Set up an encrypted disk image, but it opens without requiring my password

Not being especially skilled in the computer arts, I followed the instructions found here and selected 128-bit encryption. When prompted I set up a password, but it the .dmg opens without asking for it.
Thanks for any help!

Delete the password from the Keychain Access application.

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    I recently got this Core2Duo iMac, installed Snow Leopard, then migrated all my users and settings over from my G4 PB running Leopard. Since then I've found that my encrypted dmg's (in a Dropbox folder) won't open - I enter what I know to be the correct password but the password dialogue box just keeps reappearing as if the password is wrong.
    I've noticed this is now also the case with the same folders on the G4. However, I managed to open them eventually on the G4 and copied the unencrypted folders onto a memory stick. On the iMac I used SL's Disk Utility to create new encrypted dmg's from the folders on the memory stick, and wrote them to the stick.
    All seemed to go well (this time I encrypted them with "Save password to Keychain"). However, when I tried to open the dmg's on the memory stick, the same thing happened! The password box wouldn't dismiss. This time I checked in Keychain Utility, and I was definitely entering the correct password.
    What's gone wrong?

    Ferd II wrote:
    Orange Marlin,
    1. How do you change the password?
    Click on the image in the left pane of Disk Utility, and choose>Disk Image>Images>Change Password...
    Do I copy both the disk image and sparsebundle?
    Copy the entire Disk Image. Password lock will remain valid for all enclosed files.

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    when you delete a file you have to empty trash while the disk image is mounted. that should free up the space on the image. I would also recommend using sparse image instead of a regular one. it will take less space on the hard drive and you can make it bigger if you have to.

  • Adding files to encrypted disk images

    Here's what I'd like to do:
    - Select a file or folder "foo" with Finder
    - Go to my AppleScript menu bar item and choose a script to do the following:
    1) Mount an encrypted disk image (I already have one made); the password is not in my keychain so I'll need to be prompted to enter it
    2) Copy "foo" to the top level of the mounted disk image
    3) Unmount the disk image
    4) Move the original file to the trash
    5) Secure empty the trash
    I don't speak AppleScript very well; can anyone help?

    Thanks, Niel. You are always so helpful.
    I couldn't get it to work, though. The disk image wouldn't mount with the "open file" command. So I changed the first line to:
    do shell script "hdiutil mount ~/Documents/Miscellaneous/files.sparsebundle"
    That works; it prompts me for the image password and then mounts the image. So far so good.
    But then it stops with this error message:
    Can’t make {} into type alias.
    Do you know how to fix it?

  • My Automator script to backup files to encrypted disk image

    Hi there. I have a question regarding Automator and Encrypted disk images. I've put together a workflow that grabs files in my home folder. My home folder is utilizing FileVault. I'm grabbing things like my iphoto library, documents folder and such. On an external usb drive I've created an encrypted disk image about 100GB. My goal is for the automator action to "successfully" mount > copy > unmount the encrypted image.
    As of right now, the script works, but gives an error at the end of the copy, not allowing a successful unmount of the dmg. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I browsed through all the files after copying and they are all there, the folder sizes match up 100%.
    I guess I could just use a program that does this, but, I find it much easier clicking on a shortcut in my dock to run the script and go away for 10 - 15 mins.
    If it would help to view the script, let me know and we'll work something out.

    The popup box says:
    The action "Copy Finder Items" encountered an error. Check the action's properties and try running the workflow again.
    And the Automator workflow log says:
    Can't read directory contents: /Volumes/Backup
    But as I said, clearly it works and reads/writes to the encrypted dmg because all the files are there. What I do is just select all the folders inside the drive first, and delete/empty the trash first before running the action. This is the second step once I know this is working. So that I don't have to manually delete them everytime before running the script.
    So to answer your question, the drive is empty, and the dmg is empty, allowable for a maximum 100GB of storage.
    I think it might be something to do with copying files to an encrypted disk image, but, I can't find any help anywhere on this.

