Sending idoc WVINVE03

Hi SAP Gurus,
May I know what is the procedure to send idoc WVINVE03? I have tried WE19 to simulate and clicked on the standard outbound processing. Idoc is created.
My question is: How is this being processed aside from WE19? Is there a transaction to use to process the physical inventory document into an outbound idoc - since there is no message type for physical invt document?

Hi Steve, thanks for answering.
I am not using WM.
I am currently using SAP Retail Store (SAP RS).
Anyway, I found out the way via PDC monitoring in SAP RS. Once PID is created in SAP ERP, SAP RS can access this and send to PDC via standard WVINVE03.

Similar Messages

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    Hi All,
    We need to send IDoc's (DEBMAS06) from R/3 to XI and  bundle and map them to a single xml-file. Please help us with your suggestions on how to proceed using a simple solution (probably need of BPM).

    Hi Theo,
    there is an example in SAP Library: <a href="">Collecting and Bundling Messages - One Interface</a>. Plz post us your detailed quetions.

  • Getting error code 37 while sending IDOC via WE19

    Hello experts,
    I am facing a very unlikely error which is preventing me from testing my scenario.
    I dont have XI quality server and hence I am using my development server as both dev and quality. Hence I need to connect both dev and quality SAP R/3 system to my XI dev system. While I have done all the configurations in my XI and both SAP R/3 systems, its giving me error when i am trying to send IDOC from quality system.
    In quality R/3 i have done the following:
    1) Created RFC for my XI dev server
    2) Created port for this RFC
    3) Created partner profile adding all required IDOCS in the outbound parameters
    4) Created distribution channel for all the idocs
    In XI dev system i have done the following:
    1) Created RFC for both dev and quality of R/3
    2) Created port for both the RFCs
    3) Maintained the IDOC metadata for both the ports
    Now when I am pusing IDOC via dev of r/3 (we19) is working fine but when I am doing the same from quality of r/3 its giving me status code of idoc as 37 that says "An error was identified in the control record while adding an IDoc. The sender port SAPQTY_510 is invalid."
    But I have created this sender port SAPQTY_510 in my XI dev system and have also maintained the idoc metadata. I dont know why this error is coming.
    Can anyone please point out what mistake i have done or if i missed sometig as I am trying to connect 2 r/3 systems to one XI system.
    Its really urgent hence your help will be highly apreciated.

    hi yash,
    where you created SAPQTY_510 ,it should be created in R/3 Quality RFC destinations.
    In XI DEV create port like SAPxxx WHERE xxx is SID of quality system.
    actually we are getting confused.
    i guess you used same name SAPQTY_510 in quality R/3 and XI DEV .
    In error it says sender port SAPQTY_510  is invalid mean port of Source not XI DEV(receiver).
    just try to use some other name say SAPXXX_QUA and confirm the error.
    when IDOC is sent to XI DEV  ,port of  XIDEV  SAPQTY_510 has nothing to play any role .
    just check whether rfc destination of sender port (QUALITY R/3)you used is of type 3.
    so please check at which port error is coming.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Rama Krishna
    Edited by: rama krishna talluri on Mar 5, 2008 10:02 AM

  • Message SR 053 when i send idoc from SAp R/3 4.6C to PI 7

    I try to send idoc from SAP r/3 4.6C to PI 7. I had made  ALE configuration in my sender system ( SAP 4.6C) but idocs are not sent to PI. In SM58 i have message "Name or password is incorrect (repeat logon)". Yet i'm sure that user and password are correct because if i test RFC destination using SM59 , test is OK.
    Is somebody can help me ?

    In R/3 :
    my RFC destination is type 3 and point to XI. The port in the partner profile  point to this RFC destination. ( all seems good !).
    In Xi : i created a port and i load manually idoc in idx2 to be sure that RFC destination was OK. Nothing in IDX5.
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    Somebody can give me requires caracteristics for XI user used in R/3 RFC destination ?

