Serious Bug Powerbuilder 12.5.2 build 5609 with Inheritance

Hi ,
I'm using Powerbuilder 12.5.2. build 5609. I think it is the latest release. I have three windows in my app.
The Grandfather , the father and the child. Child window (w_child)  is inherited from the father (w_father) which inherits from the grandfather (w_grandfather).
I have some events in my windows , clicked events with code etc.
I made a change in the grandfather , regenerated the father and the child and my code in the child window was messed up!. And when I say messed up I mean that the code in my clicked event was disappeared or moved in other cases to other events.
With Full build and incremental build didn't fix the bug.
Using export and import FIXED the issue.
Why is this happening ? Of course this is a Powerbuilder BUG but  do I need to export and import my objects when I make a change to ancestors objects ?
FYI using the edit source option I can see the code that it's there.
Will this issue been fixed because this is a very serious BUG. Every time I want to make a change to ancestors should I need to export all objects and import them again ???
thank you

Hi Andreas ,
I don't know.
But I tried the below scenario and found a different bug.
Same hierarchy. Grandfather, Father and Child.
Steps to reproduce.
1. Go to Fathers screen and Add a button. Leave the name as it is. cb_1
2. Go to Grandfather and add a button(didn't have any buttons yet). The name will be cb_1.
If you try to open the Father's screen you will be prompted from Powebuilder with a messagebox which suggest to make the changes for you because there was a name conflict. OK fair enough.
If you press OK and let powerbuilder handles this then this doesn't work.
Anyway. This is a completely different thing from the original post . But I have just founded out trying to reproduce it to a new application.
FYI. The application was at first in Powerbuilder 10 but we have Migrated succesfully to powerbuilder 12.5 and It was working fine until we ;ve changed the intermediate level of inheritance.
The solution to my problem is export and import the intermediate level so don't search anymore. You will loose time trying to reproduce it.
thank you

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        protected Ability parent_ability;
        protected Targetable target;
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            parent_ability = parBuilder.parent_ability;
            target =;
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            protected Targetable target;
            protected EffectBinder binder;
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        // etc.
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    Thank you for reading.

    The GainGoldEffectBuilder class must be static.
    Otherwise a Builder would require a GainGoldEffect object to exist, which is backwards.

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          * @ejbgen:local-method
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              java.util.Date currDate = new Date();
              setUpdateTimeID(new Long(getUpdateTimeID().longValue() + 1));
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              java.util.Date curr = new Date();
              setUpdateTimeID(new Long(1));
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          * @ejbgen:local-method
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          * @ejbgen:local-method
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          * @ejbgen:local-method
         public abstract void setCreateDateTime(Date val);
          * @ejbgen:local-method
         public abstract Date getCreateDateTime();
          * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = "CREATEUSERNAME"
          * @ejbgen:local-method
         public abstract void setCreateUsername(String val);
          * @ejbgen:local-method
         public abstract String getCreateUsername();
          * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = "UPDATETIMEID"
          * @ejbgen:local-method
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    EJBGen 2.16
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      - Its superclass is in your classpath or that its type is specified
        with an @ejbgen:entity|session|message-driven attribute.
    1 error.
    ERROR: Java returned: 1
    ERROR: Java returned: 1

  • Hi, I developed a web application using HTML5-Offline Application Cache mechanism. Inspite of deleting the cache as mentioned in the above steps, Firefox still maintains a copy of the page in it's cache. Also, a serious bug is, even though we delete all

