Set VO bind variable on page loading programmatically

Greetings everyone!
I use JDeveloper version
I am currently trying to get some filtered data from a VO, based on a WHERE clause with a bind variable. This process should be done on page load. I have to set this bind variable with the id of the logged user (the part of getting this id is already achieved and used somewhere else). My current approach is defining a managed bean with pageFlow scope. Inside this i have a method in which i retrieve the id and i set it as the parameter value. The code snippet:
      BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
        OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("getUserIdFromUsername"); //getUserIdFromUsername is a method defined in the AppModule and exposed in the client interface
       operationBinding.getParamsMap().put("username", getUserName());
      Object userID = operationBinding.execute();
       System.out.println("THE USER ID IS: "+getUserId());
       BindingContainer bindings2 = getBindings();
       OperationBinding operationBinding2 = bindings.getOperationBinding("ExecuteWithParams");  // i've dragged and dropped the ExecuteWithParams operation into the page
       operationBinding2.getParamsMap().put("userId", getUserId());  // userId is the bind variable which i'm talking about
        Object result = operationBinding2.execute();
Then, i call this method on BeforePhase in the page view. It works, i get the filtered data and the println shows me the correct ID. The problem is that each time i select a row in the table showing the data, the page seems to reload and it always get the selection back at the very first row.
What am i doing wrong? May be this is not the right approach, as i've seen some other posts about this topic but they are not very clear to me.
Please advice

Drag and Drop an Application  method as Default Method Call Activity, then draw a control flow case from the method to your page.
In the application module method, implement appropriate logic.
Using a combination of client listener and server listener will also help.
<af:clientListener method="onLoadAction" type="load"/>
<af:serverListener type="MyCustomServerEvent"
function onLoadAction(event){
           /*alert(':::: onSave ::');*/
       actionEvent.cancel() ;

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    2 ,Raj ,capetown
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    user6003393 wrote:
    I am using JDeveloper
    When my application loads, the first unbounded page has a table populated by a named query.
    I would like to set the parameter used by the named query when the page loads, to populate the initial data that is displayed.
    What is the best practice for a solution to this issue?Hi,
    You can set the bind variable on VO by overriding prepareSession() method in Application Module check this
    Setting bind variable on runtime

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    Best to state your JDev version, and technology stack (eg. ADF BC) when posting.
    I can think of 2 approaches.
    1) Create a parent VO based on SELECT :bindVar FROM dual, then create links between your other VOs and the parent
    2) Create a AM client interface method that programatically sets the bind variable in each VO.
    Can you specify your use case? This one tends to come up when discussing effective from/to dated queries.

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    you can drag a method call activity onto the task flow. Then select the new method call activity and open the property inspector. Here you select the method from your bean in the method property. Now you first navigate to this method call activity and then to the page.

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    Timo thanks for the reply, actually I don't want to do it using data control i.e drag and drop method to a page. Instead i just want to set bind variable to a session varable already got from login page.
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    ValueBinding vb = context.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{data}");
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    what is the #{data} in second line ? if you know please let me know.
    Second Solution :
    2- In backing bean code:
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    Application fapp = context.getApplication();
    JUFormBinding adfbc = (JUFormBinding)fapp.createValueBinding("#{bindings}").getValue(context);
    DCIteratorBinding iter = adfbc.findIteratorBinding("YourIterator");
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    where would I get "YourIterator" ... ? I am still a new at jdev ... ;)

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    The bind values are set from session state. So if try something like this:
    Select name, id , ....
    from asset
    where id = :P1_ID
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    Thank you

    I think that bind variable accessors in the VO class is what you need. You can override the getter method of the bind variable "LocaleCode2" in order to return the first 2 chars from the bind variable "LocaleCode". Have a look at this blog post for details:

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    Hi Shay and thanks for your reply,
    What I want is what you have but without the login page. I tried to start my flow with an action and for some reason it didn't work.
    Is there anything else you can tell me?
    P.S. I was able to get it to work using the aproach Frank Nimphius described in another post.
    Re: How do I prepopulate a bind variable from a session variable?
    Anyway just out of curiosity could you please tell me if I could have done it your way?
    Thanks a lot,
    Edited by: user8696770 on 5/Ago/2009 7:12

