Sendmail function

How can I use sendmail option with Apache for Netware 6.5
Jos Duarte

Hi Jos,
[email protected] (=?iso-8859-15?Q?Jos=E9?= Duarte) wrote in
news:pUSHi.2933$[email protected]:
> How can I use sendmail option with Apache for Netware 6.5
Apache has no mail support, and NetWare no sendmail.
However there are various other ways to send mails, f.e. Perl, PHP, I guess
Java too...; so please be more detailed what you want to do, and I might be
able to suggest you something....

Similar Messages

  • Sendmail function question

    Hi all,
    Is it possible to send more than one attachment in sendmail function?
    If yes, how is it ?
    Thank you

    I am trying to use the SendMailJPKG.
    Everything runs fine when I call the Procedure with something hardcoded in the attachmentlist like this.
    :ErrorStatus := SendMailJPkg.SendMail(
    SMTPServerName => '',
    Sender => '[email protected]',
    Recipient => '[email protected]',
    BccRecipient => '',
    Subject => 'This is the subject line: Test JavaMail',
    Body => 'This is the body: Hello, this is a test' ||
    SendMailJPkg.EOL || 'that spans 2 lines',
    ErrorMessage => :ErrorMessage,
    Attachments => SendMailJPkg.ATTACHMENTS_LIST('/tmp/mydir/mm/packslip.pdf'));
    But I need to get the attachments dynamically. Specifically, I have to run two reports and I have to send the outputs from the reports, which are in $APPLCSF/directory as an email attavhment. But the moment I am trying to do it it is not working.
    It is generating the error message like:
    javax.mail.SendFailedException: Sending failed;
    nested exception is:
    javax.mail.MessagingException: IOException while sending message;
    nested exception is: No such file or directory
    javax.mail.MessagingException: IOException while sending message;
    nested exception is: No such file or directory
    Any help will be appreciated.

  • SendMail function doesn't work

    I have a real problem. We have a Win7-64bit build with Office 2010 and Adobe Reader XI ( The functionality to send a pdf directly from Reader via outlook just doesnt work. The error you get is "The file xxxxxx.ost cannot be opened". Initially we issued to our users to use a workaround of saving the file locally and attaching it to an email. Well the business is tired of this and its unacceptable.
    Our Reader install is done through App-V. Initially we thought that was the problem, however a local install of the version behaves the same.
    Another reader like Foxit works perfectly, in fact installing Reader 9.5 works fine.
    I tried 11.4 but that doesn't work.
    Does anyone have a fix for this. I'd rather stick with Adobe for a Reader but I can't if this functionality isn't fixed. Maybe its time to move away from the other suites like Acrobat and Creative also.

    Hello Nick,
    We have the same problem.
    Do you have a solution for this problem ?
    Best regards,
    Jeroen Blok

  • SENDmail issue to Lotus Notes Reciever

    Hi All,
    The SENDmail function of SAP has been working great in the PROD system. However, there was a problem regarding the Lotus Notes side.
    The reciever in the Lotus Notes experienced an error stated as : 'Sorry, an uncorrectable error has occured. Invalid pool free chain. Press ENTER to abort application.'
    The SENDmail step is forwarded to the Lotus Notes using Auto Forwarding.
    I also configured an Extended Notification for workitems. But this excludes the SENDmail step ( textmail ).
    Does SAP usea java applet or some sort for this? And what is that applet, if there is?
    Thanks guys!
    Please guide me on this.
    Very much pleased with your suggestions,

    Hi Dheepak,
    I'm also sure that this is not an error in the SAP side. However, I am also involved in pointing out the cause of the error in the Lotus Notes side.
    It is expected that the Text Mail can be read in the Lotus Notes email client. I also tried to forward  the SAPmail (text mail) in MS Outlook and it worked fine. There seems to be a problem in the employee's Lotus Notes mail.
    However, the workitem sending in Lotus Notes (with links) works fine. It means, the Lotus Notes and SAP Workflow has been properly connected.
    The only error that occured was the error I stated above. I'm sure that this may involve Lotus Notes user settings. I hope those people who know SAP as well as Lotus Notes may help me on this.
    P.S. DUET is not used in this config. The SAP - Lotus Notes connection was configured using Extended Notification.
    Edited by: Reymar Ellazo on Jul 2, 2008 3:32 AM