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    Do we need a partner profile to send Idoc to PI 7.4 system from ECC.
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    Hi Mohamed,
    You need to create a tRFC port on sending ECC system. The RFC destination selected in this port os the one created for IDOC transfer.
    Also you need a logical system, use client 000, i.e. PI1CLNT000.
    At last you have to create a partner profile to define the IDOC type used.
    Best Regards

  • Doubt in Sender IDoc Adapter

    Hi Gurus
    I have doubts regarding the sender IDoc adapter.The sender IDoc adapter is present by default and we do not create manually. the qos of this is EO by default.
    How can we change the QOS of the sender IDoc adapter? do we have to maitain any settings on the R/3 side, please explain??
    thanking you

    Dear Abhinav,
    Check my comments in this forum thread:
    [IDOC Serialization|Re: IDOC Serialization in PI]
    Praveen K

  • Idoc to file scenaro ( sending IDOC as it is to NON-SAP)

    Hi Experts,
    I am doing idoc to file scenario.
    I am having SAP R/3 system with 3 clients(100, 200 & 300), IDOC is comming from SAP R/3( any one of the client)
    In this is scenario, I am sending IDOC-XML as it is to the NON-SAP system.
    I heard that, i can do in 3 ways. those are
    1. Without any repository objects: you can go ahead with No interface mechanism on the target side.
    2. Without message type: create a message interface whose message type would be idoc itself
    3. With message type: export the IDOC as xsd file and re import the xsd file as an external definition.
    If i  go without IR objects,Please tell me whether i need to create Interface objects(i.e. DT,MT & MI) & Mapping objects (MM & IM) or not for the reciever.
       step1: I will import the IDOC into IR.
       step2: Directly i will go to the ID without desiging any object in IR ( is it ok).
      Is my assuption or correct or not?, please tell me.
    So please tell me the entire scenario how to achieve this.
    Please help in this issue.

    Hi Laxmi
    1. Without any repository objects: you can go ahead with No interface mechanism on the target side.
    -- Not Possible
    2. Without message type: create a message interface whose message type would be idoc itself
    -- No need for the Message Interface for IDOC. You will directly import the IDOC and do the Mapping
    3. With message type: export the IDOC as xsd file and re import the xsd file as an external definition.
    -- This is Possible. you are export the IDOC as XSD File and reimport the same. so there is no difference. If you are going to change the IDOC Structure then this is possible.
    Here I am sending some links which are useful for IDOC to File Scenario. Please go thru the links given below..
    While doing an IDOC -> XI -> File scenario, The Points to noted are:
    1. You don’t need a DT, MT or a message interface for the IDOC as it itself acts as the Message Interface.
    2. You import the IDOC and use the same in your mapping.
    3. In this configuration note that you don’t have a sender agreement as you don’t have a sender IDOC adapter.
    If it is that you wanted to send an IDOC from XI (File to IDOC) , then in this case:
    points 1 and 2 will remain, but the 3 will not. You will need a sender agreement for the file and a receiver agreement for the IDOC.
    IDOC -> File scenario ref:
    IDoc-XI-File scenario
    File -> IDOC ref:
    File to IDOC
    To be able to trigger your IDOC from the SAP ISU system, you will have to set the partner profile in we20. Select your Business System (mostly under Logical system) and then create Outbound entries for whichever IDOC you want to trigger.
    You define your basic type also in your partner profile settings, Please go thru the following links to get a better idea about partner profile:
    Also, I would suggest that you go through this blog by michal if any issue arises,
    I hope this answers your query.
    Award the POINTS if it is useful **

  • Need of ALE settings to connect 4.7 to 5.0 to send IDOc

    I have two servers 4.7 and 5.0 .
    Now I want to send Idoc from 4.7 client 800 to 5.0 client 800.
    Can anybody provide me the steps to create ALE settings and to send IDOC.
    creating logical systems in source and destination and creating RFC and partner profile and port.
    Thanks in Advance

