Setting builtin Weather app location for all domian users

I am trying to force a home location for the built-in weather app using Group Policy. 
I have tried to trace these settings using Process Explorer but I cant see where they are written. 
How would I go about forcing this for all users?

I've also discovered this same path.
Although I wish I would have found this thread sooner it would have saved me A LOT of time figuring out the directory where the settings are stored.
I've looked into the PersonalDataCache folder and found 3 files typically. The important one being 
PersonalData_weather.file which seems to be something akin to an XML file. It contains entries for example below:
States","LocationType":1,"LocationTypeId":"Phoenix, AZ, United States","ISOCode":"US","Version":0}
States","LocationType":1,"LocationTypeId":"Dallas, TX, United States","ISOCode":"US","Version":0}
After modifying the file and attempting to copy it back into a users profile however it never works. I'd be curious how you were able to actually get NEW users logging in for the first time to properly have the weather location that you want.
I'd also be curious if 2 months into this setting change if it is still working for you?
Also, I'd be curious to know if you are using a GPO to turn on the location services. Or if you have managed to figure out a way to get the weather app to stop asking users if it can use their location the first time they open the app.

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