SET Role and PL/SQL

Hello folks
Is there a way/workaround to do a SET ROLE using PL/SQL ? Please advise

Is there a way/workaround to do a SET ROLE using PL/SQL ? Please advise
No - you cannot set roles within a definer's rights procedure.
See How Roles Work in PL/SQL Blocks in the Database Security doc
How Roles Work in PL/SQL Blocks
The use of roles in a PL/SQL block depends on whether it is an anonymous block or a named block (stored procedure, function, or trigger), and whether it executes with definer's rights or invoker's rights.
Roles Used in Named Blocks with Definer's Rights
All roles are disabled in any named PL/SQL block (stored procedure, function, or trigger) that executes with definer's rights. Roles are not used for privilege checking and you cannot set roles within a definer's rights procedure.
And be careful to heed this warning about LOGON triggers (see Using triggers in the PL/SQL doc -
•If you use a LOGON trigger to monitor logons by users, include an exception-handling part in the trigger, and include a WHEN OTHERS exception in the exception-handling part. Otherwise, an unhandled exception might block all connections to the database.

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    I am quoting this from MOS Doc Id "Why would multiple session records be present in the User Sessions screen in P6 Web, and why might some of them have different IP addresses? (Doc ID 1600172.1)"
    Multiple sessions show up for users since different sections of P6 Web have their own sessions associated with them. If a user is authorized to use multiple areas of the software they will have multiple sessions each time they log in. Additionally, if users are closing their browsers before logging out of P6 Web Access you might see some past sessions still appearing in the list. These will eventually be cleared out by background jobs, however you can also reset the sessions in the software by clicking the "Reset User" link (Administer > User Sessions > Manage User Sessions), or by choosing the "Reset All Users" link (Administer > User Sessions > Manage User Sessions) to do this for all past sessions.
    Multiple IP addresses for sessions can happen when a user logs in from different machines. For example, a person may login at their desk, but then go to a colleagues workstation to discuss a project, and log in from there. Doing so will leave them with multiple IP addresses in the session records.
    Hope this helps
    Sachin Gupta

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    siegwin.port wrote:
    using 10g setting roles with Java JPA and NativeSQL works fine. After the upgrade to 11g the same commands will not work.
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    On Google search, i found below article which is best matching for this error
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    But there was only one row returned with create date of today's.
    Error while Assigning database level role (db_datareader) to SQL login (Domain Account) 
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    Step 4. Case sensitivity == Database collation is set to Case insensitivity. (CI)
    Other two 5. Local Accounts & 6. Name resolution == is not applicable to me.
    I tried other ways also.
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    B. Instead of GUI, use query to create login and provide required permission = Same error.
    Does anybody has faced any such situation

    See the below output

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    Hi Marc,
    Sorry for the typo. It's a BDC source, I use a WCF client to access a SQL Database (HR External System) that has 4 fields that are necessary to present in the Sharepoint User Profile. The issue occurs with a Full or a Delta Sync. The problem is that if the
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    manually in the HR system. These changes must be picked up by the daily sync.

  • Set role does not appear to be working

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    do you how we can bring users to Jdeveloper and associate to them roles and permission ?

    i found this tutorial that is that what i did :
    1. Start up weblogic server (Run .. Start Server Instance)
    2. Log on to weblogic console ( http://localhost:7101/console/ )
    3. Use default username/password weblogic/weblogic1
    4. Create a datasource to connect to the schema where the authenticating database tables are (Services .. JDBC .. Data Sources)
    5. Use unique name for datasource. Use JINDI name of jdbc/
    6. Enter database name, schema name and password and test
    7. Add new Authentication provider (Security Realms .. myrealm .. Providers .. New)
    8. Enter datasource name, type SQLAuthenticator click Ok
    9. Going back into provider, change control flag to Sufficient
    10. Select Provider Specific tab and choose Plaintext passwords, password algorithm SHA-1
    11. Shut down weblogic
    12. Edit config.xml file in JDEV_DIR/system11. and replace sql authenticator sql statements with those from web blog
    13. Restart weblogic.
    14. Go to users/groups tab in securty realm and view users and groups imported from database
    15. Set control flag for other providers to "Sufficient"
    source :
    but the step 12 i dont know what i need to change and with what ?

