Sending Java object using E-Mail

Dear Experts,
In my application I am trying write java Object in a file. Then I have to attach that file with an E-Mail. In the receiver side I have to download the file and read the Java Object from file.
The Problem is , when I am sending and receiving mail using outlook Express, My file is reduced by some Kbs(Example , I am sending 66kb but I am receiving only 64Kb).
If any of you have some ideas to solve the above problem, please let me know.
With Thanks

Perhaps you are trying to send binary but e-mail must be in text or the data will get filtered/mangled.

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         at __Proxy1.persistEntity(Unknown Source)
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    can you send me your test scenario/project at anuj dot k dot jain at oracle dot com. I tried reproducing this but was unable to do so.
    anuj dot k dot jain at oracle dot com

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    Looks like the properties in your Java class are having
    default scope. Please make sure the getters and setters for the
    properties are public and are following Java beans naming
    conventions. Can you also try creating a DataPoint class in the
    Flex application and map it to the respective Java class. One more
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    Hope this helps.

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    <netui:select dataSource= "{container.item.default}"
    optionsDataSource= "{container.item.defaultChoices}" /> </td>
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    I have done it in the past. The java object need not be actionForm. The following write-up I found in edocs will help you achieve this.
    Page Flow-Scoped Form Beans
    Page Flow-scoped Form Bean instances have the same life-cycle as the Controller file instance. They are created and destroyed when the Controller file instance is created and destroyed. This makes Page Flow-scoped Form Beans useful for storing data that has been accumulated across many different JSP pages.
    To create a Page Flow-scoped Form Bean instance, construct a public member variable of the Form Bean in the Controller file.
    public class myController extends PageFlowController
    public MyFormBean pageFlowScopedBean = new MyFormBean();
    Once you have created a Page Flow-scoped instance of a Form Bean, you can pass the instance to action methods by using the @action form="form_bean" annotation.
    public class myController extends PageFlowController
    public MyFormBean pageFlowScopedBean = new MyFormBean();
    * @jpf:action form="pageFlowScopedBean"
    * @jpf:forward name="success" path="displayData.jsp"
    protected Forward submit( MyFormBean form )
    return new Forward( "success" );
    Each time the submit() method is invoked, it is passed the same instance of the Form Bean, namely, pageFlowScopedBean, the instance that was created when the Controller file instance was created.
    For more info go to
    Good luck.

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    JNIEXPORT jobject retObj JNICALL Java_AbfaRegion_getJSourceData
      (JNIEnv *env, jobject thisObj)
            //instantiate the java object on retObj????
            //call setters with values from the c structures...
            //return retObj??? no other memory releasing needed?
    }Thanks again for all your help,

    K sounds straight forward enough, the index in my book had nothing on <init> and I wasnt aware of the NewObject call. So my final (well for demonstration purposes) code should look something like:
    JNIEXPORT jobject retObj JNICALL Java_AbfaRegion_getJSourceData
      (JNIEnv *env, jobject thisObj)
         jclass clazz;
         jclass clazzTemp;
         jmethodID mid;
         jint val;
         jobject tempObj;
            //first instanciate the object
         clazz = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, retObj);
         mid  = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, clazz, "<init>", "()V");     
            //Get Object
         tempObj = (*env)->NewObject(env, clazz, mid);
            //get Class reference to instantiated class
         clazzTemp = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, tempObj);
            //Start calling setters to set the object up.
         mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, clazzTemp, "SetHeight", "(I)V");
         (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env,tempObj, mid, struct->myHeight);
            //set more members ...
            //return the object back to java with its members filled out.
            //before returning do I need to call (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(tempObj); ??
            return tempObj;
    }So is this how i do it for a function that is nativly defined as:
    public native JSources getJSourceData();?
    if this is right, then im cooking, and cannot thank you enough!

