Session id in reportname

Can someone help me with the following problem.
I use CR2008 in a web environment ASP 2008.
When I request a report in PDF format with bookmarks.
I see in the first bookmark the report name with something between maybe a session id.
What is the solution to get only the reportname.

I send you some code from my application this is with a msaccess database we get the same connect to a oracle database.
If you like I will send you the website you can try it by yourself.
But don't how to upload it.
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim strReportFilePath As String
        Dim strFileName As String
        Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
        Dim ds As DataSet
        Dim adapter As OleDbDataAdapter
        Dim destoptions As DiskFileDestinationOptions
        Dim repdoc As ReportDocument
        Dim cn As New OleDbConnection
        ' Vullen Dataset voor gebruik van Crystal Reports
            cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:\data\testcr\testcr.mdb; User Id=admin; Password="
            cmd = New OleDbCommand
            With cmd
                ' voeg SQL string toe
                .CommandText = "select * from tst_hours"
                ' open connectie
                .Connection = cn
            End With
            ' bepaal de plaats van het report
            strReportFilePath = Server.MapPath("Reports
            strFileName = "tst_hours"
            adapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)
            ds = New DataSet()
            adapter.Fill(ds, strFileName)
            destoptions = New DiskFileDestinationOptions
            repdoc = New ReportDocument
            strFileName = strFileName & "_" & User.Identity.Name.ToString() & ".pdf"
            ' instellen options en response
            repdoc.ExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile
            repdoc.ExportOptions.ExportFormatType = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat
            repdoc.ExportOptions.DestinationOptions = destoptions
            repdoc.ExportToHttpResponse(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, Response, True, "TestReport")
        Catch ex As Exception
            ' bij foutmelding listboxen disabled en foutmelding tonen
            ' altijd de connectie met de database sluiten
        End Try
    End Sub
The result is a sessionid on the first bookmark.

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  • Crystal report 10 error - Help required

    I am using crystal report - Crystal report developer edition.
    All of my reports are working fine without any issue, except one report.
    It throws the below error message:
    Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer error '80047cbd'
    *You are attempting to use functionality that falls under the Crystal Decisions Report Creation API license. This system does not have a valid license, or the evaluation copy of the license has expired. Please contact Crystal Decisions to obtain a Report Creation API license.*
    /egads/Reports/EventDataRep.asp, line 68
    At line number 68 we have below code:
    Tables.Add "", , Session("oRecRep"), , "p2smon.dll"
    This report was earlier used for Crystal 8.5. However Crystal 10 no longer uses p2smon.dll.
    Alternative dll in Crystal report 10 is crdb_ado.dll, I replaced it in the code, however still it is not working.
    Could anyone please help me with this issue?

    Even after replacing with crdb_cdo.dll...I am getting same error..
    Below is the code:
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set oRec = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    Set oRecRep = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    oConn.Open strEGadsUIDConn
    Set oRec = oConn.Execute(strSQL)
    If Not oRec.EOF Then
         strXMLString = oRec("CRYSTAL_XML_STRING")
         strSQLQuery = oRec("CRYSTAL_QUERY_STRING")
    End If     
    strSQLQuery = Replace(strSQLQuery, "%", "'", 1)
    Set Session("oRecRep") = oConn.Execute(strSQLQuery)
    If Not Session("oRecRep").EOF Then
    End If     
    ' CREATE THE APPLICATION OBJECT                                                                    
    If Not IsObject (session("oApp")) Then                             
         Set session("oApp") = Server.CreateObject("CrystalRuntime.Application.10")
    'Set session("oApp") = Server.CreateObject("Crystal.CRPE.Application")
    End If                                                               
    Path = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED")                    
    While (Right(Path, 1) <> "\" And Len(Path) <> 0)                     
    iLen = Len(Path) - 1                                                 
    Path = Left(Path, iLen)                                              
    'This "While/Wend" loop is used to determine the physical path (eg: C:\) to the
    'Crystal Report file by translating the URL virtual path (eg: http://Domain/Dir)                                                                       
    'OPEN THE REPORT (but destroy any previous one first)                                                    
    If IsObject(session("oRpt")) then
         Set session("oRpt") = nothing
    End if
    'Set session("oRpt") = session("oApp").NewReport
    reportname = "rptEventDataTemplate.rpt"
    Set session("oRpt") = session("oApp").OpenReport(path & reportname, 1)
    'Set oRptOptions = Session("oRpt").Options
    session("oRpt").MorePrintEngineErrorMessages = 0
    'session("oRpt").MorePrintEngineErrorMessages = False
    session("oRpt").EnableParameterPrompting = 0
    session("oRpt").PaperOrientation = 2
    Set Database = session("oRpt").Database
    'Instantiate the Database Collection
    Set Tables = Database.Tables
    'Instantiate the Tables Collection
    Tables.Add "", , Session("oRecRep"), , "crdb_cdo.dll"
    Set FirstTable = Tables.Item(1)
    Set Fields = FirstTable.Fields
    'Set Group Name
    GroupField = "{ado.UNIT_NAME}"
    For i = 1 to Fields.Count
         result = strcomp(Fields.Item(cint(i)).Name,cstr(GroupField))
         If cint(result) = 0 then
              Set GroupFieldIs = Fields.Item(cint(i))
         end if
    Select Case cstr(SortDirection)
         Case "Ascending"  intsortdirection = 0
         Case "Descending" intsortdirection = 1
         Case "Original Order" intsortdirection = 2

