Server CPU usage spikes from networked acoounts

Hello all,
I work for a school district and we have recently switched the majority of our users to log in via network accounts (rather than mobile). At random times, the CPU on the server will spike to 100% usage and sometimes stays there for an hour or more. Running 'fs_usage' on the server reveals that certain files and/or dirs are getting hung. The main culprits seem to be Firefox v15 profiles, the AddressBook folder under Application Support, and Microsoft Office 2011 files. I'm wondering if anyone has seen these issues before, or know of something that could be done to alleviate the issue. Most of our clients are running Mac OS X 10.7.4. Our servers run Leopard. It also may be worth noting that many of the people logging in are doing so on laptops (macbook airs).

Hello all,
I work for a school district and we have recently switched the majority of our users to log in via network accounts (rather than mobile). At random times, the CPU on the server will spike to 100% usage and sometimes stays there for an hour or more. Running 'fs_usage' on the server reveals that certain files and/or dirs are getting hung. The main culprits seem to be Firefox v15 profiles, the AddressBook folder under Application Support, and Microsoft Office 2011 files. I'm wondering if anyone has seen these issues before, or know of something that could be done to alleviate the issue. Most of our clients are running Mac OS X 10.7.4. Our servers run Leopard. It also may be worth noting that many of the people logging in are doing so on laptops (macbook airs).

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    Hi, JVM experts.
    GC is not an easy subject to grab all its subtleties, so I'm looking for some advice with my situation where to dig further.
    The overall picture:
    1) Linux smp (2.6.5) x86_64 host with 8G memory, 2x2Ghz xeon (HT) CPUs
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.6.0_02-b05, mixed mode)
    2) Heap: -Xms4500M -Xmx4500M -XX:MaxNewSize=128m -XX:NewSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -XX:PermSize=128m
    3) GC: -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=0 -XX:SurvivorRatio=128 -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=60 -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime -XX:+PrintClassHistogram
    4) Application is running under consistent traffic for two weeks.
    5) I monitor the system with "sar"
    6) Once or twice a week I observe the kernel-space cpu usage spike to ~90% for a duration <10 seconds.
    7) I detect the cpu spike and dump a snapshot of the system situation. It's the JVM which consumes the syscpu time. JVM is sent SIGQUIT at the same instant.
    There are two points, I'm rather vague about.
    1) All cpu load situations have the following similar pattern in GC log file:
    195098.019: [GC 195098.019: [ParNew
    Desired survivor size 491520 bytes, new threshold 0 (max 0)
    : 129152K->0K(130112K), 0.0754030 secs] 1549718K->1448253K(4607040K), 0.0755550 secs]
    Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0758180 seconds
    Application time: 0.5316910 seconds
    Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0003550 seconds
    Application time: 0.0695990 seconds
    Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0001620 seconds
    Application time: 0.1657730 seconds
    Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0001780 seconds
    Application time: 0.0000350 seconds
    Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0000440 seconds
    Application time: 0.2738210 seconds
    Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0003530 seconds
    Application time: 0.3108570 seconds
    195099.448: [GC 195099.448: [ParNew
    Desired survivor size 491520 bytes, new threshold 0 (max 0)
    : 129151K->0K(130112K), 0.0712390 secs] 1577405K->1476947K(4607040K), 0.0713980 secs]
    Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0716750 seconds
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    Application time: 0.0000720 seconds
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    Application time: 0.0001010 seconds
    Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0000650 seconds
    Application time: 0.0001570 seconds
    195107.840: [Full GC 195107.840: [CMS: 1476947K->1092516K(4476928K), 7.6193100 secs] 1488921K->1092516K(4607040K), [CMS Perm : 46862K->46641K(131072K)], 7.6194800 secs]
    num #instances #bytes class name
    1: 1962568 306032400 [Ljava.util.HashMap$Entry;
    2: 1962446 125596544 java.util.HashMap
    The "delay" of the SIGQUIT/Histogram dump can be ~1-2 seconds from the CPU overload detection. I'm curious about the "suspeciously spurious" SWT preceding the cpu spike. What could be the possible reasons?
    2) Per thread analysis of the JVM threads hinted me to one thread which sometimes monopolized ~60% of the cpu time in kernel space. This is the native posix thread which "calls back into" JVM on certain events. Could it somehow cause the aforementioned STW?
    My attempts to get a gdb stack dump at cpu load event failed (gdb can't resolve the stack in some of the jvm threads and enters infinite loop)
    Any advice is greatly appreciated
    - andrey

