Separate string like "x,y" to x and y. how ?

Hi !
How can I seperate string like x,y to x and y ???
Thank you!

if there is only one "," in that string, you can do it this way to
String yourString = "first part,second part";
int i =yourString.indexOf(",");
String first = yourString.subString(0,i);
String second = yourString.subString(++i);with a StringTokenizer do it this way:
String yourString = "first part,second part";
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(yourString,",");
String first = st.nextToken();
String second = st.nextToken();You see, if you have to separate more parts separated by "," the StringTokenizer would be the better choice - but that can be done also by a recursive or iterative method, which uses the first code.
Hope this helps
greetings Marsian

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    Go to Solution.

    You are right, use timestamps, they will take care of the working out the correct date for you.
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    121 ravi,kann
    232 ram,raman
    here ename value in one provided in one cell.
    Now i want to spit cell the value into two separate columns like first_name and last_name?
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    with sample_data as
      select 121 empno, 'ravi,kann' ename from dual union all
      select 232 empno, 'ram,raman' from dual
    select empno,
           substr(ename,1,instr(ename,',')-1) first_name,
           substr(ename,instr(ename,',')+1) last_name
    from sample_data;       or with regular expressions:
    with sample_data as
      select 121 empno, 'ravi,kann' ename from dual union all
      select 232 empno, 'ram,raman' from dual
    select empno,
           regexp_substr(ename,'^[^,]*') first_name,
           regexp_substr(ename,'[^,]*$') last_name
    from sample_data; Edited by: hm on 04.07.2012 06:22

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    ...I could switch back and forth between accounts while in the mailbox, with one button.  I think that is what you are referring to?  Whoever said it's just a simple switching - you obviously haven't had the pleasure of using an Android device.  It's not that quick to go back and forth - definitely not efficient...
    Not that it matters a lot, Android vs iPhone interface is largely a matter of personal preference and what you know... I'm not sure which one you're saying is not efficient...
    In any event...
    I currently have two email accounts setup.  My iPhone main page Mailbox settings reads:
    All Inboxes
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    I wish there an efficient way to move back and forth while in the "Inbox" between accounts.  Also, Why does one gmail account show as "Gmail" and another as the actually address?
    The names are based on the names you gave the accounts when you set them up.
    Settings>Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
    Tap the account you want to re-name. Go to the "Description" field and put in what ever you want.
    Second, there is no way to quickly choose a bunch of emails to delete. I have to manually go into each one and move it to the Trash folder.
    If you tap the edit button in the upper right while in mail, you can select multiple items to move, delete or mark (flag).
    I don't want any of the condescending remarks, that I've read here and in other forums.  I'm honestly looking for a solution, which I think you are too!  One thing I realized is that iPhone users in these forums are really defensive and quick to say "that's how it is, live with it, if you don't like it go away"  Um...the only thing that tells me is you are pretty bitter and have kept telling yourself that, to force yourself to like your device.  I prefer to express my issues, and find solutions.  There is ALWAYS a solution...
    I think what you will find is that many people here, myself included, tend to get a bit short with people who start off with attacks or whining about how something has been asked for for years and should be easy, rant about things that have already been beaten to death multiple times in the forums, talk about how much better Android or BB are at something (really... if it's that much better, why did they buy an iPhone to begin with?), etc., or continue to ask questions that could easily be answered with a simple search, or even just by looking back at the last dozen posts to the forum, half of which probably asked the EXACT SAME question.
    I don't think any of us go out of our way to be rude or uncivil.  That said, attacking the people who are attempting to help you is much more likely to generate a response of 'if you don't like it, go away', than it is to generate something that will be truly helpful.

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