Selection commands

Can I get an overview of all selection commands used in Reporting........

Check this links.

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  • SELECT command denied

    Hi guys,
    We have an issue about toplink. We have two enviroments, a developer enviroment glassfish 2.1, windows xp and java 1.6. Our application have toplink essentials, JPA and some entities mapped. In developer enviroment it all works done but in test enviroment we cant execute any query! And we cant understand why, we talk with our DBA and he got all grants to user but we have allways same problem:
    [#|2009-12-30T12:31:03.562-0300|WARNING|sun-appserver2.1|oracle.toplink.essentials.session.file:/opt/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/kmonitor-EAR/KMonitor-ejb_jar/-KMonitor|_ThreadID=225;_ThreadName=p: thread-pool-1; w: 196;_RequestID=fda25a98-2c3a-43d0-ae4e-4a1c1cd3167f;|
    Local Exception Stack:
    Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.1 (Build b31g-fcs (10/19/2009))): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: SELECT command denied to user 'km_dsv'@'cassini' for table 'fontestatus'
    Error Code: 1142
    Call: SELECT id_fontestatus, criacao, usuario_criacao, nome, alteracao, codigo, usuario_alteracao, descricao FROM kmonitor.fontestatus WHERE (id_fontestatus = ?)
         bind => [1]
    Query: ReadObjectQuery(com.knowtec.suiteic.kmonitor.informacao.entity.Fontestatus)
    Its the first query and its executed from JPA... we use mysql database.
    Here persistence.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <persistence version="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <persistence-unit name="KMonitor" transaction-type="JTA">
    <persistence-unit name="KMonitor-standalone" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
    We use KMonitor in glassfish, stand-alone unit is not used and ignore it.

    Hi I discovered problem. Top link doesnt have correct message for this problem!
    My entity had this annotation:
    @Table(name = "fontestatus", catalog = "databasename", schema = "")
    But catalog doesn´t exist in test enviroment, only development! solution is delete this:
    @Table(name = "fontestatus")

  • Using a VARCHAR2 in a SELECT command

    I'm trying to query for a given path in a hierarchy of products. However, I want to be able to have it return multiple values. So, I created a string in my function below that returns identifiers like "(34, 43, 54)" to be used in a SELECT IN. The function works fine, but the select command fails. How can I get the SELECT to work?
      ALIAS VARCHAR2(128)
      PROD_IDS VARCHAR2(1024);
      PROD_IDS := '(';
          IF LENGTH(PROD_IDS) > 1 THEN
            PROD_IDS := PROD_IDS || ', ';
          END IF;
        END IF;
      END LOOP;
      PROD_IDS := PROD_IDS || ')';
    *** Doesn't like the varchar2 returned from the function ***
    Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-01722: invalid number
    *** Function works ***
    SELECT FIND_PROD_BY_PATH(5, '/my/product/path/*') FROM DUAL;
    FIND_PRODS_BY_PATH(5, '/my/product/path/*')                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
    (301152, 301202, 301252, 301302, 301403)

    Your function is effectively returning a single string, which is not automatically devived into individual tokens for using in the IN clause.
    How to circumvent this is best described here:
    (search for "Varying IN Lists")

  • Problem with MySQL - WLS61:General error: select command denied to user: '' for table 'finess'

    I've been trying to adapt and deploy an enterprise appliaction developped and deployed
    before under JBoss.
    My database is MySQL and I use Together Control Center for development and hot deployment.
    After having modified a lot of things (the seamless protability seems always sor
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    WLS61:General error: select command denied to user: '[email protected]' for table
    Off course the user foo has all possible and imaginable rights.
    Does anybody have an idea on how to get around it ?