    Just to close my "ticket" with some findings on the way hopefully to be useful for somebody else.
    Since the problem manifested itself only on Linux box (have tried two different enterprise production kernels 2.6), I couldn't use dtrace, so my choice was limited to systap and /proc/profile.
    The pattern when cpu usage was spiking was the following:
    15 get_stack 0.1042
    31 unhandled_signal 0.6458
    34 stub_rt_sigreturn 0.2297
    49 copy_siginfo_to_user 0.1021
    70 find_vma 0.6250
    94 retint_signal 0.7705
    100 do_sigaltstack 0.2604
    138 is_prefetch 0.3920
    211 __up_read 1.1989
    252 system_call 1.9535
    292 __down_read 1.9730
    552 save_i387 2.8750
    1501 do_page_fault 0.9381
    2266 do_signal 1.3488
    2427 get_signal_to_deliver 1.9700
    2452 force_sig_info 11.7885
    3715 sys_rt_sigreturn 5.1597
    14260 total 0.0057
    It has been always the extensive number of signals generated. systap is lacking dtace java probes (as well as any u-level probes for that matter), so I could tap only in the kernel on syscalls:
    force_sig_info= 10209 &#8211; 10230
    0xc043681b : force_sig_info+0x1/0x86
    0xc04230d3 : force_sig_info_fault+0x24/0x28
    0xc0404670 : sys_rt_sigreturn+0x0/0xff
    0xc061e3d8 : kprobe_exceptions_notify+0x164/0x386
    0xc061f043 : notifier_call_chain+0x2a/0x47
    0xc061f07e : atomic_notifier_call_chain+0x17/0x1a
    0xc061f011 : do_page_fault+0x5e7/0x5ef
    0xc0400000 : startup_32+0x0/0xb4
    sys_rt_sigreturn= 10209 &#8211; 10235
    0xc0404671 : sys_rt_sigreturn+0x1/0xff
    0xc040518a : syscall_call+0x7/0xb
    0xc0400000 : startup_32+0x0/0xb4
    sys_rt_sigreturn() is tricky (it is designed to return to the kernel from the u-space signal handler), but the force_sig_info() is the result of the do_page_fault(). The swap was disabled and I assumed that page faults were "minor"-s. Looking at the comments in the OpenJDK JVM sources I could see that there are cases for non-mapped regions singal handling (like dynamic stack growth), so I suspected it's something very JVM specific. I could not correlate it precisely to GC events.
    The end of the story is that I didn't find out exactly what was the real trigger of this event, but JVM1.6.05 does not produce such CPU spilkes.
    - a.

  • Simple Java 3D program’s CPU Usage spikes to up to 90 percent!