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    use [url,%20java.lang.Object%29]setNamedWhereClauseParam  method
    also check {message:id=9904521}
    Edited by: M.Jabr on Nov 28, 2011 8:55 AM

  • Setting Component rendered property On Page-Load

    I am using Jdeveloper 11g - fusion- web application.
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    [] to do this. That is to say, I have a controller for my page-def file which implements the PagePhaseListener. It looks something like
    public void beforePhase(PagePhaseEvent pagePhaseEvent) {
    if (pagePhaseEvent.getPhaseId() == Lifecycle.PREPARE_MODEL_ID) {
    if (!isPostback()) {
    new AttributeAuthorization().initializeAuth();
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    for some components. My problem is, when the page is rendered, the values I have set is not reflecting. But on the next request, ie, if I simply press the commit button on my page, all the components are rendered the way I expect them to...
    I tried doing this in different phases of the life-cycle like PREPARE_RENDER_ID, PREPARE_MODEL etc, in before and after methods, but my page renderes the way I expect it to only on the next request/page submission!!
    Edited by: Julian Stephen on Dec 7, 2008 9:05 PM
    Edited by: Julian Stephen on Dec 7, 2008 9:14 PM

    The reason why I do-not want to use a managed bean is that, I want to do this for all the components in my page(It is reasonably big too). So doing this by a managed bean would mean, I need an interface which has as many getter methods as the no of components in the page. Also, we are still in developement which means everytime some-one adds a new component in the page they need to add a new getter method in the interface. Well not just the interface, but also in all the implementing classes...
    The business use-case is that, I have one page in the application which has different levels of visibility(Some components read-only, some not rendered, some editable) based not just on who is logged in but also on other business conditions decided on the page prior to this. So based on these different conditions I build different schemes or themes(I have like 3/4 themes) which decides which components are read-only, which all are editable etc etc... Now I have to apply this 'theme' on to my page :). The way I am trying to do it now, everytime a new component is added, its visibility just need to be set in the property files of different themes.

  • Dynamically assign value to bind variable in a view object before pageload

    I found that it is extreamely hard to find an example to assign the bind variable in View object at runtime using a data attribute defined in Human task activity. Most of the available samples use a Literal value to do the assignment. In my case, I want to dynamically display the content by assigning the data attribute in Human task to the bind variable in view object before a pageload.
    I do not want to bind the view object to some command component to click a button or link in order to make it work (Unnecessary components in my page).
    The issue is how to access the data attribute in Human task in the java code of client interface in AppModule? or is there a way that I can access the data attribute in Groovy script expression of the bind variable? or if I can access the process data object defined in my BPM process to do the assignment at runtime?
    Really need help on the issue, and I cannot believe that it is so hard to accomplish.
    Thank you very much,

    chk this
    Passing default value to bind variable on page load.

