ServletStartup called before application startup

I need to load two servlets on startup. They both depend on my
          application being up, however the servletStartup is called before the
          other startup classes.
          Previous posts seemed to indicate that there was no definitive way to
          control startup order.
          Any suggestions?
          I thought about calling weblogic.servlet.utils.ServletStartup directly,
          but can't find any javadocs and don't think it's public.
          I don't really want to "hit" the servlets using urlConnection, although
          that's the only thing I can think of.
          Any way that startup "ordering" could be added in a future version? It
          seems pretty useful (necessary) to me.
          Robert Quinn

Thanks for your help. I would agree that a better system for ordering startup classes would
          Alexander Petrushko wrote:
          > Robert Quinn wrote:
          > > I need to load two servlets on startup. They both depend on my
          > > application being up, however the servletStartup is called before the
          > > other startup classes.
          > >
          > > Previous posts seemed to indicate that there was no definitive way to
          > > control startup order.
          > The only way to control the order of startup classes being executed is to
          > register
          > them in the same statement in the order you want, like so
          > weblogic.system.startupArgs.myApp=param1=foo,param2=foo,
          > Both MyApp and ServletStartup will receive the same hashtable with
          > param1/param2/servlet
          > args but MyApp will be executed first. The problem with this approach is
          > that this registration stanza tends to get very messy as startup classes
          > are added.
          > This "feature" can definitely use some improvement, namely having another
          > property to specify the order of execution a la
          > weblogic.system.startupClass.myApp=...
          > weblogic.system.queueOrder.myApp=1
          > weblogic.system.startupClass.myOtherApp=...
          > weblogic.system.queueOrder.myOtherApp=2
          > Regards,
          > Alex.
          > --
          > mailto:[email protected] // Consulting services available

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    I am not very clear with the requirement you want if you want to get the user id of portal to be passed into the wdcomponent that can happen the via of it is a ?????.
    IN wd component by means of Handle default button of the Main window you can fetch the userid from the portal.In handle default method the portal userid can be captured by using by means of  fm .

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  • System/Application startup causes error -2147220712 (and others)

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    I have now put a shortcut to the application in the Startup folder so that it is launched as part of the system boot (The system is set to run the account containing the Startup folder immediately on boot). I now get the following error message.
    NationalInstruments.DAQmx.DaqException: (Hex 0x80040318) Internal error: The client has failed to connect to the configuration server, possibly because the server is too busy or has run into a communication error. Please note the steps you performed that led to this error and contact technical support.
    Status Code: -2147220712
       at nNIMSSAIL100.StatusObserverT<nNIMSSAIL100::ApiTraits<nNIMSSAIL100:otNetApi> >.CheckWithName(StatusObserverT<nNIMSSAIL100::ApiTraits<nNIMSSAIL100:otNetApi> >* , tCaseInsensitiveBasicString<unsigned short\,_STL::char_traits<unsigned short>\,_STL::allocator<unsigned short>\,nNIDMXS100::tLocaleConsideringWideStringComparitor\,nNIDMXS100::tLocaleConsideringWideStringCaseForcer>* pName)
       at NationalInstruments.DAQmx.DaqSystem.get_Devices()
    i.e. it fails at the first DAQ call in the application at the statement
                     string[] devices = Daqsystem.Local.Devices;
    that I'm using to determine if the hardware device I want to use exists on the system.
    My guess is what is happening is that my application is starting before the NI configuration server and the other underpinnings of the DAQmx interface have completed their startup activity.
    I also have to insert waits of several seconds  AFTER this call succeeds , i.e after the device I want appears in the return string from the call before I can execute calls like
    to prevent 'resource not available' type errors from this call. Even after the device name is returned there are clearly other startup activites going on.
    I suppose I could catch each DAQmx call exception, wait and retry until I get success all the way though this configuration stage of my application, or put a big 'worst case' delay in at the start to allow the NI code to do what it has to do, but that's a kludge at best.
    Is there any other coding mechanism or call that I can use from my application that indicates that DAQmx and all its underpinning NI code is up and running and ready for use? 
    Malcolm Sharp

