Serialization Dilemma - your opinion?

Hi, [Still implemented nothing, but have lots of prototypes now] I am thinking about the backend of the application. I thought about either having a database, or else serialized classes. Now for some reason, for the desktop application I feel more comfortable with serialized classes. However I did not want to decide this out without a proper discussion first.
My only issue with serialized classes is the data duplication I will have both in memory on the hard disk.
Let me explain this better. Imagine I have a design that involves Trees, Apples, and Worms. ONE Tree can have MANY Apples, and MANY Apples can have MANY Worms. If I had to represent this in an object way I would create a Three I would create class Three that has the methods addApple(), removeApple(), and the Apples would then be stored inside an ArrayList. The Apple, would have a similar aproch in its implementation, that is an addWorm(), removeWorm() methods. The worm has nothing to add to him and would only have the fields that define what a worm is.
Now when I would serialize the Tree object, I will create a file with all the Apples and Worms as well, since in serialization you will serialize all the elements in Tree, including the ArrayList that stores the apples and thus all apples as well will be serialized with all their worms, and so on.
So far so good :)
My problem comes (my dilemma) when a Worm decides to make a home out of more then one apple. I don�t know why, maybe he is hungry or he just needs to impress, however it can happen that ONE worm is living in MANY Apples. The code would be something as followsWorm mrWorm = new Worm("Joe");
Apple[] apples = new Apple[3];
Three myTree = new Three();
myTree.addRange(apples);I am sure that in memory this would not result in a problem, since the three apples would only have a reference of mrWorm. By when serializing the file, will I have just a reference or else mrWorm will be written three times inside the file?
Note that I am taking this conclusion for Serialization in .Net which was in XML and thus I could literary see the object being written three times. I have no idea how serialization works in Java whit this scenario, that is why I am asking.

Hi, [Still implemented nothing, but have lots of
prototypes now] I am thinking about the backend of
the application. I thought about either having a
database, or else serialized classes. Now for some
reason, for the desktop application I feel more
comfortable with serialized classes. However I did
not want to decide this out without a proper
discussion first.
My only issue with serialized classes is the data
duplication I will have both in memory on the hard
Let me explain this better. Imagine I have a design
that involves Trees, Apples, and Worms. ONE Tree can
have MANY Apples, and MANY Apples can have MANY
Worms. If I had to represent this in an object way I
would create a Three I would create class Three that
has the methods addApple(), removeApple(), and the
Apples would then be stored inside an ArrayList. The
Apple, would have a similar aproch in its
implementation, that is an addWorm(), removeWorm()
methods. The worm has nothing to add to him and
would only have the fields that define what a worm
Now when I would serialize the Tree object, I will
create a file with all the Apples and Worms as well,
since in serialization you will serialize all the
elements in Tree, including the ArrayList that stores
the apples and thus all apples as well will be
serialized with all their worms, and so on.
So far so good :)
My problem comes (my dilemma) when a Worm decides to
make a home out of more then one apple. I don�t know
why, maybe he is hungry or he just needs to impress,
however it can happen that ONE worm is living in MANY
Apples. The code would be something as
followsWorm mrWorm = new Worm("Joe");
Apple[] apples = new Apple[3];
Three myTree = new Three();
myTree.addRange(apples);I am sure that in
memory this would not result in a problem, since the
three apples would only have a reference of mrWorm.
By when serializing the file, will I have just a
a reference or else mrWorm will be written three
times inside the file?
Note that I am taking this conclusion for
Serialization in .Net which was in XML and thus I
could literary see the object being written three
times. I have no idea how serialization works in
Java whit this scenario, that is why I am asking.
Sim085object graphs serialization does not duplicate objects that are referenced by more than one object, so that's "safe"
BUT, as Rene advised, do NOT use serialization to persist your data. DO use a DB. Take a look at Hibernate, if you don't know it yet :)

