Selection suite for rectangle

          This is saravanan. I am new to indesign cs3 plugin development. I need a example selection suite for rectangle selection with geometric bounds values like width and height. Please any one give a proper solution of my request.

If you are developing a plugin the best place to ask this is inthe InDesign SDK forum, for a script ask in InDesign Scripting.

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      I saw many desktop themes with white or light grey background a few years ago, but now, many of them turn into black background with white or blue or cyan or others color of fonts.
      As a programmer, I am just curious about the theme: which type is suited for long term use of computer?
      I have tried both, and found grey background is easy to read because it is similiar to read on paper, but it looks like a lighting-bulb!; black background with blue font is cool, along with less luminosity, seems free my eyes.
      But another problem is the color choosing. With light grey background, it seems any color is right. But with black background, colors should be carefully selected, since some colors are not suit black background at all.
      Grayscale is another one. With light grey  background, I can easily tune my font in grayscale, like Japanese cartoon paper (I like it very much!), gracifully to distinct keywords. But with black background, it is ugly to use grayscale to distinct keywords.
      How about your ideas?
    Last edited by ShinChyn (2010-05-29 08:20:50)

    Dont mean to duplicate your effort Ogion, but Hrwa's Dark Forum userstyle worked well for me, and I only made a few changes. Here's what I use:
    @namespace url(;
    @-moz-document domain("") {
    /*#brdheader .box, #punredirect.pun{
    background-image: url( !important;
    background: /*url( top left */#111111 !important;}
    td.tcl, td.tcr, #idx1>.box, #idx2>.box, #idx3>.box, #idx4>.box,
    #brdstats.block>.box, #brdfooter.block>.box, #vf.blocktable>.box, .box>form,
    .rowodd>.box>.inbox, .roweven>.box>.inbox, .roweven>.box, .rowodd>.box, h2,
    .fakeform, #searchform.blockform>.box, .pun>.blockform>.box,
    #users1.blocktable>.box,.block2col >.blockmenu >.box, .rowodd, .roweven,
    #postpreview.blockpost>.box, #punredirect.pun>.block>.box>.inbox,
    #punredirect.pun>.block>.box, #helpfile>.box{
    background-color: #222222 !important;
    border-color: #111111 !important}
    th.tcl, th.tcr, .tc2, .tc3, blockquote, .codebox, .infldset>dl>dd{
    background-color: #333333 !important;
    border-color: #111111 !important;}
    .tcl, .tc3, .tc2, .tcr, dd, dd>a:hover, .tcr>a:hover, h3>a:hover,
    .conr>li>a:hover, .conl>li, .linkst>.inbox>ul>li>a:hover, .pagelink>a:hover,
    .tclcon>a:hover, .tclcon>strong>a:hover, .postlink>a:hover, .conr>li>a:hover,
    .subscribelink>a:hover, .postmsg>p, .postsignature, .incqbox, dt>strong>a:hover,
    .postmsg>p>a:hover, .postsignature>strong>a:hover, .postsignature>a:hover,
    .postquote>a:hover, .bblinks>li>a:hover, .incqbox>p>a:hover, .infldset>dl>dt,
    .clearb, .conl, #profile1>p, .isactive>a, .postleft>dl>dt>strong,.infldset,
    .linkst>.inbox>ul>li, .pun select, .postlinksb>.inbox>ul>li, .postfootleft>p,
    #punredirect.pun>.block>.box>.inbox>p>a:hover, .newtext>a:hover, .tc2>a:hover,