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    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exception 1
    Exception Message:     Internal Software Error occurred in MIG software. Please contact National Instruments Support.
    Task Name: _unnamedTask<0>
    Status Code: -229771
    Exception Source:      NationalInstruments.DAQmx
    Exception Stack Trace:    at nNIMSSAIL100.StatusObserverT<nNIMSSAIL100::ApiTraits<nNIMSSAIL100:otNetApi> >.CheckWithName(StatusObserverT<nNIMSSAIL100::ApiTraits<nNIMSSAIL100:otNetApi> >* , tCaseInsensitiveBasicString<unsigned short\,_STL::char_traits<unsigned short>\,_STL::allocator<unsigned short>\,nNIDMXS100::tLocaleConsideringWideStringComparitor\,nNIDMXS100::tLocaleConsideringWideStringCaseForcer>* pName)
       at NationalInstruments.DAQmx.Task..ctor()
    Exception Target Site: Void nNIMSSAIL100.StatusObserverT<nNIMSSAIL100::ApiTraits<nNIMSSAIL100:otNetApi> >.CheckWithName(nNIMSSAIL100.StatusObserverT<nNIMSSAIL100::ApiTraits<nNIMSSAIL100:otNetApi> >*, nNIDMXS100.tCaseInsensitiveBasicString<unsigned short\,_STL::char_traits<unsigned short>\,_STL::allocator<unsigned short>\,nNIDMXS100::tLocaleConsideringWideStringComparitor\,nNIDMXS100::tLocaleConsideringWideStringCaseForcer>*)
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exception 2
    Exception Message:     MAX:  (Hex 0x80040318) Internal error: The client has failed to connect to the configuration server, possibly because the server is too busy or has run into a communication error. Please note the steps you performed that led to this error and contact technical support.
    Status Code: -2147220712
    Exception Source:      NationalInstruments.DAQmx
    Exception Stack Trace:    at nNIMSSAIL100.StatusObserverT<nNIMSSAIL100::ApiTraits<nNIMSSAIL100:otNetApi> >.CheckWithName(StatusObserverT<nNIMSSAIL100::ApiTraits<nNIMSSAIL100:otNetApi> >* , tCaseInsensitiveBasicString<unsigned short\,_STL::char_traits<unsigned short>\,_STL::allocator<unsigned short>\,nNIDMXS100::tLocaleConsideringWideStringComparitor\,nNIDMXS100::tLocaleConsideringWideStringCaseForcer>* pName)
    Exception Target Site: Void nNIMSSAIL100.StatusObserverT<nNIMSSAIL100::ApiTraits<nNIMSSAIL100:otNetApi> >.CheckWithName(nNIMSSAIL100.StatusObserverT<nNIMSSAIL100::ApiTraits<nNIMSSAIL100:otNetApi> >*, nNIDMXS100.tCaseInsensitiveBasicString<unsigned short\,_STL::char_traits<unsigned short>\,_STL::allocator<unsigned short>\,nNIDMXS100::tLocaleConsideringWideStringComparitor\,nNIDMXS100::tLocaleConsideringWideStringCaseForcer>*)
     Also, I have noticed that both National Instruments software, as well as the application I am building require internet access permission by my firewall in order to find the devices. I have tried both enabling access for all National Instruments software and my application, as well as disabling the firewall altogether, both to no avail. On top of the present exception issue, is there any way to prevent the daqmx driver from requiring internet access by a firewall in case a user disables access and cannot figure out the cause of the problem?
    Thank you,

  • Execute logic at application startup

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    What I am looking for is how to call a method in my application scope bean, after all the setters have been called.
    I have the faces context initializing the beans variables (using the xml file as you indicate). I need a way after all this is done to call an init method or something in my bean to have it do some work before the faces application context makes it available for/to my pages.
    I cannot use the constructor because the setters have not been called yet. I cannot do it in a setter because the order of the setter calls is unknown. I need all the setters to be called based on the values I specify in the faces-config.xml and when that completes be able to call a method in the bean to say go set yourself up and get ready for faces to begin calling into your methods.
    The spring framework (just one I looked at) has the concept of an xml entry that allows you to specify a method name to call after all the setters have been called and perform any pre startup code you need. I would also like to be able to have a destroy type call in to method prior to the application going away.
    I do not know how to do this using the servlet context or if there is some other way to perform this function.