    == Issue
    I have a problem with my bookmarks, cookies, history or settings
    == Description
    I developed a web application using HTML5-Offline Application Cache mechanism. Inspite of deleting the cache as mentioned in the above steps, Firefox still maintains a copy of the page in it's cache. Also, a serious bug is, even though we delete all temp files used by Firefox, and open the previously cached page, it displays it correctly, but upon refreshing/reloading it again shows the previous version of the page maintained in the cache.
    == Troubleshooting information
    HTML5: Application Caching
    .style1 {
    font-family: Consolas;
    font-size: small;
    text-align: left;
    margin-left: 80px;
    function onCacheChecking(e)
    printOutput("CHECKINGContents of the manifest are being checked.", 0);
    function onCacheCached(e) {
    printOutput("CACHEDAll the resources mentioned in the manifest have been downloaded", 0);
    function onCacheNoUpdate(e)
    printOutput("NOUPDATEManifest file has not been changed. No updates took place.", 0);
    function onCacheUpdateReady(e)
    printOutput("UPDATEREADYChanges have been made to manifest file, and were downloaded.", 0);
    function onCacheError(e) {
    printOutput("ERRORAn error occured while trying to process manifest file.", 0);
    function onCacheObselete(e)
    printOutput("OBSOLETEEither the manifest file has been deleted or renamed at the source", 0);
    function onCacheDownloading(e) {
    printOutput("DOWNLOADINGDownloading resources into local cache.", 0);
    function onCacheProgress(e) {
    printOutput("PROGRESSDownload in process.", 0);
    function printOutput(statusMessages, howToTell)
    * Outputs information about an event with its description
    * @param statusMessages The message string to be displayed that describes the event
    * @param howToTell Specifies if the output is to be written onto document(0) or alert(1) or both(2)
    try {
    if (howToTell == 2) {
    document.getElementById("stat").innerHTML += statusMessages;
    else if (howToTell == 0) {
    document.getElementById("stat").innerHTML += statusMessages;
    else if (howToTell == 1) {
    catch (IOExceptionOutput) {
    function initiateCaching()
    var ONLY_DOC = 0;
    var ONLY_ALERT = 1;
    var BOTH_DOC_ALERT = 2;
    if (window.applicationCache)
    var appcache = window.applicationCache;
    printOutput("BROWSER COMPATIBILITYSUCCESS!! AppCache works on this browser.", 0);
    appcache.addEventListener('checking', onCacheChecking, false);
    appcache.addEventListener('cached', onCacheCached, false);
    appcache.addEventListener('noupdate', onCacheNoUpdate, false);
    appcache.addEventListener('downloading', onCacheDownloading, false);
    appcache.addEventListener('progress', onCacheProgress, false);
    appcache.addEventListener('updateready', onCacheUpdateReady, false);
    appcache.addEventListener('error', onCacheError, false);
    appcache.addEventListener('obsolete', onCacheObselete, false);
    document.getElementById("stat").innerHTML = "Failure! I cant work.";
    catch (UnknownError)
    window.alert('Internet Explorer does not support Application Caching yet.\nPlease run me on Safari or Firefox browsers\n\n');
    stat.innerHTML = "Failure! I cant work.";
    == Firefox version
    == Operating system
    Windows XP
    == User Agent
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0E)
    == Plugins installed
    *-Shockwave Flash 10.0 r45
    *Default Plug-in
    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape "9.3.2"
    *NPRuntime Script Plug-in Library for Java(TM) Deploy
    *The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
    *Google Update
    *Office Live Update v1.4
    *Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) plug-in for Mozilla browsers
    *Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_20 for Mozilla browsers
    *Npdsplay dll
    *DRM Store Netscape Plugin
    *DRM Netscape Network Object
    Thanks & Regards,
    Kandarpa Chandrasekhar Omkar
    Software Engineer
    Wipro Technologies
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    We have had this issue many, many times before including on the latest 3.6 rev. It appears that when the applicationCache has an update triggered by a new manifest file, the browser may still use only its local network cache to check for updates to the files in the manifest, instead of forcing an HTTP request and revalidating both the browser cache and the applicationCache versions of the cached file (seems there is more than one). I have to assume this is a browser bug, as one should not have to frig with server Cache-Control headers and such to get this to work as expected (and even then it still doesn't sometimes).
    The only thing that seems to fix the problem is setting network.http.use-cache to false (default is true) in about:config . This helps my case because we only ever run offline (applicationCache driven) apps in the affected browser (our managed mobile apps platform), but it will otherwise slow down your browser experience considerably.

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    of telling the browser not to cache page B, so that backing up from page A
    to B wouldn't be possible).

