Sharing forms between FormsCentral accounts...

If I develop a form using my own account, can I then transfer it to a client with its own account?

Yes. Here is a link to the FAQ document:

Similar Messages

  • Sharing Music Between Users Accounts on a Single Computer

    I know that you can listen to music belonging to another user account on the same computer (as long as that user remains logged in), however, is there a way to COPY (drag and drop) music from one user account to another user account (on the same computer) similar to how it is done between multiple computers with Home Sharing?

    iTunes: How to share music between different accounts on a single computer - - relocating iTunes' media folder to a shared area but leaving separate library files - extra tip at

  • Sharing music between different accounts - is this how it works?

    The way iTunes shares music between different users seems a bit poor.
    I have two user accounts set up on the same PC, with music files accessed by each from the same folder (as described here: How To Share Music Between Different Accounts On A Single Computer).
    My main issues are:
    1) I have to manually add new music added by the other user instead of it just appearing in iTunes.
    2) iTunes doesn't recognise if a music file is already in the joint library, so we end up with two copies of things (particularly tiresome for podcasts).
    Am I doing something wrong - maybe there is an easy way around this?
    ... or do the people at Apple need to do a bit of work here?
    Pentium 4   Windows XP  

    By default, any new file or folder created is set to be read+write for the creator, and read-only for everyone else. The file creator can grant write access to other users by changing the permissions on a folder and its contents, as Neil suggests. But you'll have to repeat that process every time a new file is added.
    Fortunately, there is a way to automatically grant read+write access to all files created or copied to the folder. First go to System Preferences -> Accounts. Click the + button under the users list. Then, make a new group; calling it "sharegroup" or something similar. Add the users you want to the group.
    Then put all the files you want to share into a commonly-accessible folder, such as a subfolder in /Users/Shared.
    Then log in to an admin account and open Terminal. Paste in the following two lines:
    sudo chmod -R +a "sharegroup allow delete,chown,list,search,add_file,\
    addsubdirectory,delete_child,file_inherit,directoryinherit" \
    Press return, then drag the folder into the Terminal window, and press return again. Enter admin password when prompted and press return. That should do it. Everything there now should be fully writable by all users in sharegroup. New files that are *created in* or *copied to* the folder will be the same way.
    Files that you *move in* from a different location on the same hard drive won't be, though. So make sure you copy previously existing files into the sharefolder instead of moving them (hold down option key while dragging to copy) so that they get the custom permissions applied.

  • Sharing music between different accounts on a single computer

    I have read the instructions here: , but I'm still having a problem.
    Scenario: Two Ipods, one PC (WinXP), one big music library, originally created and stored directly in C:\My Music, which is accessible to all users of the PC. From my non-admin account, I add folders and files to my itunes library, modify songs and artwork, no problem. Now my son has an iPod, and I would like to be able to share out portions of the C:\My Music library with him. It kind of works. He adds files and folders to his library, on his account, in his itunes. The music is there, but it is somehow protected. No artwork, in fact I get the "artwork is not modifiable" message. Nor can he modify any info in the songs. In a few cases, the artwork comes with the songs, but mostly not. In either case, no info in the songs are modifiable. Neither of our Windows XP user accounts are admin, but why does my account seem to "own" the songs? He's not going to be happy without any artwork in his library or on his ipod.
    Any ideas? Thanks!

    iTunes: How to share music between different accounts on a single computer - - relocating iTunes' media folder to a shared area but leaving separate library files - extra tip at

  • Sharing Music between User Accounts

    I've been trying to share a single itunes music folder between two accounts on the same computer. I've read dozens of threads on this topic in these forums, and still can't seem to get this to work.
    Right now, I'm going back to basics and simply trying to put the iTunes music folder in a Public folder, which can be accessible by both user accounts. I've followed the instructions documented in the following article:
    When I do this, I have a problem with permissions. If I move or copy the music folder on one user account to a public folder - when I switch over to the other user account, and access that public folder, some of the individual music folders within the itunes music folder are accessible, and then on others, I am denied permission. There does not seem to be anything unique about the folders that I don't have permissions on, compared to those that I do.
    Any thoughts? Thanks.
    iMac G5, Mac Mini Intel   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Thanks for the reply.
    I did a copy paste of the iTunes Music folder into a new iTunes Music folder under Users/Shared. When I switch over to the other user account, I get the same results. Some folders are accessible and some folders I have no access. It's strange as about 25% of the music folders are No Access, and the others are readable.
    Any further thoughts? Thanks,