  • Encrypted disk image mount error

    When I try to open one particular encrypted disk image, a Warning dialog box opens with the following message:
    The disk image you are opening may be
    damaged and could damage your system.
    Are you sure you want to open this disk image?
    If I answer yes, the image mounts and I can see at least the one file I tried.
    I don't want to risk ruining the contents of the disk image, so I am not using
    it anymore, and have run Disk Utility/First Aid on it.
    By running this script while Disk Utility "Repairs Disk":
    { while [ 1 ]; do ps axlwww >> psout; sleep 1; done; }
    I can see that Disk Utility runs:
    /sbin/fsck_hfs -y -f -g /dev/disk1s2
    to check a mounted disk image. This works fine on a good encrypted disk image,
    but Disk Utility shows these errors for the broken one:
    A Warning dialog box opens with the following message:
    First Aid failed
    Disk Utility stopped repairing "Safe" because the
    following error was encountered:
    The underlying task reported failure on exit
    and the first aid window shows:
    Verify and Repair disk "Safe"
    Checking HFS Plus volume.
    Checking Extents Overflow file.
    Checking Catalog file.
    Invalid sibling link
    Volume check failed.
    Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit
    1 HFS volume checked
    1 volume could not be repaired because of an error
    Any ideas how to fix this? I tried running
    /sbin/fsck_hfs -y -f -r /dev/disk1s2
    from the terminal, but it complains:
    ** /dev/rdisk1s2
    ** Checking HFS Plus volume.
    ** Checking Extents Overflow file.
    ** Checking Catalog file.
    ** Cannot repair volume when it is mounted with write access.
    ** The volume Safe could not be repaired.
    and running it on the parent .dmg file doesn't work at all.

    Well, I wish you luck, but haven't seen many people fix busted images.

  • How do I encrypt my external hard drive and subsequently a specific file within it, using my Mac? I tried creating a disk image but permission was denied.

    Encrypting an external hard drive and specific folders within. Permission denied using disk image.

    VKP90 wrote:
    When I tried to encrypt a single file within the hard drive itself, I got the following: Disk Utility Progress: Unable to create "Name of my file" (Permission Denied).
    When I tried encrypting the entire hard disk itself, I got: A GUID Partition Table (GPT) partitioning scheme is required.
    I have also currently used Time Machine on the external hard drive, along with saving other data. Hence, I am not sure if partitioning is going to delete any of this (a video I watched mentioned that using the + button when creating partitions retains current data). Backing up the external hard drive is out of the option since it is the back up to my Mac.
    You can't encrypt a single file. I'm not sure what you did to try. You can make an encrypted disk image which begins with a folder, if desired. Or, you can just create a blank, encrypted disk image, then move your desired files into that.
    While you could partition off the free space without erasing the disk, you cannot encrypt it because you need a GUID Partition table which requires you to repartition the entire drive, not just the free space.

  • Encrypted Disk Image creation slow?

    I just got a new MBP with Leopard. I have created a number of encrypted disk images in the past using Tiger and a MBP and have not had any trouble. This weekend I tried a few times to create a 50 gig encrypted disk image (128 AES) on an external drive and after going through the process of setting it up and waiting for it to be created, (and watching the progress bar as it was being created), after about 45 minutes NO progress was showing on the progress bar. I ended up having to cancel the creation a few times because I thought something was going wrong. I’m not sure if there is a problem creating the disk image, or leopard is slow, or what.
    Does anyone know how long, on average, it would take to create an encrypted disk image of this size using leopard? I just want to know if there is a problem doing this on my MBP. Thanks for the help.

    A regular 50 GB disk image takes 50GB of space, no matter if it is full of files or empty.
    A 50 GB sparse disk image only takes up the amount of space equivalent to that of its enclosed files. So if the 50GB sparse image only has 1 GB of files inside, the image won't be much bigger than 1GB.
    A sparse bundle is similar to a sparse image, but instead of a single file it is a folder package with many, many enclosed files called bands. A new file added to the sparse bundle will tend to modify only a few bands. This makes incremental backups of a sparse bundle more efficient because only the changed bands need to be backed up again. Any change to a sparse or regular disk image will mean that the entire image will need to be backed up again.
    If you regularly add/remove files to a disk image, and you intend to back up that disk image with Time Machine, a sparse bundle is definitely the way to go. The other types will fill up your TM volume very quickly.

