Setting properties of printing in Excel

I am working with Excel through ActiveX and I am trying to set the properties of printing an Excel file to PDF file. I managed to print the document but I cannot change the default properties. I write data in many columns and when I print the document, all the columns are not printed. Specifically I want to scale the document to print. This is how I am trying:
SetPrintAttribute(ATTR_EJECT_AFTER, 0);
SetPrintAttribute(ATTR_EJECT_AFTER, 1);
error_print_excel = Excel_Worksheet_PrintOut (ExcelWorksheetHandle, NULL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.

The NetworkConnectionIndex determines which nic is which. So a network card with the NetworkConnectionIndex of 0 is the first nic on the box, 1 is the second nic etc... If you have multiple nics you will need to evaluate through all of them like so:
$civms = (get-civapp dean* | get-civm)
foreach ($civm in $civms) {
    $Net = $civm.ExtensionData.Section | Where {$_.GetType() -like "*networkConnectionSection"}
    $nics = $Net.NetworkConnection
    foreach ($nic in $nics) {
  if ($nic.NetworkConnectionIndex -eq 0) {
  $nic.Network = "Network Name 1"
  $nic.NeedsCustomization = $true
  $nic.IsConnected = $true
  $nic.IpAddressAllocationMode = "DHCP"
  if ($nic.NetworkConnectionIndex -eq 1) {
  $nic.Network = "Network Name 2"
  $nic.NeedsCustomization = $true
  $nic.IsConnected = $true
  $nic.IpAddressAllocationMode = "DHCP"
  if ($nic.NetworkConnectionIndex -eq 2) {
  $nic.Network = "Network Name 3"
  $nic.NeedsCustomization = $true
  $nic.IsConnected = $true
  $nic.IpAddressAllocationMode = "DHCP"
  if ($nic.NetworkConnectionIndex -eq 3) {
  $nic.Network = "Network Name 4"
  $nic.NeedsCustomization = $true
  $nic.IsConnected = $true
  $nic.IpAddressAllocationMode = "DHCP"
CSIEnvironments aka Dean

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    Your question was posted in the wrong forum.

