Setting a session ID in PL/SQL

I am currently trying to download the contents of a clob into notepad from Apex. So I have a link like this to call the package on the database:
<a href="#OWNER#.species_upload.download_error_txt?p_session_id=&APP_SESSION.">Download to Notepad</a> And as you can see I am passing in the session id as I want to use the v function to get at some application items. Here is the code for the function:
   PROCEDURE download_error_txt(p_session_id IN NUMBER)
   v_err_filename               VARCHAR2(1000);
   v_err_clob                   CLOB;
   v_err_user                   VARCHAR2(100);
        --First of all we will get the file name and append error to it.
        v_err_filename := v('F157_SPECIES_FILE_NAME');
        v_err_filename := SUBSTR(v_err_filename,0,LENGTH(v_err_filename) -4)
                       || '_error.txt';
        --We will convert all the <br /> tags in the clob to chr10||chr13 to
        --force a new line feed in windows.       
        v_err_clob := V('F157_SPECIES_ERROR');
        v_err_clob := REPLACE(v_err_clob, '<br />', chr(13));
        v_err_user := V('APP_USER');
        select v('APP_USER') INTO v_err_user from dual;
        --Set the MIME type.
        --Set the name of the file
        HTP.p('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'||v_err_filename||'"');
        --Close the HTTP header,
        HTP.p('Below is a detailed list of why the '|| v_err_filename || 'did not upload.');
        HTP.p('Paul Test');
   END download_error_txt;Now it opens up the notepad fine and displays the values that I have hardcoded but none of the values that the v function returns. As you can see I am using set_session_id in my code but I don't think that is enough.
So thats why I am wondering if I can tell this procedure what apex session it is and get the values from that session.

If you use the application process approach like in this example (at the end), you can get the session id within the package using v('APP_SESSION').
Denes Kubicek

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    Hi kishore..
    Looks like the link u have sent uses advanced SQL tab to set session variables. I want to know if I can use "set variable NQ_SESSION.myvar= @something" in the "SQL results" -while creating a dashboard prompt-.
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    aucyr varchar(4);
    select year into auctyr
    from settings;
    :F106_YEAR := aucyr;
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    I'm still doing something wrong because this is not working for me.
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    auction_year varchar(4);
    select year into auction_year
    from PBUUC.SETTINGS where rownum < 2;
    and I also tried:
    auction_year varchar(4);
    select year into auction_year
    from PBUUC.SETTINGS where rownum < 2;
    APEX_UTIL.SET_SESSION_STATE (p_name, p_value);
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    My Application process is named RETRIEVE_AUCTION_SETTINGS
    0.01: A C C E P T: Request="P101_PASSWORD"
    0.01: Metadata: Fetch application definition and shortcuts
    0.01: alter session set nls_language="AMERICAN"
    0.01: alter session set nls_territory="AMERICA"
    0.01: ...NLS: Set Decimal separator="."
    0.01: ...NLS: Set NLS Group separator=","
    0.01: ...NLS: Set date format="DD-MON-RR"
    0.01: ...Setting session time_zone to -04:00
    0.01: NLS: wwv_flow.g_flow_language_derived_from=0: wwv_flow.g_browser_language=en-us
    0.01: Fetch session state from database
    0.02: ...Check session 695371898690095 owner
    0.02: ...Check for session expiration:
    0.02: ...Metadata: Fetch Page, Computation, Process, and Branch
    0.02: Session: Fetch session header information
    0.02: ...Metadata: Fetch page attributes for application 106, page 101
    0.03: ...Validate item page affinity.
    0.03: ...Validate hidden_protected items.
    0.03: ...Check authorization security schemes
    0.03: Session State: Save form items and p_arg_values
    0.03: ...Session State: Save "P101_USERNAME" - saving same value: "jps"
    0.03: Processing point: ON_SUBMIT_BEFORE_COMPUTATION
    0.03: Branch point: BEFORE_COMPUTATION
    0.03: Computation point: AFTER_SUBMIT
    0.03: Tabs: Perform Branching for Tab Requests
    0.03: Branch point: BEFORE_VALIDATION
    0.03: Perform validations:
    0.03: Branch point: BEFORE_PROCESSING
    0.03: Processing point: AFTER_SUBMIT
    0.03: ...Process "Set Username Cookie": PLSQL (AFTER_SUBMIT) begin owa_util.mime_header('text/html', FALSE); owa_cookie.send( name=>'LOGIN_USERNAME_COOKIE', value=>lower(:P101_USERNAME)); exception when others then null; end;
    0.04: ...Process "Login": PLSQL (AFTER_SUBMIT) wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.login( P_UNAME => :P101_USERNAME, P_PASSWORD => :P101_PASSWORD, P_SESSION_ID => v('APP_SESSION'), P_FLOW_PAGE => :APP_ID||':1' );
    0.06: ...Process "Clear Page(s) Cache": CLEAR_CACHE_FOR_PAGES (AFTER_SUBMIT) 101
    0.06: Nulling cache for application "106" page: 101
    0.00: S H O W: application="106" page="1" workspace="" request="" session="695371898690095"
    0.01: alter session set nls_language="AMERICAN"
    0.01: alter session set nls_territory="AMERICA"
    0.01: ...NLS: Set Decimal separator="."
    0.01: ...NLS: Set NLS Group separator=","
    0.01: ...NLS: Set date format="DD-MON-RR"
    0.01: ...Setting session time_zone to -04:00
    0.01: NLS: wwv_flow.g_flow_language_derived_from=0: wwv_flow.g_browser_language=en-us
    0.01: Application 106, Authentication: CUSTOM2, Page Template: 2904114531488186
    0.01: ...Session ID 695371898690095 can be used
    0.01: ...Application session: 695371898690095, user=JPS
    0.01: ...Determine if user "JPS" workspace "1040027630222986" can develop application "106" in workspace "1040027630222986"
    0.01: ...Check for session expiration:
    0.01: Session: Fetch session header information
    0.01: ...Metadata: Fetch page attributes for application 106, page 1
    0.01: Fetch session state from database
    0.02: Branch point: BEFORE_HEADER
    0.02: Fetch application meta data
    0.02: Computation point: BEFORE_HEADER
    0.02: Processing point: BEFORE_HEADER
    0.03: Show page template header
    0.03: Computation point: AFTER_HEADER
    0.03: Processing point: AFTER_HEADER     
    0.04: Computation point: BEFORE_BOX_BODY
    0.04: Processing point: BEFORE_BOX_BODY
    0.04: Region: Auction_Title F106_AUCTION_YEAR

