Shared Ball example works poorly! Is this the best FMS can do?

I used AS2 to recreate the shared ball example ( a simplified version) but the ball is really jerky. I've set so.setFps(60) and it's just as bad. The active client is only updated when the mouse stops (the ball simply follows the mouse in my version) and the receiving client is very jerky even with swf framerate set to 60fps! Any suggestions? Or is FMS just for video (I don't plan to recreate Youtube)? I am really disappointed and frustrated.
Thanks for any suggestions

Thanks, Lisa, but I have tried that. The code is simple:
connect to the server: nc = new netconnection
so = SharedObject.getRemote(nc)
so.onSync = function(list){ //update ball.xy here}
and that's it!
I don't know what else is there to do. It works, just very poorly. I've scoured the docs and can't seem to find any alternatives. The server performance shows mem/CPU usage so low it's not even registering. Bandwidth is also very low as the client is being tested on the development server. I've written realtime multiplayer-code using PHP that performed better! and that was on a shared hosted server that I didn't control that was "who-knows-where." Is it because I'm using the free development server? I need to impress my supervisor before I can recommend this product or we're going back to open source. I hope not because FMS is easier to code.
Any other suggestions are welcome. Thanks

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    Hi Douglas,
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        traceroute to 71.242.*.* (71.242.*.*), 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
        1 ( 13 ms 13 ms 13 ms
        2 ( 39 ms 7 ms 7 ms
        3 TenGigE0-2-0-0.GW1.IAD8.ALTER.NET ( 4 ms 4 ms GigabitEthernet2-0-0.GW8.IAD8.ALTER.NET ( 4 ms
        4 ( 6 ms 6 ms 6 ms
        5 ( 6 ms 6 ms 6 ms
        6 static-71-242-*-* (71.242.*.*) 32 ms 32 ms 33 ms
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    Step 2
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    You might be able to do both. Something like
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    to either yes or no.
    Step 2
    cfqueryparam null="#null#">
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    Is this the best performed query or i can still improve it ?
    I am new to SQL performacne tune, please help to get best performance of the query.
    2 FOR
    3 SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS(30) */ PSP.PatientNumber, PSP.IntakeID, U.OperationCenterCode OpCenterProcessed,
    4 PSP.ServiceCode, PSP.UOMcode, PSP.StartDt, PSP.ProvID, PSP.ExpDt, NVL(PSP.Units, 0) Units,
    5 PAS.Descript, PAS.ServiceCatID, PSP.CreatedBy AuthCreatedBy, PSP.CreatedDateTime AuthCreatedDateTime,
    6 PSP.AuthorizationID, PSP.ExtracontractReasonCode, PAS.ServiceTypeCode,
    7 NVL(PSP.ProvNotToExceedRate, 0) ProvOverrideRate,
    8 prov.ShortName ProvShortName, PSP.OverrideReasonCode, PAS.ContractProdClassId
    9 ,prov.ProvParentID ProvParentID, prov.ProvTypeCd ProvTypeCd
    10 FROM tblPatServProv psp, tblProductsAndSvcs pas, tblProv prov, tblUser u, tblGlMonthlyClose GLMC
    14 AND PSP.Authorizationid < 11039696
    15 AND (PSP.ExpDt >= to_date('01/03/2000','MM/DD/YYYY') OR PSP.ExpDt IS NULL)
    16 AND PSP.ServiceCode = PAS.ServiceCode(+)
    17 AND prov.ProvID(+) = PSP.ProvID
    18* AND U.UserId(+) = PSP.CreatedBy
    19 /
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.46
    SQL> SELECT * FROM TABLE(dbms_xplan.display);
    Plan hash value: 3602678330
    | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
    | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 8503K| 3073M| 91 (2)| 00:00:02 |
    |* 1 | HASH JOIN RIGHT OUTER | | 8503K| 3073M| 91 (2)| 00:00:02 |
    | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | TBLPRODUCTSANDSVCS | 4051 | 209K| 16 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    | 3 | NESTED LOOPS | | 31 | 6200 | 75 (2)| 00:00:01 |
    | 4 | NESTED LOOPS OUTER | | 30 | 5820 | 45 (3)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 5 | HASH JOIN RIGHT OUTER | | 30 | 4950 | 15 (7)| 00:00:01 |
    | 6 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | TBLUSER | 3444 | 58548 | 12 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 7 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | TBLPATSERVPROV | 8301K| 585M| 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    | 8 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| TBLPROV | 1 | 29 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 9 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | PK_TBLPROV | 1 | | 0 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 10 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | PK_W_GLMONTHLYCLOSE | 1 | 6 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
    1 - access("PSP"."SERVICECODE"="PAS"."SERVICECODE"(+))
    5 - access("U"."USERID"(+)="PSP"."CREATEDBY")
    7 - filter(("PSP"."EXPDT">=TO_DATE('2000-01-03 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') OR
    9 - access("PROV"."PROVID"(+)="PSP"."PROVID")
    28 rows selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.42