    .postlinksb>.inbox>ul>li>a:hover, #helpfile>.box, .postedit>a:hover{
    color: #999999 !important}
    /* textbox */
    .inform>fieldset>legend { color:#999999 !important;}
    .infldset>label>textarea { color:#111111 !important; }
    .postleft, .postfootleft, .blockpost label, .pun select{
    background-color: #303030 !important}
    .postright, .postfootright{
    background-color: #222222 !important;
    border-color: #303030 !important}
    .icon{border-color: #999999 !important;}
    .inew{border-color: #0771a6 !important;}
    I commented out the external logo calls (since the new logo area fits really nicely with this style), The sections I commented out can probably be removed safely, and I made the textbox post area more readable.  Now I love the new webpage layout!
    Here's the dark home page style I'm using, also based on Hrwa's archlinx homepage userstyle, but I havent made too many changes there, other than the package search box needed a little tweeking.   I havent really checked the other pages, I do know the wiki pages have some issues with this style, if anyone else wants to help out
    @namespace url(;
    @-moz-document domain(""),
    /*#archtitle>a, #logo{
    background-image: url( !important;
    width: 341px !important;
    height: 103px !important;
    background:/* url( top left */#111111 !important;}
    #content, .foot,code,#pkgsearch{background-color: #111111 !important;}
    .searchButton, .historysubmit, input#searchInput, #wpMailmypassword,
    #wpLoginattempt, .loginText, .loginPassword, #wpCreateaccount, #wpRealName,
    #wpUserEmail, #wpNick, #wpUserLanguage, #wpOldpass, #wpNewpass, #wpRetypePass,
    #prefcontrol>div>input, #wpHourDiff, #guesstimezonebutton, #wpCols, #wpRows,
    #wpRecentDays, #wpRecent, #wpWatchlistEdits, #wpWatchlistDays, #wpSearch,
    #wpSearchLines, #wpSearchChars, #wpStubs, #wpNewTitle, #wpReason,
    #movepage>table>tbody>tr>td>input, #bodyContent>form>input, #wpSummary,
    #wpPreview, #wpSave, #wpDiff
    {color:#111111 !important}, #p-navigation>.pBody, #p-tb>.pBody, #searchBody, .box, #updates, #footer, .toc, #catlinks, .greybox,
    #ca-nstab-main>a,#ca-talk>a, #ca-edit.istalk>a, #ca-edit>a, #ca-addsection>a,
    #ca-history>a, #ca-viewsource>a, #pagehistory>li, #ca-nstab-project>a,
    #ca-nstab-special>a, #ca-nstab-category>a, #mw-pages>table, #bodyContent>table,
    #bodyContent>table>tbody>tr>td, .post2, .post-title>a, .post-contents,
    .post-footer>p>a, .person-info, #gitbody, .page_header, .page_footer, input,
    .light, #menu, #pm-menu, select, #tasklist_table > tbody > tr>td,
    #taskdetails, #comments, #commentstab>a, #relatedtab>a, .vc_diff_header>th,
    .vc_diff_chunk_header>td, .pgbox, .data2, #content>#search, #userloginForm>form,
    #userloginForm>form>table, #userlogin2, #userlogin2>table, #ca-watch>a,
    #ca-nstab-user>a, #preferences.jsprefs, #prefsection-0.prefsection>table,
    #prefsection-0.prefsection>fieldset>table, #preftoc>li,
    #prefsection-5.prefsection>table, #prefsection-7.prefsection>table,
    #ca-move>a, #movepage>table, #ca-unwatch>a, .redirectmessage,>fieldset, #historytaba, #events, #ca-nstab-help>a, .notice,
    .notice>tbody>tr>td>a>img, .notice>tbody>tr>td{
    border-color: #111111 !important;
    background-color: #222222 !important;}
