Separate installed fonts

Is there anyway to seperate installed fonts in Adobe applications such as PhotoShop and Illustrator? I'm tired of looking through all the default fonts for a couple installed fonts. If not, could I some how change there name maybe with a # at the front so they stay in a group?

The reason I mentioned the platform issue was precisely because I can't give you any guidance with font managers for Windows. 
FontAgent Pro lets you group fonts at will by placing them in  libraries.  I have no idea whether they have a Windows version by now or not.
It's Photoshop, not PhotoShop.
ErraticFox wrote:
…So I'd kind of like to be treated as one and not be beaten like a dog…
Sorry you took offense, but I never, ever would beat a dog.  Good day to you too.

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    In addition to Kappy's advice.
    Font Book won't activate any fonts for Classic unless you tell it to use "classic Mac OS" as the activation method (before 10.3.5). It then puts installed fonts in the OS 9 (Classic) /System Folder/Fonts/ folder. In that location, both OS 9 and OS X can use the fonts.
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    ...when I tried installing each individually, they never show up, even after restart.
    If what you're talking about is Type 1 PostScript fonts, you may not have copied everything over. Type 1 PostScript fonts are a set. One file is a suitcase containing all of the low res bitmap screen fonts. The rest are the outline printer fonts. As an example, here's Adobe Garamond.
    Adobe Garamond
    The first file which I highlighted in green is the font suitcase of bitmap screen fonts. The rest are the outline printer fonts.
    1) The files for a Type 1 PostScript font must have both the screen and printer fonts for a given set in order to work. They also must be in the same folder.
    2) The suitcase of bitmap fonts will work alone, but output will be terrible since the system will print the fonts using the 72 dpi screen fonts in the suitcase if the outline portions are missing.
    3) Having only the outline fonts will not work. You will get exactly what you are having problems with. You can see the fonts, but they will not load. That's not a problem with Font Book, Suitcase or other font manager. None of them, nor the system itself will load outline fonts from a Type 1 PostScript font without the matching suitcase of screen fonts present.

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    Can this be done using Skydrive? I know there are ways of doing it with a server on a local network, but that is out of the realm of possibilities for my system.

    To view the document with non-build-in font smoothly, there is no way to "transport" the peculiar fonts through Skydrive. We have to copy/paste these fonts to target machine's control panle > font feature (Actually, it performs
    the installation)
    I would like to know what the limitation of your system, no enough permission for the local machine?
    More information: 
    Tony Chen
    TechNet Community Support

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    How can I install a font using MDT in Windows 7

    yes create a windows and fonts folder
    yes I have done it under post install
    It better to store reg file in the deploymentshare because during installation it is not easy to run or access a reg file from a network share.
    I made folder as suggested and copied fonts that I wanted to use with new win7 image but after I re-imaged one of out laptops I cant see that those fonts are actually copied/installed.
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    1. made folder under deployment share D:\DeploymentShare\$OEM$\$1\Windows\Fonts and added 10 diff fonts
    2. added new tasksequence under post install (run command line) and added line regedit /s %SCRIPTROOT%\fonts.reg
    3. made fonts.reg and added it to D:\DeploymentShare\Scripts
    This is how fonts.reg looks like:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts]
    "somefont1 (TrueType)"="somefont1.TTF"
    "somefont2 (TrueType)"="somefont2.TTF"
    and so on to nr 10...
    What am I doing wrong ?

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    Do a simple search!!!!

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    >windows installer
    1-Windows puts fonts in a common fonts folder... which makes the fonts available to ALL software... at least if they are "correct" fonts (such as TrueType)
    2-for Windows help search at

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    Does anybody know how this works?
    Kind regards,

    Hello Maarten,
    1. Upload the TrueType font through transaction SE73 in the backend system.
    2. Maintain the table TBTFFONTMAP throught transaction SM30
    Logon to the webclient and you should be able to use the newly installed font.
    With kind regards,
    Jeroen van den Berg

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    Windows 7 Home Premium.
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    Thanks in advance for your help!!

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