Selection in Info set characters.

I have a report based on an info set which has a selection based on contact person.
There are many entries for contact person, but I want to show only those which are in the DSO.
Is this is possible? There is a setting in info object BEx tab for this but however i found that it wont work when the report is based on an info set.
Do anyone know the solution?

I assume, you have Contact person as the linking field between two providers in your infoset and the join is outer join.
If you give restriction to any field which is only from your DSO for ]#[, then you will get data for the contact person, only if you have data for that contact person in your DSO .
If you reporting only on the DSO fields, then you can go for the Info Provider restriction.

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    It may be because of your settings. You can modify that setting in System Preferences > Trackpad. Another way of making right-click is to click the app icon while holding the Control key

  • How to create code for an additional field in an info set

    I have an info set in tra SQ02 and the area is HCM with version ERP2004.
    I need to create an additional field to show "Work permit" in ad hoc queries. I know that the infotype 0016 has a standard field P0016-ARBER which contains a date if that person has a work permit. System should select the latest record or the one which is valid during reporting period.
    The requirement for this new field is that it should just has X if the field P0016-ARBER contains a date (i.e. that person has a work permit). If the field  P0016-ARBER is empty, then the new field "Work permit" is also empty. So, the date itself is not enough.
    I am not an abaper. I have tried to create a code for my field but there is always problems with the code. I have tried without the line<i>into</i> but checker says I need to. I have tried different places for statement ENDSELECT but without success. How should I do this?
    What I have so far is (TYOLUPA = Work permit) is shown below:
    select SINGLE ARBER
    into TYOLUPA
    from PA0016
    where pernr = P0016-pernr
    and ENDDA = '31129999'.
    clear TYOLUPA.
    if ARBER ne ''.
    then TYOLUPA = 'X'.
    Thanks for your advice!

    In extras tab  create column "workpermit" in infoset and add that column to Field groups.
    Then under record processing event...
    DATA : TYOLUPA like PA0016-ARBER.
    Under Record processing event.
    select SINGLE ARBER
    into TYOLUPA
    from PA0016
    where pernr = P0016-pernr
    and ENDDA = '31129999'.
    if  TYOLUPA  ne ' '.
      WORKPERMIT = 'X'.
    Don't forget to reward if useful...

  • Info set query

    Hello everybody,
    I have a problem with the creation of info set (tcode : sq00 and sq02)
    I need your help, i have to develop a query with a number Purchase Order and number of invoice.
    For example : for a number of invoice : 5105617263
    i have with TOAD (soft) this :
    select distinct ekko.ebeln, rseg.belnr
    from sapsr3.ekko, sapsr3.rseg
    where ekko.ebeln = rseg.ebeln
    and rseg.belnr = '5105617263'
    and ekko.mandt = '350'
    EBELN        BELNR
    4500013374   5105617263
    4500014267   5105617263
    I've tried to have the same result with an info set (sq02) and i have this :
    Purchase Order           Invoice
    4500013374               5105617263
    4500013374               5105617263
    4500013374               5105617263
    4500014267               5105617263
    4500014267               5105617263
    4500014267               5105617263
    4500014267               5105617263
    I dont know to develop in ABAP and i want to know if it's possible to have DISTINCT in an info set ?
    Or which table can i use to have this ?
    Thank you very much