  • The difference in calling an application module from a backing bean

    Hello everybody!
    I don't understand exactly, where is the difference in calling an application module from a backing bean in the following ways.
    Example 1
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ValueBinding vb = context.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{data}");
    BindingContext bc = (BindingContext)vb.getValue(context);
    DCDataControl dc = bc.findDataControl("AppModuleDataControl");
    AppModuleImpl appModule = (AppModuleImpl)dc.getDataProvider();Example 2
    String amDef = "";
    String config = "AppModuleLocal";
    AppModuleImpl appModule = (AppModuleImpl)Configuration.createRootApplicationModule(amDef, config);Example 3 (the same like Example 1???)
    String EL = "#{data.AppModuleDataControl.dataProvider}";
    FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ValueBinding vb = fc.getApplication().createValueBinding(EL);
    AppModuleImpl appModule = (AppModuleImpl)vb.getValue(fc);Please can anybody explain, what the three examples do? Which example is preferred to call an application-module-method from a backing bean?
    Thanks and regards
    Edit: I am using ADF BC 10g in JDev10 :)

    Hi :)
    This could work, but can you describe the use case for which you need to get the ApplicationModule?
    Maybe we can find a better way to implement your functionality.
    Sure, i know a lot of better ways to implement the same functionality too but its a huge project, its not my code and we have no time to reimplement this functions ;)
    Frank, i don't understand the first line of your code.
    DCBindingContainer bindings = ... resolve #{bindings}Where do i get the bindingContainer, if I don't have the "JSFUtils"- or "ADFUtils"-classes?
    Sorry, i have answer, before i think about it ;)
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    Application app = context.getApplication();
    DCBindingContainer bindings = (DCBindingContainer)app.getVariableResolver().resolveVariable(context, "bindings");
    BindingContext bctx = bindings.getBindingContext();
    DCDataControl dc = bctx.findDataControl("AppModuleDataControl");
    AppModuleImpl am = (AppModuleImpl)dc.getDataProvider();or in my backing bean, when i add the property to the faces-config.xml
    DCBindingContainer bindings = this.getBindings();
    BindingContext bctx = bindings.getBindingContext();
    DCDataControl dc = bctx.findDataControl("AppModuleDataControl");
    AppModuleImpl am = (AppModuleImpl)dc.getDataProvider();Is this right?

  • Calling WebDynpro Application and Passing parameters

    I want to call a webdynpro application from another application and also i want to pass parameters to the called webdynpro application.
    Is there an example on SDN which shows how this can be done. If not please advise how this can be done.
    Thanks and Regards

    Hi Sidharth,
    until the tutorial is available, here's a step by step guide.
    1. Create an outbound exit plug, for example "CallApp" in an interface view controller belonging to the calling component.
    2. Add a string parameter 'Url' to the plug "CallApp". It's important that the parameter starts with uppercase 'U'.
    3. Declare a controller usage of the interface view controller for the view controller, which will fire the plug.
    4. Add an action to the calling view controller.
    5. Add the following code snippet to the method body of the action handler. Change the application name "CalledApp" to the name of your called application and the wdThis.wdGet<YourInterfaceView>Controller().wdFirePlugCallApp(url) so that it matches the names you defined. The example will not work, if the application is not part of the deployable object the calling component resides in.
    IWDDeployableObject componentDPO = wdComponentAPI.getDeployableObjectPart().getDeployableObject();
    String appName = "CalledApp";
    WDDeployableObjectPart[] applicationParts = componentDPO.getParts(WDDeployableObjectPartType.APPLICATION);
    WDDeployableObjectPart appPart = null;
    for (int idx = 0; idx < applicationParts.length; idx++) {
      appPart = applicationParts[idx];
      if (appPart.getShortName().equals(appName)) {
      appPart = null;
    if (appPart == null) {
      throw new WDRuntimeException(
        "The application: " + appName + " is not a part of: " + componentDPO.getName());
    Map urlParameters = new HashMap(1);
    urlParameters.put(ClientConstants.APPLICATION_PREFIX + "Param1", "Parameter sent by caller.");
    try {
      String url = WDURLGenerator.getApplicationURL(appPart, urlParameters);
    } catch (WDURLException e) {
      throw new WDRuntimeException(e);
    6. Add a string value attribute named "ReceivedParameter" to the context of the component controller owning the target interface view.
    7. Declare a controller usage of this component controller for the target interface view controller.
    8. Add a startup plug to the target interface view controller. Add a parameter ("Param1" in this example) to the plug. It's important, that the name of the plug parameter is the same (case sensitive) as used for the URL generation.
    9. Add the following to the method body of the startup plug handler:
    10. To check, if the parameter passing works, map a value attribute in a view controller to the component controller context and bind e.g. the text property of a TextView to that attribute.
    Hope that helps.