  • Sharing libraries between user accounts question

    After many years of having one user account on our iMac, I have decided to segregate user accounts for me and my wife. I'm doing this because I have an iPhone and she is going to get one soon. When we sync our respective iPhones, we want to keep iCal and and Address book information unique to each user account. What I'm trying to figure out is how to share iPhoto and iTunes content between user accounts. I know there is a share preference that will allow the master libraries in these applications to be shared, but the photo albums and playlists created on the original user account are not "shared". Would it be possible to have playlists from iTunes and albums/events from iPhoto to be shared between user accounts? This would enable my wife to sync all her iPhone data from her user account. Thanks in advance.

    I have an idea that uses a different approach. I haven't done this for this purpose, so if you decide to try, please do it one step at a time so you can undo it. I'll explain it for iTunes.
    Instead of using the Sharing preference in iTunes, put the iTunes Music folder in a location that can be accessed from both accounts. You might use an external drive, or the <hard drive>/Users/Shared folder.
    iTunes should NOT be running. Go to /Users/<username>/Music/iTunes folder. In that folder is the iTunes Music folder. Copy this folder to a location on the external drive or to the Shared user folder. Rename the original iTunes Music folder another name, such as iTunes Music Old. Make an alias of the new iTunes Music folder (in the shared location) and put it in the user's iTunes folder (where iTunes Music Old now resides). Rename it "iTunes Music" if necessary (you are making the alias take the place of the actual iTunes Music folder). * It is very important that the name be exact.
    Start iTunes. All of your music and other media should be accessible as if the iTunes Music folder is where it used to be. To prove to yourself that the files are being accessed from the new shared location, do a Get Info on a couple of songs in iTunes. "Where" should show the file to be in the new location. To prove to yourself that you can add new content to the new location, download a free song from the iTunes Store (or a Podcast) or rip a CD. Then do a Get Info on the new item.
    Up to here, I'm confident it will work, because I have done it. The rest is "theory"...
    Copy the old user's /Users/<username>/Music/iTunes folder (except the now duplicated iTunes Music Old folder) to the shared location. You are only doing this step so that it will be available when you log in as the new user (your wife's account), which is the next step.
    Log out and log in to the new account.
    Copy everything in the old user's iTunes folder (that you just put in the shared location) to the new user user's /Users/<username>/Music/iTunes folder. Replace any duplicated items. You want the new user's iTunes folder to look exactly like the old user's iTunes folder (except for iTunes Music Old). Hopefully, that iTunes Music alias will connect to the actual iTunes Music folder at the shared location. Try it. Run iTunes as the new user. Hopefully, everything looks like the old user's iTunes. Do the tests like before to prove it.
    At this point, the two iTunes "looks" will start to diverge. But at least the starting point will be the same.
    If something does not work as expected, log in to the old user's account. With iTunes NOT running, go to /Users/<username>/Music/iTunes folder. Delete the iTunes Music alias. Rename the iTunes Music Old folder back to iTunes Music. Everything should be back to the way it was.
    If it works to your satisfaction, you can eventually delete that iTunes Music Old folder.
    I don't use iPhoto, but if iTunes works, you can do the equivalent steps for iPhoto.

  • Basic File Sharing question between user accounts on my iMac

    I don't understand how to be able to share and download to one common folder among User Accounts on my iMac. I am trying to use a Clean Account as a test, and wanted to copy a file I downloaded from the web in one account into this clean account folder, and install the file.
    I went to Sharing and thought I turn File Sharing on. Logged into the Clean account and Apple+I the folder, changing access priviledges to the folder. Then copy the file into the Clean User Account.
    But it doesn't work that way. Can anyone help me understand sharing between accounts?

