Send button dimmed on Mail

I bought a new iMac Wednesday that came with OS X 10.4 installed and I was able to send e-mails. Yesterday I installed OS X 10.5 and then the 5.1 upgrade and now the "send mail" button is dimmed so I cannot send e-mails. I noticed that the "Chat" button is also dimmed but the "Attach," "Address," "Fonts" "Colors" and "Save as Draft" buttons all work.
I receive mail but cannot send any. Help!

First question, why did you bring it home with 10.4 on it when they should have given you 10.5? Carol you shouldn't have to be dealing with any issues on your brand NEW Mac. It should have come with 10.5 pre-installed and everything on it should already be working. Also, just so that you know, you shouldn't have paid for 10.5 Leopard upgrade, it should have been included as part of the Mac system. Having said all of that, if you still want to deal with these Mail problems on your own +(instead of having Apple do it under warranty)+ then you'll need to find out if you are logged in as the Admin. Do you have more than one account on the Mac? If so try logging in as a new user and see if they have the button grayed out.

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    right click on the button bar, then select "customize toolbar", drag any button you like into the toolbar and you're done!

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    Did you look at these two kb articles:
    First is for 10.6, second for 10.5, but both have essentially the same thing for a dimmed send button...make sure the SMTP server is not set to none.

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    have you tried quiting Mail and relaunching?
    If that doesn't work try moving the following files to the desktop and then Logging out/ Login in.
    ~users/library/mail/envelope index
    If that works you can trash the files on your desktop.
    This might cure the problem.
    Message was edited by: hpr3

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    Normally this is the result of not having any SMTP selected for the account. Check in Mail Preferences/Accounts/Account Information for whether a SMTP is currently selected for the account.

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    It may pay to send a Screen Shot of the Connection Doctor info.  (see the Window Menu)
    It would seem the IMAP or POP side is logged in bit the out going STMP server is not.
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    Hi, try this...
    If nothing is showing in the Toolbar at top, click the little gray oval at top right.
    Right click or Control+click on the Toolbar, choose Customize Toolbar, drag the Send button to the Toolbar.

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    close out of the mail app, then double tap the home button find the mail app hold down and close out of it.
    Then go back into the mail app and see if those features came back.
    If it doesn't do the above step again and then power off your phone and then back on.

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    is there no toolbar at all in the reply window? if so just click on the little oval in the upper right corner of the reply window. if the toolbar is there but the send button is missing, control-click on the toolbar and select "customize toolbar...". drag the "send" button from the resulting pulldown to the toolbar and click "done".

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    this might help:

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    Yes with an Exchange or IMAP account, which are designed for this very thing.
    All server stored mailboxes with an Exchange or IMAP account are synchronized with the server with each email client used to access the account.
    This is not possible with an antiquated POP account which was designed to be accessed with a single email client only - developed when the overwhelming majority of computer users had one computer - a desktop, and before notebooks were commonplace.

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