SEM-BCS: Reclassification at Highest Node

Hi! All,
I have a requirement to reclass Tax Liability at the highest Cons. Node i.e.Corporate. The req. is to
1. sum up all  Tax Asset AC's
2. Sum up all  Tax Liab. A/C's
3. Compare the value of both and determine which is higher (Asset or Liabl)
4. If  Liability is higher, reclass Asset to Liability
5. If Asset is higher, reclass liab. to Asset.
Please share how this could be accomplished..
Thanks very much for your input.

Hi! Eugene,
Thanks for the input.... should be done at company level for the company at the highest level i.e. for which u ultimately prepare the Cons. statements. so u can reclass Tax Assets and Laibilities of the subsidiaries limited to one company at Posting level 30.
My issue is I get to choose only one condition in the Reclass method triggered by Dr/Cr sign...for instance if Assets greater than 0 reclassify to a liability account...and <b>if less than 0, reclass all tax liabl acct. to one in asset tax liabl a/c.</b> I do not get to put this second condition...any workaround this...
Thanks for your earliest attention and input in this regard.

Similar Messages

  • SEM BCS in SAP ERP 6.0

    Hi Experts
    have you worked with ERP 6.0 and SEM BCS into the ERP?
    in ERP 6.0 all SEM components like BCS, BPS, CPM are in the same system as "add on" or I dont Know, is posible to work with this componentes from ERP?
    I think is necessary install SEM BW and plug ins, I will apreciate your comments about this..
    Thanks in advance

    I realize that this is a BCS SEM forum and I do believe that OLAP is a better technology than OLTP for consolidation functionality, but there are "equivalent" BCS transactions in ECC as well. UCMON is "roughly" CX20. The consolidation menu is CX00(N) and customization is CX01(N). Both have been visible directly after entering  "/n" in OK Code input field.
    For more go to menu CX000 (nonCX transactions may not work due to reasons mentined earlier in the thread):
        SEM BCS - Business Consolidation
    --      CX00BCS                        Business Consolidation
       CXGP                           Global Parameters
    --      Master Data
       Consolidation Groups
       Consolidation Units
       FS Items
       Custom Subassignments
       CXRH                           Characteristic Hierarchies
    --      Data Collection
       CXCD                           Monitor
       Reported Financial Data
       Additional Financial Data
       Manual Posting
       Automatic Posting
       CXV1                           Validation
    --      Consolidation
       CX20                           Monitor
    --      Manual Posting
       CX50                           Enter
       CX51                           Change
       CX52                           Display
       CXA0                           Mass Reversal
    --      Automatic Posting
       CX54                           Interunit Elimination
       CX5U0                          Elim. of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory
       CX57                           Consolidation of Investments
       CXEC                           Reclassification
       CX24                           Preparation for Consolidation Group Changes
       CXV1                           Validation
    ---      Information System
       ECCS                           Consolidation Reports
    --      Business Information Warehouse
    --      Business Explorer
       FC_BW_BEX                      Business Explorer Analyzer
       SEM_NAV                        Business Explorer Browser
       FC_BW_RSZV                     Maintain Variables
       FC_BW_RSZDELETE                Delete Query Objects
    ---      BW Administration
       FC_BW_RSA1                     Administrator Workbench
      ---      Tools
       S001                           ABAP Workbench
       S002                           Administration
       SBPT                           Business Communication
    --      Business Engineer
       SPRO                           Customizing SEM BCS
    --      Business Framework
       BAPI                           BAPI Explorer
       BAPI Development
       SWLD                           Business Workflow
    --      SAPscript
       SE71                           Form
       SO10                           Standard Text
       SE72                           Style
    --      Hypertext
       SO70                           Structures
       SO72                           Documents
          ---      Find
              |-----   Information System
       SO80                           Information Classes

  • Implementation of SEM-BCS

    Hi Experts,
    i am trying to implement SEM-BCS. I am still new in it. Are there any documentation about step by step to configure SEM-BCS?
    Thanks a lot for your help.