  • Encrypted disk image creation very slow-

    I just got a new MBP with Leopard. I have created a number of encrypted disk images in the past using Tiger and a MBP and have not had any trouble. This weekend I tried a few times to create a 50 gig encrypted disk image (128 AES) on an external drive and after going through the process of setting it up and waiting for it to be created, (and watching the progress bar as it was being created), after about 45 minutes NO progress was showing on the progress bar. I ended up having to cancel the creation a few times because I thought something was going wrong. I’m not sure if there is a problem creating the disk image, or leopard is slow, or what.
    Does anyone know how long, on average, it would take to create an encrypted disk image of this size using leopard? I just want to know if there is a problem doing this on my MBP. Thanks for the help.

    A regular 50 GB disk image takes 50GB of space, no matter if it is full of files or empty.
    A 50 GB sparse disk image only takes up the amount of space equivalent to that of its enclosed files. So if the 50GB sparse image only has 1 GB of files inside, the image won't be much bigger than 1GB.
    A sparse bundle is similar to a sparse image, but instead of a single file it is a folder package with many, many enclosed files called bands. A new file added to the sparse bundle will tend to modify only a few bands. This makes incremental backups of a sparse bundle more efficient because only the changed bands need to be backed up again. Any change to a sparse or regular disk image will mean that the entire image will need to be backed up again.
    If you regularly add/remove files to a disk image, and you intend to back up that disk image with Time Machine, a sparse bundle is definitely the way to go. The other types will fill up your TM volume very quickly.

  • Password fails in encrypted disk image

    I created a 300 mb encrypted disk image using 10.4.x, about 9 months ago, now I am running 10.5.2 and everytime I try to open the image and type in the password (the correct password I have been using for years) iI get an authentification error. I know Im using the correct password, any ideas what happened here. Could the image be corupted but still want me to authenticate?
    I have not tried to open the file since Dec. 17th (via last modified date) I have check all the permissions on the eternal drive where the file is stored... also ran Techtool on the drive and found no errors... I am out of ideas...