    thanks for your answers.
    I tried to create a z programm with tcode SE38 but i dont have the key.
    I would like to know if i can write this code on the tcode sq02 ?
    this is my code :
    FUNCTION /1BCDWB/IQG000000000487EXTR.<br>
    ""Interface locale :<br>
    *"  TABLES<br>
    *"      %DTAB STRUCTURE  /1BCDWB/IQG000000000487<br>
    *"  CHANGING<br>
    *"  EXCEPTIONS<br>
    *"      NO_DATA<br>
    *"      NO_AUTHORIZATION<br>
    *"      ILLEGAL_PACKAGE<br>
    *"      CURSOR_NOT_OPEN<br>
    call function 'RSAQRT_SET_IDENTIFICATION'<br>
    exporting iqid        = %iqid<br>
              sscr_report = sy-repid<br>
    changing  rtmode      = %rtmode.<br>
    if %rtmode-pack_on = space or %rtmode-first_call = 'X'.<br>
       call function 'RSAQRT_FILL_SELECTIONS'<br>
         tables   selopt = %selopt<br>
         changing rtmode = %rtmode.<br>
    call function 'RSAQRT_INIT_TEXTHANDLING'    <br>
         exporting class   = 'CL_TEXT_IDENTIFIER'<br>
         wsid    = 'G'<br>
         infoset = 'REQUETE_EBELN'.<br>
    if %rtmode-no_authchk = space<br>
    and ( %rtmode-pack_on = space or %rtmode-first_call = 'X' ).<br>
    refresh %auth_tabs.<br>
    append 'RBKP' to %auth_tabs.<br>
    append 'EKBE' to %auth_tabs.<br>
    append 'EKKO' to %auth_tabs.<br>
    call function 'RSAQRT_AUTHORITY_CHECK'<br>
              auth_tabs         = %auth_tabs<br>
              auth_clas         = 'CL_QUERY_TAB_ACCESS_AUTHORITY'<br>
              rtmode            = %rtmode<br>
              NO_AUTHORIZATION  = 1.<br>
    if sy-subrc = 1.<br>
       raise no_authorization.<br>
    data: %l_no_further_fetch type flag, " stop fetching<br>
           %l_hits_cnt         type i.    " cnt for %dbtab entries<br>
       if %rtmode-pack_abort = 'X'.<br>
         if not %dbcursor is initial.<br>
         close cursor %dbcursor.<br>
    if %rtmode-pack_on = space or %rtmode-first_call = 'X'.<br>
          if not %dbcursor is initial.<br>
              close cursor %dbcursor.<br>
          open cursor with hold %dbcursor for<br>
          from ( RBKP<br>
               inner join EKBE<br>
                  on  EKBEBELNR = RBKPBELNR<br>
               inner join EKKO<br>
                on  EKKOEBELN = EKBEEBELN )<br>
               where RBKP~BELNR in SP$00001<br>
               and EKKO~EBELN in SP$00002 .<br>
    if %dbcursor is initial.<br>
      raise cursor_not_open.<br>
    while %l_no_further_fetch = space.<br>
          fetch next cursor %dbcursor<br>
          if ( ( %rtmode-acc_check = 'X' and<br>
               sy-dbcnt > %rtmode-acc_number )<br>
              or sy-subrc <> 0 ).<br>
              %l_no_further_fetch = 'X'.<br>
               check SP$00001.<br>
               check SP$00002.<br>
              call function 'RSAQRT_TEXTFIELD_REFRESH'.<br>
               %dtab-BELNR = RBKP-BELNR .<br>
               %dtab-RMWWR = RBKP-RMWWR .<br>
               %dtab-WAERS = RBKP-WAERS .<br>
               %dtab-WMWST1 = RBKP-WMWST1 .<br>
               %dtab-WAERS001 = RBKP-WAERS .<br>
               %dtab-EBELN = EKKO-EBELN .<br>
               append %dtab.<br>
               %l_hits_cnt = %l_hits_cnt + 1.<br>
               if %rtmode-pack_on = 'X'<br>
                   and %l_hits_cnt >= %rtmode-pack_size.<br>
                    %l_no_further_fetch = 'X'.<br>
    if %l_hits_cnt = 0.<br>
         if not %dbcursor is initial.<br>
          close cursor %dbcursor.<br>
         raise no_data.<br>
    if %rtmode-pack_on <> 'X'.<br>
          close cursor %dbcursor.<br>
    read table %dtab index 1 transporting no fields.<br>
    if sy-subrc ne 0.<br>
         raise no_data.<br>
    if i can write this code on the sq02, where i must write this ?  DATA ? INITIALISATION ? START-OF-SELECTION ?
    Thank u very much for your help !
    Edited by: missmiss25 on Oct 23, 2009 10:09 AM

