Separate Import settings for video & photos

I apprecate LR3's ability to import video files & manage their metadata. I find myself taking more & more video mixed in with my regular photos - usually on the same memory card. Unfortunately, I store video in a different location from photos.  Would be nice if there was a simple way to distinguish video from photos within Import.
I can easily choose the correct destination drive/folders from the "Recent" drop-down list, but I have to first manually select/deselect just the photos or just the videos. Ideally, I could just set separate default destinations for photos & video separately, so it all happens automatically every time. But even just having some way to select only Photos, or only Videos, in Import would make things a lot quicker.
Is there some simple trick I've missed?  Thanks!

Thanks - that's a good workaround, which allows for moving the files to their final destination after import.
This is really a feature request, I guess - so I posted one in the Feature Request forum.  My request is really a special case of having better filter/selection criteria in the Import dialog. But since Video clips can't actually be edited in Lightroom, they usually have their own unique workflow - separate from still photos - which in my case includes different storage location, different backup strategy, etc.

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    Use the largest file, pixel wise, that you can. The books are printed at 300 dpi so the largest size the better to insure you'll get as close to that dpi for the largest page picture possible.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've written an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

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    well i personally think you should go with mp3 at 320kbps (max for that file format) main reason for this is that mp3 is compatible with pretty much everything, where as aac isn't although it is getting a bit better. the main difference between aac and mp3 is in the lower bit rates, i.e aac 128kbps sounds equivalent to mp3 192kbps (suppoesdly) but when you go from 192kbps and up both file formats sound basically the same, just a variation in file size. ig you want the highest quality for you ipod i would say 320kbps mp3. anything higher isn't worth it becuase most earphones cant even pick it up, only if you have high quality ones.

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    Click here to fill out a feature request from Apple. I urge others to do the same if you could use this feature. I know I could.

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    Use the Final Cut Studio forum

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    The size is not a problem.  While the drive will work it will work as a  USB 2 drive you are paying extra for USB 3.
    If you plan on upgrading your system then getting a USB 3 drive now might make sense but if you have no plans to upgrade there is no reason to spend the extra money.
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    before you add new movies, go iTunes > preferences > advanced and point +*iTunes media folder location+* to the external. point +*iTunes media folder location+* back to your local iTunes folder before adding music.

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    Apple Intermediate Codec.
    Read chapter 1 "Working with HDV".