  • Web Printing With Excel

    I'm trying to web printing with excel. I implemented the classes and also applied to code that appears in the how to document.
    The problems comes that some of the code such as footer works and all others doesn't work. Any ideas how this work?
    <!-- BW data source object tags -->
             <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
             <param name="CMD" value="SET_DATA_PROVIDER"/>
             <param name="NAME" value="DP"/>
             <param name="QUERY" value="ASXNAMCUBE_I_SMC_505"/>
             <param name="INFOCUBE" value="SXNAMCUBE"/>
             DATA_PROVIDER:             DP
             <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
             <param name="CMD" value="SET_PROPERTIES"/>
             <param name="TEMPLATE_ID" value="Z_WEB_PRINTING"/>
             <param name="USE_PERSONALIZATION" value="X"/>
             <param name="VARIABLE_SCREEN" value="X"/>
             <param name="VARIABLES_CLEAR" value="X"/>
             <param name="ENABLE_OPEN_WINDOW" value="X"/>
             <param name="NO_SESSION_COOKIE" value="X"/>
             <param name="MENU_EXCHANGE_OBJECTS" value="X"/>
             <param name="MENU_CALCULATE_RESULT" value=""/>
             <param name="MENU_CALCULATE_VALUE" value=""/>
             <param name="MENU_BOOKMARK" value="E"/>
             <param name="MENU_PERSONALIZE" value="E"/>
             <param name="MENU_VARIABLE_SCREEN" value="X"/>
             <param name="USE_PAGE_WRAPPER" value="X"/>
             <param name="RRI_DISPLAY_TARGET" value=""/>
             <param name="ENHANCED_MENU" value="X"/>
             <param name="SNIPPET_OPERATIONS" value=""/>
    <META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft DHTML Editing Control">
             <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
             <param name="CMD" value="GET_ITEM"/>
             <param name="NAME" value="TEXTELEMENTS_6"/>
             <param name="ITEM_CLASS" value="CL_RSR_WWW_ITEM_TEXT_ELEMENTS"/>
             <param name="DATA_PROVIDER" value="DP"/>
             <param name="BORDER_STYLE" value="NO_BORDER"/>
             <param name="GENERATE_LINKS" value=""/>
             <param name="GENERATE_CAPTION" value=""/>
             <param name="SHOW_COMMON_ELEMENTS" value=""/>
             <param name="SHOW_FILTERS" value=""/>
             <param name="SHOW_VARIABLES" value=""/>
             <param name="ELEMENT_TYPE_1" value="COMMON"/>
             <param name="ELEMENT_NAME_1" value="REPTXTLG"/>
             <param name="ONLY_VALUES" value="X"/>
             ITEM:            TEXTELEMENTS_6
          <link href="/sap/bw/Mime/BEx/StyleSheets/BWReports.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
          <link href="/sap/bw/Mime/BEx/StyleSheets/BWReports.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="print"/>
    <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0">
        <TD vAlign=top><P align=left><IMG src="/sap/bw/Mime/BEx/Icons/kcc20white2.gif"></P></TD>
    <TD vAlign=top>
          <P align=center><FONT face=Arial color=#000000 size=5><STRONG>
    <!-- Text Element --->
             <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
             <param name="CMD" value="GET_ITEM"/>
             <param name="NAME" value="TEXTELEMENTS_3"/>
             <param name="ITEM_CLASS" value="CL_RSR_WWW_ITEM_TEXT_ELEMENTS"/>
             <param name="DATA_PROVIDER" value="DP"/>
             <param name="BORDER_STYLE" value="NO_BORDER"/>
             <param name="GENERATE_LINKS" value=""/>
             <param name="GENERATE_CAPTION" value=""/>
             <param name="SHOW_COMMON_ELEMENTS" value=""/>
             <param name="SHOW_FILTERS" value=""/>
             <param name="SHOW_VARIABLES" value=""/>
             <param name="ELEMENT_TYPE_1" value="COMMON"/>
             <param name="ELEMENT_NAME_1" value="REPTXTLG"/>
             <param name="ONLY_VALUES" value="X"/>
             ITEM:            TEXTELEMENTS_3
    <TD vAlign=top>
    <!-- Display Report Date Information --->
    <P align=right>
    <FONT color=#000000>
    Report Date:
             <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
             <param name="CMD" value="GET_ITEM"/>
             <param name="NAME" value="TEXTELEMENTS_4"/>
             <param name="ITEM_CLASS" value="CL_RSR_WWW_ITEM_TEXT_ELEMENTS"/>
             <param name="DATA_PROVIDER" value="DP"/>
             <param name="BORDER_STYLE" value="NO_BORDER"/>
             <param name="GENERATE_LINKS" value=""/>
             <param name="GENERATE_CAPTION" value=""/>
             <param name="SHOW_FILTERS" value=""/>
             <param name="SHOW_VARIABLES" value=""/>
             <param name="ELEMENT_TYPE_1" value="COMMON"/>
             <param name="ELEMENT_NAME_1" value="SRDATE"/>
             <param name="ONLY_VALUES" value="X"/>
             ITEM:            TEXTELEMENTS_4
    <table><tr><td class="SAPBEXBtnStdBorder" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
    <table><tr><td class="SAPBEXBtnStd" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
             <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
             <param name="CMD" value="GET_ITEM"/>
             <param name="NAME" value="GR1GR2NavBlock"/>
             <param name="ITEM_CLASS" value="CL_RSR_WWW_ITEM_NAV_BLOCK"/>
             <param name="DATA_PROVIDER" value="DP"/>
             <param name="CLOSED" value="X"/>
             <param name="WIDTH" value="600"/>
             <param name="HORIZONTAL_NUMBER" value="2"/>
             <param name="FILTER_VALUE_LENGTH" value="20"/>
             ITEM:            GR1GR2NavBlock
    <td valign="top">
    <!-- Filter Values --->
    <FONT face=Arial color=#000000 size=1>
             <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
             <param name="CMD" value="GET_ITEM"/>
             <param name="NAME" value="GR1Filter_1"/>
             <param name="ITEM_CLASS" value="CL_RSR_WWW_ITEM_TEXT_ELEMENTS"/>
             <param name="DATA_PROVIDER" value="DP"/>
             <param name="BORDER_STYLE" value="NO_BORDER"/>
             <param name="GENERATE_CAPTION" value=""/>
             <param name="SHOW_COMMON_ELEMENTS" value=""/>
             <param name="SHOW_VARIABLES" value=""/>
             <param name="ONLY_VALUES" value="X"/>
             ITEM:            GR1Filter_1
             <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
             <param name="CMD" value="GET_ITEM"/>
             <param name="NAME" value="GR1Filter"/>
             <param name="ITEM_CLASS" value="CL_RSR_WWW_ITEM_FILTER"/>
             <param name="DATA_PROVIDER" value="DP"/>
             <param name="BORDER_STYLE" value="NO_BORDER"/>
             <param name="GENERATE_CAPTION" value=""/>
             <param name="GENERATE_LINKS" value=""/>
             <param name="ONLY_VALUES" value="X"/>
             ITEM:            GR1Filter
             <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
             <param name="CMD" value="GET_ITEM"/>
             <param name="NAME" value="TABLE_1"/>
             <param name="ITEM_CLASS" value="CL_RSR_WWW_ITEM_GRID"/>
             <param name="DATA_PROVIDER" value="DP"/>
             <param name="HELP_SERVICE" value="HELP_SERVICE_PRINT"/>
             <param name="HELP_SERVICE_CLASS" value="ZCL_RSR_XLS_HELP_WINDOW_PRINT"/>
             ITEM:            TABLE_1
    <STYLE type=text/css media=print>
    margin:1.0in .75in 1.0in .75in;
    <col style='mso-width-source:auto'>
    <col style='mso-width-source:auto'>
    <col style='mso-width-source:auto'>
    <col width=200 style='mso-width-source:userset'>
    <col width=100 style='mso-width-source:userset'></x:ColWidths>
    <hierarchy_icons hide= designtimesp=26251></x:BW></style>

