Servlet for writing Video bytes to response

Hi there,
Thanks to all who read this.
I have developed an J2EE application that allows people to watch video and can see the application using mobile devices such as the iPhone.
Videos for the iPhone are currently encoded in MP4 format and have been tested to work. When someone hits a video URL we have a Video servlet thats writes the bytes to the response. The code is given below:
private void doGetAndPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
     // Get the URL up to the ? in the location
     logger.debug("doGetAndPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - BEGIN");
     String requestURI = req.getRequestURI();
     String [] parts = requestURI.split("/");
     // Our filename is always the last item in our URI
     String filename = parts[parts.length-1];
     String trueFilePath  = Manager.getProperty(Manager.CLIP_DIRECTORY_KEY )  +"/"+  filename;
     logger.debug("doGetAndPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Getting file: "  +trueFilePath );
     String userAgent = req.getHeader("User-Agent").toLowerCase();
     String mimeType = "application/x-download";
     // if the user is browsing from a Blackberry we need to forward them to
     // the mobile view of things
     // All mobile views are a concatenation of the current views plus mobile such 'done' becomes 'doneMobile'
     if( userAgent.indexOf("blackberry") != - 1 || userAgent.indexOf("iphone") != - 1)
            resp.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="+  filename );
          // Set the response for our download
          File file = new File(trueFilePath);
          int fileSize = (int)file.length();
          FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream( file );
          // Set the file size of the download....
          resp.addIntHeader("Content-Length", fileSize );
          OutputStream os = resp.getOutputStream();
          //write to out output stream
                    int bytedata =;
                    if (bytedata == -1)
          // flush and close streams.....
     catch (FileNotFoundException e)
          logger.debug("doGetAndPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Unable to find file: " + trueFilePath, e );
     catch (IOException e)
          logger.debug("doGetAndPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Unable to get response output stream", e );
     logger.debug("doGetAndPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - END");
}This implementation is working fine for desktop browsers but when running it on a mobile device I hit a BrokenPipe SocketException.
What I have noticed is that with mobile devices the servlet gets hit twice - seemingly once as the users selects the link and then the browser decides that it doesn't know what to do with that MIME type then it initialises its own internal media player then the servlet gets hit again to try and play the video.
The broken pipe error seems to occur after the browser has decided it doesn't now how to handle the MIME type and thus any subsequent writes to the response/connection file.
Has anyone experienced anything similar? Can anyone point out where I am going wrong?
Many thanks in advance,

Besides the error message you log does it actually work in the mobile device or not?
If it's working, then it works. The broken pipe simply means that the client is killing the socket unexpectedly. So...
As an aside wrap a buffered stream around your file in. Reading a file byte by byte is needless and painful and slow.

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    HTTP Status 500 -
    type Exception report
    description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
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    Jul 11, 2008 12:07:14 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
    SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet DwnFile threw exception
         at com.example.web.dwnfile.doGet(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
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    package com.example.web;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class dwnfile extends HttpServlet
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException,ServletException
    ServletContext ctx=getServletContext();
    InputStream is=ctx.getResourceAsStream("/2004.jpeg");
    int read=0;
    byte[] bytes=new byte[1024];
    OutputStream os=response.getOutputStream();
    while ((!=-1)
    the bold line is whre the exception is pointing..i think..
    thanks in advance..
    Edited by: Sun_Rockz on Jul 10, 2008 7:13 PM

    ServletContext ctx=getServletContext();
    InputStream is=ctx.getResourceAsStream("/2004.jpeg");there was an error in this part of code..the image extension of .jpeg is not allowed it seems..on changing it to jpg worked..and
    in the first line the contenttype mst not be preceded by a forward slash..
    now one more doubt relating to the same servlet..
    ServletContext ctx=getServletContext();
    InputStream is=ctx.getResourceAsStream("/");
    if i keep this in my servlet the required action is taking place..i.e.i am gettin a download option bt the problem is tht the file is getting downloaded as a file..... is the url pattern tht i am using in my html web page..
    i tried replacing different types of allplications and files bt all are downloaded wit the same name. i.e.
    so what do u think is reason behind this..
    thanks for all the replies.
    Edited by: Sun_Rockz on Jul 11, 2008 10:47 AM
    Edited by: Sun_Rockz on Jul 11, 2008 10:51 AM

