Set system font

Hye everybody.
Here is my problem:
I have a printing library. It reads reports template. These templates refer to the name of the font (size and style) that the customer want. Sometimes I use a font that customer doesn't have installed.
So I thought to put the font in the distribution of the software but then how I specify to the program that for example
Font = createFont("Arial Narrow",0,12) must use my Arial Narrow?
Thanks fro any help.

If you are working over the web, i am not sure if you can force a client to use fonts it does not have installed.
The same reason html can't use fonts a client does not have installed.
You may be better off to detect the font, and if non-existent, then prompt the client to download it.
Else wise determine a list of suitable fonts in preference order, if arial narrow does not exist use arial, and etc. down the line.

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  • Setting system Font

    I need to change the system font(font of menu bar, application window fonts etc). I am a recent switcher who worked on windows earlier and my main issue is that on windows, most of the font, whether on taskbar or desktop or windows or right click menu etc, you will find it to be uniformly same font and size. i think it is Tahoma(equivalent of Geneva on Mac). this makes windows a bit easier on the eyes as i dont ahve to constantly adjust to different fonts and sizes. on my iMac with resolution of 1400x900, the fonts are very bad. some are too small and make me squint and then some fonts right next to them are too big. Is there a way i can set them all to some font of my liking? is there a free third party tool that does it? Any help is greatly appreciated. Please note that i dont want to change the screen resolution.

    Hi CosMac,
    Nope, the normal version has those options. Launch TinkerTool and click on the Fonts icon in the top row. You'll see that you change both the fonts and point size for various system and menu options. Just click the Change button by those you want to modify and choose either a new font, point size, or both.
    Note, while I and others have pointed this option out to others a fair number of times, I've never tried it myself, so can't say how well it works.

  • Setting for "Rely on system fonts" does not work

    Some time ago I wrote a VBA function that would print a worksheet to pdf. It worked great. I reformatted my system, and now the code no longer works. When I run the routine, I receive the error message, "When you create a PostScript file, you must reply on system fonts and use document fonts. Please go to the printer properties, 'Adobe PDF Settings' page and turn OFF the option 'Rely on system fonts only; do not use document fonts."
    I have changed this setting within the Adobe printer setting in Excel, I have changed it in both the 'Printing Preferences" and "Printer Properties" with the Devices and Printers Windows dialog, and I have confirmed that it is turned off in the binary registry key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Printers\DevModePerUser\Adobe PDF". Also, I have applied the Acrobat 9.4.2 patch. Yet still I get the message when my code is executed....
    There were a few changes between my system from before my reformatting. The common items were Windows7 64-bit, Adobe Acrobat 9. The changes were that I went from Microsoft Office 2010 64-bit to Office 2010 32-bit. Windows 7 SP1 is now installed. Also, both Acrobat and Office are installed on my internal "Data" drive, rather than the "C" drive where my operating system is installed.
    Although I do not see an issue with code, since it worked for months, I have included it below (the printing code is at the end). Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
    Public Sub EnumOrder(ByVal lngLine As Long)
    'lngLine is the line number to start enumeration at
    Dim strStore As String
    Dim strFileName As String
    Dim strTmpPath As String
    Dim strPDFPath As String
    Dim c As Long
    Dim x As Long
    Dim lngErr As Long
    Dim wsPicklist As Worksheet
    Dim wsTemplate As Worksheet
    Dim oPDF As PdfDistiller
    Set oPDF = New PdfDistiller
    Set wsPicklist = Worksheets("Phase II Picklist")
    Set wsTemplate = Worksheets("Template")
    strStore = wsPicklist.Cells(lngLine, 1).Value
    ' Clear formatted border on order template
    Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone
    ' Initialize variables
    strFileName = wsPicklist.Cells(lngLine, 1) & "-" & wsPicklist.Cells(lngLine, 2) & " " & Format(wsPicklist.Cells(lngLine, 4), "mm-dd-yy") & " Team" & Format(wsPicklist.Cells(lngLine, 3), "00")
    c = 7
    x = lngLine
    ' Add store order data to the template
    With wsTemplate
        ' Add header data to the order template
        .Cells(1, 2) = wsPicklist.Cells(lngLine, 1)  ' Store #
        .Cells(2, 2) = wsPicklist.Cells(lngLine, 3)  ' Team #
        .Cells(4, 2) = wsPicklist.Cells(lngLine, 4)  ' Deliver By
        .Cells(1, 5) = wsPicklist.Cells(lngLine, 13) ' Ship To Name
        .Cells(2, 5) = wsPicklist.Cells(lngLine, 14) ' Ship To Address
        .Cells(3, 5) = wsPicklist.Cells(lngLine, 15) ' Ship To City/State/Zip
        .Cells(4, 5) = wsPicklist.Cells(lngLine, 16) ' Comment
        ' Add line items to the order template
            .Cells(c, 1) = wsPicklist.Cells(lngLine, 6) ' Part #
            .Cells(c, 2) = wsPicklist.Cells(lngLine, 7) ' Part Name
            .Cells(c, 7) = wsPicklist.Cells(lngLine, 8) ' Qty Ordered
            wsPicklist.Cells(lngLine, 10) = Now         ' Date Printed
            wsPicklist.Cells(lngLine, 11) = strFileName ' File Name
            lngLine = lngLine + 1
            c = c + 1
        Loop While strStore = wsPicklist.Cells(lngLine, 1)
    End With
    'Create formatted borders on store order template
    x = lngLine - x + 6
    wsTemplate.Range("A7:L" & x).Select
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    ' Print the store order to PDF
    strTmpPath = "D:\Eric\Desktop\WIS-Speedway\Phase II\Picklists\New\Tmp\"
    strPDFPath = "D:\Eric\Desktop\WIS-Speedway\Phase II\Picklists\New\"
    wsTemplate.PrintOut copies:=1, preview:=False, _
    ActivePrinter:="Acrobat Distiller", printtofile:=True, _
    collate:=True, PrToFileName:=strTmpPath & strFileName & ".ps"
    oPDF.FileToPDF strTmpPath & strFileName & ".ps", strPDFPath & strFileName & ".pdf", ""
    ' Set active cell to next store order
    wsPicklist.Cells(lngLine, 10).Select
    End Sub