  • Roles and authorization - 0BI_ALL

    hi all,
    i have problem creating a proper role for our users in sem-bcs. The problem is in the transaction ucmon. They cant see the list of journals unless i give them authorization object S_RS_AUTH with 0BI_ALL. But i dont want to use 0BI_ALL because they see all data and they shouldnt.
    I created two authorizations in rsecadmin and had put them into the role in S_RS_AUTH:: one with infoobject ZIOCELOK and one with ZIOICOUJ and gave them values that the user needs to see only his data. I also added  But he still cant see it. I run rsecadmin analysis and found this in error logs, but i dont have a clue what does this mean.
    Following Set Is Checked          Comparison with Following Authorized Set          Result
    Characteristic     Content(in SQL Format)     Characteristic     Content(in SQL Format)     Not Authorized
    0TCAACTVT     NOT ZIOCELOK = 'KAP10'     ZIOICOUJ     I EQ 00699021     
    ZIOCELOK     AND ZIOICOUJ = '00699021'          I EQ 30806101       Not Authorized
    ZIOICOUJ     AND 0TCAACTVT = '03'             I EQ 31819559     
                                                     I EQ 35822163     
                                                   0TCAACTVT       I EQ 03     
                                                     ZIOCELOK  I EQ KAP10     
    All Authorizations Tested
    Message EYE007: You do not have sufficient authorization
    No Sufficient Authorization for This Subselection (SUBNR)
    Following CHANMIDs Are Affected:
    477 ( ZIOCELOK )
    478 ( ZIOICOUJ )
    Authorization Check Complete
    PLS help
    Edited by: Martin  Zluky on Jul 30, 2010 10:12 AM
    Edited by: Martin  Zluky on Jul 30, 2010 10:12 AM

    here is the full error log. Please take a look. ZIOCELOK is a variable in ISJUS_BCS, which is our infocube from where ucmon
    is getting data.
    Authorization Check Log
    For a general description see the Note 1234567
    Date and Execution Time (Local Server)
    Execution Date: 05.08.2010
    Execution Time: 08:11:24
    TransactionUCWB_INT ( List of Totals Records )
    Executed by User TE001019
    Executed with Analysis Authorizations of Another UserTE001019
    Software Component     Release     Level     Support Package
    SAP_ABA     700     0019     SAPKA70019
    SAP_BASIS     700     0019     SAPKB70019
    SAP_BW     700     0021     SAPKW70021
      InfoProvider Check 
    Building the Buffer...
    ...Buffer Built
    Are there authorizations for accessing InfoProvider ISJUS_BCS with activity 03?
    Authorization exists for general access to InfoProvider ISJUS_BCS with activity 03
      Relevant Characteristics for Detailed Authorization Check 
    (Characteristics with Full Authorization Are Not Listed!)
      List of Effective Authorization-Relevant Characteristics for InfoProvider ISJUS_BCS: 
      Authorization Check 
      Detail Check for InfoProvider ISJUS_BCS 
    Selection Checked for Consistency, Preprocessed and Supplemented As Needed
    Subselection (Technical SUBNR) 1
    Check Node Definitions and Value Authorizations...
    Node- and Value Authorizations Are OK
    End of Preprocessing
    Filling the Buffer...
    ...Buffer Filled
      Main Check: 
      Subselection (Technical SUBNR) 1 
    Supplementation of Selection for Aggregated Characteristics
      No Check for Aggregation Authorization Required 
    Following Set Is Checked     Comparison with Following Authorized Set     Result     Remaining Set
    Characteristic     Content(in SQL Format)
         ZIOICOUJ IN ('00699021','30806101','31819559','35822163')
    AND 0TCAACTVT = '03'
    Characteristic     Content(in SQL Format)
    0TCAACTVT     I EQ 03
    ZIOICOUJ     I EQ 00699021
    I EQ 30806101
    I EQ 31819559
    I EQ 35822163
         Partially or Fully Authorized (Intersection) Partially or Fully Authorized (Intersection)     
    Characteristic     Content(in SQL Format)
         NOT ZIOCELOK = 'KAP10'
    AND ZIOICOUJ IN ('00699021','30806101','31819559','35822163')
    AND 0TCAACTVT = '03'
    Value selection partially authorized. Check of remainder at end
    Following Set Is Checked     Comparison with Following Authorized Set     Result     Remaining Set
    Characteristic     Content(in SQL Format)
         NOT ZIOCELOK = 'KAP10'
    AND ZIOICOUJ IN ('00699021','30806101','31819559','35822163')
    AND 0TCAACTVT = '03'
    Characteristic     Content(in SQL Format)
    0TCAACTVT     I EQ 03
    ZIOICOUJ     I EQ 00699021
    I EQ 30806101
    I EQ 31819559
    I EQ 35822163
         Not Authorized Selection is not authorized     
    All Authorizations Tested
      Message EYE007: You do not have sufficient authorization 
      No Sufficient Authorization for This Subselection (SUBNR) 
    Following CHANMIDs Are Affected:
    477 ( ZIOCELOK )
    478 ( ZIOICOUJ )
      Authorization Check Complete