  • Server side buffering settings for video

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    Not sure how to get this code to you.  There is no option here to  attach a file.  Trying to post inline here.  Hope it comes out ok.
    This  is a simple player.  The simplest.  No frills.  Just insert your RTMP  url to your FMS and your stream name in the string variables "rtmpURL"  and "streamName" at the top, compile and run.
    Here is a deployment of this player connected to my CDN where the file is currently playing:
    Also,  attached is an image I took when I ran the program and hit the refresh  button in the browser.  Note the giant bufferLength numbers in the debug  panel.
    Again note, I do not get this problem linking  directly to a recorded file.  I see this problem when playing a file on a  server or with a live stream.
    Can you see anything  obviously wrong?
    <?xml  version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                 //Note:  the method "connect()" on  line #49 starts the area  with the important connection code
                 import mx.containers.Canvas;
                 private var vid:Video;
                 private var nc:NetConnection;
                 //Path to your FMS live streaming application
                 private var rtmpURL:String = "Insert your URL"; //Will be  used to connect to your FMS
                 private var buffer:Number = 5; //NetStream.bufferTime  property will be set with this.
                 private var streamName:String =  "Insert your server side  stream name here"; //This determines the channel you're watching  on the  server.           
                 private var ns:NetStream;
                 private var msg:Boolean;
                 private var canvas_video:Canvas;//Will display some live  playback  stats
                 private var intervalMonitorBufferLengthEverySecond:uint;
                  private function init():void
                     vid=new Video();   
                     vid.smoothing = true;               
                 public function onSecurityError(e:SecurityError):void
                     trace("Security error: ");
                 public function connect():void
                     nc = new NetConnection();
                     nc.client = this;
                     nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,  netStatusHandler);
                 public function netStatusHandler(e:NetStatusEvent):void
                       switch ( {
                         case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
                             netconnectionStatus.text =;
                             reconnectStatus.text = "N/A";
                             trace("Connected successfully");
                 public function createNS():void
                     trace("Creating NetStream");
                     ns=new NetStream(nc);
                     ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,  netStreamStatusHandler);
                     //Handle onMetaData and onCuePoint event callbacks:  solution at
                     //See another solution at
                     var infoClient:Object = new Object();
                     infoClient.onMetaData = function oMD():void {};
                     infoClient.onCuePoint = function oCP():void {}; 
                     ns.client = infoClient;   
                     ns.bufferTime = buffer;                   
                     ns.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR,  asyncErrorHandler);
                     function asyncErrorHandler(event:AsyncErrorEvent):void {
                     //Set up the interval that will be used to monitor the  bufferLength property.
                     //monPlayback() will be the funciton that will do the  work.   
                     intervalMonitorBufferLengthEverySecond =  setInterval(monPlayback, 1000);
                 public function  netStreamStatusHandler(e:NetStatusEvent):void
                      switch ( {
                         case "NetStream.Buffer.Empty":
                             netstreamStatus.text =;
                             textAreaDebugPanel.text += "Buffer empty:\n";
                             trace("Buffer empty: ");
                         case "NetStream.Buffer.Full":
                             netstreamStatus.text =;
                             textAreaDebugPanel.text += "Buffer full:\n";
                             trace("Buffer full:");
                          case "NetStream.Play.Start":
                              netstreamStatus.text =;
                              textAreaDebugPanel.text += "Buffer empty:\n";
                             trace("Play start:");
                 //Get the current ns.bufferLength value, format it, and  display it to the screen.
                 //"bufferLen" is the key var here.
                 public function monPlayback():void {               
                     var currentBuffer:Number =  Math.round((ns.bufferLength/ns.bufferTime)*100);
                     var bufferLen:String = String(ns.bufferLength);//Here is  the actual bufferLength reading.
                                                                    //Use it  to show the user what's going on.
                     pb.value = currentBuffer;//updates the little buffer  slider on the screen
                     bufferPct.text = String(currentBuffer) + "%";
                     bufferTime.text = String(ns.bufferTime);
                     bufferLength.text = String(ns.bufferLength);
                     //Dump the bufferLen value to the debug panel.
                     textAreaDebugPanel.text += bufferLen + "\n";                
                     trace("Buffer length: " + bufferLen);
             public function onBWDone():void
         <mx:Canvas id="monitor"
             y="10" right="50">
             <mx:Text x="0" y="25" text="Buffer:" color="#FFFFFF"/>
             <mx:Text x="0" y="50" text="Buffer Time:"  color="#FFFFFF"/>
             <mx:Text x="0" y="75" text="Buffer Length:"  color="#FFFFFF"/>   
             <mx:Text x="0" y="100" text="NetConnection netStatus:"  color="#FFFFFF"/>
             <mx:Text x="0" y="125" text="NetStream netStatus:"  color="#FFFFFF"/>
             <mx:Text x="0" y="150" text="Reconnect:" color="#FFFFFF"/>
             <mx:HSlider x="145" y="25" id="pb" minimum="0" maximum="100"  snapInterval="1" enabled="true"/>
             <mx:Text x="100" y="25" height="20" id="bufferPct"  color="#FFFFFF"/>   
             <mx:Text x="145" y="50" height="20" id="bufferTime"  color="#FFFFFF"/>
             <mx:Text x="145" y="75" height="20" id="bufferLength"  color="#FFFFFF"/>   
             <mx:Text x="145" y="100" height="20" id="netconnectionStatus"  color="#FFFFFF"/>
             <mx:Text x="145" y="125" height="20" id="netstreamStatus"  color="#FFFFFF"/>
             <mx:Text x="145" y="150" height="20" id="reconnectStatus"  color="#FFFFFF" text="N/A"/>
         <mx:UIComponent id="uic"
              x="50" y="10"/>
          <mx:TextArea id="textAreaDebugPanel"
              width="300" height="300"
              right="50" top="300"
               valueCommit="textAreaDebugPanel.verticalScrollPosition=textAreaDebugPanel.maxVerticalScro llPosition"/>

  • Resolution Settings for Video Projection

    I am creating a basic slide show in FCP using color and black and white still images. There are two desired outputs. Currently I'm working on the sequence for video projection, ( a final quicktime movie will be launched on a computer and projected on an 8ft x 8ft screen). The highest resolution of the projector is 1024 x 768. What are the size settings I should use to create my sequence and what compression settings should I use for my final exported piece? Of course I want to maintain the highest possible quality for the photographic stills.
    Apple G5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Create a custom sequence which is slightly smaller than the photos so you could move on them... The Compression should probably be Photo JPEG... In QT playback, the screen will resize accordingly... i.e. if you're working in 1024X768, I'd probably work in that sequence size keeping the stills larger than that... But not more than about 2k in either direction or the computer will most likely choke on them. Raise the still cache in the memory settings up a bit for more RT playback.
    Will take a pretty serious hard drive to play this back BTW... as in fast... it's data rate wil likely be about the same as uncompressed HD... set the slider in the compression to abu 75% to gain 4:2:2 color space... 100% will give you larger files that likely won't really look much better.

  • Best Import Settings for Sony XDCAM EX

    Ok, this is a variation on my best export settings question. Considering the Sony XDCAM EX1 shoots 8 bit video with 4:2:0 color space, what's the best import settings to use? Which DNX codec will give you the best results? I don't want to import at a quality higher than my source material. And of course, I don't want to import at a quality lower than my source material. I'm looking for the sweet spot.

    Here's a recent thread somewhat related to your question.