    Ok, I have given up the ghost on this problem. I found a MUCH better solution to the problem that I was having, that also has the side benift of processing far faster. See for details. Basically, I am now using the VBA ExportAsFixedFormat method, rather than Distiller. Hope this helps.

  • How do i make system fonts look better?

    i am attempting to use univers, which is a system font and so exports as an image. i am using it at a larger size. when i preview in browser, it looks choppy. is there a way to make these system fonts less so, closer to the regular look of web safe fonts? thank you.

    The short answer is set an opaque background fill on the text frame (it can be a solid color, gradient or background image).
    When the browser or OS is drawing live text, it has the benefit of knowing the exact color of every pixel that will be behind the edges of the text and it uses this knowledge to adjust the colors of the edges of the text to smooth the appearance—a process called anti-aliasing.
    When Muse is creating an image for a System Font in a text frame with a no fill (or a semi-transparent fill), Muse can't know with certainty exactly what colors will be behind the text. Therefore Muse uses a "grayscale" version of anti-aliasing. Grayscale anti-aliasing provides a better appearance than the hard stair steps of no anti-aliasing, but the end result is inferior to the color anti-aliasing that's possible when the background pixel colors are known and opaque.

  • How do I set default font size?

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    I gather that such programs are using a default system font size. So I would like to change this. Some Help articles suggested that I could do this from the Font Panel, but they give no indication where to find the Font Panel. I cannot find it in System Preferences or via the Spotlight.
    I am using OS X 10.4.7
    I am computer-literate, but new to the Mac, having had this computer for about a week and a half.
    P.S. In Thunderbird -> Preferences -> Fonts there is an option to configure the fonts used by Thunderbird. The settings affect messages, but not the main window with the message list. However, at this point I'd really like to set the system default so all programs that use the system default will be affected.

    This still does not work.
    I tried all of them.
    Theme Font & Size Changer
    Big Buttons
    Default FullZoom Level
    It only works for that page of that web site, as soon as you leave you start all over again.
    Can't we just say Firefox messed up and needs to revert to the way it used to work without have to do ANYTHING to adjust any sizing.
    This is utterly ridiculous.
    It's a web browser for GOD sakes...not the OS. It shouldn't be doing anything but displaying web sites with NO INTERVENTION by the user for each and every page.
    Why are programers always looking for ways to take a working product and make it useless???