    Thanks a lot for your reply.
    Here are the indexes on those tables.
    table --> TBLUSER ---> index PK_TBLUSER ---> column USERID

  • Is This The Best Way To Put iMovie Effects On An FCE Clip?

    I have often suggested to other people that they should export clips from FCE to iMovie in order to make use of certain iMovie effects that FCE can't do.
    As with most things there are several different ways of "transporting" the clips.
    Bearing in mind that we want the quickest/lossless method possible, is this the best?
    1. In the FCE Timeline double-click the clip.
    2. Select File>Export>QuickTime Movie and click "Save".
    3.Open a new iMovie Project, import the newly made QuickTime Movie clip and add the necessary effect.
    4. Back in FCE, Import the QuickTime Movie from the iMovie Project.
    Is this in fact the best way or do you know of a better/quicker one?

    Thanks for the confirmation, Tom.
    By "clip" I was actually meaning a few seconds of video I had chopped up on the timeline.
    What caught me out initially was when I simply highlighted the 10 second "clip" and selected QuickTime Movie.
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    sorry for the long post but please help
    Message was edited by: the loc-man

    Amigo, the bottom line is that you are asking the wrong folks. Obviously no one here has experience buying from Apple with the jockeying around that you need to afford the purchase. In the end it is up to Apple. If the sale doesn't go through on the Apple Store website in her name on your bank card, then you may need other arrangements.
    My experience with Apple is that if you are honest with them, they are honest with you. The education discount is to help students and teachers afford computers. It isn't so someone who qualifies can buy computers for all their relatives. Which is why there is an annual limit on how much is allowed for purchase to each person who qualifies for the discount
    Good luck.

  • Is this the best design for asynchronous notifications (such as email)? Current design uses Web Site, Azure Service Bus Queue, Table Storage and Cloud Service Worker Role.

    I am asking for feedback on this design. Here is an example user story:
    As a group admin on the website I want to be notified when a user in my group uploads a file to the group.
    Easiest solution would be that in the code handling the upload, we just directly create an email message in there and send it. However, this seems like it isn't really the appropriate level of separation of concerns, so instead we are thinking to have a separate
    worker process which does nothing but send notifications. So, the website in the upload code handles receiving the file, extracting some metadata from it (like filename) and writing this to the database. As soon as it is done handling the file upload it then
    does two things: Writes the details of the notification to be sent (such as subject, filename, etc...) to a dedicated "notification" table and also creates a message in a queue which the notification sending worker process monitors. The entire sequence
    is shown in the diagram below.
    My questions are: Do you see any drawbacks in this design? Is there a better design? The team wants to use Azure Worker Roles, Queues and Table storage. Is it the right call to use these components or is this design unnecessarily complex? Quality attribute
    requirements are that it is easy to code, easy to maintain, easy to debug at runtime, auditable (history is available of when notifications were sent, etc...), monitor-able. Any other quality attributes you think we should be designing for?
    More info:
    We are creating a cloud application (in Azure) in which there are at least 2 components. The first is the "source" component (for example a UI / website) in which some action happens or some condition is met that triggers a second component or "worker"
    to perform some job. These jobs have details or metadata associated with them which we plan to store in Azure Table Storage. Here is the pattern we are considering:
    Condition for job met.
    Source writes job details to table.
    Source puts job in queue.
    Worker accepts job from queue.
    Worker Records DateTimeStarted in table.
    Queue marks job marked as "in progress".
    Worker performs job.
    Worker updates table with details (including DateTimeCompleted).
    Worker reports completion to queue.
    Job deleted from queue.
    Please comment and let me know if I have this right, or if there is some better pattern. For example sake, consider the work to be "sending a notification" such as an email whose template fields are filled from the "details" mentioned in
    the pattern.