  • Application Startup

    Does anybody have an example to startup a deployed application
    automatically? For example when your backup is completed at night and want the
    application to be ready for use. I know that it starts up automatically when
    the first user
    tries to use the applications but it can take up to 5 minutes because we have 6
    partitions across 2 servers.

    From [email protected] Fri Jan 17 16:41 EST 1997
    To: forte-users <[email protected]>
    From: Kamran Amin <[email protected]>
    Date: 17 Jan 97 8:21:55 EDT
    Subject: Application Startup
    Mime-Version: 1.0
    Does anybody have an example to startup a deployed application
    automatically? For example when your backup is completed at night and want the
    application to be ready for use. I know that it starts up automatically when
    the first user
    tries to use the applications but it can take up to 5 minutes because we have 6
    partitions across 2 servers.
    kaThere are a couple of ways you can do this Kamran:
    1) Run escript daily from a cron or schedular and source in a script file.
    ( using the -i option )
    In your script file should look something like this:
    FindSubAgent xxx
    The CommentOn command will log your script commands as they are executed
    to stdout.
    The WaitForEnvMgr will not start executing escript commands till the
    environmanager is up and ExitIfNoEnvMgr will terminate your script
    if there is an error communicating with the environment manager. This
    will allow your calling shell to recognize an error.
    2) The other way is to run ftexec daily from a cron or scheduler to start up
    the server partitions:
    ftexec -fi <image repository> -ftsrv 0
    The <image repository> is the C-tree server *.idx and *.dat files
    found under the $FORTE_ROOT/userapp tree. The "-ftsrv 0" will run
    the server mutli-threaded only.
    Hope This Helps
    Paul Buchkowski
    Merrill Lynch Canada
    (416) 586 6610 Work
    (416) 586 6615 Fax
    [email protected]

  • Action method called before the listener

    hi all;
    i have a command_link as follows:
    <h:command_link action="#{someBean.someMethod}" >
         <f:parameter name="param" value="0"/>
         <h:output_text value="#{someBean.someProperty}"/>
         <f:action_listener type="com.myListener" />
    my problem is that the listener is called AFTER the bean method is called. i need my bean to use data that is set by the listener so i need the listener to be called BEFORE that method.
    on EA4 i used the getPhaseID but now its gone and i cant seem to find the proper replacement.
    i tried the immediate="true" attribute on the command_link with no success, the results were the same.
    any help is appreciated.

    I believe that what's really going on here is that
    "action" should always be processed after all action
    listeners, when, in fact, it's always processed first.
    I'll raise this on the EG.
    AIUI it's even more confusing than your description implies. There seem to be three things
    that can be triggered from a <command_button> or <command_link>:
    1. ActionListeners registered using a nested <action_listener> tag.
    2. An action listener method declared using the actionlistener attribute.
    3. An action method declared using the action attribute.
    I don't think the spec defines a relative ordering for all of these possible event handlers, but I
    think it works like this:
    A. All the action listeners are called in an undefined order. This takes care of all those in
    category (1) above. Since one of the listeners is the system-defined default listener,
    at some point during this processing, the action method (which is REALLY the application code)
    is also called. However, since the spec is vague, you don't really know where this happens relative to
    the other listeners.
    B. The method referred by the actionlistener attribute in category 2 above is called.
    I would have thought that the most intuitive order would be:
    1. All of the action listeners, whether added using <action_listener> or declared using the
    actionlistener attribute.
    2. The method referred to by the action attribute (i.e. the real application code).
    I think the current implementation, where (2) is done by a system-defined actionlistener, gets in the
    way of achieving this, and that would have to change in order to produce a well-defined result.