    Hi, everyone. I’m completely new to Java 3D and I’m toying around with basic program structure right now. My code is based off of that in the first chapter on 3D in Killer Game Programming in Java. I removed most of the scene elements, replacing them with a simple grid, Maya style. (Yes, I’m starting off small, but my ambitions are grand – I intend on creating a polygonal modeling and animation toolset. After all, the Maya PLE is dead – damn you, Autodesk! – and I just plain dislike Blender.) I implement a simple OrbitBehavior as a means for the user to navigate the scene. That part was basically copy and paste from Andrew Davison’s code. The mystery, then, is why the program’s framerate drops below 1 FPS and its CPU Usage spikes to up to 90 percent, according to the Task Manager, when I tumble the scene. I’d appreciate anyone taking the time to look at the code and trying to identify the problem area. (I’ve undoubtedly missed something totally newbish. -.-) Thank you!
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    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class MAFrame
        public static final Dimension SCREEN_SIZE = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
        public MAFrame ()
            try {
            catch (Exception e) {
            JFrame frame = new JFrame ("Modeling and Animation");
            MAViewPanel panel = new MAViewPanel ();
            frame.setLocation(((int)SCREEN_SIZE.getWidth() / 2) - (frame.getWidth() / 2),
                              ((int)SCREEN_SIZE.getHeight() / 2) - (frame.getHeight() / 2));     
    import com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp.*;
    import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.*;
    import com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.vecmath.*;
    public class MAViewPanel extends JPanel
        public static final int GRID_SIZE = 12;
        public static final int GRID_SPACING = 4;
        public BoundingSphere bounds;
        public BranchGroup sceneBG;
        public SimpleUniverse su;
        public MAViewPanel ()
            GraphicsConfiguration config = SimpleUniverse.getPreferredConfiguration();
            Canvas3D canvas3D = new Canvas3D (config);               
            canvas3D.setSize(600, 600);
            su = new SimpleUniverse (canvas3D);
        public void createSceneGraph ()
            sceneBG = new BranchGroup ();
            bounds = new BoundingSphere (new Point3d(0, 0, 0), 1000);
            // ambient light
            Color3f white = new Color3f (1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            AmbientLight ambientLight = new AmbientLight (white);
            // background
            Background background = new Background ();
            background.setColor(0.17f, 0.65f, 0.92f);
            // grid
        public void createGrid ()
            Shape3D grid = new Shape3D();
            LineArray lineArr = new LineArray (GRID_SIZE * 8 + 4, GeometryArray.COORDINATES);
            int offset = GRID_SIZE * GRID_SPACING;
            // both sides of the grid plus the middle, done for both directions at once (each line defined by two points)
            for (int count = 0, index = 0; count < GRID_SIZE * 2 + 1; count++) {
                // vertical, left to right
                lineArr.setCoordinate(index++, new Point3d (-offset + (count * GRID_SPACING), 0, offset));  // starts near
                lineArr.setCoordinate(index++, new Point3d (-offset + (count * GRID_SPACING), 0, -offset)); // ends far
                // horizontal, near to far
                lineArr.setCoordinate(index++, new Point3d (-offset, 0, offset - (count * GRID_SPACING))); // starts left
                lineArr.setCoordinate(index++, new Point3d (offset, 0, offset - (count * GRID_SPACING)));  // ends right
        public void initUserPosition ()
            ViewingPlatform vp = su.getViewingPlatform();
            TransformGroup tg = vp.getViewPlatformTransform();
            Transform3D t3d = new Transform3D ();
            t3d.lookAt(new Point3d (0, 60, 80), new Point3d (0, 0, 0), new Vector3d(0, 1, 0));
        private void orbitControls (Canvas3D c)
            OrbitBehavior orbit = new OrbitBehavior (c, OrbitBehavior.REVERSE_ALL);
            ViewingPlatform vp = su.getViewingPlatform();

    Huh. A simple call to View.setMinimumFrameCycleTime() fixed the problem. How odd that there effectively is no default maximum framerate. Of course simple programs like these, rendered as many times as possible every second, are going to consume all possible CPU usage...

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    I have fairly powerful Dell workstation. Any ideas? Configuration problem?
    BTW embedded OC4J is not running.

    I am actually not doing anything. As soon as I open JDev I can see (and feel) that performance problem. Every time the 'spike' occurs, mouse gets 'frozen' for a fraction of a second. It is anoying a bit.
    My coworker's installation do not have that problem and I wonder if add-ons that I have downloaded and installed would create this behavior. BTW, how do I figure out what add-ons (plugins) I got?
    I can see 'jucheck.exe' and 'jusched.exe' processes as well but even when I killed them the spikes occur.
    Any thought?

  • CPU Usage Spikes - Crashes ITunes

    I've been using Itunes for about a year, and over the past week, my CPU usage will spike at 100% while playing Itunes, causing the song quality to skip and play as if it was a scratched CD. I updated from 4.9 to 5.0 (erasing all existing Itunes programs first) and the problem still happens. I'm not running anything else other than Itunes, and the usage still spikes to 100% causing the problem.
    Please help!

