SCE MGSCP - global BW limits

Does anyone have an experience with implementing SCE MGSCP topology and enforcing global BW limits for particular protocols (eg. P2P)?
As far as I understood, each SCE within MGSCP cluster has the same PQB file applied, but each SCE enforces defined BW limits independently of ach other SCE device in the cluster.
It means that on the global level, if we have for example 2 SCE devices in the MGSCP cluster, and P2P BW limit of 1Gbps defined in the PQB file, we will potentially have 2Gbps of P2P traffic allowed?
Just wondering is my understanding right, and how would you recommend to deal with this problem?
Best regards,

If your MGSCP configurations are correct you are loadbalancing users on multiple SCE's. This means that any given subscriber will always hit the same SCE again and again in the MGSCP topology. So given the fact that each SCE has the same config any user will hit only 1 SCE.
If 1 user is hitting more than 1 SCE for a specific flow then your configuration is wrong and you will have issues with quota and reporting as well.

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    Is there a way to set a global default in sunmc for /var utilization? Alternatively is there a way to propagate the same threshold value for /var for all servers i manage with SUNMC?
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Rachel,
    virag064 wrote:
    I was using the Directory Size Monitor. I wanted to setup a job as a managed task to export the same values to all systems.
    Although I know how to do the managed task, I don't know how to fill in the values correctly for module in that config.
    When I send the job out, it works for about 80% of the systems (I will fix the others later) but I think I am missing something in how
    to setup the values for the fields correctly. I want to be able to monitor the directory /var and get a message when it gets to 90%.For directories (i.e. the Directory Size Module) there isn't the concept of "% full", since they're usually sharing space on a partition with other directories. However if /var is it's own partition, then it will show up in the "Kernel Reader" modules... and you can specify % full there instead.
    For an general example of how to do directory monitoring using Managed Jobs, see this thread:
    [email protected]
    New !! : !!

  • How to make real-time report per subscriber ( SCE2020)

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    it only make report on the global bandwitdh does anyone have i 3rd party software or good document on how to do snmp real-time report per subscriber?
    Thanks in Advance.

    SCE platform supports a limited set of variables that may be configured via SNMP (read-write variables). Setting a variable via SNMP (as via the CLI) takes effect immediately and affects only the running-configuration. To make this configuration stored for next reboots (startup-configuration) the user must specify it explicitly via CLI or via SNMP using the Cisco enterprise MIB objects.
    For the further details for the SCE follow the below url which will help you:

  • CE 7.2 server  - server0 process stopped

    Dear all ,
    I am facing a serious issue with CE 7.2 server . the java application ios not coming up because the "server0" process is not getting started .
    Below are the log of "dev_Server0" & std_server0" :
    Dev_Server0 :

    F Wed Apr 20 11:34:41 2011
    F  ********************************************************************************
    F  Java environment properties
    F    root directory    : /usr/sap/SCE/J00/exe/sapjvm_6
    F    vendor            : SAP AG
    F    version           : 1.6.0_07
    F    cpu               : amd64
    F    java vm type      : server
    F    java vm version   : 6.1.010
    F    jvm library name  :
    F    library path      : /usr/sap/SCE/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/amd64/server:/usr/sap/SCE/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/amd64
    F    executable path   : /usr/sap/SCE/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/bin
    F    SAP extensions    : available
    F  ********************************************************************************
    I  [Thr 140095771404112] MtxInit: 10002 0 2
    I  [Thr 140095771404112] MPI: dynamic quotas disabled.
    I  [Thr 140095771404112] MPI init: pipes=4000 buffers=1279 reserved=383 quota=10%

    M [Thr 140095771404112] Wed Apr 20 11:34:42 2011
    M  [Thr 140095771404112] NiInit3: NI already initialized; param 'maxHandles' ignored (init=2;par=32768;cur=2048)
    M  [Thr 140095771404112] CCMS: SemInMgt: Semaphore Management initialized by AlAttachShm_Ext.
    M  [Thr 140095771404112] CCMS: SemInit: Semaphore 38 initialized by AlAttachShm_Ext.
    M  [Thr 140095771404112] CCMS: AlInitGlobals : alert/use_sema_lock = TRUE.
    M  [Thr 140095771404112] CCMS: CCMS Monitoring Initialization finished, rc=0.