  • Export SQL query from link or button

    I want to list several 'canned' SQL queries on one page as buttons or links; and have the result of selection be an immediate extract/download to excel of the data.
    How can I best do this?
    I suppose I could create separate hidden regions with their own reports that could somehow be referenced in the link. I would like to avoid doing all that, if I can create a package or process that includes the SQL query and that can be called in the link.
    Thanks in advance,
    Found 'Report Query' functionality in Apex v3.2.1: However I am unable to get this to work; tells me my printer is not set up. I don't want to print the detail, I want it to be downloaded into excel... I don't have a printer configured - & don't want to. The URL provided for download as attachment is:
    I also have no page 0.
    Edited by: rdarlin2 on Sep 16, 2011 11:14 AM

    rdarlin2 wrote:
    I want to list several 'canned' SQL queries on one page as buttons or links; and have the result of selection be an immediate extract/download to excel of the data.
    How can I best do this?
    I suppose I could create separate hidden regions with their own reports that could somehow be referenced in the link. I would like to avoid doing all that, if I can create a package or process that includes the SQL query and that can be called in the link.10,000ft overview of one way to do this:
    <li>Create a package with private functions that return the SQL for each "canned query", and a public switch function that returns a query function based on an input parameter:
    create or replace package qry
      function selector (p_req_qry in varchar2) return varchar2;
    end qry;
    create or replace package body qry
      function emp_qry return varchar2
        return 'select * from emp';
      end emp_qry;
      function dept_qry return varchar2
        return 'select * from dept';
      end dept_qry;
      function selector (p_req_qry in varchar2) return varchar2
          case p_req_qry
            when 'EMP' then emp_qry()
            when 'DEPT' then dept_qry()
      end selector;
    end qry;
    /<li>Create 2 pages
    <li>On page 2 create a standard SQL report region of type SQL Query (PL/SQL function body returning SQL query):
    Region Source
    return qry.selector(:request);*(o) Use Generic Column Names (parse query at runtime only)*
    Maximum number of generic report columns
    number of columns in your biggest query
    Report Template
    export: CSV
    <li>On page 1 create an HTML region (or use an APEX list) with a link for each query, where the REQUEST component of the URL is the parameter used to select a query in the <tt>qry.selector</tt> function:
      <li>&lt;a href="f?p=&APP_ID.:2:&SESSION.:EMP"&gt;Emp</a></li>
      <li>&lt;a href="f?p=&APP_ID.:2:&SESSION.:DEPT"&gt;Dept</a></li>
    </ul>However this begs the question: Why bother? What's Excel got that APEX hasn't?

