Sharing files/connecting to a Linux Ubuntu7.10

I have an Adsl modem with a 4 port ethernet router on the back end (LAN) that connects to my ISP. IPv4 is configured with DHCP.
There are two G4s (OS 10.4.x) and a G3 (OS 10.3.x with a G4 update card installed) and a Fujitsu with Ubuntu 7.04 connected via ethernet to the router. The Macs all see each other and can share files. The Ubuntu can successfully ping two of the macs but not share files. the third Mac - Numero uno can ping the linux machine but not connect to it and the linux machine cannot ping it.
I have a fifth machine - Mr G (windows2k) that has had no problem whenever it is connected to the LAN (Sambas fine). ANyone have any idea how I can get the Ubuntu machine to network successfully to the Macs?

I think I have some of the problem solved. I have a friend who had recently purchased a used G3Clamshell with an X version on it - Panther I think. He has a Linux machine and I asked him how he sets his network up for the MAC - he has an actual stand alone router. His main machine is Wintel, so he uses Samba and a "windows network". He referred me to a linux discussion forum--- there are so many of them ----and I had not been able to locate this particular one.
the Url:
Basically one has to install the samba package on the Linux machine and configure the smb.conf file to allow sharing using samba. then start samba. One then has to create and designate a specific folder/directory to be shared and go to that folder and enable it to be shared. I can now mount that shared folder on the Mac with full permissions. Which is the only thing I had wanted to do in the first place, so I can transfer Websites locally and browse them with linux which one of my customers uses.
on the mac side one has to enable windows sharing and then enable an account. I am not comfortable sharing more than a dummy user so I enabled one for share. I am now able to mount that "share" on the Linux machine but I am not able to actually open and display its contents nor modify it in any way. When I try to open the folder I get a dialogue box: "Authentication Required" You must log in to access: "user@computername/User Name domain WORKGROUP" and there is a password box. No matter what password I type in it does not work and the dialogue box reappears. well at least the dialogue box is now there.
I guess there must be some sort "permissions/password" configuration that is not correct. But I will mark the question as answered since I can mount a share from the Linux machine, but any help on working out the correct permissions for a successful and secure mac share would be appreciated.

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    Can you try logging in as the Ownername/Ownerpassword of the other Mac(s)?
    Might have to delete that account in Keychain Access and redo it.
    Sharepoints might help make it easier...

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    You posted in the Older Hardware forum, which is for pre-year 2000 hardware. Suggest you post your question in the Airport forum at
     Cheers, Tom

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    Hi RichardDalli,
    From the lof I see that you are getting Error 1935.
    You can try solutions from DOC:
    If you still face the same issue you might have to contact Microsoft.

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    The complexity with this idea is the software has to run from a Mac computer on your network.. so you need a Mac turned on, probably most of the day.
    It isn't possible to partition the TC although you can create a image area.
    The software would have to copy the material, that means all files to be copied, go from USB drive, back to the Mac, then back to the TC, and written to the drive. In other words you have just added Network congestion, although a proper incremental backup type software will not actually use a lot of capacity.
    Finally it will be slow.. network drives are slower than internal drives. Well USB connected drive is much slower than the same drive connected directly to the computer.. and if the drive is connected directly to a computer it can be shared with the network. gen-review-faster-wifi-/4
    Read carefully the speed of the USB drive plugged into the TC.

  • OS 10.5 Sharing – Files appear as "Read Only" – SOLUTION!