    Thanks for your posting.
    This development mode can exclude some errors, such as the file upload complete at the same time... from my experience, this is a good choice to achieve the goal.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Is this the best way to write this in AS3

    I have converted my old AS2 to As3. It now appears to work the same as before but being new to AS3 I have a few questions.
    In this example I click on a button which takes me to a keyframe that plays a MC. There is another btn that takes me back to the original page.
    In AS2 it is written like this.
    // Go to keyFrame btn
    on (release) {
    //Movieclip GotoAndStop Behavior
    //End Behavior
    // Play Movie
    on (release) {
    //Movieclip GotoAndStop Behavior
    //End Behavior
    //load Movie Behavior
    if(this.mcContentHolder == Number(this.mcContentHolder)){
    } else {
    //End Behavior
    // Return key
    on (release) {
    //Movieclip GotoAndStop Behavior
    //End Behavior
    In AS3 it is written like this.
    // Play Movie
    var myrequest_Jpn:URLRequest=new URLRequest("PL_Japan_Scul.swf");
    var myloader_Jpn:Loader=new Loader();
    function movieLoaded_Jpn(myevent_Jpn:Event):void {
    //unload method - Return to keyframe
    function Rtn_Jpn_Intro_(e:Event):void {
    Rtn_Jpn_Intro_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, removeMovie_Jpn);
    function removeMovie_Jpn(myevent_Jpn:MouseEvent):void {
    myloader_Jpn.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, movieLoaded_Jpn);
    // Go to keyFrame btn
    function Scul_Play(e:Event):void {
    1. Is there a better, more efficient way to achieve this in AS3?
    2. I have used an //unload method in the AS3 script which does remove the MC from the scene but I notice in the output tab my variable code is still being counted for the last MC played.
    Is this normal?

    Hi Andrei, I have started a new project and taken your advice to construct it with a different architecture with all the code in one place.
    I have two questions regarding your last code update.
    var myrequest_Jpn:URLRequest;
    var myloader_Jpn:Loader;
    Rtn_Jpn_Intro_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, removeMovie_Jpn);
    Jpn_Scul_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Scul_Play);
    function Scul_Play(e:MouseEvent):void {
         myrequest_Jpn = new URLRequest("PL_Japan_Scul.swf");
         myloader_Jpn = new Loader();
         myloader_Jpn.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, movieLoaded_Jpn);
    function movieLoaded_Jpn(e:Event):void {
         // remove listener, movieLoaded_Jpn);
         myloader_Jpn.x = 20;
         myloader_Jpn.y = 20;
         // remove objects that are in "Japan_Intro" frame
    function removeMovie_Jpn(e:MouseEvent):void {
         // add back objects that are in "Japan_Intro" frame
         // remove from display list
         myloader_Jpn = null;
         // this moved from Rtn_Jpn_Intro_ function
    Its all works great except for the line to remove event..
    1., movieLoaded_Jpn);
    I get an error:   1120: Access of undefined property myevent_Jpn.
    Removing this statement allows the code to work but that is not a solution.
    Rtn_Jpn_Intro_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, removeMovie_Jpn);
    I would like this button to remove more than one movie. Is this possible.
    Thanks for the help todate.