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    Hi all,
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    Hi all,
    Thanks for the replies
    I've narrowed it down to a Centos client issue.
    Everything works fine using other Linux based OS's as clients.
    Since we have such a huge investment in Centos, I must figure out a workaround. Apple support wasn't much help as usual however they were very nice.
    There usual response is "its unsupported".
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    i tried something like that but there is a NullPointerException... Is what i'm doing correct..?
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet {
      private static final String db_server = "localhost/";
      private Connection con = null;
      private String content="";
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest  request,
                         HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException
        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
        String strUserid = request.getParameter("userid");
        String strPassword = request.getParameter("password");
        System.out.println("userid received: " + strUserid);
        System.out.println("password received: " + strPassword);
                   System.out.println("opening the file....");
                   //String url = "file://"+dbServer+"test.txt";
                   //String uri = "file://localhost/test.txt";
                   String uri = "file://Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1\webapps\Project\WEB-INF\classes\trial\test.txt";
                   //String uri = "file:/database/res/test.txt";
                   System.out.println( uri );
                   InputConnection conn = (InputConnection) uri,Connector.READ );
                   System.out.println("connection established");
                   InputStream in = conn.openInputStream();
                   int ch;
                   conn.close(); // doesn't close input stream!
                   System.out.println( "Contents of [" + uri +"]" );
                   while( ( ch = ) != -1 ){
                   System.out.print( (char) ch );
                   catch( ConnectionNotFoundException e ){
                  System.out.println( e.toString()+"File could not be found!" );
                  System.out.println( "File could not be found!" );
                   catch( IOException e ){
                       System.out.println( e.toString() );
                   catch( Exception e ){
                       System.out.println( e.toString() );
        } // End try
        catch (Exception e) {
          System.out.println("Exception in doPost(): " + e.getMessage() );
      } // End doPost
    } // End loginServlet

  • Trouble integrating SAX parser in a servlet for mini search engine.

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    P.S.: I started working with servlets for about a month now, thus my knowledge is pretty much limited. Also, how would I go about in using multiple feeds for searching particular titles?
    Here's the code:
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    public class SearchAndDeliver extends HttpServlet implements ContentHandler {
    String queryString=null;
    boolean inTitleElement;
    boolean inLinkElement;
    String title=null;
    String link=null;
    String comparison=null; out = response.getWriter();
         public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qualifiedName, Attributes atts)
              throws SAXException
              public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qualifiedName)
                                  out.println("<a href=\""+link+"\""+">"+title+"</a><br>");
                                  out.println(" Your search of "+queryString+" produced no results.");
                   catch (IOException e)
                             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
              public void characters(char[] text, int start, int length)
              throws SAXException
              public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) {}
              public void startDocument()
              throws SAXException
              public void endDocument() {}
              public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) {}
              public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) {}
              public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] text, int start,int length) throws SAXException {}
              public void processingInstruction(String target, String data){}
              public void skippedEntity(String name){}
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException,
                   //XMLReader parser=new SAXParser();
                   XMLReader parser=XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader();
                   queryString = request.getParameter("query");
                   out.println("<h2>Headlines from The New York Times Arts Section.</h2>");
                   catch(SAXException e)
                             //System.out.println(args[0]+" is not well formed");
                   catch(IOException e)
                             System.out.println("Due to an IOException, the parser could not check"+parser);//I don't know what to make of this as well.
                   // do-nothing methods
             public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
             throws ServletException,