  • Report session crossing sessions????

    hi all,
    I wrote a crystal web server using security.  i have multibple reports in a few different directories, and i have a report viewer form in each secured directory.  when i load a particlular report on one machine's web browser, if i go to another machine and launch that report, the report instantly shows up with the parameters selected on the other machine.
    I have not experienced this before, and makes the report site kinda useless.  Can anyone help me figure out why these reports aren't treated as separate sessions?
    sorry for the formatting, but this site isn't taking linefeeds/returns....
    here is the markup for the frmReportViewer.aspx page:
    <form id="form1" runat="server">       
            <CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="CrystalReportViewer1" runat="server"
                AutoDataBind="true" BestFitPage="False"   Width="1100" Height="680"
                    ReportSourceID="CrystalReportSource1" BorderColor="#000099"
                    BorderStyle="Inset" PrintMode="ActiveX" />
            <CR:CrystalReportSource ID="CrystalReportSource1" runat="server">
                <Report FileName="">
    *here is the vb code for the frmReportViewer.aspx page:*
    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
            Me.CrystalReportViewer1.HasCrystalLogo = False
            If Not IsPostBack Then
                ReportName = Request.QueryString("reportname") & ".rpt"
                Me.CrystalReportSource1.Report.FileName = ReportName
            End If
        end sub
        Public Function DBConnectionForReports(ByRef rpt As ReportDocument) As Boolean
            Dim logonInfo As New TableLogOnInfo
            'Dim table As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table
            Dim srptServer As String
            Dim srptUN As String
            Dim srptPass As String
            Dim crConnInfo As New ConnectionInfo
            Dim subRepDoc As New ReportDocument
            Dim table As Table
            For Each table In rpt.Database.Tables
                srptServer = "calp"
                srptUN = "cdiappsro"
                srptPass = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Item("OraclePassword").ToString
                logonInfo = table.LogOnInfo
                logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = srptServer
                logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.UserID = srptUN
                logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = srptPass
                logonInfo.TableName = table.Name
            Next table
        End Function
    Edited by: george hardy on Mar 29, 2010 3:06 PM

    Imports CrystalDecisions.ReportSource
    Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared
    Imports CrystalDecisions.Reporting
    Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports
    Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument
    Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
    Partial Class ReportViewer
        Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
        Private ReportName As String
        Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
            If Not IsPostBack Then
                ReportName = Request.QueryString("reportname") & ".rpt"
                Me.CrystalReportSource1.Report.FileName = ReportName
            End If
        End Sub
        Dim crConnectionInfo As New ConnectionInfo
        Dim CrTables As Tables
        Dim CrTable As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table
        Public Function DBConnectionForReports(ByRef rpt As ReportDocument) As Boolean
            Dim logonInfo As New TableLogOnInfo
            'Dim table As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table
            Dim srptServer As String
            Dim srptUN As String
            Dim srptPass As String
            Dim crConnInfo As New ConnectionInfo
            Dim subRepDoc As New ReportDocument
            Dim table As Table
            For Each table In rpt.Database.Tables
                srptServer = "calp"
                'srptDatabase = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("rptDatabase")
                srptUN = "cdiappsro"
                srptPass = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Item("OraclePassword").ToString
                logonInfo = table.LogOnInfo
                logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = srptServer
                'logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = srptDatabase
                logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.UserID = srptUN
                logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = srptPass
                logonInfo.TableName = table.Name
            Next table
        End Function
    End Class

  • Sso session timeout per partner application

    I was just wondering if it is possible to configure SSO session timeouts per partner application? I'm looking to log out users of a particular application after 15 minutes, but don't want this change to affect any of my other SSO enabled applications. Is this possible?

    I do not think so, you can not specify specail parameter for one application in SSO.
    Why because SSO is one component (within your Infra) through which you logon different apps.
    Another solution may be it will expensive is that you 'll need to use different infra for this specific application.

  • SSO Partner Application and Session Time out

    Hi ,
    We have an application on which is implementing the Authentication scheme as SSO, that is working well, now we want to implement Session Time out if the user is idle for some time and ask him to login again after the session fails, I have tried to implement this feature as given by Scott in the thread session timeout , well the problem is since we dont have a login page here how do we set the cookies owa_cookie.send(
    name => 'HTMLDB_IDLE_SESSION',
    value => to_char(sysdate+(20/1440),'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),
    expires => null,
    path => '/',
    domain => null
    and where is the current point to implement it.
    Any help on this is greatly welcome.
    Thanks in Advance.

    I don't remember how the solution works. But if you don't have a login page you can usually put code in the post-authentication process of your authentication scheme to do whatever the login page process would have done.

