Send email button missing

I receive email, but cannot send email. Why doesn't the send icon appear in Mail?

Try the troubleshooting steps here >  OS X Mail: Troubleshooting sending and receiving email messages

Similar Messages

  • Designer8..The Send Email button function gives an Error

    I created a name and address form and a dropdown combo in AA9 then saved and closed it.
    I then opened it in designer 8 and placed a "send by Email" button and closed it.
    I then opened the pdf file in Reader 9 (as a user would) Then filled out the form and clicked the "send by Email" button (sent to myself) it arrived as an .xml attachment and would not open....Just gave this error message
    Adobe Reader could not open 'poolcuetip_data(1).xml' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example. it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded).
    Is there a Fix for this error (tried it several times)
    Can I put a send email button on the Acrobat form without having to open in Designer ? If so How ??????

    There are many restrictions on submit by email and they vary by the code used to perform the submit. If you use the builtin "mailXXXX" method the user must have Windows and and a MAPI enabled email client. And if you use the URI "mailto" format the user with Reader must be viewing the PDF from within a web browser. And then you have the timing problems with slow computers or larger PDF forms. And this does not even start to cover email filters, identity issues and son on.
    If you can use the sumbit to server script.

  • The Send Email button function gives an Error

    Not sure what forum to post this in as I did some in Acrobat 9 and some in Designer 8.
    I created a name and address form and a dropdown combo in AA9 then saved and closed it.
    I then opened it in designer 8 and placed a "send by Email" button and closed it.
    I then opened the pdf file in Reader 9 (as a user would) Then filled out the form and clicked the "send by Email" button (sent to myself) it arrived as an .xml attachment and would not open....Just gave this error message
    Adobe Reader could not open 'poolcuetip_data(1).xml' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example. it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded).
    Is there a Fix for this error ?? (tried it several times)
    Can I put a "send email button" on the Acrobat form without having to open in Designer to do it.? If so How ??????

    You can create a button with Javascript to do what you want BUT it will
    not be reliable since:
    1) Some people use a web browser to receive and send email. Your button
    will not work.
    2) Some people will use a non-supported email client. For example, on
    the Mac, my email program Mailsmith won't work. Neither will
    Thunderbird. On the Windows side, my email client is Agent. It won't
    work either.
    It is nice that Adobe offers the possibility of using some email
    clients, BUT since it doesn't always work, it is an invitation to
    It is better to post the form on the web and use a script to get the
    information on the form. If you want, the script can email you the results!

  • Creating a 'Send Email' button

    Is it possible to create the 'send email' button without
    selecting 'show scores at end of quiz' within the Quiz options of
    Captivate 3? What I would like to do is create a button which
    initiates the sendmail function without having the review

    I don't just want an email button. That is pretty easy to
    get. What I am looking for is a button that will submit quiz data
    to the sendemail javascript function, just like the Send Email
    button on the results slide. What I don't want is the actual
    results slide.
    With the results slide, even after turning everything off
    within Quiz prefs, I see a Send Email button, a Continue button,
    and the results area. I just want the Send Email button, nothing
    else (I can't seem to delete the others).

  • Send email button on task detail

    How do I disable the send email button on the task detail page?

    Check this thread:
    Re: removing of unused buttons on detail page.

  • "Send email" button in Captivate 5.5 quiz

    I am trying to get the results of a completed Captivate 5.5 quiz emailed to me from other people's computers, after they complete the quiz. The Send email button does nothing (no error message and no email). The quiz has been published in each of: PDF, Flash and HTML and the email button does not work in any of them.
    After looking at postings on several forums, it appears that the problem may be a bug in Captivate or possibly a setting that needs to be changed in Flash player. The problem is that if it is necessary to change the Flash player settings, I can't do this on another user's computer, so this will never work.
    In another project, I have used the send email button in Acrobat LiveCycle and that works perfectly well (opens an email message and attaches the information from the current Acrobat file as an XML attachment) - what's the problem with Captivate?