    F Wed Apr 20 11:34:42 2011
    F  ********************************************************************************
    F  SAP Java VM arguments:
    F    arg[ 0] = vfprintf
    F    arg[ 1] = abort
    F    arg[ 2] = exit
    F    arg[ 3] = -XmonGcCallback
    F    arg[ 4] = -XdebugStateChangeCallback
    F    arg[ 5] = -DSAPJStartVersion=720, patch 46, changelist 1157285, linuxx86_64, optu (May  4 2010, 20:24:35)
    F    arg[ 6] = -Xjvmx
    F    arg[ 7] = -XsapSystem:00
    F    arg[ 8] = -DSAPSTARTUP=1
    F    arg[ 9] = -DSAPSYSTEM=00
    F    arg[10] = -DSAPSYSTEMNAME=SCE
    F    arg[11] = -DSAPMYNAME=ustrlxqa08_SCE_00
    F    arg[12] = -DSAPDBHOST=ustrlxqa08
    F    arg[13] = -DSAPINFO=SCE_00_server0
    F    arg[14] = -Dj2ee.dbhost=ustrlxqa08
    F    arg[15] =
    F    arg[16] = 
    F    arg[17] = -Djstartup.mode=JSTART
    F    arg[18] = -Djstartup.whoami=server
    F    arg[19] = -Djstartup.ownProcessId=29995
    F    arg[20] = -Djstartup.ownHardwareId=B2043345838
    F    arg[21] = -Djstartup.debuggable=yes
    F    arg[22] = -DLoadBalanceRestricted=no
    F    arg[23] = -XdebugPortRange:50021-50021
    F    arg[24] = -Denv.class.path=
    F    arg[25] =
    F    arg[26] = -Dapplication.home=/usr/sap/SCE/J00/exe
    F    arg[27] = -Djava.class.path=/usr/sap/SCE/J00/exe/jstart71.jar:/usr/sap/SCE/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/lib/jvmx.jar:/usr/sap/SCE/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/lib/jvmx_tools.jar:/usr/sap/SCE/J00/exe/jre/lib/iqlib.jar:/usr/sap/SCE/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/lib/tools.jar:/usr/sap/SCE/J00/j2ee/cluster/bin/boot/sap.comtcbljkernel_bootimpl.jar:/usr/sap/SCE/J00/j2ee/cluster/bin/boot/jaas.jar:/usr/sap/SCE/J00/j2ee/cluster/bin/system/sap.comtcblbytecodelibrary.jar:/usr/sap/SCE/J00/j2ee/cluster/bin/boot/memoryanalyzer.jar
    F    arg[28] = -Djava.library.path=/usr/sap/SCE/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/amd64/server:/usr/sap/SCE/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/amd64:/usr/sap/SCE/J00/j2ee/os_libs:/usr/sap/SCE/J00/exe:/usr/sap/SCE/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/SCE/SYS/exe/uc/linuxx86_64:/oracle/client/10x_64/instantclient
    F    arg[29] = -XX:PermSize=128m
    F    arg[30] = -Xmx4002m
    F    arg[31] = -XX:MaxNewSize=667m
    F    arg[32] = -XX:MaxPermSize=400m
    F    arg[33] = -Xms731m
    F    arg[34] = -XX:NewSize=667m
    F    arg[35] =
    F    arg[36] =
    F    arg[37] = -Djdbc_driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
    F    arg[38] = -Djmx.invoke.getters=true
    F    arg[39] =
    F    arg[40] = -Djdbc_long_url=jdbc:oracle:thin:tsr_api/tsr_api@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(
    F    arg[41] =
    F    arg[42] =
    F    arg[43] = -Drdbms.driverLocation=/oracle/client/10x_64/instantclient/ojdbc6.jar
    F    arg[44] =
    F    arg[45] = -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true
    F    arg[46] =
    F    arg[47] = -Djco.jarm=1
    F    arg[48] =
    F    arg[49] = -Djava.awt.headless=true
    F    arg[50] =
    F    arg[51] = -XX:+DisableExplicitGC
    F    arg[52] = -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=10
    F    arg[53] = -XX:SurvivorRatio=2
    F    arg[54] = -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90
    F    arg[55] = -verbose:gc
    F    arg[56] = -XX:+UseParNewGC
    F    arg[57] = -XX:+PrintGCDetails
    F    arg[58] = -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
    F    arg[59] = -XX:MaxErrorQueueLength=200
    F    arg[60] = -XX:HeapDumpPath=OOM.hprof
    F    arg[61] = -Xss1048576
    F  ignore unrecognized options : no
    F  ********************************************************************************
    J  JVMX version - Mar  2 2010 00:26:19 - 61_REL - optU - linux amd64 - 6 - bas2:133632 (mixed mode)
    J  (CompilerOracle read from file /usr/sap/SCE/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/.hotspot_compiler )
    F  [Thr 140095529032016] *** LOG => SfCJavaVm: Java VM started.
    F  ********************************************************************************
    F  Main method call:
    F  com/sap/engine/boot/Start.main()
    F  ********************************************************************************

    J Wed Apr 20 11:34:46 2011
    J  [GC [ParNew: 341504K->4444K(512256K), 0.1041680 secs] 341504K->4444K(577792K), 0.1048350 secs] [Times: user=0.14 sys=0.24, real=0.10 secs]

    J Wed Apr 20 11:34:46 2011
    J  Heap
    J   par new generation   reserved 683008K, committed 683008K, used 18583K [0x00007f6963700000, 0x00007f698d200000, 0x00007f698d200000)
    J    eden space 341504K,   4% used [0x00007f6963700000, 0x00007f69644ce9d8, 0x00007f6978480000)
    J    from space 170752K,   2% used [0x00007f6982b40000, 0x00007f6982f97388, 0x00007f698d200000)
    J    to   space 170752K,   0% used [0x00007f6978480000, 0x00007f6978480000, 0x00007f6982b40000)
    J   tenured generation   reserved 3415040K, committed 65536K, used 0K [0x00007f698d200000, 0x00007f6991200000, 0x00007f6a5d900000)
    J     the space 65536K,   0% used [0x00007f698d200000, 0x00007f698d200000, 0x00007f698d200200, 0x00007f6991200000)
    J   compacting perm gen  reserved 409600K, committed 131072K, used 16866K [0x00007f6a5d900000, 0x00007f6a65900000, 0x00007f6a76900000)
    J     the space 131072K,  12% used [0x00007f6a5d900000, 0x00007f6a5e978830, 0x00007f6a5e978a00, 0x00007f6a65900000)
    J  No shared spaces configured.

    F [Thr 140090598234448] Wed Apr 20 11:34:47 2011
    F  [Thr 140090598234448] *** LOG => SfCJavaVm: exit hook is called. (rc = -1501)

    F Wed Apr 20 11:34:47 2011

    F  ********************************************************************************
    F  *** ERROR => Java node 'server0' terminated with exit code -1501.
    F  ***
    F  *** Please see section 'Java program exit codes'
    F  *** in SAP Note 1316652 for additional information and trouble shooting advice.
    F  ********************************************************************************

    F  [Thr 140095771404112] *** LOG => exiting (exitcode -1501, retcode 2).
    M  [Thr 140095771404112] CCMS: CCMS Monitoring Cleanup finished successfully.
    Std_Server0 :