    .news, div>span, p, h3, td, h2, input, #lastmod, #viewcount,
    #copyright, th>b, ul>li, ol>li, dl>dd, .results>tbody>tr>th>a,
    .listing>tbody>tr>th,.results>tbody>tr>th, tr>th>b, pre, #bodyContent>div,
    .pkgr2, #id_q, #id_last_update, td>input, #id_repo, #id_arch, #id_limit, .title,
    #intromessage, #tasklist_table>thead>tr>th>a, #menu, select, #comments,
    #fineprint, .vc_diff_header>th, .f3, .f4, .f2, .blue, .firstHeading,
    .mw-headline,p>a:hover, td>a:hover, .news>a:hover, .foot>a:hover, span>a:hover,
    .links>li>a:hover, b>a:hover, dd>a:hover, .listing>ul>li>a:hover,
    .post-title>a:hover, #devlist>a:hover, #gitbody>.page_header>a:hover,
    #gitbody>.page_nav>a:hover, #n-mainpage>a:hover, #n-portal>a:hover,
    #n-currentevents>a:hover, #n-recentchanges>a:hover, #n-randompage>a:hover,
    #n-help>a:hover, #n-sitesupport>a:hover, #t-whatlinkshere>a:hover,
    #t-recentchangeslinked>a:hover, #t-upload>a:hover, #t-specialpages>a:hover,
    #t-print>a:hover, #t-permalink>a:hover, #bodyContent>ul>li>a:hover,
    .rcoptions>a:hover, #mw-pages>table>tbody>tr>td>ul>li>a:hover,
    .external:hover, .toctext:hover, .tocnumber:hover, #toplevellink:hover,
    #homelink:hover, #roadmaplink:hover, #intromessage>a:hover, #fineprint>a:hover,
    #comments>div.attachments>a:hover, .comment_changes>li>a:hover,
    .commenttext>a:hover, #preftoc>li>a, #comment_text, #bodyContent{
    color: #999999 !important;}
    b>a, p>a, dd>a, h5, #n-mainpage>a, #n-portal>a, #n-currentevents>a,
    #n-recentchanges>a, #n-randompage>a, #n-help>a, #n-sitesupport>a,
    #t-whatlinkshere>a, #t-recentchangeslinked>a, #t-upload>a, #t-specialpages>a,
    #t-print>a, #t-permalink>a, .toctext, .tocnumber, .toctoggle, td>a, span>a,
    #bodyContent>ul>li>a, #bodyContent>ul>li>ul>li>a, #ca-nstab-main>a, #ca-talk>a,
    #ca-edit.istalk>a, #ca-addsection>a, #ca-history>a, #ca-viewsource>a,
    #ca-edit>a, #ca-nstab-project>a, #ca-nstab-special>a, #ca-nstab-category>a,
    #mw-pages>table>tbody>tr>td>ul>li>a, .page_header,
    .page_header>a, .page_nav>a, #intromessage>a, #toplevellink, #homelink,
    #roadmaplink, #fineprint>a, #taskdetailstext>a, #comments>em>a,
    #comments>div.attachments>a, .comment_changes>li>a, .commenttext>a, .black,
    .rcoptions>a, #ca-watch>a, #ca-move>a, #ca-unwatch>a, #bodyContent>ol>li>a,
    color: #0771a6 !important;}
    .comment-header, .pkgr2, #id_q, #id_last_update, td>input, #id_repo, #id_arch, #id_limit,
    .dark, .title, #lbl_user_name,
    #lbl_password, #searchtext, #taskid, #taskrange, #numbers, .summary,
    #comments>div.attachments, #taskdetailsfull>.attachments,.vc_diff_change,
    .boxSoft, .pgboxtitle, .boxSoftTitle, .data1, legend, #preftoc>li.selected,
    background-color: #333333 !important;}
    .post-title>a, .post2, .post-footer>p>a, .person-info{
    background-image: none !important;}
    .vc_diff_add{background-color: #397f37 !important;}
    .vc_diff_remove, .outofdate{background-color: #bf6b6b !important;}
    .vc_diff_empty{background-color: #999999 !important;}
    tr>th{background-color: #0771a6 !important;}
    pre, #bodyContent>div{background-color: #222222 !important;}
    .pgboxtitle, .boxSoftTitle{border-color: #222222 !important;}
    #pkgsearch{width: 275px!important;}
    this is how I like my to look