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    Hi friends,
    After going through it what is your opinion. please do post your opinion.
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    I have unchecked the "Report Option -> Save Data with Reports". So that the report could not take extra space.
    I have DB connection code in my .aspx.vb file, it is as follows:
    Private Sub ConfigureCrystalReports()
    Dim fileName As String = "Reports\" & ReportID & ".rpt"
    Dim reportPath As String = Server.MapPath(fileName)
    myRepDoc = New ReportDocument()
    myCrystalReportViewer.ReportSource = myRepDoc
    Dim myConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo = New ConnectionInfo()
    If Session("reportConnectionInfo") IsNot Nothing Then
    Dim ConnInforArrList As ArrayList = DirectCast(Session("reportConnectionInfo"), ArrayList)
    myConnectionInfo.ServerName = ConnInforArrList(0)
    myConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = ConnInforArrList(1)
    myConnectionInfo.UserID = ConnInforArrList(2)
    myConnectionInfo.Password = ConnInforArrList(3)
    lblMessage.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red
    lblMessage.Text = "Session is off. Please Relogin to See the Report."
    End If
    SetDBLogonForReport(myConnectionInfo, myRepDoc)
    SetDBLogonForSubreports(myConnectionInfo, myRepDoc)
    myCrystalReportViewer.SelectionFormula = GetFieldName(ReportID) & "='" & Session("CompCode") & "'"
    myCrystalReportViewer.Visible = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub SetDBLogonForReport(ByVal myConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo, ByVal myReportDocument As ReportDocument)
    Dim myTables As Tables = myReportDocument.Database.Tables
    For Each myTable As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table In myTables
    Dim myTableLogonInfo As TableLogOnInfo = myTable.LogOnInfo
    myTableLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo = myConnectionInfo
    End Sub
    Private Sub SetDBLogonForSubreports(ByVal myConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo, ByVal myReportDocument As ReportDocument)
    Dim mySections As Sections = myReportDocument.ReportDefinition.Sections
    For Each mySection As Section In mySections
    Dim myReportObjects As ReportObjects = mySection.ReportObjects
    For Each myReportObject As ReportObject In myReportObjects
    If myReportObject.Kind = ReportObjectKind.SubreportObject Then
    Dim mySubreportObject As SubreportObject = CType(myReportObject, SubreportObject)
    Dim subReportDocument As ReportDocument = mySubreportObject.OpenSubreport(mySubreportObject.SubreportName)
    SetDBLogonForReport(myConnectionInfo, subReportDocument)
    If myReportObject.Name = "Subreport1" Then
    Dim lvSec As Section = subReportDocument.ReportDefinition.Sections("DetailSection1")
    If Not lvSec Is Nothing Then
    Dim t1 As TextObject
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    Dim t2 As TextObject
    t2 = lvSec.ReportObjects("txtRepID")
    t2.Text = Request.QueryString("REPID")
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    Please do help me out as the data of report is not getting displayed on the report.
    After going through it what is your opinion. please do post your opinion.
    While creating the Report has the following Report Options on / checked.
    1. Database Server is Case-Incensitive
    2. Use Indexes Or Server For Speed
    3. Verify on First Refresh
    4. Show Preview Panel
    5. Display Alerts on Refresh
    6. Select Distinct Data for Browsing
    Do I have check or uncheck any other option?
    Thanks and regards
    Edited by: Md. Mushtaque on Sep 6, 2008 2:50 PM
    Edited by: Md. Mushtaque on Sep 8, 2008 9:27 AM
    Edited by: Md. Mushtaque on Sep 8, 2008 12:14 PM