    I'm having the same problem. I've isolated it in a number of ways trying to resolve it.
    It always happens 13 seconds into playing a track. This applies whether it plays from the beginning, 1 min into the track or if I make is jump to different places. Each time, once it has played 13 seconds (ie first 13 secs or if I jump to 1 min immediately it will be at 1:13 or if I play 6 secs then jump to 1:30 it will happen at 1:37). The CPU spikes to 100%, pausing everything and leaving a 3 or 4 sec silence.
    This happens regardless of track length. So a 1 hour dj set will have the CPU spike at 13 secs and then be fine for the next hour.
    It seems to me to be related to some sort of buffering or something similar in Itunes. I have worked out that once it has caused the CPU spike I can restart the same track and it will play through without a hiccup. If I play the next track and then come back to the first track, though, it will glitch at 13 secs again. I can also make it glitch on a replay of the first track without playing any others by changing the tracks that are to come after it in the playlist. This seems to suggest it is related to buffering the coming track(s).
    I can make the silent gaps go away by reducing the size of my music library considerably. It is over 45 gig now. If I reduce it to below 20 gig the CPU spiking occurs but not at 100% and so not causing the silences. The problems is still there, though, and itunes has played my 40 gig library fine for months without any such problems.
    Recent changes have included a few software installs. I have removed those that I could (eg Nero) but I do still have one photo editing programme that I need for a current job. I had removed quicktime from my startup but seeing a suggestion that this caused such a problem I have put it back. This has not fixed the problem for me.
    I have also bought a shuffle and would have probably run the software related to that. If you had a problem when you added a mini perhaps it's due to some sort of error arising from the software coming with new ipods when used with existing itunes installations? Just a guess.
    I'm running Itunes I had thought about upgrading to 5 but it seems to be causing more problems and it seems it doesn't resolve this one.
    If anyone can help with this I would be most grateful as it is making Itunes unusable on my computer. I'm going to have to go back to playing cds!!!

  • Server CPU Usages - Critical

    We have a BC4J application developed using jdev 3.1/ front end is JSPs.
    The application is deployed using Oracle iAS 8i.
    The problem is that when in a jsp, a query is executed that has to return a large number of rows, then the cpu utilization of the database(oracle.exe) rises to 100 percent. The same query when run from sql, causes a memory consumption of only 20 percent.
    What can be the possible reasons for this huge increase in memory consumption when the query is fired using jdev data web beans from a jsp.

    because the CSS has a script language, you can basically do whatever you want.
    You could have a script running on the server to get the server cpu and save it into a file.
    Via the CSS script language, you could retrieve this value and decided to use or not the server.
    There is also something called DFP - dynamic feedback protocol. If your server vendor support this protocol you can use it to report server status to the CSS.

  • CPU usage spikes to 90%

    Dear all,
    I have 1 Pub, 2 Sub of version 8.0, when  I looked into RTMT, I found increase in the CPU usage to 90%
    Can any one guide how to solve and what is the reason for increase
    I have 2600 ip phones 