  • What are the settings for video output to consumer blu-ray DVD players?

    I have a Maya animation rendered at 1920 x 1080.  There is no audio yet, butI will create SFX for the audio track. The animation was rendered for 24 fps viewing, but in truth I don't think I would notice if the playback was 23.97 fps.  I have Premeire Elements 7 and there are no pre-sets for HD or Blu-Ray.  It's not clear to me that I can do this in Elements 11 either or if I need to buy Premeire Pro to do what I want.

    Thanks Ann.
    I know I'll need to upgrade.  Since my editing needs are infrequent I just wanted to find out if I had to spring for Pro or if Elements11 would do.  Also, I'm trying to figure out what the settings should be.  I read about 24fps progressive (for film?) and 23.97 fps progress (for video?).  It is a short animation that I want to loop for a Point of Purchase video display. 
    Thanks again for taking the time to answer.

  • What are the best import settings for iTunes - AAC 160 / AAC 192 / MP3??

    Hi I originally imported all my treasured CDs to iTunes several years ago, and they've served me well (AAC 128 - default setting) but in recent times hard-drive sizes have trebled and my much loved iTunes Library has not been updated.
    I am thinking of re-importing all of my original CDs - as I think now that hard-drive space would allow for a higher quality but at the same time I do not want to fill my hard-drive completely with music - hence my question;
    (I know this has probably been asked a million times, but I did a search and nothing came up that answered my Q - also all the answers that came up in Google search where dated 2003/ 2004 - a little out-dated me thinks!!)

    Personally I've started ripping everything Apple Lossless. That way I hope I never have to rip again.
    I used to rip 320 mp3. I couldn't tell the difference between 320 mp3 and lossless, but, one day I might be able to - big maybe. But since disk price is not likely to go up, I figured I'd rip lossless from now on "just in case."
    Probably few, if any, people could tell the difference between 256 AAC and lossless (I've done it at 192, but never at 256, and I have not bothered trying again recently - there might be a song out there where I could hear the difference, hence ripping lossless from now on - my time costs more than disk space . . .)
    256 AAC is a pretty safe bet, unless you need mp3 compatibility, then use 256 (or 320) mp3.

  • Cannot Change Custom Import Settings For AAC's

    Last night I changed the custom import settings from 192 kbps to 160 kbps for a particular mp3 album I wanted to convert with that bitrate. I tried to change the custom settings back to 192 kbps (the bitrate most of my mp3's & wma's are in). For some reason, the window that came up many times before refuses to pop up now. I tried the custom settings for mp3's and that window still pops up. Anyway, I tried a repair and nothing happened. I uninstalled iTunes, Quicktime, Bonjour, and Apple Software Updates, deleted there corresponding folders in C:/Program Files and then restarted the computer. I downloaded the iTunes 9 installer through the iTunes website and proceeded to reinstall iTunes. Still, the problem exists. I'm not sure what else to do? The only other thing I can think of is to do the same except install iTunes 8 instead and then search for updates and reinstall iTunes 9 that way. Would anyone know of any other method on solving my problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    I have the same problem and it is driving me crazy. If you find a solution please email me at [email protected]
    thanks and good luck

  • Settings for Video Podcast?

    I don't have a video iPod, but a friend told me that my video didn't sync with her new iPod Nano via iTunes. Trying to figure out if there's something wrong with the encoding.
    I read in the new video capable iPod specs...
    H.264 video, up to 1.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Low-Complexity version of the H.264 Baseline Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats
    In iMovie HS '06, I have the following settings... (Share ->iPod isn't high enough quality for what I need).
    Export - > Quicktime > Expert Settings > Options >
    Video Settings...
    Frame rate 29.97
    Key Frames Auto
    check frame reordering
    Data Rate - Restrict to 1536 kb/s (equal to 1.5 mb/s)
    Compressor - High & Multi-Pass
    Filter... no changes
    Custom - 640 x 320 **
    ** (Video is 16 x 9, should I be going with 640 x 480 and preserve with letterboxing? Some iTunes videos are not letterboxed, though).
    Check - Deinterlace Source Video (to get rid of that venetian blind effect).
    AAC, Best, limit to 128 kb/s
    Anything I'm doing wrong here to get a good video podcast that will sync with an iPod?

    Yeah, good idea. Thanks for the reply I didn't think of Garage Band as supporting video, though. I'll check it out.
    What I did do in the meantime is try iMovie '08. I was shying away from it since it didn't have as many features as iMovie HD. But it does add some nice features... including exporting to iTunes in one shot. And sure enough, a video pops up in iTunes encoded exactly like the music videos I got from the iTunes store. So, there's no reason it shouldn't work perfectly.
    The only difference is the m4v extension vs. the mov extension. I don't think that matters since both are compatible with the iPod and QuickTime.
    It looks like I had a lot of the settings, if not all correct. However, I think the short answer is use iMovie 08, export to iTunes.

Maybe you are looking for