    Sir AG,
    Thanks a lot for replying and spending your valuable time for my problem.
    Sir, I just want to put this in your knowledge that my application is web based application and I am calling these reports through web forms i.e. of ASP.NET coded in vb from .aspx.vb files.
    So as per the code I have attached, I have this
    Option Explicit On
    Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
    Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared
    Next for ReportDocument Object:
    Dim fileName As String = "Reports\" & ReportID & ".rpt"
            Dim reportPath As String = Server.MapPath(fileName)
            myRepDoc = New ReportDocument()
            myCrystalReportViewer.ReportSource = myRepDoc
    Above is the code used by me in Page_Init  and I have already tested it from Page_Load. I have got few suggestions from this forum that I should put this code in Page_Init only.
    The database connectivity code:
    Dim myConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo = New ConnectionInfo()
            If Session("reportConnectionInfo") IsNot Nothing Then
                Dim ConnInforArrList As ArrayList = DirectCast(Session("reportConnectionInfo"), ArrayList)
                myConnectionInfo.ServerName = ConnInforArrList(0)
                myConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = ConnInforArrList(1)
                myConnectionInfo.UserID = ConnInforArrList(2)
                myConnectionInfo.Password = ConnInforArrList(3)
                lblMessage.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red
                lblMessage.Text = "Session is off. Please Relogin to See the Report."
            End If
            SetDBLogonForReport(myConnectionInfo, myRepDoc)
            SetDBLogonForSubreports(myConnectionInfo, myRepDoc)
    SetDBLogonForReport(myConnectionInfo, myRepDoc)
    Private Sub SetDBLogonForReport(ByVal myConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo, ByVal myReportDocument As ReportDocument)
            Dim myTables As Tables = myReportDocument.Database.Tables
            For Each myTable As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table In myTables
                Dim myTableLogonInfo As TableLogOnInfo = myTable.LogOnInfo
                myTableLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo = myConnectionInfo
        End Sub
    This code I have got from a sample of the forum itself.
    Sir, after all these effort and the unchecking of option "Save Data with Report" on calling the reports from my forms it is showing blank report. No data from the database is coming form the database.
    I have uncheked the option "Save Data with Reports" to get the updated data each time the report has been called but now the status is that nothing is coming.
    Thanks again for you precious and valuable effort to help me but the my problem is unsolved, So sir please if you could put an eye on it and help me out to get rid of this problem, I will be very thankful to you for your kind help.
    Thanks and regards

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    In exchange for taking a short survey about your opinions of
    Adobe Contribute, you will have the option of participating in a
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    2. The form should have some kind of a ALV grid  (autoexpanding feature) which will allow the user to put in multiple line items so that they could submit more items on one form.
    3. Users need to be able to attach a spreadsheet to the form which should not be editable once the form is submitted. The attached spreadsheet should be stored. (We are planning on using Archivelink Filenet for this)
    4. Upon submission, a workflow will be kicked off as per the defined Org structure for approval of the form.
    5. After submission, the user should be able to go and view the approval status of the form and also print the summary of the values that he entered in the form. (may be a smartform could be provided for this)
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    SAP Webdynpro ABAP:
    We currently have WAS 6.4. As per the documentation, the ABAP Webdynpro development tool is available from NW04s onwards. So, we are still not sure if we could use it. But, we want to push towards upgrading if necessary. Being an old time ABAPer, developing ABAP Webdynpro seems do-able. (i know it may not be that easy).
    Last but not the least, DIALOG Program:
    Creating a dialog program in R/3 or SRM seems fairly simple. Then, an iview could be created on the portal for this transaction, though at this point I am not sure how a spreadsheet could be attached and stored within a dialog program.
    The creation of the workflow may not be that bad after the original form is designed. The graphical display of the approval trail might be difficult, but we might get away with a report for that. For printing the details of the form, I guess I could develop a smartform and put out a button on the screen to print it out in the display view.
    Could you please give me your opinion /  best approach for accomplishing this task, keeping in mind the complexities of these new dimension products?