  • How to send multiple Recipients using the mail.jar and activation.jar

    could somebody help me. how do i send multiple Recipient using mail.jar. when i would input 2email address in to Recipient
    (example: [email protected], [email protected])
    i get a DEBUG: setDebug: JavaMail version 1.3.2
    but if i send a single email it just works properly.
    heres my code
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.mail.*;
    import javax.mail.event.*;
    import javax.mail.internet.*;
    public class SendMail
              public SendMail(String to, String from, String subject, String body)
              //public SendMail(String to)
                   String message_recip = to;
                   String message_subject = subject;
                   String message_cc = "";
                   String message_body = body;
                   //The JavaMail session object
                   Session session;
                   //The JavaMail message object
                   Message mesg;
                   // Pass info to the mail server as a Properties, since JavaMail (wisely) allows room for LOTS of properties...
                   Properties props = new Properties( );
                   // LAN must define the local SMTP server as "mailhost" to be able to send mail...
                   props.put("", "mailhost");
                   // Create the Session object
                   session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
                        // create a message
                        mesg = new MimeMessage(session);
                        // From Address - this should come from a Properties...
                        mesg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
                        // TO Address
                        InternetAddress toAddress = new InternetAddress(message_recip);
                        mesg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, toAddress);
                        // CC Address
                        InternetAddress ccAddress = new InternetAddress(message_cc);
                        mesg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.CC, ccAddress);
                        // The Subject
                        // Now the message body.
                        // XXX I18N: use setText(msgText.getText( ), charset)
                        // Finally, send the message!
                   }//end of try
                   catch (MessagingException ex)
                        while ((ex = (MessagingException)ex.getNextException( )) != null)
                             ex.printStackTrace( );
                        }//end of while
              }//end of catch
         }//end of SendMail
    public static void main(String[] args)
              //String t = "[email protected], [email protected]"; - this I think causes error
    String t = "[email protected]";
              String f = "[email protected]";
              String s = "Hello World";
              String b = "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
              SendMail sm = new SendMail(t,f,s,b);     
         }//end of main
    }//end of class
    could someone please help me im stuck-up with this. thanx!

    i need it ASAP
    i am a beginner in java and jsp
    Need to knw how can I parse the addresss field
    is the code
    public class EMailBean {
    private String smtp,username,password,from,bcc,subject,body,attachments,cc;
         public void setSmtp(String str){this.smtp=str;}
         public void setUsername(String str){this.username=str;}
         public void setPassword(String str){this.password=str;}
         public void setFrom(String str){this.from=str;}
         public void setTo(String str){;}
         public void setCc(String str){;}
         public void setBcc(String str){this.bcc=str;}
         public void setSubject(String str){this.subject=str;}
         public void setBody(String str){this.body=str;}
         public void setAttachments(String str){this.attachments=str;}
         public String getSmtp( ){return this.smtp;}
         public String getUsername( ){return this.username;}
         public String getPassword( ){return this.password;}
         public String getFrom( ){return this.from;}
         public String getTo( ){return;}
         public String getCc( ){return;}     
         public String getBcc( ){return this.bcc;}
         public String getSubject( ){return this.subject;}
         public String getBody( ){return this.body;}
    public String getAttachments( ){return this.attachments;}
    Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
    try {
    MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session);
    msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(mail.getFrom()));
                                  msg.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, InternetAddress.parse(to, false));
                                  msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO,new InternetAddress(mail.getTo()));
                             msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.CC, new InternetAddress(mail.getCc()));
                                  msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.CC, new InternetAddress("[email protected]"));
    // Create the message part
    BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
    // Fill the message
    Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
    // Part two is attachment
    messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
    DataSource source = new FileDataSource(mail.getAttachments());
    messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source));
    msg.setSentDate(new Date());
    Transport t = session.getTransport("smtp");
    try {
    t.connect(mail.getUsername(), mail.getPassword());
    t.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients());
    } finally {
    result = result + "<FONT SIZE='4' COLOR='blue'><B>Success!</B>"+"<FONT SIZE='4' COLOR='black'> "+"<HR><FONT color='green'><B>Mail was successfully sent to </B></FONT>: "+mail.getTo()+"<BR>";
    if (!("".equals(mail.getCc())))
    result = result +"<FONT color='green'><B>CCed To </B></FONT>: "+mail.getCc()+"<BR>";
    if (!("".equals(mail.getBcc())))
    result = result +"<FONT color='green'><B>BCCed To </B></FONT>: "+mail.getBcc() ;
    result = result+"<BR><HR>";
    } catch (MessagingException mex) {
    result = result + "<FONT SIZE='4' COLOR='blue'> <B>Error : </B><BR><HR> "+"<FONT SIZE='3' COLOR='black'>"+mex.toString()+"<BR><HR>";
    } catch (Exception e) {
    result = result + "<FONT SIZE='4' COLOR='blue'> <B>Error : </B><BR><HR> "+"<FONT SIZE='3' COLOR='black'>"+e.toString()+"<BR><HR>";
    finally {
    return result;

