Shaky parallax scrolling

I designed my website using Adobe Muse.  I'm using linked anchors for my navigation, with the parallax scrolling that Muse allows for.  However, when you click on my links to move down the page, the parallax scrolling seems to shake as the page moves.  It's difficult to explain, it's as if the site is vibrating instead of having the smooth parallax movement that it should.  Can someone please help me figure out how to solve this problem?  If you want to see what I'm talking about, my website is  Just click on the links on the side and you'll see what I'm trying to describe.  Any help would be greaty valued!  Thank you!

Update to the latest version of Muse. Your site was generated using 7.1. The current version is 7.3. There were a number of major improvements in the area of parallax scrolling between 7.1 and 7.3.

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    The problem is its not triggering the function with the scroll. Any Idea ?

    Please post your Edge Project file for others to cross-check?
    Also Muse embeds Edge Animate as an iframe within the Muse html file, so that particular interaction my not be the best use case.
    Also Muse (the latest version) has some wonderful Parallax capbilities built in - here are a bunch of references to check out.

  • Photo gallery using parallax scrolling?

    hey  i have been testing out each of the slide show widgets in adobe muse.  some of them are okay. the light box for once. is a challenge,  but heres something i want to learn how to do. and its parallax scrolling with photos for a gallery. i think for what i am wanting to do i think its the best layout for me.  heres a web site that hass it i think.
    see i shows both landscape and portrait mode of photos. and thats been a challenge from the get go. so there i am thinking of using parallax scrolling . now how do i do this? is it done in photo shop and adobe muse. bec i do want to change out my i mages when needed?
    now i am a tad bit curious. it looks good on desktop, but what about mobile devies. most phone. would it work great.?
    so what are the steps for making this?
    the other key thing i noticed. is that the photos are large. and thats what i like.

    You can use composition on page where you can insert the images with scroll effect applied.
    Check this video , its not exact design but will help to make images scroll page :

  • Discover New Parallax Scrolling with Adobe Muse CC | Creative Cloud for Design | Adobe TV

    Terry White, Adobe worldwide evangelist, shows how Adobe Muse CC lets you create stunning effects with just a few clicks. Make images and elements move in different directions at different speeds when scrolling — all without writing code.

    There has to be a way to create a Re: Discover New Parallax Scrolling with Adobe Muse CC | Creative Cloud for Design | Adobe TV slideshow that fills browser width. It's not a problem for desktop, but it is a problem for laptops/tablets/phones.
    How did the site in the tutorial do it? Terry said it was created in Muse.
    Here is a test site that I've been working on - I would love to make it responsive w/o having to create separate tablet/phone sites:
    Any suggestions?

  • Parallax scrolling to images

    hey i am wondering if you know of a way to add parallax scrolling to image slide tumbnail slide shows ?
    this is what i am working on. i am using the compostion lightbox display, and in there. i have a thumbanil slide show. nowi have managed to get that in there. with the triggors.
    now. i am wanting to see if i can added thumbnail slides that when i hit the slide, it shows the next set of images.
    engagment| Bridal| wedding
    its one slide show, but when you hit it. you can go to the next slide, like how you have slide 1, 2 and 3.  that what i am thinking is what parallax scrolling is?
    can it be done? if so how?

    Thanks for your reply. I tried applying the following AS2 script to each image:
    For the first movie clip I used:
    animator = createEmptyMovieClip('animator',1);
    bg_1 = animator.attachMovie('star1','bg_1',1);
    bg_2 = animator.attachMovie('star1','bg_2',2);
    bg_1._x = -bg_1._width/2;
    bg_2._x = bg_2._width/2;
    speed = 1;
    starWidth = 950;
    animator.onEnterFrame = function() {
        bg_1._x -= speed;
        bg_2._x -= speed;
        if(bg_1._x <= -bg_1._width) bg_1._x = starWidth;
        if(bg_2._x <= -bg_2._width) bg_2._x = starWidth;
    For the second movie clip I used:
    animator = createEmptyMovieClip('animator',2);
    bg1 = animator.attachMovie('star2','bg1',1);
    bg2 = animator.attachMovie('star2','bg2',2);
    bg1._x = -bg1._width/2;
    bg2._x = bg2._width/2;
    speed = 2;
    starsWidth = 950;
    animator.onEnterFrame = function() {
        bg1._x -= speed;
        bg2._x -= speed;
        if(bg1._x <= -bg1._width) bg1._x = starsWidth;
        if(bg2._x <= -bg2._width) bg2._x = starsWidth;
    And for the third and final movie clip I used:
    animator = createEmptyMovieClip('animator',3);
    bg01 = animator.attachMovie('star03','bg01',1);
    bg02 = animator.attachMovie('star03','bg02',2);
    bg01._x = -bg01._width/2;
    bg02._x = bg02._width/2;
    speed = 3;
    starssWidth = 950;
    animator.onEnterFrame = function() {
        bg01._x -= speed;
        bg02._x -= speed;
        if(bg01._x <= -bg01._width) bg01._x = starssWidth;
        if(bg02._x <= -bg02._width) bg02._x = starssWidth;
    I thought this would work, but when I tested the movie all three movie clips moved together at the same speed. I want each movie clip to move at a different speed, but I'm completely stuck.