  • After installing ios 8.0.2 internet is extremly slow and doesn't work at all half the time. I have done several reboots when it got stuck again. The touchscreen does only sometimes work on safari, half the time I can't navigate and cant open new tabs

    IOs 8.0.2 internet stuck and no touchscreen

    The following has gotten good results from users here ... a reset to factory default condition ...
    Back up and Restore your iOS Device with iCloud or iTunes
    iTunes: About iOS Backups
    Use iTunes to Restore your iOS Device to Factory Settings
    Here's someone who posted his results ...
    keithfrommariettaOct 12, 2014 3:25 PM Re: IPAD2 very slow after IOS 8 upgrade
    Re: IPAD2 very slow after IOS 8 upgradein response to pacoKAS
    SOLVED:  IOS 8 Issues on iPad 2:
    I just returned home from a visit to the Genius Bar. Like you and many others, when I upgraded my iPad 2 to IOS 8, it became practically unusable. It was VERY slow, lagged whenever trying to to do anything. Lots of screen freezes and apps spontaneously crashing. I was convinced that the processor on the iPad 2 just couldn't handle the new IOS and I went in to see about restoring to IOS 7.
    Thankfully, I was hooked up with a very sharp guy at the bar. The problem is not with the OS, it is with it being an *upgraded* OS. He used the analogy of when you had an older Windows computer and how over time (and over upgrades), they just tended to get slower and slower because of all of the garbage that was carried forward in the upgrades. At those times (and if you've ever had a Windows computer, you get this), the only thing that would speed it up would be to wipe the machine and do a fresh install of the current OS and then reload your apps, and the viola, everything would be fast again. Well, it turns out that IOS can suffer the same problems.
    THE FIX:  FIRST, be sure you have a current iCloud backup of your device.  Connect your iPad to a computer that has a clean fresh copy of IOS 8 on iTunes (this is best done with a computer other than the one that you sync your device to because you DO NOT want to restore it from a back up just yet). Ideally, if you do this at an Apple store you'll be assured of the right version there and someone to answer any questions you might have along the way. You then hold the power and home button down to hard-reset the device and continue to hold them down until it reboots into recovery mode. You then follow the instructions on the computer to reinstall the OS on the device (which wipes everything from it and then reinstalls a clean copy of it). Once this is done (which only takes about 15 minutes), your device will reboot and ask you to set it up. Answer the questions about language, location, etc. and continue until it asks you to log into your iTunes account. Once you do that, it will ask if you want to either 1) Set it up as a new device, 2) Restore from iCloud, or 3) Restore from iTunes. Choose (2), restore from iCloud. This will ensure that it brings down "clean" copies of all of your apps and preferences rather than the potentially corrupted ones that might reside in your iTunes backup. That's it! It will take a few hours depending on how much data and apps you have, but I am happy to report that my iPad 2 is now running IOS 8 and it's running as fast as it ever did when it was brand new!
    To sum it up, this process 1) Wipes your device and the garbage causing your problems, 2) Loads a clean and bug-free version of IOS 8 to your device, and 3) restores your apps and data so that it looks just like it did before the wipe, with the exception that it works now!  :-)
    Note also that by following this process you don't have to go through the painful and laborious process of reloading all of your apps, data and/or settings. iCloud takes care of all of that for you.

  • Is this the best Adobe e-Learning can do?