    Dear All,
    I have updated STD_SERVER0 :
    stdout/stderr redirection
    node name   : server0
    host name   : ustrlxqa08
    system name : SCE
    system nr.  : 00
    started at  : Wed Apr 20 11:13:24 2011
    JVMX version - Mar  2 2010 00:26:19 - 61_REL - optU - linux amd64 - 6 - bas2:133632 (mixed mode)
    (CompilerOracle read from file /usr/sap/SCE/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/.hotspot_compiler )
    The active factory is :
    WARNING: The hash of package index [/usr/sap/SCE/J00/j2ee/cluster/bin/index.list] is corrupted
    Reading manager properties from [kernelProperties.bin] file
       Checked the data for [12] ms
       Objects read for [161] ms
       Substituted the values for [23] ms
    Finished reading kernel objects for [185] ms
    Startup mode [NORMAL] and action [NONE] read
    AS Java version [7.20.3710.94508.20100423091601] is starting server process [ID4658150] on host [] ...
    Loading [LogManager]... [72] ms
    Loading [PoolManager]... [3] ms
    Loading [ApplicationThreadManager]... [87] ms
    Loading [ThreadManager]... [16] ms
    Loading [ClassLoaderManager]... [22] ms
    Loading [ClusterManager]...
    FATAL: Server process failed to start; manager [ClusterManager] could not be started
    [GC [ParNew: 341504K->4447K(512256K), 0.0998280 secs] 341504K->4447K(577792K), 0.1004470 secs] [Times: user=0.13 sys=0.22, real=0.10 secs]
    par new generation   reserved 683008K, committed 683008K, used 15102K [0x00007f5a48920000, 0x00007f5a72420000, 0x00007f5a72420000)
      eden space 341504K,   3% used [0x00007f5a48920000, 0x00007f5a49387c40, 0x00007f5a5d6a0000)
      from space 170752K,   2% used [0x00007f5a67d60000, 0x00007f5a681b7df0, 0x00007f5a72420000)
      to   space 170752K,   0% used [0x00007f5a5d6a0000, 0x00007f5a5d6a0000, 0x00007f5a67d60000)
    tenured generation   reserved 3415040K, committed 65536K, used 0K [0x00007f5a72420000, 0x00007f5a76420000, 0x00007f5b42b20000)
       the space 65536K,   0% used [0x00007f5a72420000, 0x00007f5a72420000, 0x00007f5a72420200, 0x00007f5a76420000)
    compacting perm gen  reserved 409600K, committed 131072K, used 16814K [0x00007f5b42b20000, 0x00007f5b4ab20000, 0x00007f5b5bb20000)
       the space 131072K,  12% used [0x00007f5b42b20000, 0x00007f5b43b8bbd0, 0x00007f5b43b8bc00, 0x00007f5b4ab20000)
    No shared spaces configured.
    stdout/stderr redirection
    node name   : server0
    host name   : ustrlxqa08
    system name : SCE
    system nr.  : 00
    started at  : Wed Apr 20 11:34:41 2011
    JVMX version - Mar  2 2010 00:26:19 - 61_REL - optU - linux amd64 - 6 - bas2:133632 (mixed mode)
    (CompilerOracle read from file /usr/sap/SCE/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/.hotspot_compiler )
    The active factory is :
    WARNING: The hash of package index [/usr/sap/SCE/J00/j2ee/cluster/bin/index.list] is corrupted
    Reading manager properties from [kernelProperties.bin] file
       Checked the data for [13] ms
       Objects read for [160] ms
       Substituted the values for [19] ms
    Finished reading kernel objects for [179] ms
    Startup mode [NORMAL] and action [NONE] read
    AS Java version [7.20.3710.94508.20100423091601] is starting server process [ID4658150] on host [] ...
    Loading [LogManager]... [71] ms
    Loading [PoolManager]... [3] ms
    Loading [ApplicationThreadManager]... [214] ms
    Loading [ThreadManager]... [19] ms
    Loading [ClassLoaderManager]... [24] ms
    Loading [ClusterManager]...
    FATAL: Server process failed to start; manager [ClusterManager] could not be started
    [GC [ParNew: 341504K->4444K(512256K), 0.1041680 secs] 341504K->4444K(577792K), 0.1048350 secs] [Times: user=0.14 sys=0.24, real=0.10 secs]
    par new generation   reserved 683008K, committed 683008K, used 18583K [0x00007f6963700000, 0x00007f698d200000, 0x00007f698d200000)
      eden space 341504K,   4% used [0x00007f6963700000, 0x00007f69644ce9d8, 0x00007f6978480000)
      from space 170752K,   2% used [0x00007f6982b40000, 0x00007f6982f97388, 0x00007f698d200000)
      to   space 170752K,   0% used [0x00007f6978480000, 0x00007f6978480000, 0x00007f6982b40000)
    tenured generation   reserved 3415040K, committed 65536K, used 0K [0x00007f698d200000, 0x00007f6991200000, 0x00007f6a5d900000)
       the space 65536K,   0% used [0x00007f698d200000, 0x00007f698d200000, 0x00007f698d200200, 0x00007f6991200000)
    compacting perm gen  reserved 409600K, committed 131072K, used 16866K [0x00007f6a5d900000, 0x00007f6a65900000, 0x00007f6a76900000)
       the space 131072K,  12% used [0x00007f6a5d900000, 0x00007f6a5e978830, 0x00007f6a5e978a00, 0x00007f6a65900000)
    No shared spaces configured.

  • Object Level and Folder Level Instances Limit on R3?

    Hi there,
    We've been thinking about setting a global limit on instances of 35, but were wondering if we can apply a limit of 50 only on certain reports?
    This is only for reports where the business has justified that they will need to go over that.
    Basically, will object level limits override folder level or even global level limits?
    Many thanks,

    It will override Global level limits.
    Create a User and apply limits to that particular User , so that where ever that user ran a report that limits the instances according to user limit.

  • Local Mailbox Move Fails mapiexceptionmaxsubmissionexceed hr=0x80004005, ec=1242