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    when iam giving the alter session command iam getting the error:
    T =WE8MSWIN1252;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00922: missing or invalid
    i need to enter Arabic names in using the xml file.
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    2)is this "WE8MSWIN1252" set supports Arabic.

    You cannot change the characterset at the session level. If you want to store ARABIC characters in your database then you should change the characterset of your database to any other characterset that supports Arabic characters or to a Unicode characterset like UTF8 or AL32UTF8.
    If you try to insert Arabic characters with your present US7ASCII charancterset then the characters would be stored as junk.

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    Please help....

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    Please Help....

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    How can I set a Session bean to time out eg. 48 hours ?
    Uiloq Slettemark

    For stateful session beans you can use the timeout attribute in the orion-ejb-jar e.g.
    <session-deployment timeout=1800 ..>
    this is specified in seconds and Default Value: 30 (minutes)

  • Set maximum server memory by using sql scripts

    Dear all
    How to set maximum server memory by using sql scripts in sql server 2014? Thx a lot
    Best regards,

    You can use
    sys.Sp_Configure to set max server memory
    Here are some recommendation for Max Server memory based on RAM size
    Recommended Setting
    EXEC sys.sp_configure 'max server memory (MB)', '14745'; RECONFIGURE;
    EXEC sys.sp_configure 'max server memory (MB)', '29491'; RECONFIGURE;
    EXEC sys.sp_configure 'max server memory (MB)', '58982'; RECONFIGURE;
    EXEC sys.sp_configure 'max server memory (MB)', '117964'; RECONFIGURE;
    EXEC sys.sp_configure 'max server memory (MB)', '235929'; RECONFIGURE;
    EXEC sys.sp_configure 'max server memory (MB)', '471859'; RECONFIGURE;
    EXEC sys.sp_configure 'max server memory (MB)', '943718'; RECONFIGURE;
    EXEC sys.sp_configure 'max server memory (MB)', '1887436'; RECONFIGURE;
    EXEC sys.sp_configure'max server memory (MB)', '3774873'; RECONFIGURE;
    Hope this will help
    Glad to help! Please remember to accept the answer if you found it helpful. It will be useful for future readers having same issue.

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    Thank you

    To: [email protected]
    Sub: Returning a set of registers in a PL/SQL function
    Hi: Nei S
    Create a Package first:
    sp_col1 emp.emp_no%TYPE,
    sp_col2 emp.emp_name%TYPE);
    Then Create a Procedure:
    RC1 IN OUT sp_xxxPKG.RCT1) AS
    SELECT emp_no, emp_name FROM emp;

  • Trouble setting the session state of a select item.