    I have encountered the same problem on two protected disk image files as well. Once in January and then again a few days ago.
    I first thought that the first lockout was a fluke. Now after the second image lockout I'm very vary of opening another encrypted backup. I'm losing data. Even copies of the .dmg on different drives fail to authenticate. Searching for answers I found this thread.
    Is it possible that a kernel panic / forced shutdown can corrupt an encrypted file? I wonder, but my encrypted home directory (FileVault sparsebundle) is fine.
    Any insights would be appreciated.
    This is my log:
    Last login: Sun May 11 07:35:13 on ttys000
    kevin:~ kevin$ hdiutil attach -debug /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg calling DIHLDiskImageAttach with
    agent: hdiutil
    debug: true
    verbose: false
    quiet: false
    main-url: /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    2008-05-12 18:11:17.015 hdiutil[1745:1c03] using helper tool at "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-he lper".
    2008-05-12 18:11:17.040 hdiutil[1745:1c03] connectToFramework
    2008-05-12 18:11:17.141 hdiutil[1745:1c03] sendOperationToHelper: about to ask proxy to start operation
    status proc called: initialize
    2008-05-12 18:11:17.173 diskimages-helper[1747:1603] _imageOptions: {
    "enable-keychain" = 1;
    2008-05-12 18:11:17.176 diskimages-helper[1747:1603] _driveOptions: {
    autodiskmount = 1;
    "unmount-timeout" = 0;
    2008-05-12 18:11:17.178 diskimages-helper[1747:1603] DIHelperAttach: initializing framework
    DILoadDriver: checking for disk image driver...DILoadDriver: DI_kextExists() returned 0x00000000 (0)...DIIsInitialized: returning NO2008-05-12 18:11:17.188 diskimages-helper[1747:1603] -checkForPreviouslyAttachedImage: entry
    2008-05-12 18:11:17.189 diskimages-helper[1747:1603]
    file://localhost/Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg - (null) ((null), (null)). perm=0
    DIIsInitialized: returning YESDIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: entry with
    skip-permissions-check: true
    DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: entry
    skip-permissions-check: true
    DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 0 CBSDBackingStore
    CBSDBackingStore::newProbe score 100 for file://localhost/Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 1 CBundleBackingStore
    CBundleBackingStore::newProbe score -1000 for file://localhost/Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 2 CRAMBackingStore
    CRAMBackingStore::probe: scheme "file": not ram: or ramdisk: scheme.
    CRAMBackingStore::probe: score -1000 for file://localhost/Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 3 CCarbonBackingStore
    CCarbonBackingStore::newProbe: setting initial rval to +100
    CCarbonBackingStore::newProbe: has resource fork, +100
    CCarbonBackingStore::newProbe score 200 for file://localhost/Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 4 CDevBackingStore
    CDevBackingStore::newProbe: not /dev/disk or /dev/rdisk (/Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg).CDevBackingStore::newProbe score -1000 for
    DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 5 CCURLBackingStore
    CCURLBackingStore::probe: scheme is
    CCURLBackingStore::probe: not recognized URL scheme.
    CCURLBackingStore::probe: score -1000 for file://localhost/Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 6 CVectoredBackingStore
    CVectoredBackingStore::newProbe not "vectored" scheme.
    CVectoredBackingStore::newProbe score -1000 for file://localhost/Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    DIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: CCarbonBackingStore
    DIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: instantiator returned 0
    DIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: returning 0x00000000
    2008-05-12 18:11:17.190 diskimages-helper[1747:1603] -checkForPreviouslyAttachedImage: resolving file://localhost/Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg returned 0
    2008-05-12 18:11:17.191 diskimages-helper[1747:1603] -checkForPreviouslyAttachedImage: imageUID (
    ) shadowUID (null)
    *** testing:
    0: d234881039:i9111
    *** testing:
    0: d234881039:i9111
    *** testing:
    0: d234881039:i9111
    2008-05-12 18:11:17.194 diskimages-helper[1747:1603] DIHelperAttach: resolving disk image
    DIIsInitialized: returning YESDIIsInitialized: returning YESDIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: entry with
    enable-keychain: true
    image-path: /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: entry
    enable-keychain: true
    image-path: /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 0 CBSDBackingStore
    CBSDBackingStore::newProbe score 100 for file://localhost/Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 1 CBundleBackingStore
    CBundleBackingStore::newProbe score -1000 for file://localhost/Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 2 CRAMBackingStore
    CRAMBackingStore::probe: scheme "file": not ram: or ramdisk: scheme.
    CRAMBackingStore::probe: score -1000 for file://localhost/Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 3 CCarbonBackingStore
    CCarbonBackingStore::newProbe: setting initial rval to +100
    CCarbonBackingStore::newProbe: has resource fork, +100
    CCarbonBackingStore::newProbe score 200 for file://localhost/Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 4 CDevBackingStore
    CDevBackingStore::newProbe: not /dev/disk or /dev/rdisk (/Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg).CDevBackingStore::newProbe score -1000 for
    DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 5 CCURLBackingStore
    CCURLBackingStore::probe: scheme is
    CCURLBackingStore::probe: not recognized URL scheme.
    CCURLBackingStore::probe: score -1000 for file://localhost/Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 6 CVectoredBackingStore
    CVectoredBackingStore::newProbe not "vectored" scheme.
    CVectoredBackingStore::newProbe score -1000 for file://localhost/Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    DIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: CCarbonBackingStore
    opening /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg setPermission 1723
    CBSDBackingStore::OpenLockFriendly: mapping flags 0x00000002 -> 0x00000026 (locks are MANDATORY)
    (RW lock acquired)
    closing /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg setPermission 1731
    DIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: instantiator returned 0
    DIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: returning 0x00000000
    DIResolveURLToBackingStore: processing level 1 encodings.
    DIFileEncodingNewWithBackingStore: entry for encoding level 1
    DIFileEncodingInstantiatorProbe: entry for level 1
    enable-keychain: true
    image-path: /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    DIFileEncodingInstantiatorProbe: probing level 1 interface 0 CMacBinaryEncoding