    Hi, having a major problem moving a mailbox to a new database with the below error.   All input greatly received as have trawled forums with no other similar reported issues...
    Running DAG on SP3 UR5
    Mailbox is 590GB and move fails at 70% with the error
    FailureCode                      :
    FailureType                      : MapiExceptionMaxSubmissionExceeded
    FailureSide                      : Target
    Message                          :
    Error: MapiExceptionMaxSubmissionExceeded: Unable to save changes.     (hr=0x80004005,ec=1242)
                                       Diagnostic context:
                                           Lid: 55847   EMSMDBPOOL.EcPoolSessionDoRpc
    called [length=6090]
                                           Lid: 43559   EMSMDBPOOL.EcPoolSessionDoRpc
    returned [ec=0x0][length=660][latency
                                           Lid: 23226   --- ROP
    Parse Start ---
                                           Lid: 27962   ROP:
    ropWriteStream [45]
                                           Lid: 27962   ROP:
    ropSaveChangesMessage [12]
                                           Lid: 17082   ROP Error:
                                           Lid: 18273
                                           Lid: 21921   StoreEc:
                                           Lid: 27962   ROP:
    ropExtendedError [250]
                                           Lid: 1494   
    ---- Remote Context Beg ----
                                           Lid: 1238   
    Remote Context Overflow
                                           Lid: 46509
                                           Lid: 40193   StoreEc:
                                           Lid: 5587   
    StoreEc: 0x8004010F PropTag: 0x30130102
                                           Lid: 21970   StoreEc:
    0x8004010F PropTag: 0x668F0040
                                           Lid: 14164   StoreEc:
    0xFFFFFA1D PropTag: 0x676D0102
                                           Lid: 8660   
    StoreEc: 0x8004010F PropTag: 0x676D0102
                                           Lid: 18658
                                           Lid: 11956   StoreEc:
    0x8004010F PropTag: 0x676D0102
                                           Lid: 15604   StoreEc:
    0x8004010F PropTag: 0x676D0102
                                           Lid: 14164   StoreEc:
    0xFFFFFA1D PropTag: 0x676C0102
                                           Lid: 8660   
    StoreEc: 0x8004010F PropTag: 0x676C0102
                                           Lid: 18658
                                           Lid: 11956   StoreEc:
    0x8004010F PropTag: 0x676C0102
                                           Lid: 15604   StoreEc:
    0x8004010F PropTag: 0x676C0102
                                           Lid: 64319   dwParam:
                                           Lid: 39743   dwParam:
                                           Lid: 45016   StoreEc:
                                           Lid: 57304
                                           Lid: 5041   
    StoreEc: 0x4DA
                                           Lid: 4465   
    StoreEc: 0x4DA
                                           Lid: 6926   
    StoreEc: 0x4DA
                                           Lid: 1750   
    ---- Remote Context End ----
                                           Lid: 31418   --- ROP
    Parse Done ---
                                           Lid: 21457
                                           Lid: 19665   StoreEc:
    FailureTimestamp                 : 09/04/2014 00:39:59
    FailureContext                   : --------
                                       Operation: IMailbox.SaveSyncState
                                       OperationSide: Target
                                       Primary (867634f2-b8a2-491b-a6f2-05c380b6a04b)
                                       Key: 94ECA0233E4D6B4B9B1C80F9970AA564F2347686A2B81B49A6F205C380B6A04BE0CA914F6695624
                                       SyncStateLength: 157016438
    IsValid                          : True
    ValidationMessage                :
    RequestGuid                      : 23a0ec94-4d3e-4b6b-9b1c-80f9970aa564
    RequestQueue                     : MDBVAULT2013
    Identity                         : RequestGuid (867634f2-b8a2-491b-a6f2-05c380b6a04b), RequestQueue: (39190241-8017-4d2
    Report                           :
    Entered a bad item limit of 80000 and there were 48388 bad items reported before the failure.
    The mailbox and database storage limits are unlimited and the global transport limits have been increased several times and the move resumed with no change.
    Have run a mailbox repair request and created a new move request to a new blank DB - same failure at 70%
    Last items in the request log are:
    Operation: IMapiFxProxy.ProcessRequest
    OperationSide: Target
    Primary (867634f2-b8a2-491b-a6f2-05c380b6a04b)
    OpCode: TransferBuffer
    DataLength: 21512</errorContext>
    09/04/2014 00:39:38 [] A corrupted item was encountered during the move operation. The item wasn't copied to the destination mailbox.
    <baditem errorType="MapiExceptionInvalidParameter" errorCode="0x80070057" flags="0x00000000" id="00000000D10CBF313300994889EE03CA73B8702007006D294C32D92E5942AC2E635026C560020000008A007600006D294C32D92E5942AC2E635026C56002000036CC54300000">
      <folder id="00000000D10CBF313300994889EE03CA73B8702001006D294C32D92E5942AC2E635026C560020000008A00760000">Inbox</folder>
      <sender>Microsoft Outlook</sender>
      <subject>AP Data Dump P1 to P9 V2 system</subject>
      <dateSent>10/03/2013 14:13:02</dateSent>
      <dateReceived>10/03/2013 14:13:02</dateReceived>
      <errorMessage>MapiExceptionInvalidParameter: IExchangeFastTransferEx.TransferBuffer failed (hr=0x80070057, ec=-2147024809)
    Diagnostic context:
        Lid: 55847   EMSMDBPOOL.EcPoolSessionDoRpc called [length=20303]
        Lid: 43559   EMSMDBPOOL.EcPoolSessionDoRpc returned [ec=0x0][length=685][latency=0]
