTML, or text-based format. However, you can also use XSLT to assemble the XML datapages. For example, you can use XSLT to execute SQL queries conditionally by using <xsl:choose> or <xsl:if>. The following XSQL page shows the use of xsl:if to retrieve a summary or detailed information on the book list:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsql:query connection="demo" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql"
    xmlns:xsl=" /Transform">
    <xsl:if test="$detail = 'yes'">
    SELECT * FROM scott.BookList
    <xsl:if test="$detail = 'no'">
    SELECT Title, Authorname FROM scott.BookList</xsql:query>
    I'm just looking for clarification whether this is in fact true.
    The Online XSQL Documentation features examples illustrating how to accomplish this functionality. See the doc there, and search for "XSQL Servlet Conditional Statements".

  • Parsing/evaluating conditional statements

    I need some help developing an algorithm for parsing and evaluating conditional statements. I need to be able to handle variables, logical operators, relational operators, mathematical operators, and parentheses.
    For example:
    if ( (a+1 > b*5) and ((c +2) * 6 <= 5) )
    All the variables correspond to a number so the expression could be trivially converted to something like this:
    if ( (8+1 > 4*5) and ((6 +2) * 6 <= 5) )
    I am aware that infix expression can be converted to postfix expressions for easier evaluation, but I don't know exactly how this is done, nor do I know if this would be the best way to do it.
    If more information is needed let me know.
    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks, this is very helpful information. I ended up coding it by converting to postfix already and have had good results, but I will look into the tree method when I get some time and see if it works better for me. Also if you know what method would typically yeild the best performace for evaluation of the expressions, let me know.
    Also, for anyone else that might want to do this I coded a simple stack class to get around creating objects for evaluating integer/boolean expressions, as long as its not a problem if exceptions are not thrown if the expression's logic is messed up.
    Thanks again,
    public class IntStack
        private int[] stack;
        private int top;
        public IntStack(int maxSize)
            stack = new int[maxSize];
            top = 0;
        public void push(int value)
            stack[top] = value;
        public int popInt()
            return stack[top+1];
        public void push(boolean value)
            if (value)
                stack[top] = 1;
                stack[top] = 0;
        public boolean popBool()
            return stack[top+1] == 1;
        public boolean isEmpty()
            return top == 0;

  • Reg: Passing Image url through CSS Class

    How can i pass the image through Css class ?
    Thanks in advance.

    I am not sure if that can be done in css file though.
    I suppose you are using the backing bean for setting the skin (just read your old thread). If yes, you can add two images to your page and set the visible property according to the current skin. Something like
    <af:image id="i1" source="../images/first_logo.gif" visible="#{seesionScope.currentSkin == 'First'}"/>
    <af:image id="i2" source="../images/second_logo.gif" visible="#{seesionScope.currentSkin == 'Second'}"/>
    If i select Second CSS file then the logo will be change according to the style class defined in First CSS file .AFAIK, the company logo would be static ;) .

Maybe you are looking for

  • HT4759 After updating I can no longer see iTunes or iBooks, what do I do to see them again?

    After updating iOS, now I can't see the iTunes app or iBooks.  The buttons are still there, but when you click on it, it comes up blank.  How do I get it back?

  • Why can't I change ACL permissions of a volume on mac os x 10.6

    Hello, I'm currently working with a Mac OS X 10.6.8 Server with 2x1TB drive installed in RAID configuration (/Volumes/LTRK) and 1x2TB installed as a regular volume (/Volumes/LTRK2/). For both volumes I could set all permissions perfectly, but recentl

  • PL anonymous block does everything, but then gets stuck

    We have a PL/SQL block that loops through a cursor, and inserts data into another table. We're having a strange issue with it... Every single line of code within it appears to function correctly... It does everything we want it to. The last line on i

  • Extending the timeline in Photoshop CS6

    In CS6, I cannot find the option to extend the duration of my photoshop document.  I am using Photoshop to make a short hand-drawn animated film.  Currently, the document is 300 frames long, but I would like to extend that to 400 frames.  Can anyone

  • Loosing thumbnails in iphoto

    loosing thumnails in iphoto, Ive got like 30,000 pics in my library all have the same thumbnail. Every time i rebuild the thumnail gallery its fine until i close and restart, then im back to the same universal thumnail. ive tried rebuilding everythin