Serialization Error ~~ Please help

Hi everyone,
I'm trying to export video from the TL as mpg2 but every time I try I get FCp spiting out this serialization error for DVD Studio Pro.
How can I fix this? DVD Studio Pro has never asked me to input my serial key only FCP has.
I have the complete FCP Studio.
Much Thanks in advance.

Yes I can make a quick time movie and or go to compressor but compresser takes three times as long to encode mpeg 2 and encoding as a QT file than going to DVD Pro will work However the GOP struction for DVD is not proper and may cause problems in the long run.
If the feature is there to encode as mpg 2 from FCP it should work, it just want's DVD to be serialized and that is what I can not understand

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    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sounds like you can't update your device. You don't mention an error that it gives you. Take a look at both of these articles to troubleshoot.
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    <Email Edited by Host>

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    operation = new Operation(null, "login");
      operation.url = "login";
      argsArray = new Array("login_id", "login_password", "unique_machine_id");
      operation.argumentNames = argsArray;
      operation.method = "POST";
      operation.serializationFilter = filter;
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           trace(loginId, loginPassword, uniqueMachineId);
           var _internal_operation:AbstractOperation = _service.getOperation("login");
           var _internal_token:AsyncToken = _internal_operation.send(loginId, loginPassword, uniqueMachineId);
           return _internal_token;
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      import mx.controls.Alert;
      import mx.rpc.AsyncToken;
      import mx.rpc.Fault;
      [ManagedEvents("authSuccess, authFail")]
      public class AuthCommand extends EventDispatcher
      public function AuthCommand(target:IEventDispatcher=null)
      public var service:IEBookService;
      public var auth:AuthModel;
      //  Methods
      * This command dispatches  event AuthenticationEvent.AUTH_FAIL when the service return failt
      * @param fault Fault
      public function error(fault:Fault):void
      var e:AuthenticationEvent = new AuthenticationEvent(AuthenticationEvent.AUTH_FAIL, null, null, CallStatus.getServerFaultCall());
      * This command dispatches event when the service return rezult Array
      * @param result Array
      * if cs.success <code>true </code> dispatch AuthenticationEvent.AUTH_SUCCESS
      * if cs.success <code>false</code> dispatch AuthenticationEvent.AUTH_FAIL
      public function result(result:*):void
      if (result)
      var cs:CallStatus = XMLServiceParser.getCallStatus(result);
      if (cs.success)
      var us:UserInfo = XMLServiceParser.getUserInfo(result);
      var e:AuthenticationEvent = new AuthenticationEvent(AuthenticationEvent.AUTH_SUCCESS, us, null, cs);
      e = new AuthenticationEvent(AuthenticationEvent.AUTH_FAIL, null, null, cs);
      public function execute(event:AuthenticationEvent):AsyncToken
      return service.login(event.user.loginId, event.magicWord, event.user.uniqueMachineId);

    Sorry for the confusion. After starting the WLS 6.0 server, use your browser
    to launch the console, verify that the Frobable EJB is correctly deployed as
    frobtarget with the correct class path specified. The 6.0 JAAS sample is
    trying to invoke on, make sure this is the
    deployed instance. This is an error in the JAAS example
    file since the JAAS sample actually builds,
    this bug will be corrected in service pack 1 which will be available
    nancy coelho <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3a9ee0af$[email protected]..
    Hi! I am new to JAAS and also to Weblogic server6.0. I am trying to run
    JAAS sample and geting the following error . please help
    Using Configuration File: Sample.policy
    Login Module Name:
    Login Module Flag: required
    username: ncoelho
    password: prabhala
    javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Unable to resolve frobtarget.Resolved:
    '' U
    nresolved:'frobtarget' ; remaining name ''
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
    Failed to frob

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    If you mean updae server
    Update Server
    - Powering off and then back on your router.
    - iTunes for Windows: iTunes cannot contact the iPhone, iPad, or iPod software update server
    - Change the DNS to either Google's or Open DNS servers
    Public DNS — Google Developers
    OpenDNS IP Addresses
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    - Try on another computer/network
    - Wait if it is an Apple problem
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