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    Hi. Dwell time of 2ms is good for me. It would be great if you can send me this file to circumvent the 2000points/measurement. Also, If i understand it right, if I set the Gate to CW, then my gate should always be open for the count period, they why do I have to set the gate parameters at all. I want to change the integration time, but for some reason I am not able to change it in your setup 2.VI at all. I made some changes in setup I removed the setting for channel B as I am not going to use it and I integrated the into this file. I am not sure if I made a mistake in doing this. Now, I am able to write some data to a file, but I not as I want. If it helps, I am uploading my modified VI file and an example data file (Gate A width is 0.992s, Gate A delay and delay step are 0, Gate A mode is CW, Dwell time is 0.002s).
    Attachments: ‏125 KB

  • Fixed 11.0 BUG, but had another more serious BUG in 11.1

    But no one found this BUG, \u200b\u200bI have a question, and also did not care for me, from time to time lay off 750 people this time, the 11.0 developer to cut, resulting in 11.1 H.264 encoding so bad. And 11.0 full immeasurably. I guess because the fix this BUG, \u200b\u200bcaused. In fact, not good, if not repaired 11.1 New BUG, \u200b\u200bbut did not care for me, this is a very serious BUG, \u200b\u200bif not found, then it will put an end to 11 series, but 11.0 is excellent, and I hope can be restored to 11.0 in 11.2 look like.

    But no one found this BUG, \u200b\u200bI have a question, and also did not care for me, from time to time lay off 750 people this time, the 11.0 developer to cut, resulting in 11.1 H.264 encoding so bad. And 11.0 full immeasurably. I guess because the fix this BUG, \u200b\u200bcaused. In fact, not good, if not repaired 11.1 New BUG, \u200b\u200bbut did not care for me, this is a very serious BUG, \u200b\u200bif not found, then it will put an end to 11 series, but 11.0 is excellent, and I hope can be restored to 11.0 in 11.2 look like.

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    I have downloaded the 8.1.7 solaris.cpio.gz file from the OTN page. I found a serious bug from the OUI program,that is when
    I run the "runInstaller" command ,It apperrs that ./runInstaller : syntax error in line 1 unexpected "(".
    Did anyone find this ? This is a seious problem for this install program , hope OTN to explain this situation. Thanks a lot!!

    If you go to, patches & updates is one of the options in the navigation bar.

  • Serious Bugs

    Hi Tim/Klaus.
    I'm posting this here in the hopes that it will get a bit more attention than is being paid in Metalink. I've run into several serious bugs that need addressing:
    1) If there are xml-special characters in the data coming from the database (e.g. an '&') then, according to the people at Metalink, I'm supposed to escape them. That's an unacceptable answer. I expect the parser to do that for me. That's why I bought it.
    2) When using CVS as an output type, if a null value comes back from the database nothing is emitted into the output stream. For example, if I have 3 columns A, B, and C, if column B is null the jar's emit:
    instead of
    which means I have to wrap every column in nvl(...) calls.
    3) In the documentation it specifically states that you can dynamically append a WHERE clause to a query using PL/SQL functions (BI Users Guide, Part# B40017-01, page 4-32). I cannot get it to work and so I submitted a report to Metalink. They're answer was "we don't think that this can be done". The WHY is it in the User Guide???
    4) CSV output sends out files with an extension of .txt which means you have to take extra steps to get the data into Excel (ok, so that one isn't too serious :)
    5) When I configure the SSO server to use WNA (which I have gotten to work) when I try to launch the Word plugin and login, the server throws a 500 misconfigured error. It works if I don't use the SSO server.
    6) The $CURRENT_SERVER_URL problem
    These are causing us real headaches. Can anyone answer some of these questions?

    Dave please seperate your questions into different threads because they are unreleated issues. Also, be sure to search the forum for solutions vs posting. It will save everyone sometime.
    1) Special characters should be removed, however, I don't know what your doing. By the way a parser doesn't remove anything, it parses.
    3) Lexical paramters in where clauses in bi publisher enterprise 5.6.2 work like you would expect them to (like reports 6i), however bi publisher in the e-business suite they do not work as expected and lexicals are not treated by value. It's completly backwards since you would expect the functionality to work in 11i. With that being said, I don't know what your doing in your report. The functionality works.