    I would say that all four solutions to solving your tasks are technically feasible.  Here are some thoughts that I had however:
    First ABAP Webdynpro: it is true that ABAP webdynpro is only available with Netweaver04s.  04S is still in ramp-up which means that only a subset of the customer base is allow to implement it.  It will not become generally available until later this year (check the service marketplace for current release estimates).  That being said, it probably elimintes WDA as a possiblity for your project unless you are will to wait and to upgrade.
    However having worked with WDA for a while it is probably the best tool to custom develop what you describe.  It has excellent built-in F4 value help.  It also has a damn fine ALV grid implementation.  The spreadsheet could be just as simple as file upload in binary or your could try your hand at office integration.  Finally for the form you could use Adobe Interactive Forms which also has very nice integration into WDA. 
    Now to Dialog Programming: You could of course use dialog programming.  It seems a little bit of a waste to custom build something so large if WDA is in your near future.  There are obvious disadvantages (little OO structure, no MVC, etc).  You would have ALV grid, office integration and of course F4 help.  You could still use Adobe forms if you implement this on the 640 system.  However there are integration points with dialog and Adobe Interactive Forms.  You could still use printed forms however. If you did the dialog program on the 640 system, you could use the integrated ITS to expose it to the web.  The integrated ITS in my experience has quite nice performance although the look and feel remains just like the SAPGui.
    The Java Webdynpro route:  Well you hit the nail on the head - if you don't have a Java programmer already and you don't have the bandwidth to invest in learning Java, this can be a problem.  The Java Webdynpro environment is quite nice.  There are some things I like better than ABAP and some things that ABAP is defintely still better at.  However when it comes to heavy integration with an ABAP backend - ABAP Webdynpro is still the way to go.  Java Webdynpro does have a help feature (OVS), but it isn't "for free" or nearly as nice as the ABAP Webdynpro (perhaps it will get there some day).  That is one of the major advantages of WDA - its closeness to the business data brings several framework advantages like F4 and field help.  WebDynpro Java in 640 also doesn't have an ALV grid implementation.  I am sure that this is something both environments will eventually have, but right now ABAP has the advantage.  On the other hand, Webdynpro Java has equal support when it comes to office integration, file upload, and Adobe Forms support.  You would have a more difficult time integration SmartForms however.
    Finally we come to BSP.  Honestly if I were in your position I would probably choose BSP (unless you could wait for the ABAP Webdynpro upgrade).  You could build a nice MVC OO application using BSP (stateful or stateless).  The BSP product is mature and quite well documented thanks to SDN.  You have the BSP Extensions which when used in Design2003 use the Unified Renderer.  That means that your output will look nearly identical to the same UI elements in Webdynpro.  Also BSP supports portal integration (session management, eventing, and themes). 
    The downside to BSP is that it isn't a full framework (also one of its advantages).  You can insert all your own html and javascript (unlike webdynpro). But this also means that SAP doesn't delivery as many framework services.  For instance there is no ALV or Value Help.  There is no Office Integration or Adobe Forms integration.  There is some farily good Smart Forms integration.  Now the upside- many people have already hit these limitations and overcame them.  In the weblogs on SDN and in a certain SAP Press book (cough, cough) you will find out of the box solutions for many of these problems.  You can find ready to use solutions for Adobe Integration, Office Integration (using Microsoft Office Web Controls), and F4 help.  It will mean investing a little more time up front to get this "home grown framework" up and running - but it is perfectly feasible. 
    There is a learning curve to all these new technologies however.  This sounds like an abmious project.  I wouldn't want to try and tackle this project in any of these technologies if I was new to them.  With Webdynpro or BSP - consider giving yourself time to learn the environment and cut your teeth on some demo apps before jumping into such a huge development.

  • Your opinion - graphical configuration consoles for JBoss & Tomcat

    Hexamind Companion for JBoss and Hexamind Companion for Apache Tomcat are tools for developers and system administrators who manage the configuration of J2EE servers. We are nearing the final stages of development, and would like to hear your opinion about these tools.
    Please follow the links below to learn more and participate in our online surveys.
    If you are familiar with Apache Tomcat:
    If you are familiar with JBoss Application Server:
    We thank you for your help,
    Itai Shirav
    Hexamind Ltd.

    Hmm Marketing

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    What is your opinion about the font detail in the image.
    Thank You.
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    Go to Solution.
    2011-10-30-292.jpg ‏1019 KB

    Thank you Jimmy.
    Photos are legible.
    I was worried about that, now i'm happy.
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  • Logic Pro X - The "Force Apple Lion 10.7 support" question - your opinion