    Please hold as we route your chat to an Adobe Representative.
    Welcome to! My name is Carol. May I assist you with your selection today?
    Carol: Hi, How are you doing today?
    Ann: At this point a little on the cranky side.
    Ann: I would like to place a complaint
    Ann: several
    Ann: are you still here?
    Carol: Ann, I'm sorry to hear that, since I'm online with you let me help you with any information you need.
    Carol: Also I'm sorry for the delay.
    Carol: Please go ahead, how can I assist you?
    Ann: I was told by one of your people +36204 that you might not be able to assist, but I will run it by you anyway. The angering part is that she didn't follow-up with an email as promised, and then I had to wait 53 minutes and I got the same person, and then she hung-up on me, and now we are here ... the problem OTHERWISE is ...
    Carol: Ann, was it on call or was it on chat?
    Ann: I purchased an Adobe Captivate about one month ago, because it was the best I could do in that I wanted REALLY the Adobe e-learning 6 suite, but I was told by customer service they had no idea when it was coming out. Because there was no time limit ... I took the adobe captivate by itself for about $300 and then the next few days later the new product came out ... I want the new e-learning but I think I should have $300 off because I'm duplicating the Captivate ... AND the woman - she was a call then stated that there was student pricing for e-learning and that it was $599 ... I did a LOT of research and KNEW it wasn't a student price. She asked for proof ... I know have that proof
    Ann: I'm on disabilty ... I'm trying to work my way up in school. And, I don't have enough money to support a terrible program if you are not able to work with me. THIS is why I want to register a formal complaint
    Carol: Ann, I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.
    Ann: are you still responding
    Carol: I'm here, checking an option with my supervisor.
    Ann: thank you
    Carol: Ann, thank you for staying online.
    Ann: I waited last time on phone for 53 minutes to be hung-up on ... I can wait a little longer
    Carol: I understand your concern. I checked and see that you can register a formal complaint in the forum where all issue are discussed with us.
    Carol: I'll provide you a link where you can login and  check the details.
    Carol: Please click here.
    Ann: This then seems like the process for reporting a problem. Fine I will use the resource, what about the problem of overpaying for a duplicate program?
    Carol: Ann, I request you to check with our customer service team at 1-800-833-6687 from Monday to Friday 5:00 am to 7:00 pm PST.
    Carol: They'll check and help you with necessary information on that.
    Ann: THAT is the ONE who GAVE me the OTHER problem!
    Carol: I'm sorry to hear that.
    Ann: I know if I call that number and ask for that option I will get hung-up on like the last time ... I have no guarantee it will happen any differently or the same person wouldn't pick-up and connect me to the right people
    Ann: If you are sales, why can't you help me with a sales querie?
    Carol: Ann, I'm from online sales  chat support team and I do not have an access to your previous purchase nor I can issue any refund or difference amount which you've paid earlier.
    Carol: *for the software earlier.
    Carol: I can only guide our customer to choose correct product of their needs and guide them through order process by providing a link being from online sales chat support team.
    Ann: please give me the link I need for refund of product.
    Carol: As per Adobe return policy our customer who has purchased Adobe product can return product for refund only within 30 days. If you've exceeded the return time frame you'll not be eligible for refund.
    Ann: Oh Lordy.
    Carol: Please click here to view more information
    Ann: You are in my disfavor ... you are following your process, but you have NOT been helpful
    Carol: I'm trying my best to help you with a resolution.
    Carol: Could you please tell me when did you buy the product?
    Ann: Is there anything you can help me with other than lying down a total of $599 when I've already paid $300?
    Ann: July 16, 2012. Obviously I hadn't been aware of a 30 day policy ... I was too angry and frustrated to even look at your site. I turned from a position of Oh my Gosh I love this company ... to I hope never to work with them again
    Ann: It's a bad policy arrangement to not tell customers who ask directly that the new product is going to launch 2-3 days later ... It's a bad policy decision to not give them ANY kind of date to assess reasonable wait time
    Ann: Obviously, people in the company knew it was going to be released
    Carol: I understand. I apologize on behalf of our representatives who misguided you with the wrong information on your previous chat.
    Carol: Ann, I wish I could issue a coupon or discount or initiate a refund on this live chat, however, we do not have an access. I'm really sorry for that.
    Carol: Once you contact our customer service team on phone they'll guide you and help you with alternate solution to resolve this issue.
    Ann: your customer service person stated she was going to send a contact information ... and she did not.
    Ann: what kind of alternate solution is that?
    Ann: I do appreciate you can see that I'm very frustrated
    Ann: the second time I contacted her she hung up ... why do you think giving me an option of calling her a third time would be a good decision?
    Carol: I understand how frustrating it would be, however, I'd like you to try once more. You might get connected with our other representatives who will help you to resolve this issue.
    Ann: How would you like to end this conversation we are having? It is circular and unhelpful ... I've not gone any distance further, but to be more frustrated at you telling me to do what already has proven not to work.
    Carol: Ann, I wish I could help you on this chat, however, I'm helpless at this moment since we don't have any access on this chat being a sales representative.
    Carol: Your issue will be resolved only by contacting our customer service team.
    Ann: Thank you for your service ... though I don't find you to be obviously very customer orientated.
    Carol: Ann, I can provide you a link to chat with our customer service team too.
    Carol: Please click here.
    Your chat transcript will be sent to [email address removed by host] at the end of your chat.
    Carol: Thank you for visiting Have a great day!
    Thank you for chatting with us today.