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    When you open the application you will have the opportunity to select software update.
    You can also go to the App store and check under Purchases and Updates and if the update still does no appear select Store > Check for unfinished downloads.  
    Having said all that, please do think carefully before you do upgrade. For a great many users the latest version has been a bitter disaapointment (see various other discussions here), as it has lost considerable functionality in the drive to ensure compatitbility with iOS.

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    Hello Carol,
    Welcome to Sony Community.
    When recording a chorus place the IC recorder on a table approximately 2 to 3 meters (80 to 120 in.) from the performer(s).
    Set up the IC recorder with the display window facing up, and with the built-in microphones pointing towards the sound source.
    Refer to page # 34 of the Manual (ICD-AX412) about placing the IC Recorder for recording chorus.
     Also, select the Recording scene as “Lecture” for recording a chorus lesson.
    You can refer to page # 32 and 33 of the Manual to select the recording scene.
    Please mark it as "Accepted Solution" if you find this information useful.

  • Need guidance selecting module for training

    hi friends,
    I have done my Bachelor of engineering in computers and after that i have worked as a developer in an MNC. After that i have done my MBA in Systems and IT.I had knowledge of ITIL project management but nothing majorly of marketing or finance .Now i am selecting in a big MNC where i am going to be trained on any one functional module of my choice from limited choice.
    Being a IT guy i am totally confused as to which module to select .I need some advice which module will be best suited for me.what is the current trend which module is in hot demand.I am sure i dont like FICO module but other than that all modules seem to be domain specific.
    Is there any module which will be useful for an IT guy.?
    please reply.and guide me...

    Its a million dolloar question which BILL GATES only can solve....!!!
    Learning functional module by training or books is just gaining theory knowledge. In order to understand various industry terminology and business processes either you should have worked in different industries or you get by experience.
    Wish you good luck....

  • PC Suite for 6500c to work on mac os x leopard

    Seems like new products have to much information & features built into them these days. PC suite would not work on my old pc for 6500c & will not work on my new mac. Neither will isync.
    Have not been able to charge phone in car although nokia old ck7w car kit works fine no need for a lcd gadget in car who needs any more distractions while driving.
    Surely there must be a way to edit this phone book without manually deleting all contacts & starting again.
    Any info out there.

    13-Dec-2007 04:40 PM
    ndwild wrote:
    Seems like new products have to much information & features built into them these days. PC suite would not work on my old pc for 6500c & will not work on my new mac. Neither will isync. Have not been able to charge phone in car although nokia old ck7w car kit works fine no need for a lcd gadget in car who needs any more distractions while driving. Surely there must be a way to edit this phone book without manually deleting all contacts & starting again. Any info out there.
    sounds like the sync service on your phone is the culprit. i'd need more info about the failure to help diagnose why it's happening and if its possible to fix without a format of the phone. hve you looked in the console error logs? do you see an error message? try sending all your existing contact info to your mac, then erasing the info on the phone and re-syncing. to send info to the mac: on my n95, i can hold the edit key (pencil key) and select all of my contacts. then i choose Options->Send Business Card send it via bluetooth to the mac and you'll get a list of .vcf files. you can double-click each one of these to import it to the Address Book. (if you care about calendar info too, you'll have to do that before the next step as well - reply for step-by-step info) now, open isync and in the menu bar click Devices->Reset All Devices isync will ask if you're certain, then erase all contact and calendar info on the phone, then perform a normal sync. --- by the way - there is no pc suite for the mac - i just reread your post, maybe you were talking about Nokia multimedia Transfer? this app is not responsible for any synchronizing of your contact info. maybe i have answered the wrong question. please reply with clarification if you want help ---
    N95-1 ---> N97-NAM ---> N900 ---> E7-00 + N900 (I use them both)
    (N95 was pretty good, N97 had potential but utterly failed to deliver, N900 is absurdly good. Those of you wondering, "should I try N900/Maemo/MeeGo"? The answer is a resounding YES)

  • Draw custom selection frame(dashed rectangle), while mouse dragging is moving

    Hi All,
    Maybe anyone has experience of drawing custom selection frame(dashed rectangle) for selected page items.
    I have to draw a custom selection frame(dashed rectangle), when I drag mouse cursor, while left mouse button is pressed.
    Thank you!