  • Parallax Scrolling vertically not working right

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    Are you getting a scrollbar at the bottom of your browser when your browser is maximized? If yes, there is likely some content (not visible perhaps) placed bit to far to the right on the page.
    Look for the same in Muse in Design View and get rid of the same.
    Share a link to the page with this effect to check if you can't locate the element causing the shift.

  • Parallax Scrolling and Browser Magnification

    This is probably an unresolvable issue at this point, but it seems one of the BIG drawbacks to using Parallax Scrolling is that it only works as planned if the user of the site is viewing it at 100% Magnification.  Any change up or down in magnification results in a different set of parameters for final motion, and if you're using it hoping that the final location of the moving object aligns with another fixed object in the overall design in some fashion, you're in for a big disappointment, and an embarrassing result if you're a designer.  I'm hoping that there is some way in the future that the writers of this code will please include whatever math is necessary to compensate for changing browser magnification.

    I realised the problem that i was having...thanks so much. I will explain for the help of others. Avoid putting the anchor in a "Composition" element. This i did inadvertantly since i had many layers. If you put it in one of them the smoothe scrolling will not work. This possibly holds true for grouped objects. I will also post the site to show that i have finally gotten it working. Thanks Zak and all the parties that showed kindness in answering me.
    Best regards

  • First Time using Parallax Scrolling!

    So I've been doing a new landing page for  -  I have included both project file and published files with in this zip to better explain myself.
    Just finished my album animation with parallax scrolling but the overall published result shows nothing!
    Here is the file!
    I love this edge animate stuff its great but sometimes it doesnt work... Probably a operator error lol 
    I would greatly appreciate any advice on how to fix this!
    Thanks a ton

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    it have to be unlocked to work with other country's normal sim card. you should have a malaysian mini sim card to make a normal at&t iphone work in malaysia and other countries.
    if you want to know about unloked phones, go to this webpage-> mean definition for unlocking--->
    Unlocked is the term used to describe mobile phones that are not tied to a particular service provider in order to be used. Many cell phones are tied to a single cellular provider at their introduction, but are later unlocked for use on many networks.

  • Using parallax scrolling on a browser fill shape?

    Hi everyone,
    Is it possible to apply parallax scrolling onto a shape that is extended to horizontally fill up the browser? I'm creating a single page scroll website and a want a shape to cover up a certain fraction of the bottom of the browser (I can't use pin because then the shape will move with the bottom of the browser depending on the size of the window.) Parallax works fine on the shape until I extend it to the browser borders and then parallax grays out. Will this be supported in a future update? Is there another way for me to achieve this effect? Thanks!

    From Muse Release Notes -
    Note Scroll Motion Effects are not available for 100% browser width objects, pinned objects, items that are inline within text, items within a group or items within a widget.
    You would also find a similar note in the information tooltip for Scroll Motion under the Effects panel in the Control strip. Please feel free to submit it as a feature request in our Ideas section.

  • My Page is flashing with parallax scrolling....

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    you can find the page here:
    it occurs at the bottome section of the page as you scroll down.
    Any thoughts as to the cuase or remedy for this would be much appreciated!
    As a side note I am also trying to resolve another dilemma where in the same section, I am trying to hide the type that comes in from the right for a portion of the page. You will see it come in over the browser area, then under other elements (which I want).  I tried to place a rectangle over that area and tie it to the edge of the browser to have it go "full width" but that is not working.
    Again any thoughts are appreciated!

    Thanks. It would be helpful if you could send us your .muse file so we have a file that reproduces this Safari-specific flash. Could you send the file to [email protected] along with a link to this thread? If the file is larger than 20Mb you can use a service like Adobe SendNow, SendThisFile or WeTransfer. Thanks.
    If you want to obscure the text before it reaches the page, I think you'll need to draw an opaque object on top and set the scroll motion settings for that object so it stays in the position where it needs to be to obscure the text as the text is sliding across.

