Serialized versioning between JRE releases?

I am planning to serialize some core Java language objects to disk (String, Polygon, Rectangle, others). If I do this, can I guarantee that those objects can be de-serialized by newer versions of the JRE? In other words... if a user serializes several objects using JRE 1.3.1, and another user trys to de-serialize the objects using JRE 1.4.1, 1.4.2, or 1.5, will it work?
Another way to ask the question is: Does Sun "do something" to guarantee no compatibility issues between serialized objects in different releases?

I am planning to serialize some core Java language
objects to disk (String, Polygon, Rectangle, others).
If I do this, can I guarantee that those objects can
n be de-serialized by newer versions of the JRE? In
other words... if a user serializes several objects
using JRE 1.3.1, and another user trys to
de-serialize the objects using JRE 1.4.1, 1.4.2, or
1.5, will it work?
Another way to ask the question is: Does Sun "do
something" to guarantee no compatibility issues
between serialized objects in different releases?
The new versions backwards compatibly. so there will be no problem of compatibility.
You can take a look at this :

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    Are the JREs being invoked by a browser, if so you can define the preferred version.
    In IE
    <OBJECT classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93"
        width="100" height="100" name="anApplet">
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    JRE is the 'java runtime environment'. It is responsible for creating a Java Virtual Machine to execute Java class files (e.g., run Java programs)
    JDK is the 'java development kit'. It is the same as the 'SDK' (at least in my mind). It normally comes bundled with a JRE and also allows you to compile Java source files into Java class files. The JDK allows you to both write and run programs.
    J2SE is "Java 2 Standard Edition". It can refer to either a JDK or JRE. This is 'core' Java. There is also J2EE "Java 2 Enterprise Edition" which allows you to write middleware or server code more easily.
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    J2SE 1.4.2, J2EE 1.3
    If you want to skip ahead to the next generation, the latest releases would be:
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    The difference between the two is explained at:
    It's included in the J2SE v1.3.1 release.

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    For JD Edwards World or for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne - you can go to Once this screen comes up, pick Resources. You will then have an option to take JD Edwards EnterpriseOne or JD Edwards World. On the next screen, you can select the tab Compare Releases. This will allow you to enter the release that you are currently on and enter the latest GA release of software. You will then see all the differences between your current release and the release you should upgrade to. You can also format this into a printed report.

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    Hello Irfan,
    Transport of customizing between diffeent releases is NOT supported. Also generated objects, which were generated by customizing, should NOT be transported between different releases.
    SAP objects may NOT be transported between different releases (e.g. a table in an old release could have less fields than in the newer release and thus such a transport might delete data or if an abap calls a function module and in new release have one parameter more,then you get syntax errors if you transport only one of them from a system with the old release, ...).
    So data loss and severe inconsistencies can happen if you transport SAP objects between different releases, or between systems with same release but different support package level or between systems with different addons or different add-on versions etc.
    For pure customer objects (e.g. Z-tables, Z-programs, Y-tables, y-programs or objects in customer name space) it might be ok to transport them. But if e.g. your Z-table uses an SAP data element which has maybe been changed in the new release or does maybe no more exist, you can also get problems during transport of your z-table.
    Data loss and severe inconsistencies can happen if you transport SAP objects between  different releases, or between systems with same release but different support package level or between systems with different addons or different add-on versions etc.
    Please check the following:
    1090842   Composite note: Transport across several releases
    1089083   Transports between Basis Releases 7.0* and 7.1*
    556734    FAQ Transport: Setup and further information
    Pay attention to point 5 and 6.
    5. Are transports possible between systems with different Support Package versions?
    6. Are transports possible between different R/3 releases?
    Best Regards

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    "This application would like to use an older version of Java (1.6.0_31) that is not installed on your system. We recommend running the application with the latest version o java on your computer. Then there are two buttons.
    One button says "Run with latest version". The other button says "Cancel". When I click on "Cancel" the application fails with the following
    basic: LaunchDesc location:
    network: Created version ID:
    network: Created version ID:
    network: Created version ID:
    network: Created version ID:
    network: Created version ID: 1.7
    network: Created version ID:
    network: Created version ID: 1.6
    network: Created version ID:
    network: Created version ID: 1.7
    network: Created version ID:
    network: Created version ID: 1.7
    network: Created version ID:
    network: Created version ID:
    network: Created version ID:
    network: Created version ID:
    network: Created version ID: 1.7
    java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle sun.applet.resources.MsgAppletViewer, key appletpanel.ExitException[ 0]
         at java.util.ResourceBundle.getObject(
         at java.util.ResourceBundle.getString(
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2MessageHandler.getMessage(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.logAppletStatus(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$ Source)
    basic: ExitException[ 0]
    ExitException[ 0]
         at com.sun.javaws.ui.SecureStaticVersioning.showCannotDownloadDialog(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.javaws.ui.SecureStaticVersioning.canAutoDownload(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.JNLP2Manager$JnlpLaunchState.doJvmSelection(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.JNLP2Manager.prepareLaunchFile(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.JNLP2Manager.loadJarFiles(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$ Source)
    security: Accessing keys and certificate in Mozilla user profile: null
    security: Reset deny session certificate store
    Looks to me like Cancel does not mean "Run Older Version". While I am debugging why I can't use the latest version of jre, can someone please tell me how to use the older version?
    Edited by: 932841 on May 8, 2012 8:54 AM - corrected typo