    Did you ever get your web template to print properly?

  • Setting options in "Printer" section using Applescript InDesign CS

    How can i set define supplementary options found in the "Printer" section of the InDesign dialog box in a print preset using Applescript?
    I would like my script to set duplex option with the proper binding, according to the page orientation.
    When creating print presets manually, these extra options are stored in the print preset, but I can't find how to access them thru Applescript.

    Thanks for your reply, but it is not yet clear to me.
    I know you can set some print properties in the Apple Print event, such as copies, collating, target printer ...but how can I adress the printer-specific options, such as duplex printing? Could you give me a sample line of code?
    And next step, how can I include this "Apple -print" setting in an InDesign Print preset using Applescript? I suppose I have to set the apple printer prefs before creating the InDesign preset. Right?
    Thanks in advance,

  • Download-to-excel vs. web print to excel

    There is an old how-to guide about downloading web report to Excel and it worked fine. Now we are implementing the web print to Excel function. However, two concerns:
    1) what's the advantage of web print to excel over download to excel function?
    2) in web print to excel, the header is fine but the cells of rows are all aligned in first column vertically! I only imported the classes and used the HELP class but did not configure the XML tags.

    Using the old How to guide (2.0B) you will only download the data on the screen, if you had multiple pages it will not download any of those extra pages.
    The new Excel print is based on MS Office HTML, here you have more options for setting print options by default in the template, like page orientation, repeating column headers, paper size (legal, A4 etc..), report header etc... you can also have a print specific template using the device types.
    One more advantage over the 3.0B Excel download is if you use Table APIs for manipulating data it will be taken into account with the new soltuion. This also supports multiple data providers.