    Found the answer... email that went to junk mail. Hope this helps others!
    Hello Subscription User,
     Thanks for choosing ClearDB for your database needs. We appreciate your business and 
     your interest in our services. Our commitment to all of our customers is that we 
     provide a high quality of service on all of our database systems. Part of that 
     commitment includes the enforcement of database size quotas in order to ensure 
     the highest quality of service for our customers.
     As such, we're sending you this automated message regarding one of your databases:
     Database: wp____
     Tier/Plan: Mercury
     Tier size quota: 20 MB
     This database has either reached or has exceeded its maximum allowed size for the 
     'Mercury' plan/tier that it currently belongs to. As such, our systems were forced to 
     place a read-only lock on it. We kindly encourage you to upgrade your database 
     to a larger tier/plan so that we can restore write privileges and enable complete 
     access to it from your account.
     If you feel that you have received this notification in error, please feel free 
     to contact us by replying to this email along with information that you feel may 
     assist us in assessing the situation with your database.
     Thanks again for choosing ClearDB,
     The ClearDB Team

  • Cannot change SELECT command Datalist

    Hi , 
    I have a datalist with a selectedcommand , but i want to change it at runtime ( i have a dropdownlist and want to search based upon the values of dropdownlist) , I used this in button click event:
    if (DropDownList1.Text=="blabla")
                this.SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT prodID,[Prodname], [Price], [ProdCode], [Weights], [Size], [Photo] FROM [Products] where Cat='ct1' and Price<10000 ";
    but  nothing happens. I also tried 
    but it doesn't work for me . any ideas ?

    Try the below code.
    if (DropDownList1.Text == "blabla")
    SqlDataSource SqlDataSource1 = new SqlDataSource();
    SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT prodID, [Prodname], [Price], [ProdCode], [Weights], [Size], [Photo] FROM [Products] where Cat='@cat' and Price < @price";
    SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add("cat", TypeCode.Int32, "1");
    SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add("price", TypeCode.Decimal, "1");
    //your connection string from web.config
    SqlDataSource1.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectString"].ConnectionString;
    DataList1.DataSource = SqlDataSource1;

  • SQL: combined SELECT-command possible???

    Hello Experts!
    in the enclosed SQL-command I'm actually selecting from table EKPO only the open POs with no reference in order-history (EKBE). Now I want to enlarge/combine this command in that way that additionally records from order history (EKBE) with a special movement type in EKBE are selected on top.
    Is it possible or do need a second select-command in the Z-application???
    THANKS for a response.
    select ebeln ebelp menge meins txz01 bukrs matkl
             werks matnr mtart labnr elikz pstyp from ekpo as b
        into (itab-bestnr, itab-pos, itab-best_mng,itab-meins, itab-text,
             itab-bukrs, itab-matkl, itab-werks, itab-matnr, itab-mtart,
             itab-labnr, itab-elikz, itab-pstyp)
        where ( mtart = 'ETMW' or mtart = 'ETVB' ) and
              menge > 0 and
              loekz <> 'L' and
              loekz <> 'S' and
              elikz <> 'X' and  " Endliefer-KZ
              ebelp not in ( select ebelp from ekbe where
                                    ebeln = b~ebeln ).
    Edited by: Bernd Thielemann on Jul 21, 2008 4:37 PM

    The result should be all open orders!
    1.) no EKBE
    2.) EKBE but quantity of goods receipt (WE) is less than quantity of the PO
    3.) intercompany-POs (stock transport order) have other movement types (like LFS and WA) which do not effect the status of the open PO until good-receipt movement is posted in the receiving plant .
    First/Second condition is realized. Third condition is the gap until now.

  • Problem on select command for table AFKO-GSTRS,AFKO-GSUZS

    Hi all Abaper,
    I faced a problem on using select command to select out the records from table AFKO (Production order header)
    If i want to select out records that
    AFKO-GSTRS >= 14.4.2006 (schedule start date)
    AFKO-GSUZS >= 00:00:00 (schedule start time)
    AFKO-GSTRS <= 15.4.2006 (schedule start date)
    AFKO-GSUZS <= 00:00:00 (schedule start time)
    The select statement:
           ( GSTRS >= GV_ST_DATE AND GSUZS >= GV_ST_TIME )
    PS.  if GV_ST_DATE = 14.4.06,  GV_ST_TIME = '00:00:00'
            P_DATE AND = 15.4.06,      P_TIME = '00:00:00'
    This statement just select out records in
    between 14-15.4.06 and at time '00:00:00'.
    some Production orders at 14.04.06 ,'09:00:00' will be filter out.
    I know the problem on that system just consider the date and time separately.
    Does anyone know how to link the date and time up? or does any data type allow for combination of date and time data?
    Thx for your reply in advance~