    File Sharing is for sharing files between two different machines, not between different accounts on the same machine. If you want to share files on one machine, you just need to put them in a folder everyone has access to, like the /Users/shared folder. Also, don't go fooling around with folder permissions... that's a good way to mess things up. If I had a nickel for every time someone messed up their system using the "Apply to enclosed items" option when changing permissions, I'd be a rich man!

  • Create a shared playlist between iTunes accounts?

    Can you create a shared playlist between 2 iTunes accounts? It would be easier if I could copy songs from one account to the other. However, when I am on the MBP and open the shared account on the iMac, I can see and play the iMac music from the MBP, but I can't seem to be able to transfer songs.

    try the suggestions in this support article.

  • Sharing music between diff accounts on 1 computer - what am i doing wrong?

    Can someone please help me out? I've just bought an iPod shuffle for my daughter and already have iTunes set up for myself using my own iPod (using Windows XP). Now I want to make all the music I've previously set up in iTunes available to her account.
    So I followed the instructions in "How to share music between different accounts on a single computer" ( but when I log on to the other account and start up iTunes, I can't see the music I've copied over. Any ideas why?
    I basically copied the "iTunes Music" folder to "C:Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Music\iTunes\ then opened iTunes on the other account and changed the location via the Edit menu, Preferences, Advanced, Change button. When I do this I can see the underlying folders of music, it just doesn't show up in the iTunes Music Library within iTunes. I've also tried copying the iTunes library files in desperation, but that made no difference.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    If you copied these files to her iTunes directory, you certainly should have seen music in her library when opening iTunes. I suspect that even if you copied these files, when you launched iTunes it was using a different copy of these. Where did you put them? By default, they would be in her ..\My Music\iTunes folder. You can put them anywhere you want, but you have to tell iTunes which one to open. Try this:
    1- Re-copy your files to a known folder that is accessible from her account.
    2- Log into her account, press and hold the Shift key while you start iTunes.
    3- At the "Choose Library or Create Library" prompt, select "Choose Library".
    4- Navigate to where you put the "iTunes Library.itl" file from step #1.
    This forces her iTunes to use the specific iTunes Library.itl file and should now display the same library that you see in your own iTunes.

  • Help - Sharing media between different accounts on single iMac not working

    So, we have an iMac with 2 user accounts.  We wanted to simply share the media between accounts and I read these instructions from Apple Support which are very straightforward and easy enough to follow.
    Basically, the article states you move the "iTunes Media" folder into the Public or other Shared file location and then you point each user account's copy of iTunes to that specific location for the iTunes media folder in preferences/advanced menu.
    All of that was very simple and worked great, but the only problem is on the 2nd user account when I re-open iTunes, none of that media is there.  I checked again inside the 2nd user iTunes preferences/advanced and it is definitely pointing to the right place.  Per the specific instructions in the article, I tried both ~/Public as well as the Users/Shared too - both times I can see it fine from the main account but nothing from the 2nd user account.
    Does anyone have any suggestions??  Thanks!

    iPhoto was not designed to be a multi-user application. While you can let other accounts view your photo collection by sharing, it gets messy when more than one owner has add and delete capabilities.
    Having said that, you could probably do a similar thing with the iPhoto Library folder as what you've described with iTunes. Refer to the iPhoto Help topic "Moving the iPhoto Library to a new location".

  • Sharing iTunes between user accounts no longer works in iTunes 10.4

    I recently upgraded to iTunes 10.4 (80). Still running Snow Leopard 10.6.8.
    I have two user accounts on my MacBook Pro and my iTunes Media folder is shared i.e. /Users/Shared/ITunes/iTunes Media
    This has always worked with no problems but since upgrading to iTunes 10.4 I can no longer see my iTunes content from both accounts.
    First time I opened it after the upgrade it just presented me with an empty library. I eventually managed to see my iTunes content by deleting the iTunes library and xml files and relaunching iTunes. However when I quit and switch to the other user account I can't open iTunes - it keeps telling me that the library is locked or I don't have access to the files.
    I have to keep manually resetting permissions on the iTunes folder & subfolders in order to be able to launch it but even when I manage to open it from the second user account I just see an empty library again.
    I always used to be able to just quit iTunes in one user account and then launch it from the other; no permissions changes required. Now it just doesn't work.
    Please can someone offer advice or is this a known issue with the 10.4 release?
    Many thanks in advance.