  • Printing to Excel Article by Tobias Kaufmann

    Does anyone know where to get the classes that need to be imported that are referenced in the printing to excel article by Tobias Kaufmann?  I am interested in trying this technique, but cannot locate the classes that are mentioned in the article.  Any help to get me going in the right direction would be very much appreciated.  The article is located at intelligence web printing with excel.pdf

    Thanks alot to you both Yogen and Kaufmann...
    I tried as you mentioned with Text element in the header section it is not working and also tried with the REPTXTLG .. botht the cases it is not promting me with the dialog box at all and hanging just like that... If i remove the text element it is working fine and prompting me with dialog box to open the excel.
    I am attaching my code here, Could you please look at this code and guide me if i am doing any mistake in this...
    Thanks in advance for your help
    <!-- BW data source object tags -->
             <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
             <param name="CMD" value="SET_DATA_PROVIDER"/>
             <param name="NAME" value="DATAPROVIDER_1"/>
             <param name="DATA_PROVIDER_ID" value="YEA_FI_ZMCSPLPL_SUM_VIEW_V1"/>
             DATA_PROVIDER:             DATAPROVIDER_1
             <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
             <param name="CMD" value="SET_PROPERTIES"/>
             <param name="TEMPLATE_ID" value="ZTEST_WEB_TEMP2"/>
             <param name="SUPPRESS_WARNINGS" value="X"/>
             <param name="VARIABLE_SCREEN" value="X"/>
    <META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft DHTML Editing Control">
    <title>Summary P&L Web Report </title>
    <link href="/sap/bw/Mime/BEx/StyleSheets/BWReports.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <script language="JavaScript">
    SAPBWAddToMenu("Printwith Excel","myMenuProcessor","1","","","X","BOTTOM","","");
    // Command Processing
    function myMenuProcessor(parameter,cell_type,filter,parameter1,parameter2,item,dataprovider,x,y)
    switch (parameter) {
    case "1":
    <table><tr><td class="SAPBEXBtnStdBorder" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
    <table><tr><td class="SAPBEXBtnStd" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
    <A href="<sap_bw_url
    Print with Excel</A>
             <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
             <param name="CMD" value="GET_ITEM"/>
             <param name="NAME" value="TABLE_1"/>
             <param name="ITEM_CLASS" value="CL_RSR_WWW_ITEM_GRID"/>
             <param name="DATA_PROVIDER" value="DATAPROVIDER_1"/>
             <param name="GENERATE_CAPTION" value=""/>
             <param name="ALT_STYLES" value=""/>
             <param name="TARGET_DATA_PROVIDER_1" value="DATAPROVIDER_1"/>
             <param name="HELP_SERVICE" value="PRINT_WITH_EXCEL"/>
             <param name="HELP_SERVICE_CLASS" value="ZCL_RSR_XLS_HELP_WINDOW_PRINT"/>
             ITEM:            TABLE_1
    <!-- Settings for Web Printing with Excel
    // header with logo, footer, page orientation, margin, ...
    {mso-header-data:"&L&G&C&\0022Arial\,fed\0022&12&14Summary P and L>&[DATAPROVIDER_1/REPTXTLG]";
         mso-footer-data:"Confidential ";
         margin:1.0in .75in 1.0in .75in;
    // fit to page, grid lines, logo (header picture)
    // page breaks
    // column widths
              <col width=180 style='mso-width-source:userset'>
              <col style='mso-width-source:auto'>
    // Repeated Rows
    // Repeated Cols
    // BW parameters
              <hierarchy_icons hide=X>
    End Settings for Web Printing with Excel -->

  • How to set properties in a loop in jsp

    I have a problem to set properties for beans in jsp
    this is part of my code:
    <jsp:useBean id="searchHandler" class="searchHandler.class"
    String[] tempStr={"hello","you","happy"};
    for(int i=0; i<tempStr.length; i++)
    <jsp:setProperty name="searchHandler" property="beanStr" value="<%= tempStr[i] %>" />
    it doesn't work well.
    something wrong?

    why do you use the print-tag in your setProperty-Tag.
    Try it without <%=tempStr%>.
    Try <%tempStr%>
    or only tempStr.

  • I cant print from EXCEL

    I have just installed my new HP Office Jet Pro 8600 and I am unable to print from EXCEL...Can anyone advise please?