  • 3rd Party AIFF loops tempo changes from loop library and Logic session

    Hi there,
    Hope somebody out there can help me out!
    I've recently purchased some 3rd party loops, some in AIFF and some in WAV (Which I have converted to AIFF using the Apple Loops Utility), and i have been able to get these into the logic Loop library successfully.....Or so I thought!
    The problem I am having is that when previewing one of my loops it's often double the speed that the set tempo, and this will happen to ALL of my loops. But when I drag one into my session, Logic asks if it should copy over the automation data with it, click yes, and it plays fine in the arrange window. And funnily enough, all of my loops in the library start playing at the correct tempo!
    Once this has all happened, i've tried quitting logic, and re-opening....but the issue just happens again....
    Has anyone else had this problem, or have any idea as to what the issue may be??
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
    - Aaron

    Hi there,
    Hope somebody out there can help me out!
    I've recently purchased some 3rd party loops, some in AIFF and some in WAV (Which I have converted to AIFF using the Apple Loops Utility), and i have been able to get these into the logic Loop library successfully.....Or so I thought!
    The problem I am having is that when previewing one of my loops it's often double the speed that the set tempo, and this will happen to ALL of my loops. But when I drag one into my session, Logic asks if it should copy over the automation data with it, click yes, and it plays fine in the arrange window. And funnily enough, all of my loops in the library start playing at the correct tempo!
    Once this has all happened, i've tried quitting logic, and re-opening....but the issue just happens again....
    Has anyone else had this problem, or have any idea as to what the issue may be??
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
    - Aaron

  • IMac running 10.7.3 stuck on rainbow wheel right after desktop launches and google chrome trying to restore a previous browsing session

    Hello All - thanks in advance for your help with this.
    The problem I'm encountering is on an iMac 24" from 2008, Intel Core 2Duo 1.3 GHz processor.  I'm running 10.7.3 but have yet to install the client combo update.
    My computer would not wake from sleep this morning after having been left on all night.  The last two apps I had been running last night before this morning's freeze up were Google Chrome and iTunes.  I restarted the computer and noticed at the login screen that one of the login accounts that is normally set up for use had disappeared.  Once I logged in to my account, which had not disappeared, and arrived at the desktop, Chrome automatically tried to relaunch and restore the previous session with a note indicating that the browser had not been quit properly.
    iTunes was running as well but had no functionality - non responsive to mouse click commands, etc.  About thirty seconds later the rainbow wheel appeared and began spinning.
    Tried force quitting both applications applications respectively but the finder was non-responsive as well.  The dock would pop up when moused over but I was not permitted to select any of the icons.  Restarted the computer and essentially the same thing occurred but I was able to quit out of iTunes this time before the rainbow wheel started.
    Tried restarting with all peripheral hardware disconnected.  No change.  Tried booting up in safe mode - didn't work.  Rebooted in disk utility mode - ran disk verification and was told all was well.  Ran permissions verifications and was told there were problems.  Repaired the permissions issues successfully.  Rebooted again but same issue with desktop/apps freezing up.  Rebooted into Disk Utility mode and tried a reinstall of lion - reinstall successul but upon normal reboot desktop still frozen once I launched Chrome and attempted to get to apple site to download the 10.7.3 patch.
    Tried rebooting in disk utility mode to restore from a time machine back up - the external hard drive where my back ups are stored did not appear as a restore source even though I had reconnected the USB cable. 
    I then rebooted again into disk utility mode and tried to use safari to navigate to the apple site and download the 10.7.3 client combo update.  No dice - received error messages saying the download could not be completed because there was insufficient memory available.
    Called Apple - rep said I should take the computer in to the store - refused as of the time of the call because I had already wasted half the day on this and didn't want to flush the remainder down the toilet hanging around at the Apple store.  So much for that - the day is now totally wasted any way.
    Another couple of bits of information which may or may not be helpful:
    When I'm in disk utility mode the disk image icon at the top of the list of disk images/mounts on the left hand side of the utility window is in red text: 320.07 GB WDC WD320...and the main dialogue box says: "This drive has a hardware problem that can't be repaired.  Back up Data and see Apple dealer for help." One might conclude that my computer is therefore dead...not exactly.  This happened once before after trying to set up a bootcamp partition using XP instead of windows 7.  XP is not supported by Lion but I was trying a work around.  Soon thereafter I upgraded my OS to 10.7.2 (or.3 can't remember) using software updater instead of a full native download from the Apple Support site and the computer went bananas.  After the upgrade I was getting the CUI ???? errors which have since become infamous.  While working with Apple phone support on the CUI issue and using disk utility on that issue, that same red text disc image came up and the note about my hardware having failed as described above.  Apple told me I was cooked and my machine was finished.  They were wrong.  I can't remember what I did but I worked on the problem a bit more and was eventually able to upgrade my OS from the native download and get my machine back in order and runnign fine.
    I recently attempted the bootcamp partition (stupidly) work around for XP again without success - last week before all of the latest drama set in.  YES I have learned my lession and will not attempt this again.
    So that's what's going on - sorry for the Moby Dick lenght description but I figured the more details available the more likely some one is to know how to fix the problem.
    Any thoughts, suggestions, HELP please!!!