  • URGENT: Serious Bug in

    We have uncovered a serious bug with the getElementsByTagName() method that could cause incorrect or inconsistent results.
    Looking at the bytecode via a debugger, we traced it to the checkNamespace method of the XMLElement class. In this class, an explicit object comparison between two strings is performed (s == name). The correct code should be s.equals(name). While a common coding mistake, this creates randomly inconsistent results depending on how the compiler chooses to manage strings with identical values.
    Any suggestions?
    - Rick Bullotta
    Lighthammer Software Development

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by atorres ():
    fjkf jkfl kj
    It would be a solution IF the print method works... but it doesn't work 100% with DTDs. Take a look at my message posted at July 25, 2000 11:22 AM. Be carefull if you have standalone docs...
    Good Luck for you (and for me too, I'm gonna need)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  • SERIOUS BUG: Undo folder copy loses files put in folder

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    1- copy a folder in finder
    2- from inside a program, move or save a file into the new finder
    3- in finder, undo the copy of the folder
    the finder will remove the folder that was created without checking to see if any files have been put in that folder.
    the files COMPLETELY disappear. I have just lost images from a shoot for the first time... EVER.
    serious, serious, serious bug.
    I don't have much hope, but does anyone know where these files may actually be? It seems like they're just gone

    *INexpert advice:* Buyer beware
    In lieu of better advice:
    Do you have back ups of the media?
    If you can't re-import them from the media source,
    before you muck about too much, try & recover the lost data off your computer!
    If you can't get it off your machine, & have wiped the media card,
    you may still be able to recover from the media card using one of several utilities if you haven't overwritten there.

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    You should contact iTunes store support and explain what happened. They will probably either authorize you to download it again or give you a credit to use to rent it again.

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    I have just to day upgraded to the latest version of BBM, I have received from multiple people that they are again receiving old BBM messages which I sent to them previously.
    This to me indicates a very serious bug with latest BBM.
    Handset : Pearl 9105 3G
    OS ver 5 bundle 1476
    Carrier : O2 (UK)

    I had same issue all old broadcasts were sent again as I switch off and on my bb better to install the previous version make sure it is suitable for ur OS that will solve it

  • Serious bug of IOS5, can't send receive call&SMS

    I have a iphone 4 and upgrade ios 5, after that i find some problem.
    1, switch off the Cellular data.
    2, send several MMS to my iphone. more than 3 MMS.
    3, do a location update, you can swith off the phone and then swith on again. or walk to some place without signal coverage and then come back.
    4, now the phone can't send or recevie call, also can't send and receive SMS, the phone has no error message.
    But if you switch on the Cellular data, after the iphone receive MMS, everything okay again.
    I think this is a serious bug of ios5, if i travel to other country, i will switch off the Cellular data, and my operater will send me MMS every day, if i reboot my phone, than i can't send or receive phone call. The most serious, if my friend call me, from his side, the ring is on, buy on my phone, there is no response of this phone call!!!

        Hi there, NewVerizonCustomer! So sorry to see that you're not able to send your messages. I'm eager to help! First, have you noticed that those contacts with failed messages tend to be the same contacts each time? If that's the case, do you know if those contacts are also iPhone users (doesn't matter which carrier)?
    Follow us on Twitter

  • A serious bug-satyadev

    This is presenting that, there is serious bug in any iphone model, that needs to be attended immediately. Iphone is designed with a security feature with a "track my iPhone", this feature is can be accessed when mobile is switched on and with internet connectivity, vice versa when the mobile is not connected to the internet user can access this feature.
    My report is when the user access the camera in phone lock mode user can switch off the mobile. This is a serious threat for an iphone user. This feature must be restricted only to the camera, but not switching OFF.
    I am a patent reseacher, just recently purchased iphone 5s. When i'm working on phone, i got this error.

    The device can be switched off at any time simply by holding down the sleep/wake button at the top of the phone. No need to open the camera first. This is a user to user forum but if you would like to provide feedback to Apple you can do that at

Maybe you are looking for