    Thx Amit and Vijay.
    The data type for GV_ST_DATE, P_DATE are <b>SY-datum</b>
    and GV_ST_TIME, P_TIME  are <b>SY-UZEIT</b>
    Actually, P_DATE & P_TIME are user input parameters.
    The records I wanna get are the period back 24 hrs from P_DATE & P_TIME.
    For example, if user input P_DATE = 15.04.2006,
                               P_TIME = '10:00:00'.
    Then records selected out should be:
    from 14.04.2006 , '10:00:00' TO 15.04.2006, '10:00:00'
    if production order schedule start = <b>14.04.2006 , 09:00:00</b>
    it will be <b>included</b>.
    if production order schedule start = <b>15.04.2006 , 01:00:00</b>
    it will be <b>excluded</b>.
    However, the following statement cannot get the desired records.
    Since GV_ST_TIME & P_TIME are both = '00:00:00',
    for Production order( sch start date = 14.04.2006 , sch start time = 09:00:00 ), '09:00:00' is greater than '00:00:00' but it is not less than '00:00:00'.
    Thus, this Pro. Order will be filtered!!
    However can improve my SQL statement to get the desired data?

  • Long select command

    hey, I have a real long select command and it goes down to the next row of my sql*plus. when i try to perform it it says the from statement is in the wrong spot but its just getting confused. how do i fix this?

    Just manually edit the query and add adequate line feeds. That would make the query readable too.

  • SELECT Command on Associative Array

    I have a question on associative arrays in ORACLE.
    I m working on one assignment where I am not allowed to create any object into the database e.g. Create temporary tables, use of cursors etc.
    For data manipulation i used associative array, but at the end i want to show that result in pl/SQL developer.
    I know that I can't use select command on associative arrays.
    Any alternative/solution for it?
    Also is there any way that i can write the contents of associative array to a .csv file?

    user13478417 wrote:
    I m working on one assignment where I am not allowed to create any object into the database e.g. Create temporary tables, use of cursors etc.Then cease to use Oracle - immediately. As you are violating your assignment constraints.
    ALL SQL and anonymous PL/SQL code blocks you send to Oracle are parsed as cursors. And as you are not allowed to use cursors, it will be impossible to use Oracle as cursors is exactly what Oracle creates... and creates a lot of. For every single SQL statement. And every single anonymous PL./SQL block.
    For data manipulation i used associative array, Why? Arrays is a poor choice in Oracle as a data structure most times as it is inferior in almost every single way to using a SQL table structure instead.
    Pumping data into an array? That already severely limits scalability as the array requires expensive dedicated server (PGA) memory. It does not use the more scalable shared server (SGA) memory.
    Manipulating data in an array? That requires a "+full structure scan+" each time as it does not have the indexing and partitioning features of a SQL table.
    Running a SQL select on an array? That is using a cursor. That also means copying the entire array structure, as bind variable, from the PL/SQL engine to the SQL engine. An excellent way to waste memory resources and slow down performance... but hey you can still shout "+Look Ma, no --brains-- hands, I'm not using any SQL tables as dictated by my assignment!+".... +<sigh>+
    Any alternative/solution for it?You mean besides using Oracle correctly ?
    You could reload the shotgun and shoot yourself in the other foot too. That should distract you for from the pain in the first foot.

  • Select command on sqlplus

    We have our first Oracle database here, and I'm finding some problems to deal with sqlplus.
    When I start a select command to list the rows from a table which has 567 rows, I have a very big answer and I'm not able to see the first columns...
    I'd like to know how I can obtain the answer page by page...
    Is this possible ?

    set pagesize 10This will give you a header every ten lines.
    Of course, you may ALSO have to do
    set linesize 120or something based on your screen size.
    and also, you may have to set each columns (that you are selecting like this
    col some_column_name format a10This will format it to 20 characters eventhough the column is defined as let's say varchar2(100).