    There are two possible answers:
    1. If you use the getGraphics() in your event dispatching code, then the rectangle disappears because the component you paint on gets repainted, and it has no idea about your rectangle it should paint. The painting routine should ALWAYS be written in paintComponent(Graphics gr) method. (I wish they made the getGraphics() method protected).
    2. If you paint it in the write way, it might disappear because the components that it overlaps might cover it.
    Now a fix:
    Because you need to paint on TOP of everything in the JPanel, you can either:
    1. The dirty way: overwrite the paint(Graphics gr) method of your JPanel, first call super.paint(gr) then paint the rectangle.
    2. A proper way: Add a non-opaque JPanel on top of you JLayeredPane (similar to GlassPane), and paint the rectangle on it (in it's paintComponent method).
    You're probably doing some getGraphics() drawing which is usually wrong. If a component gets repainted by the system it loses all the information
    Now to the question:
    Your rectangle disappears beacause the Components that are overlapping it

  • Free office suite for Nokia 5233 mobile?

    Is there any free office suite for Nokia 5233 mobile? At least to open office software like excel.
    it is very much helpfull for nokia 5233 mobile user
    protik kumar sarker
    Moderator Note: Personal details removed. It is unwise to publish personal contact information on a public web forum.

    I have bought Nokia 5233.I have not got any PC suite with it. After reading the posts on the Discussion Board I downloaded Nokia OVI Suite. After that I tried to connect my USB cable which I got with the phone to the PC. To my dismay OVI suite is not detecting any Device.
    My USB is working properly as when I attach it to my laptop then it asks me to select a mode so I selected PC suite mode.Afer that an autorun pop-up comes on my laptop for 5233.But the OVI suite is not detecting any device.
    I have installed the OVI Suite version 3.0.0.I have Windows Vista Ultimate. Kindly help me out.
    My nokia Cable is CA-101D.

  • Nokia PC Suite for Nokia 5233

    I have installed Nokia PC Suite for 5233 in my PC having Windows XP SP-2 as OS. Unfortunately the Explorer of Nokia PC Suite is not detecting my mobile. Even I have tried to connect it to my friends PC having the same configuration and he is also using the same PC Suite version for his Nokia 7610 Supernova which is working properly for him, but in the case of my mobile it is not detecting.
    Help and suggestions in this regard are highly appreaciable.
    Best regards

    I have bought Nokia 5233.I have not got any PC suite with it. After reading the posts on the Discussion Board I downloaded Nokia OVI Suite. After that I tried to connect my USB cable which I got with the phone to the PC. To my dismay OVI suite is not detecting any Device.
    My USB is working properly as when I attach it to my laptop then it asks me to select a mode so I selected PC suite mode.Afer that an autorun pop-up comes on my laptop for 5233.But the OVI suite is not detecting any device.
    I have installed the OVI Suite version 3.0.0.I have Windows Vista Ultimate. Kindly help me out.
    My nokia Cable is CA-101D.

  • Pc suite for 6555b Question on viewing and editing...

    Hello all.
    my nokia 6555b charger slot malfunctioned or overused will not allow recharging of battery.
    got pc suite for it.  downloaded info to file.
    I want to manage the saved downloaded phone files, etc. but dont want pcsuite connect to phone AFTER I already saved info to my PC.    cannot access content unless I reconnect mobile phone.  Is this normal?  I thought the purpose was to check content etc. before reconnecting it to new nokia phone for download.or to download corrected info back on a phone.
    when phone is connected, am I viewing what is in phone, or do I actually see the items saved on my PC for correction, retreaval and view for use later to download on phone which will bw sent to me as replacement?
    If phone is connected and I select: restore the desired phone content from a backup file to my phone.  WILL irt allow me to check all, make changes, save then download nselected items or save and cancel action till later.   Or does it just force me to delete phone content and be downloaded with PC saved content?
    Please help as you can on each of te questions.   thanks,  jerry

    1. PC suite will not automatically backup the content of the phone. When plugged, it'll just a phone content browser.
    2. When backup/restore, PC Suite provides checkbox to select data categories. 
    3. To manage the backuped content on the PC side, you can try Noki. 
    What's the law of the jungle?