    Do you receive any error messages?
    Yes, the error message I receive is "current printer is unavailable. Select another printer". This error message is shown when I try to print a excel or a PDF file. However, I have no issues printing from Word, or the web. Also, I have a second computer signed on from a wireless network, and it can print everything without an issue.
    What options do you get when you try to print from Excel?
    It gives me the option to use "Microsoft XPS Document Writer" or "Quickbooks PDF converter". However, neither of these options allow me to print. 
    Does it work from other Office programs?
    Yes, Microsoft Word.
    How is the printer connected to the computer?
    The printer was originally a wireless connection when the problem occurred. I then switched to a USB connection, with the same results. I then tried an Ethernet wired connection, but no change. Currently, we are on a USB wired connection.
    What version of Excel is being used?
    "Microsoft Office Excel 2007" I belief it is the home office edition.
    What operating system does the computer use?
    The computer having an issue runs Windows 7. My second computer runs XP, and has no issues.
    How was the printer driver installed?  Was it from a CD or a download?  Was it the full featured driver or basic print driver?
    The printer was installed by a CD. It is unclear to me whether or not it is basic or full, I just popped in the disc the printer came with. It installed version 24.2.0
    We recently purchased this printer in order to replace our old printer for office use. The old printer has incredibly slow, and sometimes did not print things. We first set up the new computer (HP Officejet Pro 8600 N911a), and added it to our wireless network. We then added it to our main computer, and the printer would not print from excel. However, we found we were able to print things without an issue from our second computer once it was added.
    We have tried rebooting, reinstalling, using every form of connection, without progress.

  • IE 10 + Print to Excel not working appropriately

    The web application we have currently works in IE 8 (java 6 update 22) where I would click 'print to excel' button in the web app window and a prompt to 'open, save or cancel' showed up fine.
    I have been testing IE 10 (Java 7 update 25) and when I click 'print to excel' another IE 10 windows pops up with the information that is contained in the excel document. How can I have it show the 'open, save or cancel' option'? I don't want the IE 10 browser
    to display the info. I noticed that the "Automatic prompting for File download' is no longer in IE 10, not sure if that has anything to do with it (i.e. if there is a workaround to add it back in to test), thanks.
    Also, I went to the site
    to walk through the workaround, but I don't see key 2202.
    Windows 7 x64-bit
    Testing: IE 10 Java 7 update 25

    I also unable to find the key 2202 in my test machine.
    As you know, this setting was removed from the security settings options starting with Internet Explorer 9 because of the introduction of the new "Download Manager" app. The related registry key may also missing.
    You may try to add the key 2202 manually for a test.
    How to add, modify, or delete registry subkeys and values by using a .reg file:
    please backup Registry first.  How to back up and restore the registry in Windows:
    Under Workarounds dialog, I find this sentence "I have discovered that where our export button no longer reacted in IE10, holding down the CTRL + ALT keys and clicking on the link spawned the file download dialogue panel successfully.".
    You may "Press Alt-N"  to get focus there.
    Hope it helps.
    Blair Deng
    Blair Deng
    TechNet Community Support

  • I am having trouble printing to an Epson XP600.  It is a new printer and it has been replaced because we thought it was the printer.  Basically, when I print from Excel, only color will print.

    I am having trouble printing to an Epson XP600.  We have replaced the printer and we are still having the same problem.  When I try to print from Excel, only the color prints.  Any suggestions?

    Has anyone else had issues not being able to print black (such as a document)?  My photos print great, but when I try to print a simple black-ink document, it won't work. Any suggestions?

  • How do I set up my printer to only print in black?

    how do I set up my printer to only print in black?

