Server Tools Help

I recently upgraded my 8.8 pl 6 sp 0 to 8.8 pl 11 sp0 everything went well as in the server tools,common database ,DTW etc were upgraded and i used my new upgraded SBO for a day and the next day when i started my SBO it was asking me to enter server name or ip address which i did but gave errors .Then i went and looked at the server tool folder  it was not there at all. So i reinstalled the server tool but the password provided for the B1siteuser gives an error  the connection to the specified license server has failed.check that the server exist on the network.It is not a network server since its on one machine

Hi Samuel ,
Try re-installing the Server tools. Remove it and Re-install it again , If this does not work.
I  suggest you to carry out the upgrade process from start once again.

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    Refer this link,
    Regards, RSingh

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    Thanks & Regards,

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    Me too faced the same issue
    Open regedit find for SAP
    Dont forget to check match whole string only. And click find.
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE--> Software --> Wow6432node--> SAP
    Delete the sap folder then it works fine

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    PhotM Phantom of the Mobile

    The Windows Desktop Perfmon and Diagnostic tools forum is to discuss performance monitor (perfmon), resource monitor (resmon), and task manager, focusing on HOW-TO, Errors/Problems, and usage scenarios.
    As the question is off topic here, I am moving it to the
    Where is the Forum... forum.
    When you see answers and helpful posts, please click Vote As Helpful, Propose As Answer, and/or Mark As Answer.
    My Blog: Unlock PowerShell
    My Book:
    Windows PowerShell 2.0 Bible
    My E-mail: -join ('6F6C646B61726C406F75746C6F6F6B2E636F6D'-split'(?<=\G.{2})'|%{if($_){[char][int]"0x$_"}})

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    Hi Justice,
    rpm -q -a | grep B1 | xargs rpm -e
    And then try reinstallation.
    If it works, next time when you uninstall B1 on Linux, please use the uninstall.bin located in the installation path, typically opt/sap/SAPBusinessOne. You can find the instructions in the Administrator's Guide (HANA version), which is in the product package \Documentation\SystemSetup\ and also in the Packages.Linux folder.

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    access to numerous bugs fixes.
    Eclipse Downloads
    WebLogic Server Tools 1.1

    I imagine WLS Tools is similar to these plugins in purpose, but I have not used these plugins myself so I do not know for sure. Unlike these older plugins, WLS Tools is based on Eclipse Web Tools Platform and the code base for what makes up WLS Tools originates from BEA Workshop for WebLogic product.
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    General information about Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP)
    Links to books and articles about WTP
    Web Application Development User Guide
    * find this by going to help content in your Eclipse installation
    Hope this helps,
    BEA WebLogic Server Tools Team

  • WebLogic Server Tools 1.1 Released

    We are happy to announce the 1.1 release of WebLogic Server Tools for Eclipse 3.3. This release contains two major new features as well as 28 bug fixes and enhancements. One of these new features is a direct result of community input. Thanks for helping us make WLS Tools a better product and we hope that you will give the 1.1 release try.
    For more information, you can read my blog entry:

    WebLogic Server Tools is built on Eclipse Web Tools Platform which has a
    particular project structure that has to be followed. Basically, you
    create an EAR project. This contains your app-level descriptors,
    APP-INF/lib and any binary modules. Then, for every module in an EAR,
    you create a separate project. For web module, use the Dynamic Web
    Project. For EJB modules, there is an EJB project. The projects are
    wired up using the "J2EE Module Dependencies" project properties page.
    Use this page on the EAR project to specify which module projects should
    be included in the EAR. Once you've done that, you can use this page in
    the module projects to specify inter-module dependencies.
    Basically, you have to take your app and convert it into the form that
    Eclipse can understand. The easiest way to do that is to create the
    projects based on the module structure of your app and then copy content
    from your application into those projects. Once you are done, you will
    be able to use WebLogic Server Tools to deploy to WLS. The split
    directory magic will happen behind the scenes to give you a fast
    iterative development experience.
    Hope this answers your questions.
    - Konstantin

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    There isn't much in a way of documentation that's explicit to WebLogic Server Tools, but a lot of Workshop 10.2 documentation applies. Basically, you will want to create Dynamic Web Projects to house your code. On the first page of Dynamic Web Project wizard, you will get a chance to define and target a server (WLS 8.1 in your case). That will configure your project classpath for WLS 8.1 and get everything else squared away.
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    Eclipse: Ganymede JEE SR2
    Oracle WebLogic Server Tools:
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    - Several EJB projects
    - Several web projects
    - One connector project
    - One EAR project, referencing all other projects as its JEE modules
    - One WebLogic server in my "Servers" view, defined to deploy my EAR project
    Summary of my problem:
    Sometimes, and it seems pretty random, when starting the server - the "Publishing to Oracle WebLogic server" operation would never stop (can be seen in the "Progress" view). As a result, Eclipse is essentially stuck, as all other operations, such as saving a file etc', would not be performed since they would be waiting for the publish operation to complete.
    I did notice that a trigger for this is a deployment failure, such as a badly-defined application-module-datasource, or a failed startup task, but I have also experienced this with a good deployment as well.
    I am, literally, clueless. I have tried the new Galileo but it's too buggy, had some weird phenomenons there, and I have also tried the OEPE Galileo preview and got some weird phenomenons there as well.
    Again, your help would be very much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,
    Amnon Grossman
    ECI Telecom

    Try the Eclipse forum:
    Enterprise Pack for Eclipse
    Also, the 11g Eclipse 3.5 support is out of Preview/Beta mode and you should be able to open support tickets on it:

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    Thank you for your help.

    Have you checked this thread?
    Error while connecting to SAP Server from Windows XP Client.

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    I know it is very basic, but I am relatively new to Macs, please tell me how I can fix the help file?

    So you've configured the Mac OS X Server environment, and gotten connected to the network and gotten DNS going?
    If the IP network and the DNS used for the server aren't correct and functional, then Server Admin tends to be one of the first casualties.
    Is the beachball on a Mac client running the Server Admin tools, or arising on the server?
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    It's also possible that there's a problem with this particular Mac Mini Server box configuration.

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