    For ALE senerion for sending the material from one system there are three methods are there
    1) Executable program only for Master Data
    2) Message type Master As well as Transcation Data
    2) Change Pointers Master As well as Transcation Data
    1) SCC4 Create the Logical systems.
    ALG800 for 800
    ALG810 for 810
    2) Assign the Logical systems to the Client using SCC4> selecting the Client and Double click> maintain the logical system name which you had created in the step 1
    3) Main RFC destination SM59---> use the same Logical system name as the Logical system name
    log on to 800 and goto SM59 --> create
      ALG810 --> provide the 810 logon details and save
    test with remote will open the client 810..
    logon to client 810 goto--> sm59 --> create
       ALG800 --> provide the 800 logon details and save
    test with remote will open the client 800..
    logon to 800 goto BD64 maintain CDM-->change
    create CDM
    ZCDM01  CDM
    ALG800 sender
    ALG810 Reciever
    MATMAS Message type
    ZCDM01  CDM
    ALG810 sender
    ALG800 Reciever
    MATMAS Message type
    Environment ---> Generate partner porfile.
    edit --> distribute CDM
    Logon to 810
    goto BD64---> select CDM ZCDM01 ---> Environment ---> Generate Pratner Profile.
    Edit --> distribute.
    ALE Setting are compleated.
    Logon to sender system 800.
    create material in MM01
    Material   10001
    Industry sector mechanical engee
    Material Type finished
    Base Unit of Measure KG
    Weight unit         KG
    Gross Weight         100
    Net Weight           100
    Execute BD10 in client 800
    Check the Idoc in WE05.
    Log on to Client 810
    Execute BD11
    check the IDOC status in WE05
    goto MM03 provide the material numer enter...

  • Sending IDoc from Non-SAP system to XI

    Dear all,
       We have a non sap system which needs to send IDoc to XI, Please could you answer my following four questions
    1. What should be the values for the following fields in the IDoc control record
    e.g. RCVPRN = <logical system name of XI>
    2. How does XI decide which port(idx1) to be used when it receives an idoc
    3. The third party system is a non sap one, so it does not have a client no, so I would assume, I need to use another SAP system as a meta data provider, in that case, how would i tell XI to use that port when it receives IDocs from the non-SAP system ?
    4. In what step does XI use the logical system name of the Business system(in SLD)?
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: Chidambaram Danus on Jan 25, 2008 2:21 PM

    there is bit wrong interpretation of the statement
    If the sender system is a non-SAP system, the sender service is identified from the logical system name of the sender port.
    If the sender system is nonSAP it indicates taht the data is coming to XI from non sap systems such as file, database, webservice etc. to XI and from XI it will pass to sap as IDOC inbound.
    For this you need to create the logical system in SAP (receiver) and pass on that value to IDOC header.
    You could maintain it in the Business service used for Sender system (nonSAP). here it will be available in the tabs ---> History.
    note : IDOC is the concept of data container in SAP, you will not be able to have the IDOCs in non sap systems...
    Edited by: Swarup Sawant on Jan 25, 2008 2:54 PM

  • Error in Sending IDoc to XI

    Hi Gurus,
    We are not being able to send Idocs from one of our Back-end SAP system. The Idoc status in we05 is successful but it doesn't reach XI. So we checked in SM58 in the Back-end R/3 system and there it shows the error:
    No Service For System  SAP*** , Client *** in Integration Directory
    We tried almost every possible setup
    -The System is defined in SLD and has the logical system name.
    -The Adapter Specific Identifiers are correct for the corresponding business system in ID
    -The RFC destination in R/3 system is defined.
    - Read through other similar threads in SDN about the similar problem.
    Do anyone have a more definite solution for this particular problem? The other R/3 systems are connected to XI system and all IDocs from those systems are arriving at XI.
    Waiting for your valuable advices!

