Server.MapPath(virtualPath) Returns root directory of controller, it is nor returns the physical path mentioned in the virtual directory in IIS

I have created a virtual directory "myVirtualFile" virtual path is "\myVirtualFile" and I have given physical path as "D:\Home\myProject\Files"
Below is my code
var virtualpath="/myVirtualFile\UserManual";
var resultPath=Server.MapPath(virtualpath);
out put is resultPath contains "D:\Home\myProject\Web\client\myVirtualFile\UserManual" Expected out put is "D:\Home\myProject\Files".
It returns the folder structure of my project. I didn't return the physical path which I mentioned in virtual directory.

I am not expert on Asp.Net. But I will try my best.
The following sample is what are
Virtual paths and Physical paths
ASP.NET the "~" tilde indicates the root of a virtual path.
Virtual paths
Physical paths
Server.MapPath doesn't find automatically where a file is. It allows to get the physical path
corresponding to a virtual path (relative to the current request if you don't give an absolute path)
If above still cannot resolve your issue, please repost in Asp.Net forum, The link as above posted.
Have a nice day!
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            System.out.println(Version + "Servlet context path : " + sctx .getContextPath());
            String path = sctx .getRealPath("/");
            fullyqualifiedlog4jpath = path + "log4j.xml";
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                initialized = true;
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  • Could not find agent library on the library path or in the local directory