    Basics of BCS modelling -
    Key figures -
    You are generally not permitted to change any properties of the key figures used in SEM-BCS. The only exceptions to this are options that affect the display in Business Explorer and the "Characteristic is document property" setting.
    If you want to use your own InfoObjects as key figures for totals records in the InfoCube, consider the following conditions:
    1. SEM-BCS supports four roles for key figures in the data stream for totals records: Value in group currency, value in local currency, in transaction currency and quantity. You can assign a maximum of four key figures in the data basis accordingly. If you include additional key figures in the InfoCube, these cannot be processed in the consolidation. You are not permitted to assign other roles, such as 'subassignment,' to key figures either.
    2. In SEM-BCS, the values are always stored periodically in the database. Furthermore, year-to-date values or non-cumulative values are not managed separately but result from cumulation in each case over the periods of the current fiscal year up to the current period. (This is a purely technical restriction. The consolidation functions greatly support the process with year-to-date values.) Therefore, you must define InfoObjects as cumulative values. Proceed according to the 0CS_TRN_GC, 0CS_TRN_LC, 0CS_TRN_TC, 0QUANTITY InfoObjects that are delivered.
    3. You cannot use referencing key figures in SEM-BCS. If you want to define a key figure with a reference, to transfer the technical properties of the referenced InfoObject identically, you can simply create this with a template instead. However, if you want to use the special BW function linked with referencing key figures (see the online documentation in the BW), enter the referencing key figures in the InfoCube, but assign the referenced key figures to the data basis.
    With the following characteristics, you are not permitted to make changes to the properties. Once again, the only exceptions here are the options that affect the display in Business Explorer:
    Compounding -
    When you define the compounding of an InfoObject, some compound relationships are not supported:
    You cannot compound subassignments to consolidation units.
    You are not permitted to compound the document type and the (0CS_PLEVEL) posting level.
    You cannot compound noncurrent assets and assets/liabilities to 0BCS_ALTYPE. In addition, you cannot compound to a characteristic from the totals cube, with the exception of consolidation units, partners, and so on, and their higher-level characteristics.
    ODS objects / Virtual InfoProvider -
    You can generate the ODS objects for additional financial data and the virtual InfoProvider from the data basis maintenance. However, you can also create these manually and enter them in the data basis. If you do this, create the ODS objects and virtual InfoProvider with the same characteristics and structure they would have had if generated by the data basis maintenance. You can only deviate very slightly from this.
    You are not permitted to include the following InfoObjects in any InfoProvider, unless they are generated by the data basis automatically:
    The following InfoObjects must not be contained in the InfoObject catalog, which is defined in the data basis:
    Time characteristics -
    SAP consolidation SEM-BCS ignores changes with the 0FISCPER, 0FISCPER3, 0FISCVARNT and 0FISCYEAR time characteristics. If you make changes, for instance, if you create hierarchies or attributes, these are not taken into account by SEM-BCS. Therefore, there is no maintenance in the workbench, you cannot use the hierarchies or attributes in the functions of SEM-BCS for selections and so on, and you cannot use the attributes or hierarchies for selections in BW queries.
    Characteristic values
    The following InfoObjects may have the values set by default by SAP only . You are not permitted to change them, not even by using the BW master data maintenance:
    For these InfoObjects you can only use the tools of the master data service of the Financial Basis to synchronize master data, so the master data is transferred by the SEM-BCS tables to the BI tables, but not the other way round.
    Predefined InfoObjects for individual roles
    The system automatically uses most of the InfoObjects mentioned here to activate certain data streams. However, there also are some InfoObjects that you must manually enter in the cube for the totals records. Subsequently, you must assign certain roles to these InfoObjects. These roles are allowed for these InfoObjects only, you cannot assign these roles to other InfoObjects.
    These are:
    0CS_PLEVEL for the posting level role (required)
    0BCS_CTFLG for the conversion role (optional)
    0BCS_PRGRP for the product group role (optional)
    Activate characteristics and key figures from BW Content
    Before you create a data basis of SAP consolidation, you have to activate certain InfoObjects from BW Content.
    1. You must always activate the following: 0CS_PLEVEL, 0FISCPER, 0FISCPER3, 0FISCVARNT, 0FISCYEAR.
