Session Views.

How to use fnd_sessions based views in Oracle Reports.
Is it advisable to use
insert into fnd_sessions(session_id ,effective_date)
select userenv('SESSIONID'),
from sys.dual ;
the above command in before report trigger...?


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    You have it setup correctly so not sure why things are not working for you. The PSNs should be the accounting servers and the admin persona should be the only GUI you/console you should be logging into to manage the system. 
    Check the deployment tab, do all nodes have a "green check box" and in sync?

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    Thanks & Regards,

    Its correct for me,
    SQL> SELECT USERNAME, OSUSER, STATUS, PROGRAM, machine from v$session where  rownum<=4 and username is not null;
    USERNAME             OSUSER               STATUS   PROGRAM
    SYSMAN               oracle               INACTIVE OMS
    SYSMAN               oracle               INACTIVE OMS
    DBSNMP               oracle               ACTIVE   [email protected]
                                              (TNS V1-V
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    Thanks and Regards
    Edited by: ccortez on May 22, 2012 7:14 PM

    ccortez wrote:
    I have a doubt about this field of the v$session view, in the documentation i only find this definition for the mentioned field:
    MACHINE      VARCHAR2(64)      Operating system machine nameIs the machine's name where the database is installed or the machine's name where a client is accesing the database??
    It is the machine by which you try to make the connection/session to the Database
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    i think you dint enable the query logging..
    in your rpd open your user and in the logging level select 2 or 1.
    before that you need to enable one thing.
    ref here

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    Thanks in advance

    Sudipta Gupta wrote:
    When we are trying to see the logs from obiee 11g admin screen=>manage sessions, it is throwing the following error:
    Log Could Not Be Retrieved
    Odbc driver returned an error (SQLExecDirectW).
    Error Details
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    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS. [nQSError: 27002] Near <3791257602>: Syntax error [nQSError: 26012] . (HY000)
    - But we are not getting any error while running report or dashboard or anything else.
    What could be the possible reason for this? Where to check?
    Thanks in advanceIf you restart the service the problem would resolve but every time its not a good idea to bounce the services the problem is with cache/queries stores in nqquery.log have a script to clear the cache files periodically
    upgrade to the problem is fixed

  • V$session view

    Hello Everyone,
    We are using oracle database in HP-UX platform., The machine attribute of v$session column displays only 8 character of the machine name and it do not display the another characters. Can anybody can suggest the cause?

    Jairam wrote:
    Here is the ouput., that is also same
    SQL> select host_name from v$instance;
    xabc10a7*also After checking MOS note Health Check Alert: The hostname must be 8 characters or less in length [ID 957443.1] The hostname should not be more than 8 character in HP-UX, if you let it more than 8 character it will not be taken*_

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    A Garcia
    Select * from D_ESTRUCTURA_RH2 where Region_ID
    select distinct a.REGION_ID from APP_INDPERSONAL_DM.D_ESTRUCTURA_RH2 a
    inner join (
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    and a.miembro_id = 'REGION_ID'
    and a.operador = '='
    and (b.REGION_ID = (case when valor = 'Todo' then 0 else valor end) or valor='Todo'))
    ) seguridad
    a. REGION_ID = seguridad.REGION_ID

    whay not use the same filter in the content tab of the logical table source?
    check the physical sql sent to databse using web-admin-manage sessions-view log and see if there is any unexpected behavior. also run the same query in db and see iff you get the results in databse itself.

  • What other V$ view than V$SESSION can provide the "program" column ?

    Hi all,
    We get a blank value , no value then, given by the "program" column of the V£SESSION view when our after logon database trigger fires. This is perhaps because we use a forms R6i application which uses a 8.0.6 version of oracle client.
    So I want to know which other V$ view can be joined with the V$SESSION view to get the program column.
    Thank you very much indeed

    Modifying the sqlnet.ora has 0 to do with the issue at hand.
    Face it:
    if the client executable doesn't have provisions to expose the program name,
    you will never see it in v$session.
    Your problem is you want to remain in the Stone Age, where the CD rom didn't exist and records where played by birds.
    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBA

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    or the Microsoft standalone version SAPMMC.
    I've already installed a new server from scratch, to check we don't have an upgrade problem,
    but it is also not working.
    Anyone with the same problem, or even better with a solution?
    Edited by: Boris Fierlings on Apr 1, 2011 9:30 AM

    Hi Sasha,
    Check the user name and password.... usually if the installation is local the user for <sid>adm must be .\<sid>adm and if its a domain user  <domain>\<sid>adm
    Please reward with points if helpful

  • Can not query from v$instance and v$session from within Pro*C program

    Hi there,
    We have Oracle enterprise edition running on Linux (Red Hat 4 ES)
    Our Pro*C developer tries to query the version from v$instance view and is getting errors when compiling his Pro*C programs.
    The related Oracle user account has the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege, so if he tries from the sqlplus, he has no problem querying the v$instance or v$session views. His problem is when he is trying to compile his Pro*C program against the very same Oracle account.
    Any help/input is greatly appreciated.
    R/ Zafer
    Here are the errors he is getting:
    Pro*C/C++: Release - Production on Thu Jun 24 12:54:04 2010
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    System default option values taken from:
    Error at line 150, column 4 in file ../database.pc
    PLS-S-00201, identifier 'V$INSTANCE' must be declared
    Error at line 150, column 4 in file ../database.pc
    PLS-S-00000, SQL Statement ignored
    Semantic error at line 150, column 4, file ../database.pc:
    PCC-S-02346, PL/SQL found semantic errors

    I issued FULL DB EXPORT / IMPORT privilege to the related Oracle user account and it works now.