  • Why does SET ROLE start a transaction?

    I wonder why SQL command SET ROLE starts a transaction?
    Is it considered to be a DML command?
    If yes, then why?
    Check this simple PL/SQL example (where FND_ADMIN is any role granted to the user executing the code):
    It gives the following output:

    Hm... as documentation states, DBMS_SESSION.SET_ROLE is, quote, "... equivalent to the SET ROLE SQL statement", unquote.
    However, seems that it's doing something more than just SET ROLE:
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> select sid, taddr
      2    from v$session
      3   where sid = (select sid from v$mystat where rownum = 1);
           SID TADDR
    SQL> set role CTXAPP;
    Role set.
    SQL> select sid, taddr
      2    from v$session
      3   where sid = (select sid from v$mystat where rownum = 1);
           SID TADDR
            46TADDR is empty – we don't have transaction and there is no transaction state object for our session.
    SQL> exec dbms_session.set_role('CTXAPP')
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select sid, taddr
      2    from v$session
      3   where sid = (select sid from v$mystat where rownum = 1);
           SID TADDR
            46 5756BD74Why so? I don't know :) But obviously, DBMS_SESSION.SET_ROLE is not a precise equivalent to SET ROLE.

  • Database roles and APEX

    Can database roles be used with APEX to control table and other object access between schemas?
    If so, please provide an example.
    If not, please explain why the product would be limited in this way. One of the major short comings we see is the need to directly grant privileges to each schema, rather than having the power of roles to do this.

    With DATABASE ACCOUNT credentials set, we were able to authenticate users for each page, in accordance with their table privileges, as follows. Please join us in encouraging Oracle to build this logic into Application Express, as one of the authentication options. We consider this to be a major shortcoming of an otherwise great product.
    For each page, create a PL/SQL anonymous block process "before header", to determine if the user has the necessary privileges. In this example, the user must have UPDATE privilege for one table, and SELECT privilege for the other table used by the page.
    CURSOR c_get_role IS
    SELECT DISTINCT drp.granted_role,dtp.privilege,dtp.table_name
    FROM dba_tab_privs dtp, dba_role_privs drp
    WHERE dtp.grantor = '<database name>'
    AND dtp.grantee = drp.granted_role
    AND drp.grantee = v('APP_USER')
    AND dtp.table_name IN ('<updateable table name>','<readable table name>')
    AND dtp.privilege IN ('UPDATE','SELECT');
    :Pnn_USER_HAS_PRIVS_FLAG := 0;
    FOR rec IN c_get_role
    IF rec.table_name = '<updateable table name>' AND
    (rec.privilege = 'UPDATE')
    :Pnn_USER_ROLE_MESSAGE := rec.granted_role;
    ELSIF rec.table_name = '<readable table name>' AND
    (rec.privilege = 'SELECT' OR rec.privilege = 'UPDATE')
    :Pnn_USER_ROLE_PROTOCOL := rec.granted_role;
    END IF;
    :Pnn_USER_HAS_PRIVS_FLAG := 1;
    END IF;
    Note that APEX_PUBLIC_USER must have read privilege for the dictionary tables.
    Now you can use the flag variable and create an HTML region to source the error message to display if the user has insufficient privileges.
    PL/SQL Function Body Returning a Boolean..
    END IF;
    Add a condition to the normal page regions to display themselves only if the user has privileges and appropriate role, based on the flag being TRUE (same as the IF block above, except FLAG = 1).