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    After an entire day of trying to find an answer (and talking to Apple Care for hours) I have found the solution. And it's a very simple fix. The UUID needs to be changed on the computer giving you trouble.
    Here's the solution from the original post below:
    In OS X 10.5, you can change the UUID for your account by going to the "Accounts" system preferences and clicking the lock to authenticate. Then right-click (control-click) your account name and select "Advanced Options." Then click the "Create New" button next to the UUID field, and a new number will be generated. This should be done on the computer that you cannot properly connect to, and not on the computer you are connecting from. All this will do is provide a new identifier for your account when you are logging in remotely, and should clear problems with authentication and permissions mismatches.
    Hope this helps!
    Here's the original post from MacFixIt (I am including the entire post so that anyone searching for these phrases or error messages can find it quickly):
    Apple Discussion poster "Thomas Kranz1" writes:
    "I am suddenly getting this message when I try to copy a file from my new MacBook Pro to my PowerBook running 10.4.9. 'You may need to enter the name and password for an administrator on this computer to change the item named [file I am trying to transfer] (stop, continue). I hit continue and get the error message: 'The item [that I am transferring] contains one or more items you do not have permission to read. Do you want to copy the items you are allowed to read?' I say continue and get the error: 'The operation cannot be completed because you do not have sufficient privileges for some of the items.' My network was working fine until today. I can copy fine to all other computers on my network. But not this one."
    When OS X transfers data between computers, you first log into the remote system and mount a readable or writable sharepoint from the remote system. Then when you transfer files they should be given ownership and permissions based on the account you're using on the remote computer (not the current computer). This ensures you can access the files anytime and from anywhere as long as you use the same credentials to log into the computer containing them.
    When problems with permissions in file transfers occur, you should first check your sharepoints to ensure the account you are using has read-and-write access to the share. To do this, open the "Sharing" system preferences and select the "File Sharing" service. Then ensure the sharepoint is listed in the "Shared Folders" list and then give the username you're logging in with both "Read & Write" permissions. If you are logging in from a PC, then click the "Options" button and enable "Share files and folders using SMB" and then select the account you wish to use to log in. Clicking "Done" should allow you to log into the system using the specified credentials.
    If the system keeps presenting insufficient privileges errors even after supplying appropriate credentials, the problem may be with how the computer is authenticating the account being used. For network directory authentication, OS X uses a "Universally Unique Identifier" or "UUID" number to identify user accounts, and if there is a problem with the UUID not matching, you may still be able to log in locally to the remote computer but may have permissions problems when using the same credentials remotely. Apple started implementing network directories that use UUIDs in OS X 10.3, and in 10.5 they're required, since Apple changed from the NetInfo authentication technologies to "Open Directory," which is built for network directory authentication and implements UUIDs.
    In OS X 10.5, you can change the UUID for your account by going to the "Accounts" system preferences and clicking the lock to authenticate. Then right-click (options-click) your account name and select "Advanced Options." Then click the "Create New" button next to the UUID field, and a new number will be generated. This should be done on the computer that you cannot properly connect to, and not on the computer you are connecting from. All this will do is provide a new identifier for your account when you are logging in remotely, and should clear problems with authentication and permissions mismatches.
    For people having problems with copying files to a 10.4 machine, it may help to ensure ownership on the shared resource is properly set. To do this, launch the terminal and type the following command, followed by a single space:
    sudo chown -R `id -un`
    NOTE: The command uses "grave accent" marks (`), which is the character under the "tilde" next to the "1", and not apostrophes or single-quotes.
    After this has been typed (with the space following it), drag the shared folder to the terminal and the full path to the folder should complete. Then press enter and supply your password to complete the command. When this has been run, try copying the files again.

    Of course the files are checked in; otherwise I wouldn't be able to create a configuration on them and base a workarea on the configuration in order to download the files.
    Here's my problem: I check-in and out files while developing a release. A release for me is a set of (checked-in) objects and folders grouped in a checked-in configuration.
    Once I'm finished I want to download the release. In order to do this I base a 'DOWNLOAD' workarea on the configuration that represents the release.
    Then I download the DOWNLOAD workarea; and have all files in the release on my file system. But I do not want them to be READ-ONLY !!, since the folders and files that make up my application have to be moved and copied around a couple of servers using FTP scripts and this is a whole lot more complicated when the files and folders are read-only.
    If this cannot be disabled than Oracle SCM is a lot less attractive for our way of doing SCM... although I have been able to adjust all my Java FTP classes so that write-access is enabled on all file and folders after download and before publishing the application to all servers.
    By the way I use the Java API of Oracle SCM to download the contents of the DOWNLOAD workarea.
    Rinse Veltman
    CIBER Solution Partners

  • Unable to access shared files over network after period of time.