    3. If you use the virtual InfoProvider, activate: 0BCS_REFPER, 0BCS_REFYR, 0BCS_REPMOD, 0BCS_TIMMOD also
    4. If you use any data stream in addition to the totals records, also activate: 0BCS_OBJNR1, 0BCS_OBJNR2, 0BCS_OBJNR3, 0BCS_OBJNR4, 0BCS_OBJNR5, 0BCS_OBJNR6, 0BCS_OBJNR7, 0BCS_OBJNR8
    6. If you use organization changes, activate: 0BCS_ORGCH, 0BCS_ORGCHL
    7. If you use data streams for stock and delivery data, activate 0BCS_PRGRP.
    8. If you use data streams for assets/liabilities or noncurrent assets, activate: 0BCS_ALTYPE, 0BCS_DPER, 0BCS_DYEAR, 0BCS_IPADAU, 0BCS_IPALCM, 0BCS_IPATTY, 0BCS_RETBG
    The list of the InfoObjects varies depending on the release. Of course, you do not have to activate InfoObjects that do not exist in your release.
    You do not have to activate InfoObjects that are not explicitly specified. However, if you do not activate them, some functions may not be available to you. For example, if you do not activate the 0BCS_CTFLG InfoObject and do not use it for totals records in the InfoCube, the currency translation cannot display any currency translation differences on the initializing data records.
    Attributes When you define the InfoObjects in BW, attributes can be assigned to InfoObjects. This results in the following restrictions:
    In SEM-BCS 3.1B, 3.2 and 3.5, no InfoObjects that appear in the permanent parameters of a consolidation area or are fixed in a consolidation area may be attributes of an InfoObject used in SEM-BCS.
    InfoObjects that are used as a consolidation unit must not have 0FISCVARNT as an attribute.
    Note 727776 - Requirements of SEM-BCS for data model
    Hope it Helps
    Eugene Khusainov
    Re: BCS - Modelling requirements
    Posted: Feb 24, 2007 10:56 PM in response to: moini kembly Reply E-mail this post
    On this phase you should determine and describe the following:
    - sources of data to be consolidated (R/3, flat files, 3rd parties)
    - methods of receiving/uploading these data into BW
    - the appropriate BW objects (characteristics, key figures, cubes etc.)
    - time characteristics to be used (is it enough to have only fiscal chars? do you need the calendar ones too?)
    - is data upload to be directly into totals cube? if not - consider the intermediate cube. What kind of data transformation is to be done during upload of data from interim cube to the totals?
    - methods of getting data into totals cube (flexible upload, reading from datastream, manual entries)
    - will you need additional financial data? if yes, which ones and how will you load this data?
    - what types of data you need to consolidate (actual, plan, forecast etc.)
    - how many chars will be given the VERSION role?
    - plan the number of consolidation areas. The best way is to have the only one. it will minimize the customization.
    - how many consolidation units hierarchies do you have (for example, if you need consolidated reports according to management and IFRS structure of the group, then you have 2 hierarchies)?
    - determine the structure of the group hierarchies.
    - what is the group's currency? is it one currency or several ones?
    - determine the currency translation methods for each data type.
    - make sure that all consolidation units have the same chart of accounts. if not, consider the mapping or transformation of the numbering of accounts.
    - consider the currency translation types for different groups of accounts in the balanse sheet (for example, fixed assets and equity - historical rate, retairned earnings - everage rate, non-monetary items - current rate etc.).
    - consider the kind of translation - periodic/cumulative for different data types and reports.
    - determine the set of consolidated reports as an output.
    - which custom characteristics you need to bring to the totals cube in order to get the reports needed?
    - which standard chars you'll have to customize and how exactly (bringing new attributes, customizing the std or creating the custom chars)
    - if you'll replace a standard char with a custom one, consider that some another chars may depend on the char to be replaced. it's especially true for a company code. if you use a custom char for a company, then you have to use the reference chars for partner company, investee company, allocation company etc.
    - will your consolidation units be one-dimension structure (by company) or it is a matrix one? if the latter, what is the second cons unit?
    - will the BCS functionality cover all your consolidation needs? if not, consider the workarounds. reclassification is to be considered as a tool # 1.
    It's just an incomplete introduction to the issues to be determined during a blue-print phase.
    Re: BCS in NW2004s
    Re: BCS - Data modelling KF question
    Re: BCS - Virtual Cube Query error
    Re: BCS- data basis
    Re: BCS - Virtual Cube problem
    Re: BCS - Consolidation group data
    check these links...
    Re: Synchronize Master Data between BCS and BW within the same SEM system
    /message/1508507#1508507 [original link is broken] [original link is broken]