  • ManagedConnection.cleanup called before XAResource.end

    I am the developer for a JCA 1.5 resource adapter named DTPRA. Note that DTPRA works with WebSphere Application Server, WebLogic Application Server and JBoss Application Server.
    I have never tested DTPRA with the Sun App Server, so I downloaded Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2 (build b25-fcs) to test DTPRA.
    After overcoming a number of other issues, I encountered a problem which has me stalled at this point.
    I tried a simple transaction request. At the end of the �active� phase of processing, the App Server called the ManagedConnection.cleanup method prior to calling to the XAResource.end method. When the XAResource.end method was called later, DTPRA threw the exception because the state was wrong (the managed connection was no longer involved in a transaction). Here is an excerpt from the DTPRA trace:
    06/27/07 13:27:32.340  RA=dtpra        TYPE=FINER   THD=0084e723-service-j2ee       
    DtpInteraction.execute: returning from execute a value of true
    DtpConnection.destroyInteraction: Entering method
    DtpConnection.close: Entering method close (for connectioncom.unisys.dtp.connector.DtpConnection@557c15)
    DtpConnection.closeConnection: no interactions to close
    DtpConnection.closeConnection: connection com.unisys.dtp.connector.DtpConnection@557c15 no longer active
    DtpManagedConnection.fireConnectionClosedEvent: Firing Connection closed event; 1 listeners() registered
    DtpManagedConnection.cleanup: Entering method
    06/27/07 13:27:32.340  RA=dtpra        TYPE=FINE    THD=0084e723-service-j2ee       
    DtpManagedConnection.cleanup: Clean Up Request: 1 connection(s) active
    06/27/07 13:27:32.340  RA=dtpra        TYPE=FINER   THD=0084e723-service-j2ee       
    DtpManagedConnection.cleanup: ManagedConnection cleanup successful
    DtpXAResource.end: xa_end called flags = TMSUCCESS (0x4000000)
    06/27/07 13:27:32.340  RA=dtpra        TYPE=FINEST  THD=0084e723-service-j2ee       
    DtpResourceAdapter.createXid: txHelper is null...
    06/27/07 13:27:32.340  RA=dtpra        TYPE=SEVERE  THD=0084e723-service-j2ee       
    DtpManagedConnection.transactionCompleted: Throwing exception.
    javax.resource.spi.IllegalStateException: XA_END Received but ManagedConnection not currently participating in transaction, error code: NO_TRANS
          at com.unisys.dtp.connector.DtpManagedConnection.transactionCompleted(
          at com.unisys.dtp.connector.DtpXAResource.end(
          at com.sun.jts.jta.TransactionState.beforeCompletion(
          at com.sun.jts.jta.SynchronizationImpl.before_completion(
          at com.sun.jts.CosTransactions.RegisteredSyncs.distributeBefore(
          at com.sun.jts.CosTransactions.TopCoordinator.beforeCompletion( The Sun App Server behavior looks incorrect to me. I reviewed the JCA 1.5 spec (page 6-43 shows a nice diagram), and it looks like the App Server is supposed to call XAResource.end before the App Server calls ManagedConnection.cleanup. This is what DTPRA expects and gets with the other App Servers.

    I set ALLOW_MULTIPLE_ENLISTS_DELISTS to true and restarted the App Server.
    This worked! Now XAResource.end is called before ManagedConnection.cleanup, as I expected. No errors occur and the transactions are committed properly.
    Thanks a lot for your help.
    But now I have some follow up questions:
    1) I searched the Sun document online and did a google. I did not find anything on the property ALLOW_MULTIPLE_ENLISTS_DELISTS. Is this documented somewhere?
    2) At some point I will probably need to document for my users how to use DTPRA with the Sun App Server. But I am wondering what side effects, if any, there are if I were to tell my customers to always set this property when using DTPRA with Sun App Server. Can you tell me more about this property?
    Thanks again!

  • The call was cancelled by the caller before the remote party answered

    We have a Lync 2010 Enterprise deployment in a single site with 2 FE and Mediation Server collocated.
    When dialling a number from a PSTN phone the call gets routed via our PBX/PBX Gateway/Mediation Server/FE Server to the desktop Lync client successfully.
    As soon as the user answers the call with the Lync client the call 'hangs' and terminates without hearing anything on either side.
    The snooper logs show:
    SIP/2.0 487 Request Terminated
    Partial Content:
    User-Agent: UCCAPI/4.0.7577.4398 OC/4.0.7577.4398 (Microsoft Lync 2010)
    Ms-client-diagnostics: 52092;reason="The call was cancelled by the caller before the remote party answered"
    Content-Length: 0
    Please help?