  • DB Trigger firing issue in case of oracle forms session crash

    Hi All,
    Oracle DB version: Oracle Database 10g Release - Production
    Oracle Forms version: (Oracle Developer Suite 10g) Production
    I am entering some data in the oracle forms and committed the data to database. This form is still open.
    By some reasons i get a error as "FRM-92101: There is error during forms server startup" and the forms session gets crashed.
    When this event happens i wanted to update the records which are inserted before this error occurred. For this purpose i created a BEFORE LOGOFF ON DATABASE trigger (in SYS user) and declared that transaction as autonomous and performed update and then commit.
    But when i get this error in forms runtime session, this trigger doesn't fire and also the records don't get updated.
    If i query to v$session view, the session entry is gone because the forms session is crashed.
    Can anyone please tell me why this trigger don't get fire when oracle forms session gets crashed? Or is there is any other way to run update statement as soon as the forms session gets crashes?

    please check java runtime console for more issue information.
    SystemControl->Java Plugin Ver XXXX -> Standard -> Check "Show Java Console"
    In Systray, check the console for information about errors in java after the form error.

  • Session that has been killed hangs around

    This is probably an old issue and many may have figured out but I haven't and need your help. We have noticed that when the application sessions get hung in the Oracle server (we are running Oracle 9.0.1 on AIX 4.3.3), we kill them with ALTER SYSTEM command. The session status shows it has been KILLED but it does not vanish. Then we look for associated PID and do "ps -ef" but the process is no longer there. How we get rid of sessions that are hung and subsequently KILLED but have not gone away ? The only we have figured out to clean them up is by restarting the instance. We can't afford to restart the instance in production to handle this. Can someone let me know how to handle this ?
    Thanks in advance.

    the killed sessions will show in v$session until PMON clears them up (yes, during startup).
    the unix process is dead, and the killed session is not taking ANY resource. it shows KILLED in v$session just like INACTIVE sessions do. why do you mind them?
    from Note:100859.1:
    PMON will not delete the session object itself until the client connected to
    that session notices that it has been killed. Therefore, the sequence of
    events is:
    1) alter system kill session is issued - the STATUS of the session object in
    V$SESSION becomes KILLED, its server becomes PSEUDO.
    2) PMON cleans up the resources allocated to the session
    (i.e., rolls back its transaction, releases its locks, etc).
    3) the entry in V$SESSION remains there until the client of that session (the
    client is the process associated with the OSUSER,MACHINE,PROCESS columns in
    the V$SESSION view) tries to do another request.
    4) the client attempts another SQL statement and gets back ORA-28.
    5) PMON can now remove the entry from V$SESSION.
    This behavior is necessary because the client still has pointers to the
    session object even though the session has been killed. Therefore, the
    object cannot be deleted until the client is no longer pointing at it.
    hope this helps, Nogah.

  • How to get rid of "wild" sessions?

    is there a possibility to kill DB-sessions for a workspace admin?
    I'm having a class scenario where students create data structures and (APEX-) applications on their own and teams of five persons each work in seperate workspaces.
    As it happens, sometimes they write PL/SQL-code, that builds up an infinity loop.
    How can I provide the team leaders (=workspace administrators) with a way to remove such sessions?
    "REMOVE SESSION" (from Home>Administration>Manage Services>Manage Session State>Recent Sessions>Session Details) does not affect the DB-side part of an APEX-Session, as I had to see.
    A solution to this is very important to me, because without the ability to stop looping code on their own, students drive the database into an unresponsive state within a short time!
    Of course, it's possible to try things out using SQL*Plus or the like, but that's VERY unconfortable or nearly impossible, if you have to simulate a complex session state.
    And as I belive, debugging should also be possible with respect to PL/SQL-code, as APEX uses it a lot - or is there another suggestion on how to do that?
    Please help,

    Hi John,
    sounds good, but a quick check didn't lead to the desired result.
    I first created a resource limit of 1000 for CPU_PER_CALL and assigned the profile to APEX_PUBLIC_USER.
    Then I created a process (after submit ...) with a simple "while 1=1 loop":
    declare x number;
    while 1=1 loop
    end loop;
    Correctly, after a submit, the browser didn't get an update anymore and the enterprise manager console shows the statement above as the currently executed one of APEX_PUBLIC_USER.
    BUT: the value of "CPU used by this session" (viewed via EM console) DOES NOT INCREASE and consequently, the resource limit never is reached - although the windows task manager of my test box shows 100% CPU load by oracle.exe.
    So, although a session is looping in a small PL/SQL-block, eating up all CPU power, oracle thinks, it doesn't.
    I can't imagine what's wrong ...
    (BTW: I'll be able to look at this tread no earlier then next Tuesday. Thanks a lot meanwhile)

  • Killed sessions

    I kill a session with the commands:
    select username, sid, serial#, status from v$session where username like 'RION%'
    alter system kill session 'sid, serial#'
    and if I give again the first select command at the status column appears KILLED. I want not to have KILLED in the status column.
    Thank you,

    hi all,
    As u know you are seeing the status of at v$session view as killed, I wanna confirm that this will exists in two senario.
    When a Session is in inactive state and a kill command on that session is issued then the "status" column of v$session will be updated as killed as to indicate/mark as it is killed, and the "server " column will be updated as psuedo. when the user again try to connect to the session user will receive 0ra-00028 error and the entry will be removed from v$session.
    Another senario is that the transaction is at its half way, either in commiting or at the roleback stage for that partucular session then also you can find that the v$table is updated as above.
    more information, go through the documentation, at the Server Process handling section.
    i hope it cleared your confussion,

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