  • Question about Roles And priviledges

    I have designed my database and i have generated the ddl script. Now I want to design or somehow to create the system roles and system priviledges for every role.
    for example:
    So is there any way to do that from Enterprise manager or jdevelopper gui? Can I generate the dcl script somehow?

    aa8a14cf-4c39-4940-8315-e35d47cccb28 wrote:
    I know which roles and system privileges should be created. How am i gonna create them and generate the dcl script?
    You've been shown two variants on how to have "sql write sql" to create a script.  We assumed you know how to use sqlplus to run a script, and in this case to spool the output of the script we showed to create the script you want. (That was covered in my commend "I leave the details as an exercise for the student")
    Since you wanted a script we also assumed NOT using a GUI.  Live by the GUI, die by the GUI.
    But since it seems our assumptions were false ...
    Log on with sqlplus and do the following:
    set echo off feedback off verify off head off trimsp on tab off lines 512 pages 0
    spool doit.sql
    select 'grant '||privilege||' on '||owner||'.'||table_name||' to '|| role||';'  from ROLE_TAB_PRIVS WHERE ROLE='DOCTOR';
    spool off
    edit doit.sql
    After examining and doing a sanity check on 'doit.sql', you just execute it in sqlplus ..
    sql> @doit

  • Defining roles and access for OWB Designer

    Can i Define roles and access rights to different on 1 OWB Designer repository?
    I want to send my mappings for code review but i dont want them to log into the OWB designer with write access.
    How can i achieve this in the same OWB designer repository as the one i am using?
    I am using OWB 10.1.
    when i logged into the designer schema through sqlplus

    Hi Sagar,
    Yes you can do that. Basically you can create a db user, and then register the user with a repository. By default that user has all privileges, however it now is audited per user as to what he/she did. How to do this look at the doc (find SecurityHelper)
    To enable you to protect metadata there are a couple of strategies (implemented via a simple PL/SQL API). For an example (this one works with policies on the module level) take a look here (
    This would work as follows:
    - Create user REVIEW
    - Register user REVIEW to repos QA
    - For a module you want review for, set the status to QA
    Now the REVIEW user logs in and he can look at QA but cannot touch.
    Hope this helps,
    In your situation

  • UCM 11g and Weblogic SQL Authenticator

    A bit lengthy question about UCM 11g using WLS Security providers for user authentication.
    There's a lot of stuff on the web about integrating UCM 11g with WLS AD/LDAP authenticators. However there's literally nothing about integrating it with SQL-based authenticators. Does it mean that using WLS's built-in providers other than AD/LDAP is not supported ?
    I tried configuring my Custom DBMS Authenticator - it works fine. I can see my users/groups and membership info read from the DB in WLS Admin Console. The users can even log in to the Content Server but their WLS groups are never mapped to UCM roles/accounts. I tried reordering the WLS authenticators so that the DBMS authenticator is at the top but this does not help. Does this mean that group -> role/account mapping works only with LDAP ?
    thanks in advance

    Hi Sirnath,
    Thanks for the prompt reply.
    I did another exercise and defined the contributor group in both the DefaultAuthenticator and the SQL Authenticator and created two users 'default' (int the DefaultAuthenticator) and 'sql' (in the SQL authenticator). Both users are members of the 'contributor' group (in the respective Authenticator). If I log in as either of the users they all have the proper principals/credentials set in the instance (the 'contributor' is a principal and a credential in both cases). However UCM maps it to a role only for the 'default' user.
    Is it possible that the JPS provider somehow bypasses the abstraction? Do you know of any related docs available online ?

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