    The problem isn't Captivate.  It's the whole concept of using email as a 'reliable' reporting mechanism.
    You are correct that this 'feature' will not work if you're trying to use it from published content in a folder on your local drive or a LAN server unless that folder has been added as a trusted location in your Flash Global Security settings.
    You are also correct that it would be either impossible or impractical to try and change these settings on each end user's PC.  To have any chance of success, your best output format for this would be HTM/SWF/JS and you should be considering delivering the content only from a web server, not a LAN or other type of drive.
    However, even if you do everything right, email reporting (as you found with LiveCycle forms) still has many limitations and should be considered unreliable.  There are too many ways it can fail, and most of those ways are outside your control.  Added to this is the fact that since the solution requires the user to send the email message and not change any data first, it's really NOT all that secure.  You could not hope to use it for courses where serious certification was a must.
    The only times I have used it successfully with Captivate required a custom-coded web page (PHP) on a web server (Apache or IIS) that was used to dynamically send the email after receiving data in an encoded URL.  Basically, the Captivate module would call this web page and the page would add the data from the URL variables to build the email.  However, this is NOT standard Captivate functionality.  I went this route because the client's LMS was only a few weeks away and they needed a very temporary solution.  I would avoid doing something similar again unless there were no other available solution.

  • Send email button only works in preview

    I've been using Captivate 3 and Windows for a long time, but just recently switched jobs, and started using a Mac with a trial version of Captivate 5. I'm trying to make sure everything works on a Mac that works in Windows. I'm getting stuck with getting results from quizzes- I create a basic quiz, in preview everything works well and launches an email with results, but when I publish to swf, email or .exe-  nothing happens when you click on the send email button. I've checked flash settings and republished a bunch of different times/ways- but no dice.
    Is there anyone out there that has experienced a similar issue? Any tips? (and yes, I do know that email results is not optimal, but LMS is not an option, adobe acrobat makes users create an account- which is a deal breaker, and I am currently investigating the internal server option).
    Only 7 days left on my trial- hoping some kind soul can help!

    Ok, fair enough. Let me explain completely what is going on here. I have created a fillable form using Adobe Designer 7.0. At the end of this form I have placed a Submit button which has the following properties:
    On the Object ==> Field Tab
    Type: Button
    Appearance: Raised Border
    Control Type: Submit
    Presence: Visible
    Locale: Default Locale
    On the Object ==>Submit Tab
    Submit: PDF
    Submit to URL: mailto:[email protected]
    everything else on this tab is greyed out.
    I have not changed any of the other tabs.
    Now when you visit the site using Firefox  14.0 all goes well and you are able to submit the form through an email client (the default one on the client computer) which generates an email and sends the pdf as an attachment
    When accessing the site via Internet Explorer 9.0 and Chrome you are able to fill out the fields but when you hit submit absolutely nothing happens and no report is generated. If you need more information please let me know.

  • Remove send email button

    i would like to remove the SEND EMAIL button from the tool bar in activtiy management.
    can anybody suggest the way to do it please

    Hi Srinivas,
    remove the Event BTX_MAIL from Toolbar ACT_OIC.

  • Send Email Button Across International Locations

    When we place a course on a server that can be accessed from
    international locations, sometimes the Send Email button works
    quickly, sometimes it takes minutes for the next dialog box to
    appear and sometimes it doesn't launch the next dialog box at all.
    Can you shed any light on this problem as we'll be rolling out
    large quantities of quizzes and would like to use this feature.
    Many thanks.

    Hi there
    grandpa72 wrote:
     ...I am wondering if anyone is aware of any problems of this kind?...
    Maybe the link below helps?
    Click here to view
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

  • Quizzes...send email button....