    Here's the errors that I'm getting, and the rest are within the code since there's something wrong with the syntax and structure itself.
    Buildfile: build.xml
    [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundati
    on\Tomcat 5.0\webapps\searchanddeliver\build\WEB-INF\classes
    [javac] C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\webapps\searc
    handdeliver\src\ cannot resolve symbol
    [javac] symbol : variable response
    [javac] location: class SearchAndDeliver
    [javac] out = response.getWriter();
    [javac] ^
    [javac] C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\webapps\searc
    handdeliver\src\ incompatible types
    [javac] found : int
    [javac] required: java.lang.String
    [javac] comparison=title.indexOf(querySt
    [javac] ^
    [javac] 2 errors

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    <servlet xmlns="">
    Can this be done? (Well obviously, HTMLDB did it.)
    Is information available to do this?
    Information on the request (url/headers/content) and response (headers/content) objects
    of the http listener would be needed.
    Our pl/sql applications look like
    create package my_app as
    procedure my_job (request xmltype);
    This is why we need to do the servlet ourselves and why dbms_epg is not suitable.

    we don't plan to allow large input to be passed as a
    CLOB parameter to the procedure. Is there a use-case
    for this?YES ;). I have seen this coming up quite a few times in this forum.
    1) we cannot edit sql scripts in Apex directly (>32KB), this is quite inconvenient to download, edit and upload again. If we are talking about sql scripts, they are often larger than 32KB.
    2) building an application where the user can directly edit or copy/paste spreadsheet data or xml data. It is quite a restriction to only have 32KB at your hand.
    3) the common workaround would be to split the data in 32KB chunks and then reassemble them in the backend. Quite tedious.
    4) editing larger HTML texts for a portal application for example.
    5) editing larger HTML texts for a forum application for example.
    ... the list goes on ...
    Another argument is that all other major technologies like servlets, jsps, perl, php, python they are all capable of handling this kind of data. I often feel it is too much of a restriction.
    What do others in the forum think? Feedback is welcome!!!

  • How is this for a PC spec for home video editing?

    OK - we've decided to get the new PC now, focused around decent performance for video editing at home when we do it.   Any feedback on the below would be greatly appreciated.  I've tried to put in my "principles", but as you note I've highlighted some questions around these. 
    * Decent computer for Home Video Editing - so when we do it want it to be reasonable from a performance point of view (not annoying).  Also want assurance for the video data that a single HDD crash won't mean lost data.
    * Hard Drive Configuration - Assume RAID 1 for data
    C: 500GB - Operating System (1 x 500GB)
    D: 500GB - Swap Area for O/S (1 x 500GB)
    E: RAID 1 Redundancy for Data ( 2 x 1TB )
    * 64 bit Windows 7 Pro
    * Questions re Principles
    Is it really worth having a separate drive (D: drive) for Swap?
    Is there any real need to have a drive F: (another one) for exports?  This is non-real time so it shouldn't be an issue should it?
    Any major improvement re moving say the C: drive to SSD? (or not worth the $$)
    SATA II versus SATA III drives? (I've assumed both are ok when picking)
    The Spec
    CPU - Intel Core i7 960 Processor LGA1366 3.2GHz 8MB Cache CPU 
    Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R X58+ICH10R QPI 6.4GT/s DDR3 2000 PCI-Ex16 SATAII SATA3 USB3.0 RAID GLAN ATX
    RAM - Kingston 12GB(3X4G) KIT 1333MHz(PC3-10600)
    Video Card - NVIDIA GTX560 - Gigabyte GTX560 OC 1G GDDR5 PCIE DualLink DVI  [?? matches motherboard / is this overkill ??]
    RAID Card - Adaptec AAR1220SA-SGL SATAII RAID0 1 JBOD/2 PORT/Low Profile/PCIEx1/OEM/No Cables [?? is this ok - seems cheap ??]
    HDD (non-RAID) - 2 x Western Digital 500G RE4 SATAII 7200rpm HDD 64MB Enterprise [?? only SATAII this is ok no??]
    Case - CoolerMaster RC-942-KKN1 HAF X 942 Black No PSU [?? is this overkill - just took someone recommendation here ??]
    Power Supply - Corsair HX-850 ATX Power Supply w 140mm Modular Cables [?? power ok?  again just took a recommendation ??]
    O/S - 64bit - Microsoft Windows 7 Pro 64bit OEM(Microsoft OEM Terms&condition apply)
    Note - I'm looking at the following local site re where to source if this assists:

    Greg (correct me if that's not correct!),
    You're spec. looks like a great start for what you are trying to do. I have a few comments, and also two questions!
    - Spec. generally looks fine
    - I particularly like your case and p/s choices!
    - For a home PC, you may consider bumping up your OS choice to Ultimate, which adds some nice multimedia capabilities
    - Regarding the D drive for swap (and I assume you mean Premiere Pro media cache and media cache database too) will definitely speed up aspects of Premiere Pro, but likely be unnoticeable for other home PC day to day use. Why not build out the system and decide then if you need the extra speed for Premiere Pro - it is so easy to add something like that later.
    - I'd vote no regarding a need for a F output drive for this system
    - Regarding your OS drive... Speed and responsiveness versus cost - what do you choose? This really is a personal choice. I will say that a 2x1TB RAID 0 OS boot array would probably be a bigger step up in performance than a similar priced SSD option and a 2xSSD (60 to 80GB) array will perform better than a single larger SSD.
    - Sata II vs Sata III - I have some of each now, and I would agree with other posters and articles on the Internet that say the often larger cache size on the Sata III models is more important than the Sata III interface. Keep going like you are going, with the assumption that both are OK.
    - finally, your CPU; personnaly, with the new lower cost pricing on the i7-970, I'd suggest you downgrade to a i7-950 and same some money or upgrade to the 32nm 6-core i7-970 CPU and jump to a significantly new level of performance and power per watt
    - what version of Premier Pro will you be running?
    - what will be your workflow (i.e. DV, Sony consumer AVCHD, Canon DSLR, etc.)?

  • Writing video files in an App - Crashes when used repeatedly.

    When we are writing video using the UIImagePicker routine the App can crash after repeated recordings. Is this problem related to filling up the RAM faster than the video can be written to Flash? If so, what work around might there be? Or avoiding this by registering Free Ram Space and delaying users activity?

    Sometimes the Adobe Viewer, or a custom Viewer, appears to crash. However, the iOS is in fact shutting it down because of a low memory state. You can confirm whether you have this issue by syncing an affected iPad to a Mac. Then retrieve the logs to see if there are LowMemory-[time stamp].log files. Here is where such log files, as well as crash log files, is found:
    Users/[user name]/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/[device name]
    Look for a LowMemory log file with a time stamp that corresponds to the application's exit. Open it in a text editor and look for a line like the following:
    viewer <42d0b24207f7d625b2fefef7549afce3>   33490 (jettisoned) (active)
    The numbers can vary. However, if the line indicates that the "viewer" process was "jettisoned" while "active," the OS closed the process because of a low memory state. The most likely reason for this is that your viewer is reading into memory images that are larger than 1024 x 1024. Apple recommends against applications loading any image larger than this size as it contributes to a low memory state on the device. It can result in what appear to be application crashes. Review your folio source files and ensure that no images of greater size are used. If they are, simply resample them, and republish your content.
    The low memory state can also be the result of having too many applications running at once. Shut down applications you are not actively using to free up more memory.
    How to free up memory on your iPad
    1. From the home screen, double-click the Home button to display recently used applications.
    2. Tap and hold one of the applications until a red minus appears above it.
    3. Tap the red minus for all apps that are not currently needed.
    4. Tap anywhere above the list of recently used apps, to return to the home screen.