    First off, I don't think that this issue is related to our router, but I have been searching for a fix and can not find one. We have a WRT54GS. Now, on to our issue:
    At my work, we have a small network with computers sharing files between the others. I have attached a network diagram to help explain this better.
    Our Win7 machine is our main computer that shares an external hard drive with much information that the other computers need to access. What we have noticed is either after a sleep, or even a period of time of say, 2 hours, those files are no longer able to be accessed. The Win7 machine is still sharing them, but the WinXP machines are unable to access them anymore and my Mac can see the computer is unable to connect to the folders. I have gone and attempted to get some help over at Microsofts site but that was a fail. Here is the link to the forum post there.
    A member there gave me this:
    The Network connection is probably not resuming after sleep. 
    First try this,
    It is in the Network Connection Properties under the Network card configuration.
    If it already checked this way, or does not work after checking, the Network card has to be taken out of the computer's Power Saving loop, and stay on all the time.
    Otherwise, Updating the Card with the latest OEM drivers (downloaded from the computer's support site) might help too.
    On a rare occasions, some cards might be "Quirky" in this regards and need to be replaced.
    --I would like to add that this DOESN'T ONLY happen after sleep, it also happens after a time of being used.
    I attempted those and no luck. This problem is still occurring and the only way we can fix it is by restarting the Win7 machine. But even if it is being used, we have no idea when those files are unable to be accessed.
    *I will add that the Win7 machine is still able to access the other computers when this problem occurs if that helps.
    **The Win7 machine is a Dell T3500 running Windows 7 64bit. I can provide specific hardware if needed. The drivers are all up to date as of yesterday.
    ***So upon looking in the Windows XP machine, both of the folders from the Win7 machine disappear once this problem occurs in the My Network Places folder. And one folder is on the internal drive, one is on external. The computers are in this situation now where I am unable to access them. The Win7 machine can read and write from the other computers, but the other computers can even see the Win7 Machine.
    ****All the connections are wired and are not using the wireless.
    Thanks for any help that anyone may have for me!
    Network Map >
    Dell Support Forum with same issue I posted >>

    It sounds like there is incompatibility issue with XP and Win7. To isolate this, do you have another Win7 machine? Try to add it to the network and check if the shared drives are accessible after sleep. If you don't have another computer, try virtual machine and create a Win7 system.
    Update your LAN card driver from the manufacturer's site. Don't use the driver from windows update.
    Lastly, does this happen to your XP machines? Like, one of the XP machine sharing a folder and falls asleep. When it wakes up, does Win7 machine can still access the shared folder?

  • How to see my Microsoft shared files?

    I have my emac connected via ethernet to my broadband modem.
    I have my pc also connected via ethernet - with shared files defined.
    I can see the network/files from my wireless connection laptop but I have no idea how to see the windows unit/files from my emac (OSX 10.5)
    Can anyone offer this apple newbie some guidance?
    David E.

    I think you can get help faster by posing the question in the "Getting Online and Nerworking" section of the Leopard OS 10.5 forum area. It's here:
    You've more a system software issue than an eMac-specific one, and I suspect there are very good network helpers there.

  • Shared File Missing from Time Capsule

    This morning all of my shared files are missing.  There used to be two folders in the time capsule file and now there is only one "DATA" which is where our workstation backups go.  The other one was a Shared File where we put all of the files we shared across the network.   The DATA file is there, but the Shared file is completely missing.  I have tried searching the individual workstations and I cannot find it or anything that was within it.   Any ideas how to find/restore it?