  • What is  help to create prototype of SEM BCS?

    Hi guys,
    Can give me an idea about the role:"help to create  prototype of SEM BCS"?

    you create window
    for secondary window :
    right click on window ->create template--> go template tab
    under template create TEXT node in that label is hard code
    For main window:
    right click on window ->create table line-->table tab
    under template create TEXT node in that label is hard code
    Edited by: bhupal reddy on Aug 6, 2008 8:19 AM

  • SEM BCS, first install

    I have installed SEM-BCS 6 on our DEV server.  After installation, tried customising in the workbench but the process and techinal view only shows Data basis and Consolidation Area nodes.  I do not see any hierarchy for Data model, master data, consolidation functions etc. but just the two nodes.
    We had done a pilot install, where we had installed the delivery example which worked fine and the process view and technical view both had the necessary nodes.
    My question is that, do we need to load the delivery example to see the complete views or is there any other way to activate/generate these views?

    CoA - place any code. If it doesn't exist, the system will propose to create a value.
    No special transactions needed.
    Version 100 is not created automatically. Don't set any versions neither in data basis nor in cons area.
    When you generate the data basis and a cons area and enter the system again, it starts to offer you a screen with permanent parameters. Set there version 100. After that in workbench create this version 100.
    Next time when you enter the system, in the frame with parameters you'll be able to save them. Only after that the menu will appear.

  • Difference SEM-BCS and BO PLanning & Consolidation

    Hi all,
    as announced in the subject. I was wondering what the difference between SEM-BCS and BO Planning & Consolidation is(so referring to the consolidation part)?
    Is BO Planning & Consolidation = BO Planning + SEM BCS
    Looking forward to your ideas!
    Best regards

    Hi Collet,
    Sorry I have no time to make a full-fledged comparison SEM-BCS and SAP BPC as you asked.
    Regarding your last link: very interesting information. Thank you very much.
    The citation from the article:
    Known Limitations
    In SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation (BPC), organizations (i.e. entities and groups/consolidation scopes) car vary according to Category and Time. However, all the other dimensions are static, which means they have neither category nor time dependency. As a result, the model presented here will use static Profit Center and Intercompany Profit Center dimensions.
    Eliminations (so called Automatic Adjustments in BPC) are primarily driven by Legal Entity and Intercompany dimensions. As a result, when it comes to Matrix Consolidation, each elimination will still occur based on this fact. So, basically, an elimination is triggered if both an Entity and the Intercompany entity are being consolidated under the same node (i.e. Group or Consolidation scope). In other words, BPC does not evaluate as such the Profit Center and Intercompany Profit Center dimensions when it comes to performing eliminations. Amounts will be eliminated based on the Legal Entity view. However, it is possible to analyze and group eliminations by Profit Center later on. As a result, Matrix consolidation will heavily leverage the reporting/filtering capabilities of the product.
    I'm afraid that in SEM-BCS' sense the Matrix consolidation has much more deep meaning than that presented here.