    I am having a problem with the use of "Send Email" button in quizzes after the student result is shown.
    When clicked it opens the students email prog....Outlook....Thunderbird or whatever.
    The results are then carried across into the email along with the email address of the teacher which is set in the button.
    Several students claim the results do not carry into the email.
    Specifically, one student using Hotmail claims the marks do not appear.
    Others claim their email prog doesn't open.
    Mildly suspicious, as always, of students I am wondering if anyone is aware of any problems of this kind?.
    I use Thunderbird and Outlook and it works OK in those.
    Many thanks

    Hi there
    grandpa72 wrote:
     ...I am wondering if anyone is aware of any problems of this kind?...
    Maybe the link below helps?
    Click here to view
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

  • I run DeviceDemo sample to send email, when click send email button after f

    I run DeviceDemo sample to send email, when click send email button after filling all fields, it took me to EverNote application, can not send email. does anyone has this kind experience? how to fix it?

    ADF Mobile cannot directly send emails as this is a security precaution of your mobile phone (imagine all applications could send mails without you confirming). Instead the send mail functionality launches the mail client you have configured and fill in the information you provided in the application. The mail function by the way is implemented through Cordova.

  • HT4623 MY iPad screen is stuck on the "terms and conditions screen.  I tap the agree button and the send  email button, but nothing happens.  Please help.

    While trying to update my Ipad to the new operating systemm my screen is stuck on the "Terms and Conditions" screen.  I tried touching the "agree" button and the "send my email" button, but nothing happens.  I can't get out of the screen without missing my full update.  Please help.

    completely switch off your ipad with pressing the top power button  really long and then swipe the red swiper at the top. Then turn your  ipad back on, skip the icloud login screen and you should be good!  That's what i did so should work for you too

  • "Send Comments" button missing in Acrobat 9

    I have seen several other people with the same problem, just wondering if there is a solution.  We have Acrobat 9 pro and we need to use the email review collaboration tool.  When I send off a document for email review, the recipient person with Acrobat 9 does not get the "Send Comments" button.  I have already check to make sure Java was check in the preferences and that all of the extend features and security options are correct.  We updated recently from using Acrobat version 8 to 9.  This feature worked fine in version 8.  I have tried this on multiple machines with multiple individuals and it does not show up under any circumstances.  Any suggestions? 

    I guess I will answer my own question.  The problem stems from selections made when installing.  Our enterprise edition had access points to disabled which is selection option you get when installing.  The solution is a simple registry change.  The send comments button is present now.
    For Acrobat pro 9 users
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\9.0\Workflows ] “bEnableWorkflowPart”=dword:00000000 to 1
    For systems with Acrobat Reader, use the following:
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Reader\9.0\Workflows ] “bEnableWorkflowPart”=dword:00000000 to 1

  • Send email button to include subject?

    When configuring the On Success properties for a button, I
    choose "Send email", and in the Send email to field, I enter
    [email protected]?subject=Test.
    This works fine when previewing; an email pops up with the
    correct recipient and the Subject line appearing as expected.
    However, after publishing to SWF, the email functionality works
    again, but the subject line is blank.
    Does someone know how to include a subject line in an email
    generated by a "send email to" button after publishing?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi again
    Ohhhh, THAT issue. Here is the fix. Captivate expects a full
    string with no spaces. So you can take one of the following
    * Smoosh together, as in
    [email protected]?subject="OrderEntry" (icky)
    * Use an underscore, as in
    [email protected]?subject="Order_Entry" (Better, but still
    * Use the coding for a space, as in
    [email protected]?subject="Order%20Entry" (Yay! Best approach)
    Cheers... Rick

  • Move send email button back to old position !

    I have moved my account to icloud, but now the send button is under the close box on my PC!
    Very easily one can send an email by mistake when trying to close the email box.
    I recommend that Apple move the send button back to the upper left as it was before.

    Hi Shaun,
    If that's the case it means that the dynamic navigation could be failing hence, I suggest you to compare the Generic OP mapping in both the navigation bar profiles. There should be entries for component BT126_MAIL etc, in order for the navigation to work.

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