Set classpath for plugin

Hi Javafolks,
I need to be able to set the classpath used by the Java 1.4 Plugin by some means. I think it defaults to 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre\1.4\Classes' and I don't know how to change or add to this setting. Has anyone else come across this and solved it?

Does the plugin work differently from the regular jre jvm?
Have you added the classpath to OS's environment variables and tested it? (if using windows, go to System properties->advanced->environmentvariables and add/modify it to the system variables)

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    to make your life easy i tried to connect..
    what you have to do is.. you mysql database server should be running
    next you have to download one of the version of mysql driver.. i downloaded mysql-connector-java-5.0.5
    go to my computer right click - >advance tab -> click on environment variable -> put you path e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jarFiles\mysql-connector-java-5.0.5\mysql-connector-java-5.0.5-bin.jar
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    public class MySqlConnect{
         public static void main(String [] args){
                   String url ="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test";
                   Connection con =DriverManager.getConnection(url,"root", "password");
                   System.out.println("Connection: " + con);
              }catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe){
              }catch(SQLException se){
    }have fun

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    With regards

    When you are downloading j2MEWTK, everything is included within it. You dont require MIDP seperately. When you are runnung the ktoolbar , which is provided with J2mewtk, the preverifier runs and creates the required jad file for you. You dont need a forte to run these.
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    Ok, there is two ways to achieve this. Either by setting it globally for all the user, or only for your self. If you are working on your own station and have super user access, you can set it up for all th eusers, if not, just set it for your self. How ??
    for all the users, modify the file /etc/profile and include this:
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    hope this helps

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    The JDBC for your database should be added to your client project.
    In JDeveloper created a new 'named' library item and specify the JDBC jar files for your database.
    See also related article
    - Sathish

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    Little help please? Much appreciated.

    Run jar -tvf xercesImpl.jar and see if the org/apache/xerces/framework/XMLParser is found. I'll bet it isn't, however I'll bet org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser is. You'll need to figure out which .jar file has the framework/XMLParser class and place it in your classpath.

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    I did not understandt how to set classpath for these files (com.informix.jdbc.*) for use in iplanet 6.0.
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    Can someone help me !!!

    I changed the jvm12.conf file, but, it did not work. I changed the JDK Runtime Classpath in the Global Settings tab of the Administration Server and restarted both the webserver and the administration server and it worked.
    Thanks for your response.

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    Refer to the Tomcat's documentation regarding classpaths and classloading. The underlying operating system doesn't really matter.

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    i am not able to set the PATH and CLASSPATH for j2sdk1.4.2_06
    I have tried with export PATH=$PATH:/usr/j2sdk1.4.2_06/bin
    and export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/usr/j2sdk1.4.2_06/lib
    in terminal
    but i want to configure it as permenant way for the jre and jdk
    and we should only type java or javac according to the requirement
    regards mihir...

    type those in .bashrc ... save and exit
    then at prompt, type 'source .bashrc'
    this is the permanent solution ...
    bhalo thakun

  • Can't set classpath or classloader for JavaCompiler!

    I have a class that I load using my own class loader. I know the class is loaded because I can instantiate it using reflection.
    Then, in my code I try to compile a source file which references (via import) the class I loaded, and I get a package does not exist error on the compile.
    I have tried everything I could think of. Currently, I'm doing this (read the comments):
            StandardJavaFileManager fileManager = compiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null);
            // trying to force the filemanager to use my class loader when resolving class paths... doesn't ever get called
            // except when loading annotation processors, though!!!
            ForwardingJavaFileManager<JavaFileManager> ffm = new ForwardingJavaFileManager<JavaFileManager>(fileManager)
                public ClassLoader getClassLoader(Location location)
                    if (location == StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH)
                        return serviceClassLoader;
                    return super.getClassLoader(location);
                // This returns a list of File objects which were loaded in my class loader.
                // The File objects are created from the URL's I load in the class loader, and have the form:
                // "C:/Some/Path/To/File.jar"
                List<File> compileClassPath = serviceClassLoader.getClassPathFiles();
                // Adding the bin directory which contains the .class files of my app (in Eclipse)
                compileClassPath.add(new File("./bin"));
                // Attempt to add the bin dir with the .class files from another project - this is where the classes are that are failing to load
                compileClassPath.add(new File("C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/David/workspace/CoreServices/bin/"));
      fileManager.setLocation(StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH, compileClassPath);The output I'm seeing includes: package com.dave.service.logging does not exist
    import com.dave.service.logging.CentralLoggingService;
                                     ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol: class CentralLogService
    public class CentralLoggingService_CentralLogService_Listener implements MessageListener<CentralLogService>So, basically, I need to know how to either:
    1) Set the class path for the JavaCompiler so that it will load classes that are required by the source being compiled, or...
    2) Set the classloader the JavaCompiler uses to resolve those classes.
    I've tried everything I could think of, even reading through the compiler source, and nothing has worked yet.
    Can anyone help?!?

    I am not sure but the argument to new File() looks dubious to me.
    You seem to be mixing URL and filename syntax.
    What does this do?
    class FileTest {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            system.out.println(new File("C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/David/workspace/CoreServices/bin/").exists());
    }if its false then that directory doesn't exist.
    I would use backslashes (don't forget to escape them) and spaces, and no trailing path separator - like this
    class FileTest {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            system.out.println(new File("C:\\Documents and Settings\\David\\workspace\\CoreServices\\bin").exists());
    }Play around with that till you can create a File object that exists and isDirectory().
    When I have done this in the past, I have used the existing classpath to set the classpath for invoking the compiler. For example this snippet from the hickory project at [|]
    List<String> optionList = new ArrayList<String>();
    JavaCompiler.CompilationTask task = compiler.getTask(out,jfm,diagnostics,optionList,null,jfos);An advantage of that technique is that you don't have the path hard coded in the program. Useful if someone else wants to run it.
    In fact, you might find it useful to use the hickory testing package which provides an abstraction over the compiler API. See the javadoc starting here

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