Setting global threshold limits ??

Hi Folks,
I can not find the correct documentation on setting a global threshold for a particular metric.
As a simple example, i have several hundred server instances for which i want to set monitoring of the /var filesystem to alert at 90% utilization.
Is there a way to set a global default in sunmc for /var utilization? Alternatively is there a way to propagate the same threshold value for /var for all servers i manage with SUNMC?
Thanks in Advance

Hi Rachel,
virag064 wrote:
I was using the Directory Size Monitor. I wanted to setup a job as a managed task to export the same values to all systems.
Although I know how to do the managed task, I don't know how to fill in the values correctly for module in that config.
When I send the job out, it works for about 80% of the systems (I will fix the others later) but I think I am missing something in how
to setup the values for the fields correctly. I want to be able to monitor the directory /var and get a message when it gets to 90%.For directories (i.e. the Directory Size Module) there isn't the concept of "% full", since they're usually sharing space on a partition with other directories. However if /var is it's own partition, then it will show up in the "Kernel Reader" modules... and you can specify % full there instead.
For an general example of how to do directory monitoring using Managed Jobs, see this thread:
[email protected]
New !! : !!

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    Hello Vivek,
    You need to maintian some default parameters in your User master record.
    Parameter ID :
    AQB for User Group
    AQW for Query Area.
    Select the AQB from the drop-down and give your default user group in the parameter value.
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    A UNIX quota system is included with OS X. I have never fooled with it but perhaps this will help:

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    Yes you can use substitution variables in business rules and they are widely used, it is relatively easy to automate the changing of values for subtitution values.
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    Not every metric in 'all metrics' is configurable with metric thresholds.
    Your workaround is to write an user definied metric.

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    Hi Christy:
    There are different approaches to configure alerts, if you are using Solution Manager; I think you can benefit if you choose SolMan and the Central System (CEN) to handle all the monitoring and email alerting.
    If this is the case, you will need to install the CCMS Agents on every satellite system in order to trigger remote alerts.
    Let me know what is your idea and I can follow with you with the required steps.
    Best Regards,
    Federico G. Babelis
    NetWeaver Certified Consultant
    GAZUM Technologies S.A.
    Consulting Services and Software Solutions FREE Marketplace Manager at:

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    Best regards,

    If your MGSCP configurations are correct you are loadbalancing users on multiple SCE's. This means that any given subscriber will always hit the same SCE again and again in the MGSCP topology. So given the fact that each SCE has the same config any user will hit only 1 SCE.
    If 1 user is hitting more than 1 SCE for a specific flow then your configuration is wrong and you will have issues with quota and reporting as well.

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    Is there a way to set global roles through weblogic ant tasks or command line utilities ?
    I am using weblogic 8.1SP5
    Edited by manish25 at 02/02/2007 1:24 PM

    There certain things you need to check
    1. Did you do user comparsion?
    2. Did you check the SCUL log?
    SCUL  ->choose (error,unconfirmed & warning)  user / roles / profiles execute -> you will get list of users
    Priority of resolving would be the same order   1. Error (red) 2. Unconfirmed (Gray) and 3. Warnings.(Yellow).
    based on the error you can re distrubute the idoc.
    Procedure :
    Select the user which you would like to re-distribute for a particular system -> it will display user  / roles / profile ->
    Let stay roles  are Grayed -> highlight on the role -> click on F7 button or  cross mark(Distrbution)  . You will receive new window with selection of IDOC type. Select appropriate IDOC type -> choose roles -> continue.
    3. Text comparsion
    To get a newly created role to a system quickly avoiding  Text Comparison to all systems i.e from CUA. Instead you can do text comparsion from child systems.
    Finallly your SCUM settings are correct.

  • I can't find the option on my w520 where I set the threshold (96%) to start charging my batter

    I've looked through all the settings and can't find that option anymore. I know it is working because I'm plugged in and I see 98% and it's not going up. I often move my computer around and unplog and plug a lot so I want to set that threshold to 90%.
    Go to Solution.

    It's in Power Manager. Click Advanced, and go to the Battery tab. You'll see the Battery Maintenance button there.
    W520: i7-2720QM, Q2000M at 1080/688/1376, 21GB RAM, 500GB + 750GB HDD, FHD screen
    X61T: L7500, 3GB RAM, 500GB HDD, XGA screen, Ultrabase
    Y3P: 5Y70, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, QHD+ screen

Maybe you are looking for