    Hi All,
    We had eventually found the solution to this problem we were facing in sending IDoc, though I couldn't manage to update the thread with the solution. I think this would be a very helpful information for those who face similar problems.
    Let me describe the scenario first briefly,
    We are sending an IDoc (Idoc extension), from SAP system to XI and then send the XML payload as mail attachment to the receiver via receiver mail adapter. Since this is a cross company transaction, hence we have configured the scenario as a B2B in ID, which means we use Parties for both the sender and receiver.
    Now in the ID we had done all necessary configurations and used parties and services under Party. For the sender SAP system we assigned a Business System to Sender Partner, configured the Party Alternative Identifiers correctly. The ports were created in IDX1.
    On the other hand the SAP system was also configured successfully - including Partner Profile, Distribution List, RFC destinations and ports.
    In SLD we created Business System for the SAP system and in ID the Business System under party had the correct logical system name as Adapter Specific Identifiers.
    But after all these, the IDoc was not arriving at XI, though in R/3 the status of the IDoc was 03 in we02. When we checked in sm58 in R/3, it showed us the error message that "No Service For System  SAP*** , Client *** in Integration Directory".
    The cause to this problem was:
    We created (assigned from SLD) Business System only under Party (Sender), as this was a B2B scenario, and didn't create (assign) a Business System without Party, as we didn't need one at all in the scenario configuration. And this the reason behind this error. When an Idoc arrives at XI, before the Inbound IDoc adapter converts the IDoc to IDoc XML using IDoc checks in Configuarion to see if any Service without Party (Busniess System) is defined for the Sender SAP System and Client (The SNDPOR and MANDT field values from IDoc Control header are taken as the SAP SID and Client). If it finds one it accepts the IDoc and starts the Normalization (Sender Party, the message header) and IDoc to XML conversion. If it cannot find an Service without Party in ID for sender system, it rejects the Idoc with the error message that we saw in sm58 in backend R/3 system.
    In this step the Service under Party doesn't help, because at this point the Inbound IDoc adapter can not deterimine the sender party.
    Hence for sending an IDoc from an SAP system to XI, we need to have an Service Without Party in ID, whether or not we require it in our actual Scenario Configuration, which is ofcourse not a case for the Reverse Scenario, ie Sending an IDoc into SAP system from XI.
    This is the similar with BC adapter as well. I was already aware about this behaviour of BC adapter from my past experience and this actually helped to troubleshoot this IDoc adapter problem.
    This was ofcourse a useful and new learning for me and hope would be helpful to others as well. Let me know if anyone has any doubts on this.
    Edited by: Suddhasatta Guha on Aug 28, 2008 1:03 PM

  • Steps required for Sender IDOC adapter PI 7.0

    Hi all,
    My basis guy has installed SAP EHP1 for PI7.0 for handling the idoc packaging(sending idocs in packs)...
    Please can any one let me know the further settings required in PI after it has been installed...
    and even when i open the sender IDOC in comminication channel in ID i am able to see only 3 options
    Transport prtocol, message protocol,Adapter engine...
    But i am not able to see the other fields...
    Can any one help me...
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Michael,
    Thanks for your reply..
    I searched for the docs in many ways.. but couldnt find proper information regarding the IDOC packaging with sender IDOC adapter and steps required...
    Could you please let me know  if i can get the book in Singapore since our project, because almost 90% interfaces are related to IDOC...
    And request you if you can share me the steps required in PI to confirgure IDOC packaging for EHP1...
    Sridhar Reddy
    Edited by: sridhar reddy kondam on Jun 15, 2009 4:35 AM

  • Sending IDoc Batches to SAP: Issue with Header Mapping for SNDPRN

    We are sending batched IDocs from XI to SAP. We need the individual IDocs to reflect different SNDPRN values. Our mapping creates the different IDoc EDI_DC40 record correctly with different SNDPRN values. However, XI wipes out the SNDPRN values in the payload. When we define Header mapping to get the Sender Party as the XPath to the SNDPRN in the payload, then the header mapping errors out because the XPath returns multiple values.
    I wanted to know if anyone has successfully implemented sending IDoc batches to SAP from XI with different SNDPRN values.
    Your feedback is appreciated.
    Jay Malla
    Licensed To Code
    Genentech SAP XI Team