        Lid: 23226   --- ROP Parse Start ---
        Lid: 27962   ROP: ropFXDstCopyConfig [83]
        Lid: 27962   ROP: ropTellVersion [134]
        Lid: 27962   ROP: ropFXDstPutBufferEx [157]
        Lid: 17082   ROP Error: 0x80070057
        Lid: 31329 
        Lid: 21921   StoreEc: 0x80070057
        Lid: 27962   ROP: ropExtendedError [250]
        Lid: 1494    ---- Remote Context Beg ----
        Lid: 1238    Remote Context Overflow
        Lid: 27034   StoreEc: 0x80040102
        Lid: 20234 
        Lid: 3625    StoreEc: 0x80040102
        Lid: 32762   dwParam: 0x371284B0
        Lid: 32762   dwParam: 0x370B0003
        Lid: 32762   dwParam: 0xE200003
        Lid: 32762   dwParam: 0xFF70003
        Lid: 32762   dwParam: 0x30070040
        Lid: 32762   dwParam: 0x30080040
        Lid: 32762   dwParam: 0x37050003
        Lid: 32762   dwParam: 0x370E84B0
        Lid: 32762   dwParam: 0x300184B0
        Lid: 32762   dwParam: 0xFF90102
        Lid: 50223 
        Lid: 14012   StoreEc: 0x80070057
        Lid: 39487 
        Lid: 33551   StoreEc: 0x80070057
        Lid: 49935 
        Lid: 55871   StoreEc: 0x80070057
        Lid: 48163 
        Lid: 64547   StoreEc: 0x80070057
        Lid: 36807 
        Lid: 53645   StoreEc: 0x80070057
        Lid: 1445    StoreEc: 0x80070057
        Lid: 24385 
        Lid: 1653    StoreEc: 0x80070057
        Lid: 21674 
        Lid: 2761    StoreEc: 0x80070057
        Lid: 28570   StoreEc: 0x80070057
        Lid: 29738 
        Lid: 3401    StoreEc: 0x80070057
        Lid: 1750    ---- Remote Context End ----
        Lid: 26849 
        Lid: 21817   ROP Failure: 0x80070057
        Lid: 22630  </errorMessage>
    Operation: IMapiFxProxy.ProcessRequest
    OpCode: TransferBuffer
    DataLength: 31680
    Operation: IMapiFxProxy.ProcessRequest
    OperationSide: Target
    Primary (867634f2-b8a2-491b-a6f2-05c380b6a04b)
    OpCode: TransferBuffer
    DataLength: 31680</errorContext>
    09/04/2014 00:39:38 [] Stage: CopyingMessages. Percent complete: 70.
    09/04/2014 00:39:38 [] Copy progress: 2802239/4302880 messages, 385.1 GB (413,515,837,177 bytes)/589.6 GB (633,035,651,094 bytes).
    09/04/2014 00:39:59 [] Fatal error MapiExceptionMaxSubmissionExceeded has occurred.
    Error details: MapiExceptionMaxSubmissionExceeded: Unable to save changes. (hr=0x80004005, ec=1242)
    Diagnostic context:
        Lid: 55847   EMSMDBPOOL.EcPoolSessionDoRpc called [length=6090]
        Lid: 43559   EMSMDBPOOL.EcPoolSessionDoRpc returned [ec=0x0][length=660][latency=15]
        Lid: 23226   --- ROP Parse Start ---
        Lid: 27962   ROP: ropWriteStream [45]
        Lid: 27962   ROP: ropSaveChangesMessage [12]
        Lid: 17082   ROP Error: 0x4DA    
        Lid: 18273 
        Lid: 21921   StoreEc: 0x4DA    
        Lid: 27962   ROP: ropExtendedError [250]
        Lid: 1494    ---- Remote Context Beg ----
        Lid: 1238    Remote Context Overflow
        Lid: 46509 
        Lid: 40193   StoreEc: 0x8004010F
        Lid: 5587    StoreEc: 0x8004010F PropTag: 0x30130102
        Lid: 21970   StoreEc: 0x8004010F PropTag: 0x668F0040
        Lid: 14164   StoreEc: 0xFFFFFA1D PropTag: 0x676D0102
        Lid: 8660    StoreEc: 0x8004010F PropTag: 0x676D0102
        Lid: 18658 
        Lid: 11956   StoreEc: 0x8004010F PropTag: 0x676D0102
        Lid: 15604   StoreEc: 0x8004010F PropTag: 0x676D0102
        Lid: 14164   StoreEc: 0xFFFFFA1D PropTag: 0x676C0102
        Lid: 8660    StoreEc: 0x8004010F PropTag: 0x676C0102
        Lid: 18658 
        Lid: 11956   StoreEc: 0x8004010F PropTag: 0x676C0102
        Lid: 15604   StoreEc: 0x8004010F PropTag: 0x676C0102
        Lid: 64319   dwParam: 0x249F0
        Lid: 39743   dwParam: 0x256FC
        Lid: 45016   StoreEc: 0x4DA    
        Lid: 57304 
        Lid: 5041    StoreEc: 0x4DA    
        Lid: 4465    StoreEc: 0x4DA    
        Lid: 6926    StoreEc: 0x4DA    
        Lid: 1750    ---- Remote Context End ----
        Lid: 31418   --- ROP Parse Done ---
        Lid: 21457 
        Lid: 19665   StoreEc: 0x4DA    
       at Microsoft.Mapi.MapiExceptionHelper.ThrowIfError(String message, Int32 hresult, SafeExInterfaceHandle iUnknown, Exception innerException)
       at Microsoft.Mapi.MapiProp.SaveChanges(SaveChangesFlags flags)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MoveObjectInfo`1.UpdateMessage(T obj, GetAdditionalProperties getAdditionalPropertiesCallback)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MoveObjectInfo`1.UpdateMessage(T obj)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.LocalMailbox.Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.IMailbox.SaveSyncState(Byte[] key, String syncStateStr)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MailboxWrapper.<>c__DisplayClass57.<Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.IMailbox.SaveSyncState>b__56()
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.ExecutionContext.Execute(GenericCallDelegate operation)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MailboxWrapper.Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.IMailbox.SaveSyncState(Byte[] key, String syncState)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MailboxCopierBase.SaveSyncState(SaveStateFlags flags)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.BaseJob.SaveSyncState(SaveStateFlags flags)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.BaseJob.SaveState(SaveStateFlags flags, UpdateRequestDelegate updateRequestDel)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MoveBaseJob.WriteMessages(Object[] wiParams)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.CommonUtils.CatchKnownExceptions(GenericCallDelegate del, FailureDelegate failureDelegate)
    Error context: --------
    Operation: IMailbox.SaveSyncState
    OperationSide: Target
    Primary (867634f2-b8a2-491b-a6f2-05c380b6a04b)
    Key: 94ECA0233E4D6B4B9B1C80F9970AA564F2347686A2B81B49A6F205C380B6A04BE0CA914F6695624C98892FA527AAA91E
    SyncStateLength: 157016438
    09/04/2014 00:40:24 [] Relinquishing job.