    Hello All - thanks in advance for your help with this.
    The problem I'm encountering is on an iMac 24" from 2008, Intel Core 2Duo 1.3 GHz processor.  I'm running 10.7.3 but have yet to install the client combo update.
    My computer would not wake from sleep this morning after having been left on all night.  The last two apps I had been running last night before this morning's freeze up were Google Chrome and iTunes.  I restarted the computer and noticed at the login screen that one of the login accounts that is normally set up for use had disappeared.  Once I logged in to my account, which had not disappeared, and arrived at the desktop, Chrome automatically tried to relaunch and restore the previous session with a note indicating that the browser had not been quit properly.
    iTunes was running as well but had no functionality - non responsive to mouse click commands, etc.  About thirty seconds later the rainbow wheel appeared and began spinning.
    Tried force quitting both applications applications respectively but the finder was non-responsive as well.  The dock would pop up when moused over but I was not permitted to select any of the icons.  Restarted the computer and essentially the same thing occurred but I was able to quit out of iTunes this time before the rainbow wheel started.
    Tried restarting with all peripheral hardware disconnected.  No change.  Tried booting up in safe mode - didn't work.  Rebooted in disk utility mode - ran disk verification and was told all was well.  Ran permissions verifications and was told there were problems.  Repaired the permissions issues successfully.  Rebooted again but same issue with desktop/apps freezing up.  Rebooted into Disk Utility mode and tried a reinstall of lion - reinstall successul but upon normal reboot desktop still frozen once I launched Chrome and attempted to get to apple site to download the 10.7.3 patch.
    Tried rebooting in disk utility mode to restore from a time machine back up - the external hard drive where my back ups are stored did not appear as a restore source even though I had reconnected the USB cable. 
    I then rebooted again into disk utility mode and tried to use safari to navigate to the apple site and download the 10.7.3 client combo update.  No dice - received error messages saying the download could not be completed because there was insufficient memory available.
    Called Apple - rep said I should take the computer in to the store - refused as of the time of the call because I had already wasted half the day on this and didn't want to flush the remainder down the toilet hanging around at the Apple store.  So much for that - the day is now totally wasted any way.
    Another couple of bits of information which may or may not be helpful:
    When I'm in disk utility mode the disk image icon at the top of the list of disk images/mounts on the left hand side of the utility window is in red text: 320.07 GB WDC WD320...and the main dialogue box says: "This drive has a hardware problem that can't be repaired.  Back up Data and see Apple dealer for help." One might conclude that my computer is therefore dead...not exactly.  This happened once before after trying to set up a bootcamp partition using XP instead of windows 7.  XP is not supported by Lion but I was trying a work around.  Soon thereafter I upgraded my OS to 10.7.2 (or.3 can't remember) using software updater instead of a full native download from the Apple Support site and the computer went bananas.  After the upgrade I was getting the CUI ???? errors which have since become infamous.  While working with Apple phone support on the CUI issue and using disk utility on that issue, that same red text disc image came up and the note about my hardware having failed as described above.  Apple told me I was cooked and my machine was finished.  They were wrong.  I can't remember what I did but I worked on the problem a bit more and was eventually able to upgrade my OS from the native download and get my machine back in order and runnign fine.
    I recently attempted the bootcamp partition (stupidly) work around for XP again without success - last week before all of the latest drama set in.  YES I have learned my lession and will not attempt this again.
    So that's what's going on - sorry for the Moby Dick lenght description but I figured the more details available the more likely some one is to know how to fix the problem.
    Any thoughts, suggestions, HELP please!!!