    Very strange stuff happens.. let me tell you .. if you put a computer onto yosemite .. even one..even briefly.. like a laptop someone bought in and connected to the TC,  it can do some very odd stuff to the network files.. permissions is a big big issue.
    Time Machine cannot backup network drives.. so sharing files from the TC is always a very very bad idea. The TC is designed purely as a backup target for Time Machine. It should be used very carefully beyond its design parameters.. since it cannot back itself up either.
    I still think the files are there.. unless it was deliberately deleted.
    I don't think you will like my suggestions to get the files back though.
    But here is an odd one.. get /borrow /lone a PC laptop running windows.. and load up the airport utility onto it. Then open the TC disk in windows explorer.. type the name directly into the address bar..
    \\TCname.local or \\TCIPaddress (where you replace the TCname with actual NETWORK name (which is not its name as shown on the TC if it has spaces and illegal characters).. that is why using the actual IP is easier.. TCIPaddress replace with IPv4 address eg
    Windows cannot read Mac permissions so tends to open everything. It cannot read it correctly all the file info sometimes but you will quickly see what is there and what is missing.
    Another suggestion.
    Full factory reset of the TC. No files on the hard disk are changed doing this.
    Factory reset universal
    Power off the TC.. ie pull the power cord or power off at the wall.. wait 10sec.. hold in the reset button.. be gentle.. power on again still holding in reset.. and keep holding it in for another 10sec. You may need some help as it is hard to both hold in reset and apply power. It will show success by rapidly blinking the front led. Release the reset.. and wait a couple of min for the TC to reset and come back with factory settings. If the front LED doesn’t blink rapidly you missed it and simply try again. The reset is fairly fragile in these.. press it so you feel it just click and no more.. I have seen people bend the lever or even break it. I use a toothpick as tool.
    N.B. None of your files on the hard disk of the TC are deleted.. this simply clears out the router settings of the TC.
    Run through the airport utility and use all short names no spaces and pure alphanumerics. Passwords should also match that except longer.. 8-20 characters work well for both.
    Now manually mount the disk in Finder.
    Use Go, Connect to Server in Finder.. type in
    AFP://TCname.loca or TCIPaddress (same as above definitions).
    In the new clean mount of the TC disk see if you can locate the directory or folder with your missing files.
    Otherwise if the files are important.. you must immediately stop using the TC.. remove its hard disk or get a store to swap disks for you .. and preserve the old one.. use a proper USB to SATA holder and plug it into your Mac and use a file recovery software like Data Rescue 3 to see if the files are deleted but available. I have had success using this method. Even just running disk utility to fix permissions can sometimes get the results you want.
    If it is a fairly old TC.. with say a 1 or 2TB disk it is very easy to open the TC and change out the disk.. ask if you are prepared to go this path and we can give you more info.

  • Having problems sharing internet Connection from Macbook to Vonage Adapter

    I just got my Vonage adaptor and I am trying to share the Internet connection from my Macbook Pro (10.7.3) to the Adaptor to use the Vonage service bc my router is downstairs.
    I turned off my Firewall, hooked my Vonage adapter to the Macbook with the ethernet cable and then went to Sys Preferences > Sharing > Selected Internet Sharing > Share Connection from Wifi to computers using Ethernet, and it looks like everything is ok but when i try to use the phone which is connected to to Vonage Adapter, it says "Your Vonage device cannot connect to the internet, check to see if your high speed internet is down".
    I went and looked at my Network preferences and it shows Ethernet connected which is the Vonage Adapter and gives the following:
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Is there something Im doing wrong? Ive seen on several forums that its possible to do but having bad luck. Any help is appreciated.

    All I know is that I got Ubuntu to share internet and offer IPs through DHCP by using Firestarter. I am very new to Solaris, however, and am looking forward to learning about it. I've just made it my regular desktop environment. Long as you can get Solaris to configure its network interface with DHCP after your Ubuntu is configured, you should be able to share to as many clients as you'd like. Fedora also works well for that, and in my opinion, it's a better Linux than Ubuntu, though Solaris remains a better Linux than Linux, right? Har.

Maybe you are looking for