    I've been trying to do this same thing. My wife and I share one computer and she has her own login account to check email etc. I moved all the music, movies, videos to the shared folder. We can now "share" that music without having two iTunes media libraries. However, I want to remedy the situation of adding music from different accounts, adding and deleting playlists. How do I have that type of library data automatically get updated from account to account? I've asked this question in it's own thread about a week ago and it got buried with no responses or solutions.

  • Sharing apps between itunes accounts

    My husband  & I have 2 separate itunes accounts. We got our son an ipod & we each want to 'give' him some of our apps and songs, etc.
    How can we both do this in sharing? Sharing sounds like it is one 'HOME' account.

    Apps cannot be shared using different AppleID. Use your Apple ID to sync.

  • Sharing photos between different accounts on a single comp

    I wish to not only share my photos with my wife's account on my computer, but let her import photos, etc. With iTunes, I was able to move the music folder to the /users/shared directory and then change the folder location preference in iTunes.
    iPhoto, however, does not have this preference allowed. How can I give a different account on my Mac full capability with my iPhoto library? I am running iPhoto 4 on OS 10.3.9

    iPhoto was not designed to be a multi-user application. While you can let other accounts view your photo collection by sharing, it gets messy when more than one owner has add and delete capabilities.
    Having said that, you could probably do a similar thing with the iPhoto Library folder as what you've described with iTunes. Refer to the iPhoto Help topic "Moving the iPhoto Library to a new location".

  • Sharing music between 2 accounts on one computer

    I have 2 accounts on my Windows XP Pro machine, both of which can see and utilise iTunes (though unfortunately, not at the same time - though this is another problem entirely). Both of these users iTunes accounts have been set so that they utilise the same 'shared' music folder. To do this, I have switched both users iTunes Music Folder Location to be:-
    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Music\iTunes Music
    I do not seem to be able to add music that already exist as mp3's to this folder using one account and then have them visible on the other users iTunes account. To do this I have to import the mp3's again for this User.
    However, importing music from Audio cd's do not seem to suffer the same problem.
    This surely can't be right. Has anyone got a workaround for this?
    Additional info - I do not use the facility to copy imported tracks into the iTunes Music Folder - purely for space saving reasons, and do not want to use this functionality.
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
      Windows XP Pro  

    If you copied these files to her iTunes directory, you certainly should have seen music in her library when opening iTunes. I suspect that even if you copied these files, when you launched iTunes it was using a different copy of these. Where did you put them? By default, they would be in her ..\My Music\iTunes folder. You can put them anywhere you want, but you have to tell iTunes which one to open. Try this:
    1- Re-copy your files to a known folder that is accessible from her account.
    2- Log into her account, press and hold the Shift key while you start iTunes.
    3- At the "Choose Library or Create Library" prompt, select "Choose Library".
    4- Navigate to where you put the "iTunes Library.itl" file from step #1.
    This forces her iTunes to use the specific iTunes Library.itl file and should now display the same library that you see in your own iTunes.

  • Sharing Itunes between user accounts

    Hi all,
    I just came back to the mac and set up user accounts for myself and my wife. She tends to do most of the photo editing and I do most of the music stuff on itunes. I heard that I can set it up so that she is actually using my itunes or library even though she is on her login in. And we could do the same with the iphoto in reverse so that if I download photos it goes into the iphoto on her login. We would like to avoid having some music and pictures separated by the different logins. So my question is, is this the best way to set things up in our situation and how do I actually do it? Are there any hiccups when I sync with my iphone and she syncs with her itouch? Thanks for you help.

    I've been trying to do this same thing. My wife and I share one computer and she has her own login account to check email etc. I moved all the music, movies, videos to the shared folder. We can now "share" that music without having two iTunes media libraries. However, I want to remedy the situation of adding music from different accounts, adding and deleting playlists. How do I have that type of library data automatically get updated from account to account? I've asked this question in it's own thread about a week ago and it got buried with no responses or solutions.

Maybe you are looking for