  • Generation of XML file from Java objects using castor

    I have the following java file(
    public class Customer
         private String ID;
         private FirstName firstName;
         private MiddleName middleName;
         private LastName lastName;
         private ArrayList address;
         public ArrayList getAddress() {
              return address;
         public void setAddress(ArrayList address) {
              this.address = address;
         public FirstName getFirstName() {
              return firstName;
         public void setFirstName(FirstName firstName) {
              this.firstName = firstName;
         public String getID() {
              return ID;
         public void setID(String id) {
              ID = id;
         public LastName getLastName() {
              return lastName;
         public void setLastName(LastName lastName) {
              this.lastName = lastName;
         public MiddleName getMiddleName() {
              return middleName;
         public void setMiddleName(MiddleName middleName) {
              this.middleName = middleName;
    Using castor i have created an xml file(customer.xml) which has the following format.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <customer ID="fbs0001">
    - <ADDRESS>
    <FIRSTLINE>No 18, Sheshadri road</FIRSTLINE>
    <SECONDLINE>Gandhinagar Bangalore</SECONDLINE>
    - <ADDRESS>
    <SECONDLINE>Whitefield Bangalore</SECONDLINE>
    I have used a mapping file to get this output.Is there a way where i can get the output xml in the following format without changing the Java object structure.If yes then please suggest how this can be done.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <customer ID="fbs0001">
    <FIRSTLINE>No 18, Sheshadri road</FIRSTLINE>
    <SECONDLINE>Gandhinagar Bangalore</SECONDLINE>
    - <ADDRESS>
    <SECONDLINE>Whitefield Bangalore</SECONDLINE>
    I mean the output xml file should have the address as a separate tag not withing the root tag customer.

    Castor's own discussion groups might be able to point you to the solution you're looking for (if this use case is possible using Castor).
    Oracle has its own object-to-XML mapping tool that is part of the TopLink product. It allows you to map existing objects to an existing XML Schema. This can be done visually using the TopLink Workbench, or programmatically using the TopLink APIs. TopLink OXM also supports the JAXB specification.
    Using TopLink OXM to get the desired XML result I would recommend the following. Map the Customer and Address classes to XML, but don't map the relationship between Customer and Address. Then make the calls to the marshaller something like the following:
    marshaller.marshal(aCustomer, System.out);
    for(int x=0; x<aCustomer.getAddress().size(); x++) {
         marshal(aCustomer.getAddress().get(x), System.out);
    Example - Using TopLink OXM to map an existing object model to an existing XML Schema:
    For more information on TopLink object-to-XML mapping:

  • Reg XML generation from java objects using SAX 2.0

    i'm using java 1.6 and i've imported following class to generate XML from java objects
    the following class has been imple her to create a Xml file and tag elements ,
    OutputFormat of = new OutputFormat("XML", "iso-8859-1", true);
    XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(fos, of);
    ContentHandler hd = serializer.asContentHandler();
    everything works fine but i'm getting warrnin reg the serializer and outputformat
    warring is: is Sun proprietary API and may be removed in a future release is Sun proprietary API and may be removed in a future release
    thanks ,
    with regards,

    I've been having the same problem. Here is what i found:
    Hope that helps (or at least helps you feel better).

  • How to send html messages using unix mail ?

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    It works fine for me right out of the box; I've done zero to configure anything. In my case, I presume the HTML is encoded in a file. Then I invoke a script which adds the following mail headers before the HTML, then calls sendmail:
    <pre class=command>MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
    To: $address
    From: $MY_EMAIL
    Subject: File: $subject
    In the header, variables $address, $MY_EMAIL, and $subject are filled in by the shell script.