  • Select command handling

    hey guys i am handling Selec command.i ahve a doubt as to how can a select command which comes as case 2 be handled in t=0 and t=1 protocol.
    the command is 00 a4 04 00 00

    CDTPCAPI wrote:
    ok let take the scenario:
    1.usual case:
    when a select command is issued with p3=08 (00a40400081122334455667788)and followed by 8 bytes aid,the select handler will search card registry for a partial/full match for the given aid in the apdu buffer.
    2.Now if select command comes with P3=00(00a4040000),it signifies that isd must be selectd and its responce data must be sent to the terminal.
    As per the the defin of select command, a select command is always followed by an aid and p3 is considered Lc for the command.But when select comes with p3=00 (00a4040000) the Lc and data field of the command must be ignore,Le should be set to 00 and it shu now be handled as a case 2 command.
    Now for a case 2 command(emv std) whever the le field is 00, an errro status of 6cxx must be sent so that the previous command header is repeated with le set to xx.6Cxx is a warning condition, not an error.
    So in above discussu lets say Isd selection generated 12hex bytes of data and the termianl issues 00a4040000.So folowin the protocol,6c12 will be sent out.the termianl willnow repeat select command as 00a4040012.
    So now while procesing,there is no way to find out that the select command was previous a case 2 commmandYou're correct in your finding that JC and EMV specs clash at this point. Thats why VGP describes the above situation and mandates EMV compliance, thus violating JC. I cannot paste you the content (as VGP is not an open specification), but you can get an idea when looking into GP 2.1.1: A.2 GlobalPlatform on a Java Card, T=0 Transmission Protocol:
    T=0 Transmission Protocol
    GlobalPlatform cards are intended to be functional in the widest range of environments (i.e. Card Acceptance
    Devices). Currently the Java Card™ 2.1.1 Runtime Environment (JCRE) Specifications and the Java Card™ 2.2
    Runtime Environment (JCRE) Specifications describe the behavior for case 2 commands (when using the T=0
    protocol) in contradiction to EMV 2000. GlobalPlatform mandates that the JCRE shall handle this case of
    command in accordance with ISO/IEC 7816: An applet receiving a case 2 command builds the response and
    invokes the appropriate API to output the data. If the data is less than the data expected by the terminal, the
    OPEN will store the data and output a 6Cxx response code and wait for the CAD to re-issue the command with
    the correct length. When the re-issued command is received the JCRE will manage the outputting of the stored
    data.As you seem to be working on a smart card OS, you will have control over the communication layer.

  • Select Command Le check. Can't get the Le.

    Hello all.
    I have a question.
    I am making an applet.
    Into the Select command, I think my applet cannot get the Le data.
    The Le value has always '00' even though the select command Le value has been changed.
    First, in order to get the Le, I used the apdu.setOutgoing(), which returns Le, and then I checked the Le != 0.
    However, I think the setOutgoing() always returns '00' in my applet, and the applet does not perform the checking Le statement.
    I guess my testing environment or performing follow has a problem, but I am not sure.
    I want to hear your opinion and how to test in this case.
              short idl = apdu.setIncomingAndReceive();
              byte[] apduBuffer = apdu.getBuffer();
              short le = (short)(apdu.setOutgoing() & (short)0x00ff);
              if(apduBuffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_CLA] != CLASS_ISO)
              Util.arrayCopy(fileControlInformation, (short)0, transientData, TD_OFF_FILE_CONTROL_INFORMATION, (short)fileControlInformation.length);
              if((apduBuffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_P1]!=(byte)4) || ((apduBuffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_P2]!=(byte)0)))
              if((apduBuffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_LC] == (byte)0) || (idl == (short)0) || (apduBuffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_LC] != (byte)idl) || (le != (short)0))
    For example,
    Although wrong Le is added, the applet returns 9000.
    I know why the applet returns 9000.
    The point is how to test it correctly.
    Thank you.
    글 수정: Jin