    CBSDBackingStore::openDataFork: about to open /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    opening /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg openDataFork 1904
    CBSDBackingStore::OpenLockFriendly: mapping flags 0x00000002 -> 0x00000026 (locks are MANDATORY)
    (RW lock acquired)
    closing 3 /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg closeDataFork 1984
    00000000: 656e 6372 6364 7361 0000 0002 0000 0010 | encrcdsa........ |
    00000010: 0000 0005 8000 0001 0000 0100 0000 005b | ...............[ |
    00000020: 0000 00a0 548a 2877 86c1 4f17 877b cf66 | ....T.(w..O..{.f |
    00000030: beea 6066 0000 1000 0000 0002 780e 1734 | ..`f........x..4 |
    00000040: 0000 0000 0001 e000 0000 0001 0000 0001 | ................ |
    00000050: 0000 0000 0000 0060 0000 0000 0000 0268 | .......`.......h |
    00000060: 0000 0067 0000 0000 0000 03e8 0000 0014 | ...g............ |
    00000070: d369 cd83 75e8 bb7c 72e5 020d fdd3 68a9 | .i..u..|r.....h. |
    diskimages-helper: fileNameLength $0000006E
    diskimages-helper: resourceForkLength $60000000
    diskimages-helper: dataForkLength $00000000
    diskimages-helper: commentLength $00006700
    diskimages-helper: MacBinary III signature (0x00000000)
    diskimages-helper: header CRC $0000FDD3
    diskimages-helper: minimum decoder version $0000000D
    diskimages-helper: encoder version $00000002
    no MacBinary III signature - checking for MacBinary I or IIDIFileEncodingInstantiatorProbe: probing level 1 interface 1 CAppleSingleEncoding
    CBSDBackingStore::openDataFork: about to open /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    opening /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg openDataFork 1904
    CBSDBackingStore::OpenLockFriendly: mapping flags 0x00000002 -> 0x00000026 (locks are MANDATORY)
    (RW lock acquired)
    00000000: 7263 6e65 6173 6463 0000 0002 0000 0010 | rcneasdc........ |
    00000010: 0000 0005 8000 0001 0000 0100 0000 005b | ...............[ |
    00000020: 0000 00a0 548a .... .... .... .... .... | ....T........... |
    closing 3 /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg closeDataFork 1984
    CAppleSingleEncoding::isAppleSingleFile loadAppleSingleHeader failed with error 22
    DIFileEncodingInstantiatorProbe: probing level 1 interface 2 CEncryptedEncoding
    CBSDBackingStore::openDataFork: about to open /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    opening /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg openDataFork 1904
    CBSDBackingStore::OpenLockFriendly: mapping flags 0x00000002 -> 0x00000026 (locks are MANDATORY)
    (RW lock acquired)
    CEncryptedEncoding::copyHeaderInformation: inBackingStore->openDataFork returned 0
    CEncryptedEncoding::copyHeaderInformation: inBackingStore->getDataForkLength (stub header) returned 0
    CEncryptedEncoding::copyHeaderInformation: backingStore data fork length is 0x0000000278100000 (10604249088)
    CEncryptedEncoding::copyHeaderInformation: reading V1 header from offset 0x00000002780FFB04 (10604247812)
    CEncryptedEncoding::copyHeaderInformation: inBackingStore->readDataFork (stub header) returned 0
    CEncryptedEncoding::copyHeaderInformation: not recognized as v1 header
    CEncryptedEncoding::copyHeaderInformation: reading V2 header from offset 0x0000000000000000 (0)
    CEncryptedEncoding::copyHeaderInformation: inBackingStore->readDataFork (stub header) returned 0
    CEncryptedEncoding::copyHeaderInformation: reading auth-entry count from offset 0x0000000000000048 (72)
    CEncryptedEncoding::copyHeaderInformation: inBackingStore->readDataFork (auth entry count) returned 0
    CEncryptedEncoding::copyHeaderInformation: reading auth table from offset 0x0000000000000048 (72)
    CEncryptedEncoding::copyHeaderInformation: inBackingStore->readDataFork (auth entry count) returned 0
    closing 3 /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg closeDataFork 1984
    max-key-count: 1
    blocksize: 4096
    uuid: 548A2877-86C1-4F17-877B-CF66BEEA6066
    version: 2
    passphrase-count: 1
    private-key-count: 0
    CBSDBackingStore::openDataFork: about to open /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    opening /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg openDataFork 1904
    CBSDBackingStore::OpenLockFriendly: mapping flags 0x00000002 -> 0x00000026 (locks are MANDATORY)
    (RW lock acquired)
    closing 3 /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg closeDataFork 1984
    CBSDBackingStore::openDataFork: about to open /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg
    opening /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg openDataFork 1904
    CBSDBackingStore::OpenLockFriendly: mapping flags 0x00000002 -> 0x00000026 (locks are MANDATORY)
    (RW lock acquired)
    closing 3 /Volumes/kevin/busted.dmg closeDataFork 1984
    diskimages-helper: DiskImages secure mode enabled
    CEncryptedEncoding:unclockCANTHROW: trying to unlock with normal keychain
    UNLOCK: cannot find passphrase in keychain search list.
    UNLOCK: SessionGetInfo returned 0
    UNLOCK: sessionHasGraphicAccess
    UNLOCK: sessionHasTTY
    UNLOCK: sessionWasInitialized
    UNLOCK: using TTY to prompt for passphrase
    Enter password to access "busted.dmg":
    unlockCoreFromTTY: passphrase is wrong
    DIFileEncodingNewWithBackingStore: returning 0x00000050
    DIResolveURLToBackingStore: level 1 encoding match failed. 80.
    DIResolveURLToDiskImage: resolving backing store/file encoding failed. 80.
    status proc called: attach
    error code: 80
    status proc called: cleanup
    2008-05-12 18:11:41.081 diskimages-helper[1747:1603] DIHelperAttach performOperation: returning 80
    2008-05-12 18:11:41.082 diskimages-helper[1747:1603] -decrementBackgroundThreadCount: _backgroundThreadCount is now 0.
    2008-05-12 18:11:41.082 diskimages-helper[1747:10b] DIHelper reportresults: reporting {
    payload = {
    "result-code" = 80;
    2008-05-12 18:11:41.083 hdiutil[1745:1c03] reportResultsToFramework: proxy has finished operation
    2008-05-12 18:11:41.084 hdiutil[1745:1c03] reportResultsToFramework: results are: {
    payload = {
    "result-code" = 80;
    2008-05-12 18:11:41.084 hdiutil[1745:1c03] reportResultsToFramework: _threadResultsError is 80
    2008-05-12 18:11:41.085 hdiutil[1745:1c03] reportResultsToFramework: disconnecting from helper.
    2008-05-12 18:11:41.186 hdiutil[1745:1c03] disconnectFromHelper: removing observers
    2008-05-12 18:11:41.187 hdiutil[1745:1c03] disconnectFromHelper: terminating proxy
    2008-05-12 18:11:41.189 diskimages-helper[1747:10b] DIHelper: terminateHelper: entry.
    2008-05-12 18:11:41.190 hdiutil[1745:1c03] disconnectFromHelper: terminated proxy
    2008-05-12 18:11:41.290 diskimages-helper[1747:10b] -DIHelperAgentMaster terminateUIAgentConnection.
    DIHLDiskImageAttach() returned 80
    2008-05-12 18:11:41.293 diskimages-helper[1747:10b] DIHelper dealloc.
    2008-05-12 18:11:41.294 diskimages-helper[1747:10b] -DIHelperAgentMaster terminateUIAgentConnection.
    hdiutil: attach failed - Authentication error
    kevin:~ kevin$