  • Re: Info set and query transport under same request number

      I would like to know the details about info set and query transport from development to quality using SAP Query:  Trnasport quesion is,
    Can i create all info sets and related queries under same request number or will it be created in diffrent request numbers?Please respond any body to my question.
    Suresh Kumar.

    No it is possible as per SAP.
    Please read follwoing help-
    It is talking abou the Special Features of InfoCubes in InfoSets.
    For queries based on an InfoSet with an InfoCube, the system decides at runtime whether aggregates can be used for the InfoCube. This is the case if all the required InfoObjects of the InfoCube exist in an aggregate. The following InfoObjects are required:
    The key figures of the InfoCube selected in the query
    The characteristics of the InfoCube selected in the query
    The characteristics required for a join with other InfoProviders in the InfoSet.
    Furthermore, as a prerequisite for using aggregates, all the data required by an InfoCube must be readable using logical access. For an InfoCube within an InfoSet with InfoCubes, it is no longer possible to read part of the data from one aggregate and part of the data from another aggregate or the InfoCube itself.

  • Custom fields of standard info types to be included in Info set query

    Hi All,
    I want to understand if the following scenario is entirely a fucntional config or ABAP efforts are also required.
    A standard info type is already included in the Info set. But the (Z fields) in the Additional fields column of the IT are not visible in Info set for the respective  info type.
    I understand, with T-code SQ02 infotypes can be included in the existing info set, but not aware about the Z fields of a Standard Infotype.
    Hence, please let me know, if there is any config which is required, so that they are reflected in Info set.
    Thank you in Advance.

    Make sure you have the infoset in edit mode.
    if it is correct you see the addtional fields in the left half of the screen at the infotype.
    Select the field group on the right half of the screen, go to the left half of the screen, select the field you want to add to the fieldgroup with right mouse click and select 'add field to fieldgroup'
    good luck

  • I can no longer select "get info" it is grayed out

    Since upgrading to iTunes 11, most of my genres, song titles, etc. have been changed, and I cannot select "get info" to change them back.

    This may depend on which version of iChat we are talking about
    Up and until iChat 4.x.x the OS had a System Preferences > Quicktime pane
    The Streaming setting in here needs to be at 1.5Mbps T1/Intranet/LAN (the Automatic and LAN/Intranet don't always work properly).
    You may not have enough internet Speed.  This will measure Upload and Download speed (Based on what your computer can "See" of your Bandwidth if your connection is shared)
    The Upload is often Lower and is the controlling factor.
    It needs to be at least 256kbps (often reported as 0.256Mbps)
    Your OS may have "Lost Contact" with the camera
    Check in other apps to see if the camera works .
    8:43 PM      Friday; September 7, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Info set , info provider and info spoke

    Hi gurus plz give me the difference in between info set and info provider and info spoke. and give me what are the prerequisites are needed to process infoset, infoprovider and info spoke?

    An InfoProvider is an object for which queries can be created or executed in BEx
    Check this for more,
    An InfoSet is a special view of a dataset, such as logical database, table join, table, and sequential file, and is used by SAP Query as a source data. InfoSets determine the tables or fields in these tables that can be referenced by a report. In most cases, InfoSets are based on logical databases.
    SAP Query includes a component for maintaining InfoSets. When you create an InfoSet, a DataSource in an application system is selected.
    Navigating in a BW to an InfoSet Query, using one or more ODS objects or InfoObjects.You can also drill-through to BEx queries and InfoSet Queries from a second BW system, that isConnected as a data mart.
    The InfoSet Query functions allow you to report using flat data tables (master data reporting).Choose InfoObjects or ODS objects as data sources. These can be connected using joins.You define the data sources in an InfoSet. An InfoSet can contain data from one or more tables that are connected to one another by key fields.The data sources specified in the InfoSet form the basis of the InfoSet Query.
    Check the link for more,
    Info spoke is an open hub destination defines to which target the data is to be relayed.
    Check this link for more,
    Check this doc also,
    Hope this gives you a good idea...