  • BCS - Reclassification EBIDTA

    Hi All,
        I have few doubts in SEM BCS - EBIDTA reclassification process configuration.
    The document type EB for this reclass has been configured with check box for only Local currency. Now there are some records that are not picked up by this process as they are maintained only in global currency. Hence I tried to select Group currency too in the configuration property of EB. At this point, both LC and GC are selected. After this change, I ran the EBIDTA reclass step in UCMON. The results were erroneous.
    My questions - What is the right way to capture entries in GC into reclass ??
    What exactly happens when I select both GC and LC in the configuration property of reclass document type.??
    This is a critical issue. Any suggestions will be appriciated.
    Performance Fibers...
    Edited by: Adarsha Aswathanarayana on Dec 19, 2011 10:43 AM

    Please check posting level in the document EB.
    If posting level is 10 you use local currency, but if posting level is 20 you use trancation currency and group currency, but if posting level is 30 use only group currency.

  • SEM-BCS Load Hierarchy Problem

    Hello Experts!
    I´m getting a problem loading the hierarchy in SEM-BCS.
    I have a method to load hierarchy from BW into BCS and the main customizing is:
    Data Type: 21 Items
    InfoObject: 0ACCOUNT
    Options for Master Data and Hierarchies: Load Hierarchy
    Updata Mode: Delete All
    When I execute extractors of BW and get the hierarchy from ECC, the infoobject 0ACCOUNT gets hierarchy and accounts loaded from ECC perfectly.
    When I execute the method to load hierarchy from BW into BCS using t-code UCWB, I get several warning messages as bellow:
    "Leaf IFRS2.30.10.02 belongs to type Hierarchy Node(s)
    Value IFRS2.30.10.02 of characteristic Hierarchy Node(s) is defined as a leaf in the hierarchy -- that is, no further nodes are attached to it. However, a leaf must belong to the hierarchy-defining characteristic Item.
    Modify the hierarchy either by deleting the node from the hierarchy or by adding more nodes beneath."
    The problem is, I don´t have leafs without an account or another node beneath in the source hierarchy. I have updated all of them, but SEM-BCS still tries to get leafs that even does not exist in the source provider.
    Does anybody have any clue about what is still going on with the load hierarchy?
    Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

    With uploads in Delete All mode, you may have a problem with the deletion of the existing hierarchy - try in overwrite mode to see if you get the same warnings.
    Also, as this is a "warning" message only, it does not stop you from saving the hierarchy, so you can see what value you get in the hierarchy and what/where it was before you ran the upload - this may help you identify the problem.

  • Multiple Fiscal Year Variant in the same client in SEM-BCS...

    I have already looked at some earlier threads relating to this but didn't get a convincing answer to what I would like to know.
    We have had a working SEM-BCS system with fiscal year variant K4. There was no need for defining leading fiscal year variant and none was defined. SAP, by default takes, K4 as the leading fiscal year variant.
    Now there is a requirement for going on a different fiscal year variant for which we have created another databasis (there were a few other reasons besides these) with the same InfoObjects that we used earlier but with different fixed parameters, one of which is fisc year variant V9. Soon, we started experiencing bizarre dumps in the configuration which ultimately convinced me to define a leading fiscal year variant. I was reluctant to do so because there is a lot of old data (which will become 'historical' from new data basis point of view) from the working system on K4 that would still need to be reported on even when we have new BCS solution in the new fiscal year variant V9. That is not going away. There is a need to keep the old data for reporting (hence the rationale for a different data basis among a few others).
    Since earlier Master Data was configured in the old fisc year variant K4, now I have defined the leading fiscal year variant as V9 so that MDF can appropriately identify the period dependency.
    I would like to know if any of you have had an unexpected behavior from the system going forward. Does the system dump out when you try to read the old data (from earlier K4).
    I have tried to explain the dilemma as clearly and succinctly as possible but if you need more clarifications, please do let me know.
    I would really appreciate your help in this.