    Now, that Apple has released Logic Pro X, we Pros have to learn that the minimum system requirement is set to OS X 10.8.4. In my book this is an asolute no go, with no reason other to impose Apples App-store power onto users to buy new hardware. So the questions for me are:
    1. Why is the minimum requirement not 10.7 ? There are a lot of MacPros and other out there capable of only 10.7, yet still capable machines for production (remember, Final Cut Pro X runs fine on the first gen MacPros…)
    2. I do not swallow it that the arguemnt might be that feature xyz didn't work out in 10.7. Let's make it clear, Logic Pro X should have been Logic 9 really, but Apple did not do their homework. Just like Avid released Protools 11, which should have been Protools 9 already. At least, Protools 11 runs fine on first Gen MacPros with 10.7.
    3. I believe - yet can't proove - that the installer just looks for the installed system. Yet the core code might run just fine. Why is there no Trial download as with FCPX ?
    What is your opinion ? Is it worth the effort to generate pressure to reduce minimum system requirement to 10.7 ?
    PS.: Stay calm and relaxed

    I'm on an original Mac Pro with an HD 5770 and 12 GB of RAM, and 4 x 1TB drives running FCPX with zero problems.
    I also own a MacBook Pro i7 running 10.8.4
    After using Logic since the eMagic days I will now have to investigate shifting to another DAW simply in order to be able to run the same software on my tower (studio machine) and laptop (live recording). There's thankfully no great rush as Logic 9 is no less capable today than it was yesterday, but I think today is a very sad day even so.
    Things I believe:
    Apple could, had they chosen, have released a Lion compatable version of Logic Pro X. If they can do it for FCPX, they can do it for Logic Pro X
    Apple could, had they chosen, have released a version of Mountain Lion compatible with EFI 32 based Mac Pro's - if hackers can do it then of course Apple could. Had they bothered to do this, then right now they'd have something to really boast about.
    Apple have an ethical and environmental obligation to do what they can to support older machines, so long as doing so does not cripple current machines or future development. Doing so might take a bit of ingenuity and maybe even some style and panache. I thought that was what Apple was about - and I think it used to be, but clearly things have changed.
    People are running Mountain Lion on machines like mine. Unsupported of course. But its still possible.
    That Apple chose not to do these things shows quite clearly what they think of their professional customers - and by professional I do not mean "rich" - I mean people for whom a computer is a creative tool which needs to be stable, reliable and capable - and just work when you switch it on and get ready for a productive day.
    I have to wonder how many other professional musicians (who let's face it really don't NEED screamingly fast machines - not compared to the video world anyways) are going to be feeling equally sad and let down over the next few days as word of this spreads.
    Just some thoughts

  • Please give me your opinion

    Hi Guys,
    I was wondering if you can give me your opinion about this issue. My friend has a macboobk pro intel core duo 1.83 ghz 512mb ram and 80 gb 15" superdrive and he ask me if I want to trade it for my Macbook 2. ghz Intel core 2 duo , 1gb ram, superdrive, 80gb hd etccc...
    What do you guys think? is it worth it?
    Please advise

    If I were given this option, I'd go with no, only because I've formed an attachment with my macbook.
    However, all the specs on the computers can be upgraded, so if you do choose to make the trade, you can upgrade the memory & ram to your liking, just not the processor speed. If you take an in depth look at the differences between the core duo and the core 2 duo, you might see some that are things you wouldn't want to live without. I've heard that the c2d have the new 802.11n capabilities, while the cd do not. Just something more to take into consideration.
    Personally, I also like the 13.3 inch screen of my macbook (hence why I like it so much) better than the other size screens of other notebooks.
    When I first wanted to get a mac, I was looking at the MBP's, but then I saw the macbooks and my mind was set.
    It is true that your gaming experience and other graphic intensive programs will be better on the mbp, but honestly... I haven't come across anything that runs poorly on my macbook. So... I'd have to go with a no on the trade.
    Just my $.02

  • Interested in your opinion about PPBM7

    Bill and I are working on a new site and a new test. It looks like it will not take much longer and is nearly ready for CS6.
    We have invested lots of time in designing the new website and adding functionality and there is still as long way to go, but we are making steady progress. Note that the subscription module in not operational yet, the download file is not up-to-date, the script is not included, etc. but we would like to get your opinion on our progress and hear your comments. Everything now is only based on our PPBM5 results.
    Please take a careful and critical look at PPBM6, take a look around the site and consider the navigation, layout, logic, design and - most importantly - how easy it is to find the info you are interested in and the way it is presented. Please be critical, so we can take your considerations and suggestions into account.
    After you have looked over this site, you would help us enormously by filling out this survey: Click here to take survey. Note we have only a basic subscription which allows for 100 responses only, so you may be out of luck if you wait too long.