  • Removing an encrypted disk image

    A while ago, I created a 7gb encrypted read/write disk image and put some files in it. Now, recently, I removed the files in the encrypted disk image and copied them back into the regular HD. I erased the mounted disk image and now says it's back to 7gb.
    How do I remove the disk image? It's still there in my documents folder. How do I melt it back into the HD space? I can remove it from the side bar on the disk utility page but it's still on my HD and I can still mount it to the finder. I enter my password and it mounts.
    I want to get rid of that disk partition as I don't use it anymore. What do I do? Is it there forever and am I stuck with it?
    Thanks in advance for anybody that can help me with this.

    You know I actually tried that before but the trash was hanging and hanging. I have it set to empty securely and I know it takes longer for secure empty but it was really long.
    I'll try it again but is that normal? Does the encryption have anything to do with it?
    Thanks for the help, hope this time it works.

  • Using Encrypted Disk Images

    When I create an encrypted sparse bundle disk image it starts small an grows when I add files. When I create a sparse disk image it starts at the size I set and never grows. I understand all this however, what I don't understand is gaining FREE space again. When I delete a file I don't get back the free space on the mounted virtual drive but the disk image is still the same size! I know that filevault (which basically just places your home folder in an encrypted Sparse bundle image) some how recovers space, is this possible with other ENCRYPTED disk images as well?
    Thanks in advance,

    A sparse image file can expand but it does not automatically contract as data is removed. I believe I remember reading a hint at about how to resize a sparse image file.

  • Any gotchas for encrypted disk images?