    Hi all,
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    2) and I've added mysqlpp::Connection      conn(false); (global variable)
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    -- analizer.cpp --
    #include <iostream>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <jni.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <jvmti.h>
    #include <mysql++.h>
    #include "ClassDetail.cpp"
    #define CFN(ptr) checkForNull(ptr, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    static void checkForNull(void *ptr, const char* file, int line) {
        if(ptr == NULL) {
            std::cerr << "ERROR : NullPointerException in " << file <<":"<< line<<"\n";
    static char* getErrorName(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jvmtiError err) {
        jvmtiError errNum;
        char *name;
        errNum = jvmti->GetErrorName(err, &name);
        if( errNum != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {
            std::cerr << "ERROR : errore nel reprire l'error name " << errNum;
        return name;
    #define CJVMTIE(jvmti, err) checkJvmtiError(jvmti, err, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    static void checkJvmtiError(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jvmtiError err, const char* file, int line) {
        if(err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {
            char *name = getErrorName(jvmti, err);
            std::cout << "ERROR : JVMTI error " << err << "("<<name<<") in "<<file<<":"<<line;
    static void vmInit(jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env, JNIEnv *jni, jthread thread);
    static void startGCEvent(jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env);
    static void finishGCEvent(jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env);
    static jvmtiIterationControl JNICALL heapObject(jlong tag, jlong size, jlong* tag_ptr, void* userData);
    jrawMonitorID           lock;
    int                     gc_count;
    long                    heapSize = 0;
    bool                    heapCheck = false;
    mysqlpp::Connection      conn(false);
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Agent_OnLoad(JavaVM *vm, char *options, void *reserved) {
        jint                rc;
        jvmtiEnv            *jvmti = NULL;
        jvmtiError          err;
        jvmtiCapabilities   capabilities;
        jvmtiEventCallbacks callbacks;
        rc = vm->GetEnv((void **)&jvmti, JVMTI_VERSION);
        if( rc != JNI_OK) {
            std::cout << "ERROR : Errore nell'ottenere 'environment rc = " << rc;
            return -1;
        err = jvmti->GetCapabilities(&capabilities);
        CJVMTIE(jvmti, err);
        capabilities.can_generate_garbage_collection_events = true;
        capabilities.can_tag_objects = true;
        CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->AddCapabilities(&capabilities));
        CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->CreateRawMonitor("agent lock", &lock));
        callbacks.VMInit = &vmInit;
        callbacks.GarbageCollectionStart = &startGCEvent;
        callbacks.GarbageCollectionFinish = &finishGCEvent;
        CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->SetEventCallbacks(&callbacks, sizeof(callbacks)));
        jvmti->SetEventNotificationMode(JVMTI_ENABLE, JVMTI_EVENT_VM_INIT, NULL);
        return 0;
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Agent_OnUnload(JavaVM *vm)
    static void JNICALL worker(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *jni, void *p) {
        std::cout << "worker";
        for (;;) {
            CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->RawMonitorEnter(lock));
            while (gc_count == 0) {
                CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->RawMonitorWait(lock, 0));
            gc_count = 0;
            /* Perform arbitrary JVMTI/JNI work here to do post-GC cleanup */
            if(!heapCheck) {
                heapCheck = true;
                jint        count;
                jclass    *classes;
                CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->GetLoadedClasses(&count, &classes));
                ClassDetail *details = (ClassDetail*)calloc(sizeof(ClassDetail), count);
                for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                    char *sig;
                    CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->GetClassSignature(classes, &sig, NULL));
    details[i] = ClassDetail(strdup(sig));
    CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->SetTag(classes[i], (jlong)(ptrdiff_t)(void*) (&details[i])));
    heapSize = 0;
    CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->IterateOverHeap(JVMTI_HEAP_OBJECT_EITHER, &heapObject, NULL));
    std::cout << "Heap Memory : " << heapSize<<'\n';
    heapCheck = false;
    static void vmInit(jvmtiEnv jvmti, JNIEnv jni, jthread thread) {
    jclass clazz = jni->FindClass("java/lang/Thread");
    jmethodID mid = jni->GetMethodID(clazz, "<init>", "()V");
    jthread _thread = jni->NewObject(clazz, mid);
    CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->RunAgentThread(_thread, &worker, NULL, JVMTI_THREAD_MAX_PRIORITY));
    static void startGCEvent(jvmtiEnv *jvmti) {
    static void finishGCEvent(jvmtiEnv *jvmti) {
    std::cout << "****************************************************************** <<<<<<<<<<<< Finito gc\n";
    static jvmtiIterationControl JNICALL heapObject(jlong tag, jlong size, jlong* tag_ptr, void* userData) {
    if(tag != (jlong) 0) {
    std::cout << "Tag : " << tag<< '\n';
    ClassDetail detail = (ClassDetail) (void*) (ptrdiff_t) tag;
    char *sig = detail->getSignature();
    std::cout << "Class " << sig << " size : " << size<<'\n';
    heapSize += size;
    -- ClassDetail.cpp --class ClassDetail {
    char* signature;
    ClassDetail(char* signature){
    this->signature = signature;
    char* getSignature() { return this->signature;}
    # Sample GNU Makefile for building JVMTI Demo waiters
    # Example uses:
    # gnumake JDK=<java_home> OSNAME=solaris [OPT=true] [LIBARCH=sparc]
    # gnumake JDK=<java_home> OSNAME=solaris [OPT=true] [LIBARCH=sparcv9]
    # gnumake JDK=<java_home> OSNAME=linux [OPT=true]
    # gnumake JDK=<java_home> OSNAME=win32 [OPT=true]
    # Source lists
    # Solaris Sun C Compiler Version 5.5
    ifeq ($(OSNAME), solaris)
    # Tell gnumake which compilers to use
    # Sun Solaris Compiler options needed
    # Check LIBARCH for any special compiler options
    LIBARCH=$(shell uname -p)
    ifeq ($(LIBARCH), sparc)
    COMMON_FLAGS+=-xarch=v8 -xregs=no%appl
    ifeq ($(LIBARCH), sparcv9)
    COMMON_FLAGS+=-xarch=v9 -xregs=no%appl
    ifeq ($(OPT), true)
    # Object files needed to create library
    # Library name and options needed to build it
    LDFLAGS=-z defs -ztext
    # Libraries we are dependent on
    LIBRARIES= -lc
    # Building a shared library
    LINK_SHARED=$( -G -o $@
    # Linux GNU C Compiler
    ifeq ($(OSNAME), linux)
    # GNU Compiler options needed to build it
    COMMON_FLAGS=-fno-strict-aliasing -fPIC -fno-omit-frame-pointer
    # Options that help find errors
    COMMON_FLAGS+= -W -Wall -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses
    ifeq ($(OPT), true)
    # Object files needed to create library
    # Library name and options needed to build it
    LDFLAGS=-Wl,-soname=$(LIBRARY) -static-libgcc -mimpure-text
    LDFLAGS += -lmysqlpp
    # Libraries we are dependent on
    # Building a shared library
    LINK_SHARED=$( -shared -o $@
    # Windows Microsoft C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 12
    ifeq ($(OSNAME), win32)
    # Compiler options needed to build it
    # Options that help find errors
    ifeq ($(OPT), true)
    # Object files needed to create library
    # Library name and options needed to build it
    # Libraries we are dependent on
    # Building a shared library
    LINK_SHARED=link -dll -out:$@
    # Common -I options
    CXXFLAGS += -I.
    #CXXFLAGS += -I../agent_util
    CXXFLAGS += -I$(JDK)/include -I$(JDK)/include/$(OSNAME)
    # Default rule
    all: $(LIBRARY)
    # Build native library
    # Cleanup the built bits
         rm -f $(LIBRARY) $(OBJECTS)
    # Simple tester
    test: all
         LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd` $(JDK)/bin/java -agentlib:$(LIBNAME) -jar jvmti-test.jar
         #LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd` $(JDK)/bin/java -agentlib:$(LIBNAME) -version
    # Compilation rule only needed on Windows
    ifeq ($(OSNAME), win32)
    %.obj: %.cpp
         $( $<