    STRONG OPINION - Put Benchmark Results/Detailed Results (full table) by itself and label it "Benchmark Results Table" and move all other items in Benchmark Results section to "Benchmark Results Statistics"
    Benchmark Results/Detailed Results table features don't work at all in Internet Explorer (I have IE v9); works fine in Firefox, but many Win7 users will be using IE
    Try with the new template, it may work now. Still some cosmetics to adjust though.
    Would like to see new columns in Benchmark Results / Detailed results table: CPU die size (nm), # cpus (like in PPBM5), chipset (i.e. X79, C602, etc.), User Comments (i.e. so DeeDigital could explain why identical hardware went from score of 186 to 149), Disk Comments (i.e. many forum posts focus on where put scratch, projects, media, render outputs, etc.)
    That may be feasible when I get the parsing of Speccy.xml completed.
    STRONG OPINION - Menu design should be streamlined; This is not that large a site and When "Latest News" "Planning and Building" is up, I see 4 separate menus (at page top, Main Menu on Left, Latest News...All Pages on right, and Planning & Building a NLE System at lower left.
    Suggestions to streamline:
    1) Only show "All Pages" for all areas; if you find you must have this level of sub-section, do it with a drag-down box at top and bottom of the section like many review sites do
    2) Have all menus at top; this is nicer too when someone wants to print something out
    Need to clearly state what versions of CS the new benchmark is compatible with
    Will be done.
    Suggest adding a lifetime Platinum subscription option for say $100 or $150; that's the one I would select BTW if it were available
    Also suggest dumping the Bronze and Gold options; there too many options for new subscribers
    I'm looking into that.
    Update copyright to 2013 (i.e. bottom Methodology page)
    "Buy a subscription" should be "Select a Subscription" since entry level is free
    Remove the "We are volunteers!" banner to be consistent with new paid subscription fees; or, if the fees are purely going to internet fees, etc., explain that somewhere
    Done, but working on the template now for the footer.
    Font size selector is broken on Buy a Subscription page
    Suggest using instead of to reduce confusion (it seems that you also own this domain site)
    Will look into that.

  • Hey guys I was  wondering do I need an anti virus software on my mac? I don't think I need it but as a first time mac user I wanted your opinion.

    Just wanted to get your opinion.