    Thanks for the feedback - have increased the baditemlimit to 500000 items (from 80000) and resumed, failed after 10 mins and the item transferred count increased by 3000 so some progress made.  The number of baditems detected remained at the 51362.
    The last entries in the URL above refer to mailbox storage, which I've looked into and set to unrestricted.
    Have the following settings in place:
    mailbox storage quota set to unrestricted
    source and target database storage limits set to unrestricted
    global transport limit - increased from 75MB to 150MB
    Annoyingly this mapiexecptionmaxsubmissionexceeded error doesn't shed any other light on the cause apart from the issue being on the target end.  The original transfer was on SP2 UR7, I've then retried now on SP3 UR5 to see if this would
    make a difference - no joy
    The corrupt items in the move request log are calendar items - is there a way to prevent calendar items from being included in a suspended move request?

  • SAP banking solution system

    Hello, I would like to ask
    So how can the system ECC6 banking solutions into the system?
    For example, SE62 are then converted into retail banking which are also T-CODE

    The SAP banking solution has the following functionalities You can have a detail of each one of these on website.
    Banking     1
    1 Product Management     
    1.1 Definition of New Offerings     
    1.1.1 Market and Customer Research     
    1.1.2 Developing New Offerings     
    1.1.3 Simulation and Testing     
    1.2 Launch of New Offerings     
    1.2.1 Providing Documentation     
    1.2.2 Rolling Out to Sales     
    1.2.3 Implementing in Operations     
    1.2.4 Implementing in Business Management     
    1.3 Monitoring of New and Existing Offerings     
    1.3.1 Evaluating Market Penetration     
    1.3.2 Back Testing     
    1.3.3 Auditing     
    1.4 Price Optimization     
    1.4.1 Setting of financial product rates     
    1.4.2 Reporting and Analysis of KPI's     
    1.4.3 Generating 'What-if' Scenarios     
    2 Customer Management     
    2.1 Market Analysis     
    2.1.1 Identifying Market Segments     
    2.1.2 Analyzing Market Potential     
    2.1.3 Analyzing Market Penetration     
    2.2 Customer Acquisition     
    2.2.1 Managing the Business Partner     
    2.2.2 Managing Campaigns     
    2.2.3 Lead Generation     
    2.2.4 Valuating Potential Customers     
    2.3 Cross Selling Management     
    2.3.1 Analyzing Existing Customer Balances     
    2.3.2 Defining and Monitoring Preconfigured Product Bundles     
    2.3.3 Analyzing Customer Behavior     
    2.3.4 Analyzing Regular Incoming Payments     
    2.3.5 Advice and Sales Execution     
    2.4 Loyalty Management     
    2.4.1 Updating Valuation and Classification of Customer with Rating and Scoring     
    2.4.2 Executing Customer Behavior Analysis     
    2.4.3 Analyzing Customer Performance     
    2.4.4 Managing Campaigns     
    2.4.5 Wealth Management     
    2.4.6 Finance Management     
    2.4.7 Going Public Advisory     
    3 Sales Management     
    3.1 Account Origination     
    3.1.1 Analyzing Customer Data and Requirements     
    3.1.2 Calculating and Creating Customer-Specific Offers     
    3.1.3 Underwriting, Risk Assessment and Validation     
    3.1.4 Closing and Funding     
    3.2 Servicing of Existing Customers     
    3.2.1 Maintaining Customer Data     
    3.2.2 Managing Complaints     
    3.2.3 Executing Campaigns     
    3.2.4 Providing Information to the Customer     
    3.2.5 Entering Payment Data     
    3.2.6 Entering Locks     
    3.2.7 Delivering Check Books     
    3.3 Provision of Advice     
    3.3.1 Tracking Financial News     
    3.3.2 Analyzing Customer Status
    3.3.3 Giving Pro- and Reactive Advice     
    4 Operations Management     
    4.1 Finance Operations     
    4.1.1 Creating and Disbursing Loans     
    4.1.2 Managing Incoming Payments     
    4.1.3 Managing Collateral     
    4.1.4 Default     
    4.1.5 Managing Business Operations     
    4.2 Payments/Check Order Operations     
    4.2.1 Managing Payment Media     
    4.2.2 Executing Payments/Check Order Operations     
    4.2.3 Providing Posting Preparation/Posting Control     
    4.2.4 Executing Exception Handling/Repair     
    4.2.5 Calculations/Charges     
    4.2.6 Creating Correspondence     
    4.2.7 Processing Currency Conversion     
    4.2.8 Managing Archives     
    4.2.9 Processing Inbound/Outbound Communication
    4.3 Checking and Deposit Account Operations     
    4.3.1 Managing a Contract During its Entire Life Cycle     
    4.3.2 Managing Events and Items     
    4.3.3 Handling Exceptions     
    4.3.4 Managing Posting Locks     
    4.3.5 Managing Periodic Settlement     
    4.3.6 Executing Cash Concentration     
    4.3.7 Executing Intraday Calculation     
    4.3.8 Managing Bank Statements     
    4.3.9 Managing Archives     
    4.4 Customer-Based Operations     
    4.4.1 Managing Customer Limit Checks     
    4.4.2 Managing Periodic Settlement     
    4.4.3 Managing Customer Conditions     
    4.4.4 Managing Tax Statements     
    4.4.5 Managing Bank Statements     
    4.4.6 Managing Posting Locks     
    4.4.7 Evaluating Limits     
    4.5 Trading Operations (Proprietary/Customer)     
    4.5.1 Trading Securities, MM/FX, Derivatives     
    4.5.2 Managing Trading Settlement     
    4.5.3 Managing Correspondence     
    4.5.4 Managing Postings     
    4.5.5 Managing Payments/Clearing     
    4.5.6 Executing Valuation     
    4.5.7 Managing Accruals/Deferrals     
    5 Bank Management     
    5.1 Financial Accounting
    5.1.1 Classic General Ledger     
    5.1.2 Accounts Receivable     
    5.1.3 Accounts Payable     
    5.1.4 Contract Accounting (Corporate Function)     
    5.1.5 Fixed Asset Accounting     
    5.1.6 Bank Accounting (Corporate Function)
    5.1.7 Cash Journal Accounting     
    5.1.8 Inventory Accounting     
    5.1.9 Tax Accounting     
    5.1.10 Accrual Accounting     
    5.1.11 Local Close     
    5.1.12 Financial Statements     
    5.1.13 Accounting for Financial Instruments (Subledger)     
    5.1.14 Reconciliation of Local GAAP data with IFRS data (Merge)     
    5.1.15 Determining Financial Reporting Data     
    5.2 Management Accounting     
    5.2.1 Profit Center Accounting     
    5.2.2 Cost Center and Internal Order Accounting     
    5.2.3 Project Accounting     
    5.2.4 Investment Management     
    5.2.5 Profitability Accounting     
    5.2.6 Accounting for Financial Instruments (Integrated Financial and Management Accounting)     
    5.2.7 Profitability Analysis     
    5.2.8 Management Reporting     
    5.3 Consolidation     
    5.3.1 Legal and Management Consolidation     
    5.4 Bank Planning     
    5.4.1 Strategic Planning     
    5.4.2 Workforce Planning     
    5.4.3 Sales Planning     
    5.4.4 Profitability Planning     
    5.4.5 Cost Planning     
    5.5 Credit Risk Management     
    5.5.1 Managing Global Credit Limits     
    5.5.2 Early Warning System     
    5.5.3 Credit Portfolio Management     
    5.5.4 Calculation of regulatory capital requirements for credit risks acc. to Basel II, EU CRD and national. legislation     
    5.5.5 Stress Testing     
    5.5.6 Calibration and Validation of Credit Risk Models (Rating Models, LGD-, PD- and CCF Models)
    5.5.7 Reporting layer for disclosure (e.g. Basel II reports), COREP and internal reporting     
    5.6 Market Risk Management     
    5.6.1 Managing Global Market Limits     
    5.6.2 Early Warning System     
    5.6.3 Managing Market Data     
    5.6.4 Internal Market Risk Model     
    5.6.5 Back Testing     
    5.7 Asset Liability Management     
    5.7.1 Asset Liability Management Analytics     
    5.7.2 Simulation     
    5.7.3 Planning     
    5.7.4 Hedging     
    5.7.5 Reporting     
    5.7.6 Managing Global Limits of ALM risk key figures     
    5.8 Operational Risk Management     
    5.8.1 Sarbanes-Oxley Act     
    5.8.2 Anti Money Laundering     
    5.8.3 Audit Information System     
    5.8.4 Segregation of Duties     
    5.8.5 Operational risks calculation according to Basel II, EU CRD and national legislation     
    5.8.6 Operational risks calculation according to internal models     
    5.8.7 Reporting layer for disclosure (e.g. Basel II reports), COREP and internal reporting     
    5.8.8 Operational Loss and Risk Event Data Capture     
    5.9 Limit Management     
    5.9.1 Setting, monitoring and controlling limits for different risk key figures     
    5.9.2 Alerts and exception handling     
    5.9.3 Full reporting capabilities     
    5.10 Regulatory Reporting     
    5.10.1 Pre-processing for regulatory reporting     
    5.10.2 Creating reports for regulatory reporting     
    6 Enterprise Management & Support     
    6.1 Analytics SAP Analytics for ERP: Complete performance management. Realtime business insight. Actionable analytics.     43
    6.1.2 Strategic Enterprise Management Further Information     
    6.1.3 Workforce Analytics Further Information     
    6.1.4 End-User Service Delivery ERP for everyone Predefined Portal Roles Business Benefits of mySAP ERP End-User Service Delivery     
    6.2 Human Capital Management     
    6.2.1 Talent Management     
    6.2.2 Workforce Process Management     
    6.2.3 Workforce Deployment     
    6.3 Corporate Services     
    6.3.1 Travel Management See also     
    6.3.2 Environmental Compliance Management     
    6.3.3 Incentive and Commission Management     
    6.3.4 Real Estate Management     
    6.4 Operations Support     
    6.4.1 Life-Cycle Data Management     
    6.4.2 Project and Portfolio Management     
    6.4.3 Enterprise Asset Management     
    6.4.4 Indirect Procurement Requisitioning Purchase Order Management Receiving Financial Settlement     
    6.4.5 Global Trade Services     
    Hope this helps you.