    thanks for your comment
    after entering the command 
    admin:show process using-most cpu
     7.5 28399   -   0 S 7-15:34:03 /home/tomcat/tomcat /home/tomcat/tomcatJlauncher                                                                                                                     Config.xml -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/thirdparty/java/j2sdk/j                                                                                                                     re/lib/i386:/usr/local/thirdparty/java/j2sdk/jre/lib/i386/server:/usr/lib/pgsql:                                                                                                                     /usr/lib:/usr/local/cm/lib::/usr/local/platform/lib -XX:ErrorFile=/usr/local/thi                                                                                                                     rdparty/jakarta-tomcat/logs/diagnostic-info.jvm-crash.<pid>.tomcat.txt -XX:OnOut                                                                                                                     OfMemoryError=/home/tomcat/ -XX:OnError=/home/tomcat/tomcat                                                                                                                                                                                                                                trust-certs/tomcat-trust.keystore                                                                                                                     PbFCD -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apac                                                                                                                     he.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/usr/local/thirdpa                                                                                                                     rty/jakarta-tomcat/conf/ -Xmx640m -Xms256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256                                                                                                                     m -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/local/thirdparty/jakarta-tomcat/endorsed -classpath                                                                                                                      :/usr/local/thirdparty/java/bcprov-jdk15-138.jar:/usr/local/platform/jar/xalan.j                                                                                                                     ar:/usr/local/platform/jar/certMgmt.jar:/usr/local/platform/jar/certMonitor.jar:                                                                                                                     /usr/local/platform/jar/Iproduct.jar:/usr/local/platform/jar/Ihardware.jar:/usr/                                                                                                                     local/platform/jar/CiscoIPSec.jar:/usr/local/platform/jar/ciscoCmd.jar:/usr/loca                                                                                                                     l/platform/jar/ciscoCommon.jar:/usr/local/platform/jar/platform-api.jar:/usr/loc                                                                                                                     al/platform/jar/maverick-all.jar:/common/download:/usr/local/platform/applicatio                                                                                                                     n_locale/platform-api:/usr/local/platform/application_locale/cmplatform:/usr/loc                                                                                                                     al/cm/jar/commons-logging.jar:/usr/local/platform/jar/xstream-1.1.2.jar:/usr/loc                                                                                                                     al/cm/jar/log4j-1.2.8.jar:/usr/local/cm/application_locale/cmservices:/usr/local                                                                                                                     /cm/application_locale/car:/usr/local/cm/application_locale/ccmadmin:/usr/local/                                                                                                                     cm/application_locale/ccmuser:/usr/local/cm/application_locale:/usr/local/thirdp                                                                                                                     arty/jakarta-tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar                                                                                                                     licy==/usr/local/thirdparty/jakarta-tomcat/conf/catalina.policy -Dcatalina.base=                                                                                                                     /usr/local/thirdparty/jakarta-tomcat -Dcatalina.home=/usr/local/thirdparty/jakar                                                                                                                     ta-tomcat start
     7.0 16208   -  10 S 00:00:01 java -DConsoleRows=24 -DConsoleColumns=80 -DCommonFileSystem="disk_full=false,inode_full=false,no_write=false,internal_error=false" -DJvmStartTime=1407911931 sdMain name=ccmadmin priv=4 master
     1.2 18672   -   0 S 1-07:24:04 /usr/local/cm/bin/cmoninit -w
     1.1  1733   -   0 S 1-03:54:14 /usr/local/cm/bin/RisDC
     0.3  1755   -   0 S 09:12:08 /usr/local/cm/bin/amc /usr/local/cm/conf/amc/amcCfg.xml
    what does this mean

  • Help with regular cpu usage spike

    im running a VI thats reading data off a mouse through a VISA driver. i get these strange spikes in cpu usage which are regular at ~12-13 second intervals, which i haven't got a clue as to the cause.
    any ideas??
    cpu spike.jpg ‏73 KB

    hi all,
       thanks for the suggestions. ive looked with sysinternals, and it appears to be a very minor increase in labview cpu usage - i closed all antivirus related processes, and the spike still continues, so it doesn't appear to be that...
    ive attached the vi, in case its some stupid coding issue..
    apologies for being so ignorant, but how would i go about checking if it's some issue caused by a windows update or whatnot..
    Attachments: ‏44 KB

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    Please give us some helpful information..
    Which model computer is this?
    Which Windows does it run?
    Which programs are you talking about?
    When you give us an error message, quote it precisely on a line all by itself. Paraphrasing doesn't help. We don't care what the message means. We want just the string of characters. Spelling counts.

  • USB Audio device - CPU usage spikes - w520

    I have a LENOVO W520 4276CTO
    Intel Core i7  @ 2.40GHz
    8.00 GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 664MHz
    Whenever a USB Audio device is enabled I am experiencing cpu spikes every 8 seconds approx.
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    LatencyMon indicates a large amount of ISR and DPC activity on the
    usbport.sys driver
    i've been trying to resolve this problem for weeks now and would appreciate any help .

    What USB controller are you using? Not saying it will address your issue but there is a driver update for the Renesas controller ( When I installed it I had to manually update the driver.
    For your USB devices, are you using their latest drivers?
    You may also want to review kb2529073 to check whether the kb is applicable to you.
    I have played around with a USB external audio device in a dynadock (Toshiba) and no DPC issues but an issue with not being able to run 'Smart Audio' in cpl. The message is 'Failed to initialize smart audio'. So I have to use the system utilities to control the Conexant audio. Have you noticed any issues with the onboard audio tools and your external audio device?
    You may also wish to check the Microsoft site for any Win 7 USB related hotfixes that may help.