    I have a requirement whereby I need to change the session state of a select list item in my form without the need to submit. I am using Application Express I thought this would be straight forward using a dynamic action or javascript and calling an on demand process for example.
    P1_MY_SELECT onchange="set_option();"
    function set_option() {
    var l_option=$f_SelectValue('P1_MY_SELECT');
    alert( 'My new value is ' + l_option );
    // ON DEMAND Set the new session state value
    var lRequest = new apex.ajax.ondemand
    {  /* start the return function */
    var l_s = p.readyState;
    if(l_s == 1||l_s == 2||l_s == 3)
    else if(l_s == 4)
    { gReturn = p.responseText;
    else{return false;}
    /* end the return function */
    lRequest.ajax.addParam('x01', l_option );
    My on demand application process
    l_options varchar2(2000) := wwv_flow.g_x01;
    Is there a better method to set the session state of my P1_MY_SELECT other than what I am doing as above or can you tell me why the session state of P1_MY_SELECT is not changed?
    Edited by: 968358 on 01-Nov-2012 08:40

    if you are on 4.1 why don't you use a dynamic action instead of writing the code again?
    create a dynamic action like this
    Event: Change
    Source Type: Item
    Item: P1_MY_SELECT
    True Action:
    Action: Execute Plsql Code
    Plsql Code: null;
    Page Items to Submit: P1_MY_SELECT
    Page Items to Return: P1_MY_SELECT (this is optional)

  • Configure no. of session handled for same sql

    hi, experts,
    hi, if there is one report (only fire 1 sql by this report).
    if only one internet explorer to run this report , it use 3 minutes to get it.
    I use 3 internet explorers to run the same report but not running the report at the same time.
    firstly, I run the report on first internet explorer.
    then after 10 seconds, I run the report on 2nd internet explorer.
    then after 10 seconds, I run the report on 3rd internet explorer.
    after result on all internet explorer came, I check the sessions on the "Manage Sessions"
    there are 2 sessions for same report.
    How to configure no. of session handled for same sql on OBIEE?
    thank you very much!

    shipon_97 wrote:
    Here I see that at a particular time of the database , the number of session from v$session is "271" where as the number of session in the "v$resource_limit" is "280" . Here I get some differ among these parameters .
    Would anybody plz tell why the no of sessions differ between v$session and v$resource_limit parameters .
    The v$session views shows current sessions (which change rapidly), while the v$resource_limit shows the maximum resource utilization, like a high-water mark.

  • How to set no archive log in MS SQL

    Dear Gurus,
    I'll already did the support package upgrade and need to run the SGEN.But before that I'll need to set the archive log in MS SQL 2005 database.
    Kindly please help me,how to set "no archive log " in MS SQL .Then I can run the SGEN.After that how to revert back to "enable archive log mode".
    All the posting told about the archive log with Oracle.

    Hi Shah,
    In MS SQL Server, Transaction log is used to write log files.
    For eg., Intially if you allocate 10GB to the Tr.Log and can set the limit based on your requirement, say as 11GB. It means it wont grow beyond the point 11GB.
    If you take a transactional log backup, the data present in the 10GB file is freed up, but the size of the file would remain same.
    This can be truncated by shrinking the log file.
    1. Open SQL Mgmt studio.
    2. Right click on the DB(SID)> Tasks>Shrink-->Files.
    3. Choose "Log" in the file type and "Log File Name" in the Filename column.
    4. Shrink Action should be "Release Unused Space"
    5. Then Click Ok. The unused space will be released.
    The Transaction log can be switched off by changing the Recovery Model to "SIMPLE"
    1. Click on the DB(SID)
    2. Properties>Options>Recovery Model.
    3. If the recovery model is set to Simple, the Transaction log wont be written.
    Hope this would help you. Revert for any other clarification.

  • How to set keyword automatic to capital in SQL Developer?

    for example:
    when type 'select' , the keyword change to 'SELECT'. :)

    You can set capitalisation preferences in Tools -> PReferences ->SQL Formatter.
    This takes effect when you hit ctrl-b to format sql. It doesn't happen automatically.

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    Indeed, ExternalContext#getSessionMap() returns a modifable map of session attributes (backed by HttpSession#get/setAttrbute() in a Servlet environment), including the session scoped managed beans which are keyed by their managed bean name.
    You may find this article useful in general: [].

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