    Please read this post then provide some details.  What printer model? What operating system?   Depending on your printer model you might remove the color cartridge, forcing black only printing, or select "Print in Grayscale" and "Black ink only" in the driver. 
    Some printer models (whether from HP or other manufacturers) may not allow printing in black if the color inks are empty.  There are also some other constraints, black only printing is generally not available when printing on photo papers and may not be available when printing with an automatic two-sided duplexer.
    Bob Headrick,  HP Expert
    I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.
    If your problem is solved please click the "Accept as Solution" button ------------V
    If my answer was helpful please click the "Thumbs Up" to say "Thank You"--V

  • Report printing in excel with multiple sheets

    Hi Experts,
         I am working in Oracle Reports 10g.  I need to print the report in Excel....
    For this i have created .JSP file and now printing in Excel(Sheet1).
    My requirement is i need to print the report in multiple sheets.
    For example if i run the departments report then the generated excel file should be as below
    (Sheet1 - HR, Sheet2 - FINANCE, Sheet3 - MARKETING, etc.,)
    How can i do this?
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi All,
       Is this possible  Report printing in excel with multiple sheets??
    Please give solution for my above post Report printing in excel with multiple sheets..

  • Scheduled Delivery- Printer display 'you have not set up this print app'

    If you add a Scheduled Delivery print app to your printer through the ePC without selecting a delivery schedule, when you go to confirm on printer and perform a 'Print Now' you will see a message on the display “You have not yet set up this print app.  Please to go to to setup your delivery.  Press OK to print a sample copy.”
    If you wish to only have the print app as a 'print now' with no deliveries scheduled, you will see this message everytime you perform a print now.
    If you wish to have the print app setup as a scheduled delivery then go to the ePC, select the print app, and setup a  scheduled delivery.
    Although I am an HP employee my posts and replies are my own.

    If you add a Scheduled Delivery print app to your printer through the ePC without selecting a delivery schedule, when you go to confirm on printer and perform a 'Print Now' you will see a message on the display “You have not yet set up this print app.  Please to go to to setup your delivery.  Press OK to print a sample copy.”
    If you wish to only have the print app as a 'print now' with no deliveries scheduled, you will see this message everytime you perform a print now.
    If you wish to have the print app setup as a scheduled delivery then go to the ePC, select the print app, and setup a  scheduled delivery.
    Although I am an HP employee my posts and replies are my own.

  • How to set up Canon printer via Netgear print server ps121 on new macbook

    I have bought a new Macbook (OS10.4.8). The Apple store gives a good deal if you buy a Canon ip4300 with it but I am having problems figuring out how to set up the printer to work thru my Netgear print server on my Netgear network. Can anybody advise:
    1. I know my print server is on port, but what kind of settings do I use, IPP or LPT or something else?
    2. Why can I not find the driver for the ip4300, even though I have used the CD that came with the printer and run the install program and the printer DOES work when I plug it directly into the USB port. Why does the Macbook come with drivers already installed for only a few ancient BJ Canons and why won't it show me where the driver for the ip4300 is since it is obviously already on the machine?
    I know Netgear treats its customers with contempt (Linksys even worse). But I would expect a little more simplicity from Canon and Apple. I know I am an orangutan but it still seems incredibly difficult, as if they have hidden the printer driver on the computer and as if Apple does not want you to install networked printers. Please don't tell me to RTFM, I have read the Canon manual, it tells you how to network with Windows, does not even mention Mac. Any advice appreciated.
    Macbook   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Netgear PS121, Netgear WGT624v3 router, Canon ip4300 printer

    Hi zoevancouver,
    If you are not able to set up your Canon MP460 printer, take a look at the article below.  There is a link to the Canon website and compatible printers.  Since this particular model is not on the list, you may need to contact Canon for additional support.
    OS X: Printer and scanner software available for download - Apple Support
    - Judy

  • How to print an excel file (2010 version) with multiple tabs into a pdf file with bookmarks (acrobat 9). I was able to do this easily using excel (2007 version).

    Recently I got a new laptop, with excel 2010 version and acrobat 9 standard.
    I could no longer print (save as) an excel file with multiple tabs into a pdf file with bookmarks.
    My old computer has excel 2007 version and acrobat 9 standard.
    Print an excel file into pdf with bookmarks was a piece of cake.
    Both machine has the same add-in -- Acrobat PDFMaker Office COM addin
    Thanks if anyone could help me with this.

    You need to upgrade Acrobat to a newer version.
    On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 4:12 PM, excel-pdf-bookmarks <

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