    This comment applies to malicious software ("malware") that's installed unwittingly by the victim of a network attack. It does not apply to software, such as keystroke loggers, that may be installed deliberately by an attacker who has hands-on access to the victim's computer. That threat is in a different category, and there's no easy way to defend against it. If you have reason to suspect that you're the target of such an attack, you need expert help.
    All versions of OS X since 10.6.7 have been able to detect known Mac malware in downloaded files. The recognition database is automatically updated once a day; however, you shouldn't rely on it, because the attackers are always at least a day ahead of the defenders. In most cases, there’s no benefit from any other automated protection against malware.
    Starting with OS X 10.7.5, there is another layer of built-in malware protection, designated "Gatekeeper" by Apple. By default, applications that are downloaded from the network will only run if they're digitally signed by a developer with a certificate issued by Apple. Applications certified in this way haven't actually been tested by Apple (unless they come from the Mac App Store), but you can be sure that they haven't been modified by anyone other than the developer, and his identity is known, so he could be held responsible if he knowingly released malware. For most practical purposes, applications recognized by Gatekeeper as signed can be considered safe. Note, however, that there are some caveats concerning Gatekeeper:
    It doesn't apply to software that comes packaged as an installer. Treat all third-party installers with caution.
    It can be disabled or overridden by the user.
    It can be bypassed by some third-party networking software, such as BitTorrent clients and Java applets (see below.)
    It only applies to applications downloaded from the network. Software installed from a CD or other media is not checked.
    For more information about Gatekeeper, see this Apple Support article. 
    Notwithstanding the above, the most effective defense against malware attacks is your own intelligence. All known malware on the Internet that affects a fully-updated installation of OS X 10.6 or later takes the form of so-called "trojan horses," which can only have an effect if the victim is duped into running them. If you're smarter than the malware attacker thinks you are, you won't be duped. That means, primarily, that you never install software from an untrustworthy source. How do you know a source is untrustworthy?
    Any website that prompts you to install a “codec,” “plug-in,” or “certificate” that comes from that same site, or an unknown one, is untrustworthy.
    A web operator who tells you that you have a “virus,” or that anything else is wrong with your computer, or that you have won a prize in a contest you never entered, is trying to commit a crime with you as the victim. [Some reputable websites did legitimately warn users who were infected with the "DNSChanger" malware. That exception to this rule no longer applies.]
    “Cracked” copies of commercial software downloaded from a bittorrent are likely to be infected.
    Software with a corporate brand, such as Adobe Flash Player, must be downloaded directly from the developer’s website. No intermediary is acceptable.
    Java on the network (not to be confused with JavaScript, to which it's not related) is always a potential weak spot in the security of any operating system. If a Java web plugin is not installed, don't install it unless you really need it. If it is installed, you should disable it (not JavaScript) in your web browsers. Few websites have Java content nowadays, so you won’t be missing much. This setting is mandatory in OS X 10.5.8 or earlier, because Java in those obsolete versions has known security flaws that make it unsafe to use on the Internet. The flaws will never be fixed. Regardless of version, experience has shown that Java can never be fully trusted, even if no vulnerabilities are publicly known at the moment.
    Follow these guidelines, and you’ll be as safe from malware as you can reasonably be.
    Never install any commercial "anti-virus" products for the Mac, as they all do more harm than good. If you need to be able to detect Windows malware in your files, use the free software ClamXav — nothing else.

  • Please give me your opinion... about tools for develop web service

    If you would like to choose the tool for develop web service.
    what is the most important feature that you will consider,
    Please help me to order these topic from the most to the least
    a. creating web service
    b. creating web service client
    c. searching web service to UDDI registry
    d. publish web service to UDDI registry
    e. connecting to database management systems.
    f. license fee
    g.system requirements
    h. Installation procedures
    thank you very much for your opinion. I will keep your information for my research....

    Hi Fangnaka,
    You can use JWDSP2.0 + Tomcat 5.X +Jdk1.5 to develop and deploy webservice.
    Better IDEA are Intellij or Eclipse for webservice code development.
    Rajesh R

  • What is your opinion about IDEs?

    I've heard different opinions about using IDEs like Jbuilder, Symantec VisualCafe, Microsoft J++...
    Some people think that to program in java using a simple text editor is a prehistoric and a very hard way and they prefer using IDEs.
    Other people think that IDEs are not good tools to program in java because they add a lot of unnecessary code and because you have more control for the code if you program all by yourself. These persons maybe think that the only utility of IDEs is their help.
    I would like to know all your opinion about this.

    I think it depends on the context if one may use an IDE or not.
    There are 3 things to be considered:
    1) processor speed
    2) application type
    3) lazyness
    ad 1:
    If you want to use an IDE, you must have a powerful processor.
    In fact, all major JAVA IDEs are written entirely in JAVA.
    So a Pentium 3 or K7 and faster processors are advisable.
    ad 2:
    When you write servlets or small text based applications with only a few classes, an notepad like nedit for UNIX systems is in fact the best solution.
    A huge JAVA program with many screens (SWING or AWT) for instance cannot be easily developed with a small editor. Here an IDE should be considered as a must.
    (Unless you are really a hardcore Java specialist)
    The same approach can be applied to bean development.
    ad 3:
    IDE come with many pre-constructed classes and concepts. Developing a client/server or multi-tier application can be an easy task if you spent some money on an IDE.
    Other advantages of IDE are built-in tutorials and programming enhancements (when you type the name of an object the IDE shows you immediately all its methods for example). So if you are a beginner or one of those people that thinks that a programm cannot be done without development platforms like Microsoft Visual XXX, JAVA IDEs are a logical conclusion.

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