    What kind of gateway are you using to connect to your PBX and how?  What is your media set to?  G.711 μ-law or a-law?  I'd check media settings there as a starting point. 
    Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question please click "Mark As Answer".

  • How do I call an Application Module method from a EntityImpl class?

    Guys and Gals,
    Using Studio Edition Version
    I've got a price update form, that when submitted, takes the part numbers and prices in the form and updates the corresponding Parts' price in the Parts table. Anytime this Parts view object's ReplacementPrice attribute is changed, an application module method needs to be called which updates a whole slew of related view objects. I know you can modify view objects via associations (How do I call an Application Module method from a ViewObjectImpl class? but that's not what I'm trying to do. These AppModuleImpl methods are the hub for all price updates, as many different operations may affect related pricing (base price lists, price buckets, etc) and hence, call the updatePartPricing(key) method.
    For some reason, the below code does not call / run / activate the application module's method. The AppModuleDataControl exists and recordPartHistory(key) is registered and public. At runtime, the am.<method> code is simply ignored, and as a weird side-effect, I cannot navigate out of my current page flow.
      public void setReplacementPrice(Number value)
        setAttributeInternal(REPLACEMENTPRICE, value);
        AppModuleImpl am = (AppModuleImpl)this.getDBTransaction().findApplicationModule("AppModuleDataControl");
        Key key = new Key(new Object[]
            { getPartNumber() });
        am.recordPartHistory(key);  // AppModuleImpl method which records pricing history
        am.updatePartPricing(key); // AppModuleImpl method which updates a whole slew of related pricing tables
      }Any ideas?

    Thanks Timo.
    Turns out the code provided was correct, but the AppModuleImpl method being called was not. A dependent ViewObject wasn't returning the row I was expecting. I then tried to perform some operations on that row, which in turn ... just stopped everything, but didn't give me an error.
    It was the lack of the error that threw me off. I had never messed with calling an AppModuleImpl method from the EntityImpl so I assumed that's what was messing up.
    You are correct. It is available from the ViewRow, but I thought it better to put it in the EntityImpl. This method will be called every time the replacement cost is modified. If I didn't put it in the EntityImpl, I'd have to remember to call it every time a replacement cost changed.

  • Apps Adapter API is called before Db Adapter inserting data

    Hi All,
    I am using a bpel process which calls db adapter to insert/update data in staging table, after this activity i am calling a Apps Adapter PLSQL API where it takes the data from staging table and performs some functionality. But the problem here is Apps adapter PlSQL API is getting called before isnerting data in staging table.
    Below are the steps in BPEL Process,
    1. receive activity
    2. data transformation
    3. invokes db adapter through merge operation to insert/update in staging tables
    4. invoke Apps Adapter PLSQL API
    Error is thrown at Apps Adapter invoke activity, saying null values. presently we used a wait activity before invoking apps adapter.
    Do the invoke of Apps Adapeter doesnt happen after Db Adapter inserting data?

    Hi Team,
    Even I faced the same problem.
    I am checking, do we have any configuration setting to avaoid these kind of problem.
    Even my process has point 2 & 3 in a single sequence and point 4 in another sequence.
    Any help to resolve this problem is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks for your help in adavance.

  • Calling BSP application from CRM PCUI framework

    Hi All,
    We are using the CRM PCUI for channel partner management. Since CRM PCUI framework has some limitations as to how the data is formatted in the layout such as no multiple value selection ( since it is a generic framework using the blueprint tables we have to use the predefined layout settings) we want to call a standalone BSP application to maintain some of the data such as marketing attributes. We want to do this by providing a link to the standalone BSP application where the data can be maintained. Since we will be calling this application in the create mode of a new BP, is it possible to integrate the whole application as one logical unit ? I mean we want to commit the marketing attributes within the same 'save' methods of the pcui framework. Is this possible to do ? Any ideas or input is greatly appreciated.

    we've already done a rework of the marketing attributes screen by using the technique I've described in my Weblog <a href="/people/gregor.wolf3/blog/2005/05/27/use-crm-pcui-html-viewer-to-call-a-custom-url">Use CRM PCUI HTML viewer to call a custom URL</a>. But it has one drawback: You can't use the Save button of the PC-UI applicaiton. You have to provide your own. But the usability enhanchement is rearly great.

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