Sharepoint sync to Metaverse error

Recently we started getting the following errors in the FIMS synchronization manager. From searching it seems like it is similar to a profile photo issue but we have checked all the photos for bad Urls and the photo error usually contains a 404 error.
We're getting a nullexception error.
Interestingly when we remove the photo attribute from the profile service mapping we continue to see the error? Turning on tracing for the FIMS service doesn't return any more detailed errors as well.
An ideas?  Thanks in advance.
The extensible extension returned an
unsupported error.<o:p></o:p>
The stack trace is:<o:p></o:p>
"System.NullReferenceException: Object
reference not set to an instance of an object.<o:p></o:p>
fileName, String connectTo, String user, String password,
ConfigParameterCollection configParameters, Boolean fFullImport,
TypeDescriptionCollection types, String& customData)<o:p></o:p>
Forefront Identity Manager 4.0.2450.47"<o:p></o:p>

R Girtu ,
For troubleshooting your issue, you can take steps as below:
Stop the service UPA service and restart the service.
Done IIS reset.
Try to delete all the sync rules from the metaverse by disconnecting their connector in the FIM MA connector space and then re-import all the sync rules into the metaverse.
Here is a similar issue you can have a look:
As it is related to Microsoft  Forefront Identity Manager, you can also  post your question in
Microsoft  Forefront Identity Manager Forum  forum . More experts will assist you, then you will get more information relation to your issue.
Best Regards,
Eric Tao
TechNet Community Support

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     UNITED KINGDOM 08705-500-900 
    Message Edited by lead_org on 07-27-2009 10:24 AM
    Message Edited by lead_org on 07-27-2009 10:24 AM
    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

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    Hi crogs571
    The first sync report shows an error with the history:
    <pre><nowiki>1415979204255 Sync.Status DEBUG Status for engine history: error.engine.reason.record_upload_fail
    1415979204255 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => error.sync.failed_partial
    1415979204255 Sync.ErrorHandler DEBUG history failed: <html>
    <head><title>413 Request Entity Too Large</title></head>
    <body bgcolor="white">
    <center><h1>413 Request Entity Too Large</h1></center>

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