Settings for Glossary interaction - can I link to correct word?

Hi there
I am trying to add the Glossary Interaction to my project and i've filled in the Term and Definition but I was wondering, can I have a link from the Search term straight to the definition in the Glossary?
For example, the word eLearning is used in my project.  Can the user click on the word 'eLearning' and be taken to the Glossary page and straight to the definition for 'eLearning' or can I just go to the Glossary page?
Oh and I'm using Captivate 6.

Hi Julie
You can take the user to the Glossary page, but not to the exact word.
To do that, select the word, go to Format accordion, click the hyperlink icon, select Slide from the drop down list, and select the slide on which you have the Glossary.
Now, after this, you should also provide a button on the Glossary page so that the learners go back to the slide from which came from. For that, add a button on the Glossary page and assign the action Go to the Last Visited Slide.

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    Revision: 7801
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-06-12 14:38:25 -0700 (Fri, 12 Jun 2009)
    Log Message:
    Submit on behalf of Pete - an update to the project settings for the flex4test project, the link type was wrong.
    Doc Notes: None
    Bugs: None
    Reviewer: none
    tests: compile & run
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    Hi Trevor,
    it is possible to save your contacts to another spreadsheet using that sheet to input the information for the contact into a new spreadsheet within numbers.
    Yes! But some terminology here will help others who read this thread.
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    Inserting John
    Inserting Latham
    Inserting and
    Inserting my
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    Searching for computing:false
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    Searching for paragliding:false
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    OBT.find( findString);
    System.out.println("Searching for " + findString[i] +":" + OBT.isEmpty());Just do this already.System.out.println("Searching for " + findString[i] +":" + OBT.find( findString[i]));                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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    As per the information and details provided by you, in Outlook, there is not any way to backup Outlook account setting because in all Outlook versions the account settings are kept inside the window registry under this key:
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles
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    2. Under the registry editor right click to Export the Profiles key found inside this location in the registry: 
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\
    • e.g: “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles”
    3. In Outlook 2013 right click to Export the Profile key found under this location in the registry:
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\
    • e.g: “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Profiles key”
    4. Specify the Destination Location and File Name then press Save.
    Correct me if the information that I am having is wrong. I hope this will be helpful for you.
    Thanks and regards

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    2) Click File > New > Project.
    3) Choose Application Help and click OK.
    4) Enter appropriate content in the New Project Wizard and click Finish.
    5) In RoboHelp, click File > Link > FrameMaker document.
    6) Select either  the book file OR an individual fm file; experience shows what happens is the same either way.
    7) Click Open.
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    How can I link FrameMaker files to a new project?

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    Hi, I'm using Mac Blu-rayRipper Pro and iMedia converter as well as Handbrake to get the highest quality transfer from my Blu-ray disks to iTunes and AppleTV. Each disk is a bit of a project as no two are the same in terms of the best method of conversion.
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    I also posted a short series of articles about getting the best possible movie conversion in iTunes covering subtitles, metadata and SD-HD tagging. May help so here's the link (to the first one, there are 3 in my blog):
    Best of luck

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         "1.0 Introduction
         [content goes here]
         1.1 System Requirements
         [content goes here]
         1.2 References
         [content goes here]"
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         [content goes here]"
         ---[end of topic]---
         "System Requirements
         [content goes here]"
         ---[end of topic]---
         [content goes here]"
         ---[end of topic]---
    Does that make sense?
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    I think you would need to use a variation of the CSS where the links are formatted as required.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Help with Preference pane DNS settings for Mail

    I have a mail (not Apple Mail) issue with my Entourage Mail. I keep getting
    the following error message and I have verified the server settings in my
    mail accounts are correct for ATT that uses I manage to
    get mail most of the time but I still get the following error message:
    Error Description
    Entourage cannot find the server. Verify the server information is entered correctly in the Account Settings, and that your DNS settings in the Network pane of System Preferences are correct.
    Could not retrieve mail
    Error: -1370
    My System Preferences/Network/Advanced/DNS point to my 2wire Gateway combo
    modem/router. The router is set for Automatic DNS. I tried changing it to manual
    and it did not works any better.
    If I change the DNS setting in the preference pane in OS X, will it really use that
    DMS address and bypass the router?
    I played around with the namebench utility and each time you
    run it, namebench makes a better recommendation - saying something is faster
    than the previous recommendation.
    I am lost on what I need to do correct the Network pane of my System Preferences.
    Should it point to the router or to good DNS?
    I do not think this is a Microsoft Entourage issue.
    Have others seen this issue or is unique to my setup.

    Going to sleep on and see how it works in the morning.
    The problem is solved and I have checked the Yes button that my
    question has been answered. The following is a copy of a posting
    two days ago to the Microsoft Entourage group that should work
    just as well for Mail users.
    If you are tied of getting the following Entourage error
    message -3170 over and over again, read on.
    Entourage cannot find the server. Verify the server information
    entered correctly in the Account Settings, and that your DNS
    settings in the Network pane of System Preferences are correct.
    Could not retrieve mail
    Error –3170
    Thanks to a tip from Diane Ross I have gone two days without
    getting the error message.
    First, I know the Account Settings for my ATT DSL service
    have been correct for some time and have not changed.
    The short version of the fix that worked for was to open
    the OS X 10.6.3 (Snow Leopard) System Preferences/
    Network/Advanced/DNS panel and add some better Domain
    Name Servers from my location.
    The default (or before) OS X setting was:
    DNS Servers: Search Domains:
    Note both were dimmed. The server listed tells OS X to use
    the ATT provided combo 2wire modem/router for my DSL service.
    The change that seem to have worked for me was to leave the
    Search Domain the same; however, I added some good servers that
    bypass the 2wire gateway with its automatic DNS setting.
    DNS Servers: Search Domains:
    I found the ‘good’ or better DNS Servers by making several runs
    using the free Google utility called namebench 1.2
    This utility takes some time and will make suggestions from your
    location. If you add the namebench recommendation and run it
    again it will find a better recommendation. I had to make several
    runs to find the better DNS Servers for my location. The first or
    primary is called OpenDNS, the second is a backup for the OpenDNS
    and the third is SBC Global TX now owned by ATT and I live in
    Texas. Note I ended with the default IP address.
    FYI, I tied using the selected servers in the 2wire gateway in the
    manual mode rather than the default automatic mode and it just
    did not work right. Some pages would not open and others were
    slow. For this reason I run the router in the automatic mode for
    DNS and control things using the OS X Network preference pane.
    The addition of preferred DNS Servers in my Preference seems
    to have slowed down and hopefully stopped Entourage 2008
    version 12.2.4 -3170 error messages.
    Message was edited by: aRKay

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