    Is your requirement is that K4 to be changed to Z5.
    The best way you can do it is in the transformation. Instead of directmapping,
    Write a code like this in the trransformation to the cube
    If SOURCE FIELD - 0FISCVAR eq 'k4'.
    I dont think we can change th data in the query being displayed. we can change the keyfigure values in query by frmulas etc...
    but for a characteristic, i think we will be able to restrict bt not change the value.
    to obtain the requirement, w have to get the data change before query designer that is in the cube leve.
    Hope this helps,

  • Unable to provide input value to InfoObject in SEM-BCS

    Hello BI Experts,
    I have created an infoobject 'ABC' in BI and have flagged 'With Master Data' and 'With Text'.  This infoobject has an navigational attribute 'XYZ'(XYZ also has 'With Master Data' and 'With Text').
    When I go to T.Code UCWB(BCS Workbench), I could able to see the infoobject 'ABC' and when I try to create master data for 'ABC', I do not see the input field for 'XYZ'.  I want to input values in Infoobject 'XYZ' through this screen(SEM-BCS) and not through BI(right-click on infoobject 'Maintain Master Data).  Please let me know, if I am missing anything.

    Hi Shekar
    I find the ICD setup very 'picky'! If you get one thing wrong, it doesn't work. I have detailed below the steps I usually advise people to tek. Check your setup and see if this helps.
    1. Define Plan Type, Compensation Category = Others.
    2. Define Plan. Link to Plan Type. Plan Usage = May not be in program. On Not in program Tab - define sequence, currency, enrollment rate (per pay period?), activity reference period (Monthly). Your settings may need to be different. On Plan details tab, enter plan years.
    3. Plan enrollment requirements. On the general tab, plan sub tab, make sure the method = EXPLICIT. this allows the user to enter an input value for the ICD. THIS MAY WELL BE THE SOURCE OF YOUR PROBLEM!
    Make sure the CERTIFICATION region is UNTICKED. This can also cause ICDs not to work.
    ALLOWS UNRESTRICTED ENROLLMENT must be TICKED. Otherwise there is no eligibility to the ICD.
    On the rates subregion, make sure the run strt date is set to ENTERABLE.
    4. standard Rates form. Make sure the ACTIVITY TYPE and TAX TYPE are entered. Select the ELEMENT and the INPUT VALUE and TICK the ELEMENT AND INPUT VALUE REQUIRED field.
    Let me know if this works!

  • SEM-BCS (BW Reporting)

    Hi All,
    I would like to know how SEM-BCS stores data (balance values) in BW cube. If I have to generate a B/S report, how would I restrict the Key Figure to show balance as of the 2nd quarter?  The issue is the ranging of the Posting Period.  Is it (4 to 6) or 6(Last month of quarter) or (1 to 6)?

    it depends what you want. you want to show cumulative balance or non-cumulative balance from ytd.
    since it is balance sheet, i would assume u r refereing to the cumulative balance from ytd ( which also includes the balance carry forward.)
    in that you can restrict it to period 1 through 6.
    other case:
    you report only shows the monthly balances or transactions in the month. then you can go for period restriction period 6.
    hope this helps.
    Assign points if helpful.

  • SEM-BCS Short Dump while executing Manual Posting Task

    Hi SEM-BCS Colleagues,
    I am having a peculiar problem with relation to the settings for Manual Postings. I have three scenarios for which I have defined manual document types and tasks 1) Standardizing Entry (Data Collection) 2) Manual Document in IU for adjustment 3) COI Group level manual postings. I am just creating and not changing any settings for document field properties also. I have configured monthly consolidation frequency and period category and I am posting document type 1 in Local Currency and 2 and 3 in Group Currency since they are after currency translation.
    Have any of you faced similar problem and help me please?