  • FCP Says 'Writing Video' What's it doing?

    Seems harmless, I think, but when I leave FCP open and say go off to have lunch or some such thing, a few times when I've returned I find it clicking away and 'writing video'. Some kind of save or what. The first time I waited for it to finish 'writing video' but once it had done that the same thing popped up again, 'writing video', again and again and again, a seemingly endless stream. Now I just cancel and get back to work. What is it doing tho, is it good or bad, what about stopping it?

    Chances are you have Auto Render enabled in FCP's preferences. You can turn it off in preferences as well.

  • Reminder: Adobe needs users for Flash video & button task studies - get an Amazon gift card

    Adobe is looking for participants for a brief (~1 hour) online work observation and interview. Compensation will be a $100 Amazon gift card.
    There are two sets of criteria, each applying to a different study. Read the criteria *carefully* before responding. Also, it is important to indicate in the subject line of your response which one of the two studies you meet the criteria for and wish to participate in.
    There will be 2 studies of Flash workflows. One is about deploying video content in Flash. The other is about creating a button to perform some control of the Timeline. The studies will be conducted over the telephone and Adobe Connect (software for screen sharing).
    For the video study, participants must meet the following criteria:
    - some experience with Flash CS4
    - some experience viewing video on the Web
    - no experience using video in Flash
    - have any version of Creative Suite 4 or Flash Professional CS4 installed (with most recent updates) on a computer that can be connected to the Internet
    - ability and willingness to install and use Acrobat Connect on the same computer as the above software
    - a 90-minute block of free time between 9am and 5pm Pacific Time on a weekday.
    If you meet these requirements and would like to participate in this study, please contact me at jarmstrong [at] adobe [dot] com, with the subject line "Flash video study".
    For the button study, participants must meet the following criteria:
    - some experience with Flash CS4
    - no experience creating buttons in Flash
    - have any version of Creative Suite 4 or Flash Professional CS4 installed (with most recent updates) on a computer that can be connected to the Internet
    - ability and willingness to install and use Acrobat Connect on the same computer as the above software
    - a 90-minute block of free time between 9am and 5pm Pacific Time on a weekday
    If you meet these requirements and would like to participate in this study, please contact me at jarmstrong [at] adobe [dot] com, with the subject line "Flash button study".
    Participants in these studies will be thanked profusely in addition to receiving the Amazon gift card.
    Jay Armstrong
    Flash Professional documentation lead
    Adobe Systems

    @Karl, Thanks. If you are interested in participating, please send me an email as instructed in the original post. - Jay

  • "Writing Video" though Sequence already rendered

    Hello. This happens occassionally though not sure why... I'm editing to tape, an assemble edit to a digi...something that we've done many times...the sequence is fully rendered..but when I edit to tape, FCP starts "writing video" which currently is taking over an hour...the other downside is that EVERY time I edit to tape when this happens, I have to go through the "writing video" process...why is this happening and how do I get it to stop? Usually if the sequence is rendered, I don't have to write video, or it's very quick so I don't mind, but I can never tell when or why this happens. THanks!

    Sorry, I was thinking "writing audio" when you were saying "writing video"
    I've had this happen occasionally as well and not sure why, but, a way around it is to export your sequence to a self contained QT movie using current settings and reimport that file for PTT.
    Takes some drive space, but I find it's also a more stable method for getting to tape than running a complex timeline using PPT. And it also serves as file copy of my final sequence.

  • Writing video during edit... whats it doing?

    Hey guys! I'm working with full HD content prores 422 files, that do match my sequence settings. I've just left my machine on, come back 20 minutes later to find a dialogue box that says "writing video" and the progress bar is going very slowly. Whats it actualy doing?.. do i need to leave it, or can I click cancel?...