  • CPU usage spikes while viewing webpage with java script

    Can anyone tell me if it is normal for cpu use to spike up to 90% when I view a webpage that's using javascript? It is a scrolling news headline using java script 1.2 in the webpage.

    Fortunately, while my temps do go up and fan speed increases, mine does not become exceedingly loud. I apparently have a lot of good karma stored up because both the original midplane and its replacement - bad caps - have had quiet fans.

  • DNS server process, high CPU usage

    I am having a problem with high CPU usage on DNS process. We have 1921 setup in network of about 100 workstations that use it as DNS server. It also performs split view functionality for couple of domains in order to avoid hairpin NAT. I know that a router is not fit for heavy server duty but such setup was unfortunately necessary.
    In peak work hours we oftenly have CPU hitting 100%  with DNS server process being the root cause,and on several occasions we had DNS process stuck in such state for prolonged periods of time during which other router functions were affected (t's a default gateway, IPsec concentrator etc.). Sometimes shutting the process and restarting it would solve the problem, but once it required a full reload in order to restore functionality (such was the description that engineer on duty reported to me).
    Forwarder queue statistics:
    Current size = 0
    Maximum size = 86
    Drops        = 0
    IOS upgrade did not help, we are currently running 15.2(2)T.
    The question is ... is such behaviour (CPU load) to be expected on LAN with 100 workstations due to slow CPU on router or we have bugged IOS DNS server (requiring a TAC case)?
    The previous solution seem to do this functionality quite nicely (even though it was also a router), so I am not inclined to think that we are dealing with someone DoS-ing the DNS (WAN access to DNS is of course forbidden)
    Since we moved servers off the routers DNS, we do not receive complaints, but we had a couple of unresolved messages a day while mail server was using router for DNS. I am suspecting that an old bug where IOS DNS servers occasionaly sends clients back empty DNS replies (properly formatted message but without A record) could be still around?

    i have the same problem on UC540 and 2911 on IOS 15.0.1. CPU high, router crashed. Reboot helps but until CPU usage spikes again. the only fix is to remove "ip dns server" from config and use a different DNS server
                        111                       1111    1111111111
    100            ********                       ******************
     90       *************         *****     **********************
     80       ***************************     **********************
     70       ******************************************************
     60       ******************************************************
     50       ******************************************************
     40       ******************************************************
     30       ******************************************************
     20       ******************************************************
     10       ******************************************************
                 0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5    0
                   CPU% per second (last 60 seconds)
    after removed IP dns server
    100                               ********                      
     90                          *************         *****     ***
     80                          ***************************     ***
     70                          ***********************************
     60                          ***********************************
     50                          ***********************************
     40                          ***********************************
     30                          ***********************************
     20                          ***********************************
     10                          ***********************************
                 0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5    0
                   CPU% per second (last 60 seconds)

  • Help me understanding server memory usage

    I am trying to determine how much memory our weblogic server needs and
    am seeing what seems to me to be strange memory growth patterns in the
    server. I am running weblogic6.1sp4(with CR093850) on solaris 2.7.
    I have written an emulator for testing performance and stability of
    our system. The emulator has sleeps in it between actions so it is
    emulating a real end user interaction with the system, it is not
    trying to emulate a super heavy load.
    I configured weblogic server to have a high max heap to begin with(1.5
    gig) and thought I could turn 10 emulators on and let them run for a
    while to get all my entity bean cached filled up, then I could see
    what the size of my server was at that point and expect that to be
    close to what it will need. Is this an appropriate way to determine
    However, when I do this and try to let my emulators run for 24 hours,
    I never make it past 13 hours. The weblogic server never stops
    growing and of course I eventually end up with all the emulators
    exiting with 'out of memory' errors from the server.
    The process grows slowly at first, even seems pretty well behaved for
    the first 2-4 hours. Then the process size starts to grow a little
    more rapidly, then there is some drastic up and downs then eventually
    it just stays high. During the spikes the CPU usage spikes as well
    even though the load from my emulators has not increased.
    If our code had a small memory leak I would expect to see a steady,
    constant slow growth problem, but that is not whats happening, it
    starts out small growth but then becomes more spiky.
    I have max-beans-in-cache and max-beans-in-free-pool said reasonably
    low on my entity beans that are used in this test. There are only 8
    entity bean types being used in this test run. 1 stateful session
    bean type and 3 stateless session beans.
    Has anyone else seen this odd behavior? Has anyone had success in
    setting a reasonable heap size?
    any insight would be greatly appreciated!