    I am about to set up e-bills and e-statements at various banks and credit cards and wanted to check a couple of things before doing something that may end up being bad
    The assumption I am going with, is I will create an encrypted disk image to store all the PDF's.
    1. Is that the right thing to do? Or is there a better way to keep the data secure?
    2. If I do so, what is the backup impact? Can I simply set up a task to copy and paste the entire disk image to my external drive?
    3. If I want to open the disk image on another computer, can I? How will it authenticate the user/pass on a different computer?
    4. I can backup an encrypted disk image to a FAT-formatted external drive?
    5. And finally, I have read disclaimers that if I forget the password the data is lost irretrievably. But also, that the password is stored in keychain. So if the password is stored in keychain, the worst-case scenario can only happen if I forget the master password, right? I don't need to truly remember the password to the disk image necessarily, right?

    baltwo wrote:
    Your profile info indicates that you're running Tiger. If so, post to those forums. If you're running Leopard, update your profile info. What are you trying to protect and from who? Is your computer secure?
    IIRC, encrypted disk image passwords are independent from Keychain Access. So if you forget it, then you're hosed. BTW, that's the major failing with encrypted anything. If you forget the password, you're hosed. If the disk image gets corrupted, it's useless with or without the password. Anything stored in an encrypted disk image needs to be backed up in an unencrypted state and stored in some kind of physical thing like a safe. Methinks your a bit paranoid. Disable auto-login, use high-level passwords (that you remember), don't enable the root user account or activate a master password, and you should be secured enough.
    I updated the profile. I am running Leopard. So this is the correct forum.
    What am I trying to protect? I thought I put it in the first line - statements from banks and credit cards.
    From whom? From unwanted entities who may get access to my computer, in any way.
    I didn't get the part about the safe. Can I or can I not back up an encrypted disk image to an external drive "as is"? What about possibly opening it up on another computer? And how about putting it on a FAT-formatted disk? I repeat my original questions, but for a reason - they seem to have not been answered.
    I do not have auto-login, and I remember my strong login password. I don't have my root account enabled. Under this scenario you think my data is going to be secure? What about if someone were to get control of my computer? Forgive me on this one, I am a switcher so there is a general paranoia about such things which I would like to clarify before reorganizing my life.

  • Making encrypted disk image takes hours?!

    Before I made a Time Machine backup, I wanted to use Disk Utility to create an encrypted disk image on an external hard drive. This way, my computer backup is password protected.
    So I set the file for 200G at 128 bit encryption.
    That was 12 hours ago. According to the progress bar, Disk Utility is still only one-quarter done with creating the disk image.
    Is it normal for Disk Utility to take a full day (possibly two) to create a disk image of this size? Is there any way to create a password-protected disk image quicker? (And, for what it's worth, the external drive is formatted for Mac OS Extended, Journaled.)
    Thanks for any advice on this...

    Hi, and welcome to the forums.
    I'm not quite sure just what you're trying to do.
    Are you planning to have Time Machine back-up to that encrypted disk image? If so, that's not going to work. When you start Time Machine, it will create a Backups.backupdb folder on whatever drive or partition you select, then place it's backups in that folder, not in a disk image.
    If you want to encrypt your whole home folder, you can use File Vault (System Preferences > Security > File Vault). That will encrypt your entire home folder. But that's almost certainly vast overkill, and has many complications of it's own. Read up on it thoroughly before deciding to do it.
    If you have a few files that you want to encrypt, create a (smaller) encrypted disk image on your internal HD, in your home folder. Then copy the documents into it, and securely-delete the originals.
    Then TM can back-up your entire system "as is" -- without the overhead of encrypting OSX, your apps, configuration, and everything else in your home folder, but the disk image (and it's backup copy) will still be encrypted.

  • Encrypted disk image mounting

    I'm trying to find a way to make an AppleScript that will mount an encrypted disk image and enter the password for it automatically. I can make it open all right, but I can't figure out how to make it enter the password (the 'with password' command doesn't seem to work, I'm assuming it only works on remote volumes?).
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Something like this should work:
    set myResult to display dialog "Enter password:" default answer "" with hidden answer
    set thePW to text returned of myResult
    set cmd to "echo -n \"" & thePW & "\" | hdiutil attach /path/to/encrypted/disk/image.dmg -stdinpass"
    do shell script cmd
    There are some security concerns with passing a command string to "do shell script" that contains your password. If other users log on to your machine they could see your password if they happened to be watching the process list at just the right time.

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