  • File upload sendmail not displaying user input

    Hello ive set up the upload example from
    i added a textarea field and a sendmail function.  all is working well but the email does not contain any of the data from the fields on the form that the user submits. its just white space where that data should be.....Could someone please check this code and see what i am doing wrong ...thanks, kevin
    ---------------------------Here is the form page:---------------------------------
    <cfparam name="FORM.image" default="" />
    <cfparam name="FORM.comments" default="" />
    <!--- Create an empty error string --->
    <cfset strError = "">
    <!--- This code creates a form with one field where the user enters the image file to upload. --->
    <cfform action="makeThumbnail.cfm" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <p>Please upload an image:
      <cfinput type="file" name="image" required="yes" id="image" value="#Trim(FORM.image)#" message="Please enter an image!">
      <cftextarea name="Comments" cols="20" rows="4" required="yes" id="Comments" message="Please enter your Comments!" enabled="no" value="#Trim(FORM.comments)#" maxlenght="160" visable="no" />  </p>
      <cfinput type="submit" value="Send Image" name="Submit">
    <cfif IsDefined( "FORM.image" )>
    <cfif IsDefined( "FORM.comments" )>
    from="[email protected]"
    to="[email protected]"
    subject="Visitor Email."
    server="outgoing server"
                    File uploaded.
       <cfoutput> image: #Trim(FORM.image)#, comments: #Trim(FORM.comments)#, #Now()#</cfoutput>
    -----------this is the makethumbnail.cfm which i made no changes ---------------------
    <cfset thisDir = expandPath(".")>
    <!--- Determine whether the form is uploaded with the image. --->
    <cfif structKeyExists(form,"image") and len(trim(form.image))>
        <!--- Use the cffile tag to upload the image file. --->
        <cffile action="upload" fileField="image" destination="#thisDir#" result="fileUpload"
        <!--- Determine whether the image file is saved. --->
        <cfif fileUpload.fileWasSaved>
        <!--- Determine whether the saved file is a valid image file. --->
            <cfif IsImageFile("#fileUpload.serverfile#")>
        <!--- Read the image file into a variable called myImage. --->
                <cfimage action="read" source="#fileUpload.serverfile#" name="myImage">
                <!--- Determine whether the image file exceeds the size limits. --->
                <cfif ImageGetHeight(myImage) gt 480 or ImageGetWidth(myImage) gt 360>
                    <!--- If the file is too large, delete it from the server. --->
                    <cffile action="delete"
                    The image you uploaded was too large. It must be less than 480 pixels wide
                        and 360 pixels high. Your image was #imageGetWidth(myImage)# pixels wide
                        and #imageGetHeight(myImage)# pixels high.
                    <!--- If the image is valid and does not exceed the size limits,
                        create a thumbnail image from the source file that is 75-pixels
                        square, while maintaining the aspect ratio of the source image.
                        Use the bilinear interpolation method to improve performance.
        <cfset ImageScaleToFit(myImage,100,100,"bilinear")>
                    <!--- Specify the new filename as the source filename with
                        "_thumbnail" appended to it. --->
                    <cfset newImageName = fileUpload.serverDirectory & "/" &
                        fileUpload.serverFilename & "_thumbnail." &
                    <!--- Save the thumbnail image to a file with the new filename. --->
                    <cfimage source="#myImage#" action="write"
                        destination="#newImageName#" overwrite="yes">
                    Thank you for uploading the image. We have created a thumbnail for
                        your picture.
                    <!--- Display the thumbnail image. --->
                    <img src="#getFileFromPath(newImageName)#">
            <!--- If it is not a valid image file, delete it from the server. --->
                <cffile action="delete"
                The file you uploaded, #fileUpload.clientFile#, was not a valid image.