  • How do I set the font in firefox 4.0 using ubuntu?

    The zoom feature is OK but I want to permanently set the font size on my firefox pages using the Ubuntu operating system. I don't see anything under Tools and there doesn't seem to be a lot of questions previously asked in the Help area about Firefox in Ubuntu.

    It's difficult to set a single font size without wrecking the display of most web sites. One alternative would be to store your preferred zoom level and apply that to all sites. This requires an add-on such as:
    * [ Default FullZoom Level]
    * [ NoSquint]
    Does that work for you?

  • Formatting issues: when I open a msg, the font is sooo small you need a magnifier to read it. How can I set the font size to one I can easily read?

    == Issue
    I have another kind of problem with Firefox
    == Description
    I have various formatting issues:
    a. When I open a msg from my web browser (Cablevision), the font is sooo small I need a magnifier to read it. How can I set the font to a size I can easily read?
    b. When I forward msgs, the text gets all distorted and I need to clean it up (some symbols, lots of spaces between words). How can this be fixed?
    c. When I want to tell someone about a website, I cannot type the URL in so that all they have to do is click on it. How can this be fixed?
    d. When I open messages, the text opens in a small window and covers the "Show Images" button. Why?
    == This happened
    Every time Firefox opened
    == Ever since I started using Firefox (a few months ago)
    '''Troubleshooting information'''
    I didn't find any results
    == Firefox version
    == Operating system
    Windows 7
    == User Agent
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3
    == Plugins installed
    *Office Plugin for Netscape Navigator
    *The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
    *Default Plug-in
    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape "9.3.2"
    *NPRuntime Script Plug-in Library for Java(TM) Deploy
    *The Hulu Desktop Plugin allows to integrate with the Hulu Desktop application.
    *Shockwave Flash 10.0 r45
    *Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 11.5
    *iTunes Detector Plug-in
    *Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_20 for Mozilla browsers

    The text editor is the text area that you use on the webmail (Yahoo, Hotmail) website to create a new mail.
    You can compare that with the ''Post new message'' text area that you use to create a new post on this forum.
    Just above the text area that you use to enter the message text there is usually a button bar with buttons that allows some text formatting like Bold and Italic and can also include a button to make a clickable hyperlink.
    Check the tooltip of each button by hovering with the mouse over each button.
    Make Link -

  • Setting IDE font size in JDeveloper 10.1.3 EA

    Is there a way to change default font size in JDeveloper? I am not asking about code editor (I know that), but about menus, title bars, labels, etc.
    I have large screen (1400x1050) and I set my default system font larger. Old JDeveloper (10.1.2) obeyed this, but new is still using default font size.
    I am using Windows XP with SP2.

    Hi Yaniv,
    I can't reproduce this problem. On my system, the font in the messages log under the windows look and feel is large enough to be easily readable.
    A few questions:
    - Which version of jdev are you using (I'm assuming 10.1.3, since that's what the rest of this post is about)?
    - Are you running windows on a non-western charset?
    - Are you running base jdev or the full jdev?

  • When you create a PostScript file you must rely on system fonts and use document fonts

    I got this error:
    "When you create a PostScript file you must rely on system fonts and use document fonts. Please go to the printer properties, "Adobe PDF Settings" page and turn OFF the option "Rely on system fonts only; do not use document fonts."
    This strikes me as bad practice. I only want to use system fonts and document fonts will muck me up.
    That being said, I could not easily find a way to fix this with Acrobat Pro XI. I opened Control Panel (Windows 8) and found the printer and mucked around in the various ways to get to change the PDF settings (there are several ways, and some of them present the choices as bold and not just regular). I found two separate switches for "Rely on system fonts only; do not use document fonts" and turned both off, BUT that did not work.
    Frustrated, I went back to FrameMaker and clicked File > Print Setup and then for the PDF printer, Printer Properties. There I found a THIRD instance of "Rely on system fonts only; do not use document fonts" that was set differently than the other two. This was the setting the error message meant. Change this one.
    Thanks for the convoluted UI, Adobe. What a pain, but there is the answer for all who follow after....