    I have the same problem. I want XI send an IDOC with the SNDPOR, SNDPRT and the SNDPRN that are in the EDIDC40.
    <u><b>I find this in : </b></u>
    The IDoc adapter does not make any special demands on mapping. The IDoc adapter must simply be provided with an IDoc XML structure at the Integration Server outbound channel. This either already exists or must be generated by using a mapping.
    If the IDoc XML structure contains a control record, it is deleted and created again by the IDoc adapter. If you want to include additional values in the control record, you must select the Apply Control Record Values from Payload checkbox in the parameters in the communication channel and provide a corresponding mapping for the values.
    You can include the values from the following fields in your IDoc control record:
    Perhaps we must use party configuration but I don't know how do this !

  • Problem sending IDOC DESADV  /AFS/DELVRY03 to XI

    Hi Gurus,
    I have problems sending IDOCs DESADV (basic type /AFS/DELVRY03) created by function LSEND_IDOC to XI system. IDOC is correctly created by R3 system (AFS ECC 5.0) and correctly sent on the XI port (Status: Data passed to port OK - 03), but XI system doesn't receive IDOC.
    If I resend the same IDOC by WE19 tcode goes ok!!
    In R3 sending system nothing warnings/errors in syslog or sm58.
    Any suggests? Thanks in advance.

    Issue solved! It is necessary close the master idoc with a commit

  • Idoc- can we sent already sended idoc if status is showing error message

    Idoc- can we sent already sended idoc if status is showing error message
    without making any changes.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi raja,
    IN BD87.
    give the idoc number,its status,messagetype and partner system and resend it.

  • Problems with sending IDocs into R/3 using BPM

    Hi Vishnu,
    as I have read the forum, you have experience with sending IDocs into R/3 from XI using the BPM.
    Did you have problem, that this sending takes very long time?
    My BPM splits the xml, sends IDoc into R/3 immediately, but the processing of the 2nd IDoc takes 6-10 minutes!
    Do you have any idea, what could be wrong?
    Thanx 4 answer, Peter

    Vishnu, I was discussing this problem in another thread, but no helpful answer was sent, and I have read, that you have experience, so - just for explanation
    yes, this situation is really strange.. New facts are:
    when I send into XI XML, which is splitted in the BPM only into 1 IDoc, it is processed immediately. When I send there XML for 2 IDocs, the first is processed immediately, the 2nd starts immediately, but end of process is after 6-10 minutes, it depends... Then I tried to send there XML for 10 IDocs - and now attention please! 5 of them have been processed almost immediately, 5 of them after 8 minutes...  The last test was with 16 items - 6 processed immediately, 10 after 10 minutes...  And all these 10 minutes was my 4 processor XI box unavailable, with over 60% load... But finally the IDocs arrive!!
    Any explanation???
    This is really unbelievable situation!
    Port name is SAPDEV, rfc destination DEVCLNT100
    Actually, when I was creating the scenarion using the wizard and trying to add my communication channel(IDoc type) to receiver agreement, I got error - communication channel is not configured correctly, use another one. But somewhere I read, that I should create the receiver agreement manually. So I did.
    To my BPM:
    -receive MSG
    -switch (but I'm testing only one branch now) - and the MSG message is always passed here, it's ok
    -then I have transformation to MultiMSG (message with multiple DATA for multiple IDOCS)
    -then comes the split mapping Multi2SingleMSG
    -then ForEach Block with sending the Single MSG
    this is the end of the BPM, and outside the BPM comes the mapping Single2IdocMSG and sending the IDoc into R/3
    before I had the Single2Idoc mapping in the BPM, but thought, that this could be the bottleneck, so moved the mapping after the BPM... It didn't help...
    So, what do you say?

Maybe you are looking for