    HI ALL

    Temporal Join
    Join containing at least one time-dependent characteristic.
    Time-dependency is assessed when the resulting set is determined. A time interval is assigned to each record in the resulting set. The records are valid for the duration of the interval to which they are assigned (valid time interval).
    If only one time-dependent characteristic is contained in the join, note that there are several records in the database for a value of this characteristic. For this reason, several records can turn up in the results amount for the join which can be only be distinguished from one another by time-dependent attributes and the valid time interval of the characteristic. You can filter such records using a time selection. .
    If two time-dependent characteristics in the join, only combinations of InfoObject records with the same validity area time period are included in the results row. This also applies if there are more than two time-dependent InfoObjects in a join.

  • Error message when checking Aggregates on Info-set based Query

    Hi All,
    I have an Info-set (Inner-join between Info-cube and DSO) based Query. When I checking whethere it is picking up the aggregates (which is created on Info-cube) or not in RSRT, it is giving me following message -
    I have checked fully that whatever fields I am using in my Query are available in Info-cube's Aggregate.
    Even when I am running same query (which I have created on same Info-cube direclty) in RSRT, it is picking up the aggregates.
    I have put the Request status 'Rolled up data (Rollup)' in Info-cube in Info-set as well.
    Please guide me what I need to do for picking up the aggregates.
    Dheeraj Kumar Garg

    No it is possible as per SAP.
    Please read follwoing help-
    It is talking abou the Special Features of InfoCubes in InfoSets.
    For queries based on an InfoSet with an InfoCube, the system decides at runtime whether aggregates can be used for the InfoCube. This is the case if all the required InfoObjects of the InfoCube exist in an aggregate. The following InfoObjects are required:
    The key figures of the InfoCube selected in the query
    The characteristics of the InfoCube selected in the query
    The characteristics required for a join with other InfoProviders in the InfoSet.
    Furthermore, as a prerequisite for using aggregates, all the data required by an InfoCube must be readable using logical access. For an InfoCube within an InfoSet with InfoCubes, it is no longer possible to read part of the data from one aggregate and part of the data from another aggregate or the InfoCube itself.

  • How to select only last 4 characters in a column of type varchar2

    The data in column P_JACKS.LABEL is in the form of:
    I'd like to select only the 3 characters following the '-' dash, and find the maximum of that set.
    This must be simple, I know, but so am I. Can someone please help me with this?

    I'm sure there is some slick regexp way to do it but this should work
    WITH t AS
      (SELECT '294-001' value FROM dual
      SELECT 'B01-099' FROM dual
      SELECT '194A-098' FROM dual
    SELECT greatest( (SUBSTR( value,LENGTH(value)-2,1)), (SUBSTR( value,LENGTH(value)-1,1)), (SUBSTR( value,LENGTH(value))) )
    FROM tmaybe I misunderstood do want to the max for the whole group as in 99
    or did you mean 3 rows with values
    which is what I did
    Edited by: pollywog on Sep 9, 2010 6:45 PM
    Edited by: pollywog on Sep 9, 2010 6:47 PM

  • Default sales org on selection screen using set and get parameter!!

    I need to default value on selection screen using SET n GET parameter...logic to be used should be:
    Sales Organisation:
    This field should be filled by default using the user parameter id VKO. (using sentence GET PARAMETER and SET PARAMETER)...
    Hope i need to write the code in initialisation and what shud b the content?

