SerialVersionUID and JMS

Hi everybody,
First, a brief description of my situation:
I have a little JMS project created with 2 two servers, who communicate with eachother.
When the first server (an XP machine) publishes messages to a topic on which te second machine (an NT machine) has listener (MessageBean -> onMessage()) I get an and also the following notification: Local class not compatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID=
-9134143542090625703 local class serialVersionUID=-5363901495878210611
Now here is the strange part: When I turn the whole thing around, this means the NT machine publishes and the XP machine receives, everything works just fine.
I also tried to put in my own serialVersionUID (private final static long serialVersionUID = 1L;) but it didn't change anything (I even kept getting the "old" serialVersionUID, descriped above).
Can anyone help me with this problem please?
I am working with JBuilder 7, the messagebroker is SonicMQ and the JDK (on both machines) is 1.3.1
Thanks in advance

HI all,
I'm having more or less the same error message :
Error unmarshaling return;nested exception is:
org.omg.CORBA.CompletionStatus; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = -9047319660881406859, local class serialVersionUID = -6452792514302430967
I have checked the JVM client and server and they are 1.4.2_04-b05.
I tryed to use serialver command in order to see if CompletionStatus class is present but the results are following:
./serialver CompletionStatus
Class CompletionStatus not found.
Should I add the local class serialVersionUID = -6452792514302430967 ?
But Could you please indicate me how add it?
Sorry but I'm a junior java user :O)
Thanks in advance for your help
Best Regards

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    Hope this helps...

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    Thank you in advance :)
    *** more complete stack trace ***
    [#|2005-01-09T15:35:57.097+0800|WARNING|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core.transaction|_ThreadID=17;|JTS5041: The resource manager is doing work outside a global transaction
         at com.pointbase.xa.xaException.getXAException(Unknown Source)
         at com.pointbase.xa.xaConnectionResource.start(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.gjc.spi.XAResourceImpl.start(
    [#|2005-01-09T15:35:57.167+0800|SEVERE|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.resource.resourceadapter|_ThreadID=17;|RAR5027:Unexpected exception in resource pooling
         at com.sun.jts.jta.TransactionImpl.enlistResource(
         at com.sun.enterprise.distributedtx.J2EETransaction.enlistResource(
         at com.sun.enterprise.distributedtx.J2EETransactionManagerImpl.enlistResource(
         at com.sun.enterprise.distributedtx.J2EETransactionManagerOpt.enlistResource(
    [#|2005-01-09T15:35:57.177+0800|WARNING|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.resource.resourceadapter|_ThreadID=17;|RAR5117 : Failed to obtain/create connection. Reason : javax.transaction.SystemException|#]
    [#|2005-01-09T15:35:57.227+0800|WARNING|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.resource.resourceadapter|_ThreadID=17;|RAR5114 : Error allocating connection : [Error in allocating a connection. Cause: javax.transaction.SystemException]|#]
    [#|2005-01-09T15:35:57.237+0800|SEVERE|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.ejb|_ThreadID=17;|EJB5071: Some remote or transactional roll back exception occurred JDO77006: SQL exception: state = null, error code = 0.
    NestedException: java.sql.SQLException: Error in allocating a connection. Cause: javax.transaction.SystemException
    FailedObjectArray: [[email protected]5ac]

    Hi annie,
    Wherever you are handling database transactions,
    you'd not be able to create a Connection if database
    is closed (I think you mentioned turning off the
    database) then at this condition, you should
    certainly throw a System level exception and stop all
    processing with some meaningful flow to indicate a
    failure (like display message on UI). Even
    network problems are handled by exceptions... so I
    don't see a reason why you didn't wrap it in the
    first place.
    Anyway, try handling specific exceptions rather than
    the general Exception... this will give you a better
    idea of what to do in case of an exception.Yes i know this. I am practicing this in my non-j2ee server applications. But the j2ee app im making, i just pass the db url in the descriptor and the app server automatically creates the connection for my app. So where would i put exception handling?
    2. how can i stop my MDB from processing the same
    message?Guaranteed delivery is not supposed to stop
    processing. It will continue to process the message
    after certain intervals till the message is
    delivered. You shouldn't deliver it at all, if you
    are able to detect that the database is off
    The problem here is that my MDB automatically retrieves the message from the JMS queue server. Im not the one retrieving the messages manually.
    My assumed behavior of topic MDB is once the a certain MDB retrieves a message it will not retrieve the same message anymore.
    thank you in advance.