    I am also getting short dump during data collection in BCS.
    we recently upgraded the system to SP20. Is it anyway related to upgrade.
    I also checked the MYSELF as a source system, but not found one.
    Could you please let me know how you have solved this issue.
    short dump:
    Runtime Errors         PERFORM_TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS
    Exception              CX_SY_DYN_CALL_PARAM_NOT_FOUND
    Date and Time          04.12.2009 05:21:11
    Short text
         Too many parameters specified with PERFORM.
    What happened?
         In a subroutine call, there were more parameters than in the
         routine definition.
         Error in the ABAP Application Program
         The current ABAP program "SAPLRSDRI" had to be terminated because it has
         come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
    Error analysis
         An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.
         The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_DYN_CALL_PARAM_NOT_FOUND', was
          not caught in
         procedure "RSDRI_CUBE_WRITE_PACKAGE_RFC" "(FUNCTION)", nor was it propagated by
          a RAISING clause.
         Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the
         exception would occur, the current program is terminated.
         The reason for the exception is:
         A PERFORM was used to call the routine "CUBE_WRITE_PACKAGE" of the program
         This routine contains 7 formal parameters, but the current call
         contains 10 actual parameters.

  • Concept of Integrated Consolidation Unit of SEM BCS

    HI Experts,
    I'm now in the SEM BCS 4.0 and BW 3.5 implementation. Previously I was the ECCS specialist and before the FI and AM specialist.
    Now I'm in SEM BCS implementation.
    I have one question in connection to the integrated consolidation unit. As the reference, I take the concept of this using the ECCS.
    As you might know, the creation of integrated consolidation unit for using realtime update method in ECCS, is pulled from FI company ID.
    Meanings if I set the configuration properly, I can pull out the company master data as the consolidation unit master data in consolidation monitor.
    Now, in SEM BCS, I want to do the same thing. I mean, off course I can create company ID in R/3 and then create the consolidation unit manually using UCWB. But this scenario can create inconsistency, and I also think this is not the right concept of doing integration between R/3 and SEM BCS.
    My question is : what is the concept of this master data integration, and what is the proper way to do it?
    Any advise on this question is highly appreciated.
    Thank you in advance.

    Hi Halim,
    You need to build properly your data basis in data model.
    Assign your company to a consolidation unit role:
    I sent to you the file concerning BCS that you asked for in another thread.
    Best regards,

  • SEM BCS - Consolidation Chart of Accounts

    Hi all,
    For the SEM-BCS implementation I am using ECC as the operational system. ECC folks are in the process of building a group chart of account in FI.
    Can you suggests the work around to map group chart of account to consolidation chart of account in SEM-BCS?
    Thanks in advance

    I am not sure if anybody has replied you.
    In SEM 4.0, You need to download the chart from R3 and then upload as hierrachy in the UCWB workbench.
    In SEM.6.0, You have master data load direct from R3 and you can do the same.
    Functional advice:-
    Normally R3 creates operational chart of account in R3. Each account has a group account feild, if populated the mapping of operational chart to group is amintained in R3 itself.
    You can upload the GL master with group chart account number and then this will obviously have the mapping for your use in BCS.
    Consolidation chart of account in R3 (if its the accepted group chart) will be the same group chart which your ECC guys are preparing.
    Are they using ECCS in R3??
    Samir Neji

  • How SEM BCS handled balance carried forward?

    I would like to find out how SEM BCS handled balance carried forward?
    Income statement
    Profit after Tax - 50
    Balance Sheet
    Retained profit (last year) - 100
    Current Year profit - 50 
    How do i configurate 'Profit after Tax' = 'Current Year profit' in workbench? Is BCS going to store the computed results?
    Balance items (ie  'Retained profit (last year)' and 'Current Year profit') by default are carry forward to next year in BCS.
    Do i need to configurate  'Current Year profit' add to 'Retained profit (last year)'?
    Pls advise.
    Regards, Renee

    Hi Renee,
    By default, the balance sheet items are to be carried forward to next year. If you don’t make any settings, both items, Retained profit (last year) and Current Year profit will be transferred to themselves, that is not correct.
    You need to show the system which items are to be carried forward not to themselves.
    To force the system to make the proper transfer, in UCWB go to Consolidation Functions -> Balance Carryforward -> Items to be Carried Forward.
    Enter there the following information:
    <b>Orig. Item__________Debit Item_______Credit Item</b>
    Current Year profit____RE (last year)_____RE (last year)
    Do the similar operation for all items to be carried to other than themselves items, for example dividends of the current and last years etc.
    Hope this helps.

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