    Did you make sure your library (call it x) starts is named (atleast, on linux, possibly libx.dll on windows, not sure)? It will not load otherwise, and you must specify -agentlib:x (rather than saying Yes, it is "funny" how it gives the same uninformative error message for a wide variety of errors. It will also give you this same error message if there are still unresolved symbols upon loading your library (which would be my second guess).

  • Finding the UNC path of a symlink'ed directory

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    Can you help me with this please?

    Here's my solution so far (assuming only one reparse point in the local starting directory):
    # get the remote path associated with my_symlink
    [string] $uncPath = &cmd /C dir /AL *
    $uncPath = $uncPath.Split("[`[`]]")[1]
    # get the logical disk object
    $networkDrive = $uncPath.SubString(0,2)
    $logicalDisk = Gwmi Win32_LogicalDisk -filter "DriveType = 4 AND DeviceID = '$networkDrive'"
    # replace the network drive letter with provider name
    $uncPath = $uncPath.Replace($networkDrive, $logicalDisk.ProviderName)

  • Virtual Directory / path mapping in Sun ONE App Server 7

    I am trying to migrate my application from WebLogic 7
    to Sun ONE App Server 7.0
    In WebLogic, we used the following mapping in weblogic.xml:
    What would be the equivalent in sun-web.xml in Sun ONE?

    This is not deployment instructions.
    Its deployment descriptor like web.xml
    You can find more info here:
    on page 91

  • How to create file form servlet in our virtual directory

    I want to create a file form my servlet in my virtual directory..
    my directory name ia vps
    it cconatin vps -> WEB-INF -> classes-> servTest
    servTest is servlet....
    and i want to create file from servTest in vps directory..
    actually i am trying to create file but it by default saved in windows/system32 directory.

    You need to give the absolute path to create the file, if you just give the filename, the file will be created in the working directory which is system32 for Windows.
    You could either hardcode it, or you can use ServletContext.getRealPath("/") ( ) This will return the path on the server's filesystem where your application folder ( under webapps for Tomcat) is located.
    NOTE: If you application is in the form of a .war file, this may not work! The server may return a null.
    "/" specifies the root i.e., your application's highest level directory. If your application is webapps/vps then getRealPath("/") will return something like C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1\webapps\vps

  • DR within Same Site Using Different Virtual Directory Names

    We are deploying Exchange 2013 and have setup a set of 2013 servers in a different building we would like to use for DR.
    We have 2 servers in our main datacenter behind a load balancer and 2 servers in a 2nd datacenter within the same DAG.  So mailbox databases are already on the servers.  However for the CAS role, we are looking at just setting the DR servers to
    have different virtual directory names so in a DR situation, we just need to tell people to access instead of   The DR servers would be behind a 2nd load balancer only configured to talk to those two servers.
    Both of these datacenters are in the same AD site, and the network vLANS are stretched across each datacenter so DAG replication is already working.  The primary serves are already working behind the production load balancer.  Just need to make
    sure we are going in the right direction for the DR setup.  Our public certificate already names the names of,, and on the cert.   We are not really concerned so much with Outlook/ActiveSync
    traffic in a DR situation, but would just like OWA to be a temporary solution while the main datacenter recovers.  So a different virtual directory name should work right?