    > Windows 7 and Frame 7.2.
    This is not a supported configuration and probably does not work, due (I'm guessing) to driver API changes from XP to Win7, which would affect generating PDF and Ps output. This would affect Save-as-PDF and Print-to-Ps+Distill (unless you have a newer version of the full Acrobat product).
    As it happens, I'm going to attempt something similar: FM 7.0 on Win7 64 Pro. However, I'm going to install that old FM in "XP Mode".
    XP Mode is a 32-bit virtual machine running actual Windows XP inside Win7. It is (now maybe "was") available for Windows 7 Enterprise, Professional and Ultimate (but not Basic, Home or not-so-Premium). When XP went off support life earlier this month, Mr.Bill may have taken down the ability  to download XP Mode (or not, since some large enterprises are able to  purchase continued support for XP at some great cost). XP Mode never was supported for Win8. There are other VMs for Windows available.
    If XP Mode is still available, you also need a CPU that has hardware virtualization, which all recent 64-bit AMD processors do, but which is fused-off in many low end 64-bit Intel processors. AMD processors need a separate unobvious hot-fix patch installed before you do anything else about XP Mode.

  • FontExplorer X Pro corrupting system fonts (mainly Helvetica)

    Yosemite, Clean Install
    I recently installed a trial of FontExplorer X Pro because I thought it was about time I moved up to a professional font management tool.  Shortly after installing it, and importing my fonts, things started to go haywire.  As you can see below,, websites ( pictured) and display a strange A-in-a-box character in place of what should be actual, legible copy.  I have been trying to work with FontExplorer's tech support but they have been unhelpful so far, not to mention it takes them days to respond.  I believe I've (so far) narrowed this down to HELVETICA and I'm sure it has something to do with Mac OS X now using Helvetica Neue throughout the System in place of what used to be Lucinda I believe
    I'm just at a loss for what to do.  I can't seem to get my system fonts back in order.  I've tried uninstalling the software, and starting over, and nothing has helped.  I can clear the Font Cache, restart, and then everything is fine...but as soon as I open a document with Helvetica Neue in it, everything else goes haywire again.  Deactivating Helvetica Neue is not an option.  I am a graphic designer, I need Helvetica for nearly everything.
    I would appreciate any suggestions at all, thank you. The timestamp is replace with these characters.
    Safari/ All the text in the login area are the same character.
    Again, in, this contact's signature is completely unreadable.

    Anyone? No one from Linotype has been able to answer my questions either.
    Like I said, the problem started after I upgraded from 10.6.6 to 10.6.8. The same issue occurs on 2 different computers both running 10.6.8, even though one of them is a fresh install.
    I've tried resetting the FontBook by booting into Safe Mode, but even that doesn't fix it. However I'm now able to add metadata and create sets, but only for system fonts (i.e. anything with a lock icon).

  • Set default font type and size in formcreated using Acrobat X Pro

    I have a word document that I used Acrobat X Pro to create a PDF and then a Form.  The Form has over 200 text fields.  Is there a way to globally set the font type and size to one type, for instance Arial 10 so that when someone opens the Form and fills it in, the global font type and size is preset         

    Are you talking about fields that you create manually or field created with the Form Wizard? Exactly what version of Acrobat are you using? What OS?
    In any case, using a script is a quick and easy approach:
    for (var i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
        var fName = getNthFieldName(i);
        var f = getField(fName);
        if (f.type === "text") {
            f.textFont = font.Times;
            f.textSize = 9;
            // Other properties go here
    I use this type of thing all the time to quickly alter a form. Such a script isn't added anywhere, just executed (e.g., JavaScript console). Over time a developer can build up a collection of utility scripts that can do all sorts of things to dramatically speed up development. It would be bad if this option were not available.
    If there is a bug, it should certainly be addressed, so don't think I'm arguing against that, but I'm not seeing it on any of my systems. I can successfully set the default field properties by selecting "Use Current Properties as New Defaults". The Form Wizard does not use these defaults, but that's a different matter.