    Hello ive set up the upload example from
    i added a textarea field and a sendmail function.  all is working well but the email does not contain any of the data from the fields on the form that the user submits. its just white space where that data should be.....Could someone please check this code and see what i am doing wrong ...thanks, kevin
    ---------------------------Here is the form page:---------------------------------
    <cfparam name="FORM.image" default="" />
    <cfparam name="FORM.comments" default="" />
    <!--- Create an empty error string --->
    <cfset strError = "">
    <!--- This code creates a form with one field where the user enters the image file to upload. --->
    <cfform action="makeThumbnail.cfm" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <p>Please upload an image:
      <cfinput type="file" name="image" required="yes" id="image" value="#Trim(FORM.image)#" message="Please enter an image!">
      <cftextarea name="Comments" cols="20" rows="4" required="yes" id="Comments" message="Please enter your Comments!" enabled="no" value="#Trim(FORM.comments)#" maxlenght="160" visable="no" />  </p>
      <cfinput type="submit" value="Send Image" name="Submit">
    <cfif IsDefined( "FORM.image" )>
    <cfif IsDefined( "FORM.comments" )>
    from="[email protected]"
    to="[email protected]"
    subject="Visitor Email."
    server="outgoing server"
                    File uploaded.
       <cfoutput> image: #Trim(FORM.image)#, comments: #Trim(FORM.comments)#, #Now()#</cfoutput>
    -----------this is the makethumbnail.cfm which i made no changes ---------------------
    <cfset thisDir = expandPath(".")>
    <!--- Determine whether the form is uploaded with the image. --->
    <cfif structKeyExists(form,"image") and len(trim(form.image))>
        <!--- Use the cffile tag to upload the image file. --->
        <cffile action="upload" fileField="image" destination="#thisDir#" result="fileUpload"
        <!--- Determine whether the image file is saved. --->
        <cfif fileUpload.fileWasSaved>
        <!--- Determine whether the saved file is a valid image file. --->
            <cfif IsImageFile("#fileUpload.serverfile#")>
        <!--- Read the image file into a variable called myImage. --->
                <cfimage action="read" source="#fileUpload.serverfile#" name="myImage">
                <!--- Determine whether the image file exceeds the size limits. --->
                <cfif ImageGetHeight(myImage) gt 480 or ImageGetWidth(myImage) gt 360>
                    <!--- If the file is too large, delete it from the server. --->
                    <cffile action="delete"
                    The image you uploaded was too large. It must be less than 480 pixels wide
                        and 360 pixels high. Your image was #imageGetWidth(myImage)# pixels wide
                        and #imageGetHeight(myImage)# pixels high.
                    <!--- If the image is valid and does not exceed the size limits,
                        create a thumbnail image from the source file that is 75-pixels
                        square, while maintaining the aspect ratio of the source image.
                        Use the bilinear interpolation method to improve performance.
        <cfset ImageScaleToFit(myImage,100,100,"bilinear")>
                    <!--- Specify the new filename as the source filename with
                        "_thumbnail" appended to it. --->
                    <cfset newImageName = fileUpload.serverDirectory & "/" &
                        fileUpload.serverFilename & "_thumbnail." &
                    <!--- Save the thumbnail image to a file with the new filename. --->
                    <cfimage source="#myImage#" action="write"
                        destination="#newImageName#" overwrite="yes">
                    Thank you for uploading the image. We have created a thumbnail for
                        your picture.
                    <!--- Display the thumbnail image. --->
                    <img src="#getFileFromPath(newImageName)#">
            <!--- If it is not a valid image file, delete it from the server. --->
                <cffile action="delete"
                The file you uploaded, #fileUpload.clientFile#, was not a valid image.

  • Sendmail gives Return Code 8 - Can't Get Past It - Ideas?

    I used 'sendmail' function. It worked fine in 3 of my test environments but not a 4th. Environmental engineers have looked at SMTP setup & other configurations & recycled the trouble region to no help. If you have seen before or can suggest help, thanks!
    I get return code 8 from the sendmail, which I find means some kind of 'platform dependent' error. Bear in mind that our test environments are all pretty much identical & this error only occurs in 1 out of 4.
    I note in documentation for 'Pbooks 8.9' the following warning with the 'sendmail' function, which leads me to conclude Oracle recommends NOT to use sendmail:
    "The flags parameter of this function and its return codes are platform dependent: the SMTP mail API ignores any additional flags. For this reason, SendMail should be used only in customizations that run on a known platform, if it is used at all. The preferred, platform-independent method for sending email from PeopleCode is to define an email routing as part of a business event, then trigger the business event using the TriggerBusinessEvent function."
    Here is my sendmail code, embedded to a record SEd event(some parts of code not printed to save space):
    Local SQL &EmailBodySQL;
    Local string &EMMsgText;
    Local number &msg_nbr;
    Local number &email_return;
    Local string &Email_From, &Email_Sep, &Reply_To, &EMSender;
    If Not &EmailBodySQL.Fetch(&EMMsgText, &msg_nbr) Then
    MessageBox(0, "", 20100, 8, "No Message for Message Set 20100, number : :1", &msg_nbr);
    &email_return = 99;
    %This.EmSubject = &EMMsgText | &projBU | " " | &projID;
    &Email_From = %EmailAddress;
    &Reply_To = %EmailAddress;
    &EMSender = "";
    &Email_Sep = ";";
    &email_return = SendMail(0, &team_members, "", "", %This.EmSubject, &em_text_body, "", "", &Email_From, &Email_Sep, &Reply_To, &EMSender);
    Return &email_return;
    &email_return = &KP_PC_Email.pcattach_email_send(&team_members, &email_body, &projBU, &projID);
    If &email_return = 0 Then
    MessageBox(0, "", 20100, 12, "Email sent for business unit :1 , project ID :2", &projBU, &projID);
    MessageBox(0, "", 20100, 11, "Email failed. Return status from sendmail = :1 ", &email_return);
    Edited by: 1001697 on Apr 22, 2013 1:52 PM
    Edited by: 1001697 on Apr 22, 2013 1:53 PM