  • Error while selecting entity for composantEO

    Briefly, I do an example of displaying a list of components (and already it works properly), but when I added a link to the removal of components I have encountered an error
    Voila details
    function code delete
    public void deleteComposantMethod(String action,String param)
    System.out.println("Now we are inside deleteComposantMethod");
    System.out.println("we search composant with numcomp : "+param);
    ComposantVOImpl inst=getComposantVO1();
    Row row[]=inst.getAllRowsInRange();
    for(int i=0;i<row.length;i++)
    ComposantVORowImpl rowi=(ComposantVORowImpl)row;
    System.out.println("checking the composant ===> "+rowi.getNumcomp());
    System.out.println("Deleting succes");
    catch(Exception ex)
    System.out.println("error : \n"+ex.getMessage());
    in the browser page component disapru it seems that it works correctly, but nothing changes at data base and voila the error message I get from embedder OC4J server log
    Application: FND, Message Name: FND_GENERIC_MESSAGE. Tokens: MESSAGE = oracle.jbo.DMLException: JBO-26080: Error while selecting entity for ComposantEO
    Please note: although no board code and smiley buttons are shown, they are still usable.

    for those who have encountered the same problem as me, you should check that the table name sql query is of the form Name_Schema.Name_Table.
    For this right click on the entity in the workspace> edit entity> Database Objects> Schema Objects and add the schema name before table name( Name_Schema.Name_Table).

  • How to define our own selection screen for logical database  in abap-hr?

    Hi Friends,
    Can u please help me
    How to define your own selection screens for  logical database.
    we use to do like(goto->attributes-HRReportcatagerious ).but How to desin using  customer table like t599c, t599f and how to add to my logical database?
    Thanks in advance

    check out this online help

  • I buy adobe creative suite for teachers and students about one year ago but now i'm not longer a student. Can I still use this programs legally for commercial purposes or do I have to buy some upgrades or something like this? Please help

    I buy adobe creative suite for teachers and students about one year ago but now i'm not longer a student. Can I still use this programs legally for commercial purposes or do I have to buy some upgrades or something like this? Please help

    The license did not have use restrictions Licenses and terms of use | Adobe
    BUT... when your one year Education account ends, I do not think you will be able to renew at the Education rate

  • While selecting Frame for Table in Smartform

      While i am selecting Frame for Table in Smartform , it displaying very Bold frame.
    wat is the reason,
    guide me

    do this steps,
    ->first in the shading of the table select white color
    ->provide the saturation as 100
    ->select the pattern and select any one of the pattern
    ->and then check the output
    you will get the required do this in the same fashion i explained

  • Need Different Selection screen for different Queries in a Workbook

    I have created a workbook with Multiple tabs in BI 7.0.  Each Tab has different Queries and each query has different Selection screens (Variable Selections).
    When i open the workbook and refresh it, the selection screen is appearing only for one query.  All the queries are refreshed by this single selection screen, though each query has different Variable selections.  What i need is a seperate selection screen i.e seperate Variable selection appearing for each queries, when i refresh each one of them.
    Is it possible to do this?  If anybody has tried this, help me in solving this issue.  Thanks for ur time.

    If you un-check the 'Display Duplicate Variables Only Once' this WILL solve your problem.
    When you Refresh, you should be presented with a single variable selection dialog box, but it should contain an area for each Query (DataProvider) that is embedded in the Workbook.
    This is the case if the queries are all on the same tab, or on different tabs.
    However, if you have multiple tabs each with a query on it, each query must have it's own DataProvider. If all queries are based on the same DataProvider, it will not work as the Workbook only 'sees' one Query for which it needs variable input.
    If you REALLY want multiple variable selection dialog boxes, then maybe the best way to do this is to have the queries in separate Workbooks.
    If you don't want the User to have to open 5 queries manually, you could use a Macro in each Workbook that runs on opening, to open the next Workbook in the sequence.
    I hope this makes sense!

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