  • Group Owners Administer Users in Group Only?

    Is there any way to set up privs so that each group can have an admin that can inturn administer the users allocated to the group but not members of other groups?

    Not currently. First of all, when talking about administering users, in the Portal context, there are two privileges that need to be taken into account.
    1. Login Server Full Administrator - this is a privilege that is given to the user when he is created (or edited) on the Login Server. Giving this privilege allows the user to create or edit other users on the Login Server.
    2. Portal Any User Create (or Manage) privilege - this privilege allows you to edit a user's Portal profile. This allows you to edit his demographics, set preferences, assign him global privileges (limited to those of which you have the Manage privilege).
    A user given the above privileges can administer any user. There is no concept of user "domains" at this time, however, this concept is under consideration for the next release -- in Oracle9iAS v2.

  • Get current active desktop console user

    I am googling for some time trying to find a way to determine UserID
    of user using the physical console. I am after a command that can be
    run from terminal, ssh, cron.
    "who" shows all users logged in with Fast user switching,
    all of them on 'console' but I see no way to figure out who is
    the one using the desktop that time.
    Many hits point to CGSession, but so far I was not able find the options
    to get the ID of current console user. It is certain that this binary has
    access to the value, because when trying -switchToUserID it can respond with:
    Unable to Fast User Switch: User must be the current console user or root.
    Is there any way to find out current console user? Would appreciate also
    a pointer to some library I can call from C and printf the value.
    Thanks in advance.

    Your post was 100% to the point. Thanks a million. I was hoping there would be a binary in the system already to provide the info needed, so this forum appeared the most appropriate. So far I've never compiled my C program on a Mac but with the info from published documents it was a snap:
    (how to paste code samples to this forum??)
    mac40:timemgmt amk$ cat loguser.c
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h>
    #include <CoreFoundation/CFString.h> leUsers/Concepts/FastUserSwitching.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20002209-BAJDIHBJ
    static CFStringRef CopyCurrentConsoleUsername(SCDynamicStoreRef store)
    // Returns the name of the current console user, or NULL if there is
    // none. store may be NULL, in which case a transient dynamic store
    // session is used.
    CFStringRef result;
    result = SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser(store, NULL, NULL);
    // If the current console user is "loginwindow", treat that as equivalent
    // to none.
    if ( (result != NULL) && CFEqual(result, CFSTR("loginwindow")) ) {
    result = NULL;
    return result;
    main(int ac, char*av)
    CFStringRef cf;
    const char * s;
    if ( ( cf = CopyCurrentConsoleUsername ( NULL ) ) != NULL )
    if ( ( s = CFStringGetCStringPtr ( cf, CFStringGetFastestEncoding ( cf ) ) ) != NULL )
    printf ( "%s\n", s );
    exit ( 0 );
    perror ( "Get current console user" );
    exit ( 1 );
    mac40:timemgmt amk$ cc -o loguser loguser.c -framework CoreFoundation -framework SystemConfiguration
    mac40:timemgmt amk$ who | grep console
    ivka console Nov 25 07:11
    eyetv console Nov 22 12:31
    mac40:timemgmt amk$ ./loguser
    mac40:timemgmt amk$
    BTW, I am trying to implement a kind of distributed parental control with global time limits over multiple computers.

  • Global succession updates are limited to 500 relationships. If more than 500 exist PLM presents a warning message and does not execute the update

    Global succession updates are limited to 500 relationships. If more than 500 exist PLM presents a warning message and does not execute the update.
    How/Where to increase the relationship count?
    The message which I can see :
    This specification has exceeded the number of parent relationships allowed by Where Used. The Where Used tool only supports up to 500 parent relationships.

    This really brings up a larger topic around change management.
    The questions you should start with is
    1. What kind of change is happening to the raw material? 
    2. Will this change affect anything upstream inside or outside of PLM4P? (Will this change affect nutrition, compliance, the ingredient statement, the label etc?)
    3. Who needs to approve this change?
    If they are non-material changes (changes that don't affect theoretical calculations, the ingredient statement, labeling, upstream systems that need to be notified etc) then you should be using get latest revision instead of global succession.   Get Latest Revision will automatically switch out the material with the latest approved version.  This logic is also configurable in case you need to add additional guard conditions.   We can also provide guidance around locking the get latest revision lock once a specification has reached the retired/obsolete state so changes won't occur for specifications in those statuses.
    If the changes to the raw material are material changes (changes that affect calculations, labeling etc) then the change should be reflected with a copy of the specification.  Dependent specifications then need to be re-issued so calculations can be performed and the appropriate workflow reviews can occur.   Smart Issue allows for filtering based on status and should let you re-issue in smaller blocks. 
    Let me know more about your change management strategy, how often large material changes happen and maybe example causes for those mass changes.  We can also schedule a change management training session for everyone where we can share our vision and tools available for change management.  This topic is quite large and generally requires a lot of business process discussion beyond just the tools available. 

  • Globals limited to long 255?

    Hi, I need to pass some values between forms using globals, as I don't want to put them in bd until last moment. One is of 1000 char, but seems there's a limit in globals of 255, there's any way to avoid this?
    Thanks in advance

    global variable is limited to 255 chars.
    You could use instead global package variable and CALL_FORM, OPEN_FORM with SHARE_LIBRARY_DATA argument.
    Half a solution is to use four or five global variables that are concatened... ;-((

  • How does the Global Data Plan affect my limits while still in the states?

      I turned on the Global Data Plan for a trip next week.  Will my normal data limits apply while still in the states this week?

        Hi KBKB,
    I wish you a safe trip next week. The Global Data Plan has no impact on the data plan you would use in the states because they cover data differently at a separate cost and data allowance. Do you need more details on our Global Data plan? Visit
    Thank you! EdW_VZW
    Follow us on twitter @VZWSupport

  • Global Address Search limited to one account

    Just got my Pre setup today with a 2nd exschange account. I noticed that when doing a GAS for a contact, it will only search the account you happened to setup first. Is this a known issue, as designed, something hasn't come up yet, etc.?
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    This has been addressed in webOS update 1.3.1. Please respond to this thread if you are still seeing this issue.