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    Hi Parag,
    For the process of creating JDBC datasources and JMS resources @ SAP NetWeaver you can refer to the documents here on SDN and, and compare that process for yourself, thus not being influenced by others' biased or unbiased opinions.
    For NetWeaver 04 and 04s these would be:
    <a href="">JDBC Connector Service</a>
    <a href="">JMS Connector Service</a>
    For the <a href="">Java EE 5 Edition</a>:
    <a href="">Working with Database Tables, DataSources and JMS Resources</a>
    <a href="">Administration Guide</a> -> section "Application Resources Management" (pages 89-104)
    Hope that helps!
    Your feedback/findings are very welcome!

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    Peter Paul

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              will invoke a helper class which will dequeue messages.
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    Hi Seoh!
    Both stateles and JMS can participate in a single transaction, but because two
    resource managers are being used they must use the 2PC protocol, In oreder to
    use the 2PC u need to get the license from the bea and after that u need to enable
    the 2PC in WLS through admin conbsole. But remember that transactions in stateless
    beans cant span across multiple method incocations

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    How To Use the Content Conversion Module in JMS Adapter -
    check this for JMS content conversion:
    Check the how to guide provided by prabhu and also this link on the XMl To TeXtCoversion Module,
    Ref How To Use the Content Conversion Module in JMS Adapter -
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    How to use SAP's WebAS J2EE's JMS Queue in Exchange Infrastructure
    Sync/Async communication in JMS adapter without BPM (SP19)
    Async/Sync Communication using JMS adapter without BPM (SP 19)
    Exploring JMS and SAP-XI JMS Adaper
    Configuring the sender JMS adapter
    Configuring the receiver JMS adapter
    Check JMS Adapter section of this blog by Sravya:
    Aspirant to learn SAP XI...You won the Jackpot if you read this!-Part III
    Also information related to Provider-specific settings are available
    Plz do refer the following threads:
    JMS Content Conversion - no CR/LF
    Message (Data) getting lost after JMS Content Conversion(Sender)
    Message (Data) getting lost after JMS Content Conversion(Sender)
    Message (Data) getting lost after JMS Content Conversion(Sender)

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    Also could any1 tell me what is the configuration for JMS Adapter sensor action?
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    Hey Anirudh,
    Thanx for the response :-)
    All these hold good when I have an AQ adaptor right,But the thing is I want to send a message to a 'JMS' queue with out actually using an adapter configuration wizard and everythng..So I resolved to JMS queue Sensor action..Heres the xml snippet from the sensorAction.xml files which is generated..
    <actions targetNamespace="" xmlns="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:pc="">
    <action name="JMS_LogEntry" publishName="" publishType="JMSQueue" enabled="true" filter="" publishTarget="jms/L_Queue">
    <property name="JMSConnectionFactory">jms/L_QueueCF</property>
    This works grt and adds messages to the queue..But adds its own header info according to the sensor.xsd loacted at the Oracle_home\bpel\system\xmllib\ folder.
    Right now the XML message added to the Queue is:-
    <actionData xmlns="">
    <sensor sensorName="ActivitySensor_JMS" classname="" kind="activity" target="AddLEntr
    y" xmlns:pc="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:tns="">
    <activityConfig evalTime="completion">
    <variable outputDataType="string" outputNamespace="" target="$WriteL_Produce_Message_InputVariable/L_Entry/ns2:L_Entry/ns2:LCName"/>
    <ns0:LCName xmlns:ns0="LC_Test1">LC_Test1</ns0:LCName>
    My requirement is that I need to add a sensor to the BPEL process which posts 'Only my payload message to the JMS queue'..
    What I would want the message in the Queue to be is : -
    <ns0:LCName xmlns:ns0="LC_Test1">LC_Test1</ns0:LCName>
    Also while creating a Sensor action I get another option as JMS Adaptor,I am not sure of what value to type in this wizard..Heres what I keyed in..M sure this is not right..Cos it dosnt work :-)
    <action name="SensorAction_JMS" publishName="" publishType="JMSAdapter" enabled="true" filter="" publishTarget="jms/LoggingQueue">
    <property name="JMSConnectionName">Log</property>
    Could any 1 tel me what values are the right values..And does JMS Adapter mean that I have to create a JMS Apator in the project and give that connection name as a Value..
    I am not finding sufficiant Documentation for 'JMS Adapter' so M clueless and right now any help will be appriciated :-)