  • When I login to EBS as Japan language session some Forms Application is Eng

    Hi ,
    have recently applied japan NLS on r121.1 and later upgraded to 12.1.3 also applied 9239090(japan as well).
    But customer has complained the error below.
    Any ideas on it .
    Forms Application is still English.
    When I login to EBS as Japan language session, some Forms Application is English.
    user MFG
    pass welcome
    Resp Manufacturing and Distribution Manager
    Path Inventory>品目>品目関連

    ls: /u100/app/HONDA1/orhonda1/oracle/aphonda1/apps/apps_st/appl/po/12.0.0/forms/JA/POXRQVRQ.fmx: No such file or directoryThis indicates that the fmx file was not generated via adadmin -- Can you upload the adadmin log file here?
    and also, after logging into the application selecting japan,to the left side i can see some responsibilities in english still..Is this the normal behaviour.No.
    Have you generated all NLS menus via adadmin? If possible, upload the log file.
    In the preferences tab when i check,logging to application with english can see the below..
    Current Session Language :- American English
    Default Session Language :- American English
    Is the above correct ?
    Do we need to perform any steps to so that we can see the responsibilites in english.Change the session language to Japanese and check then.

  • SSL VPN, "Login failed" and "WebVPN: error creating WebVPN session!"

    Just ran the wizard for Anyconnect SSL VPN, created a tunnel group, a vpn pool and added user to it. When trying to logon on the SSL service, it simply says "login failed". I suspect that the user might not be in correct groups or so?
    some relevant config
    enable wan
    svc image disk0:/anyconnect-win-2.4.1012-k9.pkg 1
    svc enable
    group-policy vpnpolicy1 internal
    group-policy vpnpolicy1 attributes
    vpn-tunnel-protocol svc
    tunnel-group admins type remote-access
    tunnel-group admins general-attributes
    address-pool sslpool2
    default-group-policy vpnpolicy1
    username myuser password 1234567890 encrypted privilege 15
    username myuser  attributes
    vpn-group-policy vpnpolicy1
    asa01# debug webvpn 255
    INFO: debug webvpn  enabled at level 255.
    asa01# webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CD5734D0
    webvpn_login_transcend_cert_auth_cookie: tg_cookie = NULL, tg_name =
    webvpn_login_resolve_tunnel_group: tgCookie = NULL
    webvpn_login_resolve_tunnel_group: tunnel group name from default
    webvpn_login_resolve_tunnel_group: TG_BUFFER = DefaultWEBVPNGroup
    webvpn_login_set_auth_group_type: WEBVPN_AUTH_GROUP_TYPE = 4
    WebVPN: calling AAA with ewsContext (-867034168) and nh (-849922864)!
    webvpn_add_auth_handle: auth_handle = 17
    WebVPN: started user authentication...
    WebVPN: AAA status = (ACCEPT)
    webvpn_login_transcend_cert_auth_cookie: tg_cookie = NULL, tg_name =
    webvpn_login_set_auth_group_type: WEBVPN_AUTH_GROUP_TYPE = 4
    WebVPN: user: (myuser) authenticated.
    WebVPN: error creating WebVPN session!
    webvpn_remove_auth_handle: auth_handle = 17
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CD5734D0
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CD5734D0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CD5734D0