  • Why is the webpage jumping all over the place with parallax scrolling?

    Hi all, I'm getting a little frustrated here... I've built a looooong (10,200 pixel) parallax scrolling site, when I click 'Preview' it plays like a dream, but when I render the HTML, view in browser or publish to business catalyst to view, it just jumps all over the place. I realise that the page is extremely long, I'm thinking it could be that but just need to clarify it before I rework it all and maybe find out after, that it was something else that was causing it to happen.
    Your views would be greatly appreciated!

    Hi Aish,
    I have found the problem, but not sure where to find the solution as I'm pretty new to Adobe products.
    I built another site to see if I had the same problem, this time I made it shorter to see if the length was the problem. I put in some elements and 'assets', added parallax scroll key frames, left out pretty much most other things to see if I could pin the problem down. I found that I had the exact same problem.
    In the Muse preview it scrolls with the mouse like a dream when I grab the scroll bar and drag it down. But when I preview in business catalyst, export HTML or preview in browser, it goes crazy and won't let me get to the bottom. Further to that, when you scroll back to the top, everything is out of place and gets worse every time you scroll down and back to the top.
    I have a touch screen computer and tried to scroll the screen with my finger rather than dragging the scroll bar down with the mouse. The website works like a dream when I scroll with my finger, even when I scroll back to the top everything stays in place and the whole site works lovely! I then tried the other, long website to see if this was the same case and it was exactly the same case. It scrolls with a finger like a dream, but has a fit when you drag down the scroll bar with a mouse.
    My next question would be could I somehow disable some kind of touch scroll option in only the desktop version of the site, but leave it active in mobile and tablet sites? If I can do this can you please advise me on how to deactivate it, I think that should solve the problem.
    Can you please get back to me with an answer to this? I would be very greatful!

  • On a Parallax Scrolling Page, How can I start the scroll bar at the bottom on page load?

    I'm working on a parallax scrolling animated page in Edge Animate, and it's a timeline of life on Earth. But we wanted to start from the bottom, or "Origin of Life" and then scroll up while our 'tree of life' animates in as the user scrolls up. We definitely know it's not good web etiquette to start at the bottom, but our client is determined. I am more of an animator than a web designer, but I was wondering how one might do this using a bit of code? We are using EC.Parallax.setup(sym); from Edgecommons for the parallax function, which is basically just tying the timeline animations to the scrollbar. I've already got the animations setup to go the right way  but we don't want visitors to have to scroll to the bottom first, as they'll then see everything animated in reverse! In my google searches I found something called an Iframe that you can use, and then a flurry of responses on how horrible Iframe is. Thanks for your help, we really appreciate it!

    Hi, Vizkid-
    You can find the height of the document and then use window.scroll in your initialization function to default your scrollbar to the bottom of the page. cript
    Hope that helps,

  • Problem with parallax scrolling moving around randomly

    I have an ipad air. My problem is with the parallax scrolling. It just seems to be moving randomly around the screen even when the ipad is steady and it's quite difficult to get the ipad to change orientation when I stand it on its side. I've reset  the ipad and turned it on and off a few times. Has anyone been having this problem and know how to fix it. I know you can turn it off but I don't really want to.

    Hi there
    I am experiencing the exact same problem with my Ipad Air. Did you manage to find a solution yet? Im hoping it isnt a hardware problem either. Orientation not really co-operating. Background image moving around the whole time as if trying to settle, even when device dead still?!
    Please do let me know

  • Best tool for jarallax parallax scrolling

    I want to create jarallax / parallax scrolling effect. I doesn't know hard core coding so would like to know which is the best tool to work with Adobe dreamweaver, Adobe Muse or Adobe Edge?

    Unfortunately true parallax scrolling with easing in not easily done like what a Adobe is trying to promote with their motion scroll effects in Muse. It needs to be done with jQuery and CSS3. Take a look at this site That site uses TRUE parallax effect. It's not achievable in Muse but you can use Dreamweaver to make your own code.

  • 100% Height with Parallax Scrolling?

    I have an anchor point style parallax scrolling, I was wondering if I could have 100% height of my slideshow or image background when i maximize my screen, as you can see their is a white space below it that I do not like

    As of now, Muse does not offer the option of 100% height objects. You can use the fullscreen slideshow widget if you want the image slideshow across your complete page.
    Also, Please post this as a feature request at Ideas for features in Adobe Muse
    Hope this helps
    Rohit Nair

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