  • Authentication problem w MDB on WL8.1 and JMS Queue on WL6.1

              I'm having problems with a MessageDrivenBean that is deployed on a Weblogic 8.1
              server. It listens to a JMS Queue on a Weblogic 6.1 server.
              I'm getting the following error message upon deployment:
              [java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication for user system denied in realm wl_realm
              I've made sure that both servers are installed with the user "system" and a password
              of "password".
              This worked fine for two WL6.1 servers.
              Here's my ejb-jar.xml:
              <!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC
              '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN'
                          <description>Transaction attributes for 'WebResponseJMSBean' methods</description>
              Here's my weblogic-ejb-jar.xml:
              <?xml version="1.0"?>
              <!DOCTYPE weblogic-ejb-jar PUBLIC
              '-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 6.0.0 EJB//EN'
              Can anyone give me any suggestions?
              Thanks in advance,

              We are facing a similar issue, between MDB's and JMS Queues on 2 separated WebLogic
              8.1 domains. What I will test next week are:
              1. In the domain where my MDB's are deployed, configure Foreign JMS Servers/Connection
              Factories/Queues, for which passwords can be specified (not possible in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml)
              2. If No.1 does not work, I will add CredentialGenerated="false" in <SecurityConfiguration>
              in config.xml in both domains
              3. If No. 2 still does not work, I will specify run-as principal and security-role
              in my MDB DD files, and specify CredentialMapping via the WebLogic admin console.
              Maybe you can try the same?
              Eric Ma
              "B Liu" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >I'm having problems with a MessageDrivenBean that is deployed on a Weblogic
              >server. It listens to a JMS Queue on a Weblogic 6.1 server.
              >I'm getting the following error message upon deployment:
              >[java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication for user system denied in
              >realm wl_realm
              >I've made sure that both servers are installed with the user "system"
              >and a password
              >of "password".
              >This worked fine for two WL6.1 servers.
              >Here's my ejb-jar.xml:
              ><!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC
              >'-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN'
              >    <enterprise-beans>
              >        <message-driven>
              >            <ejb-name>WebResponseJMSBean</ejb-name>
              >            <ejb-class>com.ditech.webresponse.jms.WebResponseJMSBean</ejb-class>
              >            <transaction-type>Container</transaction-type>
              >            <message-driven-destination>
              >                <destination-type>javax.jms.Queue</destination-type>
              >            </message-driven-destination>
              >        </message-driven>
              >    </enterprise-beans>
              >    <assembly-descriptor>
              >        <container-transaction>
              >            <description>Transaction attributes for 'WebResponseJMSBean'
              >            <method>
              >                <ejb-name>WebResponseJMSBean</ejb-name>
              >                <method-name>*</method-name>
              >            </method>
              >            <trans-attribute>NotSupported</trans-attribute>
              >        </container-transaction>
              >    </assembly-descriptor>
              >Here's my weblogic-ejb-jar.xml:
              ><?xml version="1.0"?>
              ><!DOCTYPE weblogic-ejb-jar PUBLIC
              >'-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 6.0.0 EJB//EN'
              >    <weblogic-enterprise-bean>
              >        <ejb-name>WebResponseJMSBean</ejb-name>
              >        <message-driven-descriptor>
              >            <destination-jndi-name>com.ditech.jms.CowResponseQueue</destination-jndi-name>
              >            <provider-url>t3://localhost:7003</provider-url>
              >            <connection-factory-jndi-name>com.ptp.jms.AppOnlineConnectionFactory</connection-factory-jndi-name>
              >        </message-driven-descriptor>
              >        <jndi-name>ejb/WebResponseJMSBean</jndi-name>
              >    </weblogic-enterprise-bean>
              >Can anyone give me any suggestions?
              >Thanks in advance,

  • MDB and JMS on different servers

    My MDB is deployed on a different domain from the JMS server. Both are on weblogic.
    While deploying weblogic, I m getting an error: Unable to create a connection.
    Can anyone give pointers?
    I have ensured the following:
    1. The JMS server starts before the MDB server
    2. The following data is mentioned in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml:
    jndi name of the remote queue
    provider url--- t3://hostName:port
    jndi name of the remote connection factory
    is there anyting else that i m missing ?
    thanx and regards
    Shivraman Giri

    Thanx for responding.
    I will keep in mind these points when I use a foreign JMS provider. T
    Right now I m getting problem when the JMS provider is remote but native ie. MDB and JMS are both on Weblogic. This obviates the need to mention Initial Context. Only the provider URL is to be specified.
    Can you suggest a reason as to why i my EJB container (first weblogic ) is unable to connect to JMS provider (another weblogic)

  • Are Connection Factory and JMS Queue supposed to be in JNDI tree

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    You should find them following exactly the way you define their JNDI Names... Make sure you are looking into the JNDI tree for the right managed server... Pay attention into the targets of your connection factory and queue...
    For example, a JNDI name jms.myConnectionFactory (or jms/myConnectionFactory) targeted to soa_server1 will appear under soa_server1 / jms / myConnectionFactory ...
    Hope this helps...