    Hi Kelly,
    That looks pretty much like a memory leak. You could use a memory
    profiler like OptimizeIt, or at least search though the code for
    appearances of static public Hashtable
    - that's where ever-growing "caches" live.
    Slava Imeshev
    "Kelly Kingdon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    I am trying to determine how much memory our weblogic server needs and
    am seeing what seems to me to be strange memory growth patterns in the
    server. I am running weblogic6.1sp4(with CR093850) on solaris 2.7.
    I have written an emulator for testing performance and stability of
    our system. The emulator has sleeps in it between actions so it is
    emulating a real end user interaction with the system, it is not
    trying to emulate a super heavy load.
    I configured weblogic server to have a high max heap to begin with(1.5
    gig) and thought I could turn 10 emulators on and let them run for a
    while to get all my entity bean cached filled up, then I could see
    what the size of my server was at that point and expect that to be
    close to what it will need. Is this an appropriate way to determine
    However, when I do this and try to let my emulators run for 24 hours,
    I never make it past 13 hours. The weblogic server never stops
    growing and of course I eventually end up with all the emulators
    exiting with 'out of memory' errors from the server.
    The process grows slowly at first, even seems pretty well behaved for
    the first 2-4 hours. Then the process size starts to grow a little
    more rapidly, then there is some drastic up and downs then eventually
    it just stays high. During the spikes the CPU usage spikes as well
    even though the load from my emulators has not increased.
    If our code had a small memory leak I would expect to see a steady,
    constant slow growth problem, but that is not whats happening, it
    starts out small growth but then becomes more spiky.
    I have max-beans-in-cache and max-beans-in-free-pool said reasonably
    low on my entity beans that are used in this test. There are only 8
    entity bean types being used in this test run. 1 stateful session
    bean type and 3 stateless session beans.
    Has anyone else seen this odd behavior? Has anyone had success in
    setting a reasonable heap size?
    any insight would be greatly appreciated!

  • RV220W port forwarding an 99% CPU usage

    I made a custom port forward using tcp ports 2121-2130 to a private IP address on my network ( Whenever I do this, RV220W CPU usage spikes to 98-99% and my Internet connection starts lagging a lot. Just disabling the port forward from the administation console fixes this. I'm running the latest firmware.

    There is a problem with port forwarding in RV220W please read the release notes for for work arounds

  • Xorg + xf86-video-intel lags with compiz / high cpu usage without it

    I have recently noticed that my X server lags. It happens approximately once per second (it's fairly regular) and it can be easily observed when watching movies, dragging windows or rotating cube. Screen just hangs for some milliseconds. Lags are bigger and happens more often when many windows are opened.
    Even worse things happen when I'm _not_ running compiz. X's cpu usage spikes permanently up to 30-40% and lags are even more noticable.
    My hardware:
    Laptop with Intel GMA 950
    I tried some different xorg.confs but it seems to be irrevelant. It happens even on plain conf created by 'Xorg -configure'
    xorg-server 1.5.3-3
    mesa 7.2-1
    xf86-video-intel 2.4.3-1
    I also tried downgrading these packages to
    xorg-server 1.4.2-2
    mesa 7.0.3-3
    xf86-video-intel 2.3.2-1
    kernel26 2.6.27-1
    and it seems to resolve cpu usage problem but not the lags.
    Does anybody know what might cause these lags? It's really annoying.

    It turned out that color depth was the issue. I think that 24bit is too big for my graphics card and compiz (although I remember that i810+24bit+compiz worked fine).
    So changing DefaultDepth in xorg.conf to 16 fixed the problem. Is there any other way to workaround this without decreasing color depth?

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