    From your description, I know four servers are in the same site but with different building. So you create two load balancer. And it seems you add the DAG members into Load Balancer. Could you confirm if you use WNLB?
    In fact, WNLB can't be used on Exchange servers where mailbox DAGs are also being used because WNLB is incompatible with Windows failover clustering. If you're using an Exchange 2013 DAG and you want to use WNLB, you need to have the Client Access server
    role and the Mailbox server role running on separate servers. See more details in the following link:
    For your environment, I have a suggestion: we can deploy two servers with only CAS role installed. One cas in one datacenter. Put them in one Load Balancer. Point OWA URL to this load balancer. So when one datacenter is down, the request will
    go to anoter CAS in another datacenter. And the OWA URL is not changed..
    But if you want to use two OWA URLs for each datacenter. and You can set OWA internal URL and external url on CAS servers in DR site to use And ask users to login instead of when the primary datacenter is down.
    Sent By

  • Physical Path in File Adapter for Windows Server

    Hi There,
    I am trying to read a file from a directory on a windows server and write it to the same server in a different directory.
    In the file adapter I gave the value for physical path as below:
    However I am getting below message in the debug:
    "Value specified for input Physical/Logical Directory is not a directory or is not readable."
    Hence my question is what should be the value in the physical path for windows server.
    Thanks in Advance
    Edited by: user452458 on Jul 19, 2010 11:30 AM

    Thanks for your reply again.
    Actually they are not on the same file system.
    I have successfully used FTP Adapter to connect to a UNIX server.
    However is it possible to use FTP Adapter for Windows Server. If so how should be the corresponding JNDI defined.
    I am getting below error when I use FTP Adapter for Windows Server:
    Unable to send file to server. [Caused by: A remote host refused an attempted connect operation.]
    ; nested exception is:
    Error sending file to FTP Server.
    Unable to send file to server. [Caused by: A remote host refused an attempted connect operation.]
    Please ensure 1. Specified remote output Dir has write permission 2. Output filename has not exceeded the max chararters allowed by the OS and 3. Remote File System has enough space.
    Please Advise.

  • HFM Question : What could corrupt a virtual directory ?

    Hello Gurus,
        Sometimes I have been facing an issue with consolidation app when opening it from workspace.
        I'm trying to load this app, in to HFM I was able to deploy the application, however, when I try to open it from Applications > Consolidation > AGGCONS to load data I'm getting the following error :
    "The following exception has occurred in DataControlFactoryImpl.createSession(): oracle.jbo.JboException com a mensagem: JBO-29000:Unexpected exception caught: oracle.adf.model.adapter.AdapterException, msg=DCA-29000: Unexpected exception caught:, msg= {D0084996-C813-4113-92FA-81202489222A}1-2147023878106/09/2013 15:46:51HYPDCHFMWHCHFMCASSecurity.cpp5411. 15:46:51HYPDCHFMWHCHsxClient.cpp526611."
          I've found a possible solution at Oracle Support :  Financial Management Error "JBO-29000: Unexpected exception caught..." When Attempting to Access Consolidation Administration in Workspace. (Doc ID 1457676.1).  However, it's not exactly the same error, but the solution related to my issue was similar. This article state that :
    "The Financial Management web server configuration does not complete succesfully, the virtual directory in IIS called "hfmapplicationservice" is not available under "Default Web Site".  To resolve this issue run the EPM System Configurator and on the HFM web server and choose "Configure web server" for Financial Management product to re-create the virtual folder (hfmapplicationservice)."
          When I follow the instructions above, I've got to open up the app without any problem. But in two or three days the same error happens again.
          I'm suspecting about the user but don't know enough about Consolidation Application to affirm that.
          Then I'd like to know if would be possible some kind of a "bad app use" to corrupt some files from this virtual directory that is mapped in IIS that the only solution is recreate this virtual directory.
    Thanks in advance.

    Are you an administrator in the HFM servers?

  • Available webservice/tool that returns the physical qry from logical qry?