  • What is the association between JMS Server and JMS Module in weblogic 10?

    I have a created a ConnectionFactory, Queue, Topic under JMS Modules in Weblogic Server 10 using admin console.
    And I have created a JMS Server and Targetted to the current running server (Admin Server).
    But when I run the Queue Sender program it is unable to LookUP the jndi which I gave for Queue.
    queue = (Queue) initialContext.lookup("jndi_queue");
    javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Unable to resolve 'jndi_queue'.
    But I configured this jndi name when I create the Queue in JMS Module in Weblogic Server 10.
    How JMS Module and JMS server are associated.
    My Doubt is if i have several JMS Modules and only one JMS Server created then how does the JMS Server identifies which Queue/Topic belongs to which JMS Module????
    Please advice.

    Once you have JMS servers configured:
    Step 1: Target the JMS configuration module to the cluster that will host the destination, or, if not using clustering, target the module to the individual WL server that will host the JMS server.
    Step 2: Configure a "subdeployment" for the module and set it to reference the exact JMS server(s) that will host the destination. If you're using a distributed desitnation, you can specify multiple JMS servers, if you're using a regular destination, only specify a single destination.
    Step 3: Create a destination resource in the module, and set its subdeployment to the subdeployment you specified in step 1 (the console calls this "advanced targeting"). As a best practice avoid the "default targeting" option for the resource - always choose subdeployment (advanced) targeting.
    For more information, reference the "best practices" chapter of the JMS configuration guide:
    I also I highly recommend the JMS chapter of the book "Professional Oracle WebLogic".
    Hope this helps,

  • EDN and JMS

    Are EDN and JMS comparable?
    Can we use EDN instead of JMS?How reliable is EDN compared to JMS(message loss etc)?
    Also how to know if an EDN is JMS or DB based.

    This is a functional desire that has come up on some of our projects too but is not directly supported by EDN. We have discussed the idea of EDN proxies (either as SOA Composites or as PL/SQL EDN subscribers). These proxies (presumably always active/deployed) would subscribe to EDN and provide a persistent buffer for the application. This is essentially implementing a persistence queue for each subscriber, but we wish to avoid statically configuring an AQ or JMS queue destination for each and every app subscription case and perhaps use some shared-but-keyed persistence design (e.g. database table).
    Architecturally, this starts to hit on the ever evasive and controversial question of what is an "Event" versus what is a "Message". i.e. can you afford to sometimes miss the former but not the latter?

  • OSB and JMS

    I need to create a BS which will push messages to a Queue(on separate machine/server/domain) .
    Im not sure how to push the message to a JMS Queue runnin on separate Weblogic 10. xdomain/server than where OSB is installed.
    Error Im getting is
    weblogic.jms.common.JMSException: Connection not found.

    I have a similar situation
    My connection factory and queue is define on SOA Suite 11g WL Server instance with jndi name as jms/demoCF and jms/demoQueue
    Now when i try to refer this queue from OSB WL server instance using the Proxy Service and url as
    jms://localhost:7001/jms.dempCF/jms.demoQueue ...its not able to pick the message.
    I tried using jms://localhost:7001/jms/dempCF/jms/demoQueue (know this will never work but still wanted to give a shot).
    Can anyone help me in formatting the correct URL to read the message from the queue?

  • MapMessage and JMS Event Generator

    I need to set up a WLI JMS event generator that will consume a JMS MapMessage. It appears that the only message types supported by a JMS event generator are xml, rawData, string and none.
    I've already tried each of these and for each I get a message saying "Cannot publish non-TextMessage to channel of type String" or "Cannot publish non-ByteMessage to channel of type ...".
    I have sent MapMessage types using WLI's JMS controls. Is there a way to consume a MapMessage type via an event generator?

    Bishu thanks, Channel type is defined as String, Message on JMS queue are of type String. Also can you elaborate on "JMS event generator check the type of message you want to process." that you mentioned. I have not found this option while configuring JMS EG. (We are using ver. 8.1 sp 5)
    This was working fine in local env. But when we configured message bridge between MQ queue and JMS queue, we startted getting error messages. I am trying to find out how does MQ stores messages. Doing integrations with MQ has been real headache for us.

Maybe you are looking for

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