    AnyConnect says:
    "The secure gateway has rejected the agents VPN connect or reconnect request. A new connection requires re-authentication and must be started manually. Please contact your network administrator if this problem persists.
    The following message was received from the secure gateway: Host or network is 0"
    Other resources indicate that it's either the tunnel group, or the address pool.. The address pool is:
    ip local pool sslpool2 mask
    asa01# debug webvpn 255
    INFO: debug webvpn  enabled at level 255.
    asa01# debug http 255
    debug http enabled at level 255.
    asa01# webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    webvpn_login_transcend_cert_auth_cookie: tg_cookie = NULL, tg_name =
    webvpn_login_resolve_tunnel_group: tgCookie = NULL
    webvpn_login_resolve_tunnel_group: tunnel group name from default
    webvpn_login_resolve_tunnel_group: TG_BUFFER = DefaultWEBVPNGroup
    webvpn_login_set_auth_group_type: WEBVPN_AUTH_GROUP_TYPE = 4
    WebVPN: calling AAA with ewsContext (-845538720) and nh (-828624376)!
    webvpn_add_auth_handle: auth_handle = 22
    WebVPN: started user authentication...
    WebVPN: AAA status = (ACCEPT)
    webvpn_login_transcend_cert_auth_cookie: tg_cookie = NULL, tg_name =
    webvpn_login_set_auth_group_type: WEBVPN_AUTH_GROUP_TYPE = 4
    WebVPN: user: (myuser) authenticated.
    HTTP: net_handle->standalone_client [0]
    WebVPN session created!
    webvpn_remove_auth_handle: auth_handle = 22
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    WebVPN: session has been authenticated.
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    WebVPN: session has been authenticated.
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE863DE8
    WebVPN: session has been authenticated.
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE863DE8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE863DE8
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE863DE8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    WebVPN: session has been authenticated.
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE863DE8
    WebVPN: session has been authenticated.
    WebVPN: session has been authenticated.
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE863DE8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE863DE8
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE863DE8
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    WebVPN: session has been authenticated.
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    HTTP: Periodic admin session check  (idle-timeout = 1200, session-timeout = 0)
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    WebVPN: session has been authenticated.
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    WebVPN: session has been authenticated.
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CC894AA8
    Close 1043041832
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CC894AA8

  • Problem with Sessions and

    Hi everyone,
    Help Please!!!
    I am working with Sevlet session objects and HTML forms and windows. I have an HTML form for the user to supply a username and password. Once the user clicks submit I need to open another browser window that has no toolbar, no location, no status bar, etc. The user should also be able to go back to that login screen and login again and open a 2nd, 3rd, etc. instance of the application. My problem is that each application is being asigned the same sessionId. I believe it is being asigned to the main login window and thus to the other child windows it opens. Is there a way to work around this? Do I need to make the user open another browser window to login? I need to be able to let the user open multiple instances of the application with unique session ids for each.
    Any insight is GREATLY appreciated on this topic. Anything you can tell me about sessions (Java), IE, would help greatly!

    To achieve this, you must introduce another level of
    abstraction to the Servlet specifications. When you
    work with JSP/Servlets you use mostly the HttpSession
    to handle user related tasks, and the aplication
    context, for things that are common to all users. But
    inside the HttpSession scope, you want to create
    containers that have 'smaller' scope and are uniquely
    A ipothetical scenario :Let's say that you must have
    multiple connections to several databases, on each
    database user rights beeing diferrent, and you must be
    able to track user actions globaly, and eventualy
    capture a 'Close Application event' and close all db.
    1. when the user first accesses the login frame create
    the HttpSession. In the HttpSession object, store a
    Hastable (let's call it 'ConnectionTable'). Each
    object in the Hashtable must identify uniqely a
    database connection. Now, to create unique identifiers
    ids, make the keys in the hashtable java.lang.Long
    objects, created using System.getCurrentTimeMillis().
    This guaranties there will be no possible confusion.
    From each new open window, on each request to the
    server, along with the usefull parameters, send the
    connection identifier. When proccessing the request,
    select the object from the Hastable wich corresponds
    to the ID.
    2. Now, the values in the ConnectionTable, must act as
    the containers that I mentioned in the first
    paragraph. The simplest way to do this is to have
    again a Hashtable derived class to do the job, wich
    exploses methods similar to HttpSession: setAttibute (
    Object key, Object value) and getAttibute ( Object
    key, Object value). This container may use internally
    a Hashtable to store object, and explose only the
    getAttribute and setAttribute methods for clarity. Any
    way, this is a problem of implementation. Let's call
    this class CustomSession.
    Now, a textual activity diagram:
    1 user accesses the main page, you start a new
    HttpSession; In the HttpSession object, store the
    ConnectionTable object.
    2. the user enters the userID and pwd and adatabase
    name, and a new window is opened. Let's supose the
    data entered is valid.
    3. when you process the login data, you create a new
    CustomSession object. you put in it whatever you would
    put in your HttpSession. You generate a unique
    identifier using System.CurrentTimeMillis(). Put the
    CustomSession object in the ConnectionTable, using the
    generated id as key. Send the response.
    ..... later on .....
    100. the user asks for a particular action to be
    performed - e.g. a row deletion. The page contains a
    form with text field where the user introduces the
    row number, a submit button and a hidden input with
    the ID.
    101. you process the data. Get the ID from the request
    object, get the ConnectionTable from the session, get
    the CustomSession using the ID as key, do whatever
    your logic was doing, but obtaining the objects from
    the CustomSession instead of HttpSession
    Very slick idea. I think that it could work and it seems that there would be not security issues because the id that you would store on the client side is the Unique Identifier and not the actual Session Id. Do you forsee any security issues for this implementation?