  • LE7:Score Layout:Global Format:Maximum Bars per Line - Line Break Bug!

    This problem occurs in Logic Express version 7.
    (I am using MacOS version 10.4.2 on an eMac)
    I am currently compiling and editing a large score for a big band composition consisting of 22 parts:
    Flute 1
    Flute 2
    Clarinet 1
    Clarinet 2
    Alto Sax 1
    Alto Sax 2
    Tenor Sax 1
    Tenor Sax 2
    Baritone Sax
    Trombone 1
    Trombone 2
    Trombone 3
    Trombone 4
    Trumpet 1
    Trumpet 2
    Trumpet 3
    Trumpet 4
    Electric Bass
    Percussion 1 (Kit)
    Percussion 2 (Aux)
    I am creating the score in a separate file, and I am combining parts into 1 stave each by instrument like this:
    Flute 1 & 2
    Clarinet 1 & 2
    Alto Sax 1 & 2
    Tenor Sax 1 & 2
    Baritone Sax
    Trombone 1 - 4
    Trumpet 1 - 4
    Keyboard (2 staves)
    Each instrument, with the exception of keyboard which has 2 staves, consists of one stave, making up systems of twelve staves each. By sizing down each score style to 2,
    I have managed to fit 2 systems onto each page, therefore significantly reducing the amount of paper needed.
    The problem comes when organising the layout of my score,
    in particular, the line breaks. Using layout:global format, I have limited the maximum number of bars per line to 8, both in the page edit and normal score mode.
    I am trying to divide up my score so that there are 8 bars per system. Using the white arrow tool, I am dragging bars up and down in order to achieve this.
    However, when I get 30 odd bars in, I discover a system with 12 bars crammed into it - and even printing it off, it is clear that the system could benefit with less bars; the notation is squashed up together and not very easy to read.
    So I tried using the white arrow to move the last 4 bars down onto the next system, and a bug occurs where I end up with about 20 bars on the system, oddly distorted, the first few bars of which are squashed up together at the beginning of the line, and the last bar of which is stretched far off the right hand side of the page out of view. Then the next 20 or so bars are no where to be seen (probably far off the right hand side of the page) before the system below.
    If you dont know what I am talking about, I could provide a screenshot if you request.
    I have tried everything to get 8 bars on that particular system; dragging the stretched bar downwards, dragging squashed bars downward, moving bars down 1 by 1, moving bars onto the system above, moving bars away from the system below (to make room for the 4 bars that I want to move from above), adding more bars and dragging them down, but none of these methods have worked. I am either stuck with 12 bars crammed onto one system and 4 bars on the next or an oddly distorted version of the system which cannot possibly be read. Even when I settle with the unsatistactory former, I encounter further problems on subsequent systems below, some systems of which are already distorted.
    All I want is to have 8 bars per system, it should not be too much to ask! The layout:global format:maximum-bars-per-line calculation seems to be redundant, even when I reset the default line breaks - it just does not automatically set 8 bars per line, which it should do. Is there not an option to determine bars individually by number onto their respective lines, without having to use the white arrow graphic layout tool?
    The problem is extremely frustrating, and it is preventing me from completing, presenting and handing in a score for my university music composition.
    I have no other score producing software, and starting it
    from scratch on paper is going to take me weeks, because it consists of 830 12/8 bars in 22 parts, and I need to get it ready by next term!
    Any help would be extremely helpful and much appreciated, especially a patch or a useful way round. It could be related to memory, or hard drive space, as I have experienced similar problems in the past, where my score has been stretched off the page during a time when I have had little disk space...and this is a very large piece of music which might stretch the score capabilities of Logic.
    If so, has anyone got any suggestions?
    eMac   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  
    eMac   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

    nope just cutting should work.
    here are some things to try:
    1. try assigning a different score style. for the regions. duplicate and then adjust the default ones if necessary.
    2. try creating a new instrument set. in fact delete them and make a new one (use the key command: create instrument set from selected)
    3. it may be a formatting problem so check:
    in global layout constant spacing (try 8 or 9) and proportional spacing (try 45 or so). then try factory defaults.
    4. try copying and pasting the midi into a brand new region and looking at the score for that.
    5. try fiddling with the layout tool drqagging bars up or down.
    normally simply cutting the region of just one object is enough to force a redraw. maybe try it on all of the regions. what happens when you double click on a region?

  • How do I automate global vector shape, mask & path transfers to Illustrator?

    Using: WIN7, Adobe CS5, PS, AI (but others may appreciate answers for CS6, etc.)
    When I need to move a project from  Photoshop to Illustrator, I need an automated way to prep shape and vector mask items for export--preferably preserving the structure and layout that already exists as layer names and order, character and paragraph settings, and of course global registration. My scripting is limited to recording actions, so I need to find an existing script or get coached on this. Any recommendations?
    I have googled and waded through numerous forum posts trying to research this on my own, so I know about the ability to export my path collection, but that's usually inapplicable in reality. It only deals with vectors from the Paths pallette. In Photoshop, I use the Paths pallet to store master and WIP paths, but all the working paths are either shapes or vector masks--or active type layers. Often enough that it's become an issue, I'll need to move the whole project to Illustrator. Obviously, the process has issues; I'm not expecting the rastor layers or Photoshop styles to carry over, but I see no reason why I can't capture text, shape and vector mask elements.
    They all have a vector component, but simply opening a PSD in Illustrator flattens (badly) the layers. I select the "Convert Layers as Objects" but have yet to see it extract editable text. I'm not sure if it even attempts to do anything with vector shapes or masks. I've got a process for moving a project one element at a time, using registration marks--but this requires turning text into shapes most of the time, especially if I am trying to preserve kerning and leading crucial to the layout. Maybe I just have not found the right info, and there is a way to transfer editable text without losing character and paragraph settings. I'd love to hear about it.
    For now, I'd be happy to stop wasting time doing a ton of conversions and renaming by hand, just so I can preserve the work I've already invested.
    One suggestion, posted under a multiple path export question, was to use scripting... but no one explored or explained how to go about it. I'm not asking for the impossible, however. I simply need help working out my own solution: if there is no application method for transferring the elements, try to script a method to prep those elements for export. Before I even attempt to reinvent someone's wheel, I am putting the question out there:
    Does anyone know of a solution that already exists?
    I appreciate hearing your advice and thank you for giving this some attention!
    edit:  I kept at it and managed to open my current project PSD in AI with text and shape/mask vectors successfully--not as cleanly as I'd hoped but the relative positioning of things was acceptable. I am still interested in hearing people's suggestions on better ways to transfer work from one tool to the other, though. I know this is going to come up for me again and again...

    It sounds like you have gotten this working for your project, but you might look at this thread for a few different solutions.

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