    TABLES <table name>.
      SET PARAMETER ID VKO FIELD <tablename-fieldname>.
    call transaction 'zxx'.
    try this sample program,
      WRITE: 'Select a booking',
                        'CON' FIELD SBOOK-CONNID,
                        'DAY' FIELD SBOOK-FLDATE,
                        'BOK' FIELD SBOOK-BOOKID.
    Message was edited by:

  • Xml parsing error while selecting whole result set for sql query

    Hi All,
    I am having xml parsing error while selecting whole query result set. The data is coming fine for default result set of 50 rows.
    My exception is below.
    ORA-31011: XML parsing failed
    ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
    LPX-00234: namespace prefix "xsi" is not declared
    Error at line 1
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 254
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    *31011. 00000 - "XML parsing failed"*
    **Cause: XML parser returned an error while trying to parse the document.*
    **Action: Check if the document to be parsed is valid.*
    My sql query is below that is giving results for default result set of 50 rows.
    select extract(xmlType(clob_xml_colm_name), '//v2:node1//childnode/text()','xmlns:v2="namespace_url"').getStringVal()  from table_name
    My sql developer version is below.
    Java(TM) Platform     1.7.0_04
    Oracle IDE
    Versioning Support
    My database version is below.
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit
    Please could any one help me urgently as the sql query is supposed to be correct as it is returning query results, but the problem happening when i try to select whole result set.
    Thanks and regards,

    What does the XML look like? It appears that some of the supposed XML stored as a CLOB is not really valid XML. Find the row in the table that is causing your issue and review the "XML" in it.

  • Itunes problem: when I change the file "media type" from 'Music' to 'Podcast' the file disapears from ITUNES. I do this via (1) right click, (2) select 'Get Info', (3) select 'options' tab, and (4) change media type. What is the problem?

    Itunes problem: when I change the file "media type" from 'Music' to 'Podcast' the file disapears from ITUNES. I do this via (1) right click, (2) select 'Get Info', (3) select 'options' tab, and (4) change media type. What is the problem?

    Hi Memalyn
    Essentially, the bare issue is that you have a 500GB hard drive with only 10GB free. That is not sufficient to run the system properly. The two options you have are to move/remove files to another location, or to install a larger hard drive (eg 2TB). Drive space has nothing to do with SMC firmware, and usually large media files are to blame.
    My first recommendation is this: download and run the free OmniDiskSweeper. This will identify the exact size of all your folders - you can drill down into the subfolders and figure out where your largest culprits are. For example, you might find that your Pictures folder contains both an iPhoto Library and copies that you've brought in from a camera but are outside the iPhoto Library structure. Or perhaps you have a lot of purchased video content in iTunes.
    If you find files that you KNOW you do not need, you can delete them. Don't delete them just because you have a backup, since if the backup fails, you will lose all your copies.
    Don't worry about "cleaners" for now - they don't save much space and can actually cause problems. Deal with the large file situation first and see how you get on.
    Let us know what you find out, and if you manage to get your space back.

  • SAP Query Alias Table in Info-set not working

    Hi Guys,
    I'm having a bit of trouble with a query I'm writing in SQ01.
    I am trying to create a standard margin report between two different costing variants that we use.
    n order to do so I have had to employ the use of alias tables.
    I have named the alias tables KEKO_2 and KEPH_2 accordingly and joined them in the info set with the same joins as the original tables (Left Outer to MARC on MATNR and WERKS)
    However, when I have come to test the query in SQ01 I get a runtime error which states the following:
    The following syntax error was found in the program
    "Field "KEPH_2-KST001" is unknown. It is neither in one of the specified
    tables nor defined by a "DATA" statement . . . . . . . . . ."
    But it is in a specified table! My alias table.
    How can I make this query work?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    This is SAP business one reporting and printing forum. Please find correct forum and repost your question to get quick assistance.
    Please close this thread by marking helpful answer.
    Thanks & Regards,

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