  • How do I stop FF from restoring previous session, I've already played with all the options I can find but nothing stops it unless I delete history each time.

    Recently, FF has started opening my last tabs when I start a fresh session. I have already checked to make sure that none of the applicable settings are enabled, such as under Options->General: When FF starts "SHOW MY HOMEPAGE" is selected. But for some reason, it opens my last session. The only way I've been able to get it to stop doing this is by having it delete my browsing history after I close the session. I don't want this since I often use my history to re-find information I need for class research. I have made certain that all my settings are the same from before FF started doing this. It only started doing this after the computer was turned off for a long weekend.
    I've already searched through the Mozilla help pages and all I can find is how to restore the previous session or similar. I don't want to restore my previous session, I want it to stop restoring my previous session without having to delete my browsing history each time.

    Using the instructions here:
    I was able to turn off that feature entirely without having to create a new profile.

  • Open all pages from last session

    Occasionally, safari will die. When I restart safari:
    is there a function to open all pages from last session?
    does firefox have this function? I thought I saw it within firefox, but I can't find it now. If this function is in firefox, where is it?

    In Safari... History > Open all pages from last session
    Firefox should do it automatically.

  • Firefox will not open new windows, opens with session restore every time I use it, and won't let me open the throubleshooting tab... Why?

    Whenever I try to open a new window, nothing happens. This includes clicking ctrl+N and through the drop down menu.
    Also, whenever I start firefox to browse the internet, it always open with a Session Restore with the previous session listed, even though I closed all the tabs and shut it down normally without any prompts telling me about saving multiple tabs.
    Finally, when I tried to troubleshoot this problem, the tab never appeared. The only options that work on the Help Menu are:
    - Firefox Help (after a few clicks)
    - Report Broken Web Site
    - Check for Updates
    - About Firefox

    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    There are other things that need your attention.
    Your above posted system details show outdated plugin(s) with known security and stability risks that you should update.
    *Shockwave Flash 10.0 r45
    Update the [[Managing the Flash plugin|Flash]] plugin to the latest version.

  • Open new session on submitting a program thru FM call

    Hi expertz...need your help up here.
    Have a situation where we need to trigger another program(say zabc : PO History) when the user selects a line in the ALV list and then clicks a button (to call zabc), the new program should run in the background and open up or display the results in a New Session.
    Have tried to use FM 'SUBMIT_REPORT' with STARTING NEW TASK but it dosnt work.  Please see the call below.
      RDIR                   = TRDIR
        report                 = 'ZPRPP_WORKORDERPURCHASING'
       RET_VIA_LEAVE          = ' '
      VARIANT                = ' '
       SKIP_SELSCREEN         = 'X'
      EXPRESSIONS            =
      VARIANT                =
       SELECTION_TABLE        = i_rspar
       JUST_VIA_VARIANT       = 1
       NO_SUBMIT_AUTH         = 2
       OTHERS                 = 3
    Any Idea!.

    copy your function module SUBMIT_REPORT to ZSUBMIT_REPORT and make it remote enabled.
    Now, where ever you want to call this FM, call as below,
    * RDIR = TRDIR
    RET_VIA_LEAVE = ' '
    * VARIANT = ' '
    * VARIANT =
    SELECTION_TABLE = i_rspar
    OTHERS = 3.
    Check it out, it works for me.

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