  • Replacing a System Font

    We've been having some font issues and I think I'm close to clearing them up but have a question. We use FontAgent Pro and in that, we have a Helvetica font and a Helvetica Neue font. Both of which are also System fonts. I did the Restore Standard Fonts in Font Book. I've noticed that the System font versions of those fonts actually have less fonts in them than the versions in FontAgent Pro. (i.e. condensed black oblique, the whole thin family, etc...) So my question is can I replace the System Font versions with my FontAgent versions and if so, how do I do it without screwing up the system.
    Thanks in advance,

    So you've got full Type 1 PostScript sets you'd prefer to use all the time. There are some problems with this, but not impossible to deal with.
    You may find the information in my article Font Management in OS X useful. In the section on minimum required fonts for the various versions of OS X, I have this information on Lion, which also applies to 10.8 and 10.9.
    Previously, you could remove Apple's Helvetica fonts and permanently use Type 1 PostScript versions in their place. Not any more. Address Book is one app which will not launch if Apple's version of Helvetica is missing. So for prepress, designers or others who must use Type 1 PostScript versions of Helvetica or Helvetica Neue, it is now a requirement to copy Apple's Helvetica fonts to a non Fonts folder location, remove them from the System and ProtectedFonts folders, and then set up separate sets in your font manager for Apple's Helvetica fonts, and another for your third party Helvetica fonts. Then turn on whichever set you need at the time and turn the other set off. It's not perfect as you may need the the Type 1 fonts open, which will leave you temporarily unable to open Address Book until you disable the Type 1 fonts and turn the Apple supplied versions back on. There is no way around it. You simply can't have both on at the same time.
    Instructions for copying, and then removing the Apple supplied versions of Helvetica are noted in section 5. That's pretty much what you'll have to do in order to have access to your full set of T1 PS fonts.
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

  • Setting the font of the titlebar of JInternal Frames??

    hi all,
    i am trying to change the font of the titles of JinternalFrames..
    i have tried it but cant p*** compilation..
    i have done.. title.setFont(X,X,X);
    is it possible to set the fonts of titlebars of frames?
    If i cant do it like this, is there another way around this?
    thank u ..

    If you tried it and it doesn't work, then that likely means they work the same as JFrames, where the title bar is rendered by the operating system and not by Java. If you are using Windows, that means you have to go into the Control Panel and adjust the Display properties to change the font.

  • Problem with system font

    Suddenly my InDesign "Control" menu is not showing the "degrees" sign (°) any more, but is showing the micron (µ) symbol instead. I wonder what I have done to make this happen? I have tried clearing the font cache, restarting, etc but it does not help. I'm wondering if I inadvertently removed a system font, but can't figure out which one it might be. Can anyone help?

    Back up all data before proceeding.
    Launch the Font Book application and validate all fonts. You must select the fonts in order to validate them. See the built-in help and this support article for instructions. If Font Book finds any issues, resolve them.
    Start up in safe mode to rebuild the font caches. Restart as usual and test.
    Note: If FileVault is enabled in OS X 10.9 or earlier, or if a firmware password is set, or if the startup volume is a software RAID, you can’t start in safe mode. In that case, ask for instructions.
    If you still have problems, then from the Font Book menu bar, select
              File ▹ Restore Standard Fonts...
    You'll be prompted to confirm, and then to enter your administrator login password.
    Also note that if you deactivate or remove any built-in fonts, for instance by using a third-party font manager, the system may become unstable.

  • Changing system font colors?

    Hi community,
    I have been always a lover of dark backgrounds with light color fonts because it's much better for reading, at least for me.
    1) Is there any way to change the way the system fonts color is displayed? I could change the background color using the options of the finder to a background gray color of 333333, but cannot change the font color to something around white, in order to get a better contrast between background and text.
    2) It's possible to do the same in text editors?
    Thanks in advance,

    Happens in the finder that the fonts are black, and I would like to change the font color from black (default) to white. If you take a look to the new Snow Leopard, you will notice that some texts are white over a dark gray background. That's aesthetically super cool, and much better for reading. Here is an snapshot of this thing: You can see how good is the contrast with white over dark gray. I would love to have the whole OS set this way, instead white & light gray (default).

Maybe you are looking for