    Try enabling logging by setting SMTP Trace parameter to 1 to get more info on the cause.
    PeopleBooks > PeopleTools 8.52: System and Server Administration > Setting Application Server Domain Parameters
    Enter 1 to enable the tracing of email details to the log file. Enter 0 to disable SMTP tracing.
    LogFence should be set to 5.
    The system writes the log information to SMTP<DDMM>.log in %PS_SERVDIR%/LOGS, by default, or the custom value set for Log Directory. For example:

  • Highly available sendmail

    I note that the SC3.1 Release Notes state:
    Sun Cluster software currently does not have an HA Data Service for the sendmail(1M) subsystem. It is permitted to run sendmail on the individual cluster nodes, but the sendmail functionality will not be highly available, including the functionality of mail delivery and mail routing, queuing, or retry.
    Can a data service for sendmail be created, or is there something inherent in either sendmail or SC that prevents this? If so, what solutions exist for a highly available sendmail configuration that will not leave any queued messages in limbo?

    Can a data service for sendmail be created, or is
    there something inherent in either sendmail or SC that
    prevents this? If so, what solutions exist for a
    highly available sendmail configuration that will not
    leave any queued messages in limbo?You create a redundant sendmail service by setting up several of them.
    DNS MX records ( Mail eXchange ) provides fallback routes and even load sharing
    between several sendmail servers. it is far too expensive to build a sendmail
    cluster service when you can solve the problem with two or three V100 ultrasparc II