    Is there any obiee webservice or program that returns the physical query by receiving the logical query as a parameter ?
    What we are looking for is to have a "process" that use the logic that bi server has to resolve the reports using the metadata (rpd) to derive the physical query.
    It should be like the logic that is behind the "issue direct sql" function. But instead of pasting the logical query into the text box we will be passing it as a parameter in a custom process.
    Many thanks,

    800 by 800 pixel file @ 300 DPI:
    Guide @ random position:
    800 by 800 pixel file @ 300 DPI:
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  • Define a virtual-directory in a web application running in OC4J

    I need to create a virtual directory that point to a local network point, but putting it in this way does not work, somebody knows if this can be done and how?
    <virtual-directory virtual-path="/Contratos"
    real-path="\\remoteServer\contratos" />
    <virtual-directory virtual-path="/Contratos"
    real-path="x:\contratos" />
    (Where x: points to \\remoteServer)
    This not work.
    Windows 2003 Server

    Refer these:

  • Does the weblogic virtual directory has a max download level?

    got a web project running in a Weblogic 12c. I have my virtual directory, and inside my directory I have a 18 MB zip. So when I try to download the zip from the url I have from my virtual directory; it starts to download but halfway during the download it ends my some times when I´m at 5MB, other times when I´m at 10 MB.
    I have test it in different networks and pc, but it´s always the same. So I was wondering if there is a configuration in the virtual directory on in the weblogic that restricts the amount of data that I can download. Here is my virtual directory configuration:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <weblogic-web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
      <!-- Configuracion del directorio virtual -->
      <!-- Configuracion del directorio virtual -->
    Thanks in advance

    I have gone to the BEA web site to download the Service Pack 4. I kept getting this message: "Your session has expired. Please log in again." no matter how fast I filled out and submitted their form. I also e-mailed the BEA support to report the problem. But, I have not yet received any reply. It has been almost 24 hours since the problem was reported.
    What should I do?

  • Accessing the text/property file inside the root context

              I want to access the property file lying inside the root context folder
              via plain java classes using IO.
              Could you please help me out.

    Using this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("config_settings");
    In order to load the properties file, uses the classpath search mechnism.
    Basically it means that java will look for your file in the classpath.
    The defualt class path of a web server is usualy the following:
    This is why it is working for you when you put your properties file under ContextName/Web-Inf/Classes, but it doesnt work when it is under ContextName/*, as this is not a part of the classpath search.
    You have 3 options:
    1.Put you properties file under the sever defulat classpath
    (ContextName/Web-Inf/Classes;ContextName/Web-Inf/lib,if it's under lib, the file has to be inside a jar file)
    2.Add ContextName/* to your server classpath ( in tomcat->setClasspath.bat file )
    3.Instead of using "this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("config_settings"
    read your file directly using the* library and give it the full path to the file,
    you can store the full path in web.xml file, or using getServletContext().getRealPath("") to locate the context path and read the file from there( but then you are using the Servlet API )
    Hope it helps
    all the best

  • View or function to return the full path hierarchy of an organization

    The customer is asking to provide a report showing for each assignment of each employees the corresponding organization where it is assigned and the full path of the organization hierarchy.
    The organization hierarchy is at most 6 level deep, so they want to produce the report with the columns:
    root_organization | org_level1 | org_level2 | org_level3 | org_level4 | org_level5 | org_level6 | person_name | assignment_date
    if the person is assigned in an organization lower than the 6th level, the remainin columns should be empty.
    I see that the view HRFG_ORGANIZATION_HIERARCHIES returns only one step in the organizations hierarchy: Parent_organization_name, Child_organization_name.
    Is there any view or function as well which returns the full path of an organization in the hierarchy? At least a function which returns the full path parents of the organization delimited by commas.
    Thank you

    Yes, I wrote a custom code but is running a bit slowly for around 1000 organizations and more than 15 version of hierarcy (so 15000 rows of this view). I wanted to know if there is any optimized code provided by Oracle.
    Thank you.

  • Re-Create the "Exchange" virtual directory in the "Exchange Back End" Site on Exchange 2013

    Sorry for this stupid question.
    In IIS, I accidentaly deleted the "Exchange" virtual directory in the "Exchange Back End" Site on Exchange 2013 (Mailbox Role).
    What I need to know is the physical path to re-create it.


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