    Thank you, I just received your email.  Concerning your statements and questions ...
    I appreciate your diligence in contacting me and I appreciate that you would like to alleviate my frustration.  I am satisfied to hear that somehow my experience might better train the situation for the next time it comes up, and in particular with that particular representative since I had TWO bad interactions with her one worse than the other.  I believe Carol tried to do her best, but felt her much too limited in her abilities or authority to be of any service.  It was a runaround, and what was more disappointing was that apparently her supervisor had stepped in and had not rectified the problem, or even had the courtesy to talk to me directly. She left both Carol and myself hanging. I've been in these situations before where one has responsibility and no authority.  If you had significant resources at Adobe - that might also be looked at.   I can let that go though too.  In general though, I think a company as major an educational resource could do better.
    I talked to whoever left the number +36204 on my phone between 12-1 pm central today 8-27-12.  I believe I talked to the second person, Carol, for approximentaly 45 minutes and the conversation was betweeen 1:03 and 1:48 central today 8-27-12.  The woman on +36204 did not provide me a name or number, but it had been recorded on my phone.  For the second outreach, Carol, obviously, we emailed ourselves a copy of the transcript verbatem and then left it here as directed our complaints should go.  In the meantime I tweeted the situation and by chance TJ Holmes from CNN was asking responding to a situation similiar to this one.  It was at #trafficlights and also dealt with the issue of posting complaints formally at forums directed by the service provider.  I made a realization at that time that no one from Adobe had appeared to contact any customers at the forum, but then here you are.  Thank you.  BTW - I contributed to the CNN conversation my frustration, but believe I had no impact in the discussion - just the realizatioin that Adobe is not the only one to be trying to handle complaints through specific gestures.
    The issue I would rather focus on at this point, is your correct, I did want the e-learning suite provided that I can afford it.  I am a student at Jones Internatioal University and my student email is [E-mail address removed by moderator.].  Please continue emailing me at [E-mail address removed by moderator.].  I don't use the student email for any other purposes than things like this.  My understanding CONTRARY to the first woman is that you don't offer a student discount which is very unfortunate, because it is obvious those students getting in the teaching field could utilize a reasonably cost(ed) course-building tool.  I had gotten the cloud service as well and thought I'd already invested so much more into this than I should on a fixed income from disability.  I'm trying to make better use of me by teaching others with my disability.  My newly formed business email is here and my normal blog is at  I am a self-proclaimed advocate for people with dissociative identity disorders.
    I am disabled, but not useless or less intelligent than most.  Please do what you can within reasonable.
    I do want the Adobe e-learning software, I do have Captivate ... and would rather be using captivate WITHIN the e-learning package. If there was a refund on Captivate that could work into some reasonable cost I would be satisfied. 
    Thank you for looking at these messages.  It does not leave me feeling so helpless or hopeless with this situation.
    Our best,

  • Music Libraries / Composing - Is this the best Mac for me?!

    So I was completely new to all this a year or so ago. I bought an old upgraded mac mini and Logic Studio, but since then I've been upgrading my sound libraries and the mini just can't handle it, nowhere enough memory (even though I currently have 8GB).
    I'm using a mix of high quality sound libraries, and I'm doing orchestral scoring, so I need something that can run ALL the sound libraries at once without falling over!
    Currently I have sound libraries like LA Scoring strings and, Project Sam Orchestral Brass, Symphonic Choir etc, and many others. My current mac can't even handle ONE properly without having logic stick up an error about 'not being able to process all the required data in time'.
    I'm thinking of buying this iMac:
    2.7GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5
    16GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 4x4GB
    1TB Serial ATA Drive
    AMD Radeon HD 6770M 512MB GDDR5
    Do I NEED that much ram?! Or will the better processing speed mean I don't need as much? Will this allow me to use all my sample libraries as plug ins for logic at the same time without any issue, with reverb etc? I just want a setup that will stop giving me problems and run without issue.
    Could you suggest a better buy or setup for what I need?
    Please help, i'm so scared of spending this amount of money then having it not work properly or needing to upgrade again soon. Couldn't afford to do that again.
    Many thanks for all your help.

    Thanks for your posting.
    This development mode can exclude some errors, such as the file upload complete at the same time... from my experience, this is a good choice to achieve the goal.
    Best Regards,
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