  • HOW TO: Relay/Send email from websites, Server Monitor in OS 10.5 Server

    If you don't want to run your own mail server or configure DNS on your Xserve, but you still want your website or applications like Server Monitor to send email notifications; this is what you need to do:
    Scenario: Mac OS 10.5.2 Leopard - Advanced Configuration - Setup is for strictly sending emails through SMTP, routed through your ISP or another provider. This is not for receiving emails.
    -Open up Server Admin
    If you have yet to add in a server to admin, you need to do so. Resource PDFs on setting up OS X Server are available at Apple and there are video tutorials at
    -Click on your server, then choose the Settings button
    -Then choose Services from the Tabs/Buttons below
    -Select the Mail checkbox and then hit Save
    -Now choose the newly added Mail service in the left pane, then click the Settings button up top
    -Start with the Advanced tab. Under Security, un-check everything and don't use SSL unless you want to. You don't need to mess with the other sub-tabs here.
    -Next choose the Logging Tab. Under SMTP log level, choose debug so you will be able to see what goes on in the log.
    -Mailing List, Quotas and Filters tabs can go untouched. You can mess with them later if you want.
    -Click the Relay tab. It is a good idea to only accept relays from your local machine. If you uncheck this, I believe it leaves you with an open relay that anybody can access.
    -Now for the General Tab. Under Domain Name put anything you want. Any made up name and extension is fine.
    Under Host Name, again put anything you want.
    Un-check Enable POP, Un-check Enable IMAP - Basically un-check everything
    Check or leave checked Enable SMTP
    Now check Relay outgoing mail through host:
    Then enter your hosts SMTP server. ex.
    Now check Authenticate to relay with user name: and enter your username and password
    -Now hit the Save button
    -Now we need to take a look at the file and add a few things
    -If you aren't showing all files in Finder already, open up
    Now type in: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles True
    Hit enter
    Now type in: killall Finder
    Now Finder should reset and all files should be visible - To hide all files, do the same thing but type False
    -Now open Macintosh HD and navigate to /private/etc/postfix/ (Note: you won't be able to open and edit this in TextEdit. I recommend a program like TextWrangler )
    -Once you have open, all your settings should be together at the bottom of the doc. Scroll down. You will need to add in a few lines and verify all the settings are exactly as below (except of course your own names and SMTP server):
    readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix
    mydomain_fallback = anything.anyting
    messagesizelimit = 0
    myhostname = anything.anything
    mailbox_transport = cyrus
    mydomain = anything.anything
    mailboxsizelimit = 0
    enableserveroptions = yes
    inet_interfaces = all
    relayhost =
    smtpsasl_passwordmaps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl/passwd
    smtpsasl_authenable = yes
    smtpdsasl_authenable = no
    smtpsasl_securityoptions =
    smtpduse_pwserver = no
    smtpdrecipientrestrictions = permitmynetworks,reject_unauthdestination,permit
    smtpdpw_server_securityoptions = none
    -Now save the document
    -Now go back to Macintosh HD and navigate to /private/etc/postfix/sasl/passwd
    Open passwd with TextWrangler or you editing app, and verify that your SMTP server, username and password are correct. It should look something like this: [email protected]:password
    -This should be what you entered in Server Admin when you first started. If all is well, quit your editing app.
    -Now, while you are still at /private/etc/postfix/sasl/passwd you need to edit permissions for passwd
    You can chmod in or secondary click on passwd and "Get Info"
    Click the lock and enter your password to unlock the settings
    Next click the + button and add yourself and Admin
    -Now you can close out of everything and go back to Server Admin
    -Hit the Reload (twisty arrow) button at the bottom and once everything is reloaded, hit Start Mail
    -Now type localhost in your browser to see if your website can send email. You can also open up other apps such as Server Monitor and do something to change the status to have it send an email.
    -You can click on Mail in the Server Admin and then view the SMTP log. As long as emails are being sent and then removed from the queue, you are in good shape. If you are getting an SASL error or mechanism error, open up and verify your settings and/or check permissions on passwd file

    Don't you need the Mail service running to have apps like Server Monitor send email notifications? - Also for hosted sites that use the sendmail function you need a service running to get the emails sent.
    Really you are not hosting a Mail server. It is open, but there is no incoming and if you only accept SMTP relays from the local machine, there should be no issues.

  • [SOLVED]How to send email to a local user?

    I have installed Mutt, msmtp, procmail and I can send and receive emails to/from remote hosts and I'd like to send email locally also (to the recipients on the same machine as the sender).
    When I try to send email to a local user from the root account -
    echo "Test message" | mail -s "Test subject" localuser
    then I get an error that connection to the port 25 is refused. Because the /etc/msmtprc file contains the 'localhost' as the default account's host, and on the local host I don't have a mail server listening on 25 port running.
    When I try to send email from a non-root account which has in /$HOME/.msmtprc file a real email account on a remote server, then of course there is an error that the domain for the email address 'localuser' is not recognized.
    How can sending email to local users be enabled?
    Last edited by nbd (2014-09-30 22:33:37)

    If I understand correctly, postfix it's a constantly running daemon. Seems to be an overhead for delivering only from time to time sent messages.
    ewaller wrote:
    > Out of the box, sendmail should be safe, but I think you have to enable local mail.
    Currently I have msmtp-mta installed, which is described as having sendmail functionality. If I install sendmail - will it be possible to send local email without running email daemons?