    I'm the developer. And thank you for your prompt response. I have been given a work around so that the applet can use version 1.7. But that still doesn't explain what I am doing that makes Java fail to use the older version.
    I put this code in my jnlp file on March 27th when I realized that my app didn't work with version 1.7. I tested it at that time and it worked. In the process I installed and uninstalled java 1.6.0_31 ( and 1.7) several times. Maybe something important got corrupted then.
         <j2se version="1.6.0_31" href=""/>
    Added this -----
    Oh, if someone else wants to try this app on their machine, feel free. It is at
    Edited by: 932841 on May 8, 2012 11:13 AM

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    Yacouba wrote:
    On of my end-user uses jre6r31 version, and I want to if it's so safety for business... if not what is the official stable version of jre we can use to get more productivity of r12...
    The latest certified version of JRE which is certified with R12 are:
    JRE 1.7.0_25 (7u25)
    JRE 1.6.0_51 (6u51)
    Deploying JRE (Native Plug-in) for Windows Clients in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 [ID 393931.1]
    It's recommended you have the latest security patches applied -- Critical Patch Updates and Security Alerts

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    When run class that was compiled with jdk1.5,throw:
    How can i change the jre to 1.5?

    There is a workaround to move from 1.5 version to the older 1.4 version. But this could be specific to the browser setting the JRE version.
    Excerpts from sun docs:
    However, a user can still run older versions. To do so, launch the Java Plug-in Control Panel for the older version, then (re)select the browser in the Browser tab.
    Assume you are running on Microsoft Windows with Microsoft Internet Explorer, have first installed version 1.4.2, then version 5.0, and you want to run 1.4.2.
    Go to the j2re1.4.2\bin directory where JRE 1.4.2 was installed. On a Windows default installation, this would be here: C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2\bin
    Double-click the jpicpl32.exe file located there. It will launch the control panel for 1.4.2.
    Select the Browser tab. Microsoft Internet Explorer might still appear to be set (checked). However, when 5.0 was installed, the registration of the 1.4.2 JRE with Internet Explorer was overwritten by the 5.0 JRE.
    If Microsoft Internet Explorer is shown as checked, uncheck it and click Apply. You will see a confirmation dialog stating that browser settings have changed.
    Check Microsoft Internet Explorer and click Apply. You should see a confirmation dialog.
    Restart the browser. It should now use the 1.4.2 JRE for conventional APPLET tags.
    Details are here
    My system (Windows XP) has the version 1.5_09 set as the default. However i just installed JRE 1.5_06 and would like to revert back to _06 as the default JRE..
    Will update if i find more information

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    Multiversion support is available in JDK 1.4.
    You can download JRE 1.4 Beta 3 from
    and test this functionality.
    The following url discusses this topic in detail with a mix of version 1.3 and 1.4 examples. Similarly, you can have a mix of version
    1.2 and 1.4 also for your needs.
    Hope this helps.

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    If you still want the drop mark there also then there is this Extension at
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    Wondering if you have a current Backup on iTunes ...if yes you could put the iPhone in DFU Mode by holding the Home button while you plug in the lightning cable.  Then you could Restore the iPhone to Factory Settings on 8.0.2 and after a full Restore go back and then Restore from your Backup.  This happens every time a public release occurs.  Many folks on the Golden Master or otherwise in the AppleSeed program with a Beta version for some reason don't move to the official release ...then the software time-bomb hits and they can't upgrade.

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    Is there any command that can output this info?

    With a Sun JDK or JRE, you can use java -version:
    $ java -version
    java version "1.6.0"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode)
    ... switch to the 64-bit JDK ...
    $ java -version
    java version "1.6.0"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode)
    The last line says "64-Bit."

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    Maybe a week ago? Not sure of the exact date.
    But the newest version is 6.0.5.

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