  • Setting bind variable value programmatically for master and child VO's

    Defined following BC:
    Serv VO - Master VO, has Bind_cNum (bind variable)
    ServDetail VO - Child VO, has Bind_cNum2 (bind variable)
    ServViewLink VL - View link between Serv VO & ServDetail VO
    in AMModule Impl have custom WS:
    public List<ViewRowImpl> getMyServices(String cNum)
    List<ViewRowImpl> result = new ArrayList<ViewRowImpl>();
    ViewObjectImpl vo1 = getServ(); //Master VO
    vo1.setNamedWhereClauseParam("Bind_cNum", cNum);
    ViewObjectImpl vo2 = getServDetail(); //Child VO
    vo2.setNamedWhereClauseParam("Bind_cNum2", cNum);
    while (vo1.hasNext()) {
    return result;
    I am passing same cNum parameter to both Serv VO (Master VO) and ServDetail VO (child VO) as above. (this is in addition to view link bind variable :Id)
    It shows in the logs that it is setting the values correctly:
    <ViewRowSetImpl> <setNamedWhereClauseParam> [382] Serv ViewRowSetImpl.setNamedWhereClauseParam(Bind_cNum, 11771370)
    <ViewRowSetImpl> <setNamedWhereClauseParam> [383] ServDetail ViewRowSetImpl.setNamedWhereClauseParam(Bind_cNum2, 11771370)
    <ViewRowSetImpl> <doSetWhereClauseParam> [383] Serv ViewRowSetImpl.doSetWhereClause(-1, Bind_cNum, 11771370)
    <ViewRowSetImpl> <execute> [385] Serv ViewRowSetImpl.execute caused params to be "un"changed
    <OracleSQLBuilderImpl> <bindParamValue> [394] Binding param "Bind_cNum": 11771370
    <ADFLogger> <addContextData> Execute query
    -- when executing view link
    <ViewRowSetImpl> <setParamValues> [425] ServViewLink_0 ViewRowSetImpl.setParamValues params changed
    <ViewRowSetImpl> <doSetWhereClauseParam> [426] ServViewLink_0 ViewRowSetImpl.doSetWhereClause(-1, Bind_cNum2, null)
    <ViewObjectImpl> <bindParametersForCollection> [436] For RowSet : ServViewLink_0
    <OracleSQLBuilderImpl> <bindParamValue> [437] Binding null of type 12 for "Bind_cNum2"
    <OracleSQLBuilderImpl> <bindParamValue> [438] Binding param "Bind_Id": 5018
    from above log, when ServViewLink_0 is executed, it is changing Bind_cNum2 bind variable to null.
    how can i pass same bind variable value to both Master and Child view objects from AM
    Edited by: bsrao on Oct 11, 2012 6:07 PM
    Edited by: bsrao on Oct 11, 2012 6:10 PM
    Edited by: bsrao on Oct 11, 2012 6:12 PM

    Try executing the vo1 query before setting the bind variable for vo2, then execute the vo2 query (if that's what you want to do).

  • About dynamically setting bind variable in LOV View

    I have a LOV VO for an af:SelectOneChoice field in the page.
    The LOV is depended on an SQL statement in which there is a bind variable in the where clause.
    When I open the page, I set the bind variable by using VO.setNamedWhereClauseParam in the prepareSession method in the application module, followed by VO.executeQuery();
    The problem is, the af:SelectOneChoice is blank. Why?
    If I do not use the bind variable in the SQL, I can see rows in the af:SelectOneChoice field.
    When is the proper time to populate the LOV? And where should I put the code for populating the LOV?
    I am sure that the VO is populated, because after I executeQuery, there are many rows in the VO.

    Hi Franky,
    Yes, when I set a default value for the bind variable, everything is OK.
    But I want the bind variable dynamically be set when the AM is initiated. Is there a way to do that?

  • ADF 11g:set bind variable

    Hi All,
    Requirement is to set the value of bind variable of the recursive view object(DynamicTreeMenuVO1) on which my af:tree is based at run time. The value of the bind variable is coming from DynamicMenuVO1Iterator view object at run time("#{rows.displayVal}"), when I am iterating the DynamicMenuVO1Iterator using af:forEach.
    Following code is there on my jspx page:-
    <af:panelAccordion id="acc" discloseMany="false" discloseNone="false">
    <af:forEach items="#{data.view_DynamicGalleryTreePageDef.DynamicMenuVO1Iterator.allRowsInRange}" var="rows">
    <af:showDetailItem text="#{rows.displayVal}" id="sdi1">
    <af:tree value="#{bindings.DynamicTreeMenuVO1.treeModel}" var="node"
    rowSelection="single" id="t1">
    <f:facet name="nodeStamp">
    <af:outputText value="#{node}" id="ot1"/>
    Unable to find how to pass the value #{rows.displayVal} to the bind variable of DynamicTreeMenuVO1 at run time. Please help

    Will using the groovy expression to set the bind variable value by referencing desired attributes in DynamicMenuVO1Iterator work?
    Can any one can give me the grovvy expression to "*Referencing attributes in other view objects*".
    Any inputs please..........................
    Edited by: Vikram K on Feb 25, 2010 7:23 PM

Maybe you are looking for