  • Error with dbms_scheduler and shell script execution

    I have an issue with a dbms_scheduler and a shell script execution. So, the shell script as it self works fine, when i'm executing ./ all process is running, but when i'm executing the script from dbms_scheduler it just simply doesn't work. Actually it works, but some of executable information in sh doesn't work, seems it just jump over of the part of the script. Sendmail part is running, maybe there is problem with rman script as it self?
    DB version: 10g
    And my scripts:
    Shell scripts (permisons 755):
    export PATH=/home/oracle/product/asm_home/bin:/home/oracle/product/db_home/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/home/oracle/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.
    export ORACLE_BASE=/home/oracle/product
    export ORACLE_SID=zabbix
    export ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/product/db_home
    connect target /
    run {backup recovery area delete all input;}
    {       echo "From:[email protected]"
            echo "To: [email protected]"
            echo "Subject: Recovery area"
            echo 'Content-Type: text/html'
            echo '<html><body><table border="1" cellspacing="1">'
            echo '<tr><td><b>Process</b></td><td><b>Statuss</b></td></tr>'
            echo "<tr><td>RMAN</td><td><b>Works</b></td></tr>"
            echo "</table></body></html>"
    } | sendmail -tIn the first part i'm exporting all of the important stuff for oracle, then I call RMAN with specific atributes. And then there is just simply sendmail functionality inside script to represent if script works (for now).
    And below pl/sql script:
      job_name => 'FLASH_RECOVERY',
      job_type => 'EXECUTABLE',
      job_action => '/home/oracle/backup/',
      start_date => sysdate,
      job_class => 'DEFAULT_JOB_CLASS',
      enabled => TRUE,
      auto_drop => FALSE,
      comments => 'FLASH RECOVERY USAGE AREA backup and delete'
      /And this job execution:
               DBMS_SCHEDULER.run_job (job_name =>'FLASH_RECOVERY',use_current_session => TRUE);
           end;What can be wrong? For me, I think it's something with permisions.
    I hope you got my idea and could help me.
    Edited by: safazaurs on 2013.18.2 22:16

    There is no error, i just receive all the time e-mail, seems it jumps over rman. I tried almost everything and still couldn't get result as i want. And, if i'm running script from command line - it works. Rman calls, and starts to recover archivelogs.

  • Problem in sending mails from SAP-line breaks in lotus

    Hi Gurus,
    I have a very peculiar issue with external mail send from SAP to Lotus Notes.
    Issue: When a PO is created in SAP a automatic mail will be sent to vendor to his
    Lotus Notes from SAP. Here we are a using a subroutine where the FM
    'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1' and the content of  the mail is stored in text symbols
    and  then populated to a internal table which will be passed to the above said FM.
    So this is very simple case.
    My problem is now, even though it looks fine in the SOST, when mail is seen in lotus,
    lines of  the mail contents are breaking around 79th or 80th character, eventhough it is more  than
    that while appending to the internal table. I don't understand this at all, why it  is happening?
    Ex: in SOST if we see a line looks like this.
    but in lotus it breaks and looks like  below:
    Any light can be thrown on this!!!
    Reward is guaranteed for helpful answers!!!!
    -B S B

    How do you connect SAP to the lotus notes email database?  In some installations I have seen this done using Unix Sendmail functionality and this may be causing this result?

  • Can't send results to BLANK email address in SWF

    We have many different customers that want the quiz results
    sent to them. If I leave the email address blank on the Quiz
    Preferences window, Outlook automatically opens and email with a
    blank TO: field and the results in the body, and the user types the
    email address of the recipient before sending results. This works
    great when published as an .EXE.
    However, when I publish as an .SWF and place in a browser, I
    press the Send E-mail button and get the following message:
    This form is being submitted using e-mail.
    Submitting this form will reveal your e-mail address to the
    recipient, and will send the form data without encrypting it for
    You may continue or cancel this submission.
    ---OK--- --Cancel--
    I select OK and nothing happens.
    I just wanted the system to open Outlook like it did when ran
    as an EXE.
    Any ideas?

    Assuming your problem lies in HTM/SWF published files, you
    can hack the sendMail() function on/around line 28 of the
    email_body.htm or email_attachment.htm template files (depending on
    which reporting method you select in the Quiz Properties) to prompt
    the user for the correct username.
    However, the built-in Prompt() method may not work in IE7 and
    later, per the following note on the
    In Windows Internet Explorer 7 and later the Prompt() method is
    blocked by the information bar in the Internet zone. This helps
    prevent malicious sites from initiating spoofing attacks.
    If that turns out to be a show-stopper, you'd have to build
    your own solution for gathering the e-mail address using a
    combination of DHTML and Javascript.
    Assuming you're willing to give it a try, the template files
    can be found in:
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 3\Templates\Publish
    Example code using the Prompt() method is shown below:

  • How to get file names of processes

    i am writing an application engine for monitoring ps jobs and processes i want to send an email to support group with log file if any process runs to error. Can anybody tell me how to get the log/trace files generated for each process. i tried many ways but did not get any clue would greatly appreciate for giving me information.