    not really, "select application" can return whatever you like, and most applets do return something: a file control information template (fci) giving the AID and other info (for an example, try to select a card manager). That's a good practice: because you can select an application with only part of an AID, the applet usually replies with this complete AID. [tell the card: "Hello ath", she will respond "Hello, understood, but if you want to know, my full name is Athena" :) ]
    Jin, can you post your whole process() algorithm for the select command, including: how are you returning data? do you use apdu.SendBytes() ?
    if you have a contactless card it is possible that Le is always zero, because according to iso7816 zero means "all available data".
    why? because a contactless card (or a T=1 card) can return any length without prior indication, so it does not need Le.
    or it might be a bug in your javacard implementation...
    You can use apdu.SetOutgoingLength() to indicate the real length of the response, and usually the card OS (below javacard) relies on that to create a 6CXX response if there's a problem.
    A workaround can be: Read Le in the apdu buffer at the correct offset, and send a 6CXX SW yourself if you're not satisfied with it.
    I'm expecting more details from you to fully understand the problem.

  • Select command for 2 dimensions

    Hi All,
    Can we use Select command for query from 2 dimensions ?
    or how to do the query using script logic ??
    any suggession ??
    Here's the expand parameters :
    ROW                     ROW

    More detail is needed.  This is for BPC and which version?
    - Are you trying to USE script logic to "SELECT" 2 sets of data for use in a logic statement?
    - Or are you trying to build a report that will NEST 2 sets of ROW data? 
    Any other details would be helpful so we get a clear picture of the question

  • Select Command taking a lot of time to execute

    Dear Experts,
    My below SELECT command taking a lot of time to execute.
          SELECT wid
                       INTO TABLE open_wid FROM zwb_table
                       WHERE ( weight2 = 0 OR weight2 IS NULL ).
    Table : zwb_table contains around 7 Lacs records. That's why taking a lot of time . I have also Indexed the table zwb_table with field WID & WEIGHT2 . (zwb_table contains only WID as Primary Key Field)
    Structure of Internal Table : open_wid ->
                                             wid LIKE zwb_table-wid,
                                             matl_desc LIKE zwb_table-matl_desc,
    Please suggest me how to Improve the Performance of the above Select command.
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Jack,
    you are having morethan 7lack records in z table. it is not good practice fetching all the records into internal table and restricting with where clause in loop statement.
    I hope you already created secondary index combination of primary key.
    check you select query fetching records based on index you have created in ST05.
    Refer below link for your program is using index that you have created.
    Re: Indexing
    Edited by: peranandam chinnathambi on Apr 7, 2009 8:38 AM

  • Count  the total of SELECT command to particular table

    Does anyone know how to count SELECT command for particular table in certain period, like one day / week / month ?

    Assuming you have a date column to differentiate, then something like:
    FROM table
    WHERE date_column BETWEEN TO_DATE('20030119 00:00:00','yyyymmddhh24:mi:ss') AND TO_DATE('2003011923:59:59','yyyymmddhh24:mi:ss')will count records for Jan 19. Just substitute the appropriate range for what you want to count for the others.

  • ** Is it possible to give select command from multiple tables in JDBC

    Hi Friends,
    Is it possible to give the select command to select data from multiple tables directly in the 'Query SQL statement' in JDBC sender communication channel ? (Instead of Stored Procedure)
    Thanking you.
    Kind Regards,
    Jeg P.

    here is a sample:
    Table #1
    Name EmpId Status
    Jai 5601 0
    Karthik 5579 0
    Table #2
    Name Contactnumber
    Jai 9894268913
    Jai 04312432431
    Karthik 98984110335
    Karthik 04222643993
    select Header.Name, Header.EmpId, Item.Contactnumber from Header,Item where Header.Name = (select min(Header.Name) from Header where Header.Status = 0) and Header.Name = Item.Name
    Regards Mario

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