  • Is it possible to send Java Object as parameter to an applet

    Is there a way to communicate to the applet using java objects instead of String parameters.
    can we do the following while invoking an applet
    <applet code=some.class>
    <param name=name value=object/>
    in applet
    Object obj = (Object) getParameter("name");
    Please le me know if you have any suggestions.

    in the applet:
    URL url = new URL("mypage.jsp?somearg=somevalue");
    URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
    ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(conn.getInputStream());and in the JSP (although servlets would be better for this):
    <%@page import="*, java.util.*"
    %><% // This is important... if you are going to use JSP, you can't allow any newlines,
    // which is why servlets are better for this type of thing...
    String somearg = request.getParameter("somearg");
    ObjectOutputStream objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(response.getOutputStream());

  • Displaying Complex Java Objects using netui

    I have a java object with the following structure.
    int name;
    String ID;
    ArrayList obj2;//coniatns multiple obj2 objects
    int name;
    String ID;
    ArrayList obj3; //coniatns multiple obj3 objects
    int name;
    String ID;
    How and what netui tags can I use to display this kind of structure for obj1?
    I tried repeaters and it is not working for me.
    Also if I have a structure like this
    ArrayList obj4; //contains arrays's of multiple items.
    String[] eventTime;
    String[] eventDate;
    How can I display this in a grid fashion using netui? The netui:gid tag only
    wirks with RowSet and I have an ArrayList?
    If I want to use simple jsp and not use netui tags what is the context for accessing
    my form that I have in my page flow from the jsp? e.g. if I have a form in my
    page flow called listForm which has gets and sets for
    String[] eventTime;
    String[] eventDate;
    what is the context I use in my jsp to print values of eventTime and eventDate
    in a grid like fashion without using nteui? I tried 'request' context but it
    does not work. In netui we can use actionForm or pageFlow etc but what about
    simple jsp context?
    Please reply soon. Thanks

    Try the <netui-data:getData> tag in the workshop documentation, It gives an example
    "Kush" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I have a java object with the following structure.
    int name;
    String ID;
    ArrayList obj2;//coniatns multiple obj2 objects
    int name;
    String ID;
    ArrayList obj3; //coniatns multiple obj3 objects
    int name;
    String ID;
    How and what netui tags can I use to display this kind of structure for
    I tried repeaters and it is not working for me.
    Also if I have a structure like this
    ArrayList obj4; //contains arrays's of multiple items.
    String[] eventTime;
    String[] eventDate;
    How can I display this in a grid fashion using netui? The netui:gid
    tag only
    wirks with RowSet and I have an ArrayList?
    If I want to use simple jsp and not use netui tags what is the context
    for accessing
    my form that I have in my page flow from the jsp? e.g. if I have a form
    in my
    page flow called listForm which has gets and sets for
    String[] eventTime;
    String[] eventDate;
    what is the context I use in my jsp to print values of eventTime and
    in a grid like fashion without using nteui? I tried 'request' context
    but it
    does not work. In netui we can use actionForm or pageFlow etc but what
    simple jsp context?
    Please reply soon. Thanks

  • Sending audio file using Mac Mail

    What would be the best way to send a short audio clip using Mac Mail to recipients who all have PC's?

    All I know is sometimes I receive documents, audio or video clips from friends who have PC's and they can't be played or opened up on my Mac because I don't have the proper applications to open them.
    I would assume the reverse could also happen depending on the program that created them.
    As an example: What if I send an audio clip taken from my iTunes Library and the person who receives it doesn't have iTunes and the only other program they have is Windows Media Player. Will they be able to open this file up?

  • Send Java objects through a socket

    I want to send some java objects to a J2SE server from a J2me socket. In normal j2me socket there is no way of putting whole obejct to the output stream. Is there any way that you can send a object from a socket ? Please advice..

    Check this article on making serializable objects in MIDP. If the objects you want to send receive across the network implement this, then you can easily transform them into byte arrays and back to objects so they can be sent across a network.

  • Error Generating Java Objects using TopLink

    Running online tutorial: Build a Web Application with ADF Faces and Oracle TopLink
    Generated errors when trying to build Java Objects From Table Wizard at step 9.
         at oracle.ideimpl.log.TabbedLogManager.getMsgPage(
         at oracle.toplink.addin.log.POJOGenerationLoggingAdapter.updateTask(
         at oracle.toplink.addin.mappingcreation.MappingCreatorImpl.fireTaskUpdated(
         at oracle.toplink.addin.mappingcreation.MappingCreatorImpl.generateMappedDescriptorsForTables(
         at oracle.toplink.addin.mappingcreation.MappingCreatorImpl.generateMappedDescriptorsForTables(
         at oracle.toplink.addin.wizard.jobgeneration.JobWizard$1.construct(
         at oracle.ide.util.SwingWorker$
    Any help welcomed

    I had installed JDeveloper 10g inside a directory that had a space in the directory name.

Maybe you are looking for