    Yes man it is possible, follow these steps if you want to automate process monitoring:
    1. Create a view for retrieving all the processes which are errored in a specific time for example 180 minutes. You can use all the following record for various information about a process or job
    2. Create a table to store the process instance which was last monitored
    3. In application engine access the view which you have created in step 1, this view will give you all the processes which got errored out.
    4. In application engine use SendMail function to send an email with the process instance details which are errored out.
    5. After reading last row from the view update the table which you created in step 2 with the process instance you have read in last.
    This design should be able to send an email to support group if the process is errored out.
    Jayaprakash Tedla
    Sr. Architect - PeopleSoft

  • How to get "Subject" & "Message" text from Flash form to default e-mail MS Outlook?

    I have the following code which is working fine except I can't get the user typed data from flash form to my default e-mail (MS Outlook) application. How to edit the following code?
    In the code:
    1) To  ---->  this field is okay since this email ID doesn't change
    2) Cc  ---->  this filed is also okay since no changes will be in email ID
    3) Subject  ----> this may not be always as "Feedback", user may like to change the subject
    Whant I would like to add more here is:
    1) From  ----> this text to be retrieved from "fromText.txt" input text box
    2) Message  ----> this text to be retrieved from "MessageText.txt" input text box
    //1.Button event listener
    SendMail.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, SendEMail);
    //2.The SendMail function open up email application to send email.
    function SendEMail(event:MouseEvent):void {
    var email:URLRequest = new URLRequest("mailto:[email protected]?CC=[email protected]&Subject=Feedback");
    navigateToURL(email, "_blank");
    Thanks in advance for any support.

    Thanks for the reply. I tried the code and result is like the following:
    To: [email protected]
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: [object TextField]?body=From: [object TextField]
    Body: Blank
    The problem exist in SUBJECT & BODY.
    Further help, please.
    PS: I removed the ? before body and put & ------> the result is as follows:
    To: [email protected]
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: [object TextField]
    Body: From: [object TextField]
               [object TextField]
    One more thing that it opens an empty web page with the following text in adress bar:
    mailto:[email protected]?CC=poweruser@helpdesk&Subject=Feedback

  • Final Submit button on quiz extremely unresponsive

    I have a cs 4 project that i migrated to cs 5 captivate and most everything seems to work ok (except short answer slides) but anyway the major problem is that when i get to the final slide the submit button works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't and when it does work you usually can't make it work unil around 10-20 seconds have passed of just staring at the page.
    I use the report by email function then i hijak the sendmail function to submit the reuslts to my own custom php page and mysql database.  CS4 never had this issue.  However i konw the hijaking of the javscript shouldn't be the problem becasue it eventually does submit the page it just takes like 10 -20 seconds and repeated pressing before i ever see any type of waiting for page.... (to let me konw the browser actually submitted something)
    Im using FF3.6 FF4.0 IE 8 and they all work hit or miss (multiple projects same problem)
    its crippling my progress since people finish the test and then they hit the submit button and nothing happens.
    Any thoughts?

    I too am having the same issue.
    All tests I created in Captivate 4 did not have an issue. We have to add a javascript code to submit to our reporting system, but that has never caused an issue.
    Now, my Captivate 4 tests as well as all Captivate 5 tests require hitting the Submit button twice. I have waited up to 60 seconds to see if our confirm window opens and it doesn't until I hit Submit again.
    I am including the code we use. It has to be an aspx file to work properly with our system.
    This has cause us to have to manually submit over 150 scores by hand. Please HELP.
    79) {         Grade = "P";      } else {         Grade = "FL";      }           var CourseCode = "CT6514";      var Reason = "JR";           //******************************           //get the encrypted OAM cookie server-side      var EmpID = '44798';           var postLocation = "";           var postQueryURL=postLocation + "?EmployeeID=" +EmpID + "&CourseCd=" + CourseCode + "&Reason=" + Reason + "&Grade=" + Grade; ,"flashcamwin","height=300,width=325,scrollbars=0");     }         //End cut and paste area function padMail(strAddress, strSubject, strBody) { gstrEmailTo = strAddress; gstrEmailSubject = strSubject; var temp_str = strBody; while(temp_str.indexOf("|") > -1) {   temp_str = temp_str.substr(0,temp_str.indexOf("|")) + "\r" + temp_str.substr(temp_str.indexOf("|") + 1) } gstrEmailBody = temp_str + "\r"; } // End -->                                                           

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