    Hi Tom - My mistake actually, my sequence settings do NOT match my clips at all, I assumed they did as when i first dropped my footage in, it came up with a popup telling me that the sequence doesn't match my clips, and would i like final cut to match them for me, i clicked ok, but I guess something screwed up somewhere.
    The footage i'm working with is ProRes 422, 1920x1080p 23.98fps.
    The easy setup is set to HDV 720p30fps... (Which is completely wrong)
    And the sequence settings are set to
    Frame size - 1280x720
    Pixel aspect ratio - Square
    Editing timebase - 29.97
    Compressor - Apple Intermediate
    Which again is all wrong.. how that happened i don't know, as like i said, when i dropped my footage in the timeline for the first time, I clicked ok for it to match the sequence settings to my clips.
    I'm not too sure what to do, as I've already been working on the project in the timeline for a few days.

  • Midlet for capturing video

    Hello guys,
    I m developing an midlet which will capture a video clip and store the clip at the server's database. But I m not finding suitable documents for capturing video. How do I
    capture the video clip? There is no such class or method which does so. I m able to capture the image using the following method:
    byte ib[] = videoControl.getSnapshot("encoding=jpeg");
    which returns byte codes of the particular image.
    Is there any such implementation for the video clip?
    Please suggest me the exact steps to do it as I have searched the whole net but couldnt get the idea.


  • "Conforming HDV" instead of "Writing Video" while rendering anything

    I am having a serious issue with FCP. I am getting the "Conforming HDV" dialog instead of "Writing Video" while rendering anything
    Short Project shot @ 720p 30 with a JVC GY-HD100U
    1) This gradually started happening more and more.
    2) Whenever I try to render anything, even a small crossfade, FCP shows the "Conforming HDV" dialog and proceeds to trash my video. Pieces of the video are repeated or frames are dropped and shots become jerky.
    Undo fixes the issue. Replacing the video with the original fixes the issue. But I connot RENDER ANYTHING!
    What would you all suggest?
    MBP C2D 15 - Dual 1.25 G4 MDD   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Welcome to HDV. I've never had much better luck than this. The way the GOP structure of the mpeg-2 HDV stream works, the I-frames in your media almost never match up with the default GOP structure of the sequence, and you must wait for it to conform everytime you even think about touching it. Changing the render settings might help. If you are still runnning FCP 4.5, you will be plagued with scrambled render files - even if you can get it to show the correct rendered material in the timeline, if you export or encode or output to tape, you'll wind up with different (wrong) renders in the resulting files.
    You might consider batch exporting all your media to Apple Intermediate Codec (AIC), an all I-frame codec that helps to get around some of the GOP structure issues that make HDV so impossible to work with. Also, more RAM, or a better video card will take some of the load off of the processor as it tries valiantly to decode the HDV stream. Upgrading FCP to the latest version will also help with some of the render-scrambling etc.
    Hope this helps -
    Max Average

  • Suitable SD and SDHC Cards for Capturing Video for FCP?

    Not exactly an FCP topic but this is the only forum that comes anywhere near!
    Until a few weeks ago I assumed that all SD and SDHC cards were equal with regard to capture speeds.
    Now I know better and have discovered that for trouble-free (consumer) video capture you need a Class 6 card to be safe.
    I note that SD cards (by definition 2GB or less) have no speed classes.
    I have trawled the internet, including the SD Card website but can't find any mention of the reason for this.
    Is this because small SD cards are very fast or simply because nobody would conceivably use them for video?
    I am asking because I have a small stock of 2GB cards which, if possible, I would like to use for short videos in the near future.

    I've not used FCE so can't add anything there. Perhaps Tom W will drop by. He would know.
    Regarding the VHS footage. You really ought to think about using a Time Based Corrector (TBC) between your VTR and the digitizing device. They will help deal with mis-timed frames (the 'tearing' effect) as well as chroma shift.
    The Canopus ADVC-300 is the least expensive one I've seen and as an added